#exo reation
ellebabywrites · 5 years
The Hitman - In Exodus
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Type : Oneshot (Part of The In Exodus Series) // Angst // Fluff // Smut // Cartel!au
Warnings : angst, death, cussing
Author Note : This took me far too long and had my anxieties far too high. I’m finally happy with how it turned out and hope you all enjoy it too !! Please give me some feedback because I’ve worked so hard on this chapter..
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀*⋆.*:*・゚: .⋆☾ ⋆**・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚.: ⋆*・゚☾
The smell of freshly baked croissants flood the streets, a sign that the Bakery is about to open and the day beginning. Shutters rise and doors open. The busting workers of Exodus bracing for the day ahead; a day of sales to kids who can barely walk straight with the amount of poison saturating their bloodstream; a day of fighting with the guy from down the road who insists that things were ‘cheaper last week’; a day of overworking for much less of a profit than it’s all worth. Living the dream.
The bakery was different though. Something about it felt like home, and everyone treated it as such. It was the only building for miles that wasn’t painted in graffiti, the only business that was doing well for itself, a little slice of goodness in the middle of all that bad.
That’s what everyone thinks anyway.
Across the street, Jongin is watching through the scope of his rifle. Watching the Baker unlock his doors and flip the closed sign to open. He scoffs. Such a poser.
Saying Jongin enjoyed his job would be pushing it; how much enjoyment can one really get from taking a life without being a psychopath? But he’d be lying if he said that he wasn’t looking forward to taking out this one particular man.
He watches the Baker great the first of his customers with a toothy grin, hugging Mrs Jamison when she comes in for her regular morning pastry. If only Mrs Jamison knew all the dirty things that man had been doing with the hand she shakes so willingly.
The town’s beloved Baker wasn’t nearly as squeeky clean as he liked everyone to believe. After hours, he found himself in SUjU territory, hanging out with drug runners, dancing around the subject of Exodus till the haze of alcohol took control, divulging any and all information that might get him another drink.
Pathetic Jongin thinks, noticing how the Baker danced around his customers with such fictitious glee, as if he hadn’t sold them out a hundred times over.
Again, not to say EXO were any better, but surely there should be some sense of town loyalty right? Jongin thinks so; making this particular betrayal all the more infuriating and his death all the more inevitable.
Jongin lines up the crosshairs of his gun against the Baker’s head, having the courtesy to wait for the shop to empty. One. The corner of his lips pull into a smirk, the buildup of adrenaline flooding his veins working as his own personal high. Two. Is it sick to say he can’t wait to kill this guy? Maybe? He deserves it Jongin thinks, afterall, he did try and ruin their business for a few shots of tequila. Thr…
“Hey Joey!”
So close…
“Well this is a surprise! How’re you today darlin’?”
Usually, you would only visit Joey’s bakery at the end of the week, needing some sort of sugary treat to get through the piles of work you had to do; but today your classes were cut short and you were gagging for something with chocolate.
“Our professor had to leave early and a girl needs her goodies!” You joked, leaning against the counter.
Joey had been a staple in Exodus for your entire life, the man was everybody’s uncle, everybody’s friend, you could talk to him about anything and your weekly visits had become a huge part of your routine.
“Good job I’ve got a whole bunch for you to choose from duck,” Joey laughs at how your eyes quickly scan over the trays of baked goods like you were a starving puppy, “Ooo I know what you should pick, I need someone to try out my new brownie recipe!”
Fuck. Joey moved away from Jongin’s line of fire just enough to grab the box of brownies from behind the counter, the perfect shot ruined by a few brownies.
“Well if you made them Joey then I’m sure they’re absolutely delicious!” you coo, giggling at how easily you can make him blush.
Just as you were about to leave and the Baker to return to the firing line, a rush of people came flooding into the small shop, putting a stop to whatever chance Jongin had at completing his mission right now.
“You have got to be kidding me,” Nini groans in frustration, packing up his equipment quickly as to get away unnoticed, “he was right there, I could have had him!” It was frustrating sure, delaying his plans a few more hours before there would be another chance to take out his target; but there would be another chance and Jongin would get the job done. So while the sweet-toothed girl had momentarily saved old Joey’s life, it wouldn’t last much longer.
The clock read 11:57pm as you were hunched over on the living room floor, trying to finish this essay that you’d definitely not been putting off for weeks…
“Need ...sugar ...immediately..” you whine, dramatically throwing yourself across the floor to grab the box of brownies Baker Joe had gifted you earlier in the day. Mmnn, indulging yourself in the chocolatey goodness, you decide now is the perfect time for a break, only 6,000 words left to go anyway…
Completely oblivious to the ramifications those few brownies had had on the day for more than one party, you munched away the last of them, licking the crumbs from your fingertips and moaning at the euphoria a simple treat could bring.
‘Breaking news tonight : Beloved Exodus baker found dead. The 56 year old’s body was discovered an hour ago near his home, cause of death is officially named as a GSW through the neck…’
A chill runs up your spine as the news plays quietly from the television. Baker Joe was dead. Someone had killed him! You’re confused and hurt and angry all at once. Why would anyone want to hurt Joey? He was one of the only decent people in this shit-show of a city and now he was gone. Your eyes wander to the now empty box of goodies, the bakery’s logo printed on the front in swirly gold font and you feel the sudden need to cry, so you do.
Who did this guy think he was? An MX falcone wandering the streets of Exodus without a care in the world, stealing from the market stalls as he sauntered his way through the crowds. Minhyuk is his name. When Baekhyun had gotten word of their latest visitor, Jongin was immediately sent to take care of it. Honestly what did they think was going to happen? That they could just hang out in Exodus without consequence? That no one would be the least bit suspicious?
“You like the farmers market huh,” Jongin keeps a trained eye on Minhyuk as he moves from stall to stall. There were far too many people around for a direct hit so all he could do was watch and wait for the perfect opportunity.
“Why the fuck are you here?” He mumbled in annoyance, MX were getting far too comfortable for anyone’s liking; it was like the calm before the storm, except the storm was standing right in front of him chatting about produce with Mr Kim.
Suddenly, Minhyuk takes a sharp left, making his way out of the bustling crowd towards the alleys. He’d been made. Fuck. Following as quickly as he could, fighting his way through the sea of people, Jongin tries to keep up.
“Excuse me, I’m trying to get to…”
Minhyuk is fast, but maybe if you weren’t standing in front of him, blocking the way, Jongin would have been able to get him.
He doesn’t immediately recognise you. Your hair is tied differently and you’re wearing a different coat, but once Jongin places you as the girl from the bakery, he’s immediately on guard. Twice now you’ve gotten in the way of a hit. Could it just be a coincidence? Sure Exodus is small, you’re bound to run into the same people more than once. Baker Joe’s was a town staple and the market is always busy, but what are the chances? Jongin tries to side-step passed you, eyes scanning the crowds for Minhyuk, but you move along with him.
Holding out a map in front of him, you try again to ask for directions but Jongin doesn’t have time. He doesn’t have time to entertain the possibility that seeing you again could be anything but a coincidence, not when he’s about to lose yet another target.
You watch in astonishment as he pushes you out of the way before storming off. What an asshole you think; all you needed were directions, a simple no would have sufficed. Then again you’d come to expect nothing more from the people of Exodus. Sighing, you carry on your way alone, soon forgetting about the rude man you had met on the street.
