mappinglasirena · 3 years
Picard Season 2: Extrailervaganza
Welcome to the Star Trek: Picard Season 2 Extrailervaganza! I.e. your humble host has had a bit of fun over-analyzing the trailers for this show (because what else are you going to do if you’re under the weather?).
This is not strictly mapping, though some observations about La Sirena and her fate in season 2 are included in parts of this endeavour. Still, I hope some of you will have some use for any of these posts.
I am going to add the links to these sections as I post them, and I might add additional bits to this masterpost as my analysis continues. As we all know, tumblr doesn’t update reblogged posts if the original is edited. So, if you see this in a reblog, it might be worth checking out the original post (by clicking on my blog name (not icon) at the very top of this post) and see if anything has been added.
Season 2 Extrailervaganza Masterpost
Shot-by-shot transcriptions and screenshots of the six trailers released before 22.02.’22
Trailer 0 (First Teaser, Released First Contact Day, April ‘21)
Trailer 1 (Second Teaser, Released June ‘21)
Trailer 2 pt 1, pt 2 (First Full Trailer, Released Star Trek Day, September ‘21)
Trailer 3 pt 1, pt 2 (Second Full Trailer, Released January ‘22)
Trailer 4 (Third Teaser, released on Twitter and then deleted again January ‘22)
Trailer 5 (Fourth Teaser, released and then deleted again, February ‘22, officially released 3 March ‘33)
Trailer 6 (Fifth Teaser, released at the end of ep 1) [Coming Soon]
Links to other Promotional Material (but only a few because there is A Lot)
Detailed introduction to season aired on the Ready Room
Full scene from episode 1, also aired on the Ready Room
20 notes · View notes
mappinglasirena · 3 years
Picard Season 2, Trailer 5
And here is the final official-ish trailer for season 2 (again, not counting the long promotional pieces released for episode 1 last week).
This trailer was posted on the official website of Star Trek Argentina, though it wasn’t promoted anywhere else. There was a big Paramount+ Shareholder presentation going on, in the course of which a trailer for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds was apparently accidentally shown on the public stream? Accounts who posted screenshots of the SNW trailer got hit with DMCA notices, but when images from the Picard trailer started to surface, nobody complained about that, so I’m going to risk posting them here.
This trailer has the strongest spoilers for things happening in episode 1 (though nothing that wasn’t also included in the Ready Room promotional video). If you don’t want to know a lot about what is happening in episode 1 of season 2, do not check under the cut!
And as always, long post, many pictures, proceed at your own risk!
Dialogue in italics is voice over, dialogue that isn’t italicized is seen spoken on screen.
Where bits of dialogues have very clearly been cut together from different lines, I’ve indicated this by adding “[cut]”
The time codes refer to the versions of the trailers I have, your milage may vary.
My naming practices are not 100% consistent, though I did my best. I’m generally talking about the different settings of the show as
“Present” (2399-2400, when we meet our motley crew again after the events of Coppelius, at the beginning of episode 1);
“Totalitarian Nightmare” (The alternate version of the present Q throws the crew into. I’m usually referring to this as the dystopian or totalitarian present/clothes/Sanctuary Districts/whatever);
“Past” (2024, the past from the perspective of our heroes.)
I use “Sirena” and “alt!Sirena” somewhat interchangeably. Practically all of the shots of the ship in these trailers show the alternative version of the ship from the dystopian timeline, and where it’s orginial 2399 Sirena, I make that clear.
I focus so much on the clothing of the characters because that’s really helpful in grouping together shots, figuring out timelines, and trying to piece together which bits of the previews belong together. Bear with me.
Trailer 5 (Fourth Teaser), released then deleted (again), Feb’22
Shot 1 (00:01-00:02)
La Sirena (in grey colouring) approaches Earth at speed. As she enters the atmosphere, she burns from the friction along the hull. Earth does not seem to have any significant orbital activity and there is no defense grid.
Picard: “The…”
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Scene 1 (Academy Commencement, Present)
Shot 2 (00:02)
Wide shot of the Srtarfleet Academy auditorium. On the half-round stage, Picard is standing at a podium, while six other Starfleet officers are sitting in a half-circle behind him. Raffi, in operations gold, is sitting on his right. The audience is filled with people in Starfleet uniforms and Stafleet cadet uniforms.
Picard: “…true final…”
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Shot 3 (00:03)
Picard, wearing his admiral uniform, is clapping for Elnor who is in the audience off screen.
Picard: “… frontier…”
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Shot 4 (00:03-00:04)
Elnor, wearing a Starfleet Cadet uniform, stands up from where he was sitting among other cadets. He’s smiling a little awkwardly, as the people around him clap and smile at him.
Picard: “… is time.”
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Shot 5 (00:04)
Raffi, wearing her uniform and commander pips on her collar, winks at Elnor.
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Scene 2 (Collection of Shots)
Shot 6 (00:05)
Extreme close-up of Q(?) snapping his fingers. He seems to be wearing a light-coloured outfit, but it’s impossible to tell for sure.
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Shot 7 (00:06)
Close-up of Picard, wearing a white shirt, looking pensive. The background is simple blue-ish light that then flickers off, so it might be some kind of vision?
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Shot 8 (00:06)
The unknown red-haired woman is sitting or crouching(?) in a room at night. She’s holding a finger to her lips, telling someone to be silent. Behind her, curtains conceal a window looking out on what might be greenery. Just before the camera cuts, she leans forward with urgency, looking very concerned.
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Shot 9 (00:06)
Agnes, wearing a red ball gown, is seen from behind, walking down the cycle lane next to a broad downtown street at night. Cars are driving on the road. (Presumably LA at night)
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Shot 10 (00:06-07)
Close-up of a very old, knotted hand gesturing to the side at something off-screen. The person pointing is wearing a grey-ish shirt with rolled up sleeves but we can’t see more than their up to their elbow. In the very blurry background, a person with a light outfit and dark hair seems to be looking at the person doing the gesturing.
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Shot 11 (00:07)
Two unknown people are standing in a corridor in front of a large wooden double door. We can only see their backs, but one is tall, has shoulder-long hair in a pony tail, and is wearing a grey-ish shirt with rolled-up sleeves. The other is small, possibly a child, and is wearing a light coat. Their hair is twisted into a braid like a crown on their head. As the door opens, a very bright, white light shines out from behind it.
Might be the same people as in the shot before, but impossible to tell.
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Shot 12 (00:07)
Zoom in on Earth from space (à la Google Earth). The planet is covered by the hexagonal defense grid, which is partially hidden by clouds. The shot zooms in on La Barre in France. Part of the defence grid seems to be inactive, leaving a slice of the globe uncovered.
Picard: “Our world…”
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Shot 13 (00:07-00:08)
The Borg Queen, secured in a holding cage with forcefields around it, is lifted up from a misty pit in the floor. She is lifted past the railings of the pit at the centre of the totalitarian rally.
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She is connected to her holding cage by wires (or tentacles) at her shoulders, and her hands are shackled.
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Shot 14 (00:09)
Wide shot of the stage at the rally as the queen is lifted from the pit. (This is actually the same building as the ceremony at the Academy, though it’s unclear if that’s intentional in-universe).
Picard is standing next to the pit from which the queen is lifted, while Seven is standing at a lectern stage right of the pit.
The people in the audience cheer and pump their fists. The green light flickers along the forcefield surrounding the Queen’s holding cage.
Picard: “… has been [cut]…”
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Shot 15 (00:09-00:10)
Picard, in his totalitarian coat and regalia, is standing in on stage at the rally. Behind him, the red, black, and white logo of the totalitarian regime looms on a large banner.
Picard: “… transformed.”
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Shot 16 (00:10)
Shot over the head of the crowd at the rally as they pump their fists in the air in unison. The attendees of the rally look mostly human, but only few faces are visible.
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Shot 17 (00:11)
Drone’s-eye view of neon-lit Hong Kong at night. There’s an explosion near the top of a skyscraper.
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Shot 18 (00:11)
Back at the rally, a man has his fist raised in the air and is shouting (or chanting) angrily.
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Shot 19 (00:11-00:12)
Two people in full black tactical armour hurry down the Future Sanctuary District street past market stalls. They have their rifles raised and the left eye holes of their black helmets are glowing red. There might be a person lying collapsed on the street behind them.
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Shot 20 (00:12)
Elnor in his street clothes runs through some market stalls and clears an obstacle with a skilled jump as the display behind him explodes from a phaser blast.
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Shot 21 (00:12)
Seven wakes up in her bed in the totalitarian nightmare with a start. The left half of her face is hidden behind her hand on the pillow.
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Shot 22 (00:13)
Seven sits up in bed. The apartment is large and luxurious. The other side of the bed has been slept in, but nobody else is there.
Picard: “We’ve been deposited… [cut]”
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Shot 23 (00:14-00:15)
Rios, presumably having just arrived in the totalitarian nightmare, is standing on the bridge of alt!Sirena. Outside the front window, a Vulcan ship is flying by, being pursued by other Kaplan F17’s (same model and now grey colour as La Sirena). The Vulcan ship is shooting at Sirena and as a shot hits the blue-flaring shields. Rios gets shaken and loses his footing.
Picard: “… in [cut] an…”
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Shot 24 (00:15-16)
Raffi, wearing her dystopian coat, is standing in front of a market stall in what looks like the dystopian Sanctuary Disctrict. It’s night and snow(?) is falling. Raffi is holding a phaser and looks down at herself and then around herself in confusion.
Picard: “…alternate reality.”
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Shot 25 (00:16-17)
The Borg Queen, still attached to her holding cage, is looking at someone off-screen.
Borg Queen: “Time has been broken.”
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Scene 3 (Spliced Shots)
A superimposed line appears over the centre of the shot (I the middle of the Borg Queen’s face. A series of shot follows in split screens, with bright lines radiating out from a centre point segmenting the screen into two wedges of varying sizes and constellations.
Shot 26 (00:17-00:19)
The shot of the Borg Queen, but the top right quarter of the screen is segmented off to show the scene of Picard, holding a shard of glass with a rose painted on it, which is from the old conservatory windows.
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Shot 27 (00:19)
The top half of the shot is Picard, wearing his totalitarian coat, turning around, looking worried. Behind him, flags with the totalitarian logo are hanging in the background.
The bottom half of the shot has a man clad in black, holding a rifle with a green laser sight, entering the courtyard full of broken crates and barrels seen in Trailer 2. Another person with a green-glowing rifle is entering the shot in the foreground.
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Shot 28 (00:18-00:20)
Most of the shot is Picard looking of a portrait of a younger version of himself in a black uniform with grey colour (the maroon monster uniform but evil). He’s reaching up to touch the painting.
The top right corner of the picture is an extreme close-up of Agnes’s face. It’s difficult to interpret her expression (surprise? Pain? wonder?), but a tear track is just visible on her cheek.
Picard: “To save…”
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Shot 29 (00:20)
The top left corner is a shot of La Sirena, flying in space. She still has her red-and-white paint job, though its extremely scratched up and somewhat faded.
Most of the shot is a kid’s hand, holding up a toy space shuttle and “flying” it along against a backdrop of vending machines.
Picard: “…the future…”
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Shot 30 (00:20-00:21)
On the left, Soji, in her white ambassador’s outfit and half-tied-up hair, is sitting at a table, smiling and raising a glass to the people around her.
On the right, is the shot through the sickbay skylight of Elnor lying on a see-through sheet of plastic(??) on the exam table. Raffi is holding on to the restraints and the top corner of the table tightly. And is lying half on top of Elnor.
The light in sickbay is ominously Borg-green and there are boxes strewn all around the scuffed floor.
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Shot 31 (00:21)
On the left, Elnor, with curly, flying hair, is looking around in panic. It’s night, but the window behind him is illuminated by red neon light.
On the right, Agnes, in her dystopian shirt, is walking towards the back of alt!Sirena, looking around carefully. She’s holding a 21st century shotgun pointed at the floor.
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Shot 32 (00:21)
On the left is the shot of Seven, looking at herself in the mirror, touching the eyebrow where her Borg implant used to be in concerned confusion. She has what might be a wedding ring on her finger.
On the left is a skull with a Borg occular implant over one eye. It’s hard to say if the skull used to be human, but I think there are some alien ridges visible that might not be due to Borg tech.
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Shot 33 (00:21-00:22)
The top is a shot of the roofs of Château Picard, panning up to show the huge skyscrapers visible over the hills in the distance.
At the bottom is Picard’s hand, holding an ornately decorated key made from copper, silver, and what might be precious stones. Picard seems to be wearing his grey 21st century jacket.
Picard: “…we have to…”
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Shot 34 (00:22-00:23)
On the left, alt!Sirena is flying corkscrews to escape the three evil!Starfleet vessels pursuing her and firing her. Their trajectory takes them away from earth, covered in the hexagonal defense grid.
On the right, Picard, wearing his totalitarian coat and regalia, is talking to someone off screen.
Picard: “…repair the past.”
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Shot 35 (00:23-00:24)
Several Kaplan F17 ships are in a shoot-out with unidentifiable ships in space (possibly the same Vulcan ships as earlier). One of the Kaplans gets hit with phaser fire repeatedly, which is at first absorbed by its shields, but then the ship explodes at a final hit.
