darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
Really hope someone can get to Flora with an antidote and save her once all the scrapers are dead.
So... Beatrix is dead now? No Trix then? Unless they do pull the Shadow out of whatever realm it was in. They could be planning on switching seasons 2 and 3 around so Darkar becomes the villain of season 3. There is some kind of logic to that but they wouldn't have had to do that if they hadn't ruined Valtor completely so... nope.
Well, they're setting her on fire again. At least this time you can kinda see a skeleton of the wings that isn't made of fire.
Okay, Stella is about to have the same rage explosion over Beatrix that Bloom had over Sky so I think that is official confirmation that they were in love. Certainly not something I was expecting but I'm not complaining about it. Just wish they wouldn't have killed Beatrix.
Sebastian's defeat was so fucking anti-climatic. I'm glad that they got wings or whatever but three of them "transformed" at the same time and there was no feeling of that being earned. Stella seemed pretty mad so I'm not seeing how she was appreciating the negative feelings at that moment.
So Flora was never in danger of dying? Wasn't the whole point to inject herself with something that could kill her so that the scrapers would also die? Or did she survive because with Sebastian gone, her magic came back and saved her?
Musa's magic is back again too.
Bloom's leaving now. Off to sacrifice herself probably. What the fuck is she wearing, though?
That Realm of Darkness doesn't seem very dark at all.
Stella, isn't the violent wind not making any impression on you? And there's the Shadow right there. I guess it came through the portal before Bloom could close it. And we're getting Marion now. Great! They can try and ruin her, too.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
And they're still connected to the convergence crystal. Gee, don't see how that could add issues to Bloom going alone to meet Sebastian. I'm sure it will be perfectly fine.
I'm so glad Aisha just keeps ignoring Grey for the sake of her own responsibilities. That's great, thanks.
So Sebastian had a dad? Did they even check any information about Valtor? Or did they just found out he was one of the most popular Winx villains and decided to "base" a character on him just to bait viewers? I'm gonna go with the latter.
Telling Bloom that her magic is on steroids rn was not a good decision. Of course, it is Bloom who's going to be a fucking idiot about all of this so I'm not blaming Aisha but this isn't gonna end well.
I was actually wondering about how the scrapers got Musa since it looked like the door was enough to block them out. It turns out she just stepped out and offered herself up as a meal. Which, okay, her magic is hers and she can do what she wants with it... BUT 1) she was drunk, 2) she was told she's the most powerful mind fairy in Alfea (among the students) and 3) that would be useful against the blood witches, and all of her magic is now making Sebastian even stronger. I'm sure there were other ways to get rid of her magic if she really didn't want it that badly so that at least we could eliminate points 1 and 3.
If Bloom continues to think that Rosalind is looking after anyone but her own interests after this, I will rage. Also, is it me or is the actress (playing Rosalind) not doing a good job? Is she supposed to come off as intimidating? Honestly, she acts like her mind is not really on the situation at hand.
Oh, wow, we finally remembered Farah's death was a thing that happened. Btw for a second there I almost thought Sebastian was gonna say that Rosalind was his mother. I mean, she did say that having children is a waste of time basically but it wouldn't have been the first time she lied about something.
Rosalind really thought that putting the fairy with the Dragon Flame on ice was going to work, huh? That's about as stupid as sending Icy to Omega. At this point I'm hoping Bloom would kill her.
Yeah, no shit you lost control. I would be really pissed off if it turns out that Rosalind is somehow alive and tricked them again, though.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
Welp, it's actually starting to look a lot like Stella is going to charge alone in an attempt to save Beatrix.
Okay, walking into a trap still. I do like that they can all actually work together now regardless of personal feelings.
So they're dropping hints that it's Sebastian that's controlling Andreas since he already mentioned he hates him. I guess this would be the part where Sky kills Andreas, though.
Well, Bloom figured that out faster than I thought. Trying to manipulate her through info about her parents is kinda a Valtor move but that's also how Avalon got her to trust him so it still seems like Sebastian should've been Avalon.
Does this mean that Beatrix will never get her magic back?
Terra's conversation with Flora seemed kinda natural. Like, the writing, the dialogue is so much better in this season. I don't cringe every five seconds so that is definitely a big plus. I've made it through more than half the season and the one thing that's really been annoying me is Sebastian. Everything else is boring enough to not make me mad at worst and kinda interesting at best.
Sky murdering Andreas was actually executed a little better than what I expected.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
Fate S02E04
Andreas finally remembered that he's supposed to care about Beatrix. And he's even failing in that. Yeah, I don't care how many people you're willing to sacrifice to get her back if you never treat her right when she's actually around. When is Sky gonna kill him? I don't know how much more of this I can take. (Don't tell me that Sky will actually kill Silva instead of Andreas? Oh, that would be terrible.)
