#faith charnock
jaredsdiary · 28 days
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trouble. Faith Charnock. London 2024
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When we believe that we should be satisfied rather than God glorified in our worship, then we put God below ourselves as though He had been made for us rather than that we had been made for Him.
Stephen Charnock
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tirsu · 2 years
And here I’m yet again, complaining about Emmerdale. But damn, that fuckin’ show. Someone should really tell to them that there’s more in life than cheating and murdering. There can be drama without those.
So, Chas is going to cheat Paddy with Al? Really? That’s fuckin’ shit.
Did they bring Faith back only to die? Like they did with Holly? Damn! I like Faith, she’s pretty awesome! I’ll be sad when she dies.
And hey, then something positive! Surprising? Anyhoo. Mark Charnock is doing so fuckin’ great job with Marlon’s stroke plot. Like, give him already all the awards. He deserves them.
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sugdenlovesdingle · 10 months
from duncan's newsletter:
(he's actually critical of ED?? I didn't know he was allowed)
How to get Emmerdale back to its best
I love Emmerdale. Its gorgeous and unique setting, its array of fabulous characters and gripping storylines over the years, and its ability to tackle serious storylines head on, and break format creatively, often set it apart from the crowd.
Over the last few years, the soap has dominated awards ceremonies, winning rightful acclaim for Meena Jutla’s (Paige Sandhu) reign of camp terror, Paddy Kirk’s (Dominic Brunt) depression and suicide attempt, and Marlon Dingle’s (Mark Charnock) sensitively handled stroke storyline.
And Faith Dingle’s (Sally Dexter) death scenes were undoubtedly the highlight of the anniversary month, bringing far more to the table than flying caravans and cows on the loose.
Recent castings have been spot on too – William Ash is right at home as the complex Caleb Miligan, and Louise Jameson is unsurprisingly a revelation.
Being able to secure returns for the iconic Kim Tate (Claire King) and Mandy Dingle (Lisa Riley) can also be chalked into outgoing boss Jane Hudson’s legacy.
After five years, she has stepped down, having achieved a great deal on the show.
Wanting to spend more time with her family, Jane is looking forward to a well earned rest – running one of the UK’s top shows is a more difficult job than people give credit for.
Soap bosses are held to such a high degree of scrutiny and standard, and if there is anything fans are not happy with, boy they let them know!
Listing the above paints an overall solid picture of Emmerdale and, despite dramatic reports, the show is far from being in crisis.
However, the recent resurgence of EastEnders has helped identify how refreshing shows can put them right back on the map.
There are many things Emmerdale needs to improve on – things have become far less character led, with an over-reliance on stunts and, despite my love for the clan, the Dingles.
The often ignored older generation, lack of fresh blood who aren’t connected to existing villagers, and some storylines that are starting to feel a bit of a strain are some of the factors that it is now a good time to address.
A new pair of hands and perspective on the steering wheel will bring new ideas to the table – there’s a reason why soaps benefit a lot from regular producer changes.
We all have different thoughts when it comes to our ideal soap. I have struggled with some aspects of the show for a number of months now, and have some thoughts on what could give Emmerdale its mojo back.
The community feel
The Man Club is evidence that Emmerdale still knows how to integrate the cast in a community way, but the show really lacks the warm feeling of community that it has previously been known for.
Character groups feel very separate – the Andersons are packed with potential but are generally isolated aside from Charles leading a wedding or funeral, for example.
Many characters have deep connections and pasts with each other but at the moment, much of everything is storyline led, with a definite beginning, middle and end.
A return to the focus on character, and the village itself, will make the storylines feel less plot, and more organic.
New blood
There have been some solid castings over Jane’s tenure, but very few who join the show unrelated to existing villagers.
Many of the links have been a bit contrived – Nicola’s attacker Naomi really didn’t have to be the same character as Charles’ daughter – and introductions such as Chloe and Tom have so far felt unable to hit the mark, with explorations into the connections themselves feeling very light.
Chloe rarely interacts with Sarah anymore, while Tom’s tensions with Jimmy and Chas were resolved extremely quickly.
Bringing in some fresh new faces or even a new family could buck this trend and inject some additional new life that doesn’t have to be an add-on to an existing story.
A big name casting a la Amanda Donohoe leading the Wyldes would also bring some solid attention and buzz.
Bring back Kim Tate’s edge
This is an ongoing bugbear with me – I long dreamed of seeing superbitch Kim Tate stalking the village and lording over Home Farm once more, so when I got my wish, I was delighted.
Her return was camper than a tent shop, and great fun but unsustainable, so it was understandable that Emmerdale had to tone her down to keep her around.
Kim was still mean but started to take on some deeper dimensions. Having a grandma instinct reminded us of her heart, and her friendships with Mary and Lydia are great.
But, over the last year, Kim has completely lost that edge that makes her Kim.
There is absolutely no way that Harriet and Caleb would escape her wrath like they have done.
