baekkieberry · 5 years
𝕦𝕟𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕪 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧!𝐚𝐮 𝐛𝐚𝐞𝐤𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧 1
Genre: demon!AU, Fluff. (angst + smut in future chapters), Supernatural
Characters: Baekhyun, EXO (mostly beagle line + Kyungsoo)
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Summary: Baekhyun had been a demon and living in hell his whole life, hanging with his friends and having way to much fun, until one day he gets kicked out for going too far. He's forced to live in earth until he redeems himself, until he met you, and maybe he doesn’t want to go back anymore. 
Warnings: none 
Word Count: 2411
A/N: hii im sorry this took so long :( I’ve been busy but already had more chapters done! I’ll update more often. Hope you like it! (and yes it’s still inspired by @youxidol ^^) 
I’ll make a masterlist soon! And more storiesxdrabblesxoneshots from other members and baek! stream city lights, you, thats okay and what a life! 
masterlist:  intro   chap1
Chapter 1:
Baekhyun walked the whole way home feeling extremely bubbly and dangling his zootopia lunch box like a little kid. When he got home, Sabrina was outside already waiting for him “Hi sweetcheeks listen, somethings has been happening to me” she was looking at him while in the back, only for Baekhyun’s eyes you could see his best friend playing with her hair “Ican feel that someone is behind me and playing with my hair but I don’t see anyone” “Well Sabrina I couldn’t tell you cause NO ONE is behind you” he emphasized the no one so Chanyeol could lay her off “Oh well maybe is your beautiful face that’s always stuck in my head sweetcheeks” and just when things got weirder she leaned and kiss him in the cheek. She left to her apartment leaving a very traumatized Baekhyun and Chanyeol behind.
“Ok what the fuck” “Dude you barely talk to the girl you actually like and this old lady just kissed you. Maybe you should reconsider the whole sugar mommy thing” Baekhyun slapped his best friend and they both laughed. Once in Baekhyun’s apartment, Chanyeol finally asked his best friend how were things “You know Yeol I think she may be able to like me back, she laughed at everyone of my jokes and she loved the oreo mini cake that Soo made” “Yeah well Soo it’s not gonna like coming everyday and cook for you” 
Chanyeol was right, his now soon to be personal chef was not gonna like doing this everyday, so Baekhyun decided to give it a try, but with his powers. After Chanyeol left, Baekhyun spent all night trying to recreate Soo’s recipe and when he finally achieved it, he made 500 of them to have for the rest of the week, you did ate like 15 of them. 
In the morning Baekhyun was greeted with a Chanyeol, Sehun and Chen but all disguised as Sabrina “Oh my beautiful sweetcheeks come here so I can kiss you” Sehun started “Yes let’s make out and since you already seen my underwear it shouldn’t be a problem” Chen said laughing and making his disguise disappear. “Can’t believe you told them Yeol, I already thought I had enough with you” he said while going to his living room. “C’mon you didn’t expect me to keep it to myself, If you want I can tell your girlfriend too” “Don’t you dare”. 
They spent the morning talking and watching tv until it was time for Baekhyun to get ready. He couldn’t keep smiling and dancing to every song that he heard. He even danced to Sabrina’s loud personification of Dancing Queen. When he finally got ready he went to the park and he was surprised that you were actually looking for him. “OMG I thought you weren’t coming to meet me, you know me the crazy oreo lady” “I kinda like getting my food stealed” you laughed and looked at his outfit and how it seemed to be tight but well fitted at the same time. You didn’t noticed that you were checking him out a little too obvious “Well do you want to eat the mini cakes or do you want to eat me?” Baekhyun said with a smirk “Oh I’m sorry I didnt I mean not that I don’t but I just… Ok give me the cake and ignore this” You said while blushing and sitting in the grass. 
