#exhibitors database
exhibitors27 · 9 days
World Art Dubai Exhibitor List 2024
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The World Art Dubai 2024 cements its standing as a dynamic platform that bridges the gap between artists and art enthusiasts, making art accessible to all. Engage with decor professionals with our World Art Dubai Exhibitor List 2024!
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exhibitorsdata1403 · 13 days
Franchise Expo Paris Exhibitor List 2024
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The Franchise Expo Paris 2024 it not only serves as a platform for domestic franchising success but also as a gateway for international franchises seeking to enter or expand within the French market. Connect with entrepreneurs using our Franchise Expo Paris Exhibitor List 2024!
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exhibitorsdata03 · 15 days
Cannafest Exhibitor List 2024
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Cannafest 2024 stands as the premier event for breakthroughs in cannabis cultivation, medical innovation, and regulatory development. Elevate your cannabis knowledge with our Cannafest Exhibitor List 2024!
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exhibitorsdata10 · 30 days
CIOE Exhibitor List 2024
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CIOE 2024 is a leading global event for the optoelectronic industry serves as a hub for exhibitors and industry professionals to network, discover innovations, and explore the future of photonics and optoelectronics. Engage with Investors and Analysts using our CIOE Exhibitor List 2024!
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exhibitorsdata1 · 6 months
Event Exhibitors Data – The Best Pathway to Leads!
Events provide an excellent platform for gathering leads. We can organically position them at the forefront of the sales funnel.
These leads are qualified and active, ready to be directly utilized for effective marketing campaigns, broad-reaching lists, and various sales tactics.
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dataprovider · 2 years
Exhibitors’ database - Buy our latest Exhibitions database of 2022 covering all Trade Fair and show. 77data Exhibition & exhibitor directory is a way to find top-tier suppliers.
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nyupreservation · 1 month
Surveying Spain: Working with Spanish Civil War Posters at NYU Libraries
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Hi, my name is Mia Lindenburg. I am a graduate student undergoing NYU’s Dual Degree program, where I will get an MA in literature and an MLIS. This semester, I have been working with NYU’s Barbara Goldsmith Preservation & Conservation Department, mentored by Lindsey Tyne (Conservation Librarian), Laura McCann (Director of Preservation), Weatherly Stephan (Head of Archival Collections Management), and Felix Esquivel (Collections Manager, Special Collections), to survey the Spanish Civil War Poster Collection (ALBA.GRAPHICS.001). This internship has helped me to prepare for a future career in special collections libraries, where I will be required to work with delicate material similar to what I see in this collection. I am very thankful for this opportunity and how it has allowed me to delve deeper into archival work with a hands-on approach.
In addition to working with the Preservation department, I have been lucky enough to work with the Archival Collections Management (ACM) and Special Collections departments, allowing me to see the different perspectives of handling a large and often complicated collection. This blog post will demonstrate the different ways in which these departments added to my learning experience and show some of the special facets of working with this collection in particular.
Before I began surveying this collection, I had to create an infrastructure that would allow me to compile the data I would be collecting. I used the software AirTable to build this database. First, I had to move the data that had already been collected into my table. This came from Archives Space (AS), an archives information management software used by NYU Libraries. This had much of the preliminary data I would need to fact-check against in the survey, such as poster locations. After I had brought the AS data into the table, I created fields that would duplicate the AS fields but with the descriptor (survey) to show any differences. Additionally, I made new fields for things we might want to consider, such as condition and size. 
“I tu? Que fas per la victoria?”
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ALBA-ES 46, copy 4 “i tu?” (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
The first set of posters that I want to discuss is ALBA-ES 45 and 46, also known as the two sides of “I tu? Que fas per la victoria?” a Catalan poster depicting a bloody soldier advocating for his audience to participate in the war, to support the cause. This collection has many copies, encapsulated (meaning this poster is inside a protective mylar sleeve) and unencapsulated, of this poster. The copies pictured below interest me because they were particularly delicate. You can tell from the photos that they were split into pieces, making flipping the posters to inspect the back difficult. These will need a lot of conservation work, although they may not be an immediate priority since so many copies are in fine condition.
