#explanation for the shirt: it’s oversized on me but jade’s a long boi so it would probably fit him differently
margoshansons · 5 years
The Killing Kind (12/?)
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Part Twelve. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10.11.
Summary: Y/N calls in a favor. Peter realizes the consequences of his actions and refuses to forgive a friend. 
Notes: Thank you all so much for the amazing love and feedback you guys have been leaving! It makes my heart sing whenever I get a new comment or follow so thank you! AHHH this chapter hurts me.
When the shuttle left the next day Y/N didn’t get on it. Not while she knew Peter was somewhere in Berlin, facing her father alone. 
“Here, take this” Y/N grasped MJ’s hand, sneaking the thumb drive into her palm. “Keep it safe, it’s the only thing that could stop Mysterio.”
“Wait,” MJ grabbed her friend’s bicep, “You’re not coming with us?”
Guilt pressed against her chest. She had already wasted so much time on this trip trying to tie up her familial problems, she had hardly spent any time with MJ other than Venice and this last night. 
“No,” Y/N confessed, “I’m going after Peter, I need to make sure he’s okay.”
MJ pulled her in for a hug, “Be careful okay?” the girl pleaded. Y/N nodded, reassuring her friend that she would be okay. As she dialed the familiar number, she was thankful for EDITH’s encryption abilities. 
“Y/N?” MJ called from the door. The teen turned around, facing the scared eyes of her best friend, “For the record, I don’t care who your dad is, even after all this.”
Her breath stopped. 
MJ knew. Of course, MJ knew. Anyone would be able to put the pieces together. Of course, her true-crime obsessed friend would be able to figure it out faster than anyone. She was surprised it took her this long actually. 
She sent a smile before retreating back into the hotel, watching as the bus pulled away, carrying her friends to safety. 
Her phone picked up, the familiar voice of May Parker soothing any anxiety she had begun to feel. 
“Y/N?” The worried Aunt replied, sleepiness evident in her tone. “Is everything alright?”
“Hi May” She answered, taking a deep breath, “No, everything isn’t. I’m actually here to tell you about Peter.”
He collapsed on the leather seat of the highspeed train. His eyes closing as he let out a grunt of pain, his lungs burning. 
He had lied to him. She had lied to him. Some friends they turned out to be. Peter scoffed, immediately regretting it as pain burst across his side at the small action. He had trusted the Becks and they let them down. His biggest fear realized. 
Do you honestly think she actually cared about you? She was only there because I asked her to. She was only your friend because she was helping me. 
Mysterio’s words rang over and over in his head, the confirmation making sense of Y/N’s recent actions. Her sudden friendship with Peter. The show she had put on in Prague. Her interest in EDITH. He bet her powers were all part of the illusion as well. 
Maybe none of it was real. Maybe he was back in Queens, sound asleep in his bed, and all of this was a bad nightmare. 
Yes, he decided, consciousness slowly drifting off. That’s what it was. Just a nightmare. And when he woke up he would be home.
It wasn’t a nightmare he quickly realized. It was real. 
He was in a holding cell in the nicest country in the world, wearing nothing but black pants that put more than necessary pressure on his groin and an oversized orange shirt that stuck out like a sore thumb. Yep. This definitely wasn’t a dream. 
The lock of the cell broke open, his super strength finally coming in handy. It amazed him how he could just walk out of the door, asking for a phone and not be stopped by anyone. 
By the time the Jet touched down in the tulip field, Peter had decided that he would come back and visit the Netherlands again one day under happier circumstances.
He could’ve cried from relief when he saw Happy race down the steps of the plane. But he knew better. 
“Tell me something only you would know” was his only request, his chest twisting at the memory of Y/N saying it a day ago. 
“Remember when we were in Germany?” Happy offered, “And you ordered a Pay per view movie but I could tell by the price on the bill that it was an adult film--”
“Okay okay, it's you!” Peter yelled, his face flushed as he collapsed into the teddy bear-like arms of the man who had come to his rescue. Footsteps on metal broke the embrace apart and the familiar pair of sneakers sent his heart rate spiking. 
“Peter?” Y/N’s soft voice asked, her eyes wide in relief. 
Peter stepped back at the sight of the girl he had come to care for this past week. “What is she doing here?” Happy looked between the pair. “She was the one who told us about you, kid.”
He shook his head in fear, stepping back as Y/N moved forward. Her face switched from relieved to crestfallen, a tear brushing the edge of her eye. She was an amazing actress, he’d give her that. 
“Stay away from me” He commanded. 
Y/N tilted her head, shrinking back at the raised voice. Peter’s mind filled itself with the illusion Mysterio had sprung upon him. Pitting Y/N against him and his friends, dropping MJ herself off that tower, before using her powers to toss Peter into a wall, confirming her father’s words.
Her father.
The man who threw him in front of a high-speed train. 
“What did he do to you?” Y/N asked, heeding Peter’s command. 
“You mean what did you do to me?” Peter spat, malice coating his voice. “I know everything Y/N. I know you’re helping out Mysterio.”
She crossed her arms in a defensive position, her jaw setting itself in the familiar way her father did. “Why would I be here if I was helping out Mysterio?” She challenged, “Why would I create the virus? Why would I call May and Happy? Why would I come after you, Peter?” 
He was speechless at that. He wanted to chalk it up to espionage. Tell himself that she had lied about her family, her reason for wanting EDITH. He wanted to throw all the lies she had ever told him back in her face, but when he met her narrowed eyes, he couldn’t. 
“This is what Beck does Peter” Y/N explained, “He lies. He turns people against each other so he can rise above. He wants you not to trust me because he knows he can kill you if you have no one.”
Peter remained silent at the explanation. “How do you know?”
He knew how she knew. He knew Mysterio was probably lying about Y/N. He wanted nothing more than to believe her. But he needed to hear the words leave her mouth. 
“Because” She paused, shrinking at the thought of telling him, “Because Mysterio’s my father. Because he’s been doing it to me since I was eight years old.”
Peter let out a sigh of relief, limping toward the teenager, embracing her tightly. She was real and she was here and she was on his side. She had called Happy. She had told Aunt May everything was okay. She had told him the truth. 
He smiled into her neck, tears of relief dripping onto her shoulder. 
Thanks for the love and comments! They make my day and I love reading them! Also, sorry this one is so short, these next two chapters were supposed to be one, but I preferred a certain moment to be it’s own chapter. You’ll see soon enough.
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