#f&h oc
darkvioletcloud · 9 months
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I made an OC for Fear and Hunger 2: Termina.
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damn-s313d · 1 month
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No jokes anymore
Only suffer and madness
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vnynv · 8 months
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Selection page & introduction mockup of my Fear and Hunger 2: Termina OC! They're the animal handler and just so happen to go to Prehevil motivated by an internal problem, as they just so happen to be a marriage of Sylvain. Also a (non-canon) scene with Daan and a doodle page, including their moonscorched form, Janus.
They're really shy and uncomfortable around people (especially new ones and crowds), but with the mask, it just results in them seeming aloof and scary. At least it's something they and Marcoh can bond over at the start! They also slowly come out of their shell with Olivia's interest in plant biology and theirs in animal biology.
On day one, they'll be around the train and riverbank; on day two they'll be in and around the moldy apartments, and day three they'll be in the Virgin Maiden Forest, where they'll eventually moonscorch.
Skip Character History?
(⤵ Under the 'read more' is a very lengthy post! 2.5k words. You've been warned ^^;)
CLASS/ Animal handler (Kirkas)
AGE/ 29
INFO/ Experienced with the toughest of animals, the animal handler knows their way around nature and the dangers that hide within. They aren’t afraid to stick their head in the mouth of a lion.
Incomplete soul
— Intro
The soothing sound of the railtracks... You are not used to such peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.
You can't help but let your mind wander. You reminisce what has lead you to this point in life…
You grew up in a remote city that Voroniya claimed as its own, though you would never see much support in the aging administrative buildings and cracked concrete. The town itself was big, very big, but only one trainline cut through the fields and forests that surround it. When you played at the playgrounds, far away from the other kids, your hands would come back raw from the chipped paint.
It wasn’t as if the other children excluded you specifically, not at the start, but they could never find a connection with you. Or maybe the other way around. 
It didn’t seem that you belonged with them, or anyone else for the matter. Even around your own family, you started to clam up and not find the strength to push the words out. This alienation got so bad at one point you tried to leave this world. You failed.
You still craved a connection, but every other half didn’t fit with yours, like a missing puzzle piece. So instead, you searched for solace elsewhere.
>Isolate yourself at home
You closed yourself off to the world, though even your parents had trouble connecting with you once more. They tried to be understanding, then mad once you were adamant about hiding in your room for ages. You wouldn’t leave for class, you’d get left behind, and your muscles would atrophy. You had to fake going outside just for some peace and quiet, but you would in actuality hide in the closets and under the beds. You grew familiar with the mice that would scratch under the walls and the birds that would land on your windowsill. You learnt the skill Mastery over vermin.
>Run off into the woods
You run off one night, suffocated by the row of houses and families who can all talk but you. For the next two weeks, you find yourself in the ever sprawling forest, surviving cold nights by sleeping in the moss and sucking on rocksides to hydrate yourself. You had to learn which plants were safe by experience. Your uncle found you with hives and a deeper face than usual, but you can’t say you were ever scared in the woods. You never learnt the distinct cues of bird chirps or had the same gait as a burrowing fox, but your affinity with Vinushka rose & you learnt the skill Undergrowth awareness.
>Get close with the stray dogs outside
They were whimpery things, ribs poking out and gums gnashing, but you soon were able to get close to them after stealing pastries from the dinner table. After school was out, they wouldn’t run away from your beckoning hand, but that doesn’t mean you didn’t learn when they got too overwhelmed and ready to lunge. You were lucky for any bites to not get infected, but it was a lesson for you to maintain yourself. You got close enough to take naps with them hidden in rubble. Eventually, some adults noticed your interactions and tried to help by sending the dogs to kennels and be adopted. Perhaps the hounds had gotten a better life with a family, or they were culled for attacking a child. You never found out. You learnt the skill Unleash the hounds.
Your parents had you on a tighter leash once you came back. No running off for you anymore, and the remainder of your childhood years were once more silent and lonely. 
It gave you ample time to throw yourself into studies, however, with no other kids inviting you out for outings once your class got older. Not surprisingly, you aimed for animal care studies. You then slowly worked your way up from a local animal shelter, to bigger things. Learning to talk to other humans, like a human, was the greatest survival tactic you had to overcome, however.