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ALBA-ES 45, copy 4 “i tu?” (Photos by: M. Lindenburg)
“Allisteu-vos a les milicies antifeixistes”
The poster “Allisteu-vos a les milicies antifeixistes,” belongs to a series of posters collected at The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia as part of a circulating exhibit.
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ALBA-ES 116, recto, “Allisteu-vos a les milicies antifeixistes” (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
These interest me because of how they were mounted for the exhibition. Rather than encapsulating the posters or leaving them untouched, this exhibitor chose to attach muslin across the back and use cardboard and grommets to hang them.
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ALBA-ES 116, verso, “Allisteu-vos a les milicies antifeixistes” (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
Annual Xmas Eve Ball
Poster ALBA-US-15, uses a mounting technique commonly used with posters associated with the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade (VALB).
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ALBA-US-15 (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
It is mounted on a paperboard, which makes it somewhat heavy and unwieldy when grouped in folders. Take note of the headline of Zero Mostel, which shows the support the VALB received, even from celebrities.
Archie Brown is a signature I’ve encountered a lot in this collection.
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ALBA-ES-8 (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
Brown was born in 1911 in Sioux City, Iowa. He was brought into the world of labor activism at an early age. 1934, he was arrested at a Young Communist League (YCL) event in San Pedro. But he continued with his activism despite this. In 1937, Brown got tuned into the struggles in Spain, particularly after his brother was recruited to the International Brigade. In San Francisco, Brown was denied a passport because of his radical reputation. So, he went to New York City and stowed away on a ship to France, where he would travel to Spain. He joined the forces of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and, even after the war, continued to fight as a soldier and an activist.
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Archie Brown, 1982 (Photo by: R. Bermack). Image Source.
Harry Hakam is an interesting character, partially because of his frequent correspondence with other members of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.
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ALBA-ES-77 (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
Hakam was born in Brooklyn in 1913. In February 1937, he sailed to France, arriving in Spain in March of the same year. He served primarily as a battalion runner, returning to the US in 1938. However, it’s his correspondence that makes him shine. His collection marker (Hakam) is found on many posters that share others’ names, meaning he likely sent these posters back and forth between fellow members.
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Harry Hakam. Image Source.
We don’t have as much information on Al Erdberg, but we do know from the Harry Hakam Papers (ALBA.046) and the fact that Erdberg shows up in the Hakam posters that they had correspondence. Erdberg was likely part of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade or a state-side supporter. This would be an interesting figure to research further.
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ALBA-ES-30 (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
A big problem I encountered when surveying these posters was with the housing rather than the posters themselves. Often, I encountered groups of ten or more posters in a folder, making the folder heavy and difficult to move. Further, if these posters are in mylar encapsulation, they become even heavier. To remedy this, the posters need to be rehoused into sturdier folders. I began some of this work with Laura McCann this semester, and the rehousing of the posters will continue through the summer. 
Some of the posters I found had velcro stickers left on the mylar encapsulation. These are likely from previous exhibition techniques, where the posters were attached to a wall using velcro. However, this technique is now deemed problematic, so Lindsey Tyne and I used a process to remove these stickers. We used a hot iron to heat small metal spatulas, which we then used to melt the adhesive of the sticker and lift the velcro off. This is a delicate process, but we got into a rhythm and moved fairly quickly.
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Mia removing velcro (Photo by: L. Tyne)
This collection has taught me many things. I have learned to be patient, think carefully, and always be on the lookout for new observations, among many other smaller skills. If I were asked to advise someone starting a similar project, I encourage them to take note of their natural rhythm so that they can figure out which order of surveying works best for them to maximize efficiency. I would also tell them not to be afraid of asking questions, even if it’s clarifying something they think you already know. This has been an incredible experience, and I feel so lucky to have been a part of this collection. Thank you for taking the time to read my post!
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mypiratecloud · 3 months
10 Ways to Find The Best Venue For Your Trade Fair
Organizing a successful trade fair is a complex undertaking that requires meticulous planning and execution. One of the most critical components of this process is selecting the right venue. The venue you choose can significantly impact the overall experience for both exhibitors and attendees, ultimately determining the success of your event. 
