#fagin the cat
strogoff-era · 1 month
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@pomodoriyum Thank you for requesting a Terror pet, i love drawing them 💛
feat. Mr Collins bc he deserves a relaxing nap with a kitty :)
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daincrediblegg · 9 months
Previous post reminded me: hey terror fandom. Do you think Fagin the cat was in fact named after the dude from Oliver Twist bc I certainly am subscribing to that headcanon personally
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onlythegeste · 2 years
i've broken 58k with a scene that was not on my list of scenes to write lol
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forthegothicheroine · 5 months
#oliver and company always cracks me up#because transforming the children to dogs and cats#(only one of whom seems to function as a child)#transforms a clearly unethical situation to one that is definitely weird but probably fine and also pretty impressive
via @maddie-grove
Fagin teaching children to steal: a bad thing
Fagin teaching dogs and cats to steal: a superpower
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pomodoriyum · 3 months
in the same vein as that recent terror post. season 2 should have just been crew shenanigans. like yeah we all died and it was horrible but before things got crazy we did some wild shit to keep from being bored
also the episodes should absolutely have the same emotional depth and bandwidth and punch
major points:
-james fitzjames and dundy historically accurate pillowfight
-george hodgson practicing an instrument (woodwind?) and driving the rest of them bananas. maybe people start hiding his clarinet or w/e in increasingly weird hard to find places
- peddie and the ‘where the hell have all of our ointment and oils and lubricants gone’ adventure (spoiler: theyve been used for distinctly nonmedical purposes)
- billy gibson and the stewards versus endless laundry. maybe they have a minor revolt about it
- chefs diggle and chefs wall cookoff contest
- cornelius hickey tries to enjoy his day off and shirking his work only to be roped into stupid menial stuff and unable to escape (jopson et al know what they’re doing)
- irvings watercolors and singing classes keep going terribly wrong
- a day in the life of: Fagin the cat, Neptune the dog, Jacko the capuchin
- please feel free to reblog with your own ideas these are cute to think about
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the-fiction-witch · 5 months
Nurse Y/n
Media - The Artful Dodger Character - Doctor Jack Dawkins Couple - Jack X Reader Reader - Nurse Y/n Rating - Flirty Word Count - 1413
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I finished up work with a patient on the ward and I noticed Captain Gains arrived at the door, I tried not to let panic rise to my face given Fagin was upstairs in my room counting out the score from our last venture. But I did my best to merely act normal as he came through with his usual sit, cane and chipper smile.
"Mr Dawkins," he said,
"Doctor Dawkins," I corrected, 
"A quiet word?" 
"Trouble with the prostate?" I joked,
"If you could be so kind doctor," He glared,
"Yes course," I nodded, 
He led me to the stock room where he sat his book and pen, "Do sit down, doctor."
I sat down trying not to look sheepish, and the more I did the more I wondered if it was actually possible. Silence sat between us for a moment and I felt as If I wanted to break it, "What uhh... what is this concerning?" 
He didn't answer at first taking the time to fully extend his tongue from his mouth and lick the tip of his pen before he began his notes. "Nothing to worry about Doctor Dawkins, just a formality during our investigation," 
"What investigation?" I asked, 
"I am sure you have heard about these... dreadful atrocities in port victory." 
I relaxed a little, "Yes, of course. Been the talk of the town," I nodded, "Wretched, horrendous, accidents." 
"Apparently not." he said, "After much investigation, we have determined these... atrocities were not accidents,"
"Not- not accidents?" 
"No, we have determined in our investigation... that these were not accidents,"
"Ohh goodness..." 
"And we have determined they are likely the work... of a serial killer."
"oh... I see..." I nodded, "What... does that have to do with... our conversation today?"
"It is very obvious the body's damage was caused by someone with... medical knowledge." 
"Are you implying-"
"I am not implying anything doctor Dawkins," he said, "Merely asking questions,"
"Yes.. of course,"
"You wouldn't happen to have noticed any medical equipment going missing of late?"
