#falls apart like a roblox character and DIES
tmntphantom · 1 year
trying to figure out out donnie's head and eye shape. erm. *RATTLES THE BARS OF MY CAGE*
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donnie cannot be seen without headgear oh my goodness. throwing up at the thought
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eazy-peazy54 · 9 months
when rayman dies in laserhawk do you think he would fall apart like a roblox character
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junkmailmusubi · 13 days
Dream Log: The FRIDAY NIGHT 4-IN-1!!!
(mildly incomprehensible 'playlist dream' that was the aftermath of staying up Too Long)
Revelation Date: September 30, 2023
Part 1: Space Field Trip
-we were going on a field trip to some research station on another planet
-I was VERY excited about this. I could flaunt to all my internet friends that I'm In Space, Boy
-"it's just one window, how bad could it be?" immediately eviscerates everyone in the room
-first thing we did when we got there was start messing around on the weird architecture (which was perfectly fine, I guess?)
-our guide was explaining how this research center used to look just like a really basic apartment (but they did some really nice renovation recently!)
-dropped my pencil between the weird floorboard, when trying to retrieve it I discovered, "Uh Oh! Absolute Solver."
-as the floorboard is turning into a flesh carpet: "guys. guys please. run. actually, don't bother running. we aren't making it out of here anyway."
Part 2: The Grand Backyard Unfunny War
-started out as a thing between me + dad but quickly devolved into a full-on, literal Meme War
-see above, actual famous (dead) meme figures, like doge and the minions, were participating in this glorified food fight.
-I think the goal was to defeat enemies and be the funniest, but all we had were dead memes so it was pretty unfunny.
-I forgot a ton of this one but I remember the last thing I did before the next Part was make a distasteful penis joke.
Part 3: My Wretched Son. *dies*
-this Part was mostly some guy talking about this virtual raptor-possum-thingy he created + how much he hates him
-the possum-raptor had an account on some wiki forum for some reason??
-what's even stranger is that every post of his began with a header saying "I'm using your 2nd IP address!" (in bold like that too)
-later I was talking to some people on a Roblox knockoff about The Wretched Son
-conversation derails, eventually I say "one time I fell through the floor in Roblox."
-almost IMMEDIATELY after this I fall through the floor again. I thought this was the funniest thing in the dream. I still think it's kinda funny
Part 4: A Mad Filmmaker's Lab
-forgot a lot of this at the time of writing :(
-I was part of a. Very Strange theatre production, I think I was the main character?
-there were some uh. Characters. in the cast. such as: an abstract mad scientist guy + a floating, expressionless white mask
-forgot what the show was about, but I remember learning to freely zipline + that one of the props was a display case of gems and geodes
-"hey. quick question. why are we doing this again?"
-the crew explains the above through some freestyle rhymes explaining that if we don't do this, it will unleash L[???]rel (forgot the name), the Universe Destroyer
-understandably, I was very, very confused after that.
-looking back this dream might've been influenced by TADC.
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kenhowler2004 · 5 months
Been playing a game on roblox called Altitorture lately and I'm going to say it, despite the fact that it is a two player climber, the environment- especially on pc- is what makes it an environmental horror.
Like we all can agree a roblox game with little to no people just turns it into a liminal space like entering Vampire Hunters 2 or the Normal Elevator. This? You don't notice it at first. When waiting for someone you might get bored and look in the buildings in the bottom or stare at the start screen.
The start screen the checkpoint character simply named Bob is staring at you, but he's not the only one. At least 20 different snowmen stare into your soul with a default roblox smile. You wouldn't notice it at a glance. All of it you wouldn't see at a glance. Remember the buildings? Bother to look inside, 7 different workers all frozen to their beds. The lanterns in their homes are burnt out.
You're pretty sure the two people who were building a house are dead. They're not moving or breathing. One is impaled on the post. This winter is alive as it is dead. Only three people breathe and move. Joe who sits in the warmth of his magical supply store, Bob who teleports from checkpoint station to checkpoint station, and the Officer who refuses you to travel forth without a partner.
The snowmen however, despite their frozen nature are everywhere watching you at the very bottom. Almost like predators waiting to take another soul. Keeping them to the frozen hell.
