#eye floater vitamins
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Vitamins for Eye Floaters: Can They Help?
Eye floaters can be a bothersome visual phenomenon where small, moving specks or strands drift across your field of vision. Can consuming vitamins help reduce these floating spots?
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swemtpotamtam · 21 days
finally got some vitamins (mostly D3) 'cause I still have vision issues with floaters (tho the eye doctor said my visions physically okay) hope they'll improve my situation🙏
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eyecareindore · 6 days
Signs You Need an Eye Check-Up: Don't Ignore These Symptoms
Regular eye check-ups are essential for maintaining good vision and overall eye health. However, many people neglect their eyes until they notice a problem. It's crucial to recognize early signs that indicate the need for an eye check-up to prevent minor issues from becoming major problems. Here are some symptoms you should never ignore, as they may indicate the need for a comprehensive eye check-up in Indore.
1. Frequent Headaches
If you’ve been experiencing frequent headaches, especially after prolonged periods of reading, screen time, or focusing on nearby objects, it could be a sign of eye strain. Often, this results from uncorrected vision problems such as farsightedness, nearsightedness, or astigmatism. Headaches can also signal the need for updated prescription lenses if you already wear glasses or contacts. Scheduling an appointment with an eye doctor in Indore can help you determine the root cause of these headaches and provide relief.
2. Blurry Vision
Blurry vision is one of the most obvious signs that your eyesight may be declining. It may be temporary, such as after staring at a screen for too long, or it could be an ongoing issue. If you find it difficult to see distant objects, read small print, or your vision seems foggy, it’s time to visit an eye specialist. Blurry vision can be caused by refractive errors, cataracts, or other eye conditions.
3. Eye Pain or Discomfort
Experiencing pain, discomfort, or a sensation of pressure in your eyes is a red flag that should not be ignored. Eye pain can result from various issues, including eye infections, dry eyes, or more severe problems like glaucoma or corneal ulcers. If you’re experiencing persistent eye pain, schedule an appointment with an eye doctor in Indore as soon as possible.
4. Difficulty Seeing at Night
Struggling with night vision, such as difficulty driving at night or seeing in low-light environments, may be a sign of an underlying eye condition. Night vision problems are often associated with cataracts or vitamin A deficiency.
5. Floaters or Flashes of Light
Floaters are small, shadowy shapes that drift across your field of vision. Occasional floaters are normal, but a sudden increase in their frequency, or seeing flashes of light, could indicate a serious condition like a retinal detachment. Retinal detachment can lead to permanent vision loss if not treated immediately, so seeking an urgent check-up with an eye doctor in Indore is critical if you experience these symptoms.
6. Double Vision
Double vision, or diplopia, is a condition in which you see two images of a single object. It can be caused by eye muscle problems, neurological issues, or corneal irregularities. Double vision can also indicate more serious health problems like stroke or brain injury. If you experience double vision, seek medical attention right away and schedule an eye check-up to identify the cause.
7. Sensitivity to Light
Increased sensitivity to light, also known as photophobia, can result from several conditions, including migraines, dry eyes, or infections. Photophobia may also be a sign of a more severe problem, such as uveitis (inflammation of the eye).
Your eyes are a vital part of your overall health, and any changes in vision should be taken seriously. If you experience any of these symptoms, don't delay in seeking medical advice. A comprehensive eye check-up in Indore can help diagnose and treat eye conditions before they worsen, ensuring that your vision remains clear and healthy for years to come. Take action today by visiting a qualified eye doctor in Indore to protect one of your most precious senses—your sight.
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sanjeevannetralaya · 2 months
Top Natural Treatments for Diabetic Retinopathy: A Comprehensive Guide
Diabetic Retinopathy is a serious eye condition that affects individuals with diabetes, leading to vision impairment or even blindness if left untreated. While conventional treatments are available, many people seek natural alternatives to manage and alleviate their symptoms. At Sanjeevan Netralaya, we specialise in providing Ayurvedic solutions to eye problems, including diabetic retinopathy. This guide explores top natural treatments for diabetic retinopathy to help you make informed decisions about your eye health.
Understanding Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy occurs when high blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels in the retina. This can cause them to leak fluid or bleed, distorting vision. Symptoms often include floaters, blurred vision, and difficulty seeing at night. Early detection and management are crucial to preventing severe complications.
Ayurvedic Perspective on Diabetic Retinopathy
In Ayurveda, diabetic retinopathy is seen as an imbalance of the doshas, particularly Pitta and Kapha, affecting the eyes. Ayurvedic treatments aim to balance these doshas, improve circulation, and strengthen the eyes using natural remedies and lifestyle changes.
Top Natural Treatments for Diabetic Retinopathy
Herbal Remedies
Triphala: A powerful combination of three fruits – Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki – Triphala is renowned for its benefits to eye health. It helps cleanse the blood, reduce inflammation, and strengthen retinal cells.
Ginkgo Biloba: Known for its antioxidant properties, Ginkgo Biloba improves blood flow to the retina and reduces oxidative stress, which is beneficial for diabetic retinopathy natural treatment.
Bilberry: Rich in anthocyanins, bilberry supports retinal health and improves night vision. It also helps in reducing retinal inflammation and leakage.
Netrabasti (Eye Bath)
Netrabasti involves bathing the eyes in warm, medicated ghee. This therapy nourishes the eye tissues, improves circulation, and reduces dryness and inflammation. It's an effective diabetic retinopathy natural treatment that rejuvenates the eyes.
Dietary Modifications
A diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals supports overall eye health. Incorporate leafy greens, carrots, citrus fruits, nuts, and seeds into your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil and flaxseeds are particularly beneficial for eye health.
Avoid excessive intake of sugars and refined carbohydrates to maintain stable blood sugar levels, which is crucial for managing diabetic retinopathy.
Panchakarma Therapy
Panchakarma is a detoxification process that eliminates toxins from the body and balances the doshas. Treatments like Virechana (purgation) and Basti (enema) are beneficial for diabetic retinopathy natural treatment as they cleanse the digestive system and improve overall health, indirectly benefiting the eyes.
Yoga and Eye Exercises
Specific yoga poses like Palming, Blinking, and Trataka (gazing at a fixed point) strengthen the eye muscles, improve blood flow, and reduce eye strain. Regular practice of these exercises can support diabetic retinopathy natural treatment by enhancing vision clarity.
