#f u you microsoft word not keeping my formatting
anakinsthot · 11 months
Fic Tag Game!
I was tagged by @veloursdor, @mischievouschan4, and @lilredghost. Y'all probably forgot but I DID NOT. I've just been sad and mopey because I'm working when it's dark out with the time change and it's pitch black by the time I'm home, so I haven't gotten anything done!
How many works do you have on a03?
2. What’s your ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently just Star Wars! And I don’t foresee that changing. When I first got into fanfic I wrote for Bleach, Final Fantasy VII (oh my god there were song fics, what the fuck), Harry Potter, Marvel Cinematic Universe (I had forgotten about that completely. Hopefully I forget again), and The Hobbit.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Hey this feels like a war crime, actually. They’re all obikin except the first.
Lady of the Rocks, with 1,125 kudos… my Hobbit fic that hasn’t been touched in like 6 years.
Bitter Honey (BEE FIC, BEE FIC, BEE FIC!! Sits at 447 right now)
Anakin Skywalker, Witch (420, nice)
Living with the Present (402)
Tapio (128)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Although frequently very late. I got bad about it this summer because this summer sucked, emotionally. But I love it when authors respond to my comments so, as hard as it is for me to believe, I imagine that people enjoy when I respond to their comments and try my best to do it.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don’t think any of them have an angsty ending. One of the Harry Potter fics was going to though. LOL.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Anakin Skywalker, Witch.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes… mostly pretty vanilla right now I think. I need to expand my writing comfort bubble.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven’t written any. Used to read a ton though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, not to my knowledge.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. It’s stressful enough trying to match my own writing voice haha.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Obikin, definitely!
15. What’s a WIP you’d like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
My hobbit fic. I still get comment occasionally asking if I’ll finish it. My big thing with that fic was world-building and I’ve lost a lot of what I had. I WANT to work on it for the people that still enjoy it though.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I’d say probably dialogue, because I feel like I edit that the least, and world-building.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
….actually writing the words down RIP. Also comma usage.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I avoid it, generally. I read too many fantasy books and fics back in the day where you had to flip to the glossary at the end of the book/bottom of the page for translations and it gets annoying, especially if there’s a multiple characters speaking.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Omg I had to look up my old ff.net account to check this. It was Bleach.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
I want to immediately say Anakin Skywalker, Witch. It’s my first obikin fic, my first fanfic after a long hiatus. I’ve put so much work and research into it. But Tapio has a vibe that I really enjoy, and has managed to inspire that vibe in readers so… dark horse winner is Tapio.
Bonus: What fic would you want to rewrite one day?
Probably that damn Hobbit fic. I didn’t have an editor back then so I shudder to think about what the comma situation is there.
I feel like I've seen most people do this game already! So I'm not going to tag anyone, but if you see this and have not been tagged yet/want to do it... this is me, tagging you.
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scarecroweyes · 7 years
Sabe’s tips for Writing Essays
So idk about y’all but my university never gave me any good outline structures for writing essays and I was just talking to @magnusburnsidesvevo​ about this and helping them break down their essay for school. I’ve always been fortunate enough to be really really good with writing essays so idk I thought I’d share my basic tips for writing school shit aw yis bby let’s go - LONG POST UNDER THE CUT.
1. Outlines.
Super fucken important. Not everyone needs them and some people hate them but if you hate essays and get lost/frustrated with research easily, this will be your saviour. Your basic outline should look sth like this:
Intro to topic (what it’s about, history/background)
Thesis statement/Topic statement (what are YOU arguing, what is the scope you’re focusing on) [This is sometimes smushed together with your intro] Point/Argument 1
Point/Argument 2
Point/Argument 3
Conclusion (summarize your arguments and why they prove your statement, acknowledge any limitations, make suggestions if you’re discussing an issue that needs to be solved, link everything back to your original thesis and REPEAT the thesis here)
Outline Example: (this is all purely fictional bc it is 5:50 am here pls bear with me)
Intro: Cats have been recorded as human companions as early as over 9000 years ago - but scientific research has shown that even modern felines are only semi-domesticated. Despite this, cats are some of the most popular domestic pets in the world. Stats on pet cat ownership.
