#expect mary macdonald headcanons soon i am writing them as we speak
elysianymph · 1 year
also 🔥 for mary
this turned into mostly a rant about the fandom and how they ignore my fav girl sjjsjsjs
funnily enough i used to dislike mary. or maybe dislike is a strong word. i just found myself so apathetic to her bc guess what guys??? she has no real character outside of particular aesthetics and ships. and then she wiped her memory so it's not like it's important what or who she was anyway. but she's also literally my favorite character rn (right next to sirius) soooo... this is what happens when you sit down and explore characters by yourself instead of letting fanon guide you through everything.
the thing with mary is that she doesn't exist really. not as a character with real personality traits anyway. she's mentioned as lily's friend which most likely puts her in gryffindor and we know she was a muggleborn because mulciber attacked her and... that's about it. you can't really expect anything better when the harry potter books barely gave any of the main women characteristics outside of motherhood, let alone some random character mention twice. BUT THAT'S THE FUN PART! we could've had so much fun with mary bc she's literally just a name and we could've made her anything and yet she's absolutely nothing bc MISOGYNY YAYY!
she used to be overly sexualized and slutshamed in fics and now she's just... boring. she's the accessory we can add onto lily to make sure she isn't left alone so our mlm ship can happen!! she's an obstacle that stands between sirius and remus getting together!! and she's given nothing outside of that. this fandom has written and rewritten stories for the same old boring men a million times and yet one of the main characters isn't given any story at all?? what was her family life like?? did she have any siblings?? who was her first crush?? how did her status as woc affect her life at hogwarts?? and being a muggleborn?? was she good in school?? what career path did she want to go down?? why didn't she join the order like all of her other friends did??? how did mulciber literally assaulting her affect her??? nah that's boring let's rewrite wolfstar one more time
it may look like you're working with nothing but you're really not. if she's sorted into gryffindor she must've had their defining traits. she didn't back out of the wizarding war because she was a coward. it must've been something else. if she was lily's friend she must've been similar to her in some way. they must've shared experiences of what it was like being a muggleborn in an environment that literally wanted you dead. why did mulciber attack her in particular? was she quiet and timid and he thought she would be the perfect target? or was she opinionated and loud and mulciber wanted to scare it out of her? it's not much but we've created more out of less
mary literally isn't allowed to exist outside of men and ships. even then it's the male gaze lesbianism of going on a picnic, braiding each other's hair, whatever. can she not be a complex character?? why not?? even when we are writing her in slash fanfics why can she not have any personal issues to sort through?? if you don't care about her just say it??? it's obvious when someone includes her in content bc they just feel bad (she's become peter 2.0 tbh) and don't want anyone hating bc she's not included in a particular post. don't half ass her character bc you're scared of backlash. it's not misogynistic to just not be interested in a character (though it's important to unpack why you would get bored by a character most see as a woc yet be interested in a death eater man despite having the same amount of information on both of them). don't get me started on people who ship her with peter so they can tie everything in a nice little bow and it's all perfect. literally shut up.
anyway mary is beautiful and smart and the it girl of hogwarts. she taught all the other girls how to do their make up because her older sister taught her and she always dressed up for hogsmeade trips even though her friends made fun of her for putting in so much effort. she uses cherry scented everything because she loves the way it smells and she twirls her hair and blows bubbles with her gum. she winks at guys who stare at her to get free drinks and she's never looking for a fight but she'll pull on anyone's hair if they provoke her enough. she didn't understand why lily made such a big deal about james asking her out and rejecting him when he's literally a fit guy who seems nice enough?? maybe she didn't understand how someone could reject a real relationship when given the chance to have one because none of the guys cared enough to look at her like that.
it's late and i'm tired and i can't elaborate further bc i don't even know what i'm saying but expect more mary posts in the future bc she is my darling <33
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