Impassive and skilled, you found yourself leaving your big, desolate city, to work for an organization that helps with wildlife clean up. Years ago, before the second Great War, you had heard of Voroniya experimenting with chemical power. Of course, it ended up as an irradiated disaster, but the media coverage was much easier to clean up than the actual station in the wilderness. The codename for the location was ‘Hell.’ 
(Gain DOMA gas mask.)
You were good at what you did, and many a times were specifically called upon to do field work with these… mutated animals. It felt emotionally filling, you think, but you still came to an empty home. Many a time did you think of getting a cat, but even then, you worked random and long hours. It’d smell the other animals on you, anyway. 
The more you worked at the cleanup, the more you learnt of the branches of the organization. Or rather, it being a branch. It has ties to the Eastern Union military, and the goals weren’t to just observe and take care of the mutations, but to militarize them for its own use. 
The most surprising thing, however… was that you met someone. Someone you could hold a conversation with. 
A soldier, technically, but this person was a pencil-pusher and focused on archives and annotations, and DOMA’s project now fell under this associate’s jurisdiction. The two of you were grouped together, among others, and they took an interest in you as much as you did them. 
The task was to move some specifically aggressive animals into containment, at least for a higher branch to study them. You partially wished to be one of those scientists, but by now, your gas mask has become a second skin. 
The animals were contained in cages and kept in the basement while your team waited for pick-up to arrive, though you hoped that the tranquilizers worked well enough so they slept through the ride and discomfort.
Just as you watched your teammate note things down, the two of you heard noises from one of the cages. It was one of the dog-beasts, who had half-scales forming over its body by the time spent in Hell, and a rough personality that made for its lost years. It took the whole active half of the team to get it down. At any moment now, it was going to burst from its metal imprisonment and enact revenge.
Your friend was much closer to the exit, but you knew you had only one second to figure out what to do, being much closer to the cages.
>Subdue the beast yourself
As it lunges out, you think fast and fall back on adrenaline and skill to handle it. You have faith in your dear friend and colleague getting out the tranq gun, so all you need to do is be the muscle and pin the animal—no, beast down. Easier said than done. With its gaping and jagged maw, it gets you on the arm and shreds it. Past the pain, you realize you can’t move it anymore. It must have bit into your nerves. No matter, your vision is sharp and focused as you’re able to wrestle it down with your remaining strong arm. You have to pin the neck with your knee just as the tranquilizer is shot. Your arm is left bloody, but you learnt the skill One-handed.
>Brace for impact
Just as the lock breaks, you put one hand in your pocket and take out a syringe. Your remaining arm is held up to guard your throat as your feet get into a strong stance. This is as most prepared as you’ll get, it seems. The beast is but a blur as it jumps on you, and even in your uniform and split-second preparation, absolutely bites through your arm. You’re dragged down with it, and fumble with the tranquilizer in your other hand as you yell through the pain. It is muffled by your mask. For a moment, you’re afraid that you can’t penetrate the scales of the dog, but it soon goes limp in your hold. It ended as fast as it started, but you were left worse for wear, clutching your injured arm. You learnt the skill Perfect Guard.
Once more safe, the adrenaline leaves your body and you find yourself lightheaded from the blood loss. Just as your conscience slips away, you feel two hands support you before you drop to the tile floor.
The next time you wake, it is in a hospital. You have a cast on your arm, and even find a leg bandaged. You didn’t know at the time, but you ended up twisting a knee. Your partner-in-crime is sitting on a chair, and they turn out to be delighted in you waking up.
After the nurses made sure your blood levels were normal, you were discharged. You also found your gas mask to be cracked from the scuffle after you passed out, as your friend succinctly put. Oh, well. The organization told you to take an extended leave, so it wasn’t like you would need it in the near future anyway.
You had to learn to do things one-handedly back in your apartment, and it was more of a struggle to make yourself breakfast than it was to traverse the irradiated Hell. Days later of you rotting on your couch, you would slowly limp to the front door and find your only friend waiting. Turns out, they asked for time off as well to take care of you.
After that, the two of you got much, much closer, even after you regained most control of your arm. While you were resting and couchbound, your beau told you many stories of their hobbies to fill the time. Turns out, their archiving habit spanned their work and into their interests, namely of the Old Gods. 
The place you grew up in was quite secular. Sure, grandmothers told kids stories about spirits, but there was no construction for any God like other cities, towns, and villages have. At most, you just had the faintest connection to the deceased Vinushka’s traces, but your beloved’s interest was not devotional (and not for only one God), but rather of appreciation. You learnt of Alll-Mer’s ascension and what most people don’t know of just as you learnt of how Gro-goroth and Sylvain’s amore. 