If you manage to make it past them about thirty-eight meters up the trail, an old hope is buried and forgotten. A train station abandoned in the dark. A lantern if were part of the special group helps you see your way there. The clocks still tick and flow. Yet no matter how long you wait praying and praying the train will never come. The world outside has abandoned you this far below.
The only way out is up. The higher you go just about 120 meters up you find mushrooms peaking out of the snow. Yet if you are wise you realized just like some of the unfortunate snowmen who are climbing this isn't a symbol of hope. People have died before you on this trail. You're not even 300 meters up and you've seen death all around.
This entire time whenever you and your buddy fall to the bottom, you're not injured. No the fall just makes you unconscious for a moment. It makes you unconscious. You begin to wonder if this climb the begging pleading climb for hope, is nothing but a waste as you and the poor tethered soul climbing with you have already passed on.
After all, why would the person of reasonable hope have such a condescending smile from his little station every 100 meters apart?
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
buncha kisses
warnings: mature language, Good music mention, slight suggestive content, lotta name calling!, basically just fluff
tags: sapnap x fem!reader (a continuation of [renamed from “a collection of moments at the beginning of your relationship”] win for me, basically, with college!au)
words: 1447
A/N: a very sweet anon requested a continuation of college!au with sappy and had some great ideas for me! i love when you guys interact and talk with me pls continue to do so! been receiving a lot of really encouraging attention from some of my favorite people (ahem, for example @strawberrymilkgeorge [among others] <3) so i just wanted to say thanks for that :)
It’s a sticky day in May.
It’s that kind of hot that irritates under the skin and works its way through the hair on your arms. Makes you want to either rip your skin off or sink into a pool full of ice.
May is a month that Florida doesn’t take very well; it’s either raining like it’s the Great Flood, or hot as a mosquito’s ball sack.
And to make matters worse, it’s the due date of a huge calculus project. Like— weighted heavier than the final kind of huge.
You’d gotten up three hours before your final at 9 just to cram. Your desk was littered with folders, chapter notes, and highlighters dull with use. A half-eaten bagel was off to the side, staling by the second.
That was before your AC broke. Yup. Broke. Ka-put. Just full on died—it was almost audible. Your roommate had stumbled into your room, face creased with sleep, and cursed for thirty seconds straight.
Completely understandable, actually.
But you didn’t have time to fret about the damn temperature. You just took your shirt off, kicked the box fan near your bed into the highest gear, and breathed hot anger down into your notes.
The only relief you would find would be lunch with Sapnap after your final. His apartment had air conditioning, and he was surprisingly deft with a knife and cutting board. Dude didn’t know how to figure the mechanics for emailing his film class project to you that one time last semester but could whip up a Greek salad and broiled chicken like no other. Your own little Gordon Ramsey.
He was yours now, officially. As of last month he was yours. A month full of drive-in movies, failed study dates, and an absurd amount of McFlurry’s.
And that’s what is waiting for you in Sapnap’s cup holder when you swing your way into his car with an exasperated look on your face. You just melt, eyes flicking up to his gratefully and silently taking it.
“How was the final?” He lays a hand on the gear shifter and nudges the AC up one more tick. The door closes behind you and you shuffle your legs apart, leg hair tingling in this heat.
“It was fucking brutal. I think I developed an ulcer just looking at the reference page,” you huff and he just shakes his head, laugh hot on his lips. “Absolutely not worth the studying—think I got a good grade, though.”
“Well, that’s cool. I’m proud of you.” The engine chugs to life when he shifts into drive and starts for the side street.
“Thanks.” Your cheeks blush ever so lightly but you pass it off to the heat. A moment passes. “So.” The straw makes a choking noise as it nudges at the bottom of an empty cup. Jesus, you finished that fast. “What’s on the menu for today?” Brandy’s Sunny Day lilts softly into the blasting air as you settle into a comfortable conversation, schoolwork at the back of your mind.
“Thinking of making banana chocolate chip muffins and pigging on those. Thoughts?” Flicking on his left turn signal with his left hand, the right slides onto your knee.
It’s never too hot for that.
“Sounds perfect,” you reply, voice small in a sudden bout of shyness. He double-takes with a smile, squeezing once at your leg.
