#family lives in Jaipur
samairathewriter · 2 years
A Stark In The Ocean- Chapter 1
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Title: A Stark In The Ocean.
Pairing: Namor xDesi Reader!Stark
Summary: Y/N Stark, the beloved yonger sister of Tony Stark just wanted a day for herself away from the chaos of thr city and the over protectiveness of her brother for a weekend. So when she decided to visit her beach house in the outskirts what could go wrong? Actually every thing when CIA gets involved and forces Y/N to play the hero even on her day off.
Author's Note:
Since I am not sure how to translate English to Namor's native language I will highlight the conversations in italics if it happens in Namor's native language. And the chapter is not proofread so please forgive me for silly mistakes, I will proofread it once I free.
Chapter List: Chapter 2
When Y/N decided to get away from the chaos of city for the day, rescuing a two people who looked like they came out of Avatar movie from a group of CIAs was never on her to do list.
 Being the adopted little sister of Tony Stark and one of the powerful members of the Avenger guaranteed a little peace in her life in the past few years. So, when she finally got a day for herself all she wanted was to spend some in one of the many beach houses Tony owns in the country. This particular house is situated near a forest and they both build a tree house in the forest near the cliff facing the sea when she was a kid. And the tree house is the favorite place in the entire world since it contained only happy memories.It's been so long since anyone visited this house as both the stark siblings were too busy in the past few years saving the world. So when she finally decided to take a well deserved break from being a hero she decided to visit the tree houses and spend the weekend reading her favorite novel.Apart from the stark siblings only the care takers visited the property weekly once to clean it and Tony had a complete surveillance of the property for security reasons. So when she saw a SWAT vehicle couple of km from house cleverly hidden behind the trees, she was confused wondering why Tony was not alerted of the activities since his surveillance covered the area where she found the suspicious vehicles. Without wasting a second she parked her bike before anyone could see her behind a tree and changed into her superhero outfit with a snap of her finger.
‘‘  Peacefull day here I come’‘ Y/N with the sarcastic words walked towards the lone vehicle activating her power. 
Y/N’s power was the result of her father’s experiments when she was in her mother’s womb. He father who worked for Hydra was a genius man who aimed to create the most powerful mutant in the history and married her mother who belonged to a lower middle-class family in India for the sole purpose of experimenting on her. And her naive mother who was barely 19 fell for his price charming acts and married him without a second thought when her grandfather fixed the arranged marriage between the two. Y/N’s father belonged to one of the royal families in Rajasthan and with his power, money and charm he trapped her mother’s entire family promising a happy and bright future for their daughter. But all the promises turned into lies from the day her mother got pregnant with her. The day her mother shared the good news of her pregnancy, her nightmares started. Her father finally got what he wanted and dropped his charming acts by showing his true colors. And till her delivery Y/N’s mother was literally used as a lab rat and multiple experiments were performed on her. With every passing day her father become more obsessed with his creation and did inhuman things to her mother. Her father’s plan was to kill Y/N’s mother after her delivery and Y/N if the experiment failed. But before her father could kill her, her grandfather who lived in Jaipur came to know about his son’s hideous plans killed him once he found him in his lab in the basement of the palace and saved Y/N from the cruel plans he had for her. But unfortunately, he could not save her mother since she died from the childbirth after her body became too weak from the various experiments. Then her grandfather raised her like a princess which so much love and joy. But everything changed when she started showing her power on her fifth birthday and her grandfather was forced to give her up to the shield to keep her and everyone around her safe. Fortunately, her grandfather was close with Peggy Carter after he helped her during one of her missions and Peggy immediately decided to help after discovering about Y/N and her powers. After months and months of test peggy with the help of Hank Pym and Howard Stark found the extent of damage the experiments cause her DNA. Y/N’s at the age of give could actually heal others, control all the five elements at her will and everything that is made of the five elements. She even showed the signed of mind reading but none of the three shield agents wanted to test any further considering the stress it put her through. But with the already know fact Howard,Peggy and Hank know Y/N is not safe with her grandfather as they suspected Hydra may find out about her soon. So, with a heavy heart her grandfather allowed them to take Y/N with them to keep her safe and give her the necessary training to control her power after Howard promised he will legally adopt her and love her as his blood and fresh. And to cut any unknown ties Y/N has with hydra because of her monster of a father her grandfather declared that she decided due to an illness and even conducted a properly funeral by burning an unknown death body from the mortuary. After six month Howard legally adopted her like he promised and from the day she became Y/N stark.
From the day Y/N entered the stark mansion Maria fell in love with her and even Tony couldn’t resist her innocent eyes after a week of ignoring her. Withing weeks she literally wrapped everyone in the stark mansion around her finger with her cuteness. And when Tony found her building her own computer from the spare parts in his father’s lab he understood she is another prodigy in making. So both of them bonding in no time after they discovered their shared interest and Maria couldn’t be more happier seeing both her children so happy and loving towards each other. But that happiness lasted only six more months and the winter soldier appeared in their life. After Maria and Howard’s death Tony vowed to keep Y/N safe and promised to love her and protect her till his last breath. And she is the reason he joined the avengers, forgave Bucky and steve when he found out Bucky never harmed her when she was actually with Howard and Maria when the accident happened and finally decided to do the snap just to being her back after he lost her to the mad titan’s snap. 
Once she returned to Tony after the snap and managed to save him with her power, Tony became a protective mama bear and refused to allow her even to leave the city without him or any one of the avengers in the fear of losing her once again. And it took her almost months to convince Tony to let her have a weekend for herself away from the city. But when the weekend arrived it seemed the universe had other plans for her, and she is now entering the suspicious SWAT Van after making the ten guards unconscious by controlling their blood flow to their brain. Y/N looked around the van once she entered and what she found inside almost made her jaws drop in shock.
‘‘What in the James Cameron’s shit is this?’‘ Y/N muttered in shock looking at the two creatures inside two individual large glass chamber bring restrained with various wires. The creatures looked like Avatar came to life with blue skin and some sort of mask was covering their mouth. One of the creatures looked like an adult but the other one is definitely a kid and looking at the painful wires keeping them restrained and unconscious filled Y/N body with rage.
With determined step she moved towards their tubes and placed her bracelet on the keypad to hack the lock.
‘‘GREY unlock the chamber’‘ Y/N order her AI which was connected to her suit.
‘‘Y/N I would advise against it since the host inside looks hostile’‘ At GREY’s concerned reply she looked up to find the creature looking at her with uncontrolled fury. Y/N understood his anger and tried to calm him down assuring that she is not the enemy.
‘‘Look I know you are confused and angry, but I promise I am here to help. So just don’t kill me once I open this chamber because if I die my brother will kill me once again after finding a way to bring me back to life. So please cooperate. Do you even understand what I am saying?’‘ Y/N waited for couple of second as the created looked at her without blinking after her explanation. After what felt like hours the creature gave a firm nod and Y/N with relief ordered GREY to open the chamber once again. Within seconds the chamber opened and Y/N helped the creature out of , then made him sit on a table near the chamber. As much as she wanted to heal the him she is not sure if her power will even work on him and decided not to take the risk of experimenting her powers right now and decided against healing him.
‘‘Okay I have a lot of questions running in my overactive brain right now. But I know this is not the right time or place to have a rapid-fire round to know about your life history. But you have a let me know where you come from or at least where I should take you both to keep you guys safe. So tell me sometime that could help us right now’‘ Y/N carefully phrased her words as she didn’t want to sound noisy by asking anything that the creature cannot reveal.
‘‘Ocean’‘ The creature’s one worded monotone replay was enough for her to realize that he did understand her words and thanked the heavens for making sure at least she is not struck with someone who cannot understand her.
‘’Okay. So you want me to take you to the ocean. I get it. The sea shore is actually in walkable distance from here. But can you keep up with me since I can’t carry you as I have to carry the Junior there. And can you tell me your names since it sounds weird and offensive to address you both as creatures in my mind’‘ Y/N said as she opened the chamber with the kid and carefully removed the painful wires from his body. Then she carefully cuddled the kid to her chest and looked back only to find the adult one looked at her with soft eyes now.
‘‘Attuma. Fabio.’‘ Attuma muttered their names and Y/N smiled slightly at the progress with the hostile Attuma.
‘‘Great. I am Y/N. Since our introduction is over we must escape from here. I am not sure the kind of back up these people have right now. so we must hurry right now. Though I can fight them all the entire night in any other day, I have to keep you both safe now.So can you keep up with me?’’ Y/N questioned and Attuma stood up with a nod though he is weak after the surface dwellers sucked almost all the moisture from his body and injected some toxic chemicals in his blood stream.
‘‘Okay great. Now follow me and stay behind me’‘
Y/N then got out of the van after making sure all the ten guards are still unconscious followed but Attuma. Then both of them started running towards the cliff as Y/N cuddled Fabio more tightly to her chest. 
‘‘Y/N I find a team of 25 armed men coming this away.’‘ GREY alerted her after five minutes of running and Y/N cursed the CIA in her mind.
‘‘Dammit. Attuma their back up is arriving. I will hold them and take you both to the cliff as it will take more time to reach the seashore. Once we reach there you jump with Fabio and I will make sure they will not follow you. Okay?’‘ 
At Y/N’s words Attuma looked bit conflicted since he did not want to leave her to fight alone with the bad men. But he know in his current state he can only protect Fabio and agreed with her since he will always choose his people over any surface dweller even if she is good.
‘’Good. Now just stay behind me.’’ Y/N ordered when she saw men coming towards them in bikes with guns in their hand. Once they reached the distance she wanted she handed Fabio to attuma and closed her taking a deep breath. In seconds she felt the familiar energy following through her vein and the next moment she opened her eyes which looked green now, raised both her hand and fisted her hand tightly. The moment her nails dug into her palms she saw all the men getting crushed by the branches and roots of the trees which obeyed her command and she smirked when she saw Attuma looking at her with disbelief when she turned back.
‘‘ Fascinating right?’‘ Y/N winked with a smile. And asked Grey how many more are left.
‘‘There are five more men left and it seems they have air support in the form of jet wings. I advise you to reach cliff soon’‘ Y/N let out a frustrated groan at GREY’S warning.
‘‘There are five more men on the way. Let go’‘ Y/N started running again taking Fabio back in her arms. After couple of minutes, they almost reached the cliff when she heard GREY warning her to look back and she crushed a bullet at the last moment before it could enter her skull. She then saw five men with Jet wings flying towards them and Fabio who gained consciousness whimpered in fear seeing the men who kidnapped him.
‘‘Shhh Fabio. I promise you will reach your home safe’‘ Y/N promised and deflected the bullets coming their way.
‘‘Attuma take Fabio and run. I will cover you both‘ Y/N shouted covering him and Attuma started running towards the cliff with Fabio in his arms. Once Fabio was taken from her,her eyes changed into ash grey and before the five men could even predict what is happening, they were thrown few kilometers away from the sudden force of the wind. Once the men were removed from there she followed Attuma to make sure he reaches the ocean.
After couple of minutes, she smiled when she saw Attuma standing at the edge of the cliff, few meters away from her and jogged towards them with relief.
‘‘You both are safe now. You can go home and I will make sure no one will know about you or what happened here.’‘ Y/N promised with a reassuring smile. And Attuma for the first time in his life felt gratitude towards a surface dweller and nodded with a sincere thank you.
But as he was about to jump Fabio muttered something to him and Attuma shook his head with annoyance before forwarding Fabio back to Y/N. Y/N with a confused smile took Fabio back in her arms and looked at him with questioning eyes.
‘‘Thank you’‘ Fabio muttered hugging her neck tightly burying his face in the crook of her neck and Y/N literally melted by the gesture.
‘‘Oh sweetheart you are most welcome’‘ Y/N muttered placing a kiss on the top of his head with love and affection.
‘‘Y/N LOOK OUT’‘ GREY’S desperate voice screamed in her ears and in seconds she heard a gun going multiple times and she saw one of the men from the motor bike team leaning against a tree with gun pointed towards them. In slow motion she saw the bullets coming towards them and she know it too late to deflect them. Without thinking twice she pushed Attuma off the cliff to save him from the bullet and she turned using her body as a shield to protect Fabio. The next second she felt a burning pain in her back and shoulder and without thinking twice jumped from the cliff holding Fabio tightly to her chest.
Once she hit the cold water, she felt pain from the bullet getting unbearable and she can feel the blood leaving her body rapidly. She felt her muscles getting weak and Fabio’s concerned face was the last thing she saw before the water filled her lungs and darkness engulfed her vision.
When Y/N started gaining conscious her throat felt like sandpaper and eyelids felt like osmium when she tried to open it. After a couple of minutes of struggle she opened her eyes to find herself tied to a cot with heavy ropes inside a cave. Seeing herself restrained and her bracelets missing Y/N started to panic wondering if the CIA got her along with Attuma and Fabio. 
‘‘I mean if I am in a friendly place I won’t be restrained right?’‘ Y/N reasoned with herself and decided to search for the kid and Attuma praying they are still alive. She promised she will save the kid even if that’s the last thing she will do and hoped Tony will understand why she risked her life to save another kid from being experimented on. Once she cut the ropes without much struggled after making a long knife using the stone beneath the cot and sat up forgetting that she was actually shot.
‘‘Goddammit’‘ Y/N cursed as she felt burning pain on her back and shoulder as she sat up. After catching her breath for couple of seconds she looked up to see glow worm on the ceiling and surrounded by crystal clear water.
Y/N the stood up carefully not putting any pressure on her wounds which are covered bandages now and immediately hid behind a huge rock when she heard someone enter the cave. As she sensed someone coming near her eyes changed into light blue and she decided to use the water as her weapon at the moment. And the moment she saw a man entered the cave and not a blue looking Attuma or someone like him she formed a spear out of the water and with launched it toward the man with a lightning speed.
The man groaned in pain when he was slammed against the wall of the cave with a spear made out of water stabbing him in his shoulder.  
