#fangan chronicles timeline
fangan-milgram · 4 months
[ Timeline 02/14/2024 - Nico Birthday Timeline 2024 ]
Nico: “Ah, Damon… Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Damon: “What? You’re- I mean, sure, Happy Valentine’s Day. But-”
Nico: “Sorry. For walking up so suddenly. It is just, I made you something. A poem, I wrote you a poem. You’re my neighbor, so I thought it would be nice.”
Damon: “...you’re giving me a gift? On your birthday?”
Nico: “...I am not sure what you’re talking about.”
Damon: “It’s not just Valentine’s Day, it’s your birthday. Didn’t you realize? At least do something special for yourself, I don’t want this…”
Nico: “Mm… alright. Birthdays are usually uneventful for Nico Himuro. I just thought, I could feel good enough by giving to others today.”
Nico: “...”
Nico: “Damon. You’re the first person that’s remembered my birthday, as opposed to the holiday. I think it makes me a bit happy. You seem like someone who doesn’t care.”
Damon: “Urgh, it’s not like I commit everyone’s birthdays to my brain. It was just more memorable to me, since it falls on a holiday. A holiday I’m not too fond of, on top of that.”
Nico: “Hehe. It’s funny.. Nico and Damon are polar opposites?”
Damon: “That smile… I’m not used to seeing that with you, it’s creepy. Fine, give me the poem, I’ll read it when I have time. Happy Birthday, Nico.”
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fangan-milgram · 6 months
[ Timeline 12/25/2023 - A Merry Day in MILGRAM: Part 1 ]
Lyle: “Hey, haven’t you heard..? It’s Christmas today. Where’s your smile?”
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Damon: “...I’m not even close to being in the mood for this, actually.”
Lyle: “Really? I thought someone like you would kill for a holiday. You seem about ready to pull out your hair every time I see you.”
Damon: “It’s because of people like you, don’t you get it…”
Damon: “...and hey, what’s with you walking up so casually and acting friendly? I barely know you.”
[ more under cut ]
Lyle: “Hmm… what’s the matter with just wanting to talk to other inmates? You’re really prickly. Like, honestly, you’ve got more spikes than the one on your head.”
Damon: “I know what you are. There’s always some kind of ulterior motive with you, I can tell by your face.”
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Lyle: “Calm down, it’s Christmas.”
Damon: “Please don’t make deflecting concerns regarding your actions with ‘it’s Christmas’ a trend today.”
Lyle: “Aw, hey. I wasn’t insulting you or anything, it just kind of confuses me. You’re saying, a day to just kick back and have presents heaped upon you isn’t appealing? At all?”
Damon: “...” “In some ways, I guess… as much as I’d like to be rewarded, the things I want can’t be wrapped in fancy paper. Gifts always seemed patronizing to me unless they’re given with good reason, so handing them out just because of a Christian holiday… it feels uncouth.”
Lyle: “Ahaha… so… cold…? I thought you looked like a Christmas tree with those green restraints, but wow. You’re a Grinch. You’re legitimately a Grinch, did you know that?”
Damon: “Erk-... can you leave me alone-? I told you out of the gate that I wasn’t in the mood.”
Lyle: “And you kept the conversation going, anyway… hmmm.”
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Damon: “Quit it.”
Lyle: “Thanks though…! I actually learned a lot about you? I think, that's enough of a present for me.”
Lyle: “But, hey… if you find something fun at your cell in the next few hours, just know it’s me returning the favor. ♪”
Damon: “Something fun…? Would it truly kill you to not be ominous?”
Lyle: “...”
Lyle: “...it’s Christmas.”
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fangan-milgram · 7 months
[ Timeline 11/7/2023 - Cause For Celebration ]
Kaizue: “Hey, Monocrow. Do you know what today is?”
Monocrow: “Today would be November 7th. Why do you ask?”
Kaizue: “Pff, I didn’t ask for the date. I asked if you knew what today was.”
Monocrow: “Coo…? You’re perplexing me for no good reason.”  
Kaizue: “Hahaha! So, you really don’t know? I didn’t tell you?”
Kaizue: “Monocrow, November 7th. It’s my birthday.”
Monocrow: “Birthday-? Warden, you buffoon! How was I supposed to know?!”  
Kaizue: “I’ll mark it in the calendar for next year so you don’t forget.”