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Shot 36 (00:24-00:25)
Wide shot of the back of La Sirena’s upper deck. Seven, Raffi, and Rios, all in their 24th century clothes, are standing with their backs to the camera, looking at the back of the deck. You can just make out the hands of the Borg Queen strapped to the engine lights, though she is mostly hidden by Raffi.
Picard and Agnes, both still in their dystopian clothes, though without their coats, are looking back at the others. They’re standing in front of two chairs that are facing each other, close to the engine (possibly on the transporter platform). Agnes is holding what might be a black notebook, or possibly a large PADD.
Rios: “Time travel?”
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Shot 37 (00:25-00:26)
Rios, wearing his dystopian black jacket, is looking doubtfully at the Borg Queen, and talking to Agnes off screen. Behind him, the lights of Sirena’s upper deck are visible.
Rios: “This better work.”
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Shot 28 (00:26-00:27)
Agnes is standing between the Borg Queen and Sirena’s engine, working on something at the Queen’s back. Her forhead is scrunched up in focus, and maybe a little bit of concern, as she turns to Rios to answer.
The Borg Queen is staring ahead with a neutral expression and doesn’t react to anything around her.
Agnes: “It probably will.”
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Shot 29 (00:27-00:28)
Close-up on Picard’s(?) hand plugging a cable sparking green energy into the Borg Queen’s back.
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Shot 30 (00:28)
Close-up on the queen, staring ahead with a sinister smile. Sirena’s engine light is glowing blue behind her shoulder. She jerks her head to the side.
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Shot 31 (00:28-00:29)
Sirena is flying close to the surface of the sun, burning up from heat or friction. Blue lights start to swirl around her, and she disappears in a flash of light, as the blue swirl continues for a bit on the path the ship would have taken and then dissipates.
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Shot 32 (00:29)
Picard, in his totalitarian coat and regalia, is standing in on stage at the rally. Behind him, the red, black, and white logo of the totalitarian regime looms on a large banner. [Same shot as earlier but in reverse]
Borg Queen: “The past…”
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Shot 33 (00:29-00:30)
Picard is walking between the vines on his vineyard, wearing a green jacket and a cap. The shot is playing in reverse.
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Shot 34 (00:30)
Picard, sitting at his seat on the bridge, is lookinig ahead stoically as sparks fly around him and the ship shakes.
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Shot 35 (00:30-00:31)
A teenager in a white shirt (possibly young Picard?) is walking down a hallway in what might be the Château. The shot is played in reverse.
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Shot 36 (00:31)
Real footage of the take-off of a Saturn V rocket. The same footage was used in the Intro of Star Trek: Enterprise.
The footage is played in reverse.
Borg Queen: “… is…”
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Shot 37 (00:31-00:32)
The Borg Queen is hanging in front of Sirena’s engine lights. Her arms are spread out wide and she has a cuff on each wrist, but they are no longer connected. Cables/tentacles sprout from her shoulders to the ceiling, as well as (seemingly) from her hands. More cables hang down from her back to the floor, and the beginning of her lower prehensile spine is just visible. She is staring at the camera ominously. The engine light a few feet behind her is glowing bright green.
Borg Queen: “…now.”
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Shot 38 (00:32)
A shot presumably through the front window (or ceiling window) of Sirena’s bridge. Colourful lights are rushing towards the window at speed, as a bright point of light at the centre approaches, growing ever brighter, until the screen fades to white.
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Shot 39 (00:35)
Scenic shot of the LA skyline over a lake and some palm trees in warm, slightly orange sunlight. [Same as trailer 2]
Agnes: “We are [cut]…”
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Shot 40 (00:35-00:36)
Picard is standing on a street corner of what is presumably L.A. in 2024, looking around with slightly sceptical wonder. It’s a quiet back alley with dumpsters and electrical lines. On the corner is a little shot with a car parked in front. Picard is wearing his grey 2024 jacket and burgundy turtleneck with the evil!Starfleet delta pinned to it. [Continuation of a shot from Trailer 3, where Picard beams in on the corner and the license plate of the car can be seen. It reads S02 E01]
Agnes: “…at a fork in the road.”
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Shot 41 (00:36-00:38)
Wide shot of Starfleet Headquarters on San Francisco Bay with the skyline of the wider city in the background. The Golden Gate Bridge, covered in solar panels. Can be seen at the side of the shot. It’s day and the scene looks very beautiful.
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A bright line appears, splitting the shot in two. On the right side, the same vista appears, thought this time it’s the totalitarian nightmare version of San Francisco. It’s night, and the planetary defence grid is visible glowing red in the night sky. The buildings appear to mostly be the same, except for the Starfleet logo on one of them in the normal shot, which has been replaced with the intricate emblem of the totalitarian regime. On the water of the bay, there is a huge holographic statue of a man called Adam Soong. He has the Soong face and the name circles around the base of the statue. Soong is has one hand behind his back and is holding up a globe the size of a football in the other.
Agnes: “Two futures.”
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Shot 42 (00:38-00:39)
The shot is split in two again. On the left, Seven and Picard, wearing 24th century jackets, are walking down a corridor on the USS Stargazer. Seven still has her Borg implants. Picard is talking, though we don’t hear him. A Lieutenant in a red Starfleet uniform is standing at attention at the side of the corridor.
On the right, Seven, in her totalitarian blazer, is walking with someone in a similar grey uniform, who is talking to her. Both have the insignia of the totalitarian regime pinned to their chests. In the background, people in black with evil!Starfleet delta badges guard a staircase Seven and her companion must have just walked down.
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Shot 43 (00:39)
Top half of the shot is a close-up of Seven’s totalitarian badge in it’s display case. The bottom half is an extreme close-up of someone, presumably Admiral Whitley, holding out a 2399/2400 Starfleet Badge.
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Shot 44 (00:39-00:40)
Rios, wearing a red Starfleet uniform and a Starfleet badge is sitting, leaning slightly to the side, smiling at something off screen. (Presumably on the bridge of the Stargazer). Another person in a red Starfleet uniform walks past behind him. Rios’s rank pips aren’t visible, possibly hidden by the collar of his uniform jacket riding up.
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Shot 45 (00:40)
Rios, wearing his 2024 grey Henley, is standing in front of a height-chart wall to get his mughsot taken. He stares grimly at the camera, holding up a sign that reads “ID No 032894” and “Castaic Deport”.
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Light flashes as he is photographed from the front, then in profile.
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(Rios is just over 6’ tall, counting the floofy hair)
Shot 46 (00:41-00:42)
The left side of the split shot is a close-up of (Romulan) Laris looking at Picard (or rather Picard’s lips). Picard is reaching a hand out to touch her face.
On the right side, Laris, now with human eyebrow and ears, is pointing a futuristic-looking weapon (or scanner?) at someone off screen. She has her hair tied up and is wearing a black blazer and blue scarf.
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Shot 47 (00:42-00:43)
On the left, the Borg Queen is being lifted up by various cables in front of Sirena’s engine lights, her lower spine clearly visible. The light behind her is flickering blue.
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On the right, Agnes is walking purposefully along what might be a parking lot in 2024 LA. She’s wearing the red ball gown, but the sleeves are ripped in a number of places and the skirt is tattered in places. It flares open to reveal she’s wearing black boots.
Behind Agnes, Seven wearing blue jeans and burgundy shirt, is sitting on the ground, slumped against a dumpster.
Picard: “This wrong…”
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Shot 48 (00:43)
On the left is a shot of Rios, Laris, and Picard in their ball clothes (tuxes and black dress). Picard is lying on the tiled floor, seemingly collapsed. Rios and Laris are bending over him. Rios holds a hand to Picard’s neck as if feeling for a pulse. Laris puts her hand on Picard’s chest.
On the right side, Raffi is standing over Elnor in alt!Sirena’s sickbay. She’s crying desperately and reaching for his head.
Picard: “…must be…”
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Shot 49 (00:43)
Picard, in black turtleneck, opens the large door to the conservatory.
Picard: “…righted.”
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Shot 50 (00:43-00:44)
Reversed shot of a young boy (Picard?) in vest and cap, opening the doors to the conservatory.
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Shot 51 (00:44-00:45)
Close-up of Raffi’s hands, wearing fingerless gloves, priming a phaser.
Guinan: “Your…”
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Shot 52 (00:45)
Picard, Laris, and Rios are standing in a grandiose room, with extremely high, arched ceilings, painted walls, and a chandelier. There are stacked chairs next to Rios and a metal rack next to Picard, so they might be in a prepping area.
Picard and Rios are in 21st century tuxedos. Picard is wearing a bow-tie, Rios a black tie and cuff-links, though he might also be wearing a name tag? Laris is wearing some off-the-shoulder dress and fancy earrings. Her eyebrows are human and her ears are hidden in her hair.
Laris is holding a slim metal device straight out at the camera. As Picard and Rios shield their eyes, bright blue light emanates from the device.
Guinan: “…answers…”
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 Shot 53 (00:45)
A cop car, overtaking other cars on a busy street.
Guinan: “…are not…”
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Shot 54 (00:46)
Seven and Raffi are sitting in the cop car. Seven is driving. Raffi looks over at Seven as if she’s about to ask a question.
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 Shot 55 (00:46-00:47)
Close-up of Guinan, sitting in her bar.
Guinan: “in the stars.”
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Shot 56 (00:47)
Agnes, wearing the torn red ball gown and flat black boots, is running along a row of cars, jumping from one boot to the next in great leaps.
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Shot 57 (00:47)
A group of Starfleet officers, phasers at the ready, are running down a corridor on the USS Stargazer. The corridor is bathed in red light from the red alert.
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Shot 58 (00:48)
Close-up of Picard grasping hands with someone. Only their hands and bits of their sleeves are visible. Picard is wearing a green-grey jacket, the other person’s sleeves have very colourful stripes.
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Shot 59 (00:48)
Q, wearing his black judges coat, is standing with Picard outside the château. Q glares at Picard and snaps his fingers angrily in front of Picard’s face.
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Shot 60 (00:48-00:49)
A woman in blue Starfleet uniform is thrown backwards by an explosion on the bridge of the USS Stargazer.
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Shot 61 (00:49-00:51)
Seven, Picard, Raffi, and Elnor, wearing their dystopian clothes, beam into the Borg Queen lab.
Picard: “We have to make our way home.”
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Shot 62 (00:51-00:52)
Guinan is smiling at Picard, as they sit at a table in Guinan’s bar together. They clink their glasses.
Picard: “Together.”
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Shot 63 (00:52)
Reverse shot of Picard, raising his glass to Guinan. The neck of a barely visible bottle of seems to indicate they’re drinking saurian brandy.
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Shot 64 (00:53)
Shot of Sirena in space. She hovers for a moment, then shoots off towards the sun in a streak of blue light.
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Masterpost Trailer 0 Trailer 1 Trailer 2 pt 1, pt 2 Trailer 3 pt 1, pt 2 Trailer 4
12 notes · View notes
mappinglasirena · 3 years
Picard Season 2, Trailer 3 (Pt 1)
This trailer was released in January 2022, in conjunction with quite a few other Star Trek new and releases. As far as I remember, it was the first time we got an announcement of the official relase date of Season 2: 3 March! (4th March internationally)
It also features the return of Guinan and Soong and some exciting hints at more things to come.
Once again, I have split this beast in two halves, but it is also a very long trailer, so proceed with wifi!
Dialogue in italics is voice over, dialogue that isn’t italicized is seen spoken on screen.
Where bits of dialogues have very clearly been cut together from different lines, I’ve indicated this by adding “[cut]”
The time codes refer to the versions of the trailers I have, your milage may vary.
My naming practices are not 100% consistent, though I did my best. I’m generally talking about the different settings of the show as
“Present” (2399-2400, when we meet our motley crew again after the events of Coppelius, at the beginning of episode 1);
“Totalitarian Nightmare” (The alternate version of the present Q throws the crew into. I’m usually referring to this as the dystopian or totalitarian present/clothes/Sanctuary Districts/whatever);
“Past” (2024, the past from the perspective of our heroes.)
I use “Sirena” and “alt!Sirena” somewhat interchangeably. Practically all of the shots of the ship in these trailers show the alternative version of the ship from the dystopian timeline, and where it’s orginial 2399 Sirena, I make that clear.
I focus so much on the clothing of the characters because that’s really helpful in grouping together shots, figuring out timelines, and trying to piece together which bits of the previews belong together. Bear with me.
Trailer 3 (Second Full Trailer), January 2022
Scene 1 (Time Travel on La Sirena, Totalitarian Nightmare)
Shot 1 (00:05-00:08)
Alt!Sirena is fleeing from three evil!Starfleet ships, who are shooting at her. (Nova-class and Steamrunner-class if I’m remembering correctly.)
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Shot 2 (00:08)
Picard and Agnes, both in their dystopian coats, are sitting on the bridge, Picard at ops, Agnes in the portside backwards seat. The ship is shaking and Picard looks troubled.