‘‘Where is Attuma and Fabio?I won’t ask you twice so you better answer me before I send another spear through your heart. Usually I don’t like killing people, but heartless monsters like you who experiment and torture children don’t deserve to live. So if you tell me where they are I may consider letting you live or make you death painless’‘ Y/N almost growled walking towards him the man with pointed ears and wings on his ankle.
‘‘Both of them are safe and they are my people. You are safe as well so calm down’‘ The man’s words only angered her further and Y/N expanded the sharp edge of the spear towards his heart smirking as the man bleed with another groan.
‘‘They are your people? Rightttt then I am their queen" Y/N scoffed at lies before continuing her warning
"I warned you not to lie. If they are really your people and safe like you claim you will be looking like Attuma and not like a hybrid between legolas and bird and I won’t be restrained. Now tell me where.are.they?’’ With Y/N every word Namor felt the spear reaching near his heart and wondered how she is overpowering him so easily. It felt like all of his organs became weak from the moment she started walking towards him and he felt his heart rate becoming dangerously slow.
‘‘Fine. I will find them myself. Since you are no use to me I will end your pathetic existence’‘ Y/N with a final warning formed another spear now using the stones from the cave and was about to stab him in the heart when she heard a familiar voice shouting her name.
‘‘Y/N STOP. THAT’S KUKULKAN. OUR KING’‘ Attuma’s sharp voice stopped her and she immediately turned towards his voice to find Attuma standing completely healed with little Fabio beside. On seeing Fabio Y/N immediately dropped the spear and ran towards the kid taking him in a tight hug.
‘‘Thank god you are fine. Are you hurt Fabio?’‘ Y/N asked with concern looking his body for any signs of bullet wounds. Fabio shook his head negatively and hugged her soft to reassure her that he is fine.
‘‘He is completely fine. Thanks to you. Now can you please release our king’‘ Attuma spoke using the translator and Y/N looked back at the man who is still stabbed with the spear and rushed towards him leaving Fabio.
‘‘I am extremely sorry. I thought you one of the men who attacked us. I will remove the spear now. But stand still and don’t move’‘ Y/N instructed softly and carefully removed the spear from his body. Once she removed it, the spear turned into water mixed with Namor’s blood and splashed on the floor and Attuma helped his king to stand as he felt the weakness of his body.
‘‘Attuma. Make him sit on the cot. I have to make his blood flow normal in his body which I slowed down before’‘ At Y/N word Attuma looked at her with a glare.
‘‘YOU DID WHAT?’‘ Attuma shouted in rage realizing how close she is to causing so much damage to his king.
‘‘Hey don’t you dare shout mister. I did all this to save you and Fabio. So don’t behave like tried to kill you King on purpose’‘ Y/N defended herself with a glare and Attuma kept quiet realizing her reason were valid.
Once Attuma helped Namor to sit on the cot Y/N kneeled down infront of him and gave Namor with an apologetic look. 
‘‘I am really sorry. I swear I was not trying to hurt anyone who is innocent’‘ Y/N apologized once again and expected Namor to feel angry or resentment towards her. But he surprised her by giving her a soft smile.
‘‘You don’t have to apologize Y/N. Though your actions were bit reckless your intentions were pure and selfless. You did risk your life and almost died saving my people who are completely strangers and a different species. So you did not do anything for which you have to seek my forgiveness ’‘ Namor’s words calmed Y/N down and she gave him a soft smile back.
‘‘Thank you for understand. Now give me your hand.’‘ Y/N asked and Namor placed his hand on hers. He then saw her closing her eyes and within seconds he felt his strength returning to him as his heart beat turned normal.Once Y/N opened her eyes after regulating his blood flow she saw the wound on his shoulder inflected by her spear and flinched seeing its depth.
‘‘Shall I?’‘ Y/N asked for his permission hovering her hand near his injured shoulder and Namor just gave her a soft nod. Y/n then placed her hand on his wound and hoped her powers will heal him. In seconds she saw a purple glow covering her hands as the wound started to heal. Once the wound completely healed without even a scar Namor stood up and gave a hand to Y/N and helped her to stand up. 
‘‘I don’t know who you are Y/N. But I am indebted to you for the kindness you showed towards me and my people. I know you have a lot of questions, and I will answer them. But right now, you need to rest and heal. I have already called my healers and they will be here soon.’’ Namor’s words seemed reasonable and Y/N herself felt becoming week from the blood loss, using her power to attack Namor and healing him. So she just agreed with him and groaned when her head started to spin.
‘You are actually right. But I think I need to sit down before I fall flat on the floor and break my nose’’ Y/N slurred and as she took a step towards the cot her eyes rolled back and Namor caught her in his arms before she could fall.
‘Attuma ask the healers to come soon to my room. She will stay in my room till the healers heal her’’ Namor asked lifting Y/N bridal style as her head fell on his chest.
‘Sure Kukulkan. I will be there with them in few minutes’’ Attuma left to fetch the healers and Namor went to his chambers with the unconscious Y/N in his arms followed by Fabio who wanted make sure Y/N fine.
Once Namor placed Y/N carefully on his bed, she covered her with a blanket to keep her warm and sat beside her on the bed. He then gently tugged her hair behind her ears which fell lose on her face and took her small soft hand in his placing a gentle kiss on the back of her hand. Namor for the first time felt something other than hate and disgust for a surface dweller because of the kindness, selflessness she showed while saving Attuma and Fabio. And the fierceness with which she fought him to save them both made him respect her immediately. He wondered who this beautiful warrior is and how she possess so much power in her small delicate body. He remembered Attuma's words about her bending the nature at her will and it seemed unbelievable. But after witnessing her wrath and being at his receiving end of it Namor was fascinated with her and wanted to know everything about the woman who laid on his bed looking like a kid now and nothing like the fierce warrior who was ready to kill him to save his people just few minutes back
" Rest my warrior. I will protect you till you regain your strength to fight the world again'' Namor muttered softly caressing Y/N's forehead when she frowned in her sleep probably from the pain. Like a gentle symphony, Namor's voice calmed her and the frown disappeared which made the serpent God to smile with satisfaction. Then he felt a gentle hand on his legs to find Fabio looking at him sad eyes. Namor with a smile lifted Fabio and placed him on his lap understanding reason behind the boys sadness.
"Don't worry my little Fabio she will be fine" Namor assured which eased the little boy as he know his king will never lie to them.
"Can i see her again once she leaves after she is fine kukulkan? " Fabio who already loved Y/N asked Namor as he know the rule of his kingdom and how much his Kukulkan is against strangers entering their territory.
"It depends on her decisions Fabio. Though I cannot allow you to visit the surface again after considering what happened, she will be always welcomed in our home. So you ask her once she is fine if she would like to visit you again" Namor said and Fabio smiled brightly at his words.
"Then I will convince her. She cannot say no to my cute respect" Fabio replied with confidence.
"I hope so Fabio. I hope she will visit us again“ Namor thought as he wanted to know everything about this woman who turned his world upside down in few hours.
Namor then saw Namora entering his room with the healers and decided to leave to room to give them the privacy giving ne last look to Y/N
I will update the next chapter soon. I hope you guys enjoy it and forgive me if you find any grammar mistakes since english is not my first language.
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srbachchan · 2 years
DAY 5512
Jalsa, Mumbai                   Mar 20/21,  2023                Mon/Tue  8:08 AM
Poll for Jaipur Pink Panthers .. poll for Abhishek 
or for convenience  -
✨ .. 🪔 .. March 21 .. as the World celebrates the welcoming of Spring .. we here in our little World of the Ef celebrate the birthday of .. the Boss from USA 🇺🇸 , Ef Meenu Gupta , the lovely mad Punjaban .. Ef Sikandar Khan 🇮🇳 .. Ef Ipshita Kajuri from Bangladesh 🇧🇩 .. and Ef Rehaab Abd El Hamed aka Ropaa , the lovely flower girl from Egypt 🌺🇪🇬  ✨ ..may this auspicious day be ever in continuity and love .. from the family Ef
... and the unseasonal rain, raineth every day almost in Mumbai  .. the early morning vision through the doors and windows be of surprise, at the most and then the worry of the water proofing and the fear of unprotected leakages as construct work is initiated over the residences  ..
unseasonal doth create several issues with the crops and the farmers over the State .. the rains come by June and July at the advent of the Monsoon .. but for the past few days it has beaten all regular arrivals and presented itself here and now .. it cooleth .. it bring succour to some and misery to the other .. the unpreparedness is the value that it brings .. and that be the mission of life and its challenge .. to be not unprepared .. 
Nature though runs its own system .. social , moral, political, scientific .. ALL .. and none be the warriors that dare to battle it  .. victory be theirs always .. the supreme , the unknown , the divine is the victor ever ..
So ..  stepping up the desire to be back to work it was presentable to be able to move about to the work place , to judge assess the condition .. both of the rib and the toe .. and the faith that guides us to proclaim that ‘so long as there is life there is struggle’ .. keeps upon us like the work bag slung over shoulders on most of the gentry these days .. travel , work place , office , all .. just about everyone everywhere is shouldered with the essential .. a convenient tool for all the accessories .. and they be many in the days of today ..
More of this later .. 
But now immediately a request .. 
There is a poll being conducted for the Sports Honours in our region and our dear Abhishek’s Kabaddi Team , the Jaipur Pink Panthers, which won the Championship , is in the three top nominations .. and the polling STOPS today .. so lets show our support via Family Ef .. and put in our numbers too ..
QUICK ..  polling stops TODAY .. today is the last DAY .. !!!
its on the net and social media and this be the link : 
so get going gang and lets WIN .. 
or if there is a need for the other link here it be  :
As I welcome in many the comments of the Ef in their effort of togetherness and family I also commend all that helped in tracing the video and pictures that I desired .. it was for a cause that needed attention and I am so happy that the cause appreciated it limitlessly .. soon there shall be the reason for this cause and I am certain that many in the Ef family would clamour to be the recipients of the reason and cause .. soon to be executed ..
And the wonder Ef who subjects me to ease and comfort in my work informs that it is World Poetry DAY .. and quotes Babuji’s translated Autobiography for the benefit of us all  ..
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“Even today it is only while composing poetry that I know a state of mind in which all mental powers are centred: an absorption, an engrossed concentration and complete forgetfulness of self, which I have begun to think of as Samadhi, meditative abstraction.”
“When I live in my feelings - living feelings through art with greater intensity and depth than is possible otherwise - then I am dead to the world.” 
“My poetry is something that rises directly from my feelings, and I had not thought that others would also find their own feelings reflected there. It was not my intention to introduce some school based on a specific principle, to enunciate some philosophical idea, to initiate some revolution, or to throw down a challenge to Chhayavad, the established poetic school of the time; but such things have increasingly been identified in my poetry. The label 'Halavad', 'the Poetry of the Vine' that was applied to my poetry from the very beginning, simply differentiated it from Chhayavad; but if Chhayavad was a literary genre, then my poetry should be dubbed 'Jivanvad', 'the Poetry of Life', a direct expression of life lived, enjoyed and endured.”
There is an entire universe that has been explored thought about and expressed in all the works of my father Dr Harivansh Rai Bachchan and there is very little attention appreciation or effort been made to present it for research and analysis ever .. this is a need and a priority for not just me and my family, but for the World of Literature and life ..
And every effort that can be made in my humble capacity shall be done , I do hope and pray .. for its completion and fructification ..
He deserved more .. much more .. 
But as is wont , genius is ever recognised only after they have left .. that is the most painful reality ..
May there be peace and love all about ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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mohifashion · 3 months
15 Traditional Indian Bridal Wear from Different Regions
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India is a land of diverse cultures, languages, and traditions, showcases a diverse array of bridal attire, each intricately tied to its respective region. Weddings in India are extravagant , and the bridal wear holds significant importance in defining the overall aesthetic. The cultural tapestry of the nation finds expression in the distinct styles, fabrics, and embroidery techniques that vary from state to state.
From the luxurious Banarasi silk saris of the North to the graceful Kasavu sarees of Kerala, and from the lively Phulkari of Punjab to the majestic Zardozi lehengas of Uttar Pradesh, each bridal ensemble narrates its unique tale. As India progresses, these customary bridal dresses persist as enduring symbols of the nation's vibrant cultural legacy.
 Bridal Wear From Different Parts of India
Let's explore 15 types of traditional Indian wedding attire from different regions, showcasing their significance, craftsmanship, unique attributes, materials, embroidered designs, and other captivating elements. We'll also touch on what the bride's family can wear during the ceremony.
Banarasi Silk Saree (Varanasi):
The Banarasi Silk Saree, the origins of Banarasi saris can be traced to the Mughal era around the 14th century , symbolizes bridal luxury, elegance, and enduring tradition. These saris hold immense cultural significance and are favored by brides seeking a regal presence on their wedding day. Crafted with meticulous detail, they boast intricate weaving of gold and silver threads, a skill passed down through generations. 
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Featuring elaborate brocade work with resplendent Zari, inspired by the majestic Mughal era, they exude timeless allure. Made from pure silk renowned for its luxurious texture and sheen, and adorned with exquisite gold and silver threads, these saris epitomize opulence. 
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Their elaborate embroidery, incorporating Zari and brocade, presents upon brides a royal grandeur, ensuring they feel like queens on their special day. Thus, Banarasi silk sarees remain a cherished and timeless choice for bridal attire.
Kanjeevaram Silk Saree(South India) :
The Kanjeevaram Silk Saree,  got its name from the temple city of Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu, India. Kanjivaram silk sarees have their origins in Hindu mythology. The Kanchi Silk Weaver is believed to be a descendant of Sage Markanda, the Gods' Master Weaver. Kanjivaram weave has a history of 400 years and it is said that the two large weaving communities Devangas and Saligars from Andhra Pradesh relocated to Kanchipuram to weave Kanjivaram sarees. 
