#fan brain: ngh.... h-holding... hands.........
stoopakoopa · 5 years
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rayadraws · 5 years
Raya-san, do you have any OPM OCs?
Ohh!Hm, well, I don’t have any that I have like... fleshed out, regularly draw or RP with or anything like that... I have a few that I’ve made up for my fics where I needed a certain perspective or some such? These are the ones that spring to mind...
I will put this under a Read More, on account of the quotes making the post a bit long...
The oldest one I have, I guess, is from The unwilling patient (2016) where we study Genos’ body through the eyes of a young cyberneticist working for the HA, tasked to repair Genos after he’s injured:
By all accounts, he should have felt beyond excited. As far as he knew, no one had ever been given the same opportunity - the same honour. This would be a true testament to his skills. He'd be able to say, afterwards, that "ah, yes, that is the result of my work! Look at him go, how I fixed him!" Something to put in his resume, for sure. Something to brag about later. He should have been ecstatic.
The truth, however, was that he only felt very, very nervous. Primarily thanks to a pair of gold-on-black eyes that shone with an absolute fury. Directed straight at him.
A few months later I made a follow-up to that one, where the guy is fleshed out a little more and we learn that his name is Sato Ichigo (and that he has a girlfriend who tells him to tone down the fanboy:ing). That piece is titled Ten Visits and is about Genos visiting Ichigo for repairs that he doesn’t want to bother Kuseno with, gradually forming a sort of friendship (which was Kuseno’s plan all along, heh) as well as seeing Genos/Saitama’s relationship through an outsider’s view, which is one of my favourite things to write...
If Ichigo had been braver, he might have asked Doctor Kuseno if maybe he could come for a visit to see his lab and his work, one day. But that felt too large a request, especially knowing how the old man preferred to work in the shadows.
Instead, he diligently took to pestering Genos a while later, when he was still waking up and too out of it to put up much of a fight.
"Will you take me to see him?"
"Come on!"
"Pretty please?"
The cyborg was still on the table, blinking at the harsh lights above him and looking rather lost. Saitama hovered nearby, watching everything but not in the almost hostile way he had when they first came in. If anything, he looked intrigued by Genos' confusion.
"I'm not usually there when he wakes up from bigger repairs like this. I guess I get why now... he probably doesn't want me to see him in this state" he said in an amused tone, poking a soft cheek and chuckling as the other tried to swat his hand away, metal palm not quite hitting the mark as he waved it almost 20 cm too far to the side. "Is he even really awake?" "Yes. His brain is fully active. It's just his body that's rebooting and calibrating. It's taking longer than usual because I had to disable so many functions when I worked on it today." "'seno id-on" "What?" the other two said together as Genos attempted to speak. He took a moment to give them each a half-hearted glare before taking a deeper breath and trying again. "Kus...eno. De-ion." "Kuseno's decision?" Saitama offered, used to trying to make sense of his disciple in various states of disrepair... and abilities to speak coherently. "Yes." "If the kid can visit him?"
"But you will ask him for me, right?" Ichigo replied immediately. "Please? I mean... The more I learn about his work, the better I can help you, too? You'll at least ask, right?"
"Man, you really dig the old man, huh?" Saitama offered when Genos remained quiet.
"I, yes, I do! I mean, just look at Genos! He's amazing!"
"Sensei... amazing" Genos murmured, but said sensei just jabbed at his cheek again in response to that. This time the cyborg managed to grab the offending index finger, but instead of pushing it away, he continued to hold the hand close to his face. The show of affection was not lost on the cybernetician.
"Sap" he teased, smiling.
The next one after THAT was in a piece called Left in the past, where Saitama and Genos chance upon Genos’ cousin from his childhood. Saitama is surprised that Genos apparently cut all ties to him years ago despite losing the rest of his family, but eventually learns why.
