lemonluvgirl · 3 years
You asked for it, babe (Ignore the ask game pun 🤣🤣)
3, 15, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, and 27.
(lemme know if you answered any of those before but I demand ALL answers!! 🤣🤣)
WOW! Lots to answer! Let's get started!
3. Fave line/scene you wrote this year- I answered this one in detail a separate post. Its actually a scene from the very first fanficion I wrote (Burning Bright & Blazing Free) but here I'll just shorten it to a line instead of the whole scene and say, "we just lean on each other as we keep watch against the dangers in the dark. And it feels as if we've always done this. Like we've been here over and over again. It feels like this is who we are, and that it is finally, blessedly enough for us to be together this way."
15. Something you learned this year- Actually I learned how to insert fic cover aesthetics on AO3 from you Stella! And it really comes in handy! Thanks wifey ;)
19. Any new fics to start next year- well I recently got a couple tumblr ask/requests for drabbles, but there's also this one fic idea that evolved late one night while you and I were chatting with @jhsgf82, and that's to Everlark the movie Misery! I'm definitely wanting to start that fic next year.
21. Most memorable comment/review- There have been so many. Namely all of your reviews @sparklingdust4612, which are so in depth and encouraging they always make me cry happy tears. Your reviews are GOLD babe. I wish I could review as good as you. In addition to all of yours, ( I won't list them all because I'll run out of space) there are a few others.
"You truly have a gift. This is by the far the best reimagining I have read and I’m very excited to continue on to “Golden CagesBorrowed Wings” you really need to consider taking this on as career cause you strung these notes to make a beautiful symphony. Also, the listening suggestions is now my favorite playlist. I very much enjoy how the music really captures the color and feel of what you are trying to bring to life. Keep it up! Can’t wait to read how it all ends…begins? Comes full circle? Lol" -from Silentlight on Burning Bright & Blazing Free on FF.
"WOW! This was such an amazing fanfic for catching fire and is hands down the best rewrite I have ever read. Honestly. You have such a way of bringing out emotions in your writing that is so hard to put on paper. The way you had Katniss and Peeta connect over the course of this fic is the most natural and most true to the characters that I have ever read. It was never rushed and was done so beautifuly. You have such a strong ability to bring characters to life and have us all fall in love with them (deen for example). I am so thrilled you have decided to keep writing into mockingjay because your story cannot end here! We need to know how things are different now that Katniss is the one captured and how Peeta will deal with the rebellion. So amazing so beautiful! Congrats on such an amazing story!"-from Natalie5678 on Burning Bright & Blazing Free on FF
"This is my new obsession. Your writing is PHENOMONAL; the way you can keep the integrity of the characters and make all of their POVs so unique and distinctive. It is true talent that's for sure. I've blazed through your stories in the last few days, thinking about the next time I'm able to read throughout the whole day. I am just so captivated and hooked on this story. Honestly, I want to pay you for the hours of enthralling reading you've given me. Like I haven't felt this invested in a story for years. So seriously, drop or message me your Venmo or something and I will pay you. It is the least I can do."-from SimoneSnickers on Golden Cages & Borrowed Wings on FF
I read your catching fire story in two days and immediately read through all of Golden Cages that you have so far. I am obsessed. The writing, the characters, the life you’ve given them it’s so well done! I’m so invested and want to thank you for the amazing artistry youve allowed us to read. I eagerly await your updates!-from Ahyoka20 on Golden Cages & Borrowed Wings on FF
"I’ve beem reading your fic by the last days and i can say that i loved it, truly, i loved, this one and the catching fire alternative, both are amazing. One thing that really touched me was that the characters kept their essentials through the hole time, I've already read some fics that the characters kind get losts and seemd fake, so congratutions to keep everything "natural" . I am really excited to keep reading the next chapters 3."-from FlyingHighThias on Golden Cages & Borrowed Wings on FF.
"I seriously think you should write a romantic or rom com book! You have an amazing talent at capturing these moments and making them feel so real! I loved this story!!"-from xmasrose20 on The Hoodie on AO3.