Picard: "There are some…”
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Shot 3 (00:09)
Seven, in her totalitarian blazer, is sitting at the tactical console, while Rios, in his leather jacket, is sitting in the captain’s chair but his pilot’s controls aren’t activated. Behind them, sparks rain down from the ceiling. The ship is bathed in a green-ish light and the engines are green, though it’s not clear if the Borg Queen is currently strapped to them.
Picard: "… moments…”
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Shot 4 (00:10)
Alt!Sirena is flying evasive maneuvers close to Earth, which is protected by the totalitarian hexagon detection grid. One phaser burst grazes the ship and is deflected by the shields, but she’s able to evade the other phasers and red torpedoes the evil!Starfleet ships are firing at her.
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Shot 5 (00:11)
In sickbay, Elnor is lying on a metal table, shaking and visibly in pain or distress. Raffi, in her dystopian outfit, is grabbing the strap Elnor is tied down with and leans protectively over him as the ship shakes.
The walls behind them are stacked with transport crates secured with nets.
Picard: "… that haunt us…”
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Shot 6 (00:11-00:12)
Shot through the sickbay skylight. Elnor is lying on a see-through sheet of plastic(??). Raffi is holding on to the restraints and the top corner of the table tightly. And is lying half on top of Elnor.
The light in sickbay is ominously Borg-green and there are boxes strewn all around the scuffed floor. [Same shot as Trailer 1]
Picard: "… all our lives.”
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Shot 7 (00:12-00:13)
Agnes is running towards the front of the upper deck, setting her shirt-tails flying. Rios is sitting in the captain’s chair, though still without piloting controls. Steam and sparks are just starting to shoot from the ceiling. At the very back of the ship, the Borg Queen is tied to the engine, and all the lights in the latter half of the ship have turned green.
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As Agnes runs towards the seat on the port side of the bridge, the light she just ran past turns from red to green. Seven and Picard are sitting at the tactical and ops consoles respectively, and are looking back at Agnes as she approaches.
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Shot 8 (00:13-00:14)
Alt!Sirena emerges out of a swirl of white-blue light close to the surface of the sun.
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Shot 9 (00:14)
Close-up of Agnes, looking astonished and scared, bathed in green light with the ship’s lights flashing behind her.
Picard: "Moments…”
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Shot 10 (00:14-00:17)
Shot over alt!Sirena’s shoulder as she is flying perilously close to the surface of the sun, being blasted by arcs of heat and plasma.
Picard: "… upon which history…”
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Shot 11 (00:17)
Focus on Picard, sitting at his seat on the bridge, lookinig ahead stoically as sparks fly around him and the ship shakes.
This is intercut with extremely brief glimpses of:
Picard: "… turns.”
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Shot 12 (00:18)
What seems to be an astronaut in a 20th/21st century black and white snoopy cap is reaching a thickly gloved hand for a metal object hanging in the foreground of the shot. The astronaut’s face is out of focus and unrecognizable.
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 Shot 13 (00:18)
Back to Picard on the bridge.
 Shot 14 (00:18)
A white-haired member of the Soong family is standing in a dark room (based on the pattern of shadows it could be the château conservatory at night). He is looking towards someone behind the camera with an almost evil grin.
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Shot 15 (00:18)
Back to Picard.
Shot 16 (00:18)
Shot of the hands and a leg? of someone in a dark outfit that looks like a mix of catsuit and Elvish armour. They’re holding what looks like an Elvish blade in their right hand.
Blurry in the background might be one of alt!Sirena’s storage containers.
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Shot 17 (00:19)
Back to Picard.
Shot 18 (00:19)
Close-up of Laris’s face. She has her Romulan ears and eyebrows. She is looking either very sad or very romantic. Picard is close to her and he’s reaching out for her face
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Shot 19 (00:19)
Back to Picard.
Shot 20 (00:19)
The Borg Queen is being raised in her presentation arc past the railing at the centre of the totalitarian rally.
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Shot 21 (00:19)
Back to Picard on the bridge, which fades to white.
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  Scene 2 (Waking up in alt!La Barre, TN)
Shot 22 (00:21-00:24)
Close-up of Picard’s face in his dystopian black leather jacket, as he wakes up in the château conservatory. He looks around and then up in confusion.
 Q: “Well hello, my friend.”
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Shot 23 (00:25)
Shot of the glass ceiling of the conservatory. The sky outside is fading from blue to orange in either sunrise or sunset. A grid of bright orange lines draws the large connected hexagonal shapes of the planetary forcefield across the sky.
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Shot 24 (00:26)
Picard, in his black leather jacket, enters the château from a courtyard. Outside, it’s sunny, but inside the lamps are still burning.
Picard: “What is this?”
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Shot 25 (00:27)
Picard looks back at someone or something, looking confused and worried.
Picard: “What have you done?”
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Shot 26 (00:28-00:30)
An oil painting of the battle version of the Enterprise D (I think), fighting and destroying Borg Cubes hangs on the château’s wall.
Q: “Welcome to the…”
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Shot 27 (00:30-00:33)
Q, in his black judges robe, is standing in front of Picard in the château.
Q: “… road not taken.”
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Shot 28 (00:33-00:34)
Reverse shot of Picard looking at Q with a severe expression.
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Scene 3 (Collection of shots, present, TN, and 2024)
Shot 29 (00:34-00:35)
Zoom in on Earth from space (à la Google Earth). The planet is covered by the hexagonal defense grid, which is partially hidden by clouds. The shot zooms in on La Barre in France.
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Shot 30 (00:36-00:37)
Seven is standing in front of an opened metal wardrobe in someone’s quarters on La Sirena. She’s wearing her burgundy jacket and staring at a mirror that’s currently hidden from view. It’s difficult to guess whose clothes are hanging in the closet. The lights are flickering unsteadily. [Same shot as Trailer 2]
Agnes(?): “Do you have any…”
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Shot 31 (00:37)
View over Seven’s shoulder at the hexagonal mirror. Seven looks critically at herself and touches her de-borged left eyebrow. [Same shot as Trailer 2]
Agnes(?): “… idea what’s… ?”
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Shot 32 (00:37-00:38)
Two people in black tactical armour stand on top of a platform or wall, behind chest-high railing. They’re training their rifles on something nearer the ground and one of them fires a shot. The left eyes of their tactical helmets are red, the right ones white. [Same shot as Trailer 2]
Agnes(?): “… happening here?”
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Shot 33 (00:38--00:39)
Elnor in his street clothes runs through some market stalls and clears an obstacle with a skilled jump as the display behind him explodes from a phaser blast. [Same shot as Trailer 2]
Seven: “Reality… [cut].”
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Shot 34 (00:39-00:40)
A woman in blue Starfleet uniform is working on a console near the turbolift on the USS Stargazer. A figure is lying unmoving in the entrance of the turbolift. The ship is at red alert.
There’s an explosion in the wall behind the woman and she is thrown backwards against the wall.
Seven: “… has been broken.”
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Shot 35 (00:40)
Shot of a corridor of the USS Stargazer. The lights are blinking a red alert as masses of sparks burst out of of wall and ceiling panels.
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Shot 36 (00:41)
Agnes, wearing her blue blazer with a United Federation of Planets pin is standing on the bridge of the Stargazer. She whips around with a worried look as the panel behind her flickers. A thick black tentacle(? Data cable?) can just be seen taught across the front of the shot.
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Shot 37 (00:41-00:42)
Seven wakes up in her bed in the totalitarian nightmare with a start. The left half of her face is hidden behind her hand on the pillow.
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Shot 38 (00:42-00:44)
Rios, in his dystopian black leather jacket, stands on the bridge of alt!Sirena, having just arrived in the totalitarian nightmare. He looks around in confusion and alarm.
Picard: “There is… ”
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Scene 3 (Picard visits Guinan, TN)
Shot 39 (00:44-00:45)
Picard, wearing a black turtleneck and black coat, is walking down a back alley in what could conceivably pass as a 21st century US city.
Picard: “…a divergence.”
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Shot 40 (00:45-00:46)
He looks up at a street sign, which informs us the street is called “Forward Avenue” in LA’s Historic District.
Picard: “I know someone…”
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Shot 41 (00:46-00:47)
He enters through a set of open doors into a building. Above the doors, there’s a golden number 10 as a name for the bar.
Picard: “… who could help us…”
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Shot 42 (00:47-00:49)
Picard walks through a seating area of a bar towards the counter. The bar is relatively empty. There are a few human-looking people and an Andorian in the back.
(For the many references to earlier Trek check out discussions on twitter and elsewhere)
Picard: “… understand the change in time.”
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Shot 43 (00:51-00:55)
Guinan, wearing a purple robe and characteristic hat, is standing behind the bar with her back to Picard.
Guinan: “I’m gonna need some tea. Earl Grey. Piping hot.”
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Shot 44 (00:56-00:59)
Picard spreads his arms wide, smiling at Guinan. She walks over to him and they hug.
Picard: “Hello, Guinan.”
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Shot 45 (00:59-01:01)
Guinan pours Picard some alcohol. They’ve sat down at one of the bar’s low tables, and there is someone who might be a Romulan or Vulcan, standing in the background.
Guinan: “Your answers are not…”
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Shot 46 (01:01-01:02)
Reverse shot of Picard, looking pensively at Guinan.
Guinan: “… in the stars.”
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Shot 47 (01:02-01:03)
Close-up of Guinan
Guinan: “And they never have been.”
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Masterpost Trailer 0 Trailer 1 Trailer 2 pt 1, pt 2 Trailer 3 pt 2 Trailer 4 Trailer 5
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mappinglasirena · 3 years
Picard Season 2, Trailer 0
My numbering is very much all over the place and I apologize for it in advance.
This is the teaser they dropped on First Contact Day, in April 2021. It’s not really a trailer as such, it’s barely even a teaser, since it’s merely a shot of the château set with some hints. I wasn’t originally going to count it, and when I decided to do that, I already had my numbering in place, hence trailer 0.
(I never said this was going to be professional 😋)
Shot-by-shot transcription under the cut.
Dialogue in italics is voice over, dialogue that isn’t italicized is seen spoken on screen.
Where bits of dialogues have very clearly been cut together from different lines, I’ve indicated this by adding “[cut]”
The time codes refer to the versions of the trailers I have, your milage may vary.
My naming practices are not 100% consistent, though I did my best. I’m generally talking about the different settings of the show as
“Present” (2399-2400, when we meet our motley crew again after the events of Coppelius, at the beginning of episode 1);
“Totalitarian Nightmare” (The alternate version of the present Q throws the crew into. I’m usually referring to this as the dystopian or totalitarian present/clothes/Sanctuary Districts/whatever);
“Past” (2024, the past from the perspective of our heroes.)
I use “Sirena” and “alt!Sirena” somewhat interchangeably. Practically all of the shots of the ship in these trailers show the alternative version of the ship from the dystopian timeline, and where it’s orginial 2399 Sirena, I make that clear.
I focus so much on the clothing of the characters because that’s really helpful in grouping together shots, figuring out timelines, and trying to piece together which bits of the previews belong together. Bear with me.
Trailer 0 (First Teaser), First Contact Day, April 2021
Patrick Stewart opens by talking about the production of Season 2 having started recently. While he’s speaking, behind the scenes footage of Dreharbeiten in his La Barre library can be seen.
Shot 1 (00:24-00:27)
Picard talking to Admiral Whitley.
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Shot 2 (00:30-00:34)
Picard sitting in his arm chair, wearing the same black turtle neck as in the scene before
Shot 3 (00:35-00:43)
Picard (in black turtleneck) takes a communicator from Admiral Whitley.
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Shot 4 (00:54-00:59)
Zoom-in on the château (season 1)
Picard: “The true final frontier is time.” 
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Shot 5 (01:00-01:05)
Pan across the empty study, focus on Picard’s clock, broken Bajoran tablet
Picard: “Time can turn even our most impulsive…”
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Shot 6 (01:05-01:09)
Close-up Painting of the Enterprise-D
Picard: “… our most ill-considered actions…” 
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Shot 7 (01:09-01:12)
Shot of Picard’s desk. Focus on model of the Stargazer, red teacup, books, hour glass 
Picard: “… into history.” 
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Shot 8 (01:12-01:14)
Close-up of Picard’s Nemesis-era communicator in a display box. 
Picard: “What we do in a crisis…” 
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Shot 9 (01:14-01:17)
Close-up of cloth-bound cover of Paradise Lost
Picard: “… often weighs on us less heavily…” 
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Shot 10 (01:17-01:24)
Close-up of Picard’s model of the Stargazer.
Picard: “… than what we wish we had done. What could have been.”
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Shot 11 (01:24-01:27)
Close-up of an hourglass running backwards as green light flashes in a lens-flare. 
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Shot 12 (01:27-01:44)
Zoom in on a chess-table with two chairs. On the table is a deck of cards with the Queen of Hearts lying face up.
Picard: “Time offers so many opportunities, but never second chances.”
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The card starts to disintegrate, leaving only the “Q” behind as the rest of the image fades to black.