In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore ten effective strategies to help you find the best venue for your trade fair, ensuring a seamless and memorable experience for all involved.
10 Ways to Find The Best Venue For Your Trade Fair
Here are 10 proven strategies to help you identify and secure the best venue for your upcoming trade fair:
1. Define Your Event Requirements
Before embarking on your venue search, it's essential to clearly define your event requirements. This step will serve as the foundation for your decision-making process and help you narrow down your options.
1.1. Determine the Anticipated Attendance
Start by estimating the expected number of exhibitors and attendees. This information will help you gauge the required space for exhibit halls, conference rooms, and other essential areas. It's always better to overestimate your attendance projections to avoid overcrowding or running out of space.
1.2. Identify the Necessary Amenities
Make a list of the amenities and services you'll need for your trade fair. This may include on-site catering, parking facilities, audio-visual equipment, internet connectivity, and accessibility features for attendees with disabilities. Having a clear understanding of your requirements will help you evaluate potential venues more effectively.
1.3. Consider the Event Duration
Determine the length of your trade fair, including setup and tear-down times. Some venues may have limited availability or conflicting schedules, so knowing your desired dates in advance will streamline your search process.
2. Evaluate Location and Accessibility
The location of your trade fair venue is a critical factor that can significantly influence attendance and overall success. Consider the following aspects when evaluating potential locations:
2.1. Accessibility
Choose a venue that is easily accessible by various modes of transportation, such as airports, public transit, and major highways. This will ensure that both exhibitors and attendees can reach the venue conveniently, minimizing travel-related stress.
2.2. Proximity to Accommodations
Consider the availability of nearby hotels, restaurants, and other amenities for attendees and exhibitors who may be traveling from out of town. A venue located in a central area with ample accommodations can enhance the overall experience for your guests.
2.3. Local Attractions and Entertainment
While not a necessity, it can be advantageous to select a venue near local attractions, entertainment options, or popular tourist destinations. This can provide attendees with opportunities to explore the area and create a more enjoyable overall experience.
3. Explore Venue Options
With your event requirements and desired location in mind, it's time to explore potential venue options. Consider the following sources to help you identify suitable candidates:
3.1. Convention and Visitors Bureaus (CVBs)
Contact your local CVB or destination marketing organization. These organizations typically maintain comprehensive databases of venues in their respective areas and can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on your specific needs.
3.2. Online Directories and Listing Sites
Utilize online directories and listing sites specifically designed for event venues. These platforms allow you to filter venues based on your desired location, capacity, amenities, and other criteria, making it easier to find suitable options.
3.3. Referrals and Word-of-Mouth
Reach out to industry colleagues, exhibitors, or attendees who have organized similar trade fairs in the past. Their firsthand experiences and recommendations can be invaluable in identifying venues that have successfully hosted events like yours.
4. Evaluate Venue Capacity and Layout
Once you've compiled a list of potential venues, it's crucial to evaluate their capacity and layout to ensure they can accommodate your trade fair effectively.
4.1. Exhibit Hall Space
Assess the available exhibit hall space to determine if it can comfortably accommodate the number of exhibitors you anticipate. Consider factors such as booth sizes, aisle widths, and potential expansion areas for future growth.
4.2. Meeting and Conference Rooms
If your trade fair includes seminars, workshops, or other educational sessions, ensure the venue has adequate meeting and conference rooms to accommodate these activities. Evaluate the room sizes, seating arrangements, and audio-visual capabilities.
4.3. Flow and Layout
Consider the overall layout and flow of the venue. Will attendees be able to navigate easily between exhibit halls, meeting rooms, and other areas? Is there a logical progression that enhances the attendee experience? A well-designed layout can significantly contribute to the success of your event.
5. Assess Venue Amenities and Services
In addition to the physical space, it's essential to evaluate the venue's amenities and services to ensure they align with your event's requirements.
5.1. Catering and Concessions
Evaluate the venue's catering options and concession stands. Can they accommodate your attendees' dietary preferences and needs? Consider the quality, variety, and affordability of their offerings.