Lifestyle Modifications
Managing stress through practices like meditation and deep breathing is essential, as stress can worsen diabetic conditions. Ensure adequate sleep, avoid smoking, and limit alcohol consumption to support overall health and eye function.
Natural treatments for diabetic retinopathy focus on holistic health and balance, aiming to treat the root cause rather than just the symptoms. By incorporating Ayurvedic remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications, you can manage diabetic retinopathy effectively and improve your quality of life.
At Sanjeevan Netralaya, we have treated over 6,00,000+ retina patients with 100% effectiveness, offering personalised care and natural treatments that work. For more information on our approach and to explore our services, visit our website. Embrace the natural way to protect and enhance your vision.
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besteyecentre · 2 months
Retina Specialist In Gurgaon
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What is the Retina?
Imagine your eye as a camera. The retina is like the film or sensor in that camera. It’s located at the back of the eye and is made up of light-sensitive cells. These cells turn light into signals that travel through the optic nerve to your brain, allowing you to see images. If the retina doesn’t work correctly, it’s like having a blurry or broken camera.
Common Retina Problems and How They Are Treated
Several problems can affect the retina. Let’s look at some of the most common issues and how doctors treat them.
1. Retinal Detachment
What is it? Retinal detachment happens when the retina pulls away from its normal position at the back of the eye. It’s like peeling a sticker off a book; once it’s lifted, it doesn’t stick back easily.
Seeing floaters (tiny spots or threads floating in your vision)
Sudden flashes of light
A shadow or curtain over part of your vision
Laser Therapy: A laser is used to create a barrier around the area where the retina has detached. This helps the retina stick back to its original spot.
Cryopexy: A freezing probe is used to create a scar that helps hold the retina in place.
Surgery: In more severe cases, surgery might be required to reattach the retina. This could involve injecting a gas bubble or using a silicone band to hold the retina in place.
2. Macular Degeneration
What is it? Macular degeneration affects the macula, a small part of the retina responsible for central vision. It’s like having a scratch right in the middle of your camera lens that makes it hard to see fine details.
Blurred or distorted central vision
Difficulty reading or recognizing faces
Medication: Drugs can be injected into the eye to slow the progression of the disease.
Laser Therapy: This can help seal leaking blood vessels that are damaging the macula.
Vitamin Supplements: Some studies show that certain vitamins might help slow down the disease.
3. Diabetic Retinopathy
What is it? Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that affects the blood vessels in the retina. It’s like having a clogged pipe where blood vessels become leaky or blocked, disrupting normal vision.
Blurred vision
Seeing floaters
Vision loss in severe cases
Laser Treatment: This can reduce the leakage of blood from the damaged vessels.
Medications: Drugs might be used to treat swelling or other issues related to diabetic retinopathy.
Vitrectomy: This is a surgical procedure where the vitreous gel in the eye is removed and replaced.
4. Retinal Vein Occlusion
What is it? Retinal vein occlusion occurs when a vein in the retina becomes blocked. This blockage can cause bleeding and swelling in the retina, similar to a traffic jam where everything gets backed up.
Sudden vision loss
Blurry or distorted vision
Medications: These can reduce swelling and treat blood vessel problems.
Laser Therapy: This can help manage the damage caused by the blockage.
How Do Doctors Diagnose Retina Problems?
To figure out if you have a retinal issue, doctors will do a few tests. These might include:
Eye Exam: A doctor will look at the back of your eye using a special instrument.
Fundus Photography: This test takes detailed pictures of the retina.
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT): This imaging technique gives a cross-sectional view of the retina to see any changes.
Fluorescein Angiography: A dye is injected into your bloodstream, and pictures are taken to see how blood flows through the retina.
How to Take Care of Your Retina
Taking care of your retina is important for maintaining good vision. Here are some tips for keeping your eyes healthy:
Regular Eye Exams: Visit an eye doctor regularly to catch problems early.
Healthy Diet: Eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals, like fruits and vegetables.
Control Chronic Conditions: Keep diseases like diabetes under control with the help of your doctor.
Protect Your Eyes: Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV light.
FAQs About Retina Treatment
Q1: How do I know if I need retina treatment?
A1: If you notice changes in your vision like floaters, flashes of light, or blurred vision, it’s important to see an eye doctor. They can perform tests to determine if you need treatment.
Q2: Is retinal surgery painful?
A2: Most retinal surgeries are done under local anesthesia, so you won’t feel pain during the procedure. You might have some discomfort afterward, but this can be managed with medications.
Q3: Can retinal problems be prevented?
A3: While not all retinal issues can be prevented, you can lower your risk by managing health conditions like diabetes, eating a healthy diet, and having regular eye exams.
Q4: How long does recovery take after retinal treatment?
A4: Recovery time varies depending on the treatment. It can range from a few weeks to several months. Your doctor will give you specific instructions on what to expect.
Q5: Are there any side effects of retinal treatments?
A5: Like any medical procedure, retinal treatments can have side effects. These might include vision changes or discomfort. Your doctor will discuss potential risks with you before starting treatment.
Best Eye Hospital In Gurgaon
Best Eye Treatment In Gurgaon
Best Retina Treatment In India
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ranimenoneyeclinic · 2 months
Identifying Various Retina Conditions and Their Symptoms
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Retinal conditions are a significant concern as they can lead to vision impairment or blindness if not diagnosed and treated promptly. At Rani Menon Maxivision, we are dedicated to providing our patients with the best care and information about their eye health. This guide will help you understand various retina conditions, their symptoms, and the importance of seeking timely medical attention.
Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy, a complication of diabetes, affects the blood vessels in the retina and is a leading cause of blindness in adults. In its early stages, it often presents no symptoms, making routine eye exams crucial for early detection. As the condition progresses, symptoms can include blurred or fluctuating vision, dark spots or floaters, difficulty with colour perception, and vision loss. Prevention involves strict control of blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol. Treatment options include laser therapy, intravitreal injections, or surgery to manage the disease and prevent further vision deterioration.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common condition among people aged 50 and older, characterised by the deterioration of the central portion of the retina, known as the macula. Symptoms of dry AMD include a gradual loss of central vision, difficulty recognizing faces, and a need for brighter light when reading. Wet AMD symptoms are more severe and can include rapid loss of central vision, visual distortions where straight lines appear wavy, and dark or empty areas in the centre of vision. Management of dry AMD involves lifestyle changes, dietary supplements, and regular monitoring, while wet AMD is treated with anti-VEGF injections, laser therapy, and photodynamic therapy.