Suddenly Rosalind is Bloom's lord and savior. I do not like this at all.
At least we finally know what blood witches can do. It's been 84 years.
Aw, Stella is worried about Beatrix.
That awful moment when Sebastian's advice to Bloom was better than Rosalind's but it's clear he's trying to manipulate her into losing focus to make her an easier target and I hate all of it.
Is Grey leading Aisha to where Andreas just got outsmarted? Or are we not at the betrayal part yet?
For a second I thought Stella would be stupid enough to try and go to rescue Beatrix alone. Really glad we're not doing that.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
Yeah, Stella's uncle sucks as well.
Rosalind is trying so hard to saw the seeds of discord where they're already growing. I really hope Bloom will not be stupid enough to fall for this.
I swear to god, they wrote the "Losing control is the best part" line just to put it in the trailer and make it look like they're going to make Flora be super edgy. I can't decide if that's worse than actually following through on making her super edgy.
Forget whether she can smell something. Are you not hearing the clear sounds that thing from the book is making? The thing that steals magic. People, please.
Oh, god, Bloom is actually falling for it.
They are bringing the scrapers from the Army of Darkness into this. And of course, Rosalind is gonna get away with all of this.
So Sebastian is the one that summoned the scrapers and he wanted to make it look like it was Rosalind to get her out of the way before she could find him out. She's not the bad guy here but we all know she's the bad guy and I really need them to beat her!
Rosalind literally just casually dropped the bit about the Dragon Flame on Bloom in front of so many people? Amazing move.
If Sky starts flip-floping between Bloom and Stella again, I will literally scream. And what the hell happened to Silva?
Oh, there he is. Rosalind is still the bad guy, though.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
Fate S02E03
Well, there's an opportunity to get rid of Rosalind. I don't want to get my hopes up because it's still a little early in the season and I don't think it will be that easy to remove her from the seat of power but I really hope that they will make some progress at least.
I'm already prepared to like Stella's uncle. I just hope they're not gonna do something stupid there.
Riven can't even remember what Rosalind was looking for in his mind? Well, that's freaky and horrifying. And I have a feeling that now she knows what Winx are up to and she's gonna screw them over somehow. Probably try to drain their magic.
I really wish Musa would just shut the fuck up about feeling people's emotions. Especially Aisha's emotions when it comes to Grey. And don't tell him! For fuck's sake!
Sam is planning... to kill Rosalind? Well, that escalated kinda quickly. I can't believe it took me so long to remember but didn't Musa like him because she couldn't feel and hear what was up with him? But now she's reading his moods the entire time?
Ah, so Sam is gonna break up with Musa and then she's gonna start hating her powers for ruining that relationship. Just tell me how close I am.
And there it is! Rosalind's plan. Now I really need them to screw her over once and for all.
I can feel Beatrix's frustration. And Andreas is failing on all fronts, including with the child that he did actually bother to raise. Congrats, you suck!
I thought we left the Bloom and Stella tension in the last season. I am really sick of this.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
Fate S02E02
Oh, Flora is here. I have to say that I absolutely dread what is gonna happen with her because the trailer made it look like they're gonna try to make her edgy and apparently she's gonna date Riven???? What?
"He's like a giant red flag." Truer words have never been spoken about Riven. But I'd like to add that he needs to have his mouth permanently taped.
Why did they just namedrop the Company of Light, the Army of Darkness and Marion? Also, what do you mean she vowed she'd summon a shadow power? Don't tell me Marion is the one who created the Burned Ones and that's why Bloom has to go in the Darkness Dimension to lock it or whatever.
"Valtor" "watch[es] a ton of 90s sitcoms and [is] pretty sure [he] know[s] how families work". Just kill me already.
The Wildest Dreams horse ride was kinda weird (and seriously, why didn't they get the book first and send it to Sebastian and ride horses later while he works?) but it was also kinda cute. Sure wasn't in line with the edgy and dark shit they are almost constantly trying to pull on us so I'm counting it as a good thing because of that.
Flora is already exhausting and so is Grey.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
And now I hate Rosalind even more. Didn't think that was possible.
Wow, they actually managed to complete the plan even without Stella. I just hope they can take care of Silva after he was shot twice.
They also recast Terra and Sam's dad, huh?
Oh, my god, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! We're already getting Sebastian aka Valtor? And he's Silva's friend? Really, Silva? You followed Rosalind, used to be besties with Andreas and you're also friends with Sebastian? I think you need to get your head checked out. You have awful taste in people.