Crossing Kim to such an extent would doom you to some hardcore revenge, but Kim seems to have just rolled over and taken the hits.
Let’s get her back to the middle ground. Keep the layers – but re-introduce her harder side too.
A leopard can only change its spots so much – Kim will always, and should always, be utterly ruthless.
Emmerdale’s powerful storylines are its absolute strength. When the show tackles something serious, it really treats it with care.
The aftermaths and long-running focus on Marlon’s stroke and Paddy’s mental health have been sublime – with storylines only this week revisiting Paddy’s grief over Grace, while Marlon has anxiety over getting back behind the wheel.
And the fact that the Man Club continues to be a solid staple of the village is refreshing; the story could easily have fallen into the soap mistake of being done and dusted then forgotten.
But when the show tries to get across a message, things can get a bit jarring when combined with other stories taking the same issue a lot less seriously.
Just days after raising awareness that a single punch can kill someone, a scene showed Bob smack Liam in the face with zero consequence. So, how are we treating punches?
Bernice’s equally important menopause group ran concurrently with Paddy’s Man Club, but has been played for laughs, which has felt like a major mis-step.
And, after Noah faced pretty much zero ramifications for stalking Chloe and displaying incel behaviours, he became central to a story about his girlfriend Amelia being stalked by a creep.
Noah portrayed as a hero in this scenario leaves a bit of a sour taste.
The show needs to take care not to undermine its best work in this way.
They stick to their guns when seeing these stories through, so they also need to stick to the core message.
Redemption arcs
Speaking of Noah’s redemption, the show has had a bit of an issue recently of desecrating characters and changing their personalities – only for it to be reversed with the expectation that viewers should forgive and forget.
To be fair to the current team, this is not a new issue – it still annoys many that Kerry and Amy live care-free in the village – and judge the crimes of others – when they effectively got away with killing Frank.
Noah was a character that ‘learned his lesson’ and was re-established into the fold without much furore, but it’s pretty hard to forget in this Amelia love story, that he really was a very serious danger to women not long ago.
And the character of Chas is back to being a little bit sanctimonious about the bad behaviour of others – such as Charity cheating and Caleb lying.
It’s very hard to warm to Chas again after the way she treated Paddy without any real remorse.
If Emmerdale truly wants us to forgive these characters, the redemption arcs need to be deeper and longer, with a much more detailed exploration of the behaviours and motivations behind them.
LGBTQ+ couples
It was noted during Pride Month that three LGBTQ+ couples in Emmerdale split up in quick succession – which was not a good look for a soap that actually nails it with diversity in the show, and representation for the community, character-wise.
Not all that long on from the controversial Vanity split, couples with potential, most notably the moving Heartstopper-esque pairing of Arthur and Marshall – were dropped.
Arthur’s coming out was handled beautifully and in an understated way by Emmerdale, so I am still confused by why the relationship went south so swiftly.
There are hints that Nicky will embark on a relationship with Suni, so hopefully this can be reversed to an extent that there can be a bit of joy for gay characters.
We are still rooting for Mary – and just when is Ethan going to get something to do?
Dropped stories need addressed
Emmerdale has kicked off stories that have the potential to be very interesting – but some of them just go nowhere.
The Rhona and Gus plot – which explored the concept of Rhona being asked to help her ex with having a baby – was new territory, but it was over and done with within weeks.
It left a few loose ends, with the expectation that more was to come but, months on, there is no sign of that.
Where is Chloe’s dad, after all this time and mentions of him? And why drop the big ‘Kerry is her mum’ bombshell right as Laura Norton left?
It was simply left hanging, with zero aftermath.
Tone down the huge stunts
Emmerdale knows how to put on a spectacle – some of its stunts have gone down in history, such as the motorway pile-up and Meena’s burning maze.
But, and this is more of an ITV issue, ‘Super Soap Week’ has become a bit of a problem.
It’s now the expectation that some sort of stunt has to half-destroy the village and kill off residents in October, which makes it predictable and pretty unrealistic how disaster will strike the same time every year.
There is also the pressure on Emmerdale to up the ante and beat the previous year each time, which led to a week with simply too much – a storm, a cow stampede, a man impaled on a tractor, an exploding quad bike, a crushing under a caravan – it was out of hand and the effect is diluted.
Time was, even a car crash would be extremely exciting and considered an event but it can’t be the case any more.
So with stunts, let’s mix it up a bit. Have less, and when they do happen, do they have to be in October?
And, unlike the big storm which had pretty much zero consequence (Harriet and Liv who?), there needs to be a return to character before spectacle. If we are blowing up the village, the key should be on what comes next.
‘Life will never be the same again’ can only work if, well, life is never the same again.
Less of the crime stories
How many drug dealers can one village have? There has been a reliance on short term criminals arriving – very often to create conflict for Cain – and it’s not very inspiring to see Nate now caught in a gangster style scenario. Which, again, it looks like Cain will resolve.