"No, no, nothing of note."
"I see... you and Doctor Sneed are our two residents? there isn't another doctor lingering about?"
"No, Myself, Doctor Sneed and Prof. That's all," I explained,
"I see," He made a note, "Have you noticed any other changes in staff?"
"Ohh uhhh a couple of nurses retired last month and we brought in replacements,"
"Well, nothing to worry about there then. Would you be able to tell me where you were on the evening of the 17th?"
"Here." I answered, "Caring for my patients," I lied even though I was defiantly not here, I think on the 17th I was either down the cat and bagpipes stealing Darius' watch or possibly across town stealing Mrs Asterlynn's diamond necklace, 
"Yes... and various nurses and patients could collaborate on that,"
"Uhhh..." I scrambled, "Unfortunately the patients from then have all passed on," 
"Pity, your nurses then?" he asked, "I'm sure one of your nurses would be able to confirm your presence that evening," 
"Hetty, my head nurse would yes." I nodded hoping to god he wouldn't call my bluff because she was currently mad at me and I got the feeling she was at the right level of throwing me under the carriage mad, 
"I see... you're head nurse," He chuckled, "any others know you were here?"
"...ughhh... Yes." I lied, "The uhhh the new nurse." I said, as it suddenly hit me that the new nurse who works down in the morgue with Tim, the little one, always has pigtails, she had a day off on the 17th so she wouldn't know I wasn't here, "yes, the new nurse, she was at my side helping me all night, I was showing her the hospital and such," 
"I see, you don't mind I ask her of course. For the records." 
"...No, no of course not," I lied, 
"Good take me to her then," He said as he got up, 
I nodded and led him down the corridor trying to think of what the hell I was gonna do, why did I say that, why didn't I have a plan, what nurse could stand me enough not to get me hung, I couldn't ask hetty she's mad, and I already called her my head nurse so he's met her before... I saw the new nurse, the one who had the day so coming up from the morgue in her usual nurse's dress, with her hair in sweet pigtail braids, well I hope to god she plays along. "Nurse," I spoke up as I don't know her name yet...
She stopped and seemed puzzled as to why I was talking to her, "Yes Doctor Dawkins?"   
"Captain Gaines just wanted a word with you," I said, "About the 17th, when we were working... on the ward... together... all night..." 
She looked at Captain Gaines and then at me for a second seeming confused, "I'm sorry the 17th?"
"Yes, you know nurse when you and I were working on the ward together all night, and I showed you around, we cared for patients, did some paperwork..." I lied giving her a rather pleading look almost begging her to play along, 
"Oh, yes the 17th. of course." She nodded and I relaxed, "Yes of course what did you wish to ask me about Captain?" 
"You can confirm Doctor Dawkins was here in the hospital that night?"
She glanced at me and we shared a look, "Yes I can,"
"Yes Captain I swear on my life," she said putting her hand to her chest, "Doctor Dawkins was ever so kind to me, I only just started and he took the time that evening to give me a tour and run me through some procedures. Letting me shadow him for the evening,"
"And he didn't leave your sight all evening?"
"No Captain, we worked on the patients together until dawn," She smiled, 
"Yes we did, yes... never left my sight did you?" I asked,
"No, absolutely not," She smiled,
"And would there be other nurses that could confirm this?" He asked,
Ohh shit- "Ughhh well..."
"Well unfortunately," she said, "Most of our lovely nurses had already taken to bed given such a busy day, the few who were still working, I am sorry Captain but we were so busy popping around the hospital we don't recall any names of nurses still awake and I doubt they would remember us was given how short a time we were in one place," 
"Right," he made his notes,
Hum... damn she's good, I glanced over at her and she gave me an innocent little smile, 
"I see, it's interesting who you two were working all evening, together, and yet not a single other nurse or patient can confirm such information," 
"Well, admittedly a lot of our work was... down in the morgue." I lied,
"Yes, down in the morgue popping up for other business of course," she smiled,
"So you were alone, in the morgue together?" he asked,
"Yes..." I nodded,
"And what work were you doing, exactly? For the records?"