Fucking kill me! Knowing that Sebastian was supposed to be Valtor and watching him being pathetic in the completely wrong ways is going to finish me off, I'm telling you! And it's only been one scene.
I can't remember the exact quote from Farah but I can see how Rosalind made her feel like the world is a miserable place.
Is there gonna be a Stella and Beatrix friendship? After Stella almost became the reason why Beatrix nearly died last season? Like, without even addressing that? And what is it with the crocs obsession?
Oh, well, now I really hate Rosalind even more than before. You know, from some spoilers I read I kinda thought that maybe Valtor would kill Rosalind but that doesn't make sense because who's gonna head Alfea then? So I guess we're not getting rid of her but I really hope that there's some option that I haven't considered yet in which we just get rid of her for good.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
Fate S02E07
Yeah, I could tell Beatrix would pretend Musa wasn't there. I still have no idea what she's thinking. Other than getting her magic back obviously.
How convenient that Bloom just got a vision that will help her do what has to be done to end all of this. And why did she have it at this particular point when there was no trigger for it?
So Musa is about to get herself killed. Also, completely loving how we didn't hear a word about Sam after he disappeared.
Aisha's speech about the others helping her deal with Grey's betrayal would've meant more if we'd actually seen any of that.
Wow, okay. Dane really is over here being a fucking idiot. What part of "the others are controlled by the blood witches" do you not understand? Is that his new boyfriend btw? Did he think that True Love made his boyfriend resistant to magic? Wtf, Dane? Get your shit together.
They really are trying to bring in the Trix here. This scene between Stella and Beatrix reads like a dramatic breakup btw.
Apparently, Sebastian's plan hinges on randomly finding a convergence crystal that he had no idea would be there. This really is shaping up to be the worst episode of the season.
Sebastian is manipulating the shit out of Bloom, obviously. That's why he told her about Rosalind killing Farah. He knew she'd lose control and then she'd be afraid of herself and if he spun his tale the right way, he could get her to just give up the Dragon Flame. How long will it take her to figure all of that out, though?
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
Aww, Stella has grown so much. She was really giving it her all for her friends. This feels a lot more believable than when in season 1 they just suddenly decided they were all friends even though they didn't like each other five seconds beforehand.
Flora talking to her plants was cute.
What the fuck is going on? Was Bloom imagining what it would have been like if she'd had a mother who knew magic? And I knew Farah would be back but still, what is happening?
So my theory about her pouring her life energy into the plants was correct. But she's still fucking dead so that doesn't make me feel any better. Thanks for nothing, Fate. As always. And how convenient that Farah can teach them transformation magic now even though she clearly couldn't (or didn't want to) when she was still alive. Ugggggh.
So the Specialists have protection? I was ready to be mad at the absolute lunacy of them going up against blood witches. But there's plenty of time for that when they inevitably fuck something up.
So Beatrix is working with Sebastian? You know what, I'll just wait and see where this goes. I don't feel qualified (and I'm saying this as someone with bachelor's degree in Psychology) to tell what is going on in the heads of the Fate writers.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
Fate S02E06
What the hell do you mean any fairy at Alfea no longer controls the Dragon Flame? Bloom didn't lose it, did she? Or does he simply meant that she can't control it.
Ah, so the trial people were talking about is for Rosalind's murder. At first I thought it would be Silva's trial for Andreas' attempted murder but that got tossed aside way back in episode 1.
Why are Winx surprised that Luna blamed the blood witches for Rosalind's death? That sounds like a very Luna thing. Also, admitting the truth would be detrimental in many, many ways.
I thought Bloom was gonna run off. Oh, and we finally remembered that Mike and Vanessa exist... only to bring up how she set them on fire. Great!
Didn't Terra's crush say something about an oncoming breakup way back in episode 1?
Not Luna dropping potentially shattering news on Aisha only to discredit her because she really wants to fucking murder Bloom, I guess.
I'm sure Stella only put that addition in her letter because she knew it was the only way to get Luna to actually help her.
So Bloom will end up exactly where Rosalind wanted her. And she said she could channel the Dragon Flame from Bloom even in that case. So I'm guessing that Luna who is also a powerful fairy could probably do the same and that's why she did that.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
Fate S02E05
I really don't care about what Sebastian is doing. I want to know what happened to Musa.
Yeah, Rosalind's been on their side since the beginning... except that one time she killed Farah. I know they don't know that but Bloom was so determined to find out what happened to Farah and get Rosalind out of Alfea. I know the blood witches are a bigger concern but she's acting like she doesn't even remember that she didn't like Rosalind, and for a good reason.
Beatrix is reacting so well to losing both her magic and her father figure. She was really worried about him when Rosalind was torturing him. Why is she so calm? I hope they will show how his death affects her.