Two dimensional thugs and gangsters are so un-Emmerdale. And done far too regularly now to have any impact.
Does anyone even remember Dawn’s ex’s short-lived reign of terror? Or the gunman who shot David?
Dingle domination
The Dingle family is a double edged sword. They’re one of soap’s most iconic families and that should never change.
But it’s rare to see a story that isn’t Dingle connected, leaving the likes of the Sugdens and Tates hanging about in the background.
Even Caleb’s war with Kim Tate quickly became more Dingle focused.
Marlon and Faith’s stories were impeccable and there is another topical story coming to the Dingles that will undoubtedly be fantastic.
However, we need a bit less Dingle overload, it is hard to keep up and there are too many Dingles for them all to be realistically involved in each of the arcs ongoing.
But with all that is happening, each member absolutely would be part of it in real life. They need some breathing space to give it more of a family focus rather than story after story – and so do we.
Bring back Meena
Well, I can dream can’t I?
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cyberpulseltd · 27 days
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solatgif · 1 year
TGIF: Roundup for June 2, 2023
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Save the date! “Writing the Next Chapter,” the 2024 Asian American Leadership Conference, will take place on April 23-24 in Orange County, California. More info coming soon.
Peter Lim, Jason Min, and Kevin Yi were privileged to be included in an assembly of Asian American Christian leaders from all over the United States for an unprecedented Listening Session with the White House. Read their reflections.
This newsletter is one of the many ways you can keep in touch with us. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. For more, check out my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group and TGIF Playlist on Spotify. You can reach me on Twitter and Instagram.
Aaron Lee, Editorial Curator
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Enter to win this excellent book! What does Scripture show us about Jesus? In Road Map to Jesus, Alistair Chalmers takes us on a trip through beloved Biblical texts to show us the Savior. Read my review. Thanks to Alistair Chalmers for providing this book for our giveaway, in partnership with my newsletters for @diveindigdeep and FCBC Walnut.
Articles From Around The Web
N. Gray Sutanto: 4 Realities in Jakarta That Expose Western Judgments of Christianity
“To those who experience social guilt and shame, Christianity announces a better way. It calls sin by name, depends on Christ’s blood for absolute cleansing, and calls sinners to be made new in him.”
T. Kim: What Risks Can Moms Take? Following Jesus with Small Children
“Fellow mom, though I may be oceans away, neither of us raises our family in the country of our citizenship. You also face many risks as you serve Christ. Do you trust him? Is he worthy? If so, what is a faithful, risky yes you can say to him today?”
Virginia Chen: Our Beloved Ones Don’t Become Angels When They Die
“Despite what Chinese religions and pop culture might suggest, they stay human—and that’s a good thing.”
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The SOLA College Writing Cohort is our new writing cohort for college-age students to receive mentorship and training as young Christian writers. Editorial Board member Soojin Park will personally be leading this initiative, and she is very excited at the prospect of nurturing the next generation of Asian American thinkers and writers who will help encourage and edify the Church!
Books, Podcasts, Music, And More
Journeywomen Podcast: Unashamed with Irene Sun
“In the face of intense shame heaped upon her by others throughout her life, Wen Wei Chieh was never ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This woman of the faith endured poverty, loss, and rejection at every turn, but she stood firm on the Word of God, knowing the Lord would remain faithful to her.”
Related: Sharing Biblical Theology With Kids: An Interview with Irene Sun
The Russell Moore Show: Curtis Chang Says Anxiety Is Opportunity
On this episode of The Russell Moore Show, Curtis Chang explains that the root of anxiety is the fear of loss. The conversation also covers social media, the role of medication in addressing mental health struggles, and various spiritual practices for responding to anxiety.
Related: Youth, Politics, and Social Media: A Conversation with Russell Moore
Aaron Lee: Related Works
Book Reviews: The Existence and Attributes of God by Stephen Charnock, Honor, Patronage, Kinship, and Purity by David A DeSilva, The Cross in Context by Jackson W., Serving as Jesus Served by Michele Howe. Listen to our TGIF playlist on Spotify. Join my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group.
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For Mother’s Day, check out our Moms & Motherhood collection! Featured authors include Faith Chang, Amy Loh, Alice Kim, Heidi Tai, Grace Lung, and Kristen & Karisa You.
Featured This Week On SOLA Network
Connie Nelson: The Best is Yet to Come: How Knowing Jesus as Our Resurrected Lord Impacts Our Parenting
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Matt Ng: The Sound Witness of An Ordinary Life
“A sound witness is an everyday, unscheduled, and unprompted endeavor that demonstrates Christian humility and charity. It tills Gospel soil. It’s a characteristically winsome lifestyle that exudes Gospel flavor to others around us—the kind of living that makes it no surprise to others that we love Jesus.”
