#experiential tourism
easterneyenews · 3 months
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staybanaras · 10 months
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jvalatravel · 2 years
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Experiential Travel - UNESCO Heritage Monument
Visit #UNESCO #heritage #monument and go for heritage walks with experts to get exposed to the values of intangible cultural heritage, Interact with experts, Attend a masterclass in art forms https://jvala.travel/paths-of-jvala/the-beauty-path/
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digitalfilipina · 2 years
MPT South partnered with DOT Calabarzon and DILG to launch Biyaheng South Experiential Tour
MPT South partnered with DOT Calabarzon and DILG to launch Biyaheng South Experiential Tour
Metro Pacific Tollways South (MPT South), in partnership with the Department of Tourism CALABARZON (DOT Calabarzon) and the Department of the Interior and Local Government Region 4-A (DILG IV-A), joins the celebration of the National Tourism Month this September 2022 thru “Biyaheng South” Experiential Tour.  Co-presented by Millennial Resorts Corporation and with sponsors GAC Motor Philippines…
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moustachescapes · 2 years
Are you searching for Experiential Tourism? Read out the blog and get information about the future of experiential travel and tourism.
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traveltricksblog · 2 months
Global DMC Solutions in Dubai: Elevating Your MICE Experience
In the bustling realm of Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions (MICE) tourism Dubai stands tall as a vibrant hub teeming with opportunities and trends that event planners simply can't ignore. Let's embark on a journey through the latest trends and invaluable tips tailored for event planners venturing into Dubai's dynamic MICE scene, with a spotlight on how Global DMC travel solutions play a pivotal role in elevating MICE experiences.
1. Trends Redefining Event Landscapes
Dubai's MICE landscape is in the midst of a renaissance, embracing trends that cater to diverse preferences and evolving industry standards. From hybrid event formats that blend virtual and physical experiences to immersive technology integrations like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), event planners have a myriad of innovative tools at their disposal.
2. Seamless Logistics with Global DMC Travel Solutions
One of the keys to unlocking a successful MICE event in Dubai is seamless logistics management, and Global DMC travel solutions excel in this arena. With their expertise in transportation, accommodation, and on-ground support, event planners can focus on curating unforgettable experiences while leaving the logistical intricacies to the experts.
3. The Rise of Experiential Meetings: Creating Memorable Attendee Experiences
Gone are the days of passive conferences; attendees now crave immersive and experiential meetings. Dubai's MICE scene has embraced this trend wholeheartedly, offering unique experiences such as desert safaris, cultural tours, and interactive workshops that leave a lasting impact on participants.
4. Sustainable Events: Green Initiatives Shaping Dubai's MICE Industry
Sustainability is no longer an afterthought but a core pillar of MICE events in Dubai. From eco-friendly venues equipped with renewable energy solutions to waste reduction initiatives and carbon offset programs, event planners can align their events with sustainable practices while contributing to Dubai's green initiatives.
5. Tech Innovations Driving Engagement: Leveraging Digital Solutions for Impactful Events
Technology continues to revolutionize MICE tourism in Dubai, with innovations like AI-powered event analytics, live polling tools for audience engagement, and mobile event apps that streamline communication and networking. Event planners can harness these tech advancements to create immersive and interactive experiences that resonate with attendees.
Navigating Dubai's MICE Scene: Tips for Event Planners
Understand Cultural Sensitivities: Dubai's cultural nuances play a significant role in event planning. Familiarize yourself with local customs and etiquette to ensure a smooth and respectful experience for all participants.
Plan Ahead for Permits and Regulations: Dubai has specific regulations and permit requirements for events. Work closely with Global DMC travel solutions to navigate these processes and secure necessary approvals well in advance.
Embrace Collaboration and Partnerships: Leverage partnerships with local vendors, venues, and suppliers to enhance your event's offerings and create memorable experiences for attendees.
Stay Flexible and Adapt: The MICE landscape is constantly evolving. Stay agile and be prepared to adapt your plans based on emerging trends, attendee feedback, and industry dynamics.
Focus on Delegate Experience: Ultimately, the success of a MICE event in Dubai hinges on the delegate experience. Prioritize attendee satisfaction, engagement, and comfort to ensure a memorable and impactful event.