Retinal Detachment
Retinal detachment occurs when the retina separates from its underlying supportive tissue, and it is a medical emergency requiring prompt treatment to prevent permanent vision loss. Symptoms include the sudden appearance of floaters or flashes of light, a shadow or curtain over a portion of the visual field, and sudden, severe vision loss. Management involves surgical options such as pneumatic retinopexy, scleral buckle, and vitrectomy.
Retinitis Pigmentosa
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of genetic disorders that cause retinal degeneration, leading to progressive vision loss. Symptoms include night blindness, tunnel vision (loss of peripheral vision), difficulty adjusting to low light levels, and loss of central vision in advanced stages. While RP is currently incurable, management focuses on slowing its progression through the use of vitamin A, protective eyewear, and assistive devices to help maintain quality of life.
Macular Hole
A macular hole is a small break in the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for detailed vision. If left untreated, it can lead to significant central vision loss. Symptoms of a macular hole include blurred or distorted central vision, difficulty reading or recognizing faces, and the presence of a small, dark spot in the central vision. The primary treatment for a macular hole is vitrectomy surgery, during which a gas bubble is placed in the eye to help the hole heal. This procedure can significantly improve vision if performed in a timely manner.
Central Serous Retinopathy (CSR)
Central serous retinopathy (CSR) occurs when fluid builds up under the retina, leading to visual distortion and loss. Symptoms include blurred or dim vision, dark or gray spots in the central vision, and straight lines appearing bent or crooked. While CSR often resolves on its own, persistent cases may require treatment such as laser therapy or medication to manage the condition effectively.
Uveitis is the inflammation of the uvea, the middle layer of the eye, which can impact the retina and lead to various vision problems. Common symptoms of uveitis include eye redness and pain, blurred vision, light sensitivity, and the presence of floaters. The management of uveitis typically involves the use of corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs, depending on the underlying cause of the inflammation. These treatments aim to reduce inflammation, control symptoms, and prevent complications.
Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO)
Overview: RVO occurs when a vein in the retina becomes blocked, leading to swelling and blood leakage.
Sudden, painless vision loss
Blurred vision
Dark spots in vision
Treatment: Anti-VEGF injections, laser therapy, and managing underlying conditions like hypertension and diabetes.
Epiretinal Membrane
An epiretinal membrane is a thin layer of scar tissue that forms on the surface of the retina, often leading to visual disturbances. Symptoms associated with this condition include blurred or distorted vision, difficulty seeing fine details, and visual distortions where straight lines appear wavy. The primary treatment for an epiretinal membrane involves vitrectomy surgery, during which the scar tissue is removed to improve visual clarity and quality. This surgical intervention can significantly enhance vision for those affected by this condition
Importance of Regular Eye Examinations
Regular eye examinations are crucial in detecting retinal conditions early, especially for individuals with risk factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or a family history of eye diseases. Early detection and treatment can prevent vision loss and improve quality of life.
At Rani Menon Maxivision, we emphasize the importance of comprehensive eye care. Our experienced ophthalmologists use advanced diagnostic tools to identify and manage retinal conditions effectively. We are committed to providing personalized care and the latest treatment options to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients.
Why Choose Us?
At Rani Menon Maxivision, we’re fortunate to have a team of highly skilled eye care specialists who specialize in retinal care, dedicated to providing expert treatment for our patients’ eye health needs. Schedule a consultation with us. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure precise diagnoses and effective treatments. Our approach centres around the patient, with customized treatment plans designed to meet the unique needs of each individual. From the initial diagnosis through to post-treatment care, we offer a full spectrum of services, ensuring comprehensive and continuous support throughout each patient’s journey.
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drdudhbhate · 5 months
Understanding the Relationship Between Dry Eye and Floaters: Exploring Causes and Management
Introduction: Dry eye syndrome and floaters are two common eye conditions that can cause discomfort and visual disturbances. While they may seem unrelated, there is a connection between them that is worth exploring. In this blog, we'll delve into the relationship between dry eye and floaters, examining their causes, symptoms, and management strategies.
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Understanding Dry Eye Syndrome: Dry eye syndrome occurs when the eyes do not produce enough tears or when the tears evaporate too quickly. This can lead to symptoms such as:
A gritty or sandy sensation in the eyes
Redness and irritation
Blurred vision
Sensitivity to light
Several factors can contribute to dry eye syndrome, including aging, hormonal changes, environmental conditions (such as dry air or wind), certain medications, and underlying health conditions like autoimmune diseases.
Understanding Floaters: Floaters are tiny specks or strands that drift across your field of vision. They are caused by tiny pieces of the eye's gel-like vitreous breaking loose and floating around inside the eye. While floaters are usually harmless, they can be bothersome and may indicate underlying eye conditions such as vitreous detachment or retinal tear.
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The Connection Between Dry Eye and Floaters: While dry eye syndrome and floaters may seem unrelated, they can be linked through common underlying factors. Chronic dry eye can lead to inflammation and irritation of the eye's surface, which may contribute to changes in the vitreous humor and the development of floaters. Additionally, individuals with dry eye syndrome may be more prone to rubbing their eyes, which can increase the risk of vitreous detachment and the formation of floaters.
Management Strategies:
Hydration: Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining healthy tear production and lubrication of the eyes. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help alleviate dry eye symptoms and reduce the risk of floaters.
Artificial Tears: Using lubricating eye drops can provide relief from dry eye symptoms and help keep the eyes moist and comfortable. These drops can also help reduce irritation and inflammation, which may indirectly alleviate floaters.
Nutrition: A balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, C, and E, and antioxidants can support eye health and reduce the risk of dry eye syndrome and floaters.
Eye Protection: Wearing sunglasses outdoors can help protect the eyes from harmful UV rays and environmental factors that can exacerbate dry eye symptoms and increase the risk of floaters.
