#excuse me there's a little of aa in your castlevania
jonmyblaze · 1 year
Castlevania Hellsing crossover
Julius (Morris-)Belmont joins the HELLSING Organization. Pt2
(Pt 1 how the hell did he get into this establishment?)
Her sidearm was nearby, a trusty pistol she could aford the carry license. If this boy was any trouble, She would see to it he would be dead.
“Excuse me, Miss, do you happen to know if a woman with the named Hellsing was here?” The cowboy asked politely
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(she's about to have a bit of fun)
"indeed I do" Integra kept her face hidden by her glasses and long hair"
"Can you please, if you have the ability send a message to her that I wish to speak with her in person"
"Why you're in luck dear sir, I do have the ability to contact sir Integra"
Julius's face brightened with a smile "Excellent-"
" But before I do. But Might I inquire as to why you wish to speak with her, you know so that I know that your intentions are pure of heart. "She spoke in a tone of mystery and Riddle. Mostly to help scare away the American.
"I assure you my intentions are quite Pure, " the cowboy said and had he not been wearing such a strange outfit, Integra would have kicked him out on the spot securitywood side with her easily
"Oh is that the case , then please regale me as to what your intentions are with the Lady of Iron? "
"It's a lot harder to explain ma'am"
"I think we have time"
Julius didn't want to reveal that he knew of the supernatural ongoings, and so he had no choice but to regale her that he was a son of a friend to lady Hellsing family (not a lie but multiple generations removed)
Integra didn't believe him. His tails were too fictitious in her eyes.
Clearly this could still be a trap for a woman like her. But she was always one for a challenge. If she was truly in any danger, well it wasn't often to her pet vampire got a taste of American meat.
Julius was getting antsy and his eyes started to wander until he saw a rather interesting sha
"My oh My that's a Mighty large gun you have there, revolver by any chance?"
Julius inquired At the peculiar shape in Madam's pant.
"bollocks he knows' Integra thought to herself self-conscious about the pistol that she held, In a form of defensive misdirection she's decided to play a little trick on him using societal standards
"Awfully presumptuous of you to assume that it's a gun" implying the "bulge" in her pocket was something more organic, knowing the transphobia of the day probably could have made it so that he'll steer far away from her as possible.
"Please" Julius Belmont dismissed remembering his ex ( they broke up when he decided he would backpack across Britain. No hard feelings) this ain't my first rodeo ma'am.(he tipped his hat) I think I would know the difference between the a rooster and a ole fashioned heater"
"What!? You don't think my "glock" is sufficient? That I would dare to compensate with something as silly as a mundane firearm? Or are you just scared for your manhood being upstaged.
The 23-year-old Integra well not that verse with actual human men of her age range (Julius is literally only four years younger) she knew well the troops she had that masculinity and "manhood" size was a touchy subject
Really all she wanted to do was make it so that he would back off and she wouldn't have to use her British open carry license.
Julius knows the British gun laws were rather different than American but hiding your gun in your pants without a holster kind of felt heretical.
Ma'am I wouldn't dare call it a glock by the shape alone. If I did papaw would kill me"
"Oh? Is that a fact?!"
"I bet you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn door with such a dinky gun"he was referred to the Glock,
"Dinky I'll have you know I'm strapped to the nines. "Integra hissed
She also had another pistol in her coat, but could have equally been implying that she was using aa different strap
"Now look who's compensating"
This was going on too long she had to bluff him out
"How about a little bet"
"Ah'ite ', game' Julius replied but his accent was slipping in more and more as he talked
if I'm right that it's not a revolver and not a gun I'll send you packing and report you for harassment, I know enough people in high places to ensure that you aren't able to ever set foot on this island again"
"Fair And if I'm right?"Julius was a betting man but he also knew his guns
darling had a concealed carry license but rather kepted it on the down low.
"I will humor your request for Ms hellsing's favor"
It took what about like hours for them to make the first move, Integra held her strongest poker face, Julius matched her every move, each ofthem staring it to each other's eyes, mutually bluffing. The tension was so thick you could cut it like butter.
however to the outside world it was at least 10 minutes before Integra dropped the act grabbing Julius' shirt by the collar, she brought out her golden housing labeled revolver and aimed it directly at his head from the base of his jaw.
Integra smirked
" Well it seem you win"
Nobody else could see the pistol,except for Julius, who was smiling. He won this round.
'Aw I'm almost disappointed."
Integra hid a giggle
"Please you wouldn't be able to handle this caliper I hold" she held her voice in a false posh accent
"I'll have you know I handled plenty of High caliber weapons firearms in my field of work"
Is that so she cocked her eyebrow,
And what sort of field do you work in?