Kaizue: “Though… I’m willing to forgive you now… if you get me a present?”
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Monocrow: “Is now really a time to celebrate? You’ve hardly made progress on the first trial procedure.”  
Kaizue: “Come on. 21 is a milestone. I think that’s the legal drinking age in America.”
Monocrow: “21…?”  
Monocrow: “...hmph, you had better not think about drinking anything while on duty.”  
Kaizue: “Oh, of course not. I just wanted some kind of little party today, that’s all.”
Kaizue: “...I’ll get to work soon. I promise.”
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fangan-milgram · 1 month
[ 5/8/2024 - Damon Birthday Timeline 2024 ]
Damon: “…you. What are you doing outside of your cell.”
David: “Oh? Aha, what a coincidence that we came across each other… I wasn’t actually expecting anyone to be out this early.”
Damon: “Yeah, I can say the same.”
“…it’s my birthday today, by the way. I don’t know if you’re aware.”
David: “Of course I am. That’s actually why I’m out here so early in the morning. I was just going to find Monocrow so I could ask him to… eh- s-spawn? Whatever he does- spawn a present for you before you woke up, but… it seems you’re way ahead of me.”
Damon: “..wait, really-?”
David: “Ahaha, you seem really happy. I’m grateful for being the one who spawned that excitement.”
Damon: “What? What- No. I don’t really care much for my birthday anyway, since my schedule for the day remains the same as any other day.”
David: “Well, you must worry about it some amount if you felt the need to remind me it was your birthday 2 sentences into our conversation.”
Damon: “…”
David: “…oh-! It’s okay, really! I don’t want to keep you here for long, since you mentioned a schedule and all that. Take care, Damon! I hope you enjoy the gift! Once I-… get it, of course.”
Damon: “.....”
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Damon: “…he… reminds me… a bit of…”
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fangan-milgram · 1 month
[ 5/6/2024 - Kokoro Birthday Timeline 2024 ]
Kokoro: "Warden. I want to ask you something."
“-.. Your smile dropped when I approached you. Is everything okay.”
Kaizue: "Oh? Haha, if you thought that was a negative response, you have my apologies. Hey, but, isn't it your birthday? You're our oldest prisoner, aren't you? I think you've reached a milestone at this point, huh, prisoner?"
Kokoro: "Maybe. Don't change the subject though, I still want to ask my own question."
Kaizue: "S-Sure? Go right ahead."
Kokoro: "..."
"That memory reflection technology... where did you get it?"
Kaizue: "Er? Yeah, sorry, don't know a thing about that. I'm sure Monocrow does, though. I can ask him, if ya want. Not sure he'll be willing to disclose it, though. He's really plucky with what he decides he wants to talk about."
Kokoro: "I see. Can I ask one more question?"
Kaizue: “Shoot.”
Kokoro: "Does it work on people who are not alive."
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Kaizue: "...good talk. Happy birthday, prisoner."
Kokoro: “ok”
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fangan-milgram · 1 month
[ 5/1/2024 - Maiko Birthday Timeline 2024 ]
Maiko: "Stop RIGHT there, CITIZEN! In the name of the MELODY!"
Lyle: "Huh-?"
"Oh hi Maiko." 😊 "Say, you really have to tell me next time you plan on running up behind me like that... I could'a punched you or something. As like, a reflex."
Maiko: "Mmmmh...?! W-Well- CITIZEN LYLE! I'll tell this... 'Maiko'... next time I see her! To keep that in mind! PYA-PYA~!"
Lyle: "Okay. Thanks. What's up, then."
Maiko: "TA-DA! Congratulations! You've been invited to... MELODY PRETTY'S MAGICAL BIRTHDAY BASH!!! It takes place TONIGHT in the cafeteria! You best not be late, citizen! It's a special, special day... mwuhuhu."
Lyle: "Ohhh, I see. That's great! Sorry, though. Can't come. I have to attend my friend Maiko's birthday party instead. Would hate to leave her hanging."
Maiko: "Eh-... but, that's-..."
Lyle: "That's what?"
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Maiko: "...n- NOT TO WORRY! Melody Pretty is tolerant of ALL schedules! Go, go, go! Have fun! I'm sure your friend will be happy to see chuuuu. ♪"
Lyle: "..."