In conclusion, Dubai's MICE tourism presents a wealth of opportunities for event planners seeking to create exceptional experiences. By staying abreast of the latest trends, leveraging Global DMC travel solutions for seamless logistics, and focusing on attendee engagement and sustainability, planners can unlock the full potential of Dubai's dynamic MICE scene.
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danryenriquez · 4 months
Wellness travel amidst of pandemic
The travel industry has suffered significant damage in the past years due to the overall travel restriction that has a huge impact that resulted in a decrease in the global revenue from the travel and tourism industry. The previous pandemic has prompted people to be more aware of their physical and mental health leading to the growth of wellness travel. This past few years has greatly affected risk management, service delivery, travel pattern, distribution channel, avoidance of overpopulated destinations, and hygiene and safety through the tourist travel risk and management perceptions. The sudden stop in the demand for travel and tourism related activities resulted in severe loss of revenues and surge in unemployment across all tourism enterprises. Some previous travel trends are the adventure travel in which emerged after the pandemic ended like active ecotourism. Also the solo travel in which is suitable for those who want to break from their routines briefly. In the days where travel trends is adjusting in what pandemic have done, we already know how crucial technology is in the modern hospitality and tourism industry.As the pandemic ends, tech innovations are expected to continue bringing ease to the travel experience in the future, with top advancements including mobile apps, automation, digital payments and also some virtual tours. Experiential travel also active that many travelers have grown bored with ordinary vacations leading to the rise of the experience tourism trend. The industry continues to face a prolonged and widespread labor shortage specially in the next year's in the travel trends. This will enhance some trends like travel tech adoption accelerates in which all businesses, technology is presenting the travel industry with seemingly endless opportunities that the pandemic is about to increase the speed of it. Now that pandemic is ended, corporate activities such as business trips are making a comeback, but they are rebranding to be more productive again. Today, it has rebounded and is entering a new era after the pandemic bringing about changes, challenges, and the emergence of trends.
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ovrcat · 4 months
As we delve into the reality of the tourism industry, we tend to be curious about how travelers create and explore their own expenditures when it comes to the different aspects of travel trends. These travelers crave not just leisure travels, but also immerse themselves in an environment where they push their boundaries to the extent that their journey is not just a journey; rather an off-the-beaten path destinations and has an unconventional experience. These people also seek a nostalgic moment of truth where everything feels so familiar and feels like they had such an authentic and meaningful interconnectedness not just with people, but with the places they had been.
In an era craving authenticity, one of the travel trends that we have within the 5 years in this industry is transcending mere sightseeing and emphasizing immersive cultural encounters and authentic local experiences in experiential travel. Not just in experiential travel but travelers also resonate with meaningful exploration in which the spirit of adventurers seek for adrenaline-fueled escapades in adventure tourism. It invites the tourists to embrace the wild with boundless enthusiasm. The traveler's pathway in discovering an odyssey panorama involves a sanctuary of relaxation and within familiar surroundings with the beauty of home that helps the travelers to unwind without the hassle of long journey; we must say staycation is the key. Encouraging every seeker to have a pause and rejuvenate for the simple joys of life. In an era marked by constant connectivity and stress, a gentle reminder to slow down, recharge, and reconnect with oneself is encouraged by wellness tourism; it is always okay to take care of ourselves. We often ask the universe if solo traveling is embarrassing; well. it’s not. Embracing freedom and self-discovery fosters independence, resilience, and a deeper understanding of oneself and the world. See it for yourself!
COVID-19 pandemic is one of the biggest and greatest influence of the future trends. As accessibility and affordability improve, one future travel trend revolutionizes the travel industry; space tourism transcends earthly confines! It promises unparalleled experiences beyond imagination. How about the online booking? Automation? Well, these two are really an odyssey. With user-friendly interfaces and personalized recommendations, platforms like Expedia and Booking.com make the booking process easier.
The future of travel is digital, placing the world at our fingertips. As the generation changes, what else can we adapt to see the realm of tourism?