"Man, those girls really love you huh" he asks ruefully after they barely escape another round of fans begging for his autograph. "They do!" Saitama answers for him, giving Genos a mild shove, Kaito laughing at his flustered expression. "Do they know it's a lost cause?" Kaito continues and Genos' somewhat pleased expression immediately turns sour. "Enough from you" he mutters darkly at the other who smirks back challengingly. "Well, he's right, isn't he?" Saitama chuckles. "Demon Cyborg is definitely married to his job!" Kaito laughs with him, but Genos is quiet for the rest of the walk home.
A honourable mention for the Crazy cat lady monster in Catnos, because I actually quite dig her (and I very lowkey want to make some sort of follow up where like, Saitama is like “ok but I wanna try being a kitty too” and they find her again, so I can write about Saitama’s turn to be a cat...)
 ”Life is simpler as a cat, is it not? Eat, sleep, play. Not so many responsibilities, not so many worries. Well, if you can forget them, at least. But you still remember, don’t you, little kitty?”
 ”So do I, so do I. I remember them all. All the people who mistreated me, who were cruel to me. Cats are better than people. Cats are never intentionally cruel to anyone…”
 Genos blinked up at the monster, but it paid him no mind as it continued.
 ”It was just me. Me and the cats against everyone. And I wished it was just me and the cats, and no one else at all. And then… it was. Such a thrill it was, to have that power…”
 Like a striking snake the hand suddenly struck out and grabbed Genos by the scruff of the neck. He yowled loudly, twisting and struggling to get away, fighting for his life as he was lifted high into the air, but it seemed impossible to escape the monster’s grip on him.
 ”Easy, easy…” the monster murmured. It was looking straight at him now, pale eyes unreadable, illuminated by the moon and a flickering street light. ”Now you can’t hurt me either. All I wanted was to be alone, but you couldn’t even let me have that? So mean… you’re better off as a cat…”
 Genos hissed as he dangled in the air, willing the monster to extend its other hand so that he could bite it, scratch it, anything.
 ”See? If you weren’t so mean, I wouldn’t have had to change you. If you’d just left me alone… But there’s no place for me in this world, is there? Not as a human, not like this…”
There’s the baby girl that I have actually drawn, here, although I don’t have a name for her or anything... but it’s probably her in the oneshot titled Pop where Genos has his torso filled with popcorn kernels while he sleeps, although she’d be a bit older there...
 Genos awoke over an hour later, no thanks to himself - it was an alert that roused him, beeping and blinking at the edge of his vision.
 ”Whu-” he flailed an arm around, blinking the light from his eyes. He’d been attacked? Why hadn’t his proximity sensors awoken him, what could possibly-
 A chubby face looked down at him from where he laid, breaking into a wide smile when she realized he was awake.
 ”H-honey? You’re up?”
 ”Yeah!” the little one proclaimed proudly, and reached her hand forward, towards his chest - why was his shirt pulled so high? He got his answer immediately as his daughter resolutely pushed something into his exposed vent, giggling in absolute glee as it disappeared into his body with a low rattle.
 ”What are you-...” carefully Genos pulled himself into a sitting position, pulling his shirt down as he did so - only to hear a strange, clinking noise, like pebbles in a can. A lot of pebbles. From inside his torso.
AND the very last one is... well, for ages I’ve had this idea of a group of little old ladies that live in City Z, not the abandoned parts like Sai but not too far from him, probably? They’ve lived there their whole lives and they’re not going to move now just because weird critters have started showing up more often. Fierce little ladies that spend a good portion of their day fighting with that bald man over the sales and scaring wolf level threats away with their purses and canes. I lowkey want to write about Genos and Saitama’s struggles with them, haha.
Bonus: One day Kuseno visits and the ladies see him and they are blown away and demand Genos introduce them to him and Genos is just suffering (and like Saitama, he’s used to just... fighting and arguing with them, normally, so it’s all very weird to him!)
Me, before answering this: alas I don’t really have any OCs, do I?
Me, after answering this: oh
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