"I believe that is our business Captain," she smiled her hands slipping around my arm, 
I looked down at her a little confused about what she was doing but as she laid her head on my shoulder it clicked... oohhh... she's going that angle with it... smart. Certainly explains us being alone together. 
"I see. Thank you. Any other questions I'll be sure to ask," He nodded folding up his notebook and heading away, 
As soon as he was gone I let out a sigh, "Thank you, nurse,"
"You're welcome," she smiled, "Figured you were in a spot of bother," 
"Yeah think I was for a second..." I sighed, 
"What did he want?"
"I think... he thinks I have something to do with the deaths in town,"
"I see... do you?"
"No! Of course not!" I protested, "I was just out doing... other business,"
"Understandable then," she nodded,
"What about you?"
"You were gone then?"
"I was,"
"Do you... have anything to do with his?"
"Doctor Dawkins how are you insinuating such a thing," she faked protested, "No no, I had... other business too,"
"I see," I nodded, "You uhh you don't have to hold my arm anymore you know,"
"I know," she shrugged, "you're kinda comfy," 
"ohhh ughh thanks," I blushed a little, "you uhhh you're... kinda cute." 
"Thank you," she giggled, "Well if you need a cover story again, you know where to find me, Doctor Dawkins," she smiled as she tapped my arm and headed off down the hall,
"Ughh yeah, wait! Ughh what's your name again?"
"Y/n!" She yelled back before turning the corner, 
"Hu... Nurse Y/n," I smiled a little before I headed up to my room. 
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The cold truth
Artful Dodger one shot. Jack Dawkins x fem reader
Before Fagin's return, before Belle, before it all there was y/n. The first woman to break Jack's heart. He kept her portrait in a silver locket, the chain hanging on his bed. One day, long after her operation Belle sits in the hospital going over medical text when Hetty comes into her. Seeing the locket in Belle's hand she tells her the story.
"She was a lovely girl, a nurse here. Odd though because she was married. So many of us live a solitary life but not y/n. She was such a wonderful spirit. I'm convinced she could make the dead dance with her joy. None of us could have known. Jack was the first to notice the changes, they were so small at first. Y/n had always had the most beautiful red hair, it was so thick she could hardly contain it and would have it tied several plates pinned about her head. I remember Jack coming to me one morning, the spirals were gone. It was all chopped off up to her shoulders. Y/n wouldn't tell us what happened.
Then it was the bruises. Poking out of her dress on her neck, her arms you know. She just kept saying she was clumsy, but we spent hours with her and none of us ever saw her even trip. Jack tries to ask her once but she brushed him off.
I don't know if it was her original joy or the subsequent lack of it, but the doctor seemed fixated on her. He needed to know what was happening.
One time he bumped into her, knocking her ribs and the touch sent y/n to the floor. Shocked by the reaction Jack took her aside and checked her over. Y/n had a bruise that covered her whole left side. Angry and red, purple, blue. Still she wouldn't tell us a thing. Jack took it upon himself to look after her. Noting that she would often work a whole day without a bite of food he began making extra lunch and sitting with her.
He would talk about her when she wasn't around. Retelling her jokes and talking of her beauty.
Of course we know now that it was her husband. He cut her hair off with an axe. Said she was too vain about her appearance and a nurse didn't need long hair. The beatings were worse. He would attack her for any little mistakes. Her ribs? That was because she had burnt dinner one night. He was an awful man. We only found out because Jack found her wandering the streets on his way home for the cat and bagpipes. He had kicked her out of their house. I don't remember what for, but Jack found her and he took care of her. By then the only time I saw her happy was when they were sat together. She told him everything and he promised to help her. Said she could have a bed in our nurses quarters. She even appeared happy for a while, the two of em did.
A week or so later she went home to collect her things, convinced her husband would be at work. He wasn't.