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lalainegumalal · 4 months
Title: "Navigating the Travel Landscape: Trends Past and Future"
The past five years have seen a variety of factors impact travel trends, including technological advancements, shifting consumer preferences, global events, and voluntourism. There are some major trends that have shaped the travel industry. The first is the rise of experiential travel. As travelers They are more likely to choose immersive and unique travel experiences over traditional sightseeing. Activities like culinary tours, adventure travel, and voluntourism have gained popularity. Next is the impact of technology, which has revolutionized the way people plan, book, and experience travel. Travel-related technologies, such as mobile apps, online booking platforms, and travel review websites, have become indispensable tools for travelers, providing accessibility and convenience. Another one is the transition to sustainable tourism. The travel industry is becoming more conscious of social and environmental challenges. Sustainable tourism techniques, such as carbon offset programs, eco-friendly lodging, and responsible wildlife tourism, are becoming more popular as more and more tourists value moral and environmentally conscious vacation experiences. Rise of Solo Travel: Traveling alone is becoming more and more popular, particularly for millennials and Gen Z. Solo travel has become more and more popular due to factors including growing independence, a desire for self-discovery, and the influence of social media. They saw the highest level of solo travel, or travel by itself. Going somewhere else by yourself is known as solo travel. While it's true that we can enjoy ourselves to the fullest when we travel alone, it's also possible to meet new people and not always be by yourself.The three possible travel trends in the next five years are sustainable and responsible tourism. With increasing awareness of environmental issues and social responsibility, travelers are likely to prioritize destinations and experiences that align with sustainable practices. This trend may involve choosing eco-friendly accommodations, supporting local communities, engaging in volunteer activities, and reducing carbon footprints through mindful travel choices.Tech-Driven Travel Experiences: This integration of technology into every aspect of travel is expected to continue, enhancing convenience, personalization, and safety for travelers. This trend may include the widespread adoption of augmented reality for immersive cultural experiences, AI-powered travel assistants for trip planning and recommendations, contactless technologies for seamless check-ins and payments, and blockchain for secure and transparent booking processes.
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kimoana · 4 months
The Evolving Landscape of the Travel Industry in the Past Five Years
Over the past five years, the travel industry has undergone a transformative journey, navigating through a dynamic landscape shaped by a confluence of factors. The profound impact of the global pandemic, coupled with rapid technological advancements and the ever-evolving preferences of consumers, has molded the industry into a new paradigm. This report delves into the multifaceted changes that have unfolded, analyzing the interplay of these influential elements and their implications on the travel sector. From adapting to unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic to harnessing the power of emerging technologies, the travel industry finds itself at a crucial juncture, seeking innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs and expectations of a discerning global audience.
Rise of Experiential Travel Travelers have increasingly sought out unique and immersive experiences over traditional sightseeing. This led to a surge in popularity for activities like food tours, cultural encounters, and off-the-beaten-path adventures.
Bye Bye Bland Brochures Forget generic tours! Travelers crave EPIC EXPERIENCES, like truffle hunting in Italy or dog sledding in Iceland. Forget "been there, done that," it's all about "felt that, learned that!"
Sharing Economy Takeover Airbnb ain't just for hipsters anymore! Renting homes and cars from locals becomes the norm, blurring the line between tourist and temporary resident.
Save the Planet, See the World Sustainability is sexy! Travelers flock to eco-conscious destinations, choose green hotels, and ditch plastic souvenirs for locally-made crafts. Mother Earth thanks you!
Next Five Years: Buckle Up, Space Cadets!
Mind-Blowing Personalization Imagine a trip built just for you! AI reads your travel DNA, crafting hyper-personalized itineraries, recommending hidden gems, and predicting your next wanderlust move.
Wellness Warriors Unite Forget souvenir shot glasses, travelers seek mind-body-soul rejuvenation. Yoga retreats in Bali, meditation in Morocco, and digital detox in the Himalayas -inner peace is the new souvenir.
Touchdown on Mars Space tourism takes off Blast off to the final frontier, witness Earth from orbit, and brag about your out-of-this-world vacation pics.
So ditch the dusty guidebooks and prepare for an adventure-filled future! Whether you're seeking soul-stirring experiences or celestial escapades, the world and maybe even beyond awaits!