Peter Lim, Jason Min, Kevin Yi: Reflections on the White House Listening Session with Asian American Christian Leaders
On May 4, 2023 the Asian American Christian Collaborative (AACC), which is a national organization that focuses on education/equipping, advocacy, and community building to represent the voices, issues, and histories of Asian Americans, congregated Asian American Christian leaders from all over the United States for an unprecedented Listening Session with the White House.
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General disclaimer: Our link roundups are not endorsements of the positions or lives of the authors.
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calebyap · 2 years
“The Joy of the Christian” (Psalm 16:5-11)
Family, friends and guests of the couple, let me welcome you to church for this joyous occasion.
I’m honored to be able to share a few thoughts from from Psalm 16. I hope that these words will encourage your hearts and build us all up in faith.
If I had to give a title to this exhortation, it would be: “The Joy of the Christian” fitting for this happy day. As you prepare your hearts to make your solemn vows allow me to make three points about Christian joy:
First point: your God is good and gracious (v5-6)
It almost goes without saying that the Christian’s joy begins first with the Christian’s God. The first two verses in our text show the psalmist declaring what matters more to him than anything in the world: his relationship with God.
The Lord is his chosen portion, his cup, his lot, his beautiful inheritance - four objects which are personal and valuable. In short this is man whose life will be built on a God he knows is good. In modern terms, the language of boundary lines and beautiful inheritance is like a young couple winning a single digit BTO draw, or a generous enbloc arrangement - that’s how good God is. The Puritan Stephen Charnock writes that “the goodness of God is his inclination to deal well and bountifully with his creatures”.
Christians aren’t just religious people. They’re people who have discovered hidden treasure in a field and found the pearl of great price. They know God has dealt well and bountifully with them. Before Christ we lived in sinful rebellion. It’s not that we weren’t perfect, but we lived life on our own terms and spurned the One who made us. He would have been right to judge us and leave us to the mess we’ve made. But in His kindness God sent a Savior when we could not save ourselves. Jesus Christ came to live the life we should have lived, and He died the death we should have died at the Cross. And from the dead God raised Him up to make possible a new life of sins forgiven and conscience cleansed. And if any of us turns from our sins and trusts in Jesus, we can be adopted into His own family, the church.
This is the best news in all the world. And some think it’s too good to be true, too good to be real. But the couple knows the goodness of God because they’ve experienced it. He has been good to them, not because they have a spouse today, but because they have a Savior called Jesus, and have life in His name. Your Heavenly Father is good and He loves you - he will never give you a stone when you ask for bread, or a snake when you ask for fish. And His good Spirit He has sent to dwell in you.
Let me share that first point in Mandarin:
我很高兴以诗篇 16:5-11 这段上帝的话语做一些分享。从诗篇中,我们可以学习到诗人的人生观念,并思考这对我们意味着什么。
诗人在第 5 节说“耶和华是我的产业,是我杯中的份;我所得的,你为我持守。‘’
这一节提醒我们:跟随耶和华的人是何等的有福。诗人在耶和华里寻求自己的身份、生存的意思。对他来说人生的意义不在子孙满堂,荣华富贵 ,而是在上帝怀里享受那又平静又安稳的生活。诗人的生命依然有各种各样的考验和磨练,他却深信在上帝怀里的生活是多么有福。第九节他说:”我的心欢喜,我的灵快乐”.
朋友们,一生最美的祝福,就是能认识并信靠主耶稣。我们在认识耶稣之前是过着叛逆pan ni和罪恶的生活。那时我们为自己而活,拒绝、憎恨上帝,与祂为敌。但是上帝没有因此而拒绝我们。��差遣他的独生子耶稣基督降世为人,最后还为我们钉在十字架上流出宝血,赦免我们的罪,让我们成为神的儿女,并给我们带来永生的盼望。这是全世界最美好的消息 ye 就是基督徒爱欢喜唱歌的原因。我们不是在教堂里举行音乐会时唱,而是从心里发出感恩,赞美的欢唱。
有人说基督教的福音是好消息,却令人难以置信。但是这对新人都有亲身体验到上帝对他们的美善和怜悯,并已经转离罪恶, 信靠耶稣,借着耶稣基督与上帝和好。我们在这场婚礼中所看到的就是这对有福的人做出的见证。
约翰福音 3 章 16-17 节的话是如此的宝贵:“神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。因为神派他的儿子降世,不是���定世人的罪,而是要世人借着他得救。”我希望大家能够好好思想这段分享。如果真的有这样一位良善的神,他会不会是在等候我们每个人的选择?
So the first point: your God is good and gracious. Second, we need not fear the worst things in life (v7-10).
Back in our passage we see hints that the psalmist’s life is no different than the average person’s - full of trouble. Verses 8-9 suggest difficult circumstances that might shake him or make him anxious. His prayer is God that preserve him and be a refuge although we don’t know the exact reasons why. Certainly this is the prayer of a troubled man.
Friends what do you do when you’re troubled? What higher power do you seek out for help?