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What sets the Kanjeevaram silk saree apart are its distinctive features: rich color combinations, intricate temple borders, and traditional checks patterns. These saris' vibrant hues and contrasting shades create a stunning look for brides, while the temple borders, inspired by South Indian temples, add a divine touch. The check pattern enhances their timeless elegance.
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                                         Image Courtesy: Wedding Wire
Characterized by heavy golden Zari work, the embroidery style of these saris exudes regal opulence. This seamless blend of luxurious silk, vibrant colors, and intricate Zari work makes the Kanjeevaram silk sari a quintessential representation of South Indian culture, offering brides a timeless choice to radiate elegance and tradition on their special day.
Mohi Fashion
Website: www.mohifashion.com
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Mohi is a curated multi-designer online marketplace offering lehengas, Indian sarees, designer wear, lehenga for engagement, lehenga for reception, Ghagra choli for women and men's groom wear. They source their products from Surat, Jaipur, Kolkata, Tamil Nadu, Chandni Chowk, Lucknow, Assam, Pakistani wear and so on, providing a focus on reflecting the diversity of South Asian fashion. Mohi Fashion provides a 10% discount on all MRPs year-round and exclusive offers, along with video consultations for brides and customizable outfits in all sizes.
Lehenga Choli (Rajasthan, North India) :
The Lehenga Choli, a traditional bridal attire originating from Rajasthan in North India, is a masterpiece that accentuates the bride's beauty, evoking a princess-like feel on her special day. Lehenga became most popular among women, mainly in North India in the 10th century. Lehengas were the attire of Rajput's but it was Mughals who evolved the lehengas into Indian fashion.
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Embellished with intricate Gota patti work, it exudes grandeur, same as royal adornments, elevating the bride's stature. Crafted from luxurious silk or georgette, it offers both comfort and graceful draping, enhancing the bride's elegance. The enchantment lies in the embroidery – mirror work, Zari, and sequins – reflecting the bride's radiance, adding sophistication, and lending sparkle. 
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Beyond mere attire, the Bridal Lehenga Choli embodies a celebration of the bride's beauty and new journey, enhancing her charm and honoring Rajasthan's rich heritage. It transforms dreams into reality, rendering the bride as the epitome of beauty and royalty on her special day.
Paithani Sari (Maharashtra, West India) :
The Paithani Sari originated in Paithan, in the 2nd century B.C. Satavahana Empire nestled a small town on the banks of River Godavari, named ‘Pratishthana’. Pratishthana was the capital of the Satavahana Empire under the rule of Shalivahana. Pratishthana hosted a trade center and was renowned for being an international hub for the sale of Silk and Zari. The old city of Pratishthana was named Paithan later.
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                                            Image Courtesy: Vogue
Crafted from pure silk with gold and silver threads, it offers luxurious comfort and elegance. The shimmering threads create a magical aura, enveloping the bride in a captivating glow. Embroidered with lustrous gold Zari, the Paithani Sari captures the bride's innate radiance, serving as a living tribute to Marathi artistry.
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More than just attire, the Paithani Sari bridges history and tradition, allowing the bride to embody tradition and grace in a remarkable way on her special day.
Mekhela Chador (Assam, Northeast India) :
The Mekhela Chador, originating from Assam in Northeast India, enhances the bride's beauty while reflecting the simplicity and elegance of Assamese culture. This attire epitomizes tradition and grace, distinguished by handwoven motifs resonating with Assamese heritage. Adorned with delicate designs featuring peacocks, flowers, and traditional patterns, it embodies Assam's natural beauty and cultural richness.                          
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   Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Crafted from fabrics like Muga silk, Eri silk, or cotton, it drapes gracefully around the bride, offering a unique texture and natural sheen that accentuates her elegance. The minimalistic yet intricate embroidery adds a touch of artistry to the attire.
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                                              Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Symbolizing Assamese culture and the assam mekhela saree bride's connection to it, the Mekhela Chador elevates her beauty by embracing simplicity and heritage, allowing her to exude a unique charm that speaks of tradition and grace on her special day.
6. Phulkari (Punjab, North India):
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Phulkari, originating from Punjab in North India, is a bridal masterpiece reflecting the lively spirit of the region. This traditional attire features hand-embroidered floral motifs that uniquely enhance the Punjabi bride's appearance. Known for its vibrant colors and intricate floral patterns, Phulkari symbolizes the exuberance and rich cultural heritage of Punjab. 
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                                                 Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Crafted from lightweight fabrics like georgette or chiffon, Phulkari drapes around the bride with delicate grace, enhancing her beauty. Its dense threadwork in vibrant colors infuses the Punjabi bride's ensemble with vivacious energy, embodying Punjab's joyful and colorful culture. Worn not just as an outfit, but as a celebration of roots, Phulkari elevates the bride's beauty while honoring Punjab's spirit on her special day.
Kasavu Sari (Kerala, South India) :     
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  Image Courtesy: Shaadi Wish
The Kasavu Sari, originating from Kerala in South India, enhances the bride's beauty with its simplicity and grace. This bridal attire, characterized by plain white fabric and a golden border, symbolizes the cultural richness and elegance of Kerala. Its hallmark is the traditional gold border, often adorned with cream or off-white fabric, imparting the bride with a delicate and airy aura.
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Kasavu Kerala Saree Crafted from comfortable materials like cotton or silk, this sari drapes the bride with gentle, natural beauty. Featuring minimalist embroidery, the main focus remains on the plain fabric and the golden border, evoking traditional charm and allowing the bride to radiate in understated elegance on her special day.
8. Chanderi Silk Sari (Madhya Pradesh, Central India) :
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The Chanderi Silk Sari, originating from Madhya Pradesh in Central India, enhances the bride's beauty with the region's unique charm. Featuring delicate handwoven motifs such as graceful peacocks and intricate florals, this sari adds elegance to the bride's look. Its sheer texture and pastel colors, complemented by shimmering silver or gold Zari threads, exude refined grace. 
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Chanderi sarees are Crafted from comfortable materials like silk, cotton, or blends, it drapes the bride with sophistication. The embroidery style highlights fine motifs in Zari and buta work, showcasing the skill of local artisans and transforming the bride into a vision of timeless beauty on her special day.
9. Pochampally Saree (Telangana, South India) :
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The Pochampally Saree, originating from Telangana in South India, is a bridal masterpiece that enhances the bride's beauty while honoring the region's rich weaving heritage. These Pochampally Sarees are crafted using the intricate Ikat dyeing technique, resulting in stunning geometric designs that enrich the bride's appearance with cultural significance. 
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Handmade from premium materials like silk or cotton, they drape the bride with graceful allure, highlighting the mesmerizing dyeing technique that encapsulates the spirit of Telangana. This unique symbol of heritage turns the bride into a living work of art and tradition on her special day.
10. Bandhani Lehenga (Gujarat, Western India) :
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The Bandhani Lehenga, originating from Gujarat in Western India, enhances the bride's beauty while reflecting the vibrant Gujarati culture. Crafted using the tie-dye technique, it features intricate and colorful patterns that add vibrancy to the bride's ensemble. Made from materials like georgette or silk, this lehenga drapes the bride with an elegant flow. 
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The minimalist embroidery style highlights the captivating Bandhani patterns, paying homage to the local artistic tradition and turning the bride into a canvas of tradition and beauty on her special day.
11. Gota Patti Lehenga (Rajasthan, North India) :
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The Gota Patti Lehenga, originating from Rajasthan in North India, is a bridal masterpiece that exudes Rajasthani grandeur, enhancing the bride's beauty with meticulous gold or silver gota work. This attire boasts elaborate embellishments, including mirror work, creating a resplendent ensemble. 
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Gota Patti Lehengas are Crafted from luxurious fabrics like silk, georgette, or chiffon, it drapes the bride in regal splendor. The intricate embroidery style features stunning gota work with mirror accents, transforming the bride into a vision of opulence and magnificence on her special day.
Kasuti Saree (Karnataka, South India) :
The Kasuti Sarees, originating from Karnataka in South India, is a masterpiece that enhances a bride's beauty with artistic splendor, representing the rich cultural heritage and craftsmanship of the region. Adorned with hand-embroidered geometric patterns, these kasuti sarees showcase Karnataka's unique artistry and are celebrated for their rich black and red color combinations. 
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Crafted from fine materials like cotton or silk, they drape the bride with comfort and elegance. The striking embroidery style features intricate geometric designs in contrasting colors, celebrating art and culture, and making the bride's beauty stand out on her special day.
13. Zardozi Bridal Lehenga (Uttar Pradesh, North India) :
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The Zardozi bridal lehenga, originating from Uttar Pradesh in North India, epitomizes Mughal-era extravagance and opulence, paying homage to the region's rich cultural heritage and historical grandeur. Intricate gold and silver embroidery adorn the lehenga with meticulous precision, featuring heavy embellishments often adorned with precious stones for a regal touch. 
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Crafted from sumptuous fabrics like velvet, silk, or brocade, it drapes the bride with a lavish aura, evoking a sense of royalty. Elaborate zardozi work and beadwork further enhance the grandeur of the lehenga, creating a bridal outfit that celebrates tradition while elevating the bride's beauty to epitomize timeless elegance and sophistication on her special day.
Zardozi bridal lehenga is Crafted from luxurious silk or brocade, the fabric drapes the bride with finesse, evoking a princess-like feel. The heavy Zari and sequin work add shimmer and magic, ensuring the bride exudes enchanting allure on her special day.
Gharara (Hyderabad, South India) :
The Gharara ensemble, originating from Hyderabad in South India, exudes Nizami elegance, enveloping the bride in grace. Adorned with intricate hand embroidery featuring Zari and sequins, it adds opulence and regal charm to the bride's look. This ensemble's specialty lies in its richly embroidered kurti, flared pants, and accompanying dupatta, creating a complete look that elevates the bride's beauty with royal grandeur. 
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Pheran and Kalidar (Jammu & Kashmir, North India) :
The Pheran and Kalidar ensemble, originating from Jammu & Kashmir in North India, embody a royal masterpiece, adding a touch of regal charm to the bride's special day. Traditionally donned by brides, these  Pheran dresses carry profound significance, representing the rich heritage of the region. The Pheran dress is a long, loose outer garment, and the Kalidar, a set of flared trousers paired with a fitted tunic, feature exquisite hand embroidery and intricate Kashmiri motifs, showcasing local craftsmen's skill and artistry. 
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Pheran Dresses are Woven from luxurious materials like sumptuous velvet or silk, they present an elegant and regal look upon the wearer, creating a unique ensemble that exudes regal charm and cultural significance.
The diversity of Indian bridal wear reflects the kaleidoscope of cultures and traditions across the nation. Each region offers a unique glimpse into the rich heritage, craftsmanship, and artistry that goes into the creation of these stunning ensembles. 
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This project, led by an Indian NGO Mahila Housing Sewa Trust (MHT), is on a mission to organise and empower women in low-income households to increase their resilience to impacts of climate change. To date, MHT’s initiatives have helped 25,000 low-income families across seven cities in India, Bangladesh and Nepal.
The project is centred around an integrated model wherein women take the lead through collective action and technology incubation to devise locally relevant, pro‐poor, gender-sensitive and climate-resilient solutions. For example, women were trained to be energy auditors who encourage households to switch to more efficient products, forming a women-led distribution network of green energy and building products. Other solutions include using sprinkler taps to reduce the flow of water, harvesting rainwater, and other behavioural changes leading to more than 60% of households reporting to have increase in water quantity and more than 32% having sufficient water during summers.
Though projects like these, MHT is empowering women to take action against four major climate risks: heat waves, flooding and inundation, water scarcity, and water-vector-borne diseases. These slow‐onset events attract less attention but frequently impact poor people, particularly women, the most.
Key Facts
Mahila Housing Sewa Trust (MHT) has helped organise 114 Community Action Groups, who have reached out to 27,227 women in 107 slums. Of the women they’ve worked with, 8,165 women were recorded to demonstrate an increase in “knowledge seeking behavior”. 
Over 1,500 women have been trained as climate-saathis, who are responsible for communicating the issue of climate change with their community in their local language. Through this communications exercise, the proportion of participants who viewed climate change as an act of god reduced from 26 % to 9 %.
To date, around 28,000 energy audits have been undertaken in slum communities, which have saved families over USD 700,000 per annum in electricity costs. These money and energy saving interventions have included installing over 200 modular roofs and 500 roofs with solar reflective white paint, while having also led to a reduction of 105 tonnes of CO2e per annum. 
The Problem
It is estimated that over 190.7 million people live in informal settlements in South Asia. These settlements are often densely populated and highly vulnerable to even the slightest changes to our climate.
MHT’s project is building the resilience capacities of over 25,000 low-income families living in slums and informal settlements across seven cities in three South Asian countries, including: Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Ranchi, Jaipur, Bhubaneswar (India); Dhaka (Bangladesh), and Kathmandu (Nepal).
Their initiatives empower women to lead local mitigation efforts to prevent key climate risks such as heatwaves, flooding and inundation, and climate change related incidences of water-vector borne diseases. These types of slow-onset events tend to attract less global attention, while also disproportionately impacting low-income households. Women are commonly the primary caregiver and responsible for household management, which renders them more vulnerable to these types of stresses.
The Solution
MHT has championed a women-led empowerment model for building climate resilience in the slums of South Asia, focused around organising groups of women in their communities. Their model builds upon the conviction that if the urban poor are provided with requisite knowledge to undertake vulnerability and risk assessments, and are equipped with available resilient‐technologies, they will be able to devise and implement locally relevant and pro‐poor, climate-resilient solutions
The project model emphasizes women taking the lead through collective action and technology incubation in order to devise these locally relevant, gender-sensitive and climate-resilient solutions. To make this possible, MHT, assists with facilitating the required infrastructure, institutional and financial mechanisms.