She managed to get back here. I'll never know how she made it. One broken leg, a fractured elbow and a knife in her gut. She did though, she came stumbling in. I think I screamed when I saw her. Jack rushed her into the theatre, but this was about a year before you came along. There was nothing he could do with the knife wound. That damn blade was wide enough to take down an elephant. Ripped her up so badly inside. She couldn't breathe and the blood was pouring into her lungs.
Jack tried and tried until she asked him to stop. Exhausted and covered in her blood, Jack was ready to collapse himself. She held tight to his hand and looked into his eyes.
"No, no y/n, you gotta fight this. You can't die." Jack begged her.
"Jack, I have to go. I'm sorry. You can't save me." Her voice was hardly more than a whisper. Jack held on to her. I had hoped his will alone might make God knit her back together. My faith took a knock that day and I'm not afraid to admit it. The look on that boys face when they insisted on taking her away. Tim had to hold him to keep Jack from following her body to the grave.
We all changed after that day. The first time one of our own bad died so brutally. Jack wasn't the same. He threw himself into his work, his competition with Sneed.
You know there are times when he still visits her grave. Maybe that's why he was so desperate to save you, Lady Belle. Jack's poor heart couldn't take another love being ripped away from him. It's a lovely portrait of her. " She finishes by glancing over Belle's shoulder at the lockett.
"he's in prison, so you think, do you think you could take me to her grave?" Belle asks.
It's a small wooden cross with her name carved into it.
"we couldn't afford a real headstone. " Hetty explains. Belle bent to touch the wood, running her fingers over the carved wood.
"What happened to the husband?"
"Got himself hanged for his troubles three weeks after. It took three hours for him to die. Come on now miss we should get you back before you're missed." Hetty reminded her.
"of course. I shall bring y/n flowers tomorrow."
"very good Milady "
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Okay so I've divided this into three categories, which you shall see below!
Roles I Think David Could/Should Play NOW:
Charlie Guiteau in Assassins
someone in Brigadoon bc it would be funny
The Emcee in Cabaret
Ryuk in Death Note
The Man In The Chair in The Drowsy Chaperone
The Dysquith Family in A Gentleman's Guide to Love And Murder
Herbie in Gypsy
Hades in Hadestown
Frollo in Hunchback of Notre Dame (okay give him like five years)
The Baker in Into The Woods
Lord Chancellor in Iolanthe
Albin or Georges in La Cage Aux Folles (either one as long as the other is played by Michael Sheen)
Trunchbull in Matilda OKAY HEAR ME OUT (he could also do Mr Wormwood)
Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady
Fagin in Oliver
Tateh in Ragtime
Riff Raff OR Frank N Furter in Rocky Horror
Shakespeare in Something Rotten
Squidward in SpongeBob (im so serious)
Sweeney Todd (utterly delusional but I need it to happen)
The Wizard in Wicked
Roles I Think David Would Have Nailed When He Was Younger
The Balladeer in Assassins
anyone in Cats please it would be so funny (especially Munkustrap)
Connor Murphy in Dear Evan Hansen (like Campbell era come ON)
Motel in Fiddler on the Roof
Marvin in Falsettos (he MIGHT get away with that now not sure)
Monty in Gentleman's Guide
J.P. Finch in How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying
Molina in Kiss of the Spider Woman
Emmet in Legally Blonde
Seymour in Little Shop of Horrors
Edgar Allan Poe in Nevermore
Leo Frank in Parade
Narrator/Cat in the Hat in Seussical
Georg in She Loves Me
any character Christian Borle played in Spamalot
Tobias Ragg in Sweeney Todd
Roles David Quite Doesn't Have The Instrument For But I Would Watch Him Do Them Anyway Bc He Would Act The Hell Out Of Them:
Any Elder in The Book of Mormon (Younger)
Robert in Bridges of Madison County
Bobby in Company (Younger)
Jervis in Daddy Long Legs (Younger)
Lucheni in Elisabeth (Younger)
or death. Rudolph too tbh
Bruce Bechdel in Fun Home
Edward Rochester in Jane Eyre
Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde (younger)
Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar (younger)
Javert in Les Miserables
Christian in Moulin Rouge (Younger)
Pierre in Great Comet (this one actually kills me bc he and Phileas are so similar)
Gabe in Next to Normal (Younger)
Erik in Phantom of the Opera
Mark Cohen in Rent (younger)
Noel Gruber or Ricky Potts in Ride the Cyclone (younger)
Archibald Craven in The Secret Garden
Joe/Josephine in Some Like It Hot
GOD this is long please spill the opinions so this was worth it
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pomodoriart · 4 months
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welcome to the HMS Terribus!