8am lectures were the bain of your existence, but Professor Jeong’s class was always worth it.
Armed with a large cup of coffee and a stack of notes to aid you through, you made your way to an empty space near the front of the lecture hall. Biology never came easy to you, but the drive you had to succeed more than made up for it.
“Sorry I’m late guys,” Professor Jeong rushed into the busy hall, his own cup of coffee balancing on a pile of books clutched between his arms, “I got caught up with Professor Lyn, he’s such a ...fungi!”
The room fills with groans and muffled laughs at the attempt of a joke so early in the morning, but the Professor didn’t seem to mind. “Okay I’m sorry, let’s get into today. Can anyone tell me where we left off last week? Y/N?”
From the back of the room Jongin notices you.
“Oh you have to got to be kidding me..”
Once again, you happen to show up right in the middle of a job. There had to be a reason. There was no way this could be a coincidence anymore. Were you following him? Working with MX? Trying to get intel on EXO? Jongin didn’t know, but at this point he didn’t care. You were a problem.
Jeong was another star poser in Exodus. The esteemed environmental science professor, that drew students from across the country just to take his conservational bio class. The hotshot teacher who was already in the running for tenure. The slimy asshole that used his connections in the science world to help EXO’s competitors recreate their patented drug.
This was supposed to be an easy hit, wait till after class and use the pocket knife hidden in his belt to slit the professor’s throat before next period. But now, Jongin had to put those plans on hold so that he could figure out what to do about you.
Following you was far easier than Jongin had anticipated, thinking that he’d be kept on his toes trying to avoid getting caught, but you seemed completely oblivious to the fact that someone had been following you, watching your routines and judging them oh so harshly.
He kept his distance at first, observing from afar as you went about your daily activities. But soon enough, Jongin found himself immersed in the story that was your life. On the sidelines, a spectator, keeping mental notes of your behaviours.
Keeping space between you, Jongin follows you down the familiar street. He knows exactly where you’re going, the same place you’ve gone to for lunch every day that week. After your first class of the day you head straight to Lou’s café to grab something to eat and get some studying done. Like clockwork, the only thing to change was your order. Jongin would never admit that he’d grown to enjoy the establishment himself, but it was one of the least tedious moments of the day.
With the sky starting to darken in the cold weather, you fumble around your bag for your wallet amongst the loose scrunchies and old receipts, Jongin scoff in disbelief.
“How have you not been jumped yet?” He mumbled to himself. Before you’ve even walked through the café doors you have your money in hand, out in the open for anyone to take. Jongin had picked up on the blissful ignorance you had in regards to the danger in Exodus, instead, choosing to carry on carefree. Stupid he thinks.
Standing in line a few spots behind you, he watches as you let person after person cut in front and he just doesn’t get it. You only have an hour before the start of your next class and yet you’re willingly letting yourself be pushed back? People were clearly taking advantage of your kindness, but you were either incredibly stupid or didn’t care. When the older woman in front of you is a few dollars short, you don’t hesitate before lending her the difference, even putting back your own drink just so you could afford to help her. How could someone so generous be apart of something so evil? Then again, most of Exodus were playing that game.
Grabbing a coffee of his own, Jongin sits a table over from where you plant yourself, what had become your regular spots. Finding amusement in the way you struggle to fit both of your study books in the small space.
Now, only a short while before you needed to be back in class, you attempt to get as much work done while shoveling food down your throat as you could. Jongin thought it was hilarious, bar the tuna mayo that is. “Tuna? Really? It’s 11am jesus christ!” Maybe it was easy for him to judge you from a distance, but out of all the things he’d learnt, your love of tuna was the worst.
He watches your face scrunch and eyebrows furrow as you try and absorb the information, recognising the same study book you’ve been working on all week, the one for Professor Jeong’s class that you’d been struggling with. The pages covered almost entirely in highlighter with notes and doodles littering the margins. Cute.
You just seem so harmless. No matter how hard he tries Jongin just can’t seem to figure you out. Perhaps MX were blackmailing you? Maybe they had something that forced you to be their spy? It was the only explanation he could think of, because it just didn’t seem plausible that the girl in front of him, furiously editing her notes for the hundredth time that hour, the one with drops of mayonnaise left over on the corner of her lips, could be willingly working with the notorious MX. But you were involved somehow, of that he was sure.
The library is quiet, the sound of rustling papers and hushed whispers being the only source of noise. Luckily, it was busier than usual due to the wave of group projects being assigned, it made it easy for Jongin to blend in.
He watches you curiously from behind one of the bookshelves, trying to understand why you haven’t slapped the asshole beside you yet. He’d been cutting you off and putting you down every chance he could.
“I just think if we..”
“Seriously Y/N don’t strain yourself, I think we’ve got it.”
Even Jongin wanted to punch this guy. Being the only girl in the group, the others found it easy to dismiss everything you offered.
“Why doesn’t she say anything?” Jongin wondered, once again you were letting people walk all over you.
It’s not like you particularly enjoyed being treated that way, in fact you were daydreaming about slamming said assholes’ face into the wall at that very moment, but you couldn’t do that. This project defines your grade for the semester and you couldn’t afford that kind of taint on your record. So you bite your tongue. Act none the wiser and count the seconds before you could go home and be done with them all.
Across the library you spot Minho, the cute senior who’d been working as the student librarian for the last month or so. He’s scanning out returns at the desk, eyes glancing up occasionally, you presume to keep an eye on things . God he’s cute. When he spots you staring and then takes a look at the rather heated debate going on between your group, he decides to save you from the disarray, waving you over.
“My hero,” you tease, almost running to where Minho is.
“It was getting too painful to watch! What’s he ranting about this time?” He teases playfully, knowing all too well the constant tension in your study group.
“Ugh I don’t even know, it’s so much easier just to tune him out,”
Jongin’s teeth clench watching the exchange between you and the librarian. The childish giggling, the ‘accidental’ touches, the lingering stares. Disgusting.
“Who even is this guy?” If he didn’t know any better Jongin would think this was jealousy, but he did know better, so all of these unfamiliar feelings had to be from just how pitiful the sight was. This guy was clearly flirting with you, the blush on his cheeks and sweaty palms said as much, but from everything Jongin had learnt, you weren’t going to reciprocate. Tragic.
“Are you kidding me? Why is she twirling her hair like that!? He’s not even her type! He’s... he…” his mumbled ranting cut off by the sound of you laughing across the room. “Well if that is her type then no wonder she’s corrupt.”
He watches the pair of you for a little longer before the need to throw up eventually overtakes his need to stay, deciding he could catch you up later and spare himself the torture of sitting through whatever this was.
The open sign light bounces off wet concrete, illuminating your face with such a subtle glow of pink that Jongin could barely make out the streaks of tears running down your cheeks. He almost missed you sitting crouched over on the pavement, the smell of smoke being what made him stop. Why is she crying? He thought to himself, seeing you curled up in a ball, cigarette dangling from your fingertips haphazardly concerned him. Jongin didn’t have to wonder for too long though, the closer he got to you the clearer he could hear your muffled cries.
“Stupid fucking Geord,” you cuss, taking another long drag to calm your anxieties, “takes all my ideas, monopolises the entire presentation and then my contribution isn’t enough!?”