“Don’t worry, I know that if you had to choose, the cakes would totally beat my ass” You looked at him and laughed. “So tell me you mini cabaekkie, what do you like to do besides… baking” he actually laughed at the new nickname you gave him and you realized how much you liked his laugh “Cabaekkie I like that. Well if I may speak for cabaekkie he actually likes playing games and obviously doing Sabrina’s laundry, that is my favorite hobby of them all” “Well how could you not love it? Old lady underwear? Hell yeah” You two continued to joke about Sabrina and you actually learned a lot about him. 
He was obsessed with PUBG, loved his friends but specially his best friend Chanyeol. He seemed like fun so you wanted to meet him but Baekhyun said he didn’t want that to happen because Chanyeol would expose him “Oh come on I want to hear your little things from when you were little” “That ain’t happening, he knows too much. He’s actually very lucky that he’s still alive” 
This little meetups continued for another two weeks. You would meet him and he would give you his little cakes while you talked about everything that happened the last day or funny stories that you had. It was getting extremely comfortable. After a week Baekhyun finally asked for your number and it was possibly the best thing you guys had. You had this little game of trying to find ordinary people that looked like a celebrity. This originated from one time you saw a woman that looked like Elton John. 
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Baekhyun went to sleep with a smile in his face and started listening to love songs more often, maybe even singing them in the shower. “Yeez hyung you are acting like a child today” Kyungsoo said one day “He was always been a child” Junmyeon said from the kitchen. “Look you guys she is one of the best things that has come in my life and I want to invite her to dinner today so i need some help” “Help with what? Literally you’re a demon like..” Kyungsoo hummed “No hyung with what can I say” “Just be yourself she seems to like it… weirdly” Junmyeon said. 
Baekhyun was extremely nervous when he picked his zootopia lunch box that day. You guys had been bonding a lot, calls and texts daily, going to the park at the same time everyday and he was ready to take it to the next level. “Hey so what if we went somewhere nice to eat? not just pastries like real dinner, I know some nice restaurants” he said while you ate “Are you asking me on a date?” “Thats exactly what I’m doing” he said while smirking at you, ‘always so cocky’ you thought “Why are you always so fearless?” You said jokingly at him “Is that a yes?” you wanted to play so you took your time and smiled “It would be my pleasure to go” and at that moment his eyes light up and if he wasn’t pretending to be human, he would have fireworks appear. “The  i’ll pick you up at seven” he said standing up “Wait hold up, today?” you said confused “Yeah today, now gorgeous write your address in my phone so that I can pick you up and just worry about… nothing” he said smiling at you like a happy puppy “Oh okay” and like that he left. And that’s when you noticed, it was the first time he had called you beautiful. 
When you got home, you went directly to your roommate bedroom screaming “OMG IRENE YOU WON'T EVEN BELIEVEEEEEE WHAT JUST HAPPENED” Irene’s face popped out of her door that was barely open “he did it didn’t he?” “YES HE DID FINALLY OMG QJXHQJHXNWHD” and with that you throw yourself into her bed and started screaming “OMG WHEN IS IT?” Irene joined you with happiness “Today but he didn’t say an hour so I need to get ready now” and just as he seemed to have heard you, your phone beeped, he was picking you at 7. 
“Oh my god maybe he’s gonna murder you” Irene said behind your shoulder “Fuck off and help me” “Do you want help or do you want me to leave” “Can you do both?” you said laughing.
Your best friend and you spend the whole day trying to find an outfit that you liked and you went with a red dress that revealed enough skin but not too much, and by 8:15 you were all done. 