5.2. Audio-Visual and Technical Support
Assess the venue's audio-visual capabilities and technical support services. Ensure they have the necessary equipment and personnel to meet your presentation, lighting, and sound requirements.
5.3. Internet and Connectivity
In today's digital age, reliable internet connectivity is crucial for both exhibitors and attendees. Inquire about the venue's internet infrastructure, bandwidth capabilities, and potential additional costs for internet access.
6. Consider Parking and Transportation Options
Convenient parking and transportation options can significantly enhance the overall experience for attendees and exhibitors.
6.1. On-Site Parking
Evaluate the venue's on-site parking availability, including the number of spaces, accessibility, and potential fees. If on-site parking is limited, inquire about nearby parking facilities and their proximity to the venue.
6.2. Public Transportation
If your attendees and exhibitors will be relying on public transportation, ensure the venue is easily accessible by buses, trains, or other modes of public transit. Consider the frequency and convenience of these transportation options.
6.3. Shuttle Services
Some venues may offer shuttle services to and from nearby airports, hotels, or transportation hubs. Inquire about these services and their associated costs, as they can provide a convenient solution for attendees.
7. Review Venue Policies and Contracts
Before finalizing your venue selection, it's essential to review the venue's policies and contracts to ensure they align with your event's needs and expectations.
7.1. Event Policies and Restrictions
Understand the venue's policies regarding event setup, tear-down, noise levels, decorations, and any other potential restrictions that could impact your trade fair. Ensure these policies are compatible with your plans and requirements.
7.2. Contract Terms and Cancellation Policies
Carefully review the venue's contract terms, including payment schedules, cancellation policies, and any potential penalties or fees. Ensure you understand and agree with these terms before signing the contract.
7.3. Insurance and Liability Requirements
Inquire about the venue's insurance and liability requirements for events like yours. This may include obtaining additional insurance coverage or providing proof of liability protection.
8. Consider Sustainability and Accessibility
In today's socially conscious environment, it's important to consider venues that prioritize sustainability and accessibility.
8.1. Sustainable Practices
Evaluate the venue's commitment to sustainable practices, such as energy efficiency, waste management, and environmental impact reduction. These factors can not only contribute to a greener event but also align with the values of your exhibitors and attendees.
8.2. Accessibility for All
Ensure the venue is accessible to individuals with disabilities, including ramps, elevators, and designated seating areas. Additionally, inquire about the availability of assistive technologies and services to accommodate attendees with varying needs.
9. Negotiate Favorable Terms
Once you've identified a suitable venue, it's time to negotiate favorable terms to ensure you're getting the best value for your investment.
9.1. Leverage Relationships and Referrals
If you have existing relationships or referrals with the venue or its management team, leverage those connections to potentially secure better rates or additional concessions.
9.2. Consider Off-Peak Dates and Times
Venues may offer discounted rates or more flexible terms for events scheduled during off-peak periods or times of the year when demand is lower.
9.3. Discuss Package Deals and Bundled Services
Inquire about package deals or bundled services offered by the venue, which may include discounts on catering, audio-visual equipment, or other amenities when purchased together.
10. Site Visit and Final Evaluation
Before making your final decision, it's highly recommended to conduct a site visit to the potential venue(s).
10.1. Walk-Through and Inspection
Schedule a walk-through of the venue to physically inspect the facilities, amenities, and overall condition. This will allow you to visualize the space and identify any potential issues or concerns.
10.2. Meet with Venue Staff
During your site visit, arrange a meeting with the venue's event staff to discuss your specific needs, ask questions, and gauge their level of professionalism and customer service.
10.3. Final Evaluation
After your site visit, carefully evaluate all the information you've gathered, weigh the pros and cons of each potential venue, and make an informed decision that aligns with your event's goals and budget.
Finding the best venue for your trade fair is a critical task that requires careful consideration of various factors. By following the strategies outlined in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to identify and secure a venue that not only meets your event's requirements but also enhances the overall experience for exhibitors and attendees.
Remember, selecting the right venue sets the stage for a successful and memorable trade fair, so invest the time and effort necessary to make an informed decision. With meticulous planning and attention to detail, you can create an event that leaves a lasting impression on all participants.
