#fanfictiont hings
Meet me in the woods (10)
Sora Sarutobi is a sheltered child, set safe with parents, classmates and clan, wanting for nothing. He is nobody, living through more terrible things in the first six years of is life than others do in a lifetime. When they meet by accident, Sora’s life is changed forever.
realised i didnt put this on tumblr when i published it. not that it matters since this never gets any notes but, second to last chapter whoop.
this is for once shorter than the others im so proud.
Grown up Sora looks like this (click)
Yamato | Tenzou / OC
Rated M
9085 words
10. Sarutobi Yamato
Their first apartment was small, just two rooms, one of them for the bed and one for the couch and the kitchen, and a small bathroom. Sora knew it was the first apartment Yamato had had outside of the standard shinobi barracks that had been given to ANBU  or Ex-ANBU members and so she tried to make it as homely for him as possible, which meant she put flowers everywhere that she could put them. “You don’t have to spend money on that stuff,” he had said to her. “I can just make you some small trees if you want.” Of course Sora had known that, but she didn’t want to abuse his powers for something as simple as a flower. Also, nothing beat the way his eyes were shining when she entered the room with a new potted plant for him to find a space for. Soon their apartment was like a little rainforest. Living together made life so much easier. Sora worked a lot still, her services still in high demand despite the peacetime that they found themselves in. Yamato was busy too now that he worked as an assistant directly under the Hokage. Kakashi was juggling his immense workload with fatherhood and so every time Yamato offered to take something off his hands Kakashi was thankful. And Yamato really liked to help, even if that meant babysitting. All in all, he was much better in this job than he had been in what he was doing before. Sure, Sora could understand at least a little that Kakashi had just tried to give the most important task to one of his most trusted friends, but the position had been entirely wrong for someone like Yamato. Not because he didn’t have the skill to do it well, but because it was a strain on his mental health. Now he did something that used his skillset, satisfied him, and didn’t bring back unnecessary nightmares and insecurities.
[Read more on Ao3]
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