It’s interesting how many modern people no longer believe in seeking help from others but turned inward in self-sufficiency. We like to solve our own problems. So we see many people now practicing mindfulness. Or better self-care so we can cope. But there is a better way. V7-8: go to God with what you fear. The psalmist seeks counsel from the Lord, and his heart is instructed by night. Where does this man find help? When the sun goes down, he gets quiet, humbles his heart, seeks God in prayer and reads the Bible for instruction. Facing the worst things in life, the psalmist must have this: that the Lord is always before him, always at his right hand.
This is practical wisdom for Christian couples. Finding time to connect with one another and talk will get harder and harder. So cultivate the habit of reaching for God together at night and you’ll always talk. Read Scripture together as you date. Share your headaches and heartaches. But knit your souls together in the things of God. Let God’s Word be where the two of you meet each day. This is an area where husbands should take initiative. It can’t be organic brothers, it must be intentional. Someone needs to say “I have set the Lord always before me”. It doesn’t have to be a long thing, but it must be a constant thing. And friends, all married couples start out in this and lose steam. But all of us need to pick it up, say I’m sorry we’ve neglected God’s Word, and let’s try again.
And the more we read God’s Word together, the less we fear the worst things in life. In v9-10 the psalmist faces something so dangerous that he’s worried he might die. But knowing God’s Word gives him a quiet inner confidence - his heart and whole being rejoice and are glad, and he can be unshakeably secure. Why? His Bible reading has taught him this one great truth: God has promised resurrection from Sheol, the place of death.
In Acts 2, the apostle Peter says that this passage is fulfilled when God raises His holy one, Christ Jesus from the dead. Jesus’ resurrection means He has overcome the worst of things - sin, death and hell. These will trouble God’s people no more. Because Jesus was raised, God’s promises of sins forgiven and life unending are secure. Because Jesus was raised, the dead can live again, the broken can be fixed, and the worst things in life can turn out for our good. So neither cancer, clashes, conflicts, crises - none of these will have the ultimate word for those belong to the resurrected Jesus. So we await this risen Savior who transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body in resurrection hope, Phi 3.
So reasons for joy: God is good and gracious, in Him we need not fear the worst things.
And still point three, the best is yet to come (v11).
The psalmist has seen what God has promised in Scripture, and the hope of resurrection. He also sees what the future looks like - the path of life God has opened up v11, and in God’s presence, there is fullness of joy with pleasures evermore at His right hand.
Eph 2 says in the coming age our God will show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness towards us in Christ Jesus. God is not a sour, grumpy god waiting for us to slip up. No, He’s the God of happiness and joy - who made pineapples and longans and durian, and whales and butterflies and monitor lizards, of symphonies and design and all manner of beautiful things. But more than this - His heaven will be full of unending, glorious good because He will give us the best thing - Himself.
That’s why each Sunday, as we gather with the church for Lord’s Day worship we are a foretaste of the best still yet to come. We should all make gathering with God’s people a priority. It points forward to the day when we will have Him. And this very wedding service now is a preview of the joy that is coming.
Christians, this is your destiny and hope in Jesus. You can afford to not sweat the small stuff like fights and disagreements, or people hurting you or being mean. You have plenty of emotional capital if you fill your heart with this hope, with this anticipation. And though the days will stretch you and your hearts may be bruised as you take up your Cross and follow Jesus, your faith will be refined as you wait for Him, your love will be perfected, and one day all your hopes will come true when you see Him face to face.
So dear friends, feast your hearts on the joy of the Christian as you begin your life together: your God is good and gracious, you need not fear the worst things, the best is yet to come.
May the Lord bless you and keep you on on the path as you enter by the narrow gate, swerving neither to the left nor to the right . And may you walk always in Christ, all the days of your life, Amen.
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It is a contradiction for Him to be God and to have any darkness mixed with his light. To deny his purity, makes Him no God. He who says God is not holy, speaks much worse than if he said there is no God at all. Where do we read of the angels crying out Eternal or Faithful Lord God? But we do hear them singing Holy, Holy, Holy!
Stephen Charnock [Audio] [More gems]
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cowboybuckleys · 7 years
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jaredsdiary · 2 months
March 2024
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"Assurance is the fruit that grows out of the root of faith." - Stephen Charnock
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tirsu · 2 years
At first some complaining (surpised?). It seems that Harriet and Dan’ll be new couple even tho Harriet isn’t that into Dan. Hmm. This seems familiar. Why would it be that? Oh yeah, ‘cause that same storyline has happened to Dan already, with Chas. In addition that they’re recycling their storylines they do it with the same character. Usually they’ve at least used different characters.
And then something positive. Mark Charnock has been fuckin’ brilliant in Marlon’s new storyline but so is Jeff Hordley as Cain in Faith’s approaching dying storyline. Give those two all the awards.