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ippnoida · 2 months
Bologna Children’s Book Fair – bigger than ever
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Life is too short to read a bad book. – James Joyce
Hardly four weeks after the London Book Fair, it was Bologna’s turn to open its doors in front of a large demonstration for a cease-fire in Gaza and the liberation of all hostages, both those in Palestinian and those in Israeli custody.
The Bologna Children’s Book Fair was again configured in three co-located sections – the main children’s book fair, a generalist (non-children’s) extension under the heading Bologna Book Plus, and the Bologna Licensing Trade Fair/Kids. New features in the program were the TV/Film Rights Centre in collaboration with the United Nations and the Society of Illustrators in New York, and the Audio Forum, added to the existing Literary Translation Forum in partnership with app developer Beat Technology. Also new for 2024 was the Licensing Portfolio Review, an opportunity to bring together consumer goods and audiovisual companies with illustration and design talents to create new business opportunities.
In its fourth year, BolognaBookPlus (BBPlus) included the topical programme India in the Limelight, with exhibition spaces, book jacket exhibits, copyright exchanges, and training workshops on rights selling, author representation, scouting, and writing and self-publishing. This year’s emphasis on the Indian book market was organized in cooperation with the National BookTrust of India. With BBPlus’ Literary Translation Forum returning for a third year, the centerpiece there was Taiwan’s book industry. 
The Bologna Licensing Trade Fair/Kids (BLTF/K), dedicated to brands and the licensing of content for children, teenagers, and young adults, was held for the 17th time as an integral part of BCBF, with a Licensing Business Lounge and features such as matchmaking events for companies in the fashion and retail sectors. In a collaboration with Licensing Magazine, BLTF/Kids also organized the 4th edition of the International Kids Licensing Days – three days of in-depth discussions with international brands on issues related to content for children and young adults, from licensing to publishing, from audiovisual to gaming. Some of the topics discussed continue to be available online on demand, including digital publishing, animation, omnichannel retailing, sustainability, and toys.
Bologna Global Rights Exchange online
BCBF also has an online rights exchange platform, the Bologna Global Rights Exchange database, GRE. Powered by the international rights platform PubMatch since 2020, it has some 20,000 titles and offers exhibitors the opportunity to present their titles and brands, create and name their own showcases, search content and trends, and schedule and hold calls directly on the platform.
The system is open to publishers, agents, agencies, scouts, licensees, licensors, developers, audiovisual producers, and service providers. It is free to all in-person BCBF exhibitors.
Asia was also high on the agenda at the other two book fairs that were held recently – the Leipzig and Brussels book fairs. With 2085 exhibitors, including 445 at its Manga Comic Convention, the Leipzig Book Fair was attended by 283,000 visitors, both from the trade and the general public. At the Manga Comic Convention, several publishers from Japan, South Korea, and Malaysia had taken large booths. The Brussels Book Fair, with 380 booths and 75,000 trade and other visitors, had installed a large ‘Manga Village’ representing several Japanese publishing houses.
Bologna awards
Among the winners of the BolognaRagazzi Awards, aimed at highlighting the most beautiful and innovative picture books published worldwide, three publishers from South Korea received special mentions – Atnoonbooks for its Mo Story, Woongjin ThinkBig for the book As You Drive, and Sakyejul for the title Rice Cake House of a Tiger. 
Another of BCBF’s awards is the Bologna Licensing Award for agencies, licensees ,and retailers on an international level, to enhance the content link within the entire supply chain as the basis of success. This year, a new category was introduced, dedicated to the Best Licensed Sustainable Project, to reward companies and brands that care about the future of the planet through the development of sustainable consumer goods and projects for children, teens, and young adults.
The next BCBF has been scheduled for 31 March to 3 April 2025. 
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exhibitors27 · 9 days
CLNB Exhibitor List 2024
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CLNB 2024 stands out as the foremost gathering for groundbreaking advancements and pioneering solutions in new energy technology. Interact with key industry leaders and acquire crucial insights via our CLNB Exhibitor List 2024!
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exhibitorsdata1403 · 13 days
WEST Exhibitor List 2024
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The WEST 2024 serves as a crucial convergence point for military and industry leaders to collaborate and deliberate on the future of sea services and national defense. Connect with senior leaders from the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps with our WEST Exhibitor List 2024!