There wasn’t a specific day that the two of you crossed from ‘friends’ to ‘lovers.’ It felt so natural that you could’ve blinked and missed it. You really couldn’t believe there could be a person like this, who’s caring, understanding, and talking to them feels like second nature to you. So, when your partner brings up experiencing a marriage of flesh for Sylvain, you see no downsides. 
Everything truly was perfect. You had heard of horror stories of failed ‘marriages’, but the two of you coming to one was as if fate had always intended for this to happen. You had Sylvain’s blessing.
The month off from work after you two became one was the most beautiful month in your lives. You never knew you could appreciate each brick that made your apartment until you left the house the next day. 
This euphoria didn’t last for long. Everything had been prim and fair at the start, with while you both were fused in conscience, inner conversation felt like a giddy secret you were in on. It was almost time to go back to the workforce, but the 50/50 train of thought didn’t remain much for long. It started to become more of ‘you’ and less of ‘them’, until you couldn’t feel their presence any longer. The day you couldn’t hear a single thought from them, as if they were locked away in full. 
They were still here, you still felt the twitch of a finger, or a tic only they grew up with, but there was a barrier put between the two of you. There was no body to mourn, but with you wearing half their face, there was equally no other head to caress, mouth to kiss, and to ask if they’re alright. You’re not sure if it would be better if they could hear your thoughts, freaking out at the loss of theirs, or not.
Just days before you’d go back to work, when you decided to buy a ticket out of your region. As they had told you the tales of all the Old Gods, a memory came to the front of your head of one conversation. The ascension of Alll-Mer, a special man who ascended once an Old God died for his spot. It wasn’t just the birth of Alll-Mer, that day, but the Sulfur God as well. One was locked far, far away, and most people know it to be the latter that was chained up and banished…
But if what some people say it to be as Gro-goroth took the skin of man and walked as one of their own… This memory of yours had been so strong, it was as if your lover was still guiding you along. A way to figure out to cut the chains, that’s what you need.
You don’t think you could ever reverse the process of Sylvain’s marriage, or if you even wanted to, but to at least hear your beloved’s voice again… That’s enough.
If by the desire of a Sulfur Priest to cause ruin and destruction, or by the desire of an Alll-Mer Follower to do good unto this world, you could reunite with them, you’d do anything in your power to achieve it. Your ticket is for a land reasonably far away, far enough that they start worshiping these Old Gods, but close enough that it falls under the Eastern Union’s current domain.
How do you prepare for your travels?
>Stock up on medical goods (Gain x2 Blue vials and Cloth fragment)
>Stock up on protection (Gain x2 Bear trap and Leather armor)
>Stock up on food (Gain x2 Dried meat and Moldy bread)
A lifetime ago, you would’ve hated talking to people, but to help get your partner back… Talking to a priest and a cashier should be similar enough, right?
— Extra
Incomplete soul skills:
Unleash the hounds: Be able to recruit the headless hounds, along with extra scenes with Moonless and August. -40 Mind if a recruited hound dies.
One-handed: Be able to use two-handed weapons with one hand and have 25% chance to not use up ammo.
So incomplete I haven’t thought of at least two more. Lol.
Other introduction trivia:
With Mastery over vermin, get extra mini-quest and scenes with the vermin.
With Vinushka’s affinity, get extra scene with Iki Turso about Vinushka being dead.
It is not confirmed which of the two sides is the original, and which was the partner.
DOMA: Дикие Обслуживание & Милитаризация Ада (Wild Observation & Militarization of Hell)
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ghostmysterlos · 8 months
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Starting off here with the fear and hunger style portrait i made of my funger oc, Brynja ! might make these into a commission option because it was so much fun to render,,
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theknifeclown · 1 month
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Hi hi ahahaha I made a servant of Rher
His name is foxglove and he is also known as more of a fairy tale in most villages
You are able to summon him to your home and he will bless you with restful sleep.... if you do the ritual right, mess it up and either nothing happens or something as bad as he ends up eating you could happen.
As for his feelings towards Pocket cat....
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mangledsteen · 9 days
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keep paloma’s ass OUT of the kitchen!!!!