Regular Eye Exams: Routine eye exams are crucial for detecting and monitoring both dry eye syndrome and floaters. Your eye care professional can assess your eye health, identify any underlying issues, and recommend appropriate treatment options.
About Dr. Dudhbhate: Dr. Dudhbhate is a distinguished ophthalmologist specializing in the treatment of dry eye syndrome and floaters. With extensive experience and expertise in managing various eye conditions, including dry eyes and floaters, Dr. Dudhbhate is committed to providing personalized care and effective solutions for his patients. He employs state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques and treatment modalities to address the underlying causes of dry eye and floaters and improve patients' overall ocular health.
Conclusion: Dry eye syndrome and floaters are common eye conditions that can have a significant impact on visual comfort and quality of life. While they may be separate issues, they can be interconnected through common underlying factors. By understanding the relationship between dry eye and floaters and implementing appropriate management strategies, individuals can minimize symptoms, preserve eye health, and enjoy clear, comfortable vision. If you experience persistent dry eye symptoms or notice changes in your floaters, it's essential to consult with an eye care professional like Dr. Dudhbhate for personalized evaluation and treatment.
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asian-eye-cure · 5 months
Navigating Retinal Vein Occlusion: Treatment Options, Lifestyle Strategies, and Expert Guidance
Retinal vein occlusion (RVO) presents a significant challenge to eye health, potentially leading to vision impairment or loss if left untreated. However, amidst the complexities of this condition, there exists a ray of hope through effective management strategies. In this comprehensive exploration, we'll delve into the various options available for managing RVO, alongside invaluable insights into lifestyle changes that can synergize with medical interventions to optimize outcomes and bolster overall eye health.
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Understanding Retinal Vein Occlusion: Before we embark on our journey through management strategies, let's first grasp the essence of retinal vein occlusion. RVO manifests when one of the retinal veins encounters obstruction or narrowing, precipitating fluid leakage, bleeding, and the formation of retinal swelling or edema. Whether affecting central or branch veins, RVO delineates into central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) or branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) respectively. Rooted in common risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, and age, RVO underscores the intricate interplay between systemic health and ocular well-being.
Treatment Options for Retinal Vein Occlusion:
Some floaters are harmless and tend to fade with time or become less bothersome and require no treatment.
Some floaters are caused by a tear in the retina. These floaters caused by retinal tear typically appear suddenly like a shower of black spots. If the tear is not treated, the retina may detach from the back of the eye, for which the treatment is retinal surgery. Hence sudden onset large number of floaters is a concern and one should seek retina expert opinion as early as possible in this case.
Those who have experienced floaters for years should schedule an eye exam if new flashes are noticed. Flashes are lightning-like streaks of light typically noticed in darkness.
Another treatment option is an invasive procedure called vitrectomy in which some or all of the vitreous is removed from the eye and is replaced with a sterile clear fluid.
Most eye surgeons do not recommend vitrectomy to treat eye floaters, as the risks associated with the procedure usually outweigh the benefits of the treatment.
Lifestyle Changes to Support RVO Management: Complementing medical interventions, lifestyle modifications wield profound influence in the management of RVO: Maintain a Healthy Diet: Nourish the retina and bolster vascular health through a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids. Embrace the vibrant spectrum of leafy greens, colorful fruits, and omega-3-rich fish to fortify ocular resilience. Manage Systemic Health Conditions: Exercise vigilance in controlling underlying health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Through a holistic approach encompassing medication, dietary adjustments, exercise, and regular medical consultations, mitigate the risk of RVO exacerbation. Quit Smoking: Bid farewell to smoking, a notorious harbinger of RVO and other ocular maladies. Embrace the journey towards smoke-free living, revitalizing blood circulation and safeguarding the retina from further harm. Monitor Blood Pressure: Safeguard against RVO complications by maintaining blood pressure within a healthy range. Pledge allegiance to regular blood pressure monitoring and diligently adhere to medical counsel for optimal management. Protect Your Eyes: Shield your eyes from the perils of UV radiation by donning sunglasses with UV protection when venturing outdoors. Furthermore, safeguard against the strain of prolonged screen exposure by integrating periodic breaks into your routine.
Conclusion: The management of retinal vein occlusion embodies a multifaceted endeavor, harmonizing medical interventions with lifestyle modifications to realize optimal outcomes. Collaborate closely with your esteemed eye care provider, embarking on a journey towards ocular restoration, vision preservation, and enhanced quality of life. Remember, early detection and proactive intervention serve as the bedrock of success in RVO management. Should you or a loved one exhibit symptoms suggestive of RVO, seize the initiative to seek timely medical evaluation and personalized treatment guidance.
ABOUT DR. SHRUTIKA KANKARIYA: In our pursuit of elucidating the intricacies of RVO management, we are privileged to draw upon the expertise of Dr. Shrutika Junagade Kankariya. Renowned as an advanced medical retina, diabetic eye disease, and cataract expert, Dr. Kankariya stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of ocular care. Her illustrious journey commenced at the esteemed Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital in Mumbai, where she laid the foundation for her illustrious medical career. Subsequently, she embarked on a transformative odyssey at Sankara Netralaya in Chennai, one of Asia's premier eye institutes. Under the mentorship of the Diplomat of the National Board (DNB), Dr. Kankariya delved deep into the intricacies of ophthalmology, emerging as a proficient clinician. Her relentless pursuit of excellence culminated in the attainment of the Fellow of the International Council of Ophthalmology (FICO UK), a testament to her unwavering commitment to global standards of ocular care. Augmenting her expertise, she pursued an advanced fellowship in retinal disorders at Sankara Netralaya, Chennai, immersing herself in the nuances of retinal pathology. Today, Dr. Kankariya stands tall as the preeminent retina surgeon in Pune, India, her compassionate demeanor and unparalleled proficiency garnering accolades from patients and peers alike. With Dr. Kankariya at the helm, patients can embark on a transformative journey towards ocular well-being, navigating the complexities of RVO with unwavering confidence and optimism. For more information contact: Asian Eye Clinic +91 8888942222
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wonka44xd · 8 months
So I went crazy the other day because I rediscovered my eye floaters that I've had since I was little. So after going into a rabbit hole using claude.ai trying to see if there was any way to remove them. And most people on the internet will say there is no way
But I refused to believe nothing could be done.