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exhibitorsdata03 · 15 days
Gamescom Exhibitor List 2024
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Gamescom 2024 stands as a key convergence for aficionados and experts in the digital gaming and interactive entertainment sectors. Delve into the latest innovations with our Gamescom Exhibitor List 2024!
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exhibitorsdata10 · 30 days
Outdoor Retailer Summer Exhibitor List 2024
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Outdoor Retailer Summer 2024 is a key event for the outdoor sports and recreation industry, providing a platform for networking, understanding market trends, and discovering the latest industry advancements. Connect with leading industry figures by exploring our Outdoor Retailer Exhibitor List 2024!
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tradefairtour · 3 months
DRUPA 2024 Germany Visa Services - Trade Fair Tour
The world's leading trade show for print technology, DRUPA, will gather together the print industry once more in 2024. This well-known occasion represents creativity, creativity, excellent knowledge sharing, and many networking possibilities.
Drupa's new direction and focus on areas of the future with enormous development potential, such functional printing, packaging printing, and 3D printing, have truly paid off. RUPA 2024 Germany Visa Services in India this is more than just another trade show; it's an opportunity to grow your network with the world's top industry leaders and improve your business.
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Join us for one of the best events in the packaging business by joining one of our group trips from India, DRUPA 2024 Germany Visa Services for Indian Citizen, which include discounted travel and reasonably priced hotel accommodations close to the trade show.
Profile of Exhibitors
A broad range of exhibitors will be present at the top international trade shows for the media, packaging, and printing sectors. DRUPA 2024 Germany Visa Services in India these exhibitors will present their latest goods, services, and inventions to the international guests of the event. An outline of the exhibitor profile for drupa 2024 may be found here:
Image processing software
Database publishing
Graphics software
Software for packaging prepress
Software for production preparation
Software for packaging design
Software for multimedia, 3-D software
Animation software
Authoring software
Multimedia management software
Software for the development of internet
Label and bar code printers
Bar code software and scanners
Matrix code software and scanners
Input devices, Output devices
Equipment & systems for printing forme production
Colour matching systems
Print, Postpress and Paper Converting
Inks and Consumables
Paper and substrates
Components and Infrastructure
Services and Software.
HOTEL DETAILS: - We understand that attending trade shows can be a busy and hectic experience, and we want to ensure that your accommodation is the least of your concerns. Rest assured, we have carefully selected a range of hotels that meet your needs for affordability, comfort, and excellent facilities.
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VISA NOTE: - https://www.tradefairtour.com/drupa-2024
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Visit for More Information: - https://www.tradefairtour.com/
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Elevate Your Presence: Showcase Your Products at the CME/CPD accredited #14GASTROUCG Conference in Dubai, UAE
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Exhibiting at 14GASTROUCG is the most cost-effective way for a company, large or small, to connect and network with the world's leading and emerging innovators in robotics and automated control.
An exhibitor is an individual, company, or organization that participates in trade shows, exhibitions, conferences, or other events to showcase their products, services, or ideas to a specific audience. Exhibitors typically rent booth space within the event venue where they set up displays, demonstrations, and promotional materials to attract attendees and generate leads. Hundreds of exhibitors, ranging from established tech giants to nimble startup companies, attend the event. The exhibit floor is where you can try out new products and services, as well as attend educational sessions on hot topics in specialty areas.
Position your organization as a worldwide Brand
Showcase your Technologies, Products, Services and Solutions throughout the conference.
Network With International Senior Decision Makers In The Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Industry
Build A Significant Database Of Leads
Reinforce Existing Relationships With Your Clients
Put your business/products/services front and centre on a 3*3-meter product showcase table space.
Your Organization’s name and logo w
Educate The Market About Your Latest Technology, Products And Services
Establish Joint Ventures And Partnerships With International/National Companies
Meet Distributors And Resellers From All Over The World
Launch New Products And Services To An Engaged Audience
Stay Abreast Of The Industry’s Latest Trends And Advancements And Keep Ahead Of Your Competition
To educate your customers about any upcoming upgrades or releases
Opportunity to generate awareness, and boost the perceived image of your business.