Thesis Statement: I maintain that cats are the best animals for human beings to own as a domesticated pet. In this paper I will be analysing the social and physical health benefits that cats provide to their owners, as well as the nature of their relationship with human owners. Pt 1. Toe beans are amazing and good for your health
Pt 2. They can’t be manipulated into loving you so their love is good and pure.
Pt 3. Owning one as a kid can make u less susceptible to allergies
Pt 4. They give u nose boops and hunt for ur useless smol butt.
Conclusion: Cats are best pet because of all of the above and also I think despite their bad rep they are really complex creatures.
2. Research
Ho boy. Ok, so now you’ve got your points. Time for your research. Most universities will have some sort of database of available research papers but do not be afraid to find non-academic sources to bulk up your points - if I’m writing about cats having a good relationship with humans I might also find examples of cats saving human lives in addition to research about their social behaviour. Do note that most universities will have a minimum number of academic sources require tho.
When searching for my research I like to google papers using Google Scholar first, then copy the paper titles and search for them in my university database - because Google generally has better search algorithms. If the paper is not available and you have the time to wait (and think the research is important and useful) please just submit a request to your school library to acquire it I promise you they will actually listen to your request.
Find research that supports your argument AND counterarguments - if you want to really prove you’re doing your work thoroughly, examine counterarguments to your points and break them down. You can acknowledge the other side without conceding your point; you just have to explain why the other side isn’t quite as right as yours tbh. (If your essay has a shorter word limit then you might not need to do this)
Read the abstracts. Look - a lot of academic papers are filled with a ridiculous amount of filler words and very very redundant writing to bulk them up and make them appear more ~*academic*~ which really, only serves to make them stupidly difficult to read and digest, especially for a layman. (no seriously, this is an actual problem with academic writing). The abstracts will HELP BIG TIME. The abstract is basically a summary of the research done - reading it will help you understand the points they’re trying to make so that when you go through the actual paper you can see which points are most important. It also helps you skim over redundant information. To this day I have not read a single research paper word for word I can tell u. ORGANISE YOUR RESEARCH. Please do this. Bookmark them into different folders for different points. Rename them. (Toebean research 1. Toebeans are bad. Toebeans are good 3.) You will thank urself later when you have 12 different PDF documents to go through and 1009348230492834 tabs already open. 3. Actually writing.
Okay, so now it’s time to actually fill our your paper. Here is the most important part - DO NOT START WITH THE INTRODUCTION. Start with your first point. Why? Because you can’t introduce sth you haven’t even written. Das right bby, we’re jumping straight into your arguments.
Now it usually seems really daunting but writing out your points is actually pretty simple - use the PEEL structure. What is PEEL? Point, Example, Explanation/Elaborate and Link back to statement. (These need not be done in order)
Toe beans are an amazing phenomenon in cats that exist in nearly all species. The pads on the bottom of cat's feet provide traction and act as shock absorbers for their bones and ligaments when they jump and run at high speeds. They are also adorable and provide numerous health benefits to human beings. Research has shown that looking at paw pads 3 times a day makes humans less prone to: anxiety, depression and general yucky feelings (T., Kitt. 2017.) As such, just by simply exposing their toe beans, cats are already doing a great job at calming a person down, and besides the superficial benefit of looking cute, can actually contribute positively to a human being's health - making their status as best pet all the more plausible. (Elaboration on toebeans, point about why they’re amazing, example of their health benefits, link back to my statement about why this makes cats best pets.)
Once you have your points fleshed out - write out your conclusion. It could potentially change from what you had in your outline and this is perfectly fine! That’s what researching your topic tends to do; it can change your opinion/stance or the way you look at something!
While there are still many people who will maintain otherwise, most research clearly points to cats being the superior domestic pet. From the numerous health benefits afforded through cat ownership, to the complex, meaningful social relationships they develop with human beings, cats have demonstrated their ability to not only positively affect their owner’s physical well-being, but also act as reliable support systems for those that require it. While dogs are seen as more affectionate and unconditionally loyal, cats who bond with their humans actively choose to do so, much like a human deciding who to befriend. As such, the relationship becomes that much more meaningful - held up by a common desire to be around one another instead of blind loyalty. This is why cats make better pets than any other domesticated animal. Aw yis you got that concluded. Now you can go back and write your introduction and thesis statement to basically prep everyone for what they’re about to read.
