#except the spoiler tag cuz we're not rude chipmunks
beetlemancy · 3 years
lol they really spent so much time hating cr2 and look at how narratively satisfying that end was
i think there will absolutely be people who will stick to their guns that it 'sucks' but so many of them "stopped watching ages ago" according to their hate posts so like how would they know? lmfao
to everybody i've already seen be like 'hey, you know, we might've judged too early actually ' i respect the fuck out of you
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beetlemancy · 3 years
I was very uninterested during the aeor arc and was hoping another arc would start after that I would be interesting in. I disliked Molly as a character so while I'm glad that people are happy about this I have zero emotional investment in it at all. Next episode might change my stance but right now still not feeling great.
So, let's unpack that for a sec because I'm actually kind of curious and nothing about what you said is coming from hostility unlike other asks I've been sent about this or takes I've seen, so thank you for that. Like, srsly its refreshing lol. So, because of that, please don't take what I say next personally, its really more me using this as a springboard because its been on my mind (and you did also, like, make a point to tell me about your disappointments lol)
Why do you think the Aeor arc wasn't interesting to you? For me, it was one of the MOST interesting, but I also really love exploring new places in Matt's world. I would sit for an entire month or more of lore drop/architecture description. A lot of people really have been vocal about hating the Eiselcross arc and I've had a theory that it might be because it has been slightly less RP focused, as in like between the PCs? There's been more RP walk-n-talk - like the West Wing of DnD.
I am also not a big Molly fan. I didn't like him when he was alive and I didn't like dead fanon Molly even more. But there's something really profound about the impact he had on the M9 regardless of my own personal issues with his character and his resurrection this way was so god damn poetic. I love that for the cast too! Look how happy they were! I'm curious why some people can't look past that inherent dislike and see the story for what it is, or at least enjoy the improbability of how it all played out?
I guess I have a hard time understanding like,, I dunno. I don't know how people, many people, can sit through almost 550+ hours (add another 447 for cr1) but only be 'satisfied' altogether if you personally vibe with every single hour of it? every single arc?
Like. I know I'm supposed to say that I 'understand' why people might feel disappointed, and I do when it comes to sadness the campaign is ending and that we won't get to see these characters as much outside oneshots, but I genuinely don't understand the disappointment in storylines that maybe you just don't generally enjoy when you have THAT much content to sift through.
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beetlemancy · 3 years
I just want to screeem in jubilation, and also that was honestly a pretty satisfying conclusion to the battle tbh. Like, they can end it right there and I'll be happy already. I honestly wasn't expecting them to pull through after Jester went down like that, but wow, they exceeded expectation. The Mighty Nein looks at our prediction and worries and go "NEIN!" XD
I mean, Matt so much as told everybody in tweet form awhile back but not many people listened :D
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beetlemancy · 3 years
Person who sent the last salty anon ask, Sorry. I guess really I just need to come to terms with the fact that this is a good ending to the show, just not a good ending for/to me. I think that processing that will take a lot of time. I’m just that hoping that process doesn’t ruin the end of something that I’ve been watching since the beginning. Maybe I should take a break before I watching the last episode next week.
I mean, its up to you whether you let yourself ruin anything, because again its like. just an absolute Unit of story, like we don't get this much story anywhere else, and its really up to each of us to decide to watch it without bias or to give in to the baser nature of our hatreds.
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