Oh, my god, I was scrolling through my phone and not paying attention and when Aisha said "he has other tricks up his sleeve" for a second I thought she was talking about the Trix.
So Musa is clearly not super on board with getting her magic back. I think she's returned to her "I don't want to feel everything all the time" phase.
Wow, they're showing Beatrix actually struggling with her situation. I can't believe it. Btw her scenes with Stella are making me think of a potential Stella and Stormy from actual!Winx friendship. That would be so chaotic.
Welp, Bloom is now sealed outside Alfea. There's no way this could go wrong.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
I get that Ben is trying to protect his children but why not send them away then? Why is Flora coming to a place that's clearly dangerous instead of sending Terra and Sam away. I know it's for the plot but that's the thing! It's so obviously for the plot.
Aaaaand there's the Bloom and Sky sex scene.
Oh, my god, what is Flora's goddamn problem? Also, not that that hasn't happened to all the other girls, but she feels nothing like the actual Flora. Again, that's not a surprise but they could have tried at least a little.
It looks like my guess that Rosalind is draining fairies of their powers is correct. However, Devin seems kinda abnormally strong so maybe that makes them more physically enhanced? Or are just Terra's vines weak as fuck?
Now arson too? I'm really starting to wish that Silva would've actually finished the job seventeen years ago. Bloom's powers might be needed to make an escape here.
Okay, but Flora now thinks she killed Devin when it was totally Rosalind's fault. Even if she didn't do anything to him to make his condition worse, she actively prevented him from getting the medicine he needed. I hope they'll remove her somehow because she's really pissing me off.
I don't feel bad for Andreas but I feel bad for Riven and Dane and for Beatrix for being subjected to emotional torture. I wonder if she already regrets her efforts on freeing Rosalind in the previous season.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
Liveblogging Fate. You can block the f:tuds (aka fate: the unnecessary drama saga) tag if you don't want to see it.
Did Ivy really think she could kill a Burned One with her tiny ass blades? Also, don't tell me but was that Valtor?
I like that Bloom decided to just walk away instead of giving into Rosalind's attempt to make her lose control. A smart decision, and so early on? I am slightly impressed. I don't like how calm everyone is about Rosalind being in charge but I guess if they don't know Farah is dead, that makes some amount of sense.
I was afraid they were gonna make me suffer through a sex scene so early on, and when Sky is injured no less but would you look at that? The injury actually cockblocked him. Small miracles.
Why are they calling Omega Polaris? Like, what was the point? You're already using the Winx IP. Why change that?
I've made it 20 minutes through without being enraged out of my mind AND they managed to have one good scene. Wow, a win for Fate. That's a first. I also like the fact that Bloom is listening to Aisha but people have already said she gets even worse this season so I'm actually waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Beatrix is somehow relatable in this scene with Andreas. Okay then.
Correction, I did not make it 20 minutes without being totally annoyed. My brain just made an effort to forget Gray. Unfortunately, I've been reminded. Oh, and there was also that part when Riven was on screen.
Wait, Riven is being something other than an ass. The surprises keep coming.
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
So... on the Sky and Bloom scene... He was kinda mansplaining but her calling him out felt more like it was for the Woke points.
Do I drink over the “I never thought I would say I am a fairy” part? It kinda reminds both of references to canon and Bloom being terrified of her powers but doesn’t fit either... Well, two halves make for one whole, right?
Stella has said ten sentences and I hate her already. Why is her introduction that of a spoiled brat? Also, what have they done to the Ring of Solaria? One shot for these, too, because it is in a way taking Winx’ aesthetic and making it grimdark.
But hey! For the first time someone thinks that our world is more interesting than the magical one. Of course, I would be more thrilled if it weren’t coming from the obviously spoiled royal brat.
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
I am so sick of Terra making Musa use her powers to tell her what everyone else around is feeling (which is just an excuse to spell out character emotions because they can’t be assed to write a coherent scene but, I have to say, the actors are pulling it off or at least it is understandable which just makes the empathy thing that much more annoying because it is unnecessary). That is so invasive. And why does Musa act like she’s Terra’s personal emotion detector? I would have told her off literally the second time she asked me to do that. But no! We need to use that as exposition!
So Bloom didn’t ask Sky what he’s doing down there but she is surprised to find Beatrix and Riven, who have already made a reputation for themselves, down there? Nice logic!
This Riven and Sky fight is so out of nowhere. In the cartoon we were shown that Riven has an issue with Sky but here they had some friendly joking at worst! They were fine! And now they are suddenly fighting, all because of Beatrix and Stella and a little bit because of Bloom. This is stupid.
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