top10withme · 1 year
26 Facebook statistics marketers should know in 2023
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26 Facebook statistics marketers 2023
Know whether your target audience is still on Facebook? Or if you should keep investing in Facebook ads? Staying on top of the latest Facebook statistics will give you the insights you need to update your Facebook marketing strategy. Even after all this time, Facebook continues to be the most popular social media platform. In fact, the Sprout Social Index found that it’s the top platform for both consumers and marketers. It’s the platform that 71% of consumers and 65% of marketers plan to use the most in 2023. With that said, let’s find out some vital Facebook stats that can inform your marketing strategy. Table of contents
General Facebook stats every marketer should know
Facebook usage statistics
Over the years, Facebook has become almost synonymous with social media. It continues to be the biggest social media platform and is widely popular on a global scale. Here are some of the key Facebook usage statistics to understand its popularity: 1. Facebook has nearly 3 billion monthly active users By Q3 of 2022, monthly active users on the platform had grown to 2.96 billion. Although adoption has slowed down, usage is still seeing an upward trend. This puts Facebook on track to hit the 3 billion monthly user mark. So if your brand doesn’t have a presence on the platform, you’re missing out on the chance to reach billions of people. 2. Americans spend about 33 minutes on the platform daily On average, American users spend about 33 minutes on Facebook daily. This puts it ahead of other leading platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and even TikTok. These numbers suggest that the platform is still seeing a high level of engagement from its user base.
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26 Facebook statistics marketers 2023 Source Facebook user statistics Facebook may have billions of users, but how are these people using the platform? Let’s look at a few vital Facebook user statistics to find out: 3. 67.5% of monthly users are active daily Out of the 2.96 billion monthly active users, 2 billion people use the platform daily. That’s 67.5% of users who spend at least some amount of time daily on the platform. In other words, there are billions of people your brand could potentially reach every day. The key is to get ahead of the Facebook algorithm so you can get more organic visibility. 4. Only 18% of American users feel that Facebook protects their data and privacy Even though Facebook is highly popular, trust in the platform has dropped drastically over the past couple of years. Only 18% of American social media users trust Facebook to protect their data and privacy. This puts it at the bottom of the list, making it the least trusted social media platform.
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26 Facebook statistics marketers 2023 Source 5. Messaging friends and family is still the top activity on Facebook Seventy-one percent of users say they use Facebook to message friends and family. This suggests that the platform’s “social” factor is still alive and kicking.     Other popular activities on the platform are posting/sharing photos and videos (62.9%) and keeping up to date with news and events (59.5%). A significant number of users (55.2%) follow and research brands and products on Facebook. So although it’s mostly for social, your brand can still use the platform to build authentic connections. 6. It’s the most used platform for customer service As the use of social media for customer service becomes increasingly popular, Facebook has become the go-to platform. The 2022 Sprout Social Index found that 60% of consumers use Facebook to get customer service. And 69% of marketers provide customer service through the platform.
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26 Facebook statistics marketers 2023 This makes it the most used social media platform for providing and receiving customer service. In other words, you need to ramp up your customer service efforts on the platform. Facebook advertising and marketing statistics Is Facebook marketing still worth it? And are you getting the most out of your Facebook advertising strategy? Check out these Facebook ads statistics to understand advertising impact on the platform. 7. Facebook ads see an average click-through rate (CTR) of 0.90% According to a WordStream study, Facebook ads get an average CTR of 0.90% across all industries. That said, click-throughs vary for industries, with retail, legal, apparel, beauty and fitness sectors seeing a CTR of at least 1%. 8. Advertising on Facebook costs $1.72 per click The same study found that the average cost per click (CPC) is $1.72 across all industries. However, you can expect to pay much more in certain industries. For example, the average CPC for finance and insurance and customer service sectors is at least $3. 9. The average conversion rate is 9.21% across industries Facebook sees a fairly high conversion rate for ads on the platform. On average, you can expect a conversion rate of about 9.21% for your Facebook ad. However, the specifics may vary depending on your industry. Fitness, education and healthcare sectors see a significantly higher conversion rate.
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26 Facebook statistics marketers 2023 Source 10. Facebook generates the highest ROI Needless to say, with such high conversion rates and low CPC, marketing on Facebook yields high returns. In fact, Facebook generates the highest return on investment among all other social media platforms. Facebook engagement statistics With organic visibility on Facebook on the decline, it’s only natural to see a drop in engagement levels as well. But does this put Facebook at a disadvantage over other social media platforms? Here’s a quick look at some vital stats to understand where Facebook stands in terms of engagement: 11. The median engagement rate on Facebook is 0.064% According to a RivalIQ study, brands see a median engagement rate of 0.064% across all industries. This is about the same as the median Instagram engagement of 0.067%. In other words, Instagram isn’t inherently better for engagement than Facebook.