Q: “The trial never ends.” *cackles evilly*
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Masterpost Trailer 1 Trailer 2 pt 1, pt 2 Trailer 3 pt 1, pt 2 Trailer 4 Trailer 5
8 notes · View notes
mappinglasirena · 3 years
Picard Season 2 Trailer Deep Dive
The Premiere of Star Trek: Picard Season 2 is upon us! I was planning to do a whole lot of trailer analysis beforehand, but alas, for various reasons it didn’t come together. I haven’t been entirely idle, though.
Whenever I’ve been under the weather over the last few weeks, I spent some of my time (when I wasn’t able to do much else) going through the six trailers we’ve seen so far in detail. (I’m excluding the previews that have been shared in the last week as part of the Discovery Ready Room. If you want to see those, may I point you here and here).
Because I am a ridiculous nerd with archival obsessions, I transcribed the trailers and screenshotted them. Mostly to get a thorough record for myself, so I can check off the scenes as season 2 progresses and can keep an eye out for what we’ve seen and what is still to come. Of course, we already know that a whole lot of the shots from these trailers will be from episode 1, which is airing (the day after) tomorrow. But there are still some juicy mysteries left!
I thought maybe this might interest some of you as well, ridiculous and meticulous as it is, so I’m going to post the trailer transcripts over the course of the evening. If I get around to it, I might even add some summaries/speculations/etc., but I know better by now than to make promises ;9
I will tag everything with “picard season 2″ as I have done previously, so please remember to block that tag if you don’t want to see any spoilers. Since a lot of these posts will be very long, they will mostly be hidden behind read-more’s, but I might occasionally have a picture or some information above the cut that could already be a spoiler for you. Proceed at your own discretion ;)
And if you want to avoid the sudden onslaught of spam (there will be 8 posts in total), you should probably mute my dedicated trailer tag: “extrailervaganza” ;)
7 notes · View notes
mappinglasirena · 3 years
Picard Season 2, Trailer 2 (Pt 1)
This is the first full trailer we got, released on Star Trek Day in September 2021, and at just over 2 minutes, it is also the longest. We finall got a better idea of some of the things expecting us this season, including Los Angeles in 2024, Raffi and Seven bickering and being badass, The Conservatory Of Fate And Mystery, and the Borg Queen in action. Lots of fascinating stuff!
Fair warning: I’ve split this trailer in half, but this post is still extremely long! And has a ton of images, so mobile users beware 😅
Dialogue in italics is voice over, dialogue that isn’t italicized is seen spoken on screen.
Where bits of dialogues have very clearly been cut together from different lines, I’ve indicated this by adding “[cut]”
The time codes refer to the versions of the trailers I have, your milage may vary.
My naming practices are not 100% consistent, though I did my best. I’m generally talking about the different settings of the show as
“Present” (2399-2400, when we meet our motley crew again after the events of Coppelius, at the beginning of episode 1);
“Totalitarian Nightmare” (The alternate version of the present Q throws the crew into. I’m usually referring to this as the dystopian or totalitarian present/clothes/Sanctuary Districts/whatever);
“Past” (2024, the past from the perspective of our heroes.)
I use “Sirena” and “alt!Sirena” somewhat interchangeably. Practically all of the shots of the ship in these trailers show the alternative version of the ship from the dystopian timeline, and where it’s orginial 2399 Sirena, I make that clear.
I focus so much on the clothing of the characters because that’s really helpful in grouping together shots, figuring out timelines, and trying to piece together which bits of the previews belong together. Bear with me.
Trailer 2 (First Full Trailer), Star Trek Day, September 2021
Scene 1 (Château Picard, present)
Shot 1 (00:00-00:03)
Picard, in back turtleneck, opens the large door to the conservatory.
Laris: “I first saw you as…”
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Shot 2 (00:03-00:05)
Picard looks into the conservatory.
Laris: “… a man who chose the stars.”
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Shot 3 (00:06-00:08)
Picard kneels down in the centre of the run-down conservatory.
Laris: “But after all this time…”
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Shot 4 (00:08-00:09)
Picard picks up a shard of glass from the floor.
Laris: “… I’ve come to wonder.”
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Shot 5 (00:09-00:10)
He lifts the shard to hold it against the light.
Laris: “Have you been seeking?”
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Shot 6 (00:10-00:12)
Close-up of the shard, which shows a delicate rose motif in red and green.
Laris: “Or running?”
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  Scene 2 (Château, Totalitarian Nightmare)
Shot 7 (00:12-00:13)
Picard wakes up in the alternate present conservatory.
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Shot 8 (00:13-00:14)
Reversed shot of a young boy (Picard?) in vest and cap, opening the doors to the conservatory, walking into its centre, and turning in circles staring up at the sky (windows?). The shot flickers and flips upside down and back again, as it accellarates.
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Shot 9 (00:15-00:17)
Exterior of the château.
Q: “Do you recall what I said, Jean-Luc…”
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Shot 10 (00:17-00:22)
Shot panning from close-up of Picard’s face to Q standing in the château in his black judge’s coat.
Q: “…when last we parted ways?”
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Shot 11 (00:22-00:24)
Fade in from black on Q standing in front of Picard. He starts talking in voiceover, then it’s diegetic.
Q: “The trial never ends.”
Picard: “Q.”
 Shot 12 (00:25-00:28)
Probably different location in, or on the terrace of the château. Picard shakes his head in annoyance, telling Q off.
Picard: “I am way too old for your…”
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Shot 13 (00:28-00:28)
Q angrily stares at Picard.
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Picard: “… bullshit.”
Q drowns out the end of the word with a snap of his fingers.
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 Scene 3 (Collection of scenes, TN)
Shot 14 (00:29-00:31)
Drone’s-eye view of neon-lit Hong Kong at night. There’s an explosion near the top of a skyscraper and sirens blare in the distance.
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Shot 15 (00:32-00:33)
Elnor and two women are running away from something. Elnor is in his street clothes and their surroundings look like the futuristic sanctuary districts. The woman running behind Elnor might be Oh?
Rios: “Guys?”
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Shot 16 (00:33-00:34)
Rios in his present-jacket is leaning on something (or kneeling) at the back of La Sirena’s upper deck. The engine lights have been partially disassembled, but they are blue, and the Borg Queen is not attached to them (anymore?).
Rios: “We have big problems.”
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Shot 17 (00:34-00:36)
Picard, dressed in black, is looking over his shoulder with question and concern. Judging from the lights, he’s on Sirena.
Rios: “Something moved us.”
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Shot 18 (00:36)
Rios standing on the bridge of alt!Sirena after just having appeared in the Totalitarian Nightmare, looking startled and worried.
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Shot 19 (00:37)
Seven and Picard in their totalitarian outfits, sitting at Sirena’s tactical and nav stations respectively, are thrown forwards against the consoles.
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Shot 20 (00:37-38)
Shot of Rios shortly after his arrival, falling forwards against Sirena’s central console.
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Scene 4 (Rally and Slum, Totalitarian Nightmare)
 Shot 21 (00:39-00:41)
Fade-in on the assembly hall. There are red-and-white banners, a red lighting scheme, a pit from which the Borg Queen will be raised, and crowds of people cheering in the stands.
Picard: “Q went back in time…”
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Shot 22 (00:41)
Picard and Seven, in full authoritarian chique, are standing on the stage, looking uncomfortable.
Picard: “… and turned…”
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Shot 23 (00:42)
Focus on Picard, standing stoically in front of one of the red banners.
Picard: “… our world…”
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Shot 24 (00:43)
Shot over the heads of the cheering crowd, pumping their fists in the air. They seem to be wearing warm clothes, many rough-spun hoods and fingerless gloves.
Picard: “… into a…”
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Shot 25 (00:43)
Two people in full black tactical armour hurry down the Future Sanctuary District street past market stalls. They have their rifles raised and the left eye holes of their black helmets are glowing red.
Picard: “… totalitarian…”
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Shot 26 (00:44)
Two people in black tactical armour stand on top of a platform or wall, behind chest-high railing. They’re training their rifles on something nearer the ground and one of them fires a shot. The left eyes of their tactical helmets are red, the right ones white.
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Shot 27 (00:44-00:45)
Elnor in his street clothes runs through some market stalls and clears an obstacle with a skilled jump as the display behind him explodes from a phaser blast.
Picard: “… nightmare.”
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Shot 28 (00:45)
Seven is standing in front of an opened metal wardrobe in someone’s quarters on La Sirena. She’s wearing her burgundy jacket and staring at a mirror that’s currently hidden from view. It’s difficult to guess whose clothes are hanging in the closet. The lights are flickering unsteadily.
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Shot 29 (00:45-00:47)
View over Seven’s shoulder at the hexagonal mirror. Seven looks critically at herself and touches her de-borged left eyebrow. Then she drops her hand.
Seven: “Do you understand what this means?”
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 Scene 5 (In front of concert hall, TN)
Shot 30 (00:47-00:48)
Seven, in totalitarian blazer, is addressing the others.
Seven: “Time has been broken.”
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Shot 31 (00:48-00:49)
Elnor, in his street clothes, is looking from Picard to Raffi, looking concerned.
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Shot 32 (00:49-00:52)
Elnor, Raffi, and Picard are walking away from the concert hall. The slightly curved wall they walk along is festooned with red-black-white banners. Raffi is wearing her dystopian coat, Picard his totalitarian jacket. Raffi is holding onto Elnor’s arm as they walk. Picard is talking with determination (dialogue fading in from voiceover in previous shot).
Picard: “I will get us home. Together.”
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Scene 6 (Château, Totalitarian Nightmare)
Shot 33 (00:53-  00:54)
Picard, in his dystopian biker jacket, is standing in the château, staring at something off screen in concern.
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Shot 34 (00:54-00:56)
Reverse shot, looking over Picard’s shoulder at a portrait of a younger Picard. Instead of the expected red and white TOS-movie-era uniform, the man in the portrait is wearing a black uniform with a grey collar, and the delta pinned to his chest is symmetrical.
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Picard approaches the painting and touches it with awe or dread.
Picard: “The only way to heal our future…”
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Scene 7 (Borg Queen lab, TN)
Shot 35 (00:56-00:58)
Looking over Picard’s shoulder at Seven, Raffi, Elnor, and Agnes standing in the Borg Queen lab.
Picard: “… is to go back and…”
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Shot 36 (00:58)
Picard, in his totalitarian coat, is standing in the Borg Queen lab, looking at Agnes and the others off screen.
Picard: “… repair the past.”
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Shot 37 (01:00-01:02)
A door with a small window in it lifts upward with a pneumatic whoosh and release of mist. We’re looking out at the cluttered Borg Queen lab. Seven is standing closest to the door, Picard, Raffi, and Elnor stand behind her. Agnes cannot be seen.
Seven is breathing deeply and all of them look deeply concerned.
Picard: “There are…”
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Shot 38 (01:02-01:03)
Picard is walking forward purposefully. Seven, over his right shoulder, is looking calm, Raffi, over his left shoulder, looks concerned, and Elnor looks like he’s reaching out for Raffi’s arm or hand.
Picard: “… ways of…”
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Shot 39 (01:03-01:04)
Focus on Seven, who’s taking a few steps backward, looking scared.
Picard: “… traveling in time.”
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Shot 40 (01:04-01:06)
The rig holding the Borg Queen slides forward into view. When it stops, the forcefield around her flashes once.
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Shot 41 (01:06-01:08)
Picard is staring ahead with intensity. Raffi, Elnor, and Agnes stand behind him.
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Agnes: “Great.”
Elnor looks over at her.
Shot 42 (01:08-01:09)
Focus on Agnes. She glances towards the others, then looks back at Picard.
Agnes: “Now what?”
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 Scene 8 (Time Travel on La Sirena)
Shot 43 (01:09-01:10)
Close-up of Picard’s(?) hand plugging a cable sparking green energy into the Borg Queen’s back.
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Shot 44 (01:10-01:11)
Close-up on the queen, staring ahead with a sinister smile. Sirena’s engine light is glowing blue behind her shoulder. She jerks her head to the side.
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Shot 45 (01:11-01:14)
Chaotic, overlaying images of the crew on the bridge of Sirena. The engine light in the background (with the Borg Queen strapped to it, though too out of focus to be visible) is glowing green. Sparks are flying and lights flashing as we see the faces overlayed with extreme close-ups of Picard, Rios, Raffi, and Seven, looking ahead in a mix of concern and astonishment.
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Masterpost Trailer 0 Trailer 1 Trailer 2 pt 2 Trailer 3 pt 1, pt 2 Trailer 4 Trailer 5
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mappinglasirena · 3 years
Picard Season 2, Trailer 1
This is the first real teaser we got of ST:PIC Season 2. I don’T strictly remember what the context was for this. I think there was a Paramount + event and in that context they dropped a whole number of trailers and announcements? But I’m not 100 % sure anymore.
This trailer did give us a first glimpse of a few important bits of setting, though.
(Fair warning: Long post with lots of pictures ahead!)
Dialogue in italics is voice over, dialogue that isn’t italicized is seen spoken on screen.
Where bits of dialogues have very clearly been cut together from different lines, I’ve indicated this by adding “[cut]”
The time codes refer to the versions of the trailers I have, your milage may vary.
