#except they both d/e at the e/nd bcus I fuckign hated it
🦚 - Are there any queer books/shows/etc. that you would suggest?
I do have some good queer books! I've been keeping track of every book I read this year so I'll give you some off that list
I just finished Wild and Wicked Things by Francesca May the other day and HOOLLLY SHIT. It has like magic lesbian Great Gatsby vibes but it is sort of dark at times so. It ends nicely though. There's a whole host of characters you will love which will hurt you. I also like the way it goes explores the magic in this world AND one of the love interest lesbians is a butch which I loved
A Tip For The Hangman by Alison Epstein is a historical fiction about the life of Christopher Marlowe, but the author has said she took a good few creative liberties so idk how accurate it is. This is also kinda dark since it delves into the espionage business in Elizabethan England and gets into some of the homophobia of the time. It's sad. It ends sadly. It made me cry. But it is very nice and I loved it
Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin is the story of two trans women dealing with an apocalypse where an abundance of testosterone turns you into a raving murder beast and TERFs use this as an excuse to try and kill trans women. It's a really cool concept and it's done really nicely. It IS a bit bloody and people are horny in this apocalypse and it introduces a lot of characters which I got confused by but I recommend it. One thing I didn't quite like was how they didn't really do much regarding the trans man character's relationship with this apocalypse but what can you do, I liked the rest of it
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz is a classic queer book what are you doing if you haven't read it. It's about two teen gay Latino boys in the 80s falling in love for the first time, maturing, and healing. It's a very beautifully written coming of age story that actually made me cry and that is a rare occurrence! Anyway, it's just really sweet. It's very much about finding yourself. I read this one a while ago and apparently the Stonewall Award did not tip me off that it was gay lmao but I love surprise queer books. There's a sequel but I've not read it yet
The Pants Project by Cat Clarke is another one I read a good long while ago. It's an easier and chiller read than the rest of these books (I love books about crazy people and fantasy sorry all u who dont love that). It's about a closeted trans boy named Liv trying to get the dress code at his school changed so the female uniform doesn't require skirts and dealing with how scary coming out can be. It's a sweet one, a short read, generally a vibe
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