Integra could see through his bullshit. She was 19 sure, but she was pretty sure the American military wouldn't allow a 19-year-old service men to be on British soil so far away from a base and in the expensive part of the city.
"oh I hunt in a more specialized field which is why I am so insistent upon meeting sir Hellsing"
"Well it seems you came to the right place because you're looking at her. "
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It took Julius a second to process what she had just said. "You're looking at her," as in the person that he had been flirting with was Sir Integra fairbrook Wingate Hellsing. HEAD OF THE HELSING ORGANIZATION
He started to flush heavily, becoming redder than a tomato
"Wait... you're sir Integra Hellsing?, Leader of the Helsing organization
"In the flesh" she confirmed, and had Julius not known that she worked with people who hunt vampires in the night, he may not have spotted that pun
"But I didn't think" Julius was a bit embarrassed
What? didn't expect a 23-year-old woman to be the head of a secret multi-million dollar organization sponsored by the crown itself
"No... I ...Shit" Julius was very embarrassed he had to make this situation better somehow
" hold on give me a second"
The cowboy hands scramble towards one of his pockets, as if he was searching for something very important, then it occurred to her, integra still didn't really know his name.
Fishing out a envelope he proceeded to hand it to her.
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Integra notice the peculiar seal that kept the envelope from opening, it was wax with a interesting emblem. Along the corner, there was address to "Sir Integra Hellsing" and her address for the organization / her manner
She almost didn't want to w rip open such a interesting seal
"I must say Mr...." it occurred to her, integra still didn't really know that cowboy's full name
"Oh how rude of me my name is Julius Simon Juste Quincy Belmont, although I normally just shorten it to Julius Belmont. "
Figures she always gets the long-winded names, whatever happened to John or Jack or Lucy or whatever now now now it must be sir pectoral pennwood or shakopaneous Finn. Integra pondered why she received such bullshit luck as she opened up the letter she found an interesting series of documents.
It was application letter! To be in Hellsing organization!? What the fuck? There was letters of rec too
She almost laughed.
"And what made you come all the way to here here to ask," He could have easily went through the online application.
" To be perfectly honest sir I didn't know where to look. All I know is I know what happens at your organization And I'm happy to be of service sir"
He stood up and gave a salute
Oh and what made you so interested in my little organization, as opposed to your coveted American military.
Sir "his eyes were a bit darker" I wish to fight the creatures of the night, it is what my family have done for years, and I need the experience
What did you say your name was.
Julius Belmont
Belmont, I've heard of that name before?" She asked herself. She could have sworn she heard it before
She could have sworn she heard it before, as if some ancient familiar name that cried out to be remembered. But she for the life of her, she couldn't remember.... Drawing a blank. It was quite odd .
Apologies Mr Belmont but I cannot seem to recall your family name and as such I would like to know what you mean by your family hunting creatures of the night"she could not allow
Julius was a bit stunned, he was expecting at least the great-grandchild of Abraham Van Helsing and the Harkers to at least know about the Belmont clan
Sir My family deals in vampire hunting, just as yours dealt with Dracula himself,
"I wish to join in your organizations crusade to protect your country so that I may have enough experience for my own. " He stated
Integra was still not convinced Julius had to come up with something,
"Well, perhaps I think you might know of my mother's maiden Morris? Seeing as you're at the descendant of Van Helsing?”
"Morris....morris…morris" She said out loud, as if trying to draw in a memory,
"MORRIS , wait as in QUINCY MORRIS? The Texan cowboy?"
the guy who stabbed alucard with a bowie knife, shot him with a revolver and a Winchester rifle as a bat and aided great grandpa Jonathan in hacking his bloody head off with his kuriki blade, and was instrumental in holding Alucard down with a blessed whip so that her other grandfather Abraham Van Helsing could bind the vampire to her family's blood.
Then she remembered a little detail that he mentioned earlier about him being the descendant of a family friend. He may have been talking about Quincy.
Now it all lines up, at least all of his what you thought was lies seem to make more sense with this little detail.
"Why didn't you say that" she breathed a sigh of relief
Integra thought ‘Oh this'll be fun to tease Alucard with.’ especially after That shit Storm he got her into with the PopExcept there was one little detail that she didn't quite get which made her a bit skeptical
"Mr Belmont I must ask there is one little detail that I am missing and have been missing for quite a few years and seeing as you are the only one I have as a connection
Answer me this? How did Quincy Morris have a child"
More in part 3
So how are you guys liking this so far?
Follow up from part 1
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beevean · 2 years
The Great Ace Attorney
Barok van Zieks ~ The Reaper of the Bailey
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