Pigging is a perfect term for what you two do the second those muffins are out of the oven; it is too easy to shove three of those in a matter of seconds. Bellies full and in a sugar coma, you two lay under the whirring of his living room’s fan and stare up at the ceiling.
“This feels so good,” he mumbles, eyes half-lidded. Reaching a hand out, he pats his way to your hand and takes it, immediately squeezing it. “Wish you were kissing me right now.”
“Oh, yeah?” You taunt and hike a leg up onto his hips, swinging onto his lap and leaning to get your lips near his.
And that’s that.
The night is perfect.
Sapnap ushered you into his car at midnight and within four minutes you were on a US freeway with your head out the window. Like a dog.
A lone bird flies past in the dark air and you watch it swing into a patch of trees. You just close your eyes and breathe.
The stress literally melts. Melts into a puddle and drips out of you, falling onto the black pavement whipping past at a moment’s notice. School is a bitch already, much less an American college education. Grades and tests and professors and GPA’s and all that.
You swear Logan Lerman’s character knew what he was talking about when he said “we were infinite” in The Perks of Being A Wallflower. That’s what this feels like: infinity. Going 70 in a car driven by your hunk of a boyfriend, feeling the wind in your hair and the taste of midnight in between your teeth.
The inside of the car feels sweet when you duck your head back in, smile wide and hair crazy and a content look in your eyes. Sapnap gives you a glance before looking back at the road nonchalantly and lifting to curl and twitch two fingers at you. You instinctively move forward, eyebrows drawn together in curiosity. Three fingers grip your jaw tight, and then his mouth is on yours as the chorus of The King swells through the speakers. You only get two seconds to hum in happiness and slide a hand up his chest before he’s pulling away and has those beautiful eyes back on the road.
“You’re mean to me,” you sigh, and settle back into your seat with a ‘hmph’. He just looks smug. Bastard.
The nights Sapnap plays video games with his friends are—hm. Definitely something. You like to let him have those nights with no distractions most of the time; and you’re categorized as a distraction by the amount of times he “lags” when giving you a kiss or getting you on his lap.
Tonight, he got off work early and on the drive home called and asked if you’d come over and sit with him while he Robloxes with his friends. (“It’s like you can’t go one day without your hands on me,” you’d teased, but he couldn’t say a thing in response. You were right, needless to say.) “You can bring your paints!” he’d even added, knowing you like to watercolor as a hobby. You weren’t necessarily Etsy-worthy but it was fun and a stress-reliever.
And so here you were. Legs crossed, sketch pad in your lap, watching your adult boyfriend yell so loud that his voice cracks and breaks with every change of tone. You really had to remember to apologize to his neighbors…
“Baby—,” Sapnap starts, swinging around in his chair to hit you with a look so pouty his lip was in danger of falling off. “My dear girlfriend. My lovely woman.” His question doesn’t even need to be asked— he wants you to go get him a drink.
“You’re a misogynist. I’m calling NOW on you.” But you’re already heaving yourself off of his mattress and heading into the hallway, faux-annoyed look on your face. It melts into a smile upon seeing that little canvas mounted on the wall next to the door to his bathroom. It was a haphazard portrait of his parent’s dog Bowser that you’d drawn the few days his step-mom forced him to bring you home over spring break.
When you return to his room a few minutes later with a Bang and a couple of snacks for yourself, Sapnap has his headphones off and is swinging his feet in his chair like a child waiting for their parents to pick them up from school. You approach him, apprehensive smile on your face, and hand his drink over.
“Thank you,” he drawls, mid-yawn, and sets it down on the desk. Snaking an arm around your waist, he drags you between his legs and stuffs his face into your shirt. He inhales deeply but pulls away after a pause, hands tight on your abdomen. You press a thumb into his cheek and rub fondly at his facial hair, watching the way his eyes close calmly and relax.
“You’re so cute it causes me physical pain,” is all you get out before leaning and pressing a kiss square on his pink lips. They move against yours like they were meant to, one hand sliding up the material of your shirt and onto your warm skin.
“You smell like Subway,” he murmurs, and then the moment’s over.
A/N: ask or send me some stuff!! requests, rants, anything. :D let me know what you think in the comments!
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