My naming practices are not 100% consistent, though I did my best. I’m generally talking about the different settings of the show as:
“Present” (2399-2400, when we meet our motley crew again after the events of Coppelius, at the beginning of episode 1);
“Totalitarian Nightmare” (The alternate version of the present Q throws the crew into. I’m usually referring to this as the dystopian or totalitarian present/clothes/Sanctuary Districts/whatever);
“Past” (2024, the past from the perspective of our heroes.)
I use “Sirena” and “alt!Sirena” somewhat interchangeably. Practically all of the shots of the ship in these trailers show the alternative version of the ship from the dystopian timeline, and where it’s orginial 2399 Sirena, I make that clear.
I focus so much on the clothing of the characters because that’s really helpful in grouping together shots, figuring out timelines, and trying to piece together which bits of the previews belong together. Bear with me.
Trailer 1 (Second Teaser)
Scene 1 (Château Picard, Totalitarian Nightmare)
Shot 1 (00:00-00:05)
Château Picard, exterior
Picard: “Laris? Laris?”
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Shot 2 (00:05-00:08)
Picard walks into the house from the terrace. He’s wearing his dystopian leather jacket and the evil Starfleet delta.
Picard: “Laris!”
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Shot 3 (00:08-00:14)
Picard: “What the hell is happening here?”
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He leans on the table, exasperated.
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Q: “Excellent question, Jean-Luc.”
Picard looks up in shock.
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Shot 4 (00:15-00:19)
Q: “Oh dear.”
 Picard approaches, looking incredulous
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Q: “You’re a bit older than I imagined.”
 Shot 5 (00:20-00:22)
Fade-in on Q in black judge’s coat.
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Q: “Mon capitain. How I’ve missed you.”
 Shot 6 (00:23-00:24)
Picard looks quietly furious.
 Picard: “Q.”
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 Shot 7 (00:24-00:25)
Q approaches Picard, smiling
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 Scene 2 (Starfleet Academy, Present)
Shot 8 (00:26-00:28)
Close-up of the Starfleet Command Emblem on a blue carpet.
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Shot 9 (00:28-00:30)
Q: “Welcome, my friend…”
Picard is standing at a podium in his Admiral’s uniform. Other Starfleet officials are sitting on a semi-circular stage behind him, with flags of Federation members and Starfleet Academy between them. Raffi, in gold uniform, is sitting on his right.  [cf. Trailer 5]
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Shot 10 (00:29-00:30)
Semi close-up of Picard, looking up from his podium with dignity
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Q: “… to the very end…”
Scene 3 (Rapid Shots, Present, Totalitarian Nightmare (2024?) )
Shot 11 (00:30-00:31)
Raffi, wearing a long coat, and Elnor in street clothes are running away through a dark alley (probably in the dystopian future version of a Sanctuary District or something similar). They are holding on to each other, turning away from the dead(?) body lying on the neon-lit street behind them. The body is holding a phaser and might be wearing a dark uniform.
Q: “… of the road…”
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Shot 12 (00:31-00:33)
Laris, in a wool jumper and coat, pulling off green gloves (and still with Romulan ears and eyebrows), is taking a step out of the château, staring in wonder (or trepidation?) at a light growing brighter as it shines on her.
Q: “… not taken.”
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Shot 13 (00:33-00:33)
Sunlight through a tree between sky-scrapers.
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Shot 14 (00:34-00:35)
Soji, in her white diplomat’s costume, is standing in front of a concert hall with large fountains. She turns around with a laugh.
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Shot 15 (00:35-00:36)
Close-up of Soji in white costume, looking serious. Her hair is tied back slick on one side and wavy on the other (like a mix between Soji and Dahj), and she’s wearing a pin of the fractal cloning rings and a round blue United Federation of Planets pin.
Borg Queen: “Time…”
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Shot 16 (00:36-00:37)
Close-Up of Agnes on La Sirena in her white lab coat looking up slowly. You can just make out the light of the transporter platform behind her.
Borg Queen: “… has been broken.”
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Shot 17 (00:37-00:38)
Rios stands on the bridge of alt!Sirena. He’s wearing a black biker jacket similar to Picard’s and also wears the evil!Starfleet delta. He looks around at himself in shock and disbelief.
Picard: “We…”
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Shot 18 (00:38-00:39)
Close-up of Rios’s chest. He’s slowly raising his fingers to the strange delta on his chest.
Picard: “… can save the future, and [cut]”
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Shot 19 (00:39-00:41)
Focus on Picard, wearing his totalitarian coat, standing in the borg lab with Raffi, Elnor, and Agnes visible behind him.
Picard: “… I [cut] will get us home. Together.”
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Scene 4 (Seven’s Apartment, Totalitarian Nightmare)
Shot 20 (00:41-00:43)
Seven wakes with a start. She’s lying in a luxurious bed in a night dress, her left eye hidden behind her hand.
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Shot 21 (00:44-00-46)
Seven sits up in bed. The apartment is large and luxurious. The other side of the bed has been slept in, but nobody else is there.
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Shot22 (00:47-00:48)
Seven, having thrown on a shirt, walks towards the camera. The left half of her face is hidden by lights.
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Shot 23 (00:48-00:51)
Close-up of make-up on a vanity. The shot pans to Seven’s red pin in a display case.
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Shot 24 (00:51-00:53)
Back to Seven, half-hidden behind lights. She looks up and does a double take.
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Shot 25 (00:53-00:55)
Seven sees herself in a mirror and stares in shock. She is wearing what could be a man’s blue-green shirt. Her implant is gone from the left side of her face.
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Shot 26 (00:55-00:59)
Seven approaches the mirror. She touches her face in disbelief. She’s wearing what looks like a wedding ring.
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Masterpost Trailer 0  Trailer 2 pt 1, pt 2 Trailer 3 pt 1, pt 2 Trailer 4 Trailer 5
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mappinglasirena · 3 years
Picard Season 2, Trailer 4
Thils trailer (a teaser, really), was posted by the official Star Trek account on twitter in February 22 - and then deleted again a few hours (or maybe a day) later. Not entirely sure what happened there, but I was lucky enough to get my hands on the trailer anyway, so here it is.
This trailer is short and extremely high-energy and has a few shots spliced together in an artsy, high-energy way. If there are strange artifacts in some of the screenshots, that’s why ;)
Dialogue in italics is voice over, dialogue that isn’t italicized is seen spoken on screen.
Where bits of dialogues have very clearly been cut together from different lines, I’ve indicated this by adding “[cut]”
The time codes refer to the versions of the trailers I have, your milage may vary.
My naming practices are not 100% consistent, though I did my best. I’m generally talking about the different settings of the show as
“Present” (2399-2400, when we meet our motley crew again after the events of Coppelius, at the beginning of episode 1);
“Totalitarian Nightmare” (The alternate version of the present Q throws the crew into. I’m usually referring to this as the dystopian or totalitarian present/clothes/Sanctuary Districts/whatever);
“Past” (2024, the past from the perspective of our heroes.)
I use “Sirena” and “alt!Sirena” somewhat interchangeably. Practically all of the shots of the ship in these trailers show the alternative version of the ship from the dystopian timeline, and where it’s orginial 2399 Sirena, I make that clear.
I focus so much on the clothing of the characters because that’s really helpful in grouping together shots, figuring out timelines, and trying to piece together which bits of the previews belong together. Bear with me.
Trailer 4 (Third Teaser), Posted on twitter then deleted, Jan’22
Shot 1 (00:00)
Drone’s-eye view of neon-lit Hong Kong at night. There’s an explosion near the top of a skyscraper.
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Shot 2 (00:00-00:01)
Extreme close-up of Agnes’s eyes. They’re bathed in green light.
Picard: “The future [cut]…”
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Shot 3 (00:01)
Two evil!Starfleet vessels exploding in space over Earth. Earth is spanned by the hexagonal defence grid.
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Shot 4 (00:02)
Picard, in a cable-knit jumper, and Laris with her Romulan ears and eyebrows are standing close together and leaning in towards each other. It looks like they might be about to kiss…
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Shot 5 (00:02)
Zoom in on Earth from space (à la Google Earth). The planet is covered by the hexagonal defense grid, which is partially hidden by clouds. The shot zooms in on La Barre in France.
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Shot 6 (00:02-00:03)
Q and Picard are standing in a pergola, over what look to be the vineyards of Château Picard. Q is wearing his black judges coat, Picard his dystopian black leather jacket.
Between them, an antique gramophone stands on a low table.
Picard looks around himself in annoyance or confusion.
Picard: “…has been altered.”
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Shot 7 (00:04)
View of Earth through the front window of alt!Sirena. There is no planetary security net or any other orbital installation visible.
Rios is sitting in the captain’s chair, with piloting controls active in front of him.
Picard is sitting at ops and Seven at tactical. They are both wearing their totalitarian outfits.
Picard: “And I’m here…”
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Shot 8 (00:04-00:05)
La Sirena (in grey colouring) approaches Earth at speed. As she enters the atmosphere, she burns from the friction along the hull. Earth does not seem to have any significant orbital activity and there is no defense grid.
Picard: “to save…”
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Shot 9 (00:06)
Picard, wearing his 2024 jacket, is sitting in the examination room (boxes of files locked behind grates), talking with purpose to someone off screen.
Picard: “…the entire galaxy.”
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Shot 10 (00:07-00:08)
Elnor in his street clothes runs through some market stalls and clears an obstacle with a skilled jump as the display behind him explodes from a phaser blast.
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Shot 11 (00:08-00:09)
Extreme close-up of a woman’s hands, holding the little blue vial Q gave Soong. Attached to the vial is a little yellow tag with the type-written label “Freedom”. The woman is wearing a knit white (or cream) jumper. (Soji??)
Seven: “Time…”
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Shot 12 (00:09-00:10)
The Borg Queen is being lifted up by various cables in front of Sirena’s engine lights, her lower spine clearly visible. The light behind her is bright green. [In another trailer, it’s still blue in this shot.]
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This is overlayed with a shot of Sirena in space. She hovers for a moment, then shoots off towards the sun in a streak of blue light.
Seven: “… has been broken.”
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Shot 13 (00:11)
A man in what might be gardener’s clothing (short-sleeved shirt, apron or overall, straw hat) is pointing Picard up a set of stairs. The man’s eyes are completely white.
Picard is wearing his 2024 jacket and burgundy turtleneck.
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Shot 14 (00:11-00:12)
Rios, presumably having just arrived in the totalitarian nightmare, is standing on the bridge of alt!Sirena. Outside the front window, a Vulcan ship is flying by, being pursued by other Kaplan F17’s (same model and now grey colour as La Sirena). The Vulcan ship is shooting at Sirena and as a shot hits the blue-flaring shields. Rios gets shaken and loses his footing.
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Shot 15 (00:12)
Raffi and Seven are standing on some kind of metal walkway, unclear where exactly. Raffi is wearing her 2024 outfit and Seven is wearing her red leather jacket. They turn towards each other as Raffi speaks.
Raffi: “Not if we can help it.”
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Shot 16 (00:12-00:13)
A shot of Raffi and Seven’s stolen cop car racing by (with Raffi looking out of the window in alarm) is spliced with a shot of Raffi in the car, screaming or shouting.
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Shot 17 (00:13-00:14)
Seven, Picard, Raffi, and Elnor, wearing their dystopian clothes, beam into the Borg Queen lab.
Agnes(??): “Who are you?”
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Shot 18 (00:15)
alt!Sirena is racing through space, evading phaser fire.
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Shot 19 (00:15-00:16)
Seven, wearing her totalitarian blazer, is kneeling on the floor of alt!Sirena’s bridge. She fires a phaser (or disruptor) at a person in an evil!Starfleet uniform who is lying on the floor next to the railing to the lower deck, just about to get up again. As she is hit, the person disintegrates into red mist.
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Shot 20 (00:16)
Rios is punching a man in a black leather jacket. They’re in what seems to be the Château conservatory during the day. Rios is wearing his 2024 jacket, and Picard, who is standing in the background, is in jeans and his 2024 jacket as well.
It’s difficult to tell, but the black-clad goon might have black veins on his face as well.
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Shot 21 (00:16)
Elnor kicks a man in an Evil!Starfleet uniform. The man flies backwards into a glass wall. (This might take place on the set of the Artifact formerly known as Borg Cube?)
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Shot 22 (00:17)
Rios, wearing a tux and black tie, is talking to someone with dark brown hair about a head shorter than him. We can only see the back of the other person’s head. (Could conceivably be Soji, though Soji gets shorter hair at some point during season 2.)
It’s difficult to say where they are, but blurry in the background are a wooden door frame and a door, yellow-painted walls, a large white objcet of unknown purpose hanging next to a door — it looks like a 2020’s room, maybe in the operational area of a event venue.
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Shot 23 (00:17-00:18)
The detective/lawyer/? who goes on to interview Picard is standing in front of the metal table in the interview room. We cannot see his face, since the focus is on his hands. In one hand, he has a Manila envelope. In the other, he holds an evil!Starfleet delta badge. As he twists it in his fingers, it’s clear the badge has one line, which fits with Rios’s rank insignia.