Jongin had come to know the infamous Geord all too well this last week, the pompous ass that had belittled you in the library, the snotty rich kid with mommy issues that just loved being right. Honestly the fact he hadn’t killed him yet was an accomplishment in itself; but still, seeing you clearly so upset gave Jongin a weird feeling.
You were either getting much better with your performance skills, or he was actually getting mad for you…
With each sniffle, each tear drop, Jongin felt his resolve breaking away and being replaced with a type of anger he’d never felt before. Why did he care that you were crying? Why was it affecting him so much? He didn’t know, but it took all his strength not to go find Geord and make him regret whatever he’d done.
As quickly as you put out the cigarette that was now burning short, you’re reaching for the box to light another. You only really smoked when you were feeling particularly stressed, Jongin hated it. Ironically it was the most disgusting thing he’d ever seen; painting the walls with someone’s brain was nothing compared to the strong stench of nicotine that passed your lips.
For a second Jongin lets his mind entertain the thought of approaching you, but the professional side of him reminds him who you were. This could be a trick...She’s not an idiot. Then he considers calling you out. Drawing his gun and putting an end to MX’s game once and for all, besides, he’d been observing you for a week now and he couldn’t afford for his attention to be diverted any more, he still had the good old Professor to end.
Before he gets the chance to do either however, you stand up. Taking one last drag before stomping out the flame, your hands carelessly wipe at your face in a feeble attempt at clearing the remnants of your breakdown.
“I’ll be fine, let’s just go home,” you whisper, more than familiar with putting yourself back together and wanting nothing more than a hot bath and warm bed.
When you first noticed that the new guy on campus was following you, you tried not to think too much of it. In all honesty, you were far too busy trying to keep on top of everything to pay much attention as to why you were being followed. Knowing the people in Exodus, you figured it was just his creepy way of flirting, or at the very worst he was planning on robbing you, not that you had much to take anyway. But as the days went by and the presence of your stalker persisted, you were growing frustrated. It’d been a stressful week and the last thing you needed was some guy watching your every move.
After getting the results back from Professor Jeong for your group presentation, you weren’t exactly in a ‘good mood’ and the looming shadow of the man trying to be inconspicuous as he followed you home, was the last straw.
"How much longer are you planning on following me?” You shout over your shoulder, not having the energy to even face him. When you get no response, you reluctantly decide to turn around to stare him down.
His chocolate coloured hair is pushed back exposing his forehead, eyes golden but harbouring so much animosity that they could have turned black, the jacket adorning his shoulders almost blending him into the dark street behind. He was handsome, strikingly so.
“Look dude it’s been a long day, can’t you just lay off the stalking for one night?”
Jongin stiffens at your words. So you did know he was there? And chose now, while you were both alone in a dark street, to confront him? God she’s stupid.
“Sorry Darling, can’t do that,” he insisted, watching how your shoulders slumped and fingers twitched at the side of your coat.
“Of course,” sighing deeply, too tired to argue, you decide to continue on towards your apartment, stalker be damned.
“Aren’t MX getting bored of this game yet?” Jognin calls. He figures if you already knew he was following you, then now would be the perfect time to put an end to it. You were alone after all.
When he sees you freeze at the sound of MX, he takes a tentative step closer, you’re still turned away from him, just a few steps ahead. “I mean, were you really the best they could do? We expected more.” The smirk on his face when you turn to him, wide eyed and lost for words, only grows at your reaction. Gotcha.
“What are you talki..”
“Come on now Darling, we both know what’s going on here.”
“I promise you we do not.” You’ve heard whispers of MX around town, while you didn’t know much, you did know that if this guy thought you were somehow apart of it, then this was a dangerous misunderstanding.
“You have a choice.” Jongin takes another step closer, “You can leave, now, and make sure MX stay out of Exodus for good,” Reaching under his jacket, he grabs the gun that’s been burning through the back of his shirt since you called out to him, “Or I can send them a message myself. Choose.”
“I have no idea what you are talking about!” You tried to keep calm, swallowing the lump forming at the back of your throat. When you spotted the gun being pulled from his coat, it was like a pin dropped and the reality of the situation finally began to sink in.
Exodus is a dangerous place. Exodus is full of dangerous people. You were standing alone with a strange man that you’d just yelled at, that had been following you for god knows how long, a gun pointed at your face and not a soul in sight that would help you.
He doesn’t flinch when you jump back, his smirk doesn’t falter when you start begging for him to listen. In Jongin’s mind, the fact you’d acknowledged his presence at all was enough to prove you were involved.
“Please, please, just listen to me, t-there’s been a mistake, I d-don’t kno…”
“Oh my god shut up!” He yelled over your desperate cries, “It’s over! Done!”
“I don’t know who you think I am, b-but my name is Y/N I grew up a few towns over with my parents, I-I study Conservation Biology at the university because when I was little I saw a film about sea turtles and now I love them.. I...” you read somewhere that telling a killer personal information about yourself would make them less likely to kill you; so, with your hands held up in surrender, you start begging, pleading, letting slip every boring and mediocre fact about yourself in hopes that the handsome stranger will let you live.
Jongin was taken aback to say the least. Never had a target begged for their life quite like  this before, but the more you rambled on and the more tears that fell down your cheeks, he couldn’t help it. He believed you.
This is a mistake... Did I mess up here? Fuck! His mind raced to find a way out of this, but his composure was breaking down with each second you plead your case. How could he have gotten things so wrong? Looking at you now; scared and shaking, there was no way you could be with MX. Jongin’s mind quickly looks back on all the time he’d been watching you, at school, at the library, with friends, home alone... Is it possible he let feelings cloud his judgment? No… Jongin didn’t have feelings.
In a split second the air was slashed with bullets, plastering the wall behind you with open wounds. Your body drops to the floor, hands covering your ears like a scared child at a fireworks display, your screams piercing through the air.
Jongin doesn’t even think about it before he’s at your side. He fires back some warning shots, just enough to cover the pair of you so he could pull you out of there, but you were frozen in place.
“C’mon we need to get out of here! I can’t get a clear shot!”
Jongin hoisted your trembling body into his arms, waiting for a gap in the bullet wave before rushing out of the street. Weaving between the crumbling buildings, waiting in the shadows for a free moment to sprint out of there to a nearby underpass. It was sheltered and open, meaning Jongin could keep a solid eye on the surroundings while still keeping you safe while he let himself freak out a little.
As soon as he puts you on the ground you melt into the concrete, hugging your knees to your chest and crying into them silently. It’s all too much. How did this happen? Yesterday you were failing Bio and trying to avoid the creeper puppy boy that’d been following you. Now…. you were pretty sure you were going to die tonight.
“Fuck...fuck..fuck, fuck, FUCK!” Jongin paces back and forth, using the barrel of his gun to scratch away the headache slowly spreading across his temples. How could he have messed up this badly? He’s the best… at least... he was the best.
With every footstep he takes you flinch a little, hyper aware of the gun swinging from his hand, fingertip dancing along the trigger. You still don’t know who he is or why you’re there but you’ve seen enough to know to keep quiet. So you stay sitting on the ground, letting the tears melt into the fabric of your jeans, watching the state of panic escalate in the man in front of you while your own turned into something akin to resentment.
