#family instinct and till we meet tomorrow will definitely continue too it's just my cloud voice that's gone awol
rainbowcarousels · 1 year
tagged by: @desertfangs & @birdblacksocialclub
current time: 4:51 pm
current mood: sleepy and uncordinated, what a week!
current activity: drinking tea and watching doctor who.
currently thinking about: the seemingly universal issue of giving something a higher fx budget seeming to correlate to losing a sense of whimsy and character based writing and whether I'm in a spicy writing mood or something else.
current favorite song: Boy on a String - Jars of Clay (it's been stuck in my head since I got a Nicki/Lestat/Armand prompt and the lyrics do suit them very well)
currently reading: Damn all at the minute.
currently watching: Doctor Who (second season of the revival), but I've been considering rewatching Fringe. It's been a few years and I look forward to getting Jenova project feels with Walternate.
current favorite character: I have a carousel, but Genesis has been getting some love this week.
current WIPs: This is going to call me out, there's a couple in there that isn't working for me so I'm not sure I'll finish them or the characters voices are hard at the moment but the ones I'm rotating right now are:
Here Beneath My Lungs chapter 2 (Lestat in the City)
Nicki/Lestat/Armand prompt for @hekateinhell
The continuation of the Nicki Lives stuff (Armand coming into the chapel and dealing with Marius and Louis and Gabrielle is HEAVY this might take a while)
Daniel faking his own death (honestly this might turn into a Daniel centric story exploring my own headcanons about his mortal life so we'll see on this one)
The Armand Bed Pile (kink edition) for VC Kink Week
I'm in a mood for you (for running away) chapter 5 (this one is going to be a little experimental because I've been playing with different POVs and I think I might try to do this from Genesis' mothers and that is making me a bit nervous with it)
A Day At the Beach: SOLDIER edition (the memory Sephiroth references of the three of them basically playing hooky on the beach which was beautifully illustrated here by @birdblacksocialclub)
Tagging: @uncivilcivilservice @ryal-is-reading I'm not sure who else hasn't but if you want to, please do!
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