- Neptune is the official bus driver for the expedition
- Tuunbaq has decided that the Terribus is evil (keeping Neptune trapped inside) and hunts it down to kill it.
- Terribus’s cat Fagin enjoys the views, is quite upset when Tuunbaq eventually breaks in
- Silna attempts to mitigate Tuunbaq’s destruction but stops after Hodgson accidentally almost backs the bus over some locals (the family is fine, thanks very much)
- Silna thinks: “i hate tourists”
additional notes:
- Billy Gibson & Hickey hanging out behind the bathrooms. Hickey is nauseous and about to be sick all down billy’s font
- the Marines (+tommy) are all tangled in each other. intricate rituals and all that shit
- manson and hartnell enjoy watching the scenery
- Bridgens, Peglar, and des voeux are in a book club together
- peglar regularly ‘accidentally’ falls asleep onto bridgens
- des voeux is frequently disturbed by george hodgson practicing clarinet in the bus
- actually everyone is distracted by that hodg please put it away its loud
- irving discovers that neptune is their driver and spends most of his time panicking and praying for deliverance (he doesnt want to be in a crash)
- crozier and fitzjames keep having fistfights. hairpulling etc
- nedward is stuck up front but he would really rather be anywhere else
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marenabathory · 21 days
I need a list of the crew members Neptune and Fagin liked best. We must know who is cat people and who is dog people.
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laststandx3 · 10 months
i'm skipping through 1x03 and it's very interesting how they refer to rats twice and you'd think the first one is billy, but it's tozer instead, explaining sir john they use rats for bait. THEN you have billy saying he's not a rat. like on one side they establish that everyone knows there are a lot of rats on the ship so when billy asks what copulates on a ship we already know it's rats. on the other side? billy saying he was looking for the cat while irving discovered him with hickey? sir john saying the marines are putting fagin (ship's cat) out of work because they caught all the mice? and the very next scene is irving going to talk with hickey instead of punishing him (aka not catching him)? billy saying he's not a rat? rats taken from the hold, caught and tied up in lines? (called out in front of all the men, whipped for it or worse) book!hickey being constantly describe as a rat?
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severe-intense-gaze · 4 months
I finally watched Oliver Twist for the first time! I liked it a lot. Problematic makeup/offensive stereotype that's baked into the story aside, I thought it was brilliant. I can see so much from that film being borrowed by others, and the main one is Carol Reed. There is so much similarity between the look of Oliver Twist and the Third Man. I think he even borrowed the idea of the cat from Bill Sike's dog...
But I still need to figure out where it fits in my ranking based on how gay it is...
I feel like it's got a very dark edge to it and that is the hint there is a trafficking element to the relationship between Fagin and the boys. Over and over we hear that Oliver is "a nice looking boy" and this is almost always remarked on by older men such as Bumble, Brownlowe and Fagin. All of them say it all of them have Oliver in their custody for a time. In a sense they OWN him and he can be forced to steal for them or work for them or not as the case may be but of course Oliver never has any agency in any of this.
What are your thoughts on this?
Hellooo and thank you for sharing your thoughts with me!