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26 Facebook statistics marketers 2023 Source 12. Photo posts and status posts have the highest engagement The power of visuals is still evident on Facebook, with photo posts getting the highest engagement at 0.12%. Status posts come next with an average engagement rate of 0.11%. Video posts perform fairly well with an average engagement rate of 0.08%. Link posts, on the other hand, are the worst for driving engagement. They see an average engagement rate of only 0.04%. 13. Frequent posting doesn’t result in higher engagement Contrary to popular belief, posting frequently doesn’t necessarily result in higher engagement. As the RivalIQ study points out, influencers and sports teams see the highest level of engagement across all verticals. However, influencers are infrequent posters, publishing fewer than 10 posts per week. Meanwhile, media companies publish almost 90 posts a week and only see an average engagement rate of 0.05%. Rather than frequency, post timing should be your main focus. Know the best time to post on Facebook so you stand a better chance of driving engagement. Facebook video statistics As video marketing continues to gain popularity, it’s important to be aware of how video performs on Facebook. Here are some key Facebook video statistics to inform your strategy: 14. Live videos see higher engagement than pre-recorded videos Compared to pre-recorded videos, live videos see a much higher engagement rate. The specific number varies depending on account size, with the gap decreasing as fan size increases. However, for accounts with at least 50,000 fans, pre-recorded videos perform slightly better than live videos. 15. People prefer to watch videos with the sound off ChatterBlast Media found that sound-off videos tend to perform much better than sound-on videos. People are much more likely to watch a video to completion with the sound off. This stays true regardless of the advertising objective.
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26 Facebook statistics marketers 2023 Source
Facebook device statistics
Are you designing your Facebook ads to look great on any device? Check out these Facebook device statistics to understand how people are accessing the platform. 16. Most people access Facebook from any mobile phone Almost all Facebook users (97.4%) access Facebook from any type of mobile device. Moreover, 68.7% of users exclusively use their mobile phones to access Facebook. This indicates how there’s an overwhelming preference for mobile phones to access the platform. Brands will need to keep the mobile experience in mind when developing their content strategy and ad creative for Facebook. 17. Only 2.6% of users exclusively use computers to access Facebook While 28.7% of users use both their phones and computers to access the platform, only 2.6% of users prefer to use only their laptops and desktops.
Facebook feature stats (Reels, Stories, Messenger)
So, what sort of content should you post? What features are growing and what’s stagnant? Let’s review some Facebook stats that break down some of the platform’s key features: 18. More than 500 million people use Stories every day According to internal Facebook data, half a billion people use Facebook Stories each day. This speaks to the popularity of the platform’s feature, making it a useful tool for brands to engage their audience. 19. Facebook Messenger has over 1 billion users Meanwhile, there are at least 1 billion people using Facebook Messenger. That’s a billion people you could potentially reach through ads on Messenger. 20. Reels hit 140 billion Plays per day across Facebook apps The popularity of Reels isn’t dying out anytime soon. In fact, Reels see about 140 billion plays on a daily basis across the Facebook family of apps. With algorithms further pushing this format, Reels could help you gain visibility and engagement. In short, brands can’t afford to put this short-form video format on the back burner.
Facebook audience and demographics statistics
Wondering if you’re reaching the right audience on Facebook? What if your target demographic isn’t even on the platform? Here are a few Facebook stats highlighting the platform’s audience and demographics: 21. Users ages 25-34 years represent Facebook’s largest audience Despite the platform’s reputation as a seemingly “older” network, 23.7% of Facebook users in the United States are between the ages of 25 and 34. Moreover, the platform sees higher usage among people below the age of 44.
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26 Facebook statistics marketers 2023 Source 22. Usage among teens has dropped sharply That said, the platform’s popularity among teens has seen a significant drop. Only 32% of teens were using Facebook as of 2022. This is a sharp decline compared to the 71% who were using the platform between 2014 and 2015.
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26 Facebook statistics marketers 2023 Source 23. Facebook has more male users than female Facebook currently limits its reporting to male and female. And based on the data, the platform has a higher percentage of male users (56.6%) than female users (43.4%). 24. India has the largest Facebook audience size While Facebook sees significant usage across various countries, India has the greatest number of users. Latest reports show that there are 329.65 million Facebook users in India. The United States comes next, with 179.65 million users.
Facebook consumer behavior statistics
Finally, are people even buying stuff through Facebook? Here are some stats on how consumers are behaving on the platform: 25. Facebook has the highest number of social commerce buyers According to eMarketer, Facebook boasts the highest number of social commerce buyers. Here, social commerce buyers refer to users over the age of 14 who have made at least one purchase on the platform. By 2023, the platform will see 65.7% of U.S. social commerce buyers. 26. When shopping online, 19% of U.S. consumers start their search on Facebook The same report found that some U.S. consumers begin their online buying journey by searching on social media. Besides YouTube, Facebook is the second most popular social media platform to start their search when shopping online. So the right Facebook tools and marketing strategy could help you drive purchases through the platform. Want to know more? Discover the latest social media marketing statistics for 2023. How to get verified on Facebook: Your step-by-step guide
How do these Facebook stats inform your social media strategy?
These key Facebook statistics should give you some idea of where the platform currently stands in the social media landscape. As such, you can use these to guide your strategy and understand what to prioritize. Don’t forget to look at your Facebook analytics for brand-specific performance data to further inform your decisions.