So I really thought about how the eye is working and how would you theoretically get something to that region.
Claude told me that the virteous ( the eye gel in ur eyeball) is not effected by the surrounding part of ur eye because it's not supplied by blood
But when u really think about where the eye floaters come from --- I asked Claude where they came from
They come from parts near ur retina
So since that's the case, possibly most eye floaters would be more near the retina than not
And if that's the case -- the retina is supplied by blood and is close enough to the eye floaters to maybe transmit a vitamin or enzyme across some membrane to the gell --- eventually to the eye floater
Sounds super farfetched to medicine I know nowadays
But think about thjs
Blood and water transmit nutrients throughout your bloodstream down to the smallest parts to keep them alive
And also think about this
Inflammation is your body rushing blood to the area as self defense
And it's rushing blood because blood has healing things in it
You could possibly administer more healing agents to the area
If you took more vitmains/supplements
That eventually go into your blood stream.
I will take this further with eye floaters.
I read that a sauna could possibly effect the eye gel enough to change the temperature that it could aid in breaking them down.
So after all this I decided to buy some eye supplements and pineapple extract or something
Now i have to say that this next part is not to be taken lightly and don't do drugs.
But when u smoke weed and thc getts in ur system
Ur eyes get inflamed, that's y u eyes are red and dry
Claude says this can make floaters worse
What if I used this inflammation to send more vitamins and supplements to my eyes
Because that's what inflammation does. And I already light up. Not that I will be smoking more. Just that it will be part of the experiment and it can also effect it in some way.
There's also a vitamin that says helps with eyes, even claude will mention it. But more studies are needed.
Vitamin a I'm pretty sure
It helps with secretions
And ur retinal cells secretes into the eye gel every so often but not enough to replace all of ur vitreous gel
But bottom line that ur retina and other parts secrete into the gel
Where the floaters are
So I'm taking that (vitamin a and others)to increase production of excretion/oils that can help move the eye floater
Taking digestive enzymes could also help break things down. Bc ur cells and other things digest unironically
And maybe will get excreted from the bloodstream into my eyes eventually over the long term
In addition to the indirect inflammation in my eyes
Which in theory puts more blood into my eyes, which has more of the vitamin/enzyme in it
And also may give a little more warmth, microscopically
Which could help stimulate more chemical reaction.
Such this is a long shot but idc
Lemme be schizo
Lemme try something
And I'll tell u all how it goes
---- until next time
***peace sign
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918eyedoctore · 9 months
Clarity Regained: Effective Treatments for Eye Floaters
Eye floaters, those drifting specks and threads that can disrupt our vision, are a common visual phenomenon often associated with aging. While they are typically benign, the persistence of floaters can lead individuals to seek effective treatments for regaining clarity in their vision. In this pursuit, various approaches and interventions offer hope for those looking to minimize the impact of eye floaters.
Observation and Lifestyle Adjustments: In many cases, eye floaters are harmless and do not require medical intervention. For individuals with mild floaters, simply observing changes in their appearance and adjusting daily habits can make a significant difference. This includes avoiding excessively bright lights and incorporating healthy lifestyle choices, such as staying hydrated and maintaining a balanced diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants.
Vitrectomy Surgery: For more severe cases where floaters significantly impair vision and quality of life, vitrectomy surgery may be considered. This surgical procedure involves removing the vitreous humor—the gel-like substance inside the eye—and replacing it with a saline solution. While vitrectomy can be effective, it carries risks such as retinal detachment and cataract formation, making it a consideration only in more extreme cases.
Laser Vitreolysis: Laser vitreolysis is a non-invasive procedure that uses laser energy to break apart floaters within the vitreous. The fragmented floaters are then absorbed by the eye, reducing their visibility. This approach is gaining popularity as a less invasive alternative to surgery. However, its effectiveness may vary, and not all types of floaters may be suitable for laser treatment.
YAG Laser: YAG laser, or neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser, is another laser-based treatment for eye floaters cause. In this procedure, the laser is used to break down large floaters into smaller, less noticeable fragments. While YAG laser treatment is considered safe, it may not be suitable for all types of floaters, and the outcomes can vary.
Medication (Vitreolysis-in-a-pill): Ongoing research explores the development of medication that could induce vitreolysis, essentially breaking down floaters from within the eye. While this potential treatment is in its early stages, it holds promise for providing a non-invasive option for individuals seeking relief from bothersome floaters.
Regaining clarity in the presence of eye floaters involves a careful consideration of various treatment options, each with its own set of benefits and risks. From lifestyle adjustments to surgical interventions and emerging pharmaceutical approaches, individuals can explore the treatments that align with the severity of their symptoms and their overall health. Consulting with an eye care professional is crucial to determine the most appropriate course of action, ensuring that clarity is regained in a way that prioritizes both eye health and quality of life.
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susu-0 · 11 months
Eye Care Knowledge
Computers and smartphones are pretty much indispensable in our daily lives. We use them to watch short videos, livestream, play games, read novels, work, and so on. For over half of the day, our eyes are glued to these screens. Consequently, more and more people are experiencing a decline in their vision, with symptoms like dry, red eyes, and even blurry vision.
Yet, our current lifestyle and work are inseparable from these devices. So, what can we do? Let's delve into some eye-care tips today.
Signs of overusing our eyes:
Decreased vision and eye pain.
Deformed or discolored vision.
Seeing floaters or black shadows.
Experiencing flashes or double vision.
Tearing up and having blind spots.
Feeling like there's something in your eye, accompanied by dryness.
Unhealthy habits: Rubbing your eyes vigorously. Staying up late. Exposing your eyes to weak lighting. Excessive use of electronic devices. Excessive consumption of sugary foods.
Eye care recommendations:
✅ Eat more lutein-rich foods: corn, spinach, leeks.
✅ Consume anthocyanin-rich foods: blueberries, eggplants, purple rice.
✅ Include vitamin A/C-rich foods: cod liver oil, egg yolk, carrots.
✅ Opt for foods rich in calcium, phosphorus, and protein: milk, lean meat, fish.
