#facebook messages my best friend @ 13 with my favorite clips to remind her that it was supposed to be us
kittlyns · 2 years
I want what Anne and Diana had....... pre-marriages ofc. Let me frolick in fields of wildflowers with my kindred spirit bestie while dramatically reading romantic poetry and weaving flowers into each other's hair and bullying the local shithead boy together ❤️
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panickypansexual · 7 years
ok so I had to do this again because I fucked up the numbers but here we go!
Special thanks to @spastikchildren for tagging me; you’re the real MVP
1.     Drink: Water.  Actually, that’s the only thing I’ve drunk all day…huh…
2.     Phone call: I dunno! I haven’t called anyone in 2017 at all (because I hate phone calls).
3.     Text message: An in depth analysis of a microwave meal. I shit you not.
4.     Song you listened to: I don’t know what it’s called, but it’s that really intense party music going on in the background of the video clip ‘fly vs electric screwdriver’. Yeah, the meme-y one.
5.     Time you cried: Probably recently? Oh yeah, a few nights ago. I was laughing too hard at a shitpost lol
6.     Dated someone twice: God no! I’d rather dieeeeeee (but not really)
7.     Kissed someone and regretted it: Yes, but that’s only because I thought playing the Pocky game with a crumbly wafer was an intelligent decision. Hint hint: it was not.
8.     Been cheated on: No, fortunately not.
9.     Lost someone special: Not anyone super close to me, but yes.
10.  Been depressed: I. Have. Depression. You. Pleb.
11.  Gotten drunk and thrown up: No, I can’t drink. Actually, I could. I just refuse to.
FAVORITE COLORS (this is actually really hard since I love a lot of colors!)
12.  Purple (my all-time favorite)
13.  Electric Lime Green
14.  Black
15.  Made new friends: No, but I’ve gotten a lot closer to some people.
16.  Fallen out of love: No.
17.  Laughed until you cried: See #5
18.  Found out someone was talking about you: Yes, but it was actually just my mutuals spreading the love, so that was pretty cool.
19.  Met someone who changed you: Not in the last year, no.
20.  Found out who your friends are: No, but I’ve figured out who I don’t want to stay in contact with after I get out of school.
21.  Kissed someone on your Facebook list: No, neither my ex nor my girlfriend have a Facebook (as far as I know).
  GENERAL (ooh, nice module!):
22.  How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: Most of them, aside from my fake accounts….yeah, I had like 50+ lol
23.  Do you have any pets: Yes! I have three lovely cats and a clown loach.
24.  Do you want to change your name: Not particularly; no.
25.  What did you do for your last birthday: I didn’t do anything ;_; They said the place I wanted to go wouldn’t be good for a party, and then my friend just took our ‘squad’ there and we had fun. So, it felt like a birthday. I might have a real one in the summer to make up for it, but that seems a little….selfish.
26.  What time did you wake up: At like 5 AM because I had to pee
27.  What were you doing at midnight last night: trying to fall asleep.
28.  Name something you can’t wait for: Getting out of this shitty education system! That means: having a full-fledged job (which I’m trying to start now), hopefully living with my sweetheart one day and not being surrounded by assholes.
29.  One thing you wish you could change about your life: Less acne!
30.  What are you listening to right now: My fish tank’s usual bubbly noises and my overhead AC
31.  Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Heck yeah I have! His name’s Tom McCall! But not the governor. Just an eggplant I raised….(along with Bob Straub, because Oregon history ftw).
32.  Something that is getting on your nerves: me myself and I
33.  Most visited website: Probably this one. Youtube would be #2. Or Google, if you could count that. I have a lot of questions. Speaking of that, Wikipedia would be like #3.
34.  Moles: Like 5, but I’m going to grow a lot more as I get older. It’s in my genes.
35.  Marks: I have one scar on my foot (at least, I think it’s going to be a scar) from a mysterious injury involving my chair and a lot of blood. I also have a small scar near my collarbone the size of an icepick, which I’ve had since I was born (I think).
 36.  Childhood dream: Staying alive. In other words, not killing myself! And guess what? I achieved it!
37.  Hair color: Brunette; chocolate brown with caramel colored highlights if you want to get more specific. It’s my natural hair color (including the highlights).
38.  Long or short hair: Everyone loves my hair short, but I fucking hate it. I prefer long hair.
39.  Do you have a crush on someone: Er, does my girlfriend count?
40.  What do you like about yourself: *nervous laughter*….nothing? I guess my eyes are pretty nice.
41.  Piercings: None.
42.  Blood type: Both of my parents are Os, so even though I’ve never been tested (hella scared about that), I’m probably an O.