Facebook statistics FAQs
How do I find my Facebook stats?From your brand’s Facebook Page, click on the menu button at the top and select “Professional Dashboard.” This will give you access to some essential Facebook stats about your Page performance. Is Facebook activity declining?Facebook adoption is seeing some decline. However, American users are still spending around 33 minutes per day on the platform. Is Facebook still a relevant social networking platform?Facebook is still the biggest social media platform and continues to see an increase in monthly active users. As such, it’s still a highly relevant platform to market your brand. What’s next for Facebook in 2023?In 2023, we’ll likely see Facebook pushing its new features and investing into the Metaverse. Source link Read the full article
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thesocialhat · 5 years
Facebook Target Audience: How To Use Facebook Custom Audience For Effective Targeting
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In today’s article, we will take up one of the basic objectives that businesses can’t skip while begin with setting up their ad campaign on Facebook that is “audience targeting”. Though there are various means, we are here to put light on targeting through custom audiences. So, let’s get started!
What is the Facebook custom audience?
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A Facebook custom audience is presumably considered as your invaluable Facebook target audience because it provides you with the advantages of retargeting those people who had interacted with your content or visited your website ever in the past. There are several ways to create custom audience, but we will put light on some of the leading among them, in brief.
Using customer files for creation of custom audience
This first section of the Facebook custom audience has been established with the help of files that belongs to your existing customers, data of email accounts, contact number of app information. With a custom file audience, businesses can easily target audience who is subscribed to your newsletters or using your apps. You first need to create your own custom audience on Facebook and then you can proceed further.
Creating a custom audience through website traffic
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Custom audience when created through website traffic, it becomes even easier to form rebranding campaign for those people whose engagement have been noticed over your website. This alternative will surely boost your productivity as your ads appear to them who already have an interest in the information given on your website. Before you create an audience predicated on website traffic, make sure to install “Facebook Pixel” first.
Custom audience built with app activity
Most of the businesses nowadays have their iOS or Android app for users. These apps can be a great way of targeting an audience on Facebook. In order to continue with targeting through app activity, it’s mandatory to get your account get registered. After that, you need to pick out those people who remain often use your app and holds on a particular action. For instance, you can choose a purchase event and mention “In the last three months” it will target all of them who have purchased your product in the last three months.
Custom audience creation through engagement
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You might be aware of the perk of targeting based on engagement that allows businesses to target people who have engaged with their content, liked their pages as well as dropped a comment. Furthermore, most of the users targeted when they:-
Tap on “call-to-action button”
Interacted to your posts.
Viewed your ads.
Send a reply to your posts.
Saved or downloaded your posts.
Whether businesses admit or not, Facebook Custom Audience gives them the opportunity of reaching their targeted audience without facing much hassle and is also a tremendous way of associating audience to whom you exactly want to be a part of your ad campaign on Facebook.
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thesocialhat · 5 years
What Are Facebook Canvas Ads And Their Specifications?
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Facebook is the biggest social media platform on the face of the earth according to the current scenario. As per the recent statistics, it incorporates over 2.32 billion monthly active users. That’s a really big number!!
Marketers understand the reaching power of Facebook and therefore continuously leveraging it to foster their business growth. That’s somehow become tough these days because of the crowd of businesses present on the social media hub, nowadays. Every business giving their best foot forward in order to achieve something big and exceptional from others.
Facebook ads are one of the most trending aspects of getting used by advertisers these days. There are numerous Facebook ads format accessible on the web at today’s time. However, the most popular one of them is Canvas ads. This ad format is getting followed by marketers humongous. People who don’t know about canvas ads must get popped-up with a question “what are they”? So, continue to read to explore deeply about canvas ads.
In which ways Canvas Ads are different from other type of Facebook ads?
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Canvas is an excellently designed ad format which liberates advertisers to offer exceptional ad experience to people on mobile. The most special trait of this type of ad is that it covered complete screen not partial like other types of ads. Also, contrary to carousel ads, canvas display one slide at once not simultaneously all slides. It usually consists of high-quality videos with professionally captured images and well-written content or text. The combination of all these elements makes perfect Facebook canvas ads that can really captivate people to take instant action like buying in case of E-commerce business ads.
What is the general specification of Canvas Ads?
These are some basic general specifications of canvas ads that can be altered according to the requirement of different brands and services. Below are the main preset canvas and design elements that should get considered before their creation.
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The accessible picture measure is of about 150px high and 400px wide, most extreme is 1080 px wide (rather up to 5400 px of width) or else you use the Tilt to dish elective) close 1920px high. Pictures may contain near 20% text as a segment of the image.
Typically, 500 words are a minimum requirement in each content portion, which is also not always necessary to write that much, so it's apparently great to keep it short and shrewd.
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Video details are proposed least of 720p, with 1.78:1 proportion (which is 1334px high by 750px wide) for having a full screen experience on smartphones. It will be an altogether different and extraordinary view for people out there on the web. Documents types which only possibly get accepted are .mov and .mp4.
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Here it is!! These are some of the most important information one should know for making the best Facebook canvas ads.
Making use of canvas ads is a great way of targeting mobile freaks in an exceptionally brilliant way. I hope after going through the above article, you become able to create the best canvas ads for your business.
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