There is a very 21st century coffee thermos mug on the table, and in the background, shelves of boxes are locked behind grates.
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Shot 24 (00:18-00:19)
A shot of Sirena flying close to the surface of the sun and disappearing in a swirl of blue light is spliced with a shot of Agnes, wearing her red ball gown and black boots, running along a row of cars, jumping from one boot to another in great leaps. This is spliced with a shot of Q, in his black judges robe, walking purposefully towards Picard.
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Shot 25 (00:20)
Shot from the interior of the prisoner transport bus. Raffi, in fingerless gloves, is standing in the opening door, pointing something at a person off screen as Seven pulls the door open wider. A blast of what looks like a transparent shockwave shoots from the device Raffi is holding.
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Shot 26 (00:21)
Sirena evades a bunch of red torpedos being shot at her from opponents off screen behind her. She shoots a couple of green torpedos behind her, as red phaser fire is aimed towards her from off screen.
Picard: “You…”
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Shot 27 (00:21)
Picard, in his totalitarian coat, is sitting at Sirena’s ops console, while Rios, in his leather jacket, is sitting in the captain’s chair but his pilot’s controls aren’t activated. Behind them, sparks rain down from the ceiling. The ship is bathed in a green-ish light and the engines are green, though it’s not clear if the Borg Queen is currently strapped to them.
Picard: “…really…”
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Shot 28 (00:21-00:22)
Close-up of Seven, in her ranger jacket and still with her Borg implant, looking grim, perhaps engaged in a fight. She’s on the upper deck of La Sirena, which still has all her red detailing and red glow to the engine lights.
Picard: “…don’t…”
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Shot 29 (00:22-00:23)
Seven tackles someone and together, they fall through the opening in the deck down onto a pallet lying in the middle of the walkway of the lower deck. The railing that should prevent such a fall seems to be missing in that particular section at the back of the cut-out.
Various cargo containers (different from the ones we’ve seen on Sirena when Rios was still captain) are standing on the glass floor tiles next to the lower-deck walkway.
Picard: “…understand…”
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Shot 30 (00:23-00:24)
Close-up of Picard, wearing his tuxedo. He is talking to someone with white hair and beard (possibly Soong).
Picard: “… who you’re dealing with.”
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Shot 31 (00:24)
Rios, in a grey Henley and handcuffs, elbows a policeman wearing a Department of Homeland Security tactical vest in the face. They’re in the back of a prisoner transport vehicle.
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Shot 32 (00:25)
Several Starfleet officers are sprinting along a corridor on the USS Stargazer. There is smoke coming from the walls and the lights flas a red alert.
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Shot 33 (00:25)
Agnes in her white dystopian shirt, with dirt on her face and in her hair, is looking up at the Borg Queen strung up on the engine. The Borg Queen reaches a hand for Agnes’s face.
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Shot 34 (00:25-00:26)
Shot over alt!Sirena’s shoulder as she is flying perilously close to the surface of the sun, being blasted by arcs of heat and plasma.
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Masterpost Trailer 0 Trailer 1 Trailer 2 pt 1, pt 2 Trailer 3 pt 1, pt 2 Trailer 5
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mappinglasirena · 3 years
Picard Season 2, Trailer 3 (Pt 2)
Check part 1 for intro and notes.
Very long post and lots of images ahead!
Scene 4 (Time travel, LA, 2024 (+ older flashback?))
Shot 48 (01:03-01:06)
Alt!Sirena emerges out of a swirl of white-blue light close to the surface of the sun. It’s the same shot as the beginning of the trailer, but this time it’s held longer and Earth comes into view above the sun. (Or possibly Mercury, though neither should really be visible from the sun 😅)
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Shot 49 (01:06-01:07)
View of Earth through the front window of alt!Sirena. There is no planetary security net or any other orbital installation visible.
Rios is sitting in the captain’s chair, with piloting controls active in front of him.
Picard is sitting at ops and Seven at tactical. They are both wearing their totalitarian outfits.
Borg Queen(?): “Earth.”
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Shot 50 (01:07-01:08)
Picard beams onto a street corner of what is presumably L.A. in 2024. It’s a quiet back alley with dumpsters and electrical lines. On the corner is a little shot with a car parked in front. The license plate reads “S02 E01”
Picard is wearing his grey 2024 jacket and burgundy turtleneck with the evil!Starfleet delta pinned to it.
Borg Queen(?): “2024.”
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Shot 51 (01:08-01:09)
Scenic view of the skyline of 2020’s Los Angeles. [Presumably same vista as shot 46 in Trailer 1, but not continuous, since angle of sun is wrong]
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Shot 52 (01:09)
Closer shot of the downtown skyscraper-skyline of Los Angeles
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Shot 53 (01:09-01:10)
Aerial shot of Los Angeles at night. The sea of lights is partially disappearing behind black mountains in the foreground.
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Shot 54 (01:10-01:11)
A boy is walking along a wooded hillside at night. He’s wearing a hoodie and striped shirt, and he has an old-fashioned flashlight.
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Shot 55 (01:11)
A Vulcan(?) man is crouching down in front of the boy. The light of the torch is on his face. There’s another woman standing in the background, though she is too blurry to be identifiable.
Borg Queen: “A single…”
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Shot 56 (01:12)
Reverse shot. The Vulcan reaches out a hand for the face of the boy, who looks slightly scared. He places the hand on the boy’s face as if to perform a mind-meld.
Borg Queen: “…change…”
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Shot 57 (01:12-01:13)
Shot of a slightly older boy in white shirt and black vest looking sad or scared. (Possibly young Picard). He’s standing in front of some brick-walled building at night (or in very blue light, anyway)
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Shot 58 (01:13)
Close-up of Picard, wearing a white shirt, looking pensive. The background is simple blue-ish light that then flickers off, so it might be some kind of vision?
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Shot 59 (01:13)
Extreme close-up of Picard’s eyes.
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Shot 60 (01:13-01:14)
Focus on the Borg-Queen’s face and shoulders, as she hangs suspended in front of Sirena’s engine lights. The engine glows bright green.
Borg Queen: “… is vastly more…”
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Shot 61 (01:14-01:15)
Q and Soong are sitting in a booth in some restaurant or other. Q is wearing a black suit jacket, Soong is wearinng a brown jacket over a white shirt. Q pulls out a small vial of blue liquid and shows it to Soong.
Borg Queen: “… dangerous…”
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Shot 62 (01:15-01:16)
Close up shot as Q places the small vial on the table next to his coffee cup and rolls it across the table top towards Soong, who grabs it.
Borg Queen: “…than you realize.”
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Shot 63 (01:16)
Soong looks down at the table, then looks up at Q.
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 Scene 5 (Sequence of Shots, 2024, TN)
Shot 64 (01:16-01:17)
Rios, presumably having just arrived in the totalitarian nightmare, is standing on the bridge of alt!Sirena. Outside the front window, a Vulcan ship is flying by, being pursued by other Kaplan F17’s (same model and now grey colour as La Sirena). The Vulcan ship is shooting at Sirena and as a shot hits the blue-flaring shields. Rios gets shaken and loses his footing.
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Shot 65 (01:17-01:18)
Shot from above of Agnes, wearing a bright red ball gown, walking over 2024 asphalt at night.
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Shot 66 (01:18-01:20)
Another shot of Agnes in the red dress, this time from behind. She’s walking along the bicycle lane beside a broad downtown street.
Laris: “None of our tomorrows are guaranteed.”
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Shot 67 (01:20)
A cop car, overtaking other cars on a busy street.
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Shot 68 (01:20-01:21)
Same car chase, cop car filmed from the front. The license place reads 9999972
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Shot 69 (01:21)
Seven and Raffi are sitting in the cop car. Seven is driving. Both she and Seven look very tense as the car takes a corner with speed.
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Shot 70 (01:21-01:22)
Laris (with Romulan ears), wearing a yellow shirt and olive coat, is talking intensely to Picard. Picard is wearing a cable-knit turtleneck sweater. They’re standing outside what might be the Château at night.
Laris:  “You’re gonna have to…”
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 Shot 71 (01:22-01:23)
Reverse shot of Picard, looking sad and lost.
Laris:  “… let go.”
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Shot 72 (01:23)
Two goons in black are roaming around the back of La Sirena’s upper deck. They have rifles with green lasers finders on them. The veins on the side of one of the goons’ heads stand out in black.
Sirena’s lights are flickering.
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Shot 73 (01:23)
Picard, Laris, Rios, Seven, Raffi, and an unknown person are standing in what seems to be a courtyard at night. There are broken wine barrels and crates all around them, strewn with leaves and vegetation.
The motley crew are wearing their 2024 clothes. Seven is carrying a phaser, Laris a phaser rifle.
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Green lasers start to be pointed at our crew from off screen. Raffi and Seven look around frantically and go to duck behind one of the barrels, Picard turns to dive to the side and Laris crouches down, reaching out a hand for his arm. Rios seems too stunned to move. The unidentifiable person in the background starts to duck, as light starts to filter in from above/further back at the back of the of the courtyard.
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Shot 74 (01:24-01:25)
Soong is sitting in what might be a lab. He’s in shirt sleeves and stares curiously at a metal calling card he’s turning over in his hands. The card has what might be an ornate, geometric Q stamped into it as decoration — thought the symbol might also be reminiscent of an ornate Vulcan IDIC symbol.
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Shot 75 (01:25)
Shot of downtown Los Angeles at night, presumably in 2024.
Picard: “We’re stronger…”
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Shot 76 (01:25-01:26)
Seven and Raffi, wearing 21st century clothes, are frantically working at the large console at the back of alt!Sirena’s upper deck. The Borg Queen is not attached to the engine, though it’s partially deconstructed and there are a lot of loose cables hanging in front of the blue light.
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As Raffi and Seven work, Elnor, wearing a black leather jacket, walks towards the front of the ship, holding his sword.
Picard: “…together.”
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Shot 77 (01:27)
Wide shot of the back of La Sirena’s upper deck. Seven, Raffi, and Rios, all in their 24th century clothes, are standing with their backs to the camera, looking at the back of the deck. You can just make out the hands of the Borg Queen strapped to the engine lights, though she is mostly hidden by Raffi.
Picard and Agnes, both still in their dystopian clothes, though without their coats, are looking back at the others. They’re standing in front of two chairs that are facing each other, close to the engine (possibly on the transporter platform). Agnes is holding what might be a black notebook, or possibly a large PADD.
[Same shot as trailer 1, though slightly different angle]
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Shot 78 (01:27-01:28)
Picard, wearing his 2024 jacket, is standing on Sirena’s upper deck, looking imploringly at Agnes.
Picard: “You must bring us home.”
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Shot 79 (01:28)
What looks to be a 21st century policeman, pointing his gun and flashlight in front of him, is walking over Sirena’s transporter pad. He swings the flashlight around to where we can just make out the back of the Borg Queen’s head.
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Shot 80 (01:28-01:29)
Reverse shot as the flashlight hits the face of the Borg Queen, hanging in front of the dimly glowing green engine lights. She is smiling a sinister little smile.
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Shot 81 (01:29)
Shot from the interior of the prisoner transport bus. Raffi, in fingerless gloves, is standing in the opening door, pointing something at a person off screen as Seven pulls the door open wider. A blast of what looks like a transparent shockwave shoots from the device Raffi is holding.
Rios: “This is a…”
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Shot 82 (01:29-01:30)
Rios is punching a man in a black leather jacket. They’re in what seems to be the Château conservatory during the day. Rios is wearing his 2024 jacket, and Picard, who is standing in the background, is in jeans and his 2024 jacket as well.
It’s difficult to tell, but the black-clad goon might have black veins on his face as well.
Rios: “…very bumpy…”
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Shot 83 (01:30-01:31)
Rios, in his grey Henley and in plastic handcuffs, elbows a police officer in the face, who is wearing a Department of Homeland Security tactical vest. They’re in the back of a prisoner transport bus, and the driver looks back at them through the opened grated door.
Rios: “… century…”
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Shot 84 (01:31-01:32)
The shot seems to be a little later in the same confrontation. Several prisoners are sitting on the benches in the back of the bus. The officer seems to have Rios subdued, but a prisoner sitting at the front of the van stands up and hits the officer across the face with his tied hands.
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Shot 85 (01:32-01:34)
Still in the back of the bus, Seven cuts open Rios’s handcuffs. The driver of the bus seems to be slumped over in his seat. Raffi is leaning on a seat in the front of the bus and watching Rios and Seven with a wide grin.
Rios: “… but I think I’m getting the hang of it.”
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Shot 86 (01:34-01:35)
alt!Sirena flies away from Earth (covered in the hexagonal planetary shield), twisting in a corkscrew pattern to evade the phaser fire of the three evil!Starfleet vessels pursuing her.
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Shot 87 (01:35)
Shot of a corridor of the USS Stargazer at red alert. Three crew members in gold uniforms, one of them maybe carrying a phaser, are thrown into the wall of the corridor as an explosion goes off in the background.
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Shot 88 (01:35-01:36)
Agnes, wearing her white shirt and coat, is sitting on the floor of La Sirena and scrambling backwards frantically. She holds some kind of long tool or metal bar in front of her protectively.