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rosselequitain · 4 months
A Rhythm of Change: Shaping the Trends of Tomorrow
As the travel industry evolves, it is crucial to know the trends that are present in the industry, not only for the previous years but for the coming years as well. Having these trends is beneficial for the tourism and travel industries in order to adapt to the changes in development and also for them to continue to exist as competitive in the market globally. There are five previous travel trends that shaped the past decades. The first one is staycation travel. This trend continues to rise and expand over time, as it allows numerous guests to relax and take a break without leaving the comfort of their homes. It is also a combination of convenience and escapade, providing the guest with a vacation experience in which they will surely feel the peacefulness they are looking for. Following this is Solo Travel. This trend has grown in popularity as lots of individuals seek an opportunity to discover the world on their own terms by meeting new people and trying out new things without depending on other people.
Another trend is wellness travel, in which people seek vacations that would make them feel healthier physically, emotionally, and mentally. This includes activities like spas and yoga for them to unwind while on vacation. Experiential travel gained popularity as well, as time passed, because people wanted to immerse themselves in the locals’ way of life which enables them to connect not only with people but with the location as well. Apart from these trends, bleisure travel has also become a trend in the travel industry as people add more enjoyment to their work trips. Rather than attending meetings, they are having more time to enjoy the surroundings and take a mini-vacation.
Knowing future travel trends gives us the ability to plan ahead, like deciding which roads to take on a trip. It enables us to be prepared and make wise decisions to ensure a better and more enjoyable journey experience. In the coming years, regenerative travel may become a major trend as sustainability continues to become a priority. As well as the development of virtual reality technology, as it offers travelers a convenience with physical limitations. Lastly, reunion travel may grow in popularity as individuals might focus on reconnecting with their loved ones after a long period of separation.
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angelaperez · 4 months
Title: "Travel Transitions: From Yesterday's Trends to Tomorrow's Adventures"
Tourism or Travel Trends. There are a variety of tourism trends that are based on more general changes in consumer behavior. Destination both possess tangible (landscape, attractions, facilities, building, etc.) and intangible characteristics (the emotions that a destination invokes to visitors through experience
Adventure Travels growing in popularity across demographics, especially in terms of soft adventures such as safari, hiking or recreational sports, extreme sports. Leisure travel includes trips made for entertainment, recreation, relaxation, or personal enrichment. Experiential travel, also known as immersion travel, is a form of tourism in which people focus on experiencing a country, city or particular place by actively and meaningfully engaging with its history, people, culture, food and environment.Local Experience travellers are choosing to become more immersed in the local culture when visiting a destination. They want to do what the locals do and eat where locals eat. Airbnb Experiences are offering a solution where travellers can book a local experience with a destination native. History and Culture walking tours are still one of the leading experiences for anyone visiting a new location. They are a great opportunity to find your bearing, meet other travellers and have all their questions answered by a destination expert. 
The travel trends for the next 5 yrs are more in modern era. It is more on technology like robot, mobile payments,voice control and many more.We can imagine that of the restaurant, hotel, and other facilities in the future are robot operated this kind of situation will help the business because they don’t need to pay for the employees.In the future most of the tourist will want to see what kind of robotics around the world. They will lose interest about the history and culture of the countries they will visit, because honestly we want to see amazing. most of the tourist are interested to know this kind of information.
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trekkerala · 1 year
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Introducing www.gdmtravel.com - the fast-growing start-up that's redefining rural, agri, cultural, adventure, and experiential tourism. With a focus on providing unique and immersive travel experiences, GDM Travel takes you off the beaten path and into the heart of local communities. From farm-to-table dining to cultural festivals and outdoor adventures, GDM Travel offers a range of curated tours that showcase the best of rural life. Discover the beauty of nature and the richness of local culture with GDM Travel. Join us on our journey to explore the world's hidden gems! #GDMTravel #RuralTourism #AgriTourism #CulturalTourism #AdventureTourism #ExperientialTourism #OffTheBeatenPath #TravelCurator
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nainamalhotra123 · 1 year
Geeta University: The Best Hotel Management Institute in Delhi
Delhi, the capital city of India, is known for its vibrant culture, history, and hospitality. With the growing tourism industry, there is an increasing demand for skilled professionals in the hospitality sector. Geeta University, located in the heart of the city, is recognized as one of the best hotel management institutes in Delhi. With its world-class infrastructure, experienced faculty, and extensive industry collaborations, Geeta University is the go-to destination for students aspiring to excel in the hospitality industry.
