#fanfic: rvb reformation
leonardalphachurch · 5 months
Red vs Blue: Reformation
After Epsilon fragments himself inside of his mind, Tucker is left to pick up the pieces.
An alternate take on Tucker’s story in Season 19: Restoration.
Available to read on Ao3
CHAPTER 1 - Recognition
They might’ve finally found what they’ve been looking for. But there’s one thing to take care of, first.
We open on a shot of a military base at night. Two guards stand in front of an exit.
Guard 1: Hey.
Guard 2: Yeah?
Guard 1: You ever wonder… if we’re in a simulation?
Guard 2: Simulation?
Guard 1: Yeah, yknow, like, none of this is real. We’re just the product of some guy simulating a bunch of random outcomes to try to find out what happens next?
Guard 2: … No. That sounds made up.
Guard 1: It’s not made up! It’s a real theory!
A cloaked figure enters through the door between them. Guard 1 raises his gun.
Guard 1: Whoa. Did you see that?
Guard 2: See what? Your simulation?
Guard 1: No! I don’t know! Looked like something… invisible.
Guard 2: Invisible? How does something look invisible?
Guard 1: Well, it looks like something that’s not there.
Guard 2: How am I supposed to see something that’s not there?
Guard 1: It is there, it just looks like—
A second cloaked figure enters the base.
Guard 1: There! There it is again! Did you see it?
Guard 2: Did I see the invisible thing that isn’t there?
Guard 1: Yes!
Guard 2: No. No I didn’t.
Guard 1: Dammit.
Guard 2: Maybe it was a glitch in the simulation.
Guard 1: Oh, fuck you.
Cut to the inside of the base. We see a series of shots. A pair of cloaked boots run along a hallway, followed closely by another. A guard collapses out of nowhere. A silenced pistol is shot.
Cut to the inside of a room. The door opens. No one enters. The door closes. An armored soldier uncloaks.
It’s Locus.
Locus: Is this the correct room?
Another soldier uncloaks and walks past him. He’s wearing The Meta’s armor in black. As he speaks, it fades into an aqua.
It’s Tucker.
Tucker: It should be.
He walks up to a large terminal and plugs in a device.
Tucker: Let’s find out. Guys?
Multiple colors of lights flash around him. Green, cyan, purple, pink, yellow, turquoise. Orange.
Tucker loses his balance after the last flash. But only for a second. He shakes his head and turns to look at Locus.
Tucker: Security here sucked, huh?
Locus is standing in between Tucker and the door, not leaving his back open to either of them.
Locus: I’ve learned it’s not something to complain about.
Tucker: I’m not complaining. Just saying, if what we think is here, is here? Well, it deserves a hell of a lot more security than that.
Locus: …What do you think is here?
Tucker: Huh?
A flash of cyan light.
Tucker: Oh, it’s some old files from Freelancer. Nothing too important, but, shit’s super classified. Be fucked if just anyone found it.
Locus makes a noise of acknowledgement. Is he agreeing? Disagreeing? Gassy? Who knows.
Tucker leans against the terminal, all casual like.
Tucker: So, how’ve you been?
Locus: ………. Fine……..
Tucker laughs.
Tucker: Damn dude, slow down. Even the AI couldn’t process that much information.
Locus sighs.
Locus: I have been. Fine. Nothing interesting has happened since we last spoke.
Tucker: All right.
They take a beat.
Locus: ………. How…… are. you???
Tucker: Wow. That seemed physically painful.
Locus: I… am not used to being the one leading the conversation.
Tucker: Right.
They take another beat.
Tucker: Y’know, I was kinda surprised you were willing to work with a partner again so soon after. Well, y’know. Didn’t think you’d trust so easily.
Locus: I… was more surprised you were willing to trust me.
Tucker, quietly: Yeah, surprised me too…
He stares at the terminal. Some colors flash around him. Pink, cyan, purple, yellow. Orange.
Tucker: We’ve also been doing fine. Same old, same old. Chasing down leads, cleaning up Freelancer’s messes, blowing up Charon’s shit.
Locus: Being a thorn in the UNSC’s side?
Tucker points at him.
Tucker: You know it! Saving the galaxy. One step at a—
Sigma appears at Tucker’s side. Not as a flash of light, but in his full naked, on fire, hologram-y glory.
Sigma: This is it.
Tucker stands up straight, giving Sigma his full attention.