Even tho I’m mad that they brought Fait back only to die, those scenes between her and Cain and with Cain alone or with Moira, have made me teary-eyed. I don’t know if I can watch the scene where Faith dies. And the aftermath, how losing his mum (whom he hasn’t always had good relationship - not that long ago he hoped she would die) is going to affect Cain? Will he mourn her, will he hide his feelings, is he gonna feel guilty? Will he get furious with Al and Chas when their secret affair comes into daylight? (I’m gonna bet that Chas is having fun with Al 🤢while Faith dies.)
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robronotics · 7 years
Post Ep Ponderings February 21 - Robron Wedding Pt. 2
From start to finish, I think that was my favourite tv wedding of all time. Dingle weddings, from the few I’ve seen and the many I’ve heard about, always tend to be a bit crazy, but this one was full on in the best way. Faith bounding from the wheelchair and out the door was maybe the most entertaining start to an episode of anything ever. I just about died at the look on Marlon’s face. Mark Charnock’s acting talents are some of my favourite. The guy is a comedy genius.
Side note, might just be that there was too much going on for me to notice, but was Carly at the wedding with Marlon? I just realized that I didn’t notice her there and it seems a bit odd that she wouldn’t be. Not that it’s uncommon for things like that to happen in soaps. Just curious.
As for the rest of the wedding, how perfect was it that they said their vows to each other alone in the garage? That on paper sounds like the least romantic thing ever, but on screen with their past? Fucking great! I love these little chats they have too. Every once in awhile we get them just talking and it’s what makes me feel strongest about them being an awesome power couple. Whoever keeps writing their talks knows what a real, solid relationship looks like, I swear. They have their ups and downs, and issues and all the rest of it, but at the end of the day, they laugh and joke and make each other feel better. I still want a continuation of the epic convo in the woods from SSW as there are still clearly bigger issues they need to deal with, but it makes me feel better that they talk like this at all. 
I also just loved the sentimentality of it all. In continuation from yesterday, the garage, and all the quips and them remembering how they started. How often do we ever hear them talk about the beginning? Because I’m thinking it’s never. Oh! Oh! And Aaron basically saying that the wedding was perfect because what he’d wanted for a long time was for Robert to go out in the pub and say it loud and proud. What a great way to show the progression of Robert. And how they both said they’re going to try and be better for each other. God, this was all just brilliant.
And then the reception. LOVE Aaron cutting off Diane when she was talking about Jack to Robert (and Robert thanking him for doing it later). I’m really starting to think that Robert is going to tell Diane and Vic about what happened between him and Jack, and I wonder how it’s going to go. I get the feeling that Diane won’t believe him, at least not at first. 
Robert drinking from the welly was every bit as awesome as I’d hoped it would be. Oh, and kudos for Ryan’s acting skills on being mostly drunk. Most people can only do slightly tipsy or over the top drunk well (imho), but he perfectly did right down the middle, drunk. Slightly stumbly, a bit of a slur, but still able to have a normal conversation. Kudos to Ryan Hawley!
Finally, I love how everyone is so happy for them. A year ago that would not have been the case. Even Paddy! I’m sure he still has his reservations, but he really did seem to realize that Robert really does love Aaron. I wonder if, after Robert eventually tells Diane and Vic about Jack, if the rest of the village will find out and people will understand Robert even more?
And now I will finish off with a few non-wedding things.
I did not know about Laurel and Ashley losing a baby. Man, that is harsh! 
So, how long do we think until Laurel has a fling with Will and feels horribly, dreadfully guilty about it.
I’m leaning towards David not having cancer again. They only just finished that up, unless he’s leaving the show?
Finally, everyone convincing Debs not to leave the country until she’s cleared by police might be the best Dingle advice given and taken ever. I’m glad Debs convinced Sarah to go with Charity too, though I don’t think that’s the last we hear of this.
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dannymillerfansite · 5 years
Emmerdale : Spoilers & Cast List & time of episodes 24-28 December
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Monday 24 December - Christmas Eve - 7.00 PM
Digital Spy
It's the eve of Marlon and Jessie's surprise wedding. After getting drunk in The Woolpack, Sam and Marlon spot the truck containing Charity’s booze delivery sitting open.
Later, the drayman drives off, unknowingly carrying away Marlon and Sam who are fast asleep in the back.
Meanwhile, Bob can't afford presents for the twins this Christmas. He considers stealing from the hospital charity gifts, but can he really sink so low?
Elsewhere, Rodney vows to break an impasse.
Radio Times
Rodney vows to break up the impasse between Nicola and Bernice, Jessie is devastated to see Monty tucking into the wedding cake, and Bob considers stealing from a hospital to make ends meet. 
Jessie's wedding plans continue to go awry as Belle reveals Zak and Lisa are staying in Scotland and Monty eats the wedding cake. 
Tuesday 25 December - Christmas Day - 7.15 PM
Hour-long episode
It's Christmas Day and Sam and Marlon wake up in the back of a delivery van in the middle of nowhere. Marlon tells Sam that they need to rush back to the village, as Lydia has arranged a surprise wedding for him.