Helping the Planet
Through empowering women, this project is also helping reduce the emissions associated with the production of electricity in these communities. For example, one of MHT’s core initiatives trains women to become energy auditors and educate households on the nuances of energy use such as bill calculation, wattage consumption and energy wastage. As energy auditors, these women also encourage households to switch to more energy efficient products.
These trained energy auditors also act as grassroots level micro-entrepreneurs, by forming a women-led distribution network of green energy and building products. Energy auditors promote the installation of energy efficient LED bulbs and lights, modular roofs, airlite ventilator, many other solutions.
Helping People
While women from low-income families are often the most vulnerable as they have the least access to information and resources, MHT believes they also have the greatest potential to be empowered to become agents of change.
The rationale for the project is to provide these women with the requisite knowledge to undertake vulnerability and risk assessments, while also equipping them with the available climate resilient-technologies. This means they will be able to identify climate induced vulnerabilities, minimize risk and adopt locally relevant climate resilient solutions. In turn, these women also can potentially play a role in influencing better city planning and governance for pro-poor adaptation and resilience actions.
Spillover Effect
Currently, MHT is in the process of training other grassroots organisations to reproduce similar women-led groups in areas such as Bhubaneswar, Dhaka and Kathmandu.
While many other urban resilience programs are top-down and externally driven, MHT has made a concerted effort to ensure their initiatives are low-cost, contextually-appropriate and participatory.  Urban poor that have been organized under this program gather critical planning data to design their own solutions and negotiate with other urban stakeholders, as well as test and manage implementation of these solutions.
Through empowering women to help improve their homes and communities, MHT’s initiatives have also triggered behavior change in communities towards making more informed decisions. This has in turn empowered them with the necessary knowledge to demand improved government services, thus proving that this concept can be expanded to other communities throughout the world.
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ritika2204 · 6 months
High Rise Luxury Apartment In Sobha Aranya Phase 1 Sector 80 Gurugram
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Are you looking for an investment in a high-rise luxury apartment in Sector 80 Gurugram? Then this project is for you. Sobha Developer is the famous real estate in Delhi NCR. Sobha Aranya Phase 1 is the best project for the family. This project provides all types of modern amenities and facilities to their residents.
Furthermore, Sobha Aranya Phase 1 provides natural beauty They leave an ample size of the open area there are so many trees and plants are there. Everyone wants to live their life in a luxurious facility. Sobha Aranya Phase 1 makes this dream in reality for their residents. This property design in very unique and beautiful. At the same time, this project is spread across 14.82 acres which is a very big property.
Moreover, Sobha Aranya Phase 1 provides 3 BHK apartments with high-rise luxury apartments. In this project, every material used is of good quality. This project provides Italian marble on the floors high-standard designs and jaguar fittings all over the apartment.
More about Sobha Aryana Phase 1 Gurugram
Further, Sobha Aranya Phase 1 Gurugram has an eye-catching style and modern facilities making it more engaging to buyers. We used beautiful lighting to make look more beautiful in the apartment. That is why it is the choicest project in Gurugram Sector 80.
Therefore, Sobha Aranya Phase 1 provides all modern amenities such as 24-hour CCTV, 24-hour water supply, Car parking area, garden, GYM, playground for kids, security ETC. At the same time, they also provide a big space for the swimming pool. These luxuries things make this project more famous in Gurugram city. Sobha Aranya Phase 1 offers a green and refreshing space to connect with nature. This facility makes it an ideal choice for those who looking for a modern and enriching lifestyle in Gurgaon.
Location Benefit Of Sobha Aranya Phase 1
Sobha Aryana Phase 1 is present beside the national highways 48 that connect Jaipur to Delhi.
This project takes only 50-minute drive to reach IGI airport.
This project is very closely to IMT Manesar
Sobha Aranya Phase 1 is in proximity to famous schools. Such as Jai Bharti High School, Blooming Buds Pre School and many more.
Sobha Aranya Phase 1 to multiple malls and cinema halls. PVR, Inox Cinema, and Saphire 83 Mall are under 15 minutes drive.
Investing in Sobha Aryana Phase 1 is a profitable deal and they also provide you with high returns on value.
Sobha Aranya Phase 1
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champions-studio · 1 year
Champions Studio: Premium Kids Club In Jaipur
In the bustling city of Jaipur, where tradition and modernity intertwine, a remarkable establishment has emerged to cater to the needs of its youngest residents. The brainchild of a passionate parent and entrepreneur, Champions Studio stands as a beacon of creative learning, fun-filled exploration, and holistic development for children aged 3 to 15. This one-of-a-kind destination has been thoughtfully crafted to provide kids with an exceptional space where they can play, learn, and flourish.
The Brainchild of a Visionary
Founded by Sonam Jalan, a dedicated mother and visionary entrepreneur, Champions Studio is a testament to her commitment to offering something extraordinary for the children of Jaipur. As a parent herself, Sonam recognized the need for an all-encompassing haven that goes beyond the conventional offerings available in the city.
An Abode of Multifaceted Adventures
Champions Studio is not just another play area but a multifaceted wonderland where young minds can embark on a journey of self-discovery. Spread across 7,000 square feet in the heart of C-Scheme, Jaipur, this avant-garde facility is designed with children's needs at its core. Its well-thought-out infrastructure and a team of experienced coaches nurture the childhood of the little ones, turning it into a treasure trove of unforgettable experiences.
Diverse Activities, One Destination
At Champions Studio, kids have the opportunity to explore various activities under a single roof, making it a unique and compelling proposition for parents in Jaipur. The studio offers a diverse range of activities, including dance, music, art, swimming, fitness, and much more. With dedicated spaces for each of these activities, children can try their hand at different arts, embrace their inner musicians, learn the art of swimming, and keep fit while having endless fun.
An Emphasis on Personal Growth
Champions Studio is not merely a place for recreation; it's a platform for personal growth. Through a dedicated team of experienced coaches, the studio encourages physical activity, fosters creativity, and promotes the development of essential life skills. Each child who steps into the studio is presented with the opportunity to unlock their full potential.
A Mission to Transform Lives
The driving mission of Champions Studio is to transform the lives of children. In a world where screen time often overshadows playtime, the studio aims to get kids off their gadgets and onto open grounds. It's a place where they can run, jump, learn, and grow. The values instilled here transcend the physical activities and delve into meaningful connections, active learning, and the joy of childhood.
A Grand Beginning
Champions Studio was inaugurated in grand style, underscoring the importance it holds for Jaipur's young population. Families, parents, and children joined the celebration, witnessing the dawn of a new era in children's development. The launch event marked the studio's commitment to providing a unique space where kids can flourish.
The Invitation to a Bright Future
Champions Studio welcomes everyone interested in providing their children with the opportunity to grow and explore in an exceptional environment. Whether it's arts, music, fitness, swimming, or any other activity, this exclusive club for kids has it all. It's a place where fun never stops, and learning never ends.
Join the Champions Studio Movement
As a parent, you want the best for your child. Champions Studio is where you can make it happen. This club is not just about nurturing your child's growth; it's about unlocking their potential, fostering their creativity, and helping them become the champions they were born to be.
Step into Champions Studio - the ultimate destination for children in Jaipur. Fly high, little champs, and let your imaginations soar to new heights!
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yogeshblogs · 1 year
20 Religious Places in Rajasthan
Birla Mandir, Brahma Sanctuary, Karni Mata Sanctuary, Eklingji Sanctuary, Galtaji Sanctuary, Mehandipur Balaji Sanctuary, Sai Dham, Rani Sati Sanctuary, Ambika Mata Sanctuary, Ranakpur Jain Sanctuary, Dilwara Jain Sanctuaries, Ajmer Sharif, Govind Dev Ji Sanctuary, and that's just the beginning.
Like the actual state, the strict spots in Rajasthan, as well, are overflowing, energetic, and imperial in nature. Its best illustration would be the Birla Mandir in Jaipur , which exhibits a fabulous blend of excellence, craftful artisanship, and a blue-blooded glory! In the event that you are searching for a somewhat quiet and tranquil environment to partake in the strict energy of the sanctuary, then the Mehendipur Balaji Mandir ought to be an optimal choice for you.
Beside it, Karni Mata Sanctuary is one more spot that offers a mix of Indian and Mughal culture. It likewise houses a lovely spear, which should be visible miles from the smooth sanctuary. Ajmer Sharif is one of the most conspicuous strict attractions of Rajasthan and is visited by a few lovers consistently. In this way, assuming you are pondering venturing out to Rajasthan and searching for a few other strict spots, then, at that point, try to peruse the review till the end!
Here is a list of religious places in Rajasthan:
Birla Mandir
Laid out in the year 1998 by the Birla family, the Birla Mandir is one of the most popular strict spots in Rajasthan. It is situated at Moti Dungri Mountain in Jaipur and exhibits the delightful icons of Master Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi.
There are around three vaults accessible in the sanctuary, which depict the variety of religions in India. Besides this, here, you can likewise discover a few persuasively created sculptures of strict figures and rationalists in the sanctuary. The genuine magnificence and loveliness of the design of Birla Mandir can be enjoyed during the hour of dusk.
Area: Birla Mandir, Jawaharlal Lal Nehru Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302022.
Timing: 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM, 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM (ordinary).
Brahma Temple
In contrast to Birla Mandir, the Brahma Sanctuary, situated close to the eye-getting Pushkar Lake, has matured over 2000 years. As the name proposes, it is essentially dedicated to one of the Divine forces of Hinduism, Ruler Brahma.
In any case, here, you can likewise see a few wonderfully made sculptures of Goddess Saraswati, who should be his significant other. The entire sanctuary was fabricated with flickering white marble as well as stone wounds, which, thusly, makes it look incredibly exquisite during the daytime. Notwithstanding every one of these, the spot likewise includes a tremendous pinnacle, which can be seen miles from the area.
Area: Brahma Sanctuary Street, Ganahera, Pushkar, Rajasthan 305022.
Timing: 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
Karni Mata Temple
While discussing the most well-known strict spots in Rajasthan, the principal name that strikes a chord is Karni Mata Sanctuary. Situated at the core of Bikaner, this delightful asylum adores Karni Mata, who is viewed as the encapsulation of grit and boldness.
There are in excess of 20,000 rodents that live and get taken care of in the sanctuary, as a piece of the custom. Because of this explanation, Karni Mata Sanctuary is otherwise called Rodent Sanctuary in the nearby areas. The sanctuary, generally, exhibits a deep-rooted Mughal craftsman and elements of a spear, which can be found at the highest point of the structure.
Area: NH89, Deshnok, Bikaner, Rajasthan 334801.
Timing: 5:00 AM to 10:00 PM.
Eklingji Temple
Arranged in an unassuming community known as Eklingji, the Eklingji Sanctuary is a must-visit perfect structural wonder of Rajasthan. The lovely spot of adoring was implicit in the eighth hundred years and is given to God Eklingji, who is essential for Ruler Shiva.
Subsequently, on Mondays, you can see various kinds of customs as well as functions getting performed here. Nonetheless, the best chance to visit this spot would be Maha Shiva Ratri because of the conspicuous stylized reason. Besides the legalism, the environmental factors of the sanctuary are likewise very gorgeous, which, thus, makes them an optimal spot to take some photographs.
Area: Shri Eklingji Sanctuary, Udaipur, Delvada Marg, Eklingji, Rajasthan 313202.
Timing: 4:15 AM to 6:15 AM, 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM, 5:15 PM to 7:45 PM.
Rani Sati Temple
One of the most seasoned strict spots in Rajasthan, the Rani Sati Sanctuary was laid out around the thirteenth 100 years in Jhunjhunu. As you can as of now comprehend from the name, it is, for sure, given to Rani Sati, who was known for her character and pride.
The inside segment of the sanctuary has been made with marble stone and, in this way, looks totally bubbly during the evening because of the lighting. The lodging likewise houses different more modest sanctuaries of Ruler Ganesh, Goddess Sita, Master Shiva, Hanuman, and some more. There is likewise a sanctum of Rani Sati accessible here that represents strength, pride, grit, and intensity.
Area: Rani Sati Mandir, Chobari Mandi Settlement, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan 333001.
Timing: 5:30 AM to 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM to 10:30 PM.
Ambika Mata Temple
Not at all like most other strict spots in Rajasthan referenced beforehand, the Ambika Mata Sanctuary is found a tad far away from the city regions. In any case, in the event that you are heading out to Rajasthan without precedent for your life, then it ought to be a must-visit place for you. Basically, the sanctuary includes a lovely type of Indian design, which looks very multifaceted on the inside too.
The carvings on the outside are intricate and could help you to remember the Khajuraho Sanctuaries of MP. Principally, the sanctuary reveres the Goddess of respect and strength, Maa Durga, yet you can likewise discover a few hints of Jainism here.
Area: MDR 11, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313905.
Timing: 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
Ranakpur Jain Temple
Otherwise called Chaturmukha Dharana Vihara, the Ranakpur Jain Sanctuary is simply a Jain safe haven, which is committed to Tirthankara Rishabhanata. It is situated close to the wonderful town of Ranakpur and offers an impeccably grand perspective on an energetic encompassing.
One of the priority things of the sanctuary is clearly the statuette of Ruler Adinath, who is viewed as the absolute first Tirthankara of Jainism. One more astounding thing about the sanctuary is that every one of its points of support appears to be a lot of unique than the others. To enter the premises of the sanctuary, the outsiders will be charged around INR 200 and the expenses for the camera will be counted in an unexpected way.
Area: Desuri, Ranakpur Rd, Sadri, Rajasthan 306702.
Timing: 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
Timing: 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
Dilwara Jain Temples
Dilwara Jain Sanctuaries, otherwise called Delvada Sanctuaries, are found something more than two kilometers from Mount Abu. As per local people, these delightful safe havens were underlying between the 11th and thirteenth hundred years by Vastupal Tejpal and Vipul Shah.