More exposure for an Exhibitor through interaction with attendees (Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist, Researchers, residents)
Market to key influencers and decision-makers before, during, and after the event.
Stay top-of-mind for customers who make and influence decision making for the purchase of products and services.
Engage with attendees and ‘meet’ one-on-one throughout the conference.
IMPROVE YOUR BRAND IMAGE BY DEMONSTRATING THOUGHT LEADERSHIP. The advantages of connecting your company with this high-profile event are numerous, ranging from increased market exposure to the generation of high-quality sales leads.
ENGAGE THE LARGIEST AND MOST QUALIFIED AUDIENCE OF SENIOR HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATORS AND INDUSTRY LEADERS. The Healthcare Project Delivery Conference brings together the largest number of eligible prospects in one place at one time, allowing you to get the most out of your marketing budget.
BEFORE, DURING, AND AFTER THE EVENT, CAPTURE QUALIFIED LEAD. Excellent chance for lead generation at a minimal cost and with a wide reach. As participants explore the show floor and visit your booth, the Healthcare Project Delivery Conference will give actionable marketing data.
AN UNIQUE PROGRAM: The Healthcare Project Delivery Conference agenda brings together leading hospital administrators and project delivery specialists like no other. Leading practitioners will speak about the most critical industry issues and share firsthand experiences and best practises. Your company will be connected with high-quality material, putting it on the cutting edge of industry thought leadership.
Here's how you can effectively highlight your products at such an event:
Product Demonstrations: Schedule live demonstrations of your products at specified times during the conference. This allows attendees to see your products in action and understand their features and benefits firsthand.
Educational Materials: Prepare informative materials such as brochures, flyers, and product catalogs that attendees can take with them for further reference. Make sure these materials highlight key product features, applications, and any relevant clinical data or studies.
Engagement Activities: Encourage engagement with interactive activities such as quizzes, games, or challenges related to your products. Offer incentives or prizes to participants to incentivize participation and create buzz around your booth.
Networking Opportunities: Use the conference as a platform to network with healthcare professionals, clinicians, researchers, and industry peers. Strike up conversations, exchange contact information, and explore potential collaborations or partnerships.
CME/CPD Accreditation: Emphasize the CME/CPD accreditation status of the conference in your promotional materials. Highlight how attending your booth and engaging with your products can contribute to attendees' continuing education and professional development.
Promotional Campaigns: Leverage social media, email marketing, and other channels to promote your participation in the conference and showcase your products to a wider audience. Use event-specific hashtags and tags to increase visibility and engagement online.
Follow-Up Strategy: After the conference, follow up with leads and contacts collected during the event. Send personalized thank-you emails, share additional information about your products, and offer special post-conference discounts or promotions to encourage conversion.
Booth Design and Setup: Invest in an eye-catching booth design that reflects your brand identity and effectively showcases your products. Ensure that your booth layout allows for easy navigation and encourages interaction with attendees.
By effectively showcasing your products at the CME/CPD accredited #14GASTROUCG Conference in Dubai, UAE, you can enhance your brand visibility, generate leads, and establish valuable connections within the medical community.
Overall, exhibitors play a crucial role in trade shows and events by showcasing their offerings, connecting with potential customers, and contributing to the overall success of the event.
Important Information:
Conference Name: 14th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference Short Name: 14GHUCG2024 Dates: December 17-19, 2024 Venue: Holiday Inn Dubai Al Barsha, UAE Scientific Program: It will only include plenary speakers, keynote speakers, panel discussions and presentations in parallel sessions. Audience: Global Leaders, Industrialists, Business Delegates, Students, Entrepreneurs, Executives Email:  [email protected] Visit: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/ Call for Papers: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/submit-abstract/ Register here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/registration/ Exhibitor/Sponsor: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/exhibit-sponsor-opportunities/ Call Us: +12073070027 WhatsApp Us: +442033222718
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architectuul · 6 months
Pier Giacomo Castiglioni 2023
This year is the 110’ Anniversary of Pier Giacomo Castiglioni's birth. He was an emblematic figure of the Italian rationalism movement and has been address to the best designer of 20th Century.