Cats have been recorded as human companions as early as over 9000 years ago - but scientific research has shown that even modern felines are only semi-domesticated. Despite this, cats are some of the most popular domestic pets in the world, with recent statistics putting the number of cats kept as pets at around 5 per person on average (Ow, Me. 2016). As a point of fact, cats are only outnumbered by fish when it comes to pet ownership, but this is likely due to the lower costs and responsibilities associated with fish ownership, and the popularity of fish as a ‘starter’ pet. In this paper, I maintain that cats are the best animals for human beings to own as a domesticated pet. I will be analysing the social and physical health benefits that cats provide to their owners, as well as the nature of their relationship with human owners. This paper will focus mainly on examples based in the United States, as this is where a majority of research into cat ownership has been conducted, and allows me to account for any cultural phenomenon affecting research data.
Holy moly you’re almost done!
4. Clean up and referencing.
You’ve got everything down - now all you need to do is just clean up your grammar, check your spelling and make sure you’re ON POINT. Check all your point paragraphs to make sure you have a link back to your thesis statement.
Now, for referencing - MOST universities will have a standard list of referencing examples. USE THEM. While Microsoft Word and some internet resources will claim to do the referencing for you, they may not always be up to date OR your university itself may not be using that particular format. Trust me on this - don’t lose marks just because you didn’t want to look up your university’s referencing formats.
As an example, here is Murdoch University’s standard for Chicago referencing.
Single author Nicholas, F. W. 2010. Introduction to Veterinary Genetics. 3rd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
So for my paper I’d write:
T., Kitt. 2017. Toebean or Not Toebean: That is the Question. 4th Ed. Pawxford: Meowy-Furball.
Some information may not be available. If you really can’t find the edition of the book you’re referencing (google is not always your friend) this is OK - just put in what you have.
5. You’re Done! + Additional Tips
Now all that’s left to do is just number your pages, double space it or whatever standard formatting is for you papers. Submit it for plagiarism checks!!!! Edit accordingly. The general rule is to keep it below 10% and try to avoid long sentences being marked as plagiarised.
As an additional tip - if you’re allowed to choose a topic for your paper choose something you’re either a) passionate/excited about or b) really salty about. I guarantee you, you will have a lot to write about it. All my papers were either me salting about the racism in media and lack of representation or things like representation in video games, or that one shitposting essay I did on memes (I got a high distinction for it and basically got to do an entire presentation where I just rickrolled and john-cena’d my entire class).
If you can’t choose your topic find a way to analyse it from a point of view/angle you’re passionate about. (e.g if you have to write about the idk corn industry or sth maybe you can find a way to talk about how it tied in to race relations) - always check w your lecturer first tho. If you really can’t choose then you just gotta buckle down and use those tips up thar.
Go out there and write those papers bbys I hope you all do well /smoochies/
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brianalves069-blog · 5 years
5 Advice for Utilizing Word for Company
Helpful functions can conserve you money and time 
   Watch on modifications that individuals are making to files. 
   You can shut off this “versioning” function by clearing the check mark from “Automatically conserve a variation on close.” Or, you can erase specific variations. Simply highlight the ones you wish to discard and click Delete. 
   If Rocky Jones is one of the individuals getting the letter, you may desire the salutation to be Dear Rocky. If your relationship with Dr. Rocky Jones is more official, the salutation may be Dear Dr. Jones. 
   Often, the advancement of a file is so difficult that we forget what we’re attempting to do. Recalling at previous variations can assist. 
   If you are distributing a proposition to your personnel, you do not desire it incorrect for the completed item. An excellent way to prevent that is a watermark that states “Draft,” “Confidential,” “Sample” or anything else you ‘d like. 
   Here are 5 functions within Microsoft Word, the word-processing software application in Microsoft Office that I utilize in my service to conserve money and time. 
   Produce and develop your business’s letterhead, picking from a variety of totally free clip art from Microsoft. 
   When a sales strategy or another file is gone back to you, it is in some cases tough to see modifications made by others. Word has an easy method to reveal them to you. 
   In addition to letters, you can resolve envelopes and labels with Mail Merge. It can make life a lot simpler. 
   Essentially, Word utilizes a list of names and addresses from a table. The table can be developed in Word, in Microsoft Access and even in Microsoft Outlook. All belong to Microsoft Office. 