I think David Lean's Oliver Twist is an untimely masterpiece and it's even more visually stunning and bolder than his previous work Great Expectations; he must have gained enough confidence from GE's success since breaking away from Noël Coward's protective wings and wanted to take a larger step with Oliver Twist. If I am to rank DL films, I'd put Oliver Twist in 3rd after Lawrence of Arabia and Brief Encounter. Nonetheless, aesthetic advancement is no excuse for ideological backwardness. It was very unfortunate that David Lean dared not even try taking a more critical approach to Dickens's offensive original text, instead he buried his head in sand trying to ignore Fagin's racial background and wishing no one read the book.
I'm glad someone finally mentions the interrelations between David Lean (especially his early films) and Carol Reed. Fun fact: David Lean first got into directing because of Carol Reed. Noël Coward wanted to make the war film In Which We Serve and Carol Reed told him he could never make it without David Lean. Lean was strongly influenced by Reed when he first started, the most notable example is the slanting composition in Brief Encounter when the suicidal Laura rushes out of the refreshment room. So I guess it's very possible and natural that Reed got one or two ideas from Lean's films as well (he saw GE and enviously said to Lean: I hope you throw yourself under a bus). But it's more likely that the cat is in Graham Greene's novel, I never read the novel so I can't say for sure.
As for the gay ranking, it's getting a bit too far innit XD. Oliver is like 10 or 11 of course he doesn't have agency and that he happens to be good-looking doesn't make his protectors/exploiters gay I guess 😭😭? But it's worth mentioning that in the novel Brownlow adopted Oliver not because he is Oliver's grandfather (as in the movie) but because Oliver is son to his deceased best friend whom he addresses as "my love" .
P.S. Reed himself made an Oliver Twist adaptation in 1968: Oliver! which I haven't seen yet.
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onlythegeste · 2 years
I may only have written 230ish words today, but a) that takes me to 59k at last (this week has not been a great week for writing), and b) I managed to include mallemaroking, which is just a really funky word.
Plus I got a bit of continuity pinned down that's been bothering me for a while.
I don't fucking know what I'm doing with the rest of this chapter (I think this section is all going to be one chapter, anyway) but if I can keep chipping away I'm sure it'll all fall into place eventually. I know how the story ends, after all.
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tybaltsjuliet · 8 months
Are Fagin's gang still dogs or werewolves or something? Or under a curse to be dogs?
oh, werewolves would be BADASS.
alas, given that this version of fagin and the gang start off in regular old victorian london before ending up dealing with land-with-magic/storybrooke shenanigans, i split the difference between dickens and disney, and have given her both a pack of feral mangy stray dogs that she keeps adopting, and a pack of feral mangy criminal youths who keep showing up at her house and taking her damn food, so she figures she might as well give them a useful occupation.
the other six robbers, aside from fagin, are:
aladdin and cassim, the orphaned sons of a lascar adventurer, who are gonna get themselves into a hell of a situation in agrabah in the land with magic
gretchen, otherwise known as the robber girl from the snow queen, who specializes in the criminal tactic of be annoying until someone pays you to leave. has no problem telling hans of the southern isles to fight her within two seconds of meeting him, despite the fact that she only stands four feet six or something less.
robin, by far actually the best person of the lot, and always happy to share his gains with the less fortunate. fagin despairs of him.
and, of course, dodger and oliver twist. oliver is really more of a cat person, but beggars can’t be choosers.
all that said, i haven’t ruled out queen grimhilde getting pissed over dodger mucking up her evil schemes and temporarily hexing him into a dog. everyone else is kinda on the fence about changing him back until snow starts frowning at them.
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pomodoriyum · 24 days
terror hug poll part 3. civic duty version.
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the-fiction-witch · 7 months
You... You can't just Kidnap a Girl FAGIN! P1
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader (Lady)
Rating Cute
Hey, I absolutely love your writing and I have an idea so basically y/n is the governor's daughter and belle's sister and she knows of jack and he's kinda admired her for a while and fagin knows it, but jack is in debt still so fagin kidnaps her or something to get jack the money and yeah that's it and maybe some ~smut~ . anyways I absolutely adore this fic so far and you don't have to do it but I just thought it was a cool idea 
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I finished up with the rounds cleaning off my hands as I headed through the ward, my bottom lip between my teeth as Fagin followed me around while I was trying to work. He was panicking and frankly so was I, we had three days to get the rest of Darius' money... and currently we had about four pounds of the twenty-six required. 