Recommended eye care products:
Lancome Eye Cream
La Mer Eye Cream
Viicode Eye Cream
Pola Eye Cream
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visioneyesblog · 1 year
Vision 20 Uses - Is It Really Affordable?
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Many people today take for granted the ability to see out of their eyes that they don't take good care of them until something goes wrong. Don't let that happen to you! Vision 20 Proper eye care is very important, and the following article offers great information on how to go about taking care of your eyes so they work well for your entire life.
Eat your vegetables. Living a healthy life is all about eating the right foods and avoiding the bad ones. Leafy green vegetables are packed full of Vitamin A and Vitamin E, which are very useful vitamins that help the body preform many of its necessary functions, such as repairing and replacing dead skin cells, thus preventing wrinkles and fine lines.
What you eat is very important to the health of your eyes. A diet that is rich in vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids are helpful to good eyesight. Many vegetables like carrots and broccoli are rich in vitamin A. Fish and nuts can provide you with the omega-3 that you need.
The foods you eat can cause eye damage. Studies show that eating foods with Vitamins E and C, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids help prevent cataracts and other eye issues. Tuna, salmon, beans, nuts, oranges and green, leafy vegetables are some foods that contain these nutrients.
If you wear contacts, you must follow your eye doctor's instruction carefully. If your eyes feel irritated when you put them on, that can mean that your contact lenses are damaged. Another reason could be an eye problem that is beginning to form. See your eyecare professional right away to prevent a more serious problem.
Omega 3 acids are good for eye health. Try and switch up your diet to include more of these foods. This includes dark green leafy vegetables and fish. Aim for one serving a day.
Wear sunglasses when outdoors. They can even be effective against UV rays on cloudy days. UV protection is always important when picking sunglasses. They might cost a little more, but it is worth it when considering that your eye health is at stake.
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Include as many fruits and vegetables as possible in your diet; especially carrots and sweet potatoes which provide beta carotene (Vitamin A). Salmon is high in Omega 3's and broccoli, brussels sprouts and bell peppers are good sources of Vitamin C. These anti oxidants can help prevent macular degeneration and blindness.
If you start to see more floaters or flashes, see your eyecare professional right away. These may be signs of some deterioration in your eyes. If these go unheeded, it can lead to blindness as you get older. If the conditions are caught early, your eyecare professional can prescribe treatment that can reverse the deterioration.
When you are reading, make sure that you have adequate lighting. Reading in low light can cause your eyes to strain unnecessarily. This can lead to eye discomfort and potential problems. Read by a window that provides bright light, or turn on more lights indoors when you are reading at night.
Do you play sports? Certain contact sports, like lacrosse and ice hockey, can be dangerous for your eyes. Make sure you wear either sports goggles or a face mask to limit your risk. While it may seem strange to wear them at first, you will quickly get used to them.
Make sure to consume copious amounts of Vitamin A during the course of the day. Vitamin A is great for helping to reduce the inflammation and irritation that you may feel, which can cause dryness. Foods that have high sources of this vitamin include carrots, chicken, potatoes, spinach and sweet potatoes.
If you are a smoker, butt out! Of course, smoking will lead your eyes to yellow and the skin around them to wrinkle and thin. On top of that, smoking is linked to a high risk of macular degeneration, cataracts and even damage to the optic nerve, all of which can lead to blindness.
Try not to use eye drops too frequently. Even though they give relief, they could possible cause other problems. You should consult an optometrist for additional insight on the options that might be available.
A great way to relieve eye strain when using electronics is to incorporate anti-glare covers or screens. Many monitors for computers and tablets use these now and greatly help your eye health over prolonged periods. You should also make sure there are no direct lights on screens to help reduce glare in this way.
See an optometrist. As you get older, your eyes do not work as well as they once did. You may not have needed glasses your entire life, but its a good idea to see an optometrist every year, the same as you see a dentist every few months. An optometrist will be able to tell you how your eyes are doing, and you can get glasses if necessary.
It is important to have your young children's checked by a pediatric eye doctor every year. Children's eyes develop rapidly. Regular check ups can catch any abnormalities that can lead to further problems. If caught early, the eye doctor can take measures to stop a problem before it occurs.
Make sure your living and working spaces have enough light. You may not think very much about whether your working and living spaces have enough light, but the truth is that it is important. If your environment is too dim, your eyes may start aching, or your head can hurt. Pay conscious attention to how well-lit a room is, so you can add more light if necessary.
It can be tempting to purchase cheap make-up, as many of the well-known brands are quite expensive. However, it is best to pay a little more for quality. Some cheap eye shadows and liners have led to swelling and itching. You just don't want to take that chance with your eyes.
As you can clearly see from the above article, eye care is a very important part of everyone's life. Without good eyesight, there is so much stuff that will end up missing. All you have to do is follow the above tips and strategies to maintaining your eyes, and they should be in good shape for many years to come.
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7 Foods That Can Help to Enhance Your Vision
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When you need to keep your eyes healthy, you will need to maintain a well- balanced healthy diet and take eye nutrients at the same time. Once you start to take eye nutrients, along with healthy – diet, you will lessen the risk of developing.
While you need to include anti- oxidants, you will need to include foods, which are filled with minerals, nutrients, and vitamins. Once you take the eye nutrients, you are going to prevent some of the worst eye conditions. They are:
Age – related muscular degradation
Poor nigh vision 
Dry eyes
When you take healthy and balanced diet with a variety of protein, vegetables, and fruits, along with eye nutrients, you will be able to solve the critical problems of the eyes. 
Types of food for Enhancing Vision
It is seen that while you take eye nutrients, you need to intake seven foots that will help you to keep your eye sight in good condition. These foods are described in this article for the readers. 
It is seen that kiwi, which has high fibre contains more Vitamin C than an orange. When you take one large kiwi, you are going to develop low risk of cataract. It is seen that kiwi contains nearly 84 grams of vitamin. 
While you take kiwi, you will need to intake vision improvement supplements with it at the same time. While kiwi will help to improve age – related macular degeneration, the food will also protect your eyes from cataract. 
It is seen that kiwi has an impressive array of minerals and vitamins; other fruits are not high in more than couple of nutrients. 
There can be high concentration of zinc, around your retina. Researchers have seen that this mineral is vital for protecting eyes from various diseases.