   When you desire to look at an old variation, follow the exact same course. Highlight the variation you desire and click Open. 
   Or you desire to reveal a modification in your personnel. Word’s Mail Merge tool streamlines things significantly. 
   Bear in mind that there is a great line in between cool and annoying. If individuals need to have a hard time to check out the file due to the fact that of the watermark, they might quit. Make sure you have “semitransparent” or “washout” chosen. 
   Send out the very same letter to many individuals without dealing with each independently. 
   To utilize the watermark, click Format > Background > Printed Watermark. Make your choices and click OK. If you anticipate to utilize a watermark frequently, produce a design template (see No. 1 above). 
   Producing a letterhead does not need to be made complex; it can be as easy as the business name, address and phone number. Word offers a variety of font styles, and you can differ type sizes. 
   Microsoft likewise provides complimentary design templates for letters, labels and types. (Most run in Word, although some need other software application programs. 
   You might wish to include art to your letterhead. You can scan in your logo design and utilize it in your letterhead. Or there is another alternative. 
   You can likewise utilize a photo for a watermark. You can utilize an illustration or photo of a flower that would appear on whatever you print. 
   That’s simple to do in Word. Every time you close the file, that variation will be conserved. 
   Many people do not utilize every function built-in with their software application applications. We tend to identify those we discover handy and stop. 
   Utilize a faster way for a number of your jobs. 
   Here are the directions for Word 2002/2003: First, open the more recent Word file. Search to the initial Word file. 
   Include a watermark to a file so everybody understands that it is a draft. 
   For some jobs, I can work much faster utilizing the keyboard than the mouse. You most likely understand the requirements: Ctrl+ C to copy, Ctrl+ V to Paste, Ctrl+ Z to Undo, Ctrl+ A to Select All and Ctrl+ P to Print. Here is a list of other faster ways you may discover useful as you utilize Word. 
   Something every organisation requires is main letterhead. You do not need to purchase it. If you understand the style you desire, you can develop it in Microsoft Word and wait as a design template to utilize again and again. 
   If you desire to include a flower, Microsoft has more than 1,000 styles. The clip art collection is offered to signed up users of Word. 
   Click Tools > Letters and Mailings > Mail Merge. To pick receivers of your letters search to your list of contacts in Excel, Outlook or another database. 
   For Word 97/2000: Click Tools. Discover the initial Word file and click it when so it is highlighted. 
   The finding out curve here is much steeper than putting whatever in Excel (likewise part of Microsoft Office). I’ll utilize Excel as the example however keep in mind that you have more options. 
   Start this procedure with your letter. The exact same letter goes to everybody; you can’t do a great deal of customisation. When you compose the letter, leave area for the individual’s address and the salutation. 
   A watermark is plainly noticeable on the file, however does not harm the legibility of the writing. You can even develop it in a range of colours. 
 Alt+ Ctrl+ C. 
 Copyright sign. 
 Alt+ Ctrl+ Period. 
 An ellipsis. 
 Alt+ Ctrl+ R. 
 Registered hallmark sign. 
 Alt+ Ctrl+ T. 
 Trademark sign. 
 Ctrl+ B. 
 Bold text. 
 Ctrl+ E. 
 Centres a paragraph. 
 Ctrl+ End. 
 Skips to the end of a file. 
 Ctrl+ Enter. 
 Inserts a page break. 
 Ctrl+ F. 
 Opens the Find menu. 
 Ctrl+ G. 
 Go to a page, bookmark, footnote, table, remark, graphic or other place. 
 Ctrl+ H. 
 Opens the Replace menu. 
 Ctrl+ Home. 
 Skips to the start of a file. 
 Ctrl+ I. 
 Italics text. 
 Ctrl+ N. 
 Creates a brand-new file. 
 Ctrl+ S. 
 Saves a file. 
 Ctrl+ Shift+ F. 
 Changes the typeface. 
 Ctrl+ Shift+ P. 
 Changes the typeface size. 
 Ctrl+ U. 
 Underline text. 
 Ctrl+ W. 
 Closes adocument. 
 Ctrl+ Y. 
 Redo the last action. 
 Close an assistant or suggestion window. 
 Shift+ F3. 
 Modifications the case of letters. 
 Move in between cells in a table.
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