After almost half an hour of silently waiting for some sort of direction, you’ve had enough. Eventually Jongin had stopped pacing, choosing to lean up against the wall with head in hands, instead. In your mind, you have nothing to do with this. There is nothing connecting you to whatever chaos was happening here. You had no reason to wait around to get shot.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?!” He shouts, annoyance bubbling beneath his skin.
“You can’t!” Pushing himself off the wall, Jongin reaches for your arm in an attempt to keep you still. You try to shake him off but his grip is too strong.
“I DIDN’T ASK FOR ANY OF THIS!” You’re screaming at him now. Tears no longer from fear, but anger. You feel trapped in whatever this was and it wasn’t fair, you just want to go home.
“Yeah well tough shit Darling, because unfortunately you’re my responsibility now and it’s my job to make sure you don’t get yourself killed!”
“I can take care of myself! I’ve been doing it long enough!” He rolls his eyes at your response, growing tired of trying to be the good guy for once. “Let me go! I’ll be just fine! Like always!”
Finally loosening the grip on your arm, Jongin let’s you storm off. Waiting, only out of spite, for you to be out of ear shot before cussing out loud at himself.
Somehow you managed to drag yourself to class. The events of last night still burning fresh at the back of your mind, but you were desperate enough for a distraction that even Professor Jeong’s morning class was worth that extra effort.
Barely able to keep your eyes open with the little sleep you were actually able to get, it takes you a moment to recognise the familiar body that plants themselves in the desk next to yours.
Jongin doesn’t look at you. Maybe it’s pride, maybe it’s nerves, but he keeps his eyes trained on the professor’s desk up front, waiting for his cover to be inevitably blown all for the sake of keeping you safe.
“Good morning class!” The professor’s abrupt entrance pulls your shocked and frustrated gaze from burning holes in the side of Jongin’s neck. His tan skin glowing under the plain white tee he’s wearing, hair falling into his eyes softly, contradicting the hard image he’d worn the night before. Does he have his gun with him? You wonder, letting your eyes wander to the waistband of his jeans, remembering how he’d pulled the weapon from them the night before. Stop! You hope he doesn’t realise you’ve been blankly staring at his crotch, mind racing with questions, you don’t even know his name.
“Today we’re picking up the remaining presentati…” When the admirable Professor meets eyes with Jongin, smirking from his seat beside you knowingly, he loses all train of thought.
It’s a feeling Jongin had missed. When a mark knows they’re done for, that he’s coming for them. When their eyes double in size. When fear pales their skin. When they lose all hope of fucking over EXO and getting away with it.
“T-today..um…” You can see the Professor eyeing your seat partner nervously, stuttering over his words. You’d never seen Jeong like this before, he looked terrified, and after last night it didn’t take a genius to figure out why.
Jongin shifts in his seat, enjoying the effect his presence has on the esteemed scholar. While Jeong tries to regain some semblance of decorum, Jongin wraps one of his arms around your shoulders and squeezes tightly, keeping eye contact with the professor, claiming you.
“What are you doing?” keeping your voice low as to not draw anymore attention to you both, you try to push Jongin’s arm away from you, only for him to put it right back.
“My job. Now be quiet.” He hisses, hiding the harshness of his voice behind a sickly sweet smile.
Professor Jeong spends the entire lecture avoiding your side of the room, refusing to make eye contact, completely ignoring you. You try not to take it personally of course, it’s definitely not because of something you did, that you know for sure; but for once you actually know the answers to some of these questions and want to participate.
“I told you, I can take care of myself!” you grumbled, again trying to physically get Jongin away from you, but he just smirks. Like he was enjoying it. Like this was all just some big game and not the life threatening situation he’d made it out to be the night before.
And you would probably believe that were true, if it wasn’t for his nails digging so sharply into your shoulder.
By the time class finishes you want to run a million miles away. The pressure of Jongin’s arm around your neck you’re sure will leave you aching for days; but as long as he’s far away from you, you can deal with it. You all but sprint out of the lecture hall, forgetting all about your next class and heading straight home; taking a back street you hope he hadn’t seen you use before.
“What the hell is this?” You mumble to yourself, pushing down the fear as far as you can in hopes the empty space will leave room for answers. You’re so caught up in your head, trying to figure out what you did to deserve this, you don’t even realise that Jongin’s been on your tail the whole time, watching you freak out and creep around like the amateur he now knows you are. It’s not until he steps into your building’s elevator with you that you realize he’s there.
“Jesus! Fuck, can’t you leave me alone!” He was exhausting; flattering when you thought it was a puppy crush, less so now you know he wanted to kill you.
“I can’t,” Jongin leans against the side of the elevator, growing tired of the chase.
“Why?! You’re the only one stalking me here!”
“Oh Darling, you have no idea.”
“Then explain! Because I’m tired of this! I have work to do, classes to study for, and I can’t when you’re scaring my teachers and dragging me through shoot outs!!”
Jongin understands why you’re annoyed. He gets it, he messed up and now you’re in danger. But to admit that outloud… to admit that to you… he’d rather not.
He doesn’t give you an answer, finding his reflection in the steel doors far more interesting, chewing the inside of his cheek and fixing his jacket over and over.
When you finally reach your floor, it becomes a race of wills to get to your apartment. Jongin trying to force his way in; you trying to lock him out. You sprint for the door, key in hand; almost managing to slam it shut in his face before Jongin’s hand pushes it back open, forcing himself through the small gap and locking you both inside.
In a second he’s slamming your back against the door with his hand covering your mouth, keeping you in place with the weight of his body, trying to work up the nerve to finally tell you the truth.
“I’m not going to hurt you, but you need to listen to me just for one fucking second… My name is Jongin, okay?” he asks, face dangerously close to your own. You manage a weak nod under his hold, terrified but needing answers.
“I made a mistake. I...I thought you were working with MX,”
Your eyes widen at the second mentioning of the infamous gang, more confused than ever as to why he thought you would ever be involved with them. He didn’t even know you.
“There’s rumours they’re coming for EXO territory..”
He’s with EXO. The realisation floods through your body like a lightning strike, frying your nerves, limbs locked in place while the rest of your body falls limp into his arms. EXO. The kings of this city. The reason shops close early and children aren’t allowed out after 9. The  doctors responsible for prescribing the death, the destruction, of a city once so healthy and vibrant. Monsters, as far as you’re concerned.
“They must have seen me tailing you and after last night, I think you’re a target.” Jongin watches as your eyes well up with tears, red and swollen as you choke back the sobs you so obviously want to release. It doesn’t affect him… it doesn’t make him angry… he doesn’t want to wrap you in a hug and take it all back… right?
“So as much as you don’t like it, I’m here. I messed up so I need to fix it, because this isn’t a game and this isn’t a joke. If they think you’re with us they will kill you. Milk carton kids, where are they now, 27 club dead.”
You wish he was a better actor. That he could hide the shame, guilt, pain he feels for putting you in this position better. That the cold exterior he wears so well didn’t have quite as many cracks, because then maybe you could tell yourself that everything was going to be okay. But if Jongin looks scared, then you’re absolutely terrified.