(based on this post)
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d3rvv3b3r · 10 months
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f&h termina oc of @/rdctvvv !!!
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snuffgurll · 2 months
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orpheus but hes feeling fungry
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damn-s313d · 1 month
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Fungersonas lore
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sirahce00 · 8 months
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quick doodle of my funger 1 oc! i tried to mimic the portrait style🙏🏼…
they currently reside in eastern sanctuaries, but originally hail from distant lands further east :3
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coolguycore · 7 months
guy named funger oc sotry cringe isko....
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he is a singer!! old guy... very silly?? i dont know he probably is ill.
divorced. caligura.???? i think its funny. Very funny.
stuff about him uin there
mainly messy notes for myself
WIP backstory is that he was mostly ignored by his father when he was younger, other siblings were cooler and his mom is somewhere else i domt know yet but she probably isnt dead. but he is nothing until his dad realizes he can exploit him for money and does by making him an entertainment.. singing and whatever... gross things
i think maybe he worked mainly at a lounge sort of place that is occupied by lots of mafia and he met caligura there?? due to being sheltered by his dad, isko didnt know Shit about the mob and so when he realized caliguras interest in him. he didn't hesitate and they kissed and stuff
they were probably married for a pretty long while due to isko being grossly dependent on caligura and caligura being a manipulative asshole who does Not care??? during and after i think isko would have Shit with alcohol and drugs due to the caliguras influence.
he probably would still work at the lounge and itd go well Until the divorce and then it would Suck. his dad would probably Hate him and he'd be Very Sad.
sad guy who is really stupid and doesnt know things. i like to think he is a very empathetic guy who thinks people can't be completely Shit. sort of naive then?? figuring things out as i go.
he could totally Kick Ass if he tried. Wouldn't. but he doesn't do much other than stand and observe. doesn't speak unless spoken to. guy that knows what's up. likes to look around and wander. fellow that hums a tune.
anyways he is realness. i dont know what soul he would have. or what he would do. anywyas. ive ben thinking about taking requests but specifically for the little pixel overworld sprites?? like just send me your little oc ref and any notes and ill make you one pookie (For Free)
thank you.
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uraalice · 7 months
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more stuff of my termina oc! she has the tormented soul and has escaped from a rather shitty marriage and that's how she ended up in prehevil
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nerd1sh · 7 months
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5 6 6 7 8 day
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theknifeclown · 3 months
fear and hunger OC... My sweet little baby... My lil blorbo.. comfort character
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A stinky lil silly
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vnynv · 3 months
i scrolled down your proflile for a long time and found a really cool funger oc of yours if they had a B ending, what would it be?
thank you for your question and interest :); it took me a while to think what would have happened to kirkas after the festival (and mainly kirkas, since ruina was much less developed sadly--oops. she may have just cast away her puppet once realizing it was an artifact of rher, and maybe became a teacher)
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(original photo by Stuart Thompson)
Kirkas' original goal was to reunite with their loved one who they had married to with a blessing of Sylvain, until they could no longer hear their beloved's traces, so they set to find a follower of Alll-Mer or of the Sulfur God, placing their hope in the idea that one of those would help them. Funnily enough, I think ending A and C would have them be successful in reuniting, though that would come at a cost of being in the green haze or burning in the sulfur pits, and that's not quite living, is it?
In any case, Kirkas is not as bloodthirsty as Perkele and the Sulfur God would have wished, so if they ended up being the sole survivor of the festival, in their B ending, they would have left Prehevil with no answers and much more questions, like any other contestant would have lol. It seems like either all gods have turned their backs (Sylvain, Sulfur God), or are dead (Rher, Vinushka) so Kirkas would have been unsure what the next step would be. They would have drifted for a couple of years, but with the company of a headless hound they had helped in the forests! The hound would help ground them to reality and letting them know the festival truly happened, and even give a shred of hope--if a dog could live on without his face, surely there is something occultish at play?
Always feeling much more at ease with animals, Kirkas would help any they see in their vagrancy until a town noted their dedication, and I'd like to think they'd finally have a taste of kindness with the town accepting them and giving them the opportunity to open up a veterinarian clinic. Of course, the work is only a distraction to ruminations on how they could hear their loved one's presence again, whether it be once more in their head or in a new body entirely--only time would tell if they would throw themselves back into the domain of sulfur.
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s1mp4caffeine · 5 months
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sylvian follower oc ‼️
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