charlieism · 1 month
i like. relate so hard to falin i love seeing the love for her and marcille
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chronokos · 5 months
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lai-mar · 2 months
thinking about reverse dungeon meshi au in which laios was the one eaten instead of falin (from this thought provoking reddit thread). shuro would probably stay at falin's request and they might get his retainers, but probably no senshi. they'll brute force through the dungeon with the power of shuro's money and purchased food. i think marcille would probably resurrect laios because of falin and thistle shows up and woooo everything turns to shit. chimera laios would be so much more terrifying than chimera falin.
and i think this is when it truly diverges from canon because laios' monster knowledge and senshi's culinary skills are critical for their survival especially if they get attacked by chimera laios and lose supplies. shuro might be horrified by the ancient magic and leave and it depends on how much he still loves falin. marcille might still become lord and tbh it would be fun if chimera laios is under her control and she's like falinnnn i'll bring him back for you and falin's like nooo not like this and breaks her free from evil.
anyways love how dunmeshi characters are that way in order to convey the core themes of the plot <3
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strawberrycircuits · 15 days
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