Blinded by the fear, your body reacts before your mind can catch up. Fists pounding into his chest weakly as the sound of your sobs rip into his heart. You’re in hysterics, screaming at him for an answer to questions still lodged at the back of your throat. Jongin doesn’t break down with you, as much as his body tries. Instead he just grabs your wrists, stopping their assault and pinning them into his embrace. His hold the only thing keeping you standing as you finally let the last walls crumble, letting out every tear, every scream, every desperate cry for it all to be some twisted dream.
Jongin doesn’t know how you both ended up on the floor, your head buried between your knees as his hand finds itself brushing through your hair. Somehow you manage to calm yourself down, letting the sobs turn to whimpers and cries to sniffles. Finally numb after the dust settles in your mind, you force yourself to look back up at Jongin. He looks how you feel, just doing a better job at hiding it; you don’t miss the concern that washes over his face and maybe that’s why you decide to let him stay. If he was so determined to fix what he’d done, you weren’t going to stop him. At least not tonight.
“I need to sleep,” you say weakly, standing on shaky legs but brushing off Jongin’s worried hands when he tries to help, “you can stay on the couch.”
Tiptoeing across the living room, shoelaces dangling from your teeth while your hands clutch onto your books; you’re desperately trying not to wake a sleeping Jongin. His sprawled out body half falling from the couch, you admit he looks a lot cuter when he’s sleeping.
Before you can stop it, one of your shoes drops from between your teeth, making Jongin jump up at the sound.
“What are you doing?” he mumbled, rubbing the fatigue from his face, stretching back into his familiar hard persona.
“Uhh, going for breakfast?”
“Did you not hear me last night!” It didn’t sound like a question. His voice raising ever so slightly in frustration as he stands to tower over you. Failing miserably at being as intimidating as usual, with his hair a mess and cheeks puffy.
“I heard you,” you say, pushing your feet into the fallen shoes before giving him a chance to stop you, “I’m just not going to hide away like a victim when this is your mess.” He stiffens at your words, ignoring the cut they etch into his heart, instead focusing on your relentless stubbornness in such a risky situation.
“If they catch you out alone they won’t miss another shot!” Jongin clenches his jaw when you roll your eyes at his remark, unsure of what he can do to change your mind.
“Look if you’re so worried, you’re more than welcome to join me,” you offer, determination radiating off of your face in such a way that Jongin finds himself unable to argue.
For the next few days Jongin stays by your side, sleeping on your couch, going to breakfasts, your classes, all to make sure you were safe.
He walks the familiar routes around town with you, not from a few paces back this time, but shoulder to shoulder. Sitting beside you in Professor Jeong’s early morning classes, Jongin was having far too much fun watching the colour drain from his face each time he showed up to one of your lectures to kill him just yet.
Everything became a threat to your safety. As far as Jongin was concerned, your life was in danger and MX could strike at any moment…. Even if it had been quiet since the shooting… it was better to be safe. That’s what Jongin told himself everytime he stayed a little longer.
“Hey Y/N!” Minho waved at you from across the library, he was reshelving returns when he spotted you studying at your usual table.
Jongin felt his ears burn red at the sight. Jaw clenching when he sees the boy walk over. Eyes narrow in judgment when you return his warm smile.
“Hey Minho, how are you?” It’d been a few days since you’d last had the chance to talk with Minho, him still as handsome as ever, but your heart not jumping quite so high at the interaction.
“I’m good, are you? I’ve missed seeing you around lately..” Minho let’s his words fade noticing the glare he was getting from the man sat beside you. “Oh I’m sorry, I’m Minho, Y/N’s friend!”
Jongin glances at Minho’s outstretched hand between them, choosing to throw his own over your shoulder rather than shake it.
“I’m Kai, Y/N’s boyfriend.” He smirks at the shocked expression that Minho wears, ignoring your startled one in favour of silently challenging the boy to leave.
“Oh...oh uh… Nice to meet you, I’ll see you guys around..”
Jongin keeps you close till he’s sure Minho has gone, only loosening his grip when he feels you nudge him gently.
“What the fuck was that, Kai?” You’re more amused than angry, but you’d never let him know that, enjoying seeing the varied emotions you can bring out of him now, when  he was supposed to be a stone cold killer.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” feigning innocence, Jongin tries to go back to reading the book he’d randomly grabbed from the pile in front of you both.
You scoff at his reaction, or lack thereof, staring at him quizzically till he finally gave in.
“That guy is sketchy! I’m here to protect you right?  So I’m protecting you. Good?”
“Minho is not sketchy,” you giggle and Jongin can’t help but smile at the sound, “and who is Kai?”
“It’s what my friends call me!”
“Hey!” Jongin had appeared out of nowhere, pulling the cigarette from between your lips and stomping it out. With Geord goading you relentlessly for the last hour of class, you were desperate for a smoke. You would argue that those little white sticks of bliss were the only thing keeping you from ripping his throat out.
“It’s disgusting,” he says, leaning down to your height so he could look you in the eye, “why do you do this?”
With a deep sigh, you stuff the near empty packet of unlit cigarettes back into your coat  pocket, storming away in frustration, knowing he’d follow you.
“Wait, I’m serious!”
“I like them!” you shout back, thankful the streets were empty so you could argue in peace.
“They’re bad for you you know!” he teases, laughing when you throw your middle finger up behind you.
“My cigarettes are better for me than you are!” Teasing back, you finally turn to face him, a cheeky smile on your face.
“We got him.”
While making dinner for the pair of you, Jongin’s phone buzzes on the counter, a string of messages coming in from someone called Minseok. You tried not to be nosey, sitting on the counter beside him while he cooked, but he didn’t even glance at it.
“Wasn’t MX. Some small town nobody trying to prove himself.”
“Call me when you get this”
“Boss wants you back asap”
The thought of Jongin leaving had never even crossed your mind till then. It hadn’t been that long at all, but it felt like an eternity since he’d first come into your life. Maybe it was selfish to want him to stay.
Jongin had recently started to open up to you more about his work with EXO. He was their protector, he kept them safe. You didn’t see him as this dangerous monster anymore, he was just Jongin, Kai, the one who took care of things. Just like he’d been taking care of you all this time.
You knew deep down that when he left you’d probably never see him again; if what EXO suspects is true and MX really were making their way into Exodus, then there was a storm coming and Jongin would be right in the middle of it. He wouldn’t risk getting you anymore tangled in EXO’s mess.
“Here, try this,” Jongin held a spoon up to your mouth expectantly; pretending he didn’t see Minseok’s messages, pretending you didn’t see them either, holding on to this reality for just a little longer.
“We need you back Jongin,”
After ignoring Minseok’s messages a few days ago, Jongin couldn’t ignore another call from the boss.
“Jun I have to pr..”
“No you don’t! We took care of the shooter, the girl will be fine! EXO needs you, I need you!”
He doesn’t want to leave. Jongin doesn’t know what it is that makes him want to stay near you, keep you safe, go to breakfasts at Lou’s - but the thought of leaving it all behind makes his heart twist and turn in unimaginable ways.
His whole life had been about EXO. They’re his friends, his family, and he would never abandon them. But somehow he’s made a new home with you, in his heart at least. You feel like home. Sitting on your living room floor watching Blue Planet feels like home. Falling asleep on your shoulder in the middle of your lectures feels like home. EXO have been his entire identity for so long, but now there’s this other life, another door, and Jongin was finding hard to resist stepping through.
“Be back today. We have work to do.”