Tucker: Wait, seriously? Finally? It’s really actually him?
Locus: What is “it”?
Tucker: I told you, it’s just old files from Freelancer.
Locus: You said “him.”
A flash of cyan.
Tucker: Did I? Must’ve misspoke.
Sigma: Lavernius. It’s time.
Tucker: Right.
Tucker takes the device out of the terminal. The colors flash all around him again.
Locus: Time for what? I… have been patient. But I do not appreciate being kept in the dark. I know you have bigger plans—
Tucker: Dude, relax. It’s not like we were gonna tell you everything before we knew we could trust you. You? C’mon, be realistic. But,
Tucker lets out an over dramatic sigh.
Tucker: Fine. I’ll explain everything when we get out of here, okay? Just— oh, shit, watch the door.
Locus turns to face the door.
Tucker: Like I was saying,
Tucker pulls out a gun.
Tucker: We were pretty surprised you were trusting enough to work with a partner so soon.
Tucker shoots Locus in the back.
Tucker: Probably shouldn’t have been.
Locus: You—
Tucker starts walking. He reaches down to grab something off Locus as he passes.
Locus: You— why— I, I can’t move—
Tucker: Yeah, don’t worry. Delta says you’ll get use of your legs back in 6 months. Right D?
A flash of green.
Delta: 6-12.
Tucker: 6-12. Cool how they can calculate that, huh?
Locus: Why… why are you doing this?
Tucker: It’s nothing personal, man. Just taking out one of the few people in the universe who might be able to stop us.
Tucker stops walking next to a wall.
Tucker: Well…
He reaches his hand towards an alarm.
Tucker: Maybe a little personal.
He flips it. Lights start flashing, sirens start blaring.
Tucker: I hear the UNSC treats genocidal maniacs well.
Tucker moves to the door.
Locus: You… I should have trusted my instincts. You are just like him.
Tucker stops. Purple, yellow, cyan. Orange. He laughs.
Tucker: You’re joking, right? You two were mass murderers. I’m trying to clean up the mess that you made. I am protecting people. Look at how easily you were manipulated again! Trust me. The galaxy is safer with you put away. It’s safer with us.
The door flings open as Tucker turns invisible. Locus tries to tell the oncoming guards about Tucker’s presence to no avail. We see a Tucker’s cloaked figure maneuver past the guards, into an empty area of the base.
He uncloaks.
Tucker: All right guys. Calculate how fucking badass that exit was.
All the AIs holograms pop up around him. Their lines slightly overlap each other.
Delta: Given your standard metrics, I would calculate that was… 75% “badass.”
Gamma: Too cheesy.
Theta: It was so cool!
Gamma: Overly sentimental.
Omega: We should have killed him.
Sigma: You should not have taken his bait.
None of the others’ lines overlap with Sigma’s.
Sigma: You cut the door opening too close. It was an unnecessary risk. Don’t do it again.
Tucker: Oh, please, Sig.
He flicks Sigma’s hologram.
Tucker: I know you love the dramatics.
Sigma: Not when we are this close.
Tucker looks down at the device he’s holding.
Tucker: So this is really it? We really found him?
Delta: We will not know for certain until we can decryp—
Sigma: Yes. This is him.
Tucker holds the device up and stares at it. Lovingly.
Tucker: All right, Church. Just wait a little longer. We’re gonna fix everything. Real soon.
Omega: Not soon enough. Let’s move.
Tucker laughs, cloaks again, and heads out.
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leonardalphachurch · 5 months
Red vs Blue: Reformation
After Epsilon fragments himself inside of his mind, Tucker is left to pick up the pieces.
An alternate take on Tucker’s story in Season 19: Restoration
Chapter 1 - Recognition
More chapters to come.
Full thing also available on Ao3
Yello. This is Tucker “Lavender” Rose. Season 19 did my boy so fucking dirty I immediately had to come up with a story that would treat Tucker (and Sigma) with respect.
This is going to be kind of formatted like a script? Except I don’t know how to actually format scripts lol. And it’s not exactly a strict “rewrite” of season 19. I had the choice between writing something that could theoretically be a season of the show or having fun, and I chose having fun. If we were to write actual script it would actually feature the scenes of The Reds and Caboose or Wash etc. but I’ve decided I’m only going to be doing Tucker’s stuff. Imagine that those scenes are basically what happens in canon. Maybe one day we’ll want to completely rewrite the season but for now: take this.
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