#except not really bc i'm a rodney mckay apologist till the end
sga-owns-my-soul ยท 7 months
Trinity au? ๐Ÿ”ฅ
okay so. i have Big Thoughts about trinity and specifically how rodney was treated and this fic is the result of those Big Thoughts. the thing that bothers me about trinity is rodney is treated like he's infallible so often. everyone expects rodney to always have to answer, to always come up with a solution to save the day. rodney is a scientist. he is head of science and research and suddenly he's supposed to keep not only his entire team of scientists but also an entire base of marines safe and alive????
by the time trinity happens, rodney has already lost a lot of his team. he has had to watch them die in horrible, terrible, painful ways. and he's expected to always have an answer to fix any problems anyone could even imagine. this is a terrified, broken man who has an unimaginable weight forced onto his shoulders, and then you put him in a position where, if he's right (which, being wrong isn't an option for rodney) then he could save not just the lives of everyone he's suddenly very responsible for, but everyone in the galaxy. hell, everyone in the universe. OF COURSE he gets lost in it. who the hell wouldn't???
and the thing is, elizabeth KNEW this would happen. hell, john knew too!! she straight up SAYS you have to protect rodney from himself sometimes, but john loves him and can't say no and rodney asked john to trust him (bc if rodney can make this work maybe john won't constantly do stupid suicide missions all the time to keep them safe) and how is john supposed to say no to that????? so john (and caldwell) convince elizabeth that yes, rodney should be allowed to continue his work
and then he fucks up
and they act like rodney is the only one to have ever fucked up!!!!!!
exactly one person died from trinity (which was horrible and i'm not dismissing that death) and it was before rodney convinced them to let him go back. you know who else insisted he was right and everyone else was wrong and that he knew better? carson, about his work with michael. you know how many people died from that????? but no, no one got mad at carson bc he's carson and we love him but it's so easy to get mad at rodney bc he's an ass but like
he has every fucking reason to be?????? like if you actually look at his character and what he's put through and what he deals with I WOULD BE AN ASSHOLE TOO!!!!!
wow this post got away from me anyways this fic is entirely about me wishing john realized he was being a dick and stopped treating rodney so badly bc rodney!!!!! didn't!!!!!! deserve it!!!!!!!!
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