After Junmyeon’s orders, the frustration coursed through Jongin’s body with such force he hadn’t even realised he’d thrown the phone till you were beside him, asking what was wrong.
“I...I have to leave.” He couldn’t look you in the eye. He didn’t want to see the betrayal, the disappointment, the pain reflected in them. “It’s my fault you’re in danger and now I have to leave you…”
He doesn’t know that you know.
“I..I’ll be okay Nini.. I can look after myself remember?” Your voice is weak but you do your best to convince him; as much as you want him to stay you know that’s not an option, and you know he knows it too because he can barely look at you right now.
“Y/N… I don’t want to leave..”
It broke your heart but there was no other choice. You had to let him go. The boy you’d tried so hard to avoid just a few weeks ago, you now didn’t want to see go.
“I know..” You cup the side of his face, forcing him to look at you as you spoke, “but they need you Nini...” It was hard to keep how you were really feeling hidden, especially when he looked like he was about to break, “You’re the best Nini, they deserve the best.”
He knew you were right. He needed to be there for EXO, his family. Things in Exodus were about to get a lot messier and the fallout would be astronomical, if he wasn’t there to do his part there’s no telling what could happen, then you really would be in danger.
Leaning into your touch, Jongin grips onto your hips like it was the first time not the last, pulling you flush against his body. Memorizing the shape of your hips, touch of your skin, smell of your shampoo. Locking you inside his heart. Melding the memory of you into his soul so that this wouldn’t be the last time. He would forever be with you and you would always be there for him, long after he’s gone.
Looking at you would be too much, he might not be able to force himself away if he saw your eyes. Saying goodbye felt too final, like the end of something that never really was. Instead Jongin buried your head into his shaking chest, placing a gentle kiss to the top of your head, pretending he can’t feel your tears soaking through his shirt, before turning away and walking out of your life forever.
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kpurereactions · 7 years
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Playing in the Snow with Baekhyun and Kai Fallen
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blow-up-reactions · 7 years
Hii! We just want to say a huge thank you for the support this blog has been getting these past few weeks. The blog is still small but we appreciate every like, reblog and follow! We try to upload every Monday and Tuesday and sometimes Wednesday if we have something to upload. We’ve gotten quite a few requests this past week and we’re trying to write as much as we can, but please be patient with us! We’re also planning on making a masterlist in the future we just have to figure out how ^^ Again thank you for all your support, we truly appreciate it! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
-Admin Satansoo and Admin Jibooty
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jackofftao · 7 years
Tao Leaving SM
I wrote this ?? A longggg time ago but I found it in my drafts and while I am in the mists of writing yet another bulleted scenario I decided I would post this gold
“Chen Push my wheel chair into the room please.”
“Tao are you sure this is a good idea” Chen was slowly and hesitantly pushing Tao’s wheelchair to the managers meeting. He knew Tao was having a hard time dealing with the fact that Luhan and Kris left EXO and he knew that Tao was salty after the manager was still making him practice with a broken leg but this was just a bit rash. When they got close enough to the door Tao kicked it open with his good foot.
“Excuse me Chen, I have to go make a scene.” All of the managers looked at Tao. “Alright you bossy hoe, listen well, and listen closely. I q u i t.”
“Tao with all due respect-“
“hahahaha Uh No. Respect? Respect? Do you even know the meaning of the word?”
“With all due respect Tao you have a contract. You can’t just quit”
“I would like to agree with you but I don’t want to be wrong”
“That’s it, Tao. You can stay late and practice for 4 more hours tonight. Your behavior is completely out of line today.”
“Oh my gosh! You’ve insulted me! What ever shall I do? I’ll be emotionally and mentally scared for years,” he said dramatically moving in his chair, “watch me.” and with that he snapped his fingers and Chen rolled him out of the room. “Later Hoe! See you in hell!” Tao never came back.
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blasian-kpop · 8 years
Exo reaction to a short, curvy, shy black girl.
kai finally takes the chance to talk to you after hyping himself up for like 2 hours “the name is jongin and i will be your new boyfriend” 
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chanyeol notice how shy you looked and just casually sends you smiles and wave when everytime he passes you.
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baekhyun isnt one to shy away from a great opprotunity sooo “whenever you need help just find me and i can show you around”
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chen breaks into some serous staring time. like hard staring. one can only guess what thoughts are behind those eyes
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lay turn into a lady killer out of fucking nowhere “im lay and you must be caroline” (get it. the song?)
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xiumin continuously tries to get peeks at you then after a while gets caught
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sehun was hooked on you from first sight. if you weren’t his type he didn’t know what was
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Kyungsoo just wants to know your name, show you around, get a number, few dates, nothing big.
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suho comes off very friendly and nice and sweet and all that other nice stuff people say about suho. (sorry im like really sleepy at this ponit)
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hosseokss · 6 years
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hello!! honestly i haven’t done a follow forever since like 2016 probably lol so well this blog has been through so much for the past 5 yrs oof this blog is 5 years old damn anyways i have been doing  cringy stuff with my friend at the beginning then i started making some shitposts and gifs and aesthetic im a mess. now this blog is dead oops and some of u either forgot i exist or never knew i do to begin with so to end this year i want to say thank u to all my followers and the ppl i follow because all of u are pure quality!! ily all!!
so i’d like to have this in order but im lazy so here it is 
mutuals -  ♡
@girlspark ♡  - @lom-l - @hobslobster ♡ - @daegusbitch ♡ - @mittenstae ♡ - @yoongoluvbot - @tiigriis - @dreamirene - @sapphicknj - @golden-line - @jiminsdyke - @sitaaras - @sasukesgaygf ♡ - @jklovecult - @honeystae - @honeylovecult  ♡ - @redthevelvet  ♡ - @jeoncrocs  ♡ - @1rmono - @vhopesbootycall  ♡ - @seokin - @taeboos  ♡ - @monsieurhobert  ♡ - @sevenducklings - @misohobi  ♡ - @jinsaidgayrights - @sunnsflower  ♡ - @portraitmv  ♡ - @screaminghoseok - @hobisuki - @geniuslab - @stardoges  ♡ - @qtyoong - @bangtan-wine-aunt - @jeannimnida  ♡ - @jinsmas  ♡ - @kpoption  ♡ - @sunshinesugarsuga  ♡ - @hoeseok - @gwanjuu - @jjkoko  ♡ - @jooniessun - @bestandperfect - @breadhyunn - @iris-prince-namjoon  ♡ - @je0n - @andikayenta  ♡ - @sopegalaxy - @bestabsoluteperfectcrack - @girlqroup - @shushee  ♡ - @namjoonifi  ♡ - @bungukie  ♡ - @chuulove - @aegyo-chan - @jpghope  ♡ - @prettyhyungjin - @2nsoo  ♡ - @praise-god-hwasa - @whatamievendoingherelikesrsly  ♡ - @holdmehoseok  - @holy-yoongi - @hellazelo  ♡ - @kihon - @heybommie - @vhope - @k-reations  ♡ - @exo-is-life-and-love  ♡ - @yeonkimin - @cypherslut - @of-yehets-and-ohorats  ♡ - @bangsdae - @snsd1k - @powermp3byexo  ♡ - @thegenerationofgirls - @myloveseokjin  ♡ - @peach-wonho  ♡ - @tipannies  ♡ - @strawberryishtrash   - @hwan-tastic - @ikonis - @ladyidols - @vixxnly  ♡ - @jinkimenow  ♡ - @zelq - @jksangel  ♡ - @kimtaeyoen - @7nsomnia - @twices - @crossgene-s - @mightyaaaa  ♡ - @wishingyu ♡  - @kkaebtae - @jjks - @booomx3  ♡ - @prestigechaerin  ♡ - @hari-elric  ♡ - @jellopls  ♡ - @paestrie - @daecakez
i’m not going to bold my fav blogs because all of u are my favs i love all of u and thank u for reblogging and creating amazing posts. i hope 2019 will be an amazing year for all of you!!  ♡ ♡ ♡
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bapwoo · 7 years
k-pop tag
tbh I have no idea if I did something like that or not... So I will do it anyway lol. Thanks for the tag @j-dvehyun
first group you listened to? Bigbang, but it was totally random when I saw their Fantastic Baby on MTV (if not random one I would say B.A.P)
first solo artist you listened to? Hmmm... probably Tablo?