Geeta University has state-of-the-art infrastructure that meets international standards. The campus is equipped with modern classrooms, spacious lecture halls, and seminar rooms. The library is well-stocked with an extensive collection of books, journals, and digital resources, making it easier for students to access relevant information. The university also has a fully-equipped kitchen, training restaurants, and a bakery, providing students with hands-on experience in culinary arts.
Experienced Faculty:
Geeta University has a highly qualified and experienced faculty, comprising of industry experts, professionals, and academicians. The faculty members are passionate about teaching and mentor students to develop the necessary skills and knowledge required in the hospitality industry. They use a variety of teaching methodologies, including case studies, group discussions, and experiential learning, to make the learning process more engaging and practical.
Industry Collaborations:
Geeta University has collaborations with leading hospitality companies, hotels, and resorts, providing students with opportunities for industry exposure, internships, and placements. These collaborations help students to gain hands-on experience and exposure to the industry. The university also conducts guest lectures, seminars, and workshops by industry experts to keep students updated with the latest industry trends and practices.
Course Curriculum:
Geeta University offers a comprehensive and industry-relevant course curriculum that is designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge required in the hospitality industry. The course covers various aspects of the hospitality industry, including food production, food and beverage service, front office operations, housekeeping, and hospitality sales and marketing. The curriculum also includes soft skills training, such as communication, interpersonal skills, and leadership, which are crucial for success in the hospitality industry.
Placement Assistance:
Geeta University has a dedicated placement cell that provides placement assistance to students. The cell works closely with leading hospitality companies, hotels, and resorts to facilitate placements for students. The placement cell also conducts mock interviews, resume building workshops, and career guidance sessions to help students prepare for placements.
In conclusion, Geeta University is undoubtedly the best hotel management institute in Delhi, offering world-class infrastructure, experienced faculty, extensive industry collaborations, industry-relevant course curriculum, and placement assistance. The university's commitment to providing quality education and industry exposure has made it a preferred destination for students aspiring to excel in the hospitality industry. With Geeta University, students can embark on a successful career in the hospitality industry with confidence and competence. For more information : Click here
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laamaadventours · 2 years
Meghalaya Tour Packages
If you are looking for a memorable Meghalaya trip, Kaizen Adventours holiday packages are the right choice for you. We offer the widest range of customizable Meghalaya tours to suit every kind of traveler. Explore tour packages to Meghalaya with unbeatable deals and discounts. Explore the main Meghalaya sightseeing points with the variety of experiential tours and activities included in Kaizen Adventours Meghalaya Tour Packages.
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riyasharma2000 · 5 days
BBA course details after 12th
Transitioning from school to college brings more adventure, freedom, and responsibility. Choosing the right college and course is crucial as it shapes your career, friendships, activities, and memories. College life is shorter than school life, so it’s important to make the most of it. Nowadays, students opt for courses that guarantee good job prospects and return on investment. Among such courses, the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) stands out.
To know BBA course detail after 12th you should know that BBA is a professional degree that lasts three years, focusing on developing managerial skills. The course covers marketing, entrepreneurship, finance, human resources, and more. After completing BBA, students are well-prepared to handle business roles or start their ventures.
Eligibility for BBA requires completing 12th grade from a recognized board. Students aged 17 and above can apply, with a minimum of 50% marks in 12th grade. Admissions are usually based on merit, entrance exams like IPMAT, CUET, or NPAT, or both.
BBA offers various specializations, including marketing, finance, HR, digital marketing, international business, IT, AI, entrepreneurship, e-commerce, business analytics, tourism, aviation, and fintech. The fee for a BBA course ranges from 60,000 to 1 lakh rupees per year, making it affordable compared to other professional courses.
The BBA curriculum spans six semesters, covering essential subjects like business environment, financial management, marketing, and business law. Additional subjects are based on chosen specializations, incorporating practical and experiential learning.
A BBA graduate can expect an average starting salary of 3-6 LPA, with potential growth based on experience. Career options post-BBA include further studies (MBA or PGDM), jobs in MNCs, or entrepreneurship.
In summary, BBA is a versatile and valuable course for those interested in business and management, offering numerous career opportunities and a promising return on investment.
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