The engineering style as well as the glorious stone carvings of the sanctuaries looks stunningly lovely during the daytime. Like its outside, the inside of the heavenly spot looks very unpredictable yet lovely too. In addition, fortunately, you can take however many pictures here as you need by simply paying the modest quantity of extra charge.
Area: Delwara, Mount Abu, Rajasthan 307501.
Timing: 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
Khatu Shyam Ji Temple
The name of the Khatu Shyam Ji Sanctuary has been derived from the name of the region where it is laid out, Khatushyamji. As per the pioneers, this spot houses the genuine head of Khatushyam or Barbarika, who is an indispensable person of Mahabharata.
The sanctuary is to some degree little in size; in any case, it looks very gorgeous as well as enchanting regardless. At the focal point of the asylum, you can find the little yet recognizable puppet of Khatushyam who eagerly gave his head to Ruler Krishna.
Area: Shri, Shyam Mandir Rd, Panel, Khatoo, Rajasthan 332602.
Timing: 5:30 AM to 1:00 PM, 4:30 PM to 9:00 PM. If you are interested in trip of these temples. I recommend you best taxi service in Jodhpur named as Jodhpur Cab Service. Jodhpur Cab Service makes your ride, even more, happier. while you reach your destination on right time. You can book your cab from our website.
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arinfosolution · 1 year
Fun facts about social media
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Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. It is hard to imagine a world without Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and other social networking sites. In this blog post, we will explore some fun and interesting facts about social media that you may not have known before. We are here to provide you best Digital Marketing Services In Jaipur.
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Facebook is the world's largest social network, with over 2.7 billion monthly active users. That is nearly one-third of the world's population! We run Facebook ad campaign in Jaipur.
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The first social networking site was created in 1997, called SixDegrees.com. It allowed users to upload a profile and connect with friends, family, and colleagues.
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Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users, and over 500 million people use Instagram Stories every day. We provide best Instagram management services in Jaipur.
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Twitter was originally named "twttr," inspired by Flickr, a popular photo-sharing site at the time. The name was later changed to "Twitter" because the founders liked the definition: "a short burst of inconsequential information."
The hashtag symbol (#) was first used on Twitter in 2007 by designer Chris Messina. He suggested using the symbol to create groups and make it easier to find tweets on a particular topic.
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YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world after Google, with over 2 billion monthly active users. Grow your YouTube with your Digital Marketing Services In Jaipur.
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LinkedIn is a professional networking site that has over 740 million members worldwide. It was founded in 2002 and acquired by Microsoft in 2016 for $26.2 billion.
The average person spends about 2 hours and 25 minutes per day on social media, which adds up to over 5 years over their lifetime!
Social media has changed the way we communicate, share information, and connect with each other. These fun facts only scratch the surface of what social media has to offer, and with new platforms and features being introduced all the time, it's exciting to think about what the future of social media might hold.
We are one of the IT companies in Jaipur helping clients to grow their social media and businesses at a very effective budget with professional staff and services.
For more information visit our website: www.arinfosolution.com
Read our previous blogs: (Unlocking the Power of SEO. With AR info solution.)
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arjaandsimoni · 1 year
Flying Free
Downtown Cincinnati
Stephanie and Arja walked out of the cinema onto the streets of Cincinnati, the Indian girl finishing off her coke before tossing it in the garbage. “Huh, those movies were a lot different from the games.” she shrugged, “Nice to actually see it early though. Normally I have to use a VPN or wait months for them to reach India.” she grinned.
“Yeaaaaaah, you think they’d be better at getting them out now. I mean the freakin’ internet exists.” replied Stephanie, shrugging her shoulders as they walked through the city. She was still watching for the naga (first rule of being a hunter: if you don’t find a body DON’T ASSUME ITS DEAD) but so far the coast was clear. She’d had a bit of a freak out moment when they heard a hissing noise earlier, but it turned out someone had driven over a busted bottle and blew a hole in their tire.
The two had met up earlier that morning and gone out to see Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and now were basically two kids in the city looking for anything to occupy their time.
“So… I did some research online about Hanuman after last night…” she nodded, “He’s really your ancestor?” asked Stephanie.
Arja grinned at her, “Yep! Dad’s mortal, but my mom is like me. They met years ago when he was an explorer in India. He found a path that led to the supernatural world reflection of our homeland and almost got killed by a rakshasa, but my mom rescued him and the two just sorta hit it off. Few years later I’m there and dad retires from exploring and gets into his family’s business of politics and such. His family act as diplomats for India but are also one of the noble houses in Jaipur.” she nodded.
“Oh, neat. Clan Fullmoon is a bit different… we don’t have a divine ancestor, it’s more of a long-standing pact with one…” replied Stephanie, and she went on to explain.
Centuries ago, before the rise of the Roman Empire, back even before the Iron Age, Ireland was not a very good place to live. The Fair Folk preyed on humanity with reckless abandon and dark forces lurked around every corner, but the worst of it all were the werewolves.
These days packs of werewolves were much more civilized. They stayed to the virgin forests and wild areas of the world or learned to blend in with humanity, but in the old times they were wild and vicious beings, true monsters who saw humans as just another form of prey no different from wild deer or boar.
The legend went that a village, the name lost in the distant past, was slaughtered by one of the wolf packs, only two people able to escape from it: Aidan and Deirdre, two young lovers recently wed to each other who hid under the rubble of their collapsed home while the werewolves killed and ate their friends and family.
As they fled their souls cried out for vengeance and justice against the monsters who’d destroyed their lives, and Morrigan heard their plea. The Maven herself appeared before them and offered them a pact. They pledge themselves and all their descendants to her, and she would grant them power so that they would never again need fear the predations of the dark creatures of the night.
Aidan took on her aspect as a Goddess of War, becoming stronger than any man in Ireland. He became able to beat a werewolf to death with his bare hands if need be, his skin toughening like hard leather and gaining stamina enough to run through the woods for three days and nights without tiring.
Deirdre took on her aspect as the Queen of Ravens, gaining the power to transform and become capable of flight as well as to command storms and winds. While her husband fought their enemies directly she would harry them with gale force winds, swirling tornados, and bright crashing lighting clouds.
Eventually Deirdre became pregnant, and they discovered that their child had inherited the Maven’s gifts as well. They had a son, then a daughter, both of whom had the same powers as their father and mother respectively, and eventually those children grew, wed, and had children of their own, and the line continued on and on to the present day.
“… and as the family got bigger we became famous among old Ireland for hunting down rogue werewolf packs. We got a reputation as ‘Those Who Hunt By The Light of the Full Moon.’ Bit of a mouthful in Gaelic though so it eventually got shortened to just ‘Clan Fullmoon.’” she nodded. “I dunno how true it is that Deirdre could actually make entire lightning storms and such though, none of the Clan I’ve ever met could pull THAT off. Most I can do is localized windstorm and those ‘mine’ things you saw me use on that naga the other night, also fly. I can’t actually fly fly, I’m just using my magic to lift myself up in my bird form by catching my own wind under my wings.” she nodded.
“Yeah, see, that sounds exactly like the garuda I know back home! Only difference is they’re all Indian like me, and their wings are green, not black.” replied Arja. “Its just so wild, how is it your family and their people have the same things?” she scratched at her hair a bit.
Stephanie shrugged, “Heck if I know. Sometimes stuff is just weird. My big brother Nelen has been all over and he’s seen all sorts of crazy things. Heck he helped us stop this crazy faerie woman from taking my cousin last spring. She was this little girl looking thing that could summon toy-monsters.”
Arja raised her eyebrow at her, “… seriously?” she asked, “So what, like a fanged Playstation?”
“No no, like older-style toys. Like teddy bears the size of real bears and stuff.” she clarified.
“… riiiiiight.” chuckled the Indian girl. “Must’ve been a crazy fight.”
Stephanie nodded, thinking back to how that fight ended and what she saw her brother unleash to defeat Isolde, “… yes… yes it most certainly was…” she muttered. “… hey wanna get ice cream?” she asked.
“Yogurt for me, but sure!” grinned Arja.
Meanwhile back in Edgewood
Catherine was making lunch with the news playing in the background.
As she finished up her pasta on the stove she paused, hearing the newscaster’s voice.
“In other news, Monsters at the Levy? Covington has had a lot of bizarre stories lately but this one takes the cake. Eyewitnesses state they saw some sort of ‘giant snake thing’ fighting a…” the newscaster stopped to check the notes, “… ‘golden monkey and two bird kids…’ We only have a small photo from someone’s camera, and its hard to see but you can make out… well… SOMEthing…” he said.
She felt a chill go down her spine, turning to look at the small television on her counter next to the stove.
Sure enough, it looked grainy as hell, the camera must have been shaking badly… but there was no mistaking that flame-red hair.
“Monsters at the riverfront? I dunno Tom, that looks like a job for Superman if you ask me.” chuckled his co-host.
“Yeah Tina, probably just some publicity stunt for a movie but I’ll say this. Hollywood has our attention.” he grinned.
Behind her, her phone began to ring… the caller ID showing a number with Ireland’s country code…
Back in Cincinnati
Arja and Stephanie were at Fountain Square, sitting next to the fountain itself.
The fountain was a popular tourist destination and hangout for locals as well. There was usually a band playing there on the stage and the spray from the fountain gave a pleasingly cool mist even in the hotter summer months. The two had finished off their treats by now and were just enjoying the rest of their day. “So…” said Stephanie, “How long are you and your dad gonna be in town?” she asked.
“Oh, yanno… a day or two, maybe. He likes to take his time on these trips when he can. He was an explorer back in the day so he always enjoys just, well, exploring. Looking around. Believe it or not he’s a big nut for smaller markets… um… I think they’re called Flea Markets in this country?” she tried, Arja looking up in thought at that.
Stephanie giggled, “No way, really?! He’s like some bigshot in India isn’t he?”
“Hey! He got into exploration to find rare and unusual relics and those places always have antiques and such for sale. He’s found some really neat stuff just browsing around those.” Arja laughed back, “Really, our house back home is kinda half-museum.”
Stephanie smirked, “Sounds like something my brother would like. He’s always got this messenger bag with him filled with all sorts of crazy stuff. He did some sort of spell on it so the inside is huge, like truck sized.”
Arja grinned, then paused as her phone buzzed. She looked at the front and sighed, “Uuuuugh…” she huffed, looking upwards, “Dad says one of the bigwigs from that Proctor and whatsits company invited us to dinner. I gotta go play the meek little Indian girl for his business buddies…” she huffed, “He knows I hate it so he’ll make it up to me but… uuuuugh…” she rolled her eyes.
Stephanie’s smile faltered a bit, “Well… its your parents, what can ya do?” she shrugged.
Arja nodded, “Yeah… I’d better head back to our hotel. Thanks for hanging out today.” she grinned, leaning in and kissing Stephanie on the cheek, then hopping up and heading off into the crowd, following the GPS on her phone.
Stephanie’s eyes went huge at the kiss, her face flushed. “Sure… no problem…” she muttered, staring into the fountain’s spray as Arja took off. “Anytime…” she added.
A bit later she got onto a metro bus back to Kentucky, mumbling, “My pleasure Arja, we can do it again tomorrow…”
When she transferred from the metro to the TANK (Transit Authority of Northern Kentucky) bus she was whispering, “Anytime…” over and over under her breath, she hadn’t blinked in a while either.
By the time the bus squeaked to a halt in Edgewood the shock had mostly worn off, the girl grinning wide enough to impress her brother’s cat as she got off. She stood at the stop as it rolled away, then bunched up a bit and stomped her feet excitedly, “Ehehehehehehehe!” she squealed, then did a sort of twirl and whistled out a complex melody as all the nearby flowers suddenly got caught in a gale, the petals breaking free and swirling up into the sky.
"She kissed me she kissed me she kissed me she kissed me!” she giggled uncontrollably. If Isolde were here she’d be getting a contact buzz just by being in the same post code as those emotions, the girl practically dancing back home. “She’s just so AMAZING! She’s so cool and confident and powerful and she’s not afraid to stare down a huge monster like that and we actually can do stuff together and aaaaaaaaaaah!” she shook herself, ignoring the weird looks from passerby.
“Though…” she paused, “I suppose that could mean something different in India? Is India like France? Is a kiss on the cheek there just, like, their way of shaking hands?” she thought aloud, glancing up as she tapped her chin.
She blinked, then got out her phone, then looked it up. “… nooooo, huh… public displays of affection are banned there? Yikes…”
“Soooo, that means it means a lot… more there than it does here? I mean we were in public…” she blinked slowly, the blush returning to her cheeks, then she squealed excitedly, “EEEEEEEE!” she grinned, practically skipping up the path to her house. “Oh maaaaaaaaan nothing can ruin this day!” she giggled excitedly.
Then she got inside and the door slammed shut behind her.
Catherine Fullmoon was standing there, her face like the wrath of a vengeful deity.
“Stephanie. We need to TALK.” she said in a tone that suggested ‘I am calm now, but I am holding onto it by my goddamn TEETH.’
Moments later, in the kitchen
She slapped the picture down that she’d printed off her computer, pointing to the blurry image of a girl in the sky. It was nighttime so her wings weren’t really visible, but there was no mistaking that hair.
Stephanie stared at the image. Dammit, how did she miss that? Okay yeah so there was a giant snake monster but she should have known better!
“I… w-well what was I supposed to do then?! Run to Steve's house and drag Roger down to the riverfront?” she demanded, looking up at her mother. “I was right THERE! I can do SOMETHING when that happens!” she shouted.
“Stephanie, I know… believe me I damn well KNOW! But Dad was… I’d never heard him so furious. He had photographic PROOF that you were violating his ban on magic use! As Patriarch he could have executed you!” she shouted, “Do you want to wind up like your brother?! On the run from my father and his crazy goon squad?!”
“Well why not?! He seems to be doing okay!” she shot back.
The Wulfshead Pub
Nelen looked up from his drink, then frowned and dug a finger into his ear, “My ears are burning…” he muttered.