Baekhyun on the other hand was going crazy to leave. And when he arrived he was nervous to ring the bell (yes he was going to ring the bell). He had bought flowers and he was afraid they were going to die, so he decided to put a spell on them so they would never die, plus it was a nice gesture. He ring the bell on your shared home and another girl answered the door “Hey wow” she said when he looked at him “Ah yeah hi are you Irene?” She looked extra confused “Yes?” “I'm here for your beautiful roommate is she here?” Irene giggled “You’re Baekhyun, come in I’ll let her now you’re here” and he entered their home. It was a small house but had it’s charm “Hey cabaekkie” you said casually “Wow you look perfect” He said looking at you up and down with love eyes and you immediately blushed “Oh my god get a room already” Irene was clearly making things uncomfortable so you guys decided to leave. Once outside you saw that he had a grey audi “Seriously what do you do for a living?” he smirked and opened the door for you “One day I’ll tell you, right now let’s get some dinner I’m starving” you entered his car and then he joined, “Where are you taking me Baekkie?” he took your hand and said “You’ll love it”. And he kept your hand in his, listening to music and singing everything “you have a lovely voice” you said smiling “That’s certainly not the only thing lovely about me” he said “I have a lot of secret charms” you looked at the window and said “Can’t wait to know all of them”. 
The restaurant was very amazing. Candle lighted and had a beautiful lake at the back, it had simplicity but was fancy still “Wow baekkie seriously you can afford this?” “Omg stop and enjoy okay beautiful?” he said taking your hand and asking for a table “Do you want outside?” he asked “No I will be cold” he smiled and asked for a table near the windows. 
The rest of the night was as romantic and fun as it could be. He was himself with you. “So I gotta ask you something” he said while you eat dessert, you nodded so he continued “Besides cake and oreo’s, do you like something else?” he was desperate to know how you felt about him. Because even though he was certain you liked him, he needed to hear those words.
“Okay so we’ve been talking for a while and you haven’t learned anything about me? You even invited me to a date and you don’t know anything about me? Seriously Baekhyun, the nerve yeez” you said shaking you head sarcastically. He laughed, of course you would answer like that. You didn’t want to say it yet. You liked drama, and drama means telling him you like him at the end of the date with a kiss on the lips and leave him lovestruck. 
He watched you eat the cake with the biggest love eyes “What?” you asked “Yes beautiful?” he said taking a strand of you hair that was blocking his view. You locked eyes with him, he was certainly the most beautiful human being in the whole universe and he was looking at you like you were the only girl he will ever like “You know I like when you eat cake?” he said smiling “Why?” you blushed “Well you look so happy and I love to see you happy, plus your eyes shine a lot lately, wonder why?” he knew why they were shining. You looked down and whispered “If you already know why do you ask” he laughed. You continued talking about little stuff and sometimes you didn’t talk, but you were comfortable with the silence between you two. 
When you both finished dinner he decided to take you to the little lake at the back. It was beautiful, the moon was shining on it and there were little christmas lights near the edge so that it wasn’t so dark. He turned to look at you “Will you, princess y/n walk with me?” and he proceeded to kneel and extend his hand towards you, you laughed cause it was so exaggerated “Of course young prince” you bowed and took his hand. You laughed but never let go of each others hand. 
The moon was beautiful that night and Baekhyun never thanked more than now, that he was sent to earth, he met you. You two walked holding hands and then he stopped “Y/N you look beautiful and not just today, like you always look beautiful and it amazes me so much. I never thought that i would met someone like you. You are truly a unique piece of art” he started getting closer to you “I know you like me and you know I like you, I want to be part of your life for as long as you let me, and maybe I’m coming a little to strong so for now I will just kiss you, because you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to” his warm hands cupped your face and you felt shivers everywhere, suddenly everything outside wasn’t important anymore. All that mattered was in front of you. He leaned and finally, he kissed you. His lips were soft and warm and he tasted like the strawberries he ate from the cake. you continued the kiss and his hands moved to your hips and at the same time you wrapped our hands around his neck, never separating from each other. He was intoxicating and was a very good kisser. You didn’t want to pull away and Baekhyun wouldn’t even dare to do it. You were everything he has been imagining, you were his new drug and he wasn’t going to stop kissing you. 
When you separated he whined and you laughed “Okay you big baby, you basically kissed me without my consent” “Did I?” he said with a pervert face, you rolled your eyes and said “And yes I like you too” he smiled like a puppy and you smiled back “You remind me of a corgi” He didn’t let go of you hips but he laughed out loud “You remind me of my new girlfriend” 
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