"...yeah, alright. I'm sure-... they will be, too."
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fangan-milgram · 2 months
[ 4/15/2024 - Scarlet Birthday Timeline 2024 ]
Scarlet: "Hmm, so it's my birthday. Perfect. Ahh, I don't look a day older..."
Scarlet: "...I wonder. Monocrow said we could ask for anything... I'm curious, if I could test the limits of that. It'd be easy, as long as I assure him that I'm just giving myself gifts."
Scarlet: "Fufu. Either way. I'll be treating myself today."
Scarlet: "..oh my? What's this? someone left an anonymous present outside my cell..."
Scarlet: "A cherry and vanilla-scented candle. Oh, that's wonderful. I've been growing weary of this *sensationless environment* for far too long."
Scarlet: "Mm, a note..."
"Hello, Scarlet! Happy Birthday! Turns out, the requests can be extremely specific. Monocrow didn't ask questions before delivering this to me, it makes me wonder where he gets it. But, I'm sure you're not interested in hearing about that- so, here! I think I remember us exchanging our favorite fruits one time. I prepared this gift days in advance, and I was too afraid of the fruit getting rotten, so a candle that smells like it is the next best thing. I hope you like it!"
Scarlet: "Aha? So, it seems, they're already doing my job for me with those requests... I'll have to keep this in mind. How specific can we truly get..."
[ She reads the note again. ]
Scarlet: "...hmhmhm. Does he really think he's being sneaky? That polite tone... it's undoubtedly 'Chemmie'. He's right next to me, was he just too nervous to deliver it in person? How cute."
Scarlet: "Ahh, well, it brings a smile to my face to know he was thinking of me to prepare something like this. At least, one person has remembered my birthday thus far... we'll see about the rest of them."
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fangan-milgram · 2 months
[ 3/31/2024 - Julien Birthday Timeline 2024 ]
Julien: “…”
Julien: "...what is... uhh... what is this."
Maiko: “A drawiiiing~♪ Your features are really distinct for just a background character, I just had to show you through my eyes! Pyow-pyow!”
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Julien: “Oh, it’s-… that’s very kind of you. Miss Melody Pretty. Thank you..!”
Maiko: “No need! Melody Pretty would never miss a chance to make every citizen feel accounted for by MEEEE on their birthday!”
Julien: “…”
Julien: "On their what."
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Maiko: “…your-… your birthday, silly~? Hehe! Did I end up being the thing to remind you? You’re welcome, Citizen Julien!
Julien: “Oh my god. Oh my god. I’m older. That’s… wow? Okay, wow. So this is a gift? Th-Thank you a lot-… I’ll cherish it!”
Julien: “…a-and I’ll remember next year! I will…”
“…I-I will-…”
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fangan-milgram · 3 months
[ Timeline 3/27/2024 - Issei Birthday Timeline 2024 ]
Issei: “Good MORNING, GOOD MORNING! Today - oh - a day I have practically PINED for! Ahh, good for me! I’ve gotten up bright and early!”
Mitsuba: “Huh…! You really are an early bird today, Issei! Are you that hungry?”
Issei: “Ha-haaa! Naturally, you’re in high spirits today! Of course! You must have been keeping track! I applaud you.”
Issei: “So, then. You have something to tell me. Don’t you.”
[ more under cut ]
Mitsuba: “Hah! Never thought I’d see someone like you be this excited ‘bout this, it makes me pretty stoked, actually.”
Mitsuba: “Well, ya caught me! Tomorrow’s my birthday!”
Issei: “BIEN JOUÉ!! Happy Birthday to meeeee~!”
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Issei: “.”
Issei: “...wait what.”
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Mitsuba: “Woah! Today, huh? Mwehe, another one ‘fer my collection… happy birthday to ya, Issei! Real funny that ours are one after another.”
Issei: “...”
Issei: “..nooo?”
Issei: “NOOOO???”
Issei: “....HA…! HA-HA! Surely. You are kidding. This is impossible actually, I’ve just decided.”
Mitsuba: “Why would I lie about my own birthday…”
Issei: “...you DEVIANT! Today is supposed to be… a special day for ME…! How… How dare you… t-try and make it all about yourself-!”
Mitsuba: “Wheh?! Y-You gotta be kidding me. I don’t celebrate it ‘till tomorrow, today’s still-...”