Behind her the lights flicker on and off.
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Shot 89 (01:36-01:17)
Reverse shot. The Borg Queen is crawling out from behind a box just in front of the engine lights, looking menacingly at Jurati. The lower half of her torso is hidden.
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Shot 90 (01:37)
Two unknown people are standing in a corridor in front of a large wooden double door. We can only see their backs, but one is tall, has shoulder-long hair in a pony tail, might possibly have prominent (pointy?) ears, and is wearing a shirt. The other is small, possibly a child, and is wearing a light coat. Their hair is twisted into a braid like a crown on their head. As the door opens, a very bright, white light shines out from behind it.
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Shot 91 (01:37-01:38)
Picard, wearing his grey jacket and burgundy sweater (but no badge), is walking along a path in 2024 Los Angeles. He seems to be entering the shadow under a bridge or some other structure, as behind him, the sun shines brightly onto what looks to be a lake surrounded by some trees.
A man walks up quickly behind Picard. He has shoulder-length, lank hair, a dark shirt, and his eyes are completely white. He looks very grim and determined.
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Shot 92 (01:38)
Q, wearing his black judges coat, is standing with Picard outside the château. Q glares at Picard and snaps his fingers angrily in front of Picard’s face.
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Shot 93 (01:38-01:39)
Seven, still with her Borg implants, is walking forward (presumably on the bridge of the Stargazer at red alert) and raising a phaser, looking extremely angry. Behind her, another Starfleet officer in a gold uniform is entering through an archway, her phaser raised as well. On Seven’s other side, Agnes, in her blue coat, is ducking or leaning over a console.
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Shot 94 (01:39-01:41)
Several Kaplan F17 ships are in a shoot-out with unidentifiable ships in space (possibly the same Vulcan ships as earlier). One of the Kaplans gets hit with phaser fire repeatedly, which is at first absorbed by its shields, but then the ship explodes at a final hit.
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Scene 6
Shot 95 (01:41-01:43)
Guinan and Picard are sitting at the table in Guinan’s bar. Guinan is holding a drink.
Guinan: “I believe you have one final frontier…”
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Shot 96 (01:43)
Reverse shot. Picard smiles at Guinan.
Guinan: “…yet to come.”
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Shot 97 (01:34-01:46)
Reverse shot of Guinan grinning and pulling a slightly silly face as she and Picard clink their glasses.
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Masterpost Trailer 0 Trailer 1 Trailer 2 pt 1, pt 2 Trailer 3 pt 1, pt 2 Trailer 4 Trailer 5
5 notes · View notes
mappinglasirena · 3 years
Picard Season 2, Trailer 2 (Pt2)
Check part 1 for intro and notes!
Scene 9 (Los Angeles, 2024)
Shot 46 (01:15-01:17)
Scenic shot of the LA skyline over a lake and some palm trees in warm, slightly orange sunlight.
Agnes: “Welcome to the Earth…”
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Shot 47 (01:17-01:18)
Shot of Santa Monica Pier in the daytime, flying the US and California State flag.
Agnes: “… of the 21st century.”
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Shot 48 (01:18)
Looking at the Wilshire Grand Center (downtown LA) over the shoulders of Raffi and Seven. Raffi is in her 21st century fingerless gloves outfit, Seven is wearing a burgundy jacket.
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Shot 49 (01:18-01:19)
Reverse shot: Seven is looking up at the building, then looks over at Raffi who gives her a determined nod. The symmetrical delta badge peaks out under Raffi’s vest.
Rios: “You’re saying…”
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Scene 10 (Sequence of short moments, 2024)
Shot 50 (01:19-01:20)
Wide shot of the back of La Sirena’s upper deck. Seven, Raffi, and Rios, all in their 24th century clothes, are standing with their backs to the camera, looking at the back of the deck. You can just make out the hands of the Borg Queen strapped to the engine lights, though she is mostly hidden by Raffi.
Picard and Agnes, both still in their dystopian clothes, though without their coats, are looking back at the others. They’re standing in front of two chairs that are facing each other, close to the engine (possibly on the transporter platform). Agnes is holding what might be a black notebook, or possibly a large PADD.
Rios: “… we can undo this nightmare?”
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Shot 51 (01:20-01:21)
Rios, Agnes, Seven, and Picard are standing in a circle outside of alt!Sirena’s sickbay. They’re wearing their dystopian clothes, coats and all. Agnes is holding something silver that could be anything from a weapon to handcuffs to a medical or scientific instrument.
The ship has suffered some damage. The lights are flickering erratically and one of the lights is hanging askew from the ceiling. In sickbay, boxes have toppled over and are scattered around the floor. Behind Seven the metal exam table is just visible though it seems to be empty.
As Picard speaks, he turns away from the others and starts walking toward the front of the ship.
Picard: “Let’s go to work.”
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Shot 52 (01:21-01:23)
Picard and Agnes are (energetically) opening a large double door, walking in from what looks like forest at night. They have flashlights. Picard seems to be wearing his totalitarian coat, Agnes is in her white lab coat and has what might be a blanket slung around her shoulders.
[The doors might belong to the château conservatory, though those should lead into the house, not a wooded area.]
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Scene 11 (Cop Car Heist, LA 2024)
Shot 53 (01:23-01:24)
Raffi and Seven are sitting in a 21st century cop car. They’re both wearing their 2024 clothes and are buckled in. Seven is sitting in the drivers seat.
Raffi: “You can pilot a starship, but you can’t…”
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Shot 54 (01:24-01:25)
Focus on Seven, looking pissed off and determined, shifting the gears on the cop car.
Raffi: “… drive?”
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Shot 55 (01:25)
Close-up of Seven’s black leather boot, shifting from the break to the gas pedal (though she isn’t pressing the clutch, which might be part of the problem).
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Shot 56 (01:25-01:26)
The cop car drives onto the street at speed, tyres screeching in the curve. The license plate reads 9999972
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Shot 57 (01:26)
The cop car crashes through the black-and-yellow boom gate at the entrance to the LAPD complex.
Raffi: “Whoa!” (as in: “Be careful!”)
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Shot 58 (01:26)
The car drives into the open road outside the complex.
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 Shot 59 (01:26-01:27)
Shot of Raffi and Seven in the car as it takes the corner at speed. They are thrown to the side by the force and Raffi looks decidedly uncomfortable.
 Agnes: “You two really need…”
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Shot 60 (01:28)
Agnes, in her dystopian white shirt (though not comm badge), ist standing at the back of La Sirena’s upper deck, working on the large console that’s just off screen.
Agnes: “… to work on your communication—”
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Shot 61 (01:28)
Raffi and Seven, still in the car, yell in sync, making the same “stop talking” hand-gesture.
Raffi & Seven: “Jurati!”
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Shot 62 (01:28-01:31)
Back to Agnes on Sirena.
Agnes: “See? There you go. Now you’re in sync.”
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 Scene 12 (Collection of shots, probably 2024)
Shot 63 (01:31)
Picard, wearing a tux with bow tie, is sitting in a plush desk chair in front of a hexagonal window. There is some orange lamp or sculpture(?) on his left. [Based on the lights it might be somewhere on Sirena? But I’m very unsure]
He smiles and claps his hands in a “let’s go” gesture.
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Shot 64 (01:32-01:33)
Seven, Picard, Raffi, and Elnor beam into the Borg Queen lab.
Picard: “We have…”
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Shot 65 (01:33-01:34)
Raffi and Seven are in a parking lot in 2024 LA. Raffi is in a black jacket, Seven is wearing jeans and a red shirt. Raffi is pointing and energetically walking in one direction, and Seven follows her rolling her eyes dramatically.
Picard: “…three days…”
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Shot 66 (01:35)
Soji, in a baggy white shirt, her hair cropped short, is standing in a backyard with a view of the ocean. The lawn is manicured and there’s a white and blue pool. Soji is in the process of walking away but turns to look behind her.
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Shot 67 (01:35-01:36)
The unknown red-haired woman and the dark-haired little boy are in the château conservatory at night. There’s an easel without a painting on it set up next to a somewhat old-fashioned telescope.
The woman is crouching in front of the boy and seems to be in the middle of a story or explanation. She has her hands pressed together, then raises them and spreads them wide as in an explosion, indicating the night sky above them. The boy looks up at the night sky beyond the glass ceiling.
Picard: “… before [cut] the future [cut]…”
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Shot 68 (01:36)
Shot of La Sirena, still with red paint, in orbit over Earth. [TAKEN FROM S01E03!]
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Shot 69 (01:37)
Seven, Rios, and Picard, all dressed in their totalitarian clothes, are sitting on alt!Sirena’s bridge. Rios is in the pilot’s chair, Seven and Picard manning tactical and ops respectively. Sparks are flying from the ceiling and they’re shaking in their seats. In the background, you can just make out the silhouette of the Borg Queen against the engine lights.
Picard: “…is changed…”
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Shot 70 (01:38-01:39)
Picard and Agnes are standing in the dark, unclear if it’s inside or outside. Picard, wearing his totalitarian suit but no badge, is looking with kind intensity at Agnes, who has what might be someone else’s jacket slung around her shoulders.
Picard: “… irrevocably.”
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Shot 71 (01:39)
Q is sitting in what seems to be a high-rise in LA, reading a newspaper. The glass-wall behind him is overlooking a city street (a clock on a building’s side seems to show just after mid-day). He’s wearing a grey (lab?) coat with a “Europa” patch on it (likely for mission Europa). On his lapel, he has a silver pin that looks a little like the symbol for fractal-neuronic cloning, but could also be an infinity symbol or something else entirely.
He looks displeased at something off screen and snaps his fingers with a scowl.
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Shot 72 (01:39-01:40)
A boy is standing in a dark forest, an old-fashioned flashlight in his hand. He switches on the flashlight.
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Shot 73 (01:40)
The boy walks away from two figures behind him in the forest. One of the figures is a Vulcan or Romulan in long robes, walking away from the boy up a small incline in the forest floor. The second figure is pearing out from behind a tree and is barely recognizable. Bright rays of light, like from headlights or flood lights, emanating from somewhere behind the incline, illuminate the forest. Just before the shot cuts to black, the Vulcan seems about to turn around an look back at the boy who’s walking away.
Picard: “But…”
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Shot 74 (01:40-01:41)
Agnes in her white dystopian shirt, with dirt on her face and in her hair, is looking up at the Borg Queen strung up on the engine (off screen) with a pained look. The Borg Queen reaches a hand for Agnes’s face.
Picard: “… even in the darkest…”
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Shot 75 (01:41-01:42)
Wider angle of the same moment. The Borg Queen is in shackles and might have an injury on her neck. She puts her fingers on Agnes’s cheek (in what could end up being a mind meld position but isn’t there yet), while Agnes stares ahead with an unreadable expression (anything from panic to stoic determination).
La Sirena’s lights in the background flicker unsteadily.
Picard: “… of circumstances, …”
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Shot 76 (01:42-01:43)
Close-up of Raffi and Seven holding hands [on the bus in 2024]. Seven is wearing her burgundy jacket, Raffi is wearing the grey shirt and fingerless gloves.
Seven has gripped Raffi’s hand tightly, and Raffi is placing her free hand on top of Seven’s.
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Shot 78 (01:43)
Raffi is standing over Elnor in alt!Sirena’s sickbay. She’s crying desperately and reaching for his head.
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Shot 79 (01:43)
Shot through the sickbay skylight. Elnor is lying on the metal table a see-through sheet of plastic(??). He is tied down and Raffi, in her dystopian outfit, is lying half on top of him. She is grabbing the restraints and the top corner of the table tightly. Elnor seems to be crying, either afraid or in pain or both, though it’s not clear what’s wrong with him.
The light in sickbay is ominously Borg-green and there are boxes strewn all around the scuffed floor.
Picard: “… there is a light.”
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Shot 80 (01:45-01:46)
Picard, Laris, and Rios are standing in a grandiose room, with extremely high, arched ceilings, painted walls, and a chandelier. There are stacked chairs next to Rios and a metal rack next to Picard, so they might be in a prepping area.
Picard and Rios are in 21st century tuxedos. Picard is wearing a bow-tie, Rios a black tie and cuff-links, though he might also be wearing a name tag? Laris is wearing some off-the-shoulder dress and fancy earrings. Her eyebrows are human and her ears are hidden in her hair.
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Laris is holding a slim metal device straight out at the camera. As Picard and Rios shield their eyes, bright blue light emanates from the device.
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Shot 81 (01:46-01:47)
Elnor in his street clothes is fighting a man in a black uniform in front of an elaborate control panel on (the set of) the Artifact. He manages to pull the man’s gun arm down and aim his phaser away.
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Shot 82 (01:47)
Wide angle of the same scene. Elnor shoot’s the man’s phaser at a blond woman in the same black uniform who was just about to get up from the floor.
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Shot 83 (01:47)
Raffi, in her 2024 vest and fingerless gloves, disarms a hooded figure who was pointing a gun at her, and hits him across the face with it instead.