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Pier Giacomo Castiglioni in 1969
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Pier Giacomo Castiglioni receives his first Compasso d'Oro in 1955.
Castiglioni is recognized as a leading figure in the world of international design with works permanently exhibited in the most prestigious museums. Awarded with awards of great importance, among which we remember the numerous Compassi d'Oro, of which the last one was attributed in 2020 to the Arco Lamp with the following motivation: “Type type innovation in the lighting sector, it has been able over time to become an icon for the entire Italian design in the world.“
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Pier Giacomo Castiglioni 
To retrace Pier Giacomo’s approach and contribution to modern design, we spoke with his daughter Giorgina Gastiglioni. She has created a new platform to keep all the relevant information about her father. The important database also includes Dino Gavina's book from 1998, which celebrates and remembers Castiglioni 30 years after his death. She collects the material of the life of Pier Giacomo Castiglioni through direct testimonies, articles, essays, books, and all the documentation (including audio and video) available to offer it in consultation with the public. If you find something of interest to everyone, please let us know via this form.
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Full version of the book by Dino Gavina
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Giorgina would remember "his unique graphic illustrations of how to park a car, he would draw on a sheet of paper the movements of the front and rear wheels required for executing a perfect manoeuvre: driving lessons at the drawing table! He taught me about the properties of materials through games, using small sticks of wood, such as matches or toothpicks, that he bent and joined to form a star; by pouring a drop of water in the centre, the wood sticks would surprisingly expand and spread out, making interesting shapes."
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Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, Snoopy Table Lamp, Flos, 1967.
"Pier Giacomo had a passion for manual dexterity games. For example, he would often create balancing shapes on his drawing table using pencils, chalk and clay. He would take heliographic paper, place various objects on it and expose it to the sun: when he removed the objects shortly after, their outlines were imprinted on the faded paper," describes Giorgina Castiglioni in the catalogue of her father's anniversary and continues "when I was little, he introduced me to various means of artistic expression,
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Components of the Snoopy table lamp.
such as watercolours, tempera, clay and ink, but he always encouraged me to take the initiative in using them and experimenting. He rarely intruded to suggest tricks of the trade."
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The ARCO lamp won the Compasso d'Oro Product Career Award
Typological innovation in the lighting sector, the ARCO lamp has been able over time to become an icon for the entire Italian design in the world.
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In 1962 the Arco floor lamp with a marble base designed by ”Achille & Pier Giacomo Castiglioni” was produced by the company Flos.
His design and architecture opus is immense and you can dive into it on the page prepared for the anniversary of the designer.
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Expressions Room set-up from 1962.
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RAMP stepped cabinet (1965) was inspired by street florist exhibitors; it has 130 cm high, 100 cm wide and 90 cm or 158 cm deep with the shelf open.
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The first example of a down lamp from 1957, made of lacquered metal, it emits both direct and reflected light.
"Drawing was always one of Pier Giacomo Castiglioni’s most frequently used means of communication," writes Giorgina in the catalogue, "when communicating a thought, my father often used the graphic medium to convey concepts in a clearer and more immediate way. Rather than a natural gift, it was a skill which he developed over time through continuous practice and which enabled him to express any idea at the same time as his pencil moved across the paper."
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The mirror was one of the Castiglioni brothers’ favourite means for interpreting living space.
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My father passed away on November 27, 1968. Just a few months later the astronauts were preparing to make their moon landing, but he would never see Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walking on the Moon. Giorgina Castiglioni
Giorgina also remembers how the entire Castiglioni family worked in an old building located near the Fatebenefratelli Hospital: "On the left, there was the studio where my grandfather made medals and medium-sized sculptures and across from the sculptor’s door was the entrance to the Pier Giacomo and Achille’s architect studio. At the back, there was Livio’s space and then another studio belonging to my uncle Tullio Emanueli, an engineer with a passion for aeronautics. A wide avenue led to my grandfather’s other workshop, adjacent to the Swiss school, still located at Via Appiani, 21, Milan. On the first floor, my grandmother took care of household chores, assisted by the trusted Rachele."
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