#extra long assignmeng
thedeafprophet · 8 months
Man if I'm so utterly miserable during midterms what are the final exams gonna be like this term ajdjfkfsjdjfngjh
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Exerpts from my absolute onslaught of “clarifying” comments on my “simple” calculator assignmeng for AP compsci principles (it is over 182 lines long)
(we’re starting our python unit. I already know basically everything that will be taught in this unit. wtf (teacher said ill get to code fish game as a project if i want /pos))
#unrelated but have you seen that one code of a like, C# or java coded calculator that can add/subtract/divide/multiply any two individual numbers up to 60-something and the coder did it by coding something else to hard code every operation. like, if num1=3 and num2=5 and operation=addition answer=8 type of thing? terrifying. I want to do it. (i looked for the code but couldn't find it (sad))
#I need blank lines and I can't be bothered to check if /n works in python. Also this is funnier [in relation to me using 'print("")' to get blank lines on the terminal]
#I don't want to code in fault tolerance and that stuff so... yeah if you do something wrong the server is down
#help how do i python for loop with a variable
#lol i don't need python for loop here
#kindness matters :)
#(extra or statements to account for user error (i don't want to figure out how to ignore whether a letter is caps or lowercase so i will instead code more. This is my mantra.))
#(you know it's sad that python doesn't use semicolons to seperate commands because in languages that do use it I can just code EVERYTHING on one line and the camp counselors didn't like that but they couldn't do anything because it was technically correct lol)
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