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Shot 84 (01:47)
Reverse of the above. The hooded figure crumples to the ground. Raffi is standing in the middle of a small park(??) filled with all kinds of old furniture, rubbish, and other assorted junk. A large poster plastered on an old bedframe lists “Sanctuary District Regulations”.
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Shot 85 (01:48)
Picard, in his grey jacket, is sitting in what might be an interrogation room, across from a man in shirt sleeves and slacks. They’re sitting at a metal table, and the cop/lawyer/? has a thin folder, a coffee cup, and handcuffs on the table in front of him. In front of Picard, a Starfleet badge lies on the table.
The back of the room is all cardboard boxes (like those used for filing) stacked in boxes, secured behind some grates.
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Shot 86 (01:49)
Rios, in a grey Henley and handcuffs, elbows a policeman wearing a Department of Homeland Security tactical vest in the face. They’re in the back of a prisoner transport vehicle.
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Shot 87 (01:49)
Seven, in her totalitarian grey blazer, runs out of sickbay towards the front of La Sirena’s lower deck. Sparks are showering from above the door and the crates all around seem to be in disarray. Inside sickbay, Elnor is lying on the metal table and Raffi is leaning protectively over him.
There might be doors, or possibly white cabinets at the very back of sickbay.
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Shot 88 (01:50-01:51)
Rios, wearing his dystopian leather jacket, is sitting in alt!Sirena’s captain’s chair. The ship is shaking, and the lights are flashing in the background. He’s looking towards the ops station as he asks:
Rios: “Where are you taking us?”
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Shot 89 (01:51-01:52)
Shot of Picard in totalitarian coat, sitting at Sirena’s ops station. Behind him, the lights are flickering and the engine keeps shifting back between blue and (Borg) green. It’s too blurry to see if the Borg Queen is already/still strapped to the engine.
Picard: “Home.”
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Masterpost Trailer 0 Trailer 1 Trailer 2 pt 1 Trailer 3 pt 1, pt 2 Trailer 4 Trailer 5
6 notes · View notes
mappinglasirena · 2 years
Having seen the end of Picard season 2... are you okay?
That is an incredibly sweet thing to ask, thank you <3 (And sorry for only replying now, I always miss my Ask notifications 🙈)
Um...  a bit of personal stuff and some season 2 opinions after the cut.
I’m okay, mostly. It will probably come as no surprise to anyone following my main blog that the end of season 2 left me somewhat heartbroken.
This blog has never been about plot or character analysis (apart from the occasional Extrailervaganza), so I’m not going to go into it in too much detail here. At some point, I’ll probably do a full write-up on my main blog, but the main gist is that I fell in love with Star Trek: Picard because it was different from the other Trek shows. I loved the new, non-legacy characters, I love La Sirena with all my heart, and I thought their approach to examining the Federation and Starfleet from an outside perspective was daring and much needed. By contrast, season 2 felt very different to me. From the start, it skipped over a lot of character development and reconciliation with Starfleet, and it dropped us into a new status quo that, in my opinion, didn’t follow naturally from season 1. And the development of the season only widened this disconnect for me.
I am glad for everyone who found the ending of season 2 meaningful and who enjoyed the character arcs we saw this season. Opinions differ, and that is okay! Personally, I felt that while some of the endings fit the characters established in season 2, few of them felt like they worked for the versions of the characters we got in season 1. And since I already found the jump from season 1 to season 2 jarring, seeing these endings has left me feeling very disillusioned.
Again, I don’t begrudge anyone who enjoyed this season. There was a lot to enjoy, and I’m not here to tell you how you should read characters or which parts of the story you should prioritize. This is merely how I personally felt after watching season 2.
Unfortunately, this season finale has happened at a point in time where I really, really could have used something uplifting. There is a lot of stuff going on in my personal life right now that makes finding motivation to do anything creative or fannish very hard to begin with. So, while I was hoping to get through these weeks by leaning on a show that has given me so much joy in the past, I am instead left with (almost) all my favourite characters unceremoniously written out of the franchise. This might also be a reason my perspective is extra bleak at the moment. If I were in a better place, I would probably be writing fix-its or happily working on “Picard season 1.5″, i.e. “let’s build out the story for the characters we got in season 1″. Instead, I am finding it hard to get back into this world at all.
I’m sure I’ll get back to it in due time.
Season 2 gave us a ton of truly beautiful shots of La Sirena, as well as some fascinating new details to analyze and pick apart. And whatever you might think about the writing this season, you can’t argue that the people working on this show didn’t give it their all. The sets, the visual effects, the costuming, the acting - there were incredible amounts of pasison and skill on display in these ten episodes.
I want to honour all the hard work the various creators put into the season, and I want to celebrate the beauty they gave us. And eventually, I’ll get back to a place where I can do just that. I’m just not there yet.
My personal life should move into slightly calmer waters in a couple weeks or so (knock on wood), and then I think I’ll start a rewatch of season 1, to get back into the mood for exploration and mapping and squeeing over this stunning little world of ours. I will definitely discuss the season 2 version of La Sirena, both her prime-universe alterations and everything we know and learned about the CSS La Sirena in the alternate timeline. But I think my heart is always going to live on the season 1 version of this ship, captained by Cris Rios, with his crew of five unruly holograms, joined by a bunch of loveable misfits with deeply compelling characters.
On this blog, I probably won’t go into any discussions of my hangups with season 2 after this. For that, you will have to endure the chaos that is my main blog 😋 But if you give me a few weeks to recover and find my joy again, I’ll hopefully be able to return to celebrating our beloved little speed freighter and her Motley Crew. I’m already planning how to put my latest new hobbies (GIF-colour-grading and 2D animation, because why not?) to use to bring you all the stunning views and fascinating new info we got of La Sirena in season 2.
And in the meantime: My ask box remains open! I’ll try to keep more of an eye on it so I don’t miss any questions, but it’s definitely still open and I’m always happy to bring out the screenshot collection to answer questions! Yes, season 2 questions as well.
Which exit did Raffi and Rios use to drag [spoiler] off the ship after Agnes [spoiler]? Does CSS La Sirena have holo emitters throughout the ship? Did I actually say on twitter that we got confirmation of the bunk beds in the new crew quarters?
These questions and more will eventually get answered on this blog! But if you have a burning need to know about one of them now, don’t hesitate to drop me a line, and I’ll do my best to answer in something resembling a timely fashion. External motivation is always helpful when the intrinsic motivation has crumbled due to Life(tm).
I want to end this semi-coherent (and, of course, way too long) ramble by saying: I am so, so grateful for all the wonderful people I have met through this project and this show in general! Your enthusiasm and passion continues to inspire me and make me feel so happy to have embarked on this slightly insane adventure.
Whatever your opinions might be of season 2 or the writing of PIC in general, whether you’re a die-hard Starfleet fan who burst into tears at the sight of all the uniforms in episode 1, a casual fan who's just here for the compelling characters and stunning visuals, or a season 1 afficionado who feels disillusioned by the last few months and is looking for some remnants of the show you fell in love with to hold on to, I hope you will feel welcome here on this blog. Having all of you around really means a lot to me.
So, pull up a bench (or a crate, or go nick a chair from sickbay, I’m sure Emil won’t mind), grab some cake from the replicator, and join me in relaxing in the mess hall and having kind discussions, until I rebuild the energy to go running around this ship yelling about floor plates. There is always room for more ;)
23 notes · View notes
mappinglasirena · 3 years
Intro & Masterpost
Welcome One and All to the Mapping La Sirena Project!
If you are a fan of Star Trek: Picard, and you would like to know more about the show’s most prominent starship, this is the place for you. On this blog, I try to collect and analyse any information about La Sirena I can get my hands on. There are (very occasionally) deep dives into different sections of the ship and I endeavour to answer any questions you might have about our favourite Kaplan F17 Speed Freighter.
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Follow me below the cut for the mission statement of this project and an overview of the content so far.
What Am I Doing Here?
This blog has three main modes: Deep Dives into one specific section of La Sirena, general observations and discussions of aspects of the ship that I find interesting or confounding, and answers to questions that people sent in. Below, you can find an overview of the topics I’ve tackled so far, as well as some upcoming deep dives. (I do have a to-do list for which I take suggestions as well.)
Occasionally I’ll reblog some art other people made of Sirena, as well as interesting videos, articles, or general news. Check out the list of tags if you want to have a look at those.
I'm also working on a list of external sources that have proven useful for mapping research and might make for interesting further reading. As soon as that happens, I will link it here.
And now, without further ado: Have fun exploring La Sirena!
Schematics & Floor Plans
Official Set Plans -   Set Plans and Observations from the Ready Room: Away Mission Special -   Stitched Set Plans, Cross Section, and more Designs from the blu-ray featurette Set Me Up
My redraw of, additions to, and explorations of (parts of) the deck plans -   The Full Deck Plans -   Redraw of the Deck Plans: Lower Deck -   Redrawing the Deck Plans (and many in between steps and views) -   Layout of the Captain’s Quarters  
My first attempt at drawing a layout (from way back in early 2020, before the publication of the official plans)
Upper Deck
Holodeck -   Where is the Holodeck? -   Why I’m Convinced Picard has Quarters Separate from the Holodeck (I think I mention this in five or six posts but at the end of this one is the clearest version)
Captain’s Quarters -   The Trouble with Locating the Quarters/Ready Room -   A closer Look at the Windows
Lower Deck
Mess Hall Deep Dive
Sickbay Deep Dive -   Pt. 1: Size and Construction -   Pt. 2: Furniture -   Pt. 3: All of the Things (COMING SOON eventually) -   Bothersome Sickbay Support Beams -   A Note on Plants
Stairs to the Bridge
Overall Design and Technological Aspects
A Short Rundown of the Engine Placement and History
The Changing Wing Design and why it Causes Clearance Trouble -   First mentioned here, longer discussion here
User Interfaces and Holographic Controls (COMING SOON-ish)
Headcanons and Speculations
What is the Mysterious Space under the Bridge? (second half of the post)
An idea for the unmodified layout of a Kaplan F17 Speed Freighter (submitted by @bellerophonm​)
I insist there must be corridors on the lower deck and one day I’ll get into it but here are some brief mentions
Season 2 (alt!Sirena)
Masterpost for The Full Season 2 Extrailervaganza (detailed breakdown, screenshots, and analysis of season 2 trailers)
Analysis of the (two seconds of) footage from the first season 2 trailer -   A closer look at the lights
Analysis of the longer trailer from 2021′s Star Trek Day -   Spoilery speculation on the engine modifications -   Some more general Trailer Analysis
A Couple of Notes
I'm always utterly delighted when someone asks me a question about some aspect of La Sirena, or they send in some interesting observations, theories, or headcanons of their own.
This whole project started because I was looking for a layout or a set of deck plans of the ship to help me figure out the logistics of a story I was writing. I kept rewatching the scenes on Sirena over and over again to find answers to such questions as “Is it possible for a football to roll from the upper deck into the mess hall?” Eventually, I decided it would be a lot easier to just create a collection of screenshots and start drawing up a set of provisional maps myself.
The collection has since grown to just under 1.5k screenshots, an assortment of links to external sources, excerpts from interviews, and one physical model (hooray for Eaglemoss!). I will jump at any excuse to comb through it all to help find answers to whichever question you might have.
And I do mean “whichever question”. There is no such thing as “too pedantic” or “too nit-picky”, or “too obvious” on this blog. Want to know how many steps there are between the mess hall and the bridge? I have the screenshots to figure it out. Wondering where the plants that Agnes waters might be located? I’ve collected evidence and a bunch of headcanons I’d love to share. Feel like there is something eeeeeever so slightly off about the support beams in sickbay? You have a very good eye and I spent an entire weekend obsessing over it. There is no such thing as a stupid or unwelcome question, and if I don’t know the answer, maybe someone else from our little fandom community will be able to jump in and help.
Tv Set vs . Starship
Throughout all of these explorations, it’s important to remember that the set of La Sirena is just that: a tv set. When building a set, there are many constraints of time, budget, and practicality that will force the production team to make decisions that won’t always make sense when mapped onto a “real” starship. Take, for example, the fact that the Captain’s Quarters and the Ready Room were filmed in the same room, just redressed for the occasion.
Whenever these kinds of inconsistencies show up, I have a tendency to look for in-universe explanations first. Speculations and headcanons will always be clearly pointed out and tagged as such, so you know what we can actually tell from canon and can come to your own conclusions.
However, this blog is written partially from a production perspective. Sometimes, my answer to “it doesn’t make sense; why is it this way?” will simply be “for production reasons, this choice was made, in-universe it would probably actually look like this...” There can be great joy in trying to find canon-compliant explanations for even the most flagrant incongruities, but my posts are long enough as it is, so I’m probably going to hand off the more involved explanations to the amazing fanfic- and meta-writers in this fandom ;)
Above all, this blog is a love letter to La Sirena, and all the amazing people responsible for her creation: the designers and productions teams, the set decorators and visual effects artists. Even from a cursory glance you can tell just how much thought and care went into building every aspect of this ship. I hope my little project will be a useful source of information, but more importantly a place where we can all geek out together and share our collective love of La Sirena.
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