Loren smirked, “ ‘s wut ye get fer usin’ yer demon ta clean ‘em cous…”
Nelen gave her an annoyed look, “I only did that once… and it was a really stubborn bit of wax.” he grumbled.
Behind them Dawn was doing karaoke again, a spirited rendition of ‘I Fought the Law and the Law Won.’
Catherine glared at her daughter, “I try and I try and I try… Stephanie. Its over.” she nodded, pointing to the fireplace.
She looked past her, then shrieked at what she saw. Catherine had found her hideout in the woods and cleaned it out. Her witch’s kit, the silver dagger, the shillelagh with the cold iron head, all of it was in it and the fire was roaring bright. “MOM! THAT’S MY… DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS TO FIND THOSE THINGS?! I HAD TO MAKE THE STAFF MYSELF!” she screamed.
Stephanie’s mouth opened and closed, then she turned and bolted up the stairs to her room. A moment later the door slammed shut.
Catherine shook her head, “Dammit girl, I know exactly what you mean, I know how hard it is to pretend I can’t see that happening… but I don’t want my mad father to kill you for it.” she sighed.
Stephanie was curled up on the floor of her room, her face pressed into her legs as she sobbed into her knees. She hated this, she hated having to do this. She wanted to use her magic, she wanted to fly, she wanted to fight back those things that threatened people. She wanted to SO damn bad… but…
… and then her phone rang.
Stephanie looked at the number, then answered it, “A-arja?” she asked.
“Heeeeeey, so… change of plans. My dad got called back to India…” she said apologetically, “Look I’m really really sorry, I would’ve loved to get to know you more but, yanno, can’t stay behind while he goes back home…”
She froze, the girl’s mouth moving but nothing coming out.
“… Stephanie? Are you there?” she asked, “Um… look, if this was about that kiss… just… l-look, you’re really great and stuff, I mean that was amazing how you just leapt in and helped me and my dad and all and… well… kiiiiinda got a weakness for that, not gonna lie… but… yeah… sorry, hope I didn’t get your hopes up. I mean… we’re not even from the same country… but… if we were…” she coughed awkwardly, “Um… anyways, I gotta go, we’re actually at the airport now. I’ll text when I can 'kay?” she said, then the phone clicked off…
Stephanie sat there, staring at the wall, a ringing in her ears. Her mother had wrecked her plans and outright forbidden her to use magic, her grandfather may try to kill her if she did, and this girl… this amazing girl… this girl whose kiss had made her feel like she could fly to the moon and back… was leaving… for another country…
Everyone has their breaking points, and hers had just been hit with a hammer.
She lept to her feet and kicked off her shoes, running to the window and pulling on it, then looking down when it refused to budge. Her mother was serious. She’d nailed the window shut!
Stephanie’s eye twitched, “No… no no no no no no NO!” she snarled, leaping back. A second later there was a tremendous crash and Catherine jumped up from the chair in the living room she’d been sulking in just in time to see her daughter’s bedroom window crashing into the backyard, with most of the wall still attached!
“STEPHANIE! STEPHANIE DON’T YOU DARE!” she shouted, running up the stairs and pushing open the door… and finding only an empty room with a destroyed wall, and her daughter gone.
The Skies Over Northern Kentucky
Its safe to say that Stephanie Fullmoon wasn’t really thinking very clearly at the moment. Her wings flapped as she whistled up a hurricane’s worth of wind, propelling herself towards Covington like a bullet. She could have done this in any number of locations nearer to her home, but she knew her mother wouldn’t use magic and she wanted some distance before she could get the car started and try to come after her.
She had to go, she had to get out, she had to find her… she said Jaipur right?! She heard her say it, and she knew... well… she heard Dawn say it and Nelen say it. She knew the passphrase even if she didn’t know what it meant!
The forests were a blur under her as the skyline of Cincinnati loomed ahead, the girl angling down and aiming for an alleyway, landing in it and looking around, her head pounding. “Alright alright… um… how’d it go… dammit…” she stammered, then put her hand on the wall. “I think it was like this… and…” she tried saying the words… then again… then once more… and finally on the fourth try the door to the Wulfshead Club materialized before her!
She shoved the door open and stumbled inside, then looked up at a loud grinding sound. Standing next to the door was a massive clay golem wearing a teeshirt, it's head turning to focus it's fiery gaze on Stephanie.
“S-sorry! Thought this was the Dairy Queen!” she said, spinning the dials frantically on the door until it read Jaipur India, then shoving it back open and rushing through into a throng of people in a city halfway across the world.
Loren watched as the door shut, then raised her eyebrow, “… nae, couldnae been…” she shook her head, then looked up as Nelen came back from the men’s room, rubbing hand sanitizer on his fingers (he couldn’t very well wash his hands around Merihim’s seal after all.)
“Sorry about that Loren, miss anything?” he asked.
Loren shrugged, “Eh, jus’ a doppelganger or somethin’ cous. Already buggered off.” she replied, downing her drink. Dawn meanwhile was keeping up the karaoke, singing ‘Run to the Hills’ by Iron Maiden.
Jaipur, India
Now that she was actually here the fire in her head was finally beginning to dissipate… and Stephanie realized how badly she’d screwed up. If a single grainy photograph had convinced Franklin she was violating his magic taboo having blasted the wall off her bedroom would definitely prove it.
Also, from the sounds and sights around her she forgot one maaaaaaaaaajor problem… she wasn’t Indian.
She stood out like a crow in a snowfield, and nothing she was hearing from anyone around her made even the slightest bit of sense. Everyone around her was speaking in Hindi, Stephanie could only listen in bewilderment.
Also she had no money, no extra clothes, thank GODS she at least thought to grab her PHONE…
She paused, then grinned. “My phone!” she gasped, then took out the phone and opened it up. Still mostly charged, but gods only knew how long that’d hold out. She got her phone but no charger! She opened the messenger app, then texted Arja.
‘So, rando Q… what’s your home address in Jaipur?’
After about three minutes, Arja responded.
Stephanie winced, then replied…
‘I wanna send u something. It’s a surprise! ;)’
She technically wasn’t lying, this would probably surprise the heck out of her.
A moment later her phone buzzed.
‘Aww, u don’t gotta do that… but if u insist…’ and then there was a mailing address behind it.
Stephanie quickly copied it, opened the map app, and pasted it in, then activated the GPS and the directions and let out a woosh of relief. It wasn’t far.
‘Thanks! I hope u like it! :D’
She took a breath, then looked up. “… I am so screwed it is beyond belief…” she muttered.
Late That Evening
Rajesh’s private jet landed in Jaipur. He and Arja disembarked and took a car back to their home, a rather nice mansion house in the hills above the city.
As they rode along Rajesh called ahead, “Iravati my wild lotus flower…” he smiled, “Arja and I just landed and will be home soon my dear. Pity we could not stay longer but it will be wonderful to see you again.” he chuckled.
Arja rolled her eyes, but he was always like that when he talked to her mother. He called Arja his ‘little ruby lotus’ whenever he could get away with it and it always made her blush. Parents…
“Hm? Really? Someone has been hanging around the mansion? Some westerner?” he asked.
Arja blinked at that, looking over, who the heck could that be?
“She… claims to know Arja you say? Red hair?” he asked.
Arja’s eyes widened, then she looked at her own phone. Sending her a surprise, wanting to know her address. “… no way…” she muttered, then looked up as the car drew near the gates. Two of Rajesh’s security team were standing there… and a very familiar redhead was between them.
A bit later, inside the house
Stephanie sat on the bed in Arja’s room. Rajesh was suspicious of how a young girl could beat them there in a private jet, but Arja had said, in no uncertain terms, that anyone who didn’t want to look like they jumped into a Naan oven had better leave Stephanie alone until they figured out what the hell was going on.
Given that Arja was known for a bad temper and fire breath by the staff, they didn’t argue.
“… and...” she hiccuped a bit, “… and she burned it, all my gear, and said I had to just… stop using magic, at all. I just got so angry I couldn’t see straight, and then you called and said you were leaving and…” she gasped, her eyes red, “I… I just… something in my head just stopped working right and I blew the wall off my room and flew back to Covington and came here and now I can’t go home because my grandfather will kill me!” she sobbed, burying her head in her hands.
Arja sat next to her on the bed, the young Indian girl breathing a bit heavy herself after that, “Hey hey, its alright... we can let you stay here until we figure something out. There’s plenty of room.” she nodded, “Don’t worry about it.”
At the door however Rajesh coughed meaningfully, “Arja, my little ru-“ he paused as Arja gave him a look, “… daughter… she is not even from India. She ran away from home. I sympathize, I truly do. If her grandfather really is as she says I do not wish to simply turn her over to him, but this could cause serious problems. Her mother could report this as kidnapping or…” he started, then faltered at her expression.
Arja held up a finger, “Stephanie, gimme a second, I need to discuss something with my father.” she nodded, then walked up to him and pushed him out of the room by his waist, then back against the wall. Then she shapeshifted into her monkey form and climbed up the wall with her hands and legs at his sides until her head was level with his.
“I just had to listen to a girl I really like tell me how her insane granddad is ready to KILL her for helping us back in America and how she literally fled all the way here because of it. You know those business things you take me to? Where I wear my saree and all that heavy jewelry and play your ‘oh so sweet and innocent daughter’ and stuff? If you send her home I am NEVER doing that again. Next dinner party I’m embracing mom’s side of the family and will totally let loose. Get me?” she growled, “She stays, or I become the living embodiment of the ‘reject humanity, return to monke’ meme right infront of those pompous, arrogant, ‘oh look at the cute little brown kid’ assholes you parade me infront of.”
Rajesh sighed, then smiled at her a bit, “… you are so much like your mother sometimes.” he chuckled. “Very well my dear… she may stay until we figure out some way to return her home safely and ensure she remains so.” he nodded.
Arja growled meaningfully, her tail thrashing behind her, then nodded slowly, “Good.” she nodded, then she hopped down and shifted back into her human form, going back in her room and flopping down next to Stephanie.
“He said you can stay until we find a way to get you home that makes SURE you won’t be in any danger and stuff.” she nodded, then grinned, “What he meant was ‘she can stay so my daughter won’t go fire monkey and scare the shit out of a bunch of rich white idiots next time I need her to behave.’”
Stephanie looked at her and gave a weak smile, wiping her eyes, then Arja pulled her into a tight hug.
They’d only known each other a few days, but the same could be said for any pairing of people early on. Only time would tell what would become of it. Friendship… or perhaps something much deeper.
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dekorcompanys · 1 year
15 Home Decor Must-Haves For This Season
Are you looking to add some new flair to your home? Or are you just getting started on your décor journey? Either way, this list of 15 home decor like metal art, wall decoration at home, wall paintings, abstract paintings, oil paintings, nature painting home and other decoration items will have you covered. From statement pieces like metal art and modern paintings to smaller additions such as accent tables and table lamps, these items are sure to spruce up any room in no time. Read on for more must-haves for this season!
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1. Cute Candle Stands
Candle stands come in a variety of shapes and sizes, making them perfect for any style or space. Whether you’re looking for something small and delicate or larger and more commanding, there are candle stands out there that are sure to fit your needs. Not only do they look great, but they also make wonderful additions to any room—especially during the winter months when light is at a premium. The Victorian Ivory & Gold Candle Stand is a great example of a perfect candle stand for the home.
2. Awesome Accent Tables
Accent tables can be used to add a touch of style or functionality to any living space. Whether it’s an end table placed beside your sofa or an eye-catching display piece in the corner of your room, accent tables are an easy way to give your home a personalized touch. Plus, they come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, colours and materials—so there’s something for everyone!
Read More: Perfect Home Decor Ideas for your Home
3. Terrific Table Lamps
Table lamps can instantly add warmth and sophistication to any room in your house. They’re perfect for creating cosy reading nooks or adding extra lighting without taking up too much space. And with so many styles available on the market today—from vintage-inspired designs to modern takes—you’ll find just what you need no matter what look you’re going for. The Silk Route Decorative Table Lamp is an excellent example of a perfect table lamp for any home.
4. Spectacular Showpiece for Table
Whether it’s a vintage vase, a crystal bowl or something else entirely, showpieces for tables are the perfect way to add a touch of personality to your home. They can be used to bring life and texture into any room and can also be changed out frequently if you need some variety. Plus, depending on the style you choose, they can even serve as conversation pieces for guests. Take The Jaipur Royal Elephant Family Table Decoration Showpiece for example—it’s a great addition that will bring a unique touch to any room.
5. Antique Clock Wall
Antique clocks are a beautiful addition to any home, and there’s no better way to show them off than with an antique clock wall. Installing a special wall for these timeless pieces will give your home both character and style. Plus, you’ll always be on time! Antique wall clocks can be beautifully paired with other home décor pieces, such as vintage furniture and decorative wall art.
Read More: 10 Must Have Home Decor Items
6. Modern Art Paintings
Modern art paintings can instantly add a touch of artistry to any space. Whether you choose bold and abstract artwork or something more subtle, these pieces will surely be conversation starters. They also make great gifts for family and friends that are sure to be cherished for years to come.
Colourful Graphic Tree Hand Painting exemplifies the contemporary style of modern art painting. The Bosphorus Pearl Abstract Hand-Painted Wall Painting on the other hand is perfect for those looking for something a little more abstract.
Canvas wall art is a great way to add texture and colour to any room in your home. From landscapes to abstract designs, there’s an endless variety of canvas wall art pieces for you to choose from—so take your time when selecting the perfect piece for your space.
7. Indoor Water Fixtures
Indoor water fixtures can be the perfect way to add a touch of zen and tranquillity to your home. Whether it’s a fountain or a small pool, these fixtures can create a peaceful atmosphere that everyone can enjoy. Plus, you’ll be helping to promote good health and relaxation in your home. The best way to start is to choose a design that speaks to your taste. You can also mix and match different materials to create a unique look.