Later, Marlon does make it back on time but faints when he realises that he's the one getting married. At the same time, Sam is crushed to learn that he’s got it all wrong.
Meanwhile, Bob has pawned his watch but is devastated to realise that he's bought the kids the wrong gifts. Can Bob get himself out of his mounting debts and grim situation?
Elsewhere, Jacob hands Maya a present and they kiss, but they get interrupted by David. The situation grows awkward as Jacob stays hidden as David and Maya kiss.
Also today, Nicola and Jimmy arrive for dinner with the family after being invited by Rodney. Upon arriving, they realise they are not welcome and Liam dishes up tiny portions for the unexpected guests.
Wednesday 26 December - Boxing Day - 7.00 PM
What’s On TV
There’s consoling going on over at Aaron Dingle and Robert Sugden’s place too…
Digital Spy
It's the aftermath of the wedding.
Robert consoles Aaron.
Jacob endures heartbreak.
Bob worries as Brenda asks him about exchanging the video games he bought the twins for Christmas. 
It’s the aftermath of the wedding...
Robert consoles Aaron!
Thursday 27 December - 7.00 PM (only one episode)
Digital Spy
The police descend on the village.
Bernice is in a state of denial.
The pressure mounts on Bob.
What’s On TV
There are questions which need answering as the police descend on the village but will the officers uncover the information they’re looking for in Emmerdale?
Bob's financial woes continue when Eric tells him has to settle up for his stay at B&B.
Friday 28 December - 7.00 PM
Digital Spy
Bernice is furious when she sees the salon decorated for her 50th birthday, not wanting Liam to know her age.Determined to hate every second, Bernice pops all the balloons.
Meanwhile, Harriet wants to track down Dawn. Will Ryan succeed in helping her find her?
Elsewhere, Victoria feels a stab of jealousy.
Matty falsely accuses Charity of scuppering his date with Heather and gets himself the sack in the process. 
Aaron Dingle Danny Miller
Amelia Spencer Daisy Campbell
Angelica King Rebecca Bakes
April Windsor Amelia Flanagan
Belle Dingle Eden Taylor-Draper
Bernice Blackstock Samantha Giles
Billy Fletcher Jay Kontzle
Bob Hope Tony Audenshaw
Bonnie Shola Adewusi
Brenda Walker Lesley Dunlop
Cain Dingle Jeff Hordley
Cathy Hope Gabrielle Dowling
Charity Dingle Emma Atkins
Chas Dingle Lucy Pargeter
Dan Spencer Liam Fox
David Metcalfe Matthew Wolfenden
Dawn Taylor Olivia Bromley
Daz Spencer Mark Jordon
Debbie Dingle Charley Webb
Diane Sugden Elizabeth Estensen
Dr Naya Hartley Maya Barcot
Doug Potts Duncan Preston
Drayman Howard Chadwick
Elliot Windsor Luca Hoyle
Ellis Chapman Asan N'Jie
Eric Pollard Christopher Chittell
Faith Dingle Sally Dexter
Frank Clayton Michael Praed
Gabby Thomas Rosie Bentham
Harriet Finch Katherine Dow Blyton
Heath Hope Sebastian Dowling
Irene Stocks Eithne Browne
Isaac Benedict Shaw
Jacob Gallagher Joe-Warren Plant
Jai Sharma Christopher Bisson
Jessie Grant Sandra Marvin
Jimmy King Nick Miles
Kerry Wyatt Laura Norton
Laurel Thomas Charlotte Bellamy
Leanna Cavanagh Mimi Slinger
Leyla Harding Roxy Shahidi
Liam Cavanagh Jonny McPherson
Liv Flaherty Isobel Steele
Lydia Hart Karen Blick
Mandy Dingle Lisa Riley
Marlon Dingle Mark Charnock
Matty Barton Ash Palmisciano
Maya Stepney Louisa Clein
Moira Dingle Natalie J Robb
Nicola King Nicola Wheeler
Noah Dingle Jack Downham
Paddy Kirk Dominic Brunt
PC Swirling Andy Moore
Pearl Ladderbanks Meg Johnson
Pete Barton Anthony Quinlan
Priya Kotecha Fiona Wade
Rhona Goskirk Zoe Henry
Rishi Sharma Bhasker Patel
Robert Sugden Ryan Hawley
Rodney Blackstock Patrick Mower
Rosie Lucy Hird
Ryan Stocks James Moore
Sam Dingle James Hooton
Samson Dingle Sam Hall
Santa Howard Corssley
Sarah Sugden Katie Hill
Selwyn Trone Huggins
Tracy Metcalfe Amy Walsh
Vanessa Woodfield Michelle Hardwick
Victoria Barton Isabel Hodgins
Vinnie Bradley Johnson
Security guard Duggal Ram
Stripper Chris Ritchie
Doctor Chris Pybus
Paramedic Nicholas Camm
Pimp Robert Ashcroft 
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holyisjesus · 7 years
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~ Stephen Charnock Good night and God bless #quote #puritan #Charnock #StephenCharnock #Christian #Christians #quotes #Jesus #Christ #JesusChrist #cross #crossofChrist #goodnight #evening #night #crucified #Messiah #believer #faith #love
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solatgif · 2 years
TGIF: Roundup for September 23, 2022
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Read all the way through for a new book giveaway, our book reviews collection, and our featured author Faith Chang!