43.  Nickname: Aside from Panic/Loli, none. Those are just my online tags.
44.  Relationship status: Happily dating a cute girl. It’s unfortunately a long distance relationship for the summer, though…I miss her cuddles.
45.  Zodiac: Aquarius/Capricorn cusp, but I’m much more of an Aquarius (so I just typically go by that)
46.  Pronouns: y’all/yaint. Just kidding, she/her. I’d set the whole ‘y’all/yaint’ thing as my blog title, but I feel like someone would think I was making fun of pronouns so I won’t.
47.  Favorite TV Show: I rarely watch TV honestly, but probably Billy the Exterminator. Reminds me a bit of @spastikchildren, actually. He’s a rocker-type dude who goes around rescuing animals.
48.  Tattoos: None.
49.  Right or left hand: Assuming you mean my dominant hand, right.
50.  Surgery: None yet. I’m terrified of having to get my wisdom teeth out. I’ve never been knocked out before….
51.  Hair dyed in a different color: Not right now, but when I start going gray I’ll just become ‘anime grandma’ and dye my hair crazy colors.
52.  Sport: MARCHING BAND, which is a sport. If you think it is not, I suggest you come watch me perform after putting hundreds of hours into it (all while my arms are practically falling off).
53.  Vacation: I’d rather not. Traveling is stressful for me.
54.  Pair of trainers: I have this really sick ass pair of electric colored New Balance shoes that I’m currently breaking in.
55.  Eating: Seahorses. Just kidding, they’re actually giant pieces of barbequed chicken that look like giant seahorses, so that’s why I call them that.
56.  Drinking: Water, because these seahorses are (pleasantly) spicy.
57.  I’m about to: I dunno. Maybe I’ll play some Don’t Starve. I just watched someone play it and picked up some new techniques that might make it easier for me to play.
58.  Waiting for: Nothing in particular, really. I guess for me to finish eating and finish this thingy.
59.  Want: To feel like I’m useful and wanted, to have a good career in freelance writing, to take a warm shower because I’m cold, and to ask my girlfriend to spoil me….because I want more hugs.
 RELATIONSHIPS (not a category, but I added it so)
60.  Get married: Sure, I’d like to get married. But I don’t wanna have kids (maybe I’ll adopt some older ones so I don’t have to deal with screaming shit demons).
61.  Career: I’m really hoping I can begin freelance writing, because I really don’t fucking want to go to college (and no, it doesn’t require a degree, I’ve done research on it).  I’m trying to start now.
62.  Hugs or kisses: Hugs. I have no fucking clue how to kiss people.
63.  Lips or eyes: Eyes ftw, though my lips are a delightful cherry pink without any lipstick so I do like that about me.
64.  Shorter or taller: I often like taller people, but I really am sort of indifferent.
65.  Older or younger: I like to date people the same age (or close) as me. Otherwise, I don’t really care.
66.  Nice arms or nice stomach: Uh, I don’t care either way.
67.  Sensitive or loud: I’m sensitive all right. But I’m okay with loud noises; I sit behind percussionists after all.
68.  Hook up or relationship: Relationship. I need attention and cuddles.
69.  Troublemaker or hesitant: HESITANT.
70.  Kissed a stranger: uh no
71.  Drank hard liquor: No, I don’t drink.
72.  Lost glasses/contacts: No. I very rarely wear my glasses anyway, so it’s a moot point.
73.  Turned someone down: No, I’m not cute enough for people to have a crush on me. Except for online creepers (which I always turn down).
74.  Sex on the first date: No thanks.
75.  Broken someone’s heart: No, I get my heart broken most all of the time. I hardly do the breaking.
76.  Had your heart broken: YES. And not just in relationships.
77.  Been arrested: No, but I think the police have a record for me (I wasn’t guilty of anything, though).
78.  Cried when someone died: Yeah, I am a short fuse when it comes to crying.
79.  Fallen for a friend: Yes.
80.  Yourself: Fuck no. I don’t even know if I’m real. I honestly hope I’m not….
81.  Miracles: I guess. It’s a miracle I’m still alive, I think.
82.  Love at first sight: Yes, but that’s not real love.
83.  Santa Claus: Yes, he’s my homie.
84.  Kiss on the first date: Depends.
85.  Angels: I think it’s possible they exist, but I’m not sure.
86.  Current best friend’s names: Probably Cairo and Ana.
87.  Eye color: Bluish green with a splash of hazel, but for all intents and purposes, just green.
88.  Favorite Movie: Anything really shitty.
 I tag: Whoever’s reading this! (and hasn’t already done it)
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