Read More: Spring Home Decor Ideas to Blossom Your Home with Love
8. Marvellous Metal Art Wall Decoration
From wall sculptures to hanging pieces, metal wall art can add a unique and eye-catching touch to your home. Its bold design adds texture and dimension to any room, making it the perfect statement piece for any space.
Our Odyssey of the Ocean Bed Metal Wall Art Panel will instantly become the centrepiece of any room in your home. With its intricate design and bold colours, this wall art is sure to make a statement in any home. Other wall decorations at home can also be used. They are an easy way to spruce up any room in your home. Whether it’s a framed piece of art or a colourful mural, wall decorations will add personality and flair to any space. Plus, they’re easy to switch out whenever you feel like changing up your décor.
9. Curtains and Window Treatments
Curtains and window treatments can instantly make a space feel more inviting and cosy. From sheer to blackout curtains, there’s something for every style and taste. Curtains and window treatments in hues like light blues, greys and whites will create a calming atmosphere in any space. Whereas colours like red and orange can create a more energetic vibe. You can accessorize your window treatments with tiebacks, tassels and more.
Read More: 27 Home Decor Design Ideas- Top Trends 2022 Everyone Should Know
10. Rugs and Throw Pillows
Rugs can bring both colour and texture to any room in your home. From traditional to modern designs, rugs are the perfect way to soften up any room in no time! Throw pillows may be small but they make a huge impact on any living space. Not only do they look great but they also provide extra comfort when lounging around the house. Both these soft furnishings are easy to switch out whenever you’re looking for a change.
11. Mesmirizing Mirrors
Mirrors are a great way to add light, depth and dimension to any room in your home. Whether it’s an ornate or modern design, mirrors are an easy way to give any room a quick makeover. Depending on the placement of the mirror, it can also be used to create the illusion of more space in a room.
Decorative mirrors are another great way to add some visual interest to your home. From round and oval-shaped mirrors to ornate frames, they can instantly make any room look more spacious while adding a touch of elegance.
The Modern Metal Tube Decorative Wall Mirror is perfect for contemporary spaces.
12. Haute Home Accessories
Home accessories are the perfect way to make your space feel like home. From unique vases and knick-knacks to scented candles, there’s something out there for everyone. And with so many options on the market today, you’re sure to find just what you need to give your home that extra touch of personality.
Read More: Discover The Most Voguish Home Decor Items from The House of The Dekor Company
13. Charming Chandeliers and Lighting
Chandeliers and lighting fixtures can instantly elevate the look of any room in your home. From classic designs to modern takes, there are plenty of options to choose from to suit your style and budget. Plus, they’re an easy way to add a bit of luxury and sophistication to any space.
14. Wonderful Wallpaper
Wallpaper is the perfect way to instantly give any room of your home a unique look and feel. Whether it’s bold or subtle, there are plenty of patterns and colours for you to choose from. Wallpaper also helps to create a more cohesive and polished look in any space, making it the perfect choice for your home. You don't have to necessarily wallpaper an entire room as you can also use it to add a subtle accent or focal point.
15. Pretty Plants
House plants are not only aesthetically pleasing but they’re also great air purifiers that can help improve the quality of air in your home. From succulents and cacti to larger leafy plants, there’s something for everyone when it comes to house plants. Plants like spider plants, peace lilies and ferns are great for air purification.
Read More: Top 10 Metal Wall Decor Artifacts to enlighten your home this festive season
No matter what kind of home décor look you’re aiming for this season, these 15 must-have items will certainly help get you started on the right track! From statement pieces like metal art and modern paintings to smaller additions such as accent tables and table lamps, these items are sure to spruce up any room in no time. So get creative and have fun bringing these pieces together into one cohesive space that reflects your unique style! With these 15 must-haves at hand, it won't be long before you're enjoying a gorgeous new interior design that's all yours! Happy decorating!
Source Url- 15 Home Decor Must-Haves For This Season
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tonybina-india-2020 · 2 years
Day 6: Dera Amer Wilderness Camp - Jaipur
14th March 2023
Had a delectable home cooked meal last night, but first we sat through a traditional Rajput puppet show, put on by a mother and son duo, that didn’t make any real sense to me, however it was enjoyable and I smiled all the way through it.  The old girls voice resounded around the courtyard and she sang with such gusto and enthusiasm, she also accompanied herself by banging on a tabla drum whilst her son pulled the strings of the puppets and manipulated them across a make shift puppet  stage.
Afterwards we sat out in the courtyard and enjoyed a home cooked meal, washed down with Kingfisher and an Indian wine called Fratelli.
This morning I was up with the larks and exercising, pulling punches here and there, squatting and kicking, side lunging, front crawling and finishing with a quick round of jab, cross, hook and uppercut !  Breakfast was simple, a choice of porridge, eggs ( any way ) and toast, or all three, whilst we ate Mr Durga Singh ji regaled us with stories and thoughts on the Indian Government and its policies.
Before we left him, probably for the last time, he presented Rita and Dave with a cake and Rita with a scarfe to celebrate their 25th Anniversary.
It was with a sad heart we boarded the Toyota and headed into the city
Our local guide joined us and led us through the old city of Jaipur and into the even older city of Amber, which he said was over a thousand years old and it certainly looked like it as well.
We parked up at the roadside intending to jump into a jeep that would take us up the steep, winding hill to the fort.
The moment we alighted from the bus the snake charmers began in their heinous trade, I couldn’t bear to look at them. I’m no snake lover, but what they do to these poor Cobra’s is beyond cruel. 
It absolutely appalls me that the two most sacred animals to a Hindu, the Cobra, considered to be the bearer of our ancestors souls and the elephant which is a living incarnation of our God Ganesh, the elephant God and bringer of luck are treated in such a way. Such hypocrisy for money.
We took the jeep up to Amber Fort, winding our way slowly up a narrow road, whilst a parallel road took up those visitors with no compassion up on the back of elephants.
The huge Amer Palace Fort sits atop a small hill, and is located at a distance about 11 km from the main city. The magnificent Fort is an extensive palace complex that has been built with pale yellow and pink sandstone, and with white marble for Rajah Man Singh.
We wandered from courtyard to courtyard, taking in the opulence of this monumental palace which was finished in 1589.  Our guide explained  to us that once the frieze had been painted on the walls, it was wiped over with fresh coconut and the oils from the fruit kept the paintings fresh and looking like new.
We wandered through the Fort and back down to our jeep via a disused stepwell. Stepwells are wells or ponds with a long corridor of steps that descend to the water level. They are highly decorated and descend about 50 feet. Plunging into the earth, stepwells were built  in drought-prone regions of India to provide water all year round, ensuring communities had access to vital water storage and irrigation systems.
These places also provided a space for women to talk and gossip with each other as men were not allowed there. Rather like the WI, I should think !  We then had a 30 minute uneventful journey to the Dera Amer Wilderness Camp. This camp was the brainchild of the Singh family. They have returned around 180 acres of land to its natural state for the use of all wildlife. They believe in sustainable farming  and look to have a positive effect on the environment.
They have adopted 2 elephants that were rescued from the nearby Fort. These two ladies trudged up and down the hot, slippery cobble, winding streets with 4 passengers on their backs, day in and day out seven days a week.  Now these two great dames, Laxmi ( the large one  ) and Rangmala ( the greedy lady ) live a life of contentment at the Camp. They both have a mahout who cares only for them, there is no commercialism, no riding on the back of them,  no painting them plus they are free to roam at leisure.
Both Rangmala and Laxmi have a balanced diet and are cared for in every way possible, it was a joy to see how obviously contented they were with their mahouts.
We had lunch and dumped our stuff in out tent, read luxury, and joined Rangmala on a walk around the Forest, our guide told us that leopard had been spotted on occasion but apart from claw marks on trees and a few paw prints we saw no other evidence of them.  We walked  through shrub with the elephant, she stopping every few hundred yards to search for food, her sensitive trunk picking off morsels from tree branches or roots from the earth beneath her huge feet.
She shashayed along, we following behind, occasionally stopping to stroke her or just to look in her beautiful brown eyes. More than once she cleared her trunk and doused us in elephant sputum, it felt like a rain shower it was so plentiful.
As evening fell, the lights went on, the candles were lit, the bonfire blazed and the Wi-Fi went down.
We gathered together around the fire and had sundowners, after which we had dinner.
We heard thunder roll in the distance, the cicadas cheeped somewhere deep amongst the trees and the night grew warm and heady.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 12.24
502 – Chinese emperor Xiao Yan names Xiao Tong his heir designate. 640 – Pope John IV is elected, several months after his predecessor's death. 759 – Tang dynasty poet Du Fu departs for Chengdu, where he is hosted by fellow poet Pei Di. 1144 – The capital of the crusader County of Edessa falls to Imad ad-Din Zengi, the atabeg of Mosul and Aleppo. 1294 – Pope Boniface VIII is elected, replacing St. Celestine V, who had resigned. 1500 – A joint Venetian–Spanish fleet captures the Castle of St. George on the island of Cephalonia. 1737 – The Marathas defeat the combined forces of the Mughal Empire, Rajputs of Jaipur, Nizam of Hyderabad, Nawab of Awadh and Nawab of Bengal in the Battle of Bhopal. 1777 – Kiritimati, also called Christmas Island, is discovered by James Cook. 1800 – The Plot of the rue Saint-Nicaise fails to kill Napoleon Bonaparte. 1814 – Representatives of the United Kingdom and the United States sign the Treaty of Ghent, ending the War of 1812. 1818 – The first performance of "Silent Night" takes place in the church of St. Nikolaus in Oberndorf, Austria. 1826 – The Eggnog Riot at the United States Military Academy begins that night, wrapping up the following morning. 1846 – British acquired Labuan from the Sultanate of Brunei for Great Britain. 1865 – Jonathan Shank and Barry Ownby form The Ku Klux Klan. 1868 – The Greek Presidential Guard is established as the royal escort by King George I. 1871 – The opera Aida premieres in Cairo, Egypt. 1906 – Reginald Fessenden transmits the first radio broadcast; consisting of a poetry reading, a violin solo, and a speech. 1913 – The Italian Hall disaster in Calumet, Michigan results in the deaths of 73 striking workers families at a Christmas party participants (including 59 children) when someone falsely yells "fire". 1914 – World War I: The "Christmas truce" begins. 1918 – Region of Međimurje is captured by the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes from Hungary. 1920 – Gabriele D'Annunzio surrendered the Italian Regency of Carnaro in the city of Fiume to Italian Armed Forces. 1924 – Albania becomes a republic. 1929 – Assassination attempt on Argentine President Hipólito Yrigoyen. 1929 – A four alarm fire breaks out in the West Wing of the White House in Washington, D.C. 1939 – World War II: Pope Pius XII makes a Christmas Eve appeal for peace. 1941 – World War II: Kuching is conquered by Japanese forces. 1941 – World War II: Benghazi is conquered by the British Eighth Army. 1942 – World War II: French monarchist, Fernand Bonnier de La Chapelle, assassinates Vichy French Admiral François Darlan in Algiers, Algeria. 1943 – World War II: U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower is named Supreme Allied Commander for the Operation Overlord. 1944 – World War II: The Belgian Troopship Leopoldville was torpedoed and sank with the loss of 763 soldiers and 56 crew. 1945 – Five of nine children become missing after their home in Fayetteville, West Virginia, is burned down. 1951 – Libya becomes independent. Idris I is proclaimed King of Libya. 1952 – First flight of Britain's Handley Page Victor strategic bomber. 1953 – Tangiwai disaster: In New Zealand's North Island, at Tangiwai, a railway bridge is damaged by a lahar and collapses beneath a passenger train, killing 151 people. 1964 – Vietnam War: Viet Cong operatives bomb the Brinks Hotel in Saigon, South Vietnam to demonstrate they can strike an American installation in the heavily guarded capital. 1964 – Flying Tiger Line Flight 282 crashes after takeoff from San Francisco International Airport, killing three. 1966 – A Canadair CL-44 chartered by the United States military crashes into a small village in South Vietnam, killing 111. 1968 – Apollo program: The crew of Apollo 8 enters into orbit around the Moon, becoming the first humans to do so. They performed ten lunar orbits and broadcast live TV pictures. 1969 – Nigerian troops capture Umuahia, the Biafran capital. 1971 – LANSA Flight 508 is struck by lightning and crashes in the Puerto Inca District in the Department of Huánuco in Peru, killing 91. 1973 – District of Columbia Home Rule Act is passed, allowing residents of Washington, D.C. to elect their own local government. 1974 – Cyclone Tracy devastates Darwin, Australia. 1994 – Air France Flight 8969 is hijacked on the ground at Houari Boumediene Airport, Algiers, Algeria. Over the course of three days three passengers are killed, as are all four terrorists. 1996 – A Learjet 35 crashes into Smarts Mountain near Dorchester, New Hampshire, killing both pilots on board. 1997 – The Sid El-Antri massacre in Algeria kills between 50 and 100 people. 1999 – Indian Airlines Flight 814 is hijacked in Indian airspace between Kathmandu, Nepal, and Delhi, India. The aircraft landed at Kandahar in Afghanistan. The incident ended on December 31 with the release of 190 survivors (one passenger is killed). 2003 – The Spanish police thwart an attempt by ETA to detonate 50 kg of explosives at 3:55 p.m. inside Madrid's busy Chamartín Station. 2005 – Chad–Sudan relations: Chad declares a state of belligerence against Sudan following a December 18 attack on Adré, which left about 100 people dead. 2008 – The Lord's Resistance Army, a Ugandan rebel group, begins a series of attacks against civilians in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, massacring more than 400. 2018 – A helicopter crash kills Martha Érika Alonso, first female Governor of Puebla, Mexico, and her husband Rafael Moreno Valle Rosas, former governor.