 They have suggested if you take oysters along with vision improvement supplements, you are going to get away from macular degeneration. Since oyster contains omega- 3 fatty acids, they are beneficial for the eyes. 
It is necessary to take eggs along with vision improvement supplements so that you can get away macular degeneration of the eyes. The egg yolks are extremely high in zeaxanthin and lutein that will protect the pigment of eyes. 
There will be low risk of macular degeneration, and development of cataract, as egg contains vitamin A. It is seen that fat in eggs also boost absorption of these compounds if you take vision improvement supplements along with it. 
There is strong evidence that eggs will provide same type of benefit for your eyes, just like other vitamin A supplements. 
Butternut squash 
While manufacturing vitamin A, your body can use beta- carotene in your diet. Henceforth, foods like butternut squash are a good one for macular degeneration, and exceptional for eye health. If you take it with vision improvement supplements, you are going to get good results. 
It is seen that butternut squash is very filing and high in fibre. There are less carbs than a sweet potato. There will good results for eyesight if you cook a cup of butternut squash with five hundred mg of potassium. 
Red Peppers
It is seen orange a red bell peppers add a delightful splash of color to your eyes. It is seen that this food is one of the factors affecting vision health. Red peppers have zeaxanthin and lutein along with vitamin A and C. 
While you will be able to more zeaxanthin and lutein, you will know that this food is one of key factors affecting vision health. When raw, they are going retain more vitamin C. The food is also good to keep away eye floater as well. 
Wheat Germ
It is seen that a quarter – cup of wheat germ contains five gram of vitamin E, which will good for eye floater. While it is good for slowing the rate of development of cataract, the food is one of key factors affecting vision health. 
There will be better development of eye cells, and vision, as wheat germ contains vitamin E. While being one of key factors affecting vision health, wheat germ is a part of grain from which plant would be sprouted. 
There is chock – full of other healthy compounds including zinc, folic acid, phosphorous and thiamine that are good for eye floater. If you are adding wheat germ with the oat meal, you are going to get results for your eye floater as well. 
When you are eating turkey, you will know it is a good food that will become key factors for affecting vision health. It is seen that turkey contains vitamin B3, which is very good to keep away eye floater. 
Researchers have seen that if patients will glaucoma is given turkey, they are going to heal in a better way. It is seen that turkey will give your eye more iron and zinc, along with protein as well. 
Final Words 
There are several types of food that you can give you healthy eyesight. While you will need to take these foods, you will need to give your eyes good care.
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alfaparida · 2 years
Signs-Symptoms of Common Eye Problems
Work-from-home scenarios have over-exposed our eyes to the digital space. Let’s find out about the signs & symptoms of some of the common eye problems that the e-generation is facing at large:
Eyestrain: This is one of the most common eye problems. Anyone who is spending long hours using digital devices like computers or laptops is prone to experience strained eyes. Strained eyes would feel heavy accompanied by a slight tingling/burning sensation. Just a bit of rest with closed eyes can relieve your eyes from the weariness & burning sensation. In case, the duration of the weariness is increasing, get in touch with an eye doctor immediately.
Red Eyes: This particular condition or eye problem is associated with various reasons including injuries as well. Red eyes are caused due to the swelling & inflammation of the small blood vessels in the eyes. This causes the white portion of the eyes to appear pink or red. Redness also appears when you rub your eyes due to any irritation. However, red eyes should never be neglected as it is a sign of some bigger infection or underlying problem.
Dry Eyes: This condition occurs when our eyes are unable to produce sufficient tears for lubricating our eyes. When suffering from this condition, you might experience a burning/scratchy feeling and a feeling of something present in your eyes. Also, your eyes would become very sensitive towards the light.
Night Blindness: Is it difficult for you to see at night? If yes, then probably you are experiencing a condition called night blindness. There can be several causes for night blindness such as vitamin A deficiency and cataracts. All these causes can be easily rectified by eye doctors, either via medication or surgery.
Light Sensitivity: Also known as photophobia, this condition causes your eyes to experience extreme discomfort in brightly lit environments. This condition can itself be a cause for various other eye conditions such as allergies, migraines, cataracts, strabismus, etc.
Floaters: One of the most commonly experienced conditions wherein a person sees specks, dots, lines, or webs floating in the field of vision, hence the name floaters. These normally fade away over time but in case of severe floaters, you might need to consult an eye expert.
Don’t neglect even the slightest disorientation in your eyesight. Opt for periodic eye examinations or Home Eye Tests and remember to wear high-quality eyewear from EyeMyEye.
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hairstyleforteen · 2 years
Is Ginger good for the eyes?