"I told you no." I snapped down his stupid idea, 
"I don't know why you keep ignoring me dodge I have the best ideas..."
"You have terrible ideas, Fagin," I warn, 
"Why don't we... sell fake prescriptions?"
"No. I am not letting you get me in trouble."
"Why not... sell the damn mangy hospital cat." He said, "Five bob for the meat two for the skin, and we'll be on our way."
"Hosptial-" I began as I looked around spotting the little black cat on the floor nibbling at some removed fingers, the usual black fur, blue eyes and purple collar, "That is not a mangy street cat." I told him as I carefully went over and picked the cat up she very happily nuzzled into my arms for a cuddle starting to purr, "This is Lady Nightingale, Lady Y/n Fox's cat. This cat outranks the both of us." I warned him as I took the cat to the front office to keep it out of trouble, 
"she won't miss it-"
"Fagin." I stopped him, "I cannot. Cannot. be more clear about this. You touch that cat. it is both of our arses. That is the governor's daughter's cat and if so much as a hair on its perfectly brushed head is hurt I will ship you back to London myself," I told him,
"...When did you ever gain such an affection for cats?"
"I don't have an affection for cats. However, this one is a prized possession of someone very powerful and influential so it is in the best interests of our remaining alive if we do not hurt the cat." I told him as I gave the cat a pet and a check over as she tended to get into mischief on her way here, 
"Powerful and influential... with... money?" he encouraged, 
"If we happen to let the governor know his sweet girl's cat has gone... missing then surely a reward could be in order." 
"Fagin. We are on no condition kidnapping the governor's daughter's cat and holding it for ransom,"
"But think of the green dodge?"
"No. It is not happening. Not at all. No way. Absolutely not. I want you to swear to me."
"...Fine... I Swear I will not Kidnap the cat and hold it for ransom."
"Or hurt the cat."
"...Or hurt the cat."
"Alright then," I nodded just as I saw the door open, to a familiar sight.
Lady Y/n Fox wandered in, wearing her sweet little black leather boots, stockings, her beautiful lilac purple dress with a lobster tail bustle below it, and her sweet hair pinned up with her little dragonfly hairpin. She rushed in with a look of fear across her face as she often did but she relaxed a little when she saw me and Lady Nightingale, 
"Afternoon Y/n," I smiled, doing my best not to blush as I continued to pet her cat, 
"Good Afternoon Jack," she smiled, "I'm so sorry..." she said as she came to pet Lady Nightingale,
"It's alright I know she likes to come and keep us company,"
"Umm she likes to come to find you," she laughs, "Every time I open the window nowadays she bolts out to come to find you," 
"Yeah I guess so, but still I'm happy she'd be here with me so you know where she is." 
"I suppose so, and I get to come down and see you," 
"Yeah, I do get to see you, both of you." I smiled, "Well it was lovely to see you, Lady Nightingale, of course you are welcome to surgery as always as our best hospital patron, but now it is time to end the honour of your visit and head home with Lady Y/n," I laughed, 
"Yes and It was delightful for a visit with you two doctor Dawkins,  I know Lady Nightingale enjoyed it. and I'm sure she'll be back." She laughed as she picked the cat up in her arms, "Thank you for taking care of her Jack,"
"It's no problem really,"
"Thank you, I'm sure I'll see you around Doctor Dawkins," she smiled,
"I look forward to it Milady," I smiled giving her hand a kiss before she headed out with cat in hand, 
"Interesting... how you're on first name terms with the goveners daughter." Fagin smirked, "A lady no less..."
"Fagin. Do not. Hurt. Cat."
"I swear on Milife Dodge I won't hurt that cat."
"Alright then..." I nodded, "I need to get back to work," I sighed heading back to the ward, 
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