This week we featured Julius Kim (TGC), Tom Lin (Intervarsity), and moderator Alexander Jun’s (KALI) discussion on Asian Visibility: Leading While Everyone is Watching, as well as Alexander Jun’s interview on The Journey and Value of Asian American Churches.
I asked Karisa You to read her beautiful article, and you can hear her voice in our new video: The Light of the World: How Jesus is Reaching International Students. Also, Tom Sugimura shared 10 Tips for Reading the Entire Bible with Your Kids.
Our monthly newsletter features our most popular resources. Read our latest edition and join for free. Check out my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group and TGIF Playlist on Spotify. You can reach me on Twitter and Instagram.
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Enter to win this outstanding book! Read my review. Special thanks to P&R Publishers for providing our giveaway, presented in partnership with my newsletters for @diveindigdeep and FCBC Walnut.
Articles From Around The Web
Faith Chang: Why We Care
“The moments my heart is moved with compassion, the conviction to intercede and do good for another, these are acts of my joining God where he is already at work, where he actively cares and has already been caring. In our love, the love of our unseen God is made visible.”
Related: Keeping Heart: An Interview with Faith Chang by Aaron Lee
Curtis Yee: At Gracepoint Ministries, ‘Whole-Life Discipleship’ Took Its Toll
“As the predominantly Asian American church network expands to dozens of college towns, former members come forward with claims of spiritual abuse.”
Related: Understanding Spiritual Abuse in the Asian American Church by Soojin Park, Joanna Wong, Jason Min, and Thomas Hwang
Erik Raymond: Jesus Is Not Ashamed of Those Who Are Overlooked: The Story of Bartimaeus
“You would think that maybe a king would be drawn to people that are so influential and full of honor and wealth and success, but Jesus doesn’t need any of that. And it’s actually the people who fade into the background that capture his gaze.”
Related: Retelling My Story, and Throwing a Party by Alice Kim
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Faith Chang lives in NY with her husband Jeff and their four kids. She serves at Grace Christian Church of Staten Island where Jeff pastors. Check out our article collection featuring Faith Chang!
Books, Podcasts, Music, And More
Gospelbound Podcast: Beautiful People Don’t Just Happen
Scott joins Collin Hansen to share what church members would be surprised to learn about their pastors, why deep faith feels like defeat, and how affliction can preach better than a sermon.
Related: Rising Above Cancel Culture with the Fruit of Gentleness with Scott Sauls
Asian American Worship Leaders: The Lion and the Lamb
The Lion and the Lamb (Bethel Grace Church) / What a Beautiful Name (Christ Central Presbyterian Church) / Raise a Hallelujah (NewStory Church) / Good Good Father (All Nations Community Church) / Thank You Jesus for the Blood (Lighthouse Community Church)
Aaron Lee: Related Works
Book Reviews: Divine Providence: A Classic Work for Modern Readers by Stephen Charnock. Listen to our TGIF playlist on Spotify. Join my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group.
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Check out our Book Reviews for reading recommendations, with an emphasis on Asian American authors.
Featured This Week On SOLA Network
Jason Chao: The Journey and Value of Asian American Churches: An Interview with Dr. Alexander Jun
The difference between segregation and separation in ethnic churches, the role and growth of second-generation Asian American churches, and the national role of Asian American Christians.
Tom Sugimura: 10 Tips for Reading the Entire Bible with Your Kids
“Our family recently finished a two-year Bible reading plan…in only four years! It was quite the journey, and we encourage every family to undertake it. Here are ten travel tips that will guide you through.”
Karisa You: The Light of the World: How Jesus is Reaching International Students
“People are yearning for Truth, and if we are willing to open our eyes and mouths, God will gladly point us to them. We don’t always get to see the work that He’s doing, but we trust that there’s always more going on under the surface, and we don’t have to cross oceans to see lives transformed by the Gospel—just our neighborhood streets, apartment hallways, and college campuses.”
Alxander Jun: Asian Visibility: Leading While Everyone is Watching
Julius Kim (TGC), Tom Lin (Intervarsity), and moderator Alexander Jun (KALI) discussed the lessons they have learned over the years about leadership through adversity, ministry pain, and pressure.
TGIF: Roundup for September 16, 2022
Is the Future of Christian Music on TikTok? / It Takes a Christian Village / How to Preach Winsomely and Wisely / 2 Years of Walnut Women and Talking on Technology
General disclaimer: Our link roundups are not endorsements of the positions or lives of the authors.
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