Issei: “Fine! If you have nothing to say to me… YOU’VE RUINED MY BIRTHDAY! Vamoose, VAMOOOOSE! Off my stage! I’ll go see if anyone ELSE is grateful for my birth!”
Mitsuba: “Sheesh, I already told you happy birthday, what more could ya want…?!”
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fangan-milgram · 6 months
[ Timeline 12/25/2023 - A Merry Day in MILGRAM: Part 3 ]
David: “...ungh.”
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David: “Is everyone around here going to be running their mouths about Christmas non-stop today? That vile corporate holiday… it’s like a worldwide whimsical ignorance pandemic.”
Kokoro: “I agree.”
David: “Ah-?”
Kokoro: “…it looks like we had similar ideas. Staying away from the crowds..?”
David: “Oh, no- no, no. That’s not it at all, ahaha. Sorry, I think… I think I’m a little tired out, that’s all. I needed a moment.”
Kokoro: “…”
Kokoro: “Hearing something like that come out of your mouth, I was wondering when I’d get to witness it.”
[ more under cut ]
David: “…sorry? Sorry. May we move past that. What I said, I didn’t mean it. I really am just a bit fatigued.”
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David: “Although… are you not a fan of Christmas, Kokoro?”
Kokoro: “…I don’t have much of a personal opinion on it, since I haven’t celebrated it much. However… in my eyes… modernity has not been kind to it.”
Kokoro: “Throughout the years, we’ve grown to feel bad if we feel anything but happy on Christmas. After all, it’s the ‘most wonderful time of the year’.”
Kokoro: “If we aren’t at the very least joyful, then, it must be a waste of time. That’s what we’re taught to believe.”
David: “…”
Kokoro: “…”
Kokoro: “…you have a good idea of why I brought this up… do you?”
David: “…uhm? Ah, you- were explaining your stance on Christmas, Kokoro. I… wasn’t quite aware there was more significance to this.”
Kokoro: “…”
Kokoro: “…okay.”
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Kokoro: “Then, I’ll let you think about it. That’s all. I’m sure we both have places to be…”
David: ���Oh, of course! Very sorry for holding you up on the way. Have an excellent evening, Kokoro!”
Kokoro: “…thank you.”
Kokoro: “…”
Kokoro: “By the way.”
“You apologized four times in that conversation.”
David: “…”
David: “Pardon.”
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Kokoro: “…oh, it’s nothing. It actually helped me confirm something.”
Kokoro: “…”
David: “Eh-… f-farewell…!”
David: “…”
David: “…I knew I should have stayed in my cell today.”
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fangan-milgram · 6 months
[ Timeline 12/25/2023 - A Merry Day in MILGRAM: Part 2 ]
Nico: “...”
Scarlet: “Hmmm? Something catch your eye?”
Nico: “...m-mm… no… not really.”
Scarlet: “Oh, don’t be silly… I saw you eyeing that entree, hun. There’s no need to be shy, if you’re hungry.”
Nico: “...I’m not. Christmas dinner is too much… I would feel much more repugnant than I already am if I ate a lot.”
Scarlet: “Ahh? Well, pacing yourself is important, after all. I can help, if you’d like. I happen to have learned a thing or two from my escapades.”
Nico: “No, honestly. Even a bite would poison my bloodstream, I fear…”
[ more under cut ]
Scarlet: “Well, you can’t enjoy the holidays on an empty stomach, can you, now?”
Nico: “Enjoy…”
“...see, I don’t deserve to enjoy this kind of celebration. A cold world becomes colder in the winter. Freezing over… the thought of it, it scares me.”
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Scarlet: “...I see. Food like this really is self-indulgent at its core. I suppose, maybe that’s why I don’t have as much of a problem with it. Days like these aren’t for everyone.”
Nico: “The entire concept of a holiday break brings me pain… I think, in that regard, I’m a black sheep. Not that that’s anything new to Nico Himuro…”
Scarlet: “Mmmm? That is a first, I must say. I can understand a perspective like that. It’s easy to lose track of the days during long breaks like that, is it not?”
“You get bored eventually, too. It’s such a foreign feeling, realizing that there really is a limit to what you can do before you’re left with nothing.”
Scarlet: “…”
Scarlet: “...ahaaa. How strange