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shyamashish · 2 years
Affordable Plot for Sale in Sirsi road Jaipur
SHYAM VATIKA PHASE-III PART-A quality residential project. "SHYAM VATIKA" offers your family safe, modern and comfortable living in pollution-free surroundings. The project offers Affordable Plot for Sale in Sirsi road Jaipur, Best Plots in Sirsi road Jaipur, If you are interested, please contact us for more details.
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expertmedico · 17 hours
MBBS Abroad Consultants in Jaipur by Expertmedicos
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Pursuing an MBBS degree abroad has become an increasingly popular choice for aspiring medical students in India, especially with destinations like Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, and Tajikistan emerging as prime locations. Expertmedicos, the top-rated MBBS abroad consultants in Jaipur, provides in-depth support to students seeking MBBS admission in abroad. Let’s explore these countries and understand why they are ideal destinations for medical studies.
1. MBBS in Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyzstan is among the most affordable options for Indian students. The country offers top-quality medical education, with many universities recognized by the National Medical Commission (NMC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The medium of instruction is English, making it easier for international students. Additionally, the cost of living is very affordable, which is a significant advantage for students from middle-income families.
2. MBBS in Russia
Russia has long been a preferred destination for Indian students aspiring to become doctors. The country boasts some of the world’s top medical universities, offering advanced infrastructure, cutting-edge technology, and a robust curriculum. Russian medical degrees are globally recognized, and students also benefit from excellent research opportunities. Russian universities have vast experience in handling international students, making the transition smooth and comfortable.
3. MBBS in Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan is gaining popularity for MBBS in abroad because of its affordable fee structures, globally recognized degrees, and focus on modern medical education. The country's institutions are well equipped, with a balanced curriculum that combines theoretical knowledge with practical exposure. With English-medium courses, Uzbekistan offers a welcoming atmosphere to Indian students.
4. MBBS in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan has been another growing hub for MBBS admission in abroad. The country's medical universities offer low tuition fees and high-quality education. Medical programs in Kazakhstan are typically six years, and English is the medium of instruction in most universities. Additionally, the proximity to India and cultural similarities make it a highly convenient destination for Indian students.
5. MBBS in Georgia
Georgia is known for its medical universities that offer European-standard medical education at affordable costs. It has one of the highest educational standards in Eastern Europe, and the degrees are recognized globally, including by NMC and WHO. Students studying MBBS in abroad in Georgia also benefit from a safe environment, low cost of living, and a vibrant international student community.
6. MBBS in Tajikistan
Tajikistan is another affordable option for Indian students looking for MBBS admission abroad. The universities offer quality education with experienced faculty and advanced clinical training. The degrees are recognized worldwide, and the affordability of the tuition fees combined with a low cost of living makes Tajikistan an attractive option.
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privatrtourguide01 · 19 hours
Same day Jaipur tour by car by Private Tour Guide India Company.
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Same-Day Car Tour of Jaipur with a Private Guide from India Company Because of its breathtaking architecture in shades of pink, Jaipur, the capital city of Rajasthan, is referred to as the "Pink City" with affection. A fascinating window into India's regal past is provided by Jaipur, with its palaces, forts, and lively local marketplaces. With the Same Day Jaipur Tour by Car with Private Tour Guide India Company, you can get the most of this enchanting city even if you're pressed for time. With this all-inclusive day tour, you can visit Jaipur's rich history and culture in the most practical way possible—traveling from Delhi to Jaipur and back in one day.
Why Opt for a Same-Day Car Tour of Jaipur? If you're short on time but still want to see one of India's most famous towns, a Same Day Jaipur Tour by Car is the perfect option. Taking a private vehicle allows you to travel through Rajasthan's stunning terrain while relaxing and taking in the view. It also guarantees a hassle-free and comfortable trip.
The tour, which includes a private driver and an expert guide, is made to make the most of your time in Jaipur while guaranteeing that you see all the main sights. With a private vehicle, you can travel at your own speed and make as many stops as you'd like to take pictures and explore the area.
What to Anticipate from the Same-Day Car Tour of Jaipur Before heading back to Delhi in the evening, the Same Day Jaipur Tour usually departs early in the morning and offers a full day of exploring in Jaipur. What to anticipate on this meticulously planned tour is as follows:
Early Morning Departure from Delhi Early in the morning, you will be picked up from your Delhi hotel or another selected place to start your tour. Depending on traffic, the trip from Delhi to Jaipur takes four to five hours. You'll have plenty of time to unwind before reaching Jaipur while traveling in a cozy, air-conditioned vehicle.
Reaching Jaipur The magnificent Amber Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage site perched on a hill overlooking Maota Lake, will be your first visit when you arrive in Jaipur. Constructed with white marble and red sandstone, this magnificent fort is a work of architecture that captures the opulence of the Rajput era.
Investigating Amber Fort You will have the chance to tour Amber Fort's exquisite courtyards, temples, and palaces. A marvel to behold are the elaborate murals, mirror work, and carvings on the fort's walls. You will learn about the fort's past and its significance to Rajasthan's royal past from your guide. Don't pass up the opportunity to see the Sheesh Mahal, or Mirror Palace, which is well-known for its brilliant mirrors that exquisitely reflect light.
Water Palace, Jal Mahal The tour continues with a visit to the calm Jal Mahal, popularly known as the Water Palace, after Amber Fort. This architectural wonder of a palace sits in the center of Man Sagar Lake, seemingly floating on the lake. Even if you are not allowed inside the palace, you can still capture stunning pictures of this unusual building from the lakefront.
The Palace of Winds, or Hawa Mahal The famous Hawa Mahal, one of Jaipur's most renowned sites, will be your next stop. Built with a meticulously crafted honeycomb façade, this five-story mansion was intended to give royal women the privacy they needed to view street festivities and everyday life. You'll get time to take in the Hawa Mahal's stunning architecture and discover more about its historical significance.
City Palace After that, your tour will take you into the heart of Jaipur, where you may explore the City Palace, the Maharaja of Jaipur's main palace. The City Palace features exquisite gardens, courtyards, and museums, and its architecture is a magnificent fusion of Rajput and Mughal styles. A variety of royal relics, such as armor, texts, and costumes, are on display here. The royal family still uses the magnificent Chandra Mahal within the compound, which provides a window into the sumptuous way of life led by the Jaipur royal family.
The Astronomical Observatory, Jantar Mantar Without witnessing the Jantar Mantar, an astronomical observatory constructed by Maharaja Jai Singh II in the early 1700s, a trip to Jaipur would not be complete. This UNESCO World Heritage site is home to a remarkable array of other astronomical equipment as well as the largest stone sundial in the world. Your guide will go through the functions of each tool and the scientific discoveries achieved in ancient India.
During lunch You'll probably be itching for a well-earned rest by now. You'll be taken by your guide to a nearby eatery where you may savor a delectable Rajasthani meal. While popular traditional foods like Laal Maas and Dal Baati Churma are available, vegans and those with other dietary requirements can also find many of options.
Handicrafts and Local Markets The journey continues with a visit to Jaipur's humming local marketplaces after lunch. Jaipur is well-known for its handicrafts, which include blue ceramics, textiles, and jewelry. You can peruse the colorful bazaars, purchase trinkets, and observe regional artists in action. The jewelry-focused Johari Bazaar and the textile- and shoe-focused Bapu Bazaar are two well-known marketplaces.
Museum Albert Hall The Albert Hall Museum is a must-visit for anybody with an interest in history or culture. Numerous treasures, such as paintings, sculptures, and antique coins, are kept in this museum. The structure itself is a work of Indo-Saracenic architecture, a diamond.
Go back to Delhi You will return to Delhi in the luxury of your own vehicle after spending the entire day discovering Jaipur's rich history. After a four to five hour drive return, you will be dropped off at your hotel or other preferred location, capping off an amazing day excursion.
Why Reserve with India's Private Tour Guide Company? Experienced Guides: You will learn more about the places you visit with the help of informed guides who are familiar with Jaipur's history and culture. Comfortable Transportation: Make sure your trip between Delhi and Jaipur is easy and comfortable by renting a private, air-conditioned car. Personalized Experience: You can customize the trip to highlight the sights you're most eager to see by having it catered to your interests. Effective & Time-Saving: For visitors with limited time, a same-day tour is the greatest way to see Jaipur without having to spend the night. Secure and Stress-Free: All the arrangements, including transportation and sightseeing, are handled, so all you have to do is unwind and relish your time in Jaipur. Advice for a Same-Day Car Tour of Jaipur Start Early: In order to maximize your day and avoid traffic and congestion, begin the tour as early as feasible. Dress comfortably: Light, breathable clothing and comfortable walking shoes are recommended because Jaipur can get quite hot, especially during the summer. Keep Yourself Hydrated: Especially in the warmer months, keep a water bottle with you and stay hydrated. Camera Ready: There are plenty of photo opportunities in Jaipur's palaces and forts, so make sure your phone or camera is fully charged and prepared to record the splendour of the city. In summary A convenient, cultural, and historical tour of Jaipur may be had in one day by car with a private tour guide from India. You'll get a day's worth of the best of Jaipur, from the imposing Amber Fort to the lively bazaars. Even if you're pressed for time, you can get the most of your trip to the Pink City thanks to the tour's nimble vehicle, informed guides, and adaptable schedule.
This tour offers a thorough and unforgettable experience, regardless of your background or level of expertise in India. Make your same-day tour reservation right now to comfortably and easily visit Jaipur, the royal city.
FAQs What is the duration of the drive from Delhi to Jaipur? It usually takes four to five hours to complete the drive, depending on traffic.
Is a family-friendly Jaipur tour possible on the same day? Indeed, the tour is suitable for families and may be tailored to meet the requirements of different age groups.
Is there a way to alter the tour schedule? Of course! The schedule is adaptable and can be changed to fit in with certain interests or attractions.
Which season is ideal for traveling to Jaipur? When the weather is nice, from October to March is the ideal time to visit Jaipur.
Does the tour include the cost of monument admission? Usually not included, entrance fees can be scheduled ahead of time with Private Tour Guide India Company.
When the Denver Broncos face off against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, it’s always an intriguing matchup between two teams with deep football traditions. The Broncos, known for their defensive prowess and physical style, go head-to-head with the Buccaneers, who have thrived in recent years with their high-powered offense. Whether it’s the Broncos’ pass rush against Tampa Bay’s potent passing attack or the battle of two teams trying to control the pace of the game, a Broncos vs. Buccaneers contest is always full of exciting plays.
Denver Broncos Key Players and Stats
Russell Wilson – Quarterback Russell Wilson is the leader of the Broncos’ offense, known for his playmaking ability, mobility, and veteran experience. After joining the Broncos in 2022, Wilson is focused on reviving Denver's offense. Against a defense like Tampa Bay’s, Wilson might throw for 200-250 yards with 1-2 touchdowns, depending on how well he can avoid pressure. His scrambling ability will be key to extending plays and finding receivers like Jerry Jeudy and Courtland Sutton down the field.
Javonte Williams – Running Back Javonte Williams is the Broncos' physical and dynamic running back, capable of grinding out tough yards between the tackles and breaking long runs. In a game against the Buccaneers, he might rush for 70-90 yards while adding a few receptions for another 20-30 yards. His ability to gain yards after contact is critical to keeping the Broncos’ offense balanced and controlling the clock.
Patrick Surtain II – Cornerback On the defensive side, Patrick Surtain II is a key player for the Broncos, widely regarded as one of the top young cornerbacks in the league. In a matchup against the Buccaneers’ passing attack, Surtain will likely be tasked with covering top receivers like Mike Evans or Chris Godwin. Surtain’s ability to shut down his side of the field could lead to a couple of pass breakups and even an interception.
Randy Gregory – Linebacker Randy Gregory is Denver’s top pass rusher, and his ability to generate pressure off the edge will be crucial in this game. Against a quarterback like Baker Mayfield, who starts for Tampa Bay, Gregory could record 1-2 sacks and multiple pressures. Disrupting the timing of the Buccaneers' passing game is one of the keys to victory for Denver.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers Key Players and Stats
Baker Mayfield – Quarterback Baker Mayfield took over the starting quarterback job for the Buccaneers in 2023 following the retirement of Tom Brady. Mayfield is known for his confidence, competitive spirit, and ability to make big plays under pressure. In a game against Denver’s defense, Mayfield might throw for 220-270 yards with 1-2 touchdowns but could also be prone to turnovers if Denver’s pass rush gets to him. His connection with receivers like Mike Evans and Chris Godwin is critical to the Bucs' offensive success.
Mike Evans – Wide Receiver Mike Evans is one of the most consistent and dominant wide receivers in the NFL. In a game against Denver’s secondary, Evans could tally 5-7 catches for 80-100 yards and a touchdown. His size and physicality make him a tough matchup for any cornerback, including Patrick Surtain II. If Mayfield can get Evans the ball in key moments, it could swing the game in Tampa Bay’s favor.
Lavonte David – Linebacker Lavonte David is the heart of the Buccaneers’ defense. Known for his speed and instincts, David is effective against both the run and the pass. In a matchup against Denver, David might record 8-10 tackles, a tackle for loss, and a couple of passes defended. His leadership on defense will be crucial in limiting Denver’s running game and containing Russell Wilson when he escapes the pocket.
Shaquil Barrett – Outside Linebacker Shaquil Barrett is one of the top pass rushers for Tampa Bay. In a game against the Broncos, Barrett could post 1-2 sacks and several quarterback pressures, as he looks to disrupt Russell Wilson’s rhythm. His ability to create havoc in the backfield could be a game-changer.
The Broncos vs. Buccaneers matchup presents a classic battle between an offense-first team and a defense-first team. The Buccaneers rely on their aerial attack, with Baker Mayfield connecting with talented receivers like Mike Evans, while the Broncos look to control the game with their defense, led by Patrick Surtain II and Randy Gregory. With both teams boasting playmakers on both sides of the ball, it’s a game that will likely come down to key moments, big plays, and which team can control the pace of play.
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