23. Fics you wanted to write this year but didn't- I had this one idea recently that captivated me all day. I told you about it on messenger once. I've even got a title and premise worked up.... In an alternate universe, where the Capitol ceased the Hunger Games and began celebrating art above violence, every year the nation of Panem holds a countrywide competition called the Aptitude Games to find the most promising talent from across the 12 districts. The winner of the competition becomes the newest victor, and gains an all access pass to the parties, shows, and secret workings of the Capitol. Katniss Everdeen & Gale Hawthorne are rebel spies tasked with infiltrating the Capitol Elite’s inner circle, by impersonating a rich benefactor and his alluring new mistress. Having run away from District 12 when they were just teenagers, and starting their lives over in District 13, they have trained for years to help the rebellion bring the Capitol down from the inside out. But on their first mission their past from district 12 comes back to haunt them, in the form of that year’s newest co-victors, Peeta Mellark and Madge Undersee.
How will the rebel spies keep their cover from being blown? And more importantly how will Katniss keep up the pretence of being a bought and paid for companion when she begins to desire Panem’s newest victor instead of her partner?
Anyway that's what I have so far. I wanted to start it but didn't. It seems like it would be another huge WIP. I don't know when I'll get around to it. But I want to call it Rebel Heart of Mine.
24. Fave Fic You Read This Year- Wow that's like asking me to choose between my loved ones. But....I guess if I had to choose....ahhh I would pick...Owning Me by Elisza94. The world building and characterization for this one is insane, especially for someone who is not a native English speaker.
25. Already answered this one ;)
27. Favorite Fanic Author of the Year- Again with the making me choose between all the things I love most!!! I guess if you put a gun to my head and told me to pick or else I'd have to say....NOPE! Can't do it. There are too many amazing writers. I would feel wrong picking just one! Can I just give you a list of all my serious nominations??? That's what I'm going to do!!
1. @sparklingdust4612 nominated for her everlark drabbles, especially "Chill..." & "It was just 3 times!!"
2. @endlessnightlock nominated for "A New Path"
4. @jhsgf82 nominated for her "I do Solemnly Swear" & "Today's Forecast..."
5. @mrspeetamellark nominated for "The Professor's Secret" & "Academia"
6. @softlikethesunset12 nominated for "The Most Amazing Coffee"
7. @bethpeaches123 nominated for “Oh, Its You.” 
There. I can't narrow it down anymore than that. Don't make me!!! In my personal head canon all of you guys are the winner.
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lemonluvgirl · 3 years
Fanfic year end asks 1,14 and 45
1. My favorite fic I wrote this year~ Well, I just started writing fanfiction this year actually, so everything I've written so far is in competition with each other! But if I had to choose I think it would be a tie between Promise Me, Little Brother and Burning Bright & Blazing Free. Or maybe The Hoodie?? I just wrote that one and I'm still really digging it lol.
14. Fic I didn't expect to write this year~ Definitely The Piercing! When I got that ask I considered turning it down politely three separate time, no lie. After I wrote it though I'm kinda of glad I stuck with it and toughed it out. I felt really happy with the end result. The d*ck piercing research though was difficult to get through, though.
25. A fic I've read this year and would recommend everyone read~ I have a few answers to this one. Also, like number one I have to disclose that I also just started reading fanfiction this year, so a lot of the fics I've read maybe older, and most of you guys might have read them long ago. But they are all still shiny and new for me! Let me just post pretty much my entire AO3 bookmarks page:
Talking Body by atetheredmind. That fic just speaks to me, and I love it.
A New Path by endlessnightlock, is oh so good!
Give You My Wild by melissaeverdeen13 is fluffy and amazing, it relaxes my soul
Today's Forecast...Ice With a Chance of Heat by JHsgf82 is one I'm still obsessed with
The Professor's Secret by mrspeetamellark is delicious
The Most Amazing Coffee by softlikethesunset is purrrrfection
Watercolors by alwayseverlark wowed me
Owning Me by Elizsa94 is one I am super invested in, its gut-wrenching but so incredible
Afterburn by BlueMaple is a timetravel fic that has me on the edge of my seat every upload
Unsinkable by JHsgf82 is too yummy!
Hate F*ck the Lawyer by hutchabelle makes me stay up late reading new chapters every time
It Was Just Three Times!! by sparklingstella is my cute read fave as well.
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