first group where you actually know their names? B.A.P
first song to make you emotional? ehhhh Let Me Know by BTS (but live version)... or was it Jonghyun and End of a Day???
top 3 fav male groups? B.A.P, Monsta X, VIXX
top 3 fav female groups? Red Velvet, 4Minute, 2NE1
top 3 fav songs of all time? this will be hard... Monsta X - Stuck; BTOB - I’ll Be Your Man; History - Might Just Die
top 3 biases? JONGUP, Ravi and Kihyun
top 3 fandoms? I am in or like?.... I am baby and monbebe... I love shawols and starlights <3
top 3 choreographies? VIXX - Shangri-la; History -  What am I to you?; EXO - Monster
ultimate bias group? B.A.P
ultimate male bias? JONGUP
ultimate female bias? I don’t have any? Even thoug I like Seulgi a lot
I was thinking who should I tag... decided to tag few of my followers I really appreciate and I don’t know - I am sorry if I actually know you lol I am in few discords so maybe I actually know some of you lol (and tons of others I definitely forgot rn) @bckyno, @k-reations, @bts-bap-trash, @itzvicok, @multifanstuff, @himchannies, @ourskinnyloveworld, @dragonsfire, @exo2ne1, @bapdream6, @bobbyseyesmile
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taejimin · 8 years
1) (sorry for my bad english) hey i recently read your answer to that ask about management covering up homosexual pairs in the music industry... i am in kpop fandom since 2012 and let me tell you one thing: whenever there is a gay rumor the management will cover it up with a straight scandal... since i am an sm stan i can tell you about the two most prominent incidents in that company: 1) the Jongkey coverup: in 2011 there were many rumors about them, look up their videos from 2010-2011...
hey! ur english is totally fine no worries! im gonna put the rest of ur asks behind the cut but dude……..
(2) you can clearly see their dynamic in that era… i am 100% sure that key was in love with jjong at this point. but then boom: the Jjong shin se kyung dating incident happend… they were ‘caught’ walking down the street at night not wearing masks or hiding themselves… very suspicious to me… anyways after this happend key started acting very strange. he stated in an interview that shinee wasnt family or friends to him, only members. he clearly felt betrayed at that point in his life…
(3) so weather jongkey were really dating/romantically involved and sm staged this thing, or jjong was really dating shin se kyung and sm let the 'bomb drop’, the company clearly used the scandal to get rid of the gay rumors… the 2nd coverup happend last year. idk how much you know about exo but there is/there used to be this famous ship called kaisoo, involving Kai and D.O. They are known to be close since debut, there is this infamous selfie of them laying on top of each other…
(4) after debut they were ALWAYS close each other, always taking care of eah other, intense staring and stuff mostly behind the scenes and not on stage. you know 'ships’ came and went but kaisoo stayed one of the 'top ships’ in the fandom… but then in early 2016 dispatch revealed an article about a closeted gay couple in one of koreas biggest boygroups who were close since debut… many people were suspecting Kaisoo to be that couple… not even a month later that Kaistal incident happend…
(5) Krystal and Kai were caught on a date, in a popular spot, not covering themselves up… after this day nothing more was heard about that 'mysterious gay couple’. D.O was clearly affected by that incident and teared up the day after at a concert and the two of them seemed distant. so sm tamed the rumors. well tamed till the 'yagi’ incident happend: while a concert Kai accidently called kyungsoo 'yagi’ wich is a term ONLY used between lovers. look the video up you will see…
(6) the members shocked reation to this accident. from this day onward the management strictly seperated the two of them. whenever something slightly 'close’ happend between them the members looked worried. also sm made two other members call each other 'yagi’ on stage to cover up Kais freudian slip. and believe me when i say that 'yagi’ is really only used between lovers. their dynamic shifted from always sticking together to only secretly looking in each others directions…
(7)this is longer than i expected. what i wanted to say is that the management will do anything to cover up a gay scandal, at least in a convservative and homophobic company like sm. lets hope that bighit will handle those issues better, but i am positive since their management seems really open to gay things. anyways thanks for reading this long ass post. (i could be totally wrong about thinking that those were coverups, it’s just a dedution… i just dont buy the music industries shit)
OK this is a lot of information, tbh when i was getting in ur first messages i was like…..this is just like what happened w/kai and krystal and then lo and behold lmao u brought them up. i didnt know the specifics about d.o. and kai but when all of this happened i was like………..thats…something. like i thought it was taemin/kai they were covering up but if all thats tru then wow. AND I FORGOT ABOUT THAT STORY ABOUT THE TWO GAY GUYS IN A BOYBAND THE KRYSTAL/KAI RLY DID HAPPEN RIGHT AFTER THAT DIDNT IT wow lmao thats organic. but thanks for the info! and alot of this doesnt surprise me honestly. i hope stuff like that doesnt happen w/bts cuz bighit seems a lotless awful than sm but who knows. but thanks for all this info! it basically confirms alot of what ive been thinking tho tbh
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k-reations · 8 years
Get To Know Me Tag:
Tagged by @memeejun thank you for tagging me~
Rules: Answer the 20 questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
I tag: I don’t know 20 blogs, but my followers are invited to play! Tag me if you want to do this ^0^
Nickname: May // Mani (Word play on “Manhi” from BTS - B,S&T chorus, used solely by my students) Gender: Female Star Sign: Pisces Height: 153cm // 5′1′‘ Time right now: 8:14am Last thing I googled: “Trips to Busan”... I was thinking I should take my mom to Busan some day in the future hehe ^^ Favorite Bands: B.A.P, Monsta X, BTS, The Legend, Mamamoo, SNSD, F(x), Boys’ Republic, Astro Favorite Solo Artists: Heize, Cheetah, Zion.T, Crush Song stuck in your head: Cross Gene - Black or White Last movie I watched: I don’t even remember, it was such a long time ago ^^’ Last TV Show I watched: Also don’t remember When did you create your blog: June 2015 I think What kind of stuff do you post: Reactions, sometimes scenarios, ships, etc When did your blog reach its peak: When I added Monsta X to my reactions Do you have any other blogs: @get-snapped, not used yet ^^’‘ Do you get asks regularly: Not regularly, but often, mostly requests ^^ Why you chose your URL: Since I ‘create’ reactions for ‘K’pop groups I thought “Oh, K-reations isn’t too bad” If people followed me long enough they’d know my first url was “kpopkookieasthelastunicorn”… I don’t know where that came from… Following: 17 blogs Posts: 1,170 Hogwarts House: Don’t know Pokémon Team: Don’t know Favorite colors: Pastel colours Average hours of sleep: 4 Lucky Numbers: 24 (Freaking Exo made me feel uneasy about it now) Favorite Characters: I don’t have any What are you wearing right now: A donut hoodie, leggings and I’m wrapped in a blanket How many blankets do you sleep with: 1, sometimes 2 Dream job: Professional barista Dream trip: Visit to Jeju island with my family *-*
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taekookarmy-blog · 8 years
! Question Tag !
