#except the puppy is probably gonna accidentally cause the apocalypse
soapfcrce-a · 7 months
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aether zahmbo! but flavor it simon || @warhunts
It had been chaos in the raid when he had walked out. Nothing specific, nothing epic, the controls had simply malfunctioned and that? Was good (maybe). He wanted to walk, he wanted to leave. And leave he had done with one intent on his mind. 
He needed to apologize to Simon. Apologize—he wasn’t sure for what anymore. Maybe his appearance? It was quite gross, the bits of liquid sticking to his cold skin and damp clothes were just too much. Soap should clean up for a superior officer, right? 
Despite the gunfire and stepping with surprising ease over the guards and the scientists that had been studying him. Despite the screaming at his presence and the confused tilt of his head, he eventually managed to find a sink in the facility and just... scrubbed. 
Or tried to scrub anyways. 
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