Ginger and honey are both good for blood circulation.They do a great job of lightening tired eyes.A small amount of ginger extract or juice can be taken from a fresh piece of ginger.This liquidy paste should be applied to the area around your eyes. Can ginger cause blurred vision? Too much ginger can cause heart palpitations.If taken in large quantities, this herb can cause blurred vision, palpitations and insomnia. Which juice is good for eyes? Carrot juice is good for eyesight.The vitamins in carrots are important for eyesight.You can mix tomato juice with carrot juice.Green leafy vegetables are good for your eyesight. Is ginger good for puffy eyes? You can make two cups of tea, one for you and one to treat your puffy under-eye bags.Before you use it, let it cool off thoroughly. Does ginger slow aging? ginger has been shown to prevent and treat diseases. What does ginger do for a man? Increasing the level of cholesterol in the testes is one of the mechanisms through which ginger enhances testosterone production. What foods brighten your eyes? Fruits and vegetables rich in yellow and orange are apricots, carrots, lemons, mangoes, papayas, oranges, peaches, pears, and pumpkins. What is the causes of eye problem? Age-related eye diseases are the leading causes of blindness and low vision in the United States.Other eye disorders include strabismus and amblyopia. Which is better garlic or ginger? Both garlic and ginger are high in a number of vitamins and minerals.ginger has less saturated fat than garlic.Garlic has more thiamin than ginger.It is a good source of vitamins A and C. How do you permanently remove eye bags? A lower blepharoplasty, a surgical procedure that involves the removal or repositioning of the fat and/or skin underneath the eyes, is the most effective way to address under-eye bags. What spice is good for eyesight? It has been around for more than 4,000 years. How can I reverse my aging vision? There is no treatment for age related loss of color perception.The gel-like vitreous inside the eye starts to pull away as you age, which can cause spots, floaters and flashes of light. What does rubbing ginger on your feet do? Foot soak with hot ginger is a remedy to help relieve colds and support good sleep.It promotes circulation and reduces inflammation.ginger is helpful in cold weather. Can I rub ginger on my face? You can get fresh ginger or ginger powder in the stores.Add ginger, honey and lemon juice to a small bowl.Allow it to stay on your face for 30 minutes before rinsing it off.It's a key to glowing skin. Is it OK to eat raw ginger? Millions of people swear by the healing power of ginger.You can eat it in a variety of ways.Some common diseases have been helped by the use of ginger as a natural remedy. What does ginger do for a woman? In alternative medicine, ginger has been used to treat nausea and vomiting after surgery, dizziness, menstrual pain, and arthritis.In order to prevent motion sickness and seasickness, ginger has been used. What makes eyes beautiful? It's all about structure.The bones around your eye are related to the attractiveness of your eyes.A bigger orbiture is seen as more attractive than a smaller one. What can't eyes see? What the Eyes Don't See is a riveting account of a shameful disaster that became a tale of hope, the story of a city on the ropes that came together to fight for justice, self-determination, and the right to build a better world for their children. Can a person live without eyes? In rare cases, a person could be born without eyes.A lack of eyes can cause many challenges for a person, but they aren't a vital organ for survival. Read the full article
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drprashantjindal · 2 years
Dr Prashant Jindal Want To Know About Eye Care? Read This
Dr Prashant Jindal Professional tips provider. Though it may be frequently overlooked by some, eye care really is a topic that requires a good deal of attention and emphasis. The health of the eyes can have significant implications in just about every aspect of life, and is therefore worthy of real effort. The tips below are intended to help you keep your eyes in great shape and get the eye care you need.
Always wash your hands before you touch your eyes. Your fingers are covered with bacteria because your hands touch surfaces that other people have touched. If you touch your eyes without washing your hands, you will transfer bacteria to your eyes and cause irritation or even an infection. Therefore, before touching your eyes, wash your hands with soap and water.
Avoid exposing your eyes to bright light for a long period of time. The bright light can cause your eye muscles to strain. They can also damage your eyes. If you are out in the sun all day long, wear a hat and a pair of sunglasses that offer UV protection.
Keep your eyes protected when dealing with hazardous situations. In certain types of unclean or hazardous environments, you should keep your eyes protected by wearing safety goggles. These also include certain sports. Activities like lacrosse, ice hockey, or racquetball can cause eye injuries, which is why you should wear helmets that have built-in face masks or sports goggles.
Surprisingly enough, the foods you eat can impact your eye health. High amounts of C and E vitamins can help prevent macular degeneration and other diseases. You can also partake of some leafy greens, salmon, nuts, tuna, oranges and more in order to help fight off eye disease.
If you start to see more floaters or flashes, see your eyecare professional right away. These may be signs of some deterioration in your eyes. If these go unheeded, it can lead to blindness as you get older. If the conditions are caught early, your eyecare professional can prescribe treatment that can reverse the deterioration.
If you wear contact lenses, avoid wearing them while you sleep or for more than 19 hours. Unless you are wearing special lenses that are made for wearing overnight, your contact can deprive your eyes of oxygen and lead to extreme discomfort and possibly serious permanent damage to your sight.
Go to the eye doctor on a regular basis to check for any inconsistencies that may disrupt your vision and impact the quality of your sight. If you have any problems, this doctor can give you contacts or glasses you so that you are not squinting during the day, which can cause painful migraine headaches.
Position your computer monitor at the ideal distance from your eyes. If your monitor is positioned too high or too close, it can cause you eye strain. Eyes that are stressed are prone to develop more problems down the road. The computer screen should be positioned at eye level and at least at an arm's distance.
Dr Prashant Jindal Expert tips provider. Enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning. If you're looking for another excuse to drink coffee in the morning, then you've found one. Studies have shown that drinking one or two cups of coffee each morning can actually help replenish tears that help keep eyes moist. Keep the limit at two cups or you'll do more damage than good.
To diminish puffy eyes, use slices of raw potato. Cut the potato into half circles and place over your closed eyes. If you prefer, you can grate the potato and place in some Muslin cloth, then squeeze excess liquid out and place on closed eyes. Leave either on for 15-20 minutes for best effect.
Keep in mind that having eye issues may be inevitable for some. Many eye conditions are hereditary. You can take great care of your eyes and still have major issues. If you have family member with eye problems, you may want to talk to them about which issues run in the family. You can bring up these conditions to your optometrist so that they can watch for the early signs.
To soothe puffy eyes, place a slice of a cold cucumber on top of each eyelid. The coolness from the cucumber slices will calm the puffiness and give your eyes relief. Leave the slices on your eyes for about ten minutes before you sleep at night to reduce minor inflammation.
Don't rub your eyes. This can be a hard habit to break, particularly if you've been doing it since childhood. However, your hands are really dirty, and by rubbing your eyes, you are passing those germs on to your face. If you must touch your eyes, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly first.
Make sure you are getting adequate sleep every night. Every part of your body rests and repairs itself while you are sleeping, and your eyes are no different. You can feel that your eyes are tired and feel strained in the morning when you are only able to get a few hours of sleep the night before.
You can splash a bit of water that is cold on your eyes a few times during the day to refresh them. This can relieve your eyes from redness or irritation. It will also help wake you up.
Make sure you exercise regularly. While physical exercise does not sound like it could better your eye health, it actually can. being overweight or obese can boost your chances of developing glaucoma or diabetic eye disease. Eye pressure can also be reduced by 20 percent if you exercise for at least 30 minutes.
A Hyperosmotic is helpful for swelling in the cornea. A hyperosmotic pulls excess moisture out of the cornea. Two percent sodium chloride is a much better alternative if your eyes irritate often.
Dr Prashant Jindal Best service provider. It is sometimes easy to take eye care for granted, particularly if you have never experienced problems with your vision. However, because eye health can have an impact on overall health, it is important to take eye care seriously. By keeping the above advice handy, you can be prepared for anything that comes your way.
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