RULES: answer the question in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Thank you for tagging me @vipdae  {answering it with this blog - my main (tagged) blog is: @nanalepotato  :D <3 }
Nickname: Nana
Star sign: Taurus
Height: 6 ft
Time right now: 11pm
Last thing googled: "184cm in ft” :D
Favorite music artists: BigBang 
Song stuck in your head: Lotto by EXO
Last movie watched: Kill Bill
Last TV show watched: Lie to me
What are you wearing now: Pyjamas :D
When did you create your blog: Summer 2016
What kind of stuff do you post: Writer and creative stuff
Do you have any other blogs: @nanalepotato
Do you get asks regularly: not yet :c
Why did you choose your URL: because TaeKook is real - end of story :D
Gender: Female
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Pokemon team: Red
Favorite color: Black & red
Average of hours of sleep: normally 8 - 11
Lucky number: 13
Favorite character(s): Batman <3
How many blankets do you sleep with: 2 :3
Dream job: working for a music/media entertainment/management
Following: 25
Tagging: @petaelwriting @k-reations @oppafeels @pastel-yoongs @incomingbts @imagine-k {sorry if you’ve been tagged already x.x }
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kpurereactions · 7 years
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                 PENTAGON REACTIONS 
                  GOT7 REACTIONS 
                 MONSTA X REACTIONS
                 IKON REACTIONS 
                  BIGBANG REACTIONS 
                 SMUT SATURDAY
                WINNER REACTIONS
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seoulthirsty · 9 years
EXO reaction to you being multilingual and teasing them in another language
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Thank you for the support~
Suho: Ah, don’t confuse me like this, jagi... I always get really worried in case you’re talking about me and I won’t understand!
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Chanyeol: Hm? Did you say something? I did’t catch that... could you repeat it? ...Yeah, I still don’t get it.
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Kai: Ya! You promised you wouldn’t tease me anymore like this! I’m dying to know what you’re saying~
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D.O: ........ *so done*
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Sehun: *acts cool* Ahaha, yeah, exactly. Uh, me too.
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Baekhyun: *tries to respond, but gives up and just smiles instead*
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Lay: *laughs through the pain* Ahh, not again! This is so unfair... I wanna know what you’re saying~
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Luhan: Okay wait, I remember learning this... wait for it, wait for it, I studied hard, I promise... uh....
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Tao: Oh no not again... Okay, say it again, slower and more clearly. I’m determined to understand! *tries hard to work it out*
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Kris: Ah, you’re so good at languages, you know. I’m so jealous~ If only I had your talent...
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Chen: *after trying to figure it out* I got nothin :’)
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Xiumin: Are you teasing me again? Ahhh, how am I supposed to know what you’re saying?
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- dinokun
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EXO’s affection preferences
Anonymous said: Haii *-* What kind of affection do you think the guys like the most? individually thanks and maybe make a reaction out of it
Will do! I can’t wait :)
Also - sorry if it’s a little longer for some members than others. You will know why, probably. xD
Baekhyun: I think Baekhyun loves basic cuddling! Things like leaning on your shoulder when he’s tired, and holding you when you’re tired is his favorite. I do also think he loves a good peck on the lips, and holding hands when relaxing together. When you’re sad he would love to just hug you. I also see him as being pretty private with his affection though.
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Chanyeol: I think he likes to “dominate” you when being affectionate. He will take your hand, hug you from the back and attack you with sudden deep kisses.  Cuddling in the morning would also be a must. As seen with him and Kyungsoo, he often attempts to hug and carry D.O, so that makes me think that he loves skin contact, and to hug/do random things to people. BUT when you do things like that *gif* to him, he will love it even more.
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Chen: *hugs hugs hugs cuddles kisses hugs hugs kisses hugs cuddles* Just everything that you would call “sweet” or “cute”.
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D.O: Cuddles when it’s needed and then he would squeeze your hand discreetly in public to tell you he loves you. If you are VERY lucky, and he is feeling super happy and (exo)tic he would lean a little on you.
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Kai: He would be a little awkward, I think... Tbh. But he would try, and when he knows you well he would literally do everything to touch you. I see him putting an arm around you when watching a movie together, and tangling his feet into yours in bed. Tight hugging is his thing too.
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Kris: He would like to hold hands when in bed, and probably would also enjoy making out. Sometimes he would become spontaneous and pick you up while you were cooking, and hug you from behind.... I just don’t see him as a guy that would like public affection. I think he feels that that kind of thing is for alone time at night. (hehehe)
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Lay: Small signs of affection like looking into your eyes, and touching your face is what he primarily would use to tell you he loves you + saying it with words. Putting a hand on your lower back when standing next to you is also his favorite thing to do. *gif - doing that to your thigh when sitting next to you*
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Luhan: Oh god, don’t get me started with this prick. TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH everywhere, all day everyday, anywhere constantly. He is not afraid to show that he likes you, and will intentionally touch your butt (when you’re already gf & bf) and other “dirty” things. IN PUBLIC. Whispering, inappropriate touching, hot staring contests and making out sessions in front of everyone is his jam. This would also be his way to annoy the other members. U kno - makin’ em uncomfortable. If he has to be more subtle he would just hold you and sleep on you and lay on you and hug you and kiss your cheek. LOL nothing is impossible.
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Sehun: He likes to tangle himself into you both in bed/couch and while standing up, rest his head on your shoulder and also probably touch your butt. Maybe you could call it a more subtle version of Luhan!
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Suho: Aaaah, the classic hopeless romantic. Stroking your cheek, peck on the lips when leaving you, foot massages (for you), holding hands and hugging you tightly if you’re sad. Not much sexual affection - but if he’s feeling frisky he would do this: *but probably get embarrassed or flustered*
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Tao: Cute hugging and stuff like that is something that he loves. He probably likes to give kisses on the nose and cheek, and when saying hi and goodbye, he likes to kiss you on the mouth. I also totally see him lifting you up while kissing you. ugh, so cute.
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Xiumin: Sexy, seductive and hot as fuck stuff. Looking deeply at you before kissing you passionately. Pulling you closer to him before picking you up. He hugs from the back and whispers in your ears. All without being perverted. 
He also has a cute side, which is filled up with cute pecks on the lips and holding hands in bed. And for fun he likes to do Eskimo kisses!
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*Xiumin attempting to give Luhan a peck on the lips, which he would also do to you*
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kpurereactions · 7 years
My lovelies!!!
Send in more Exo and Big Bang requests! Ill be writing the two for the rest of the day and Im were running short of requests, help me build my EXO nd BigBang sections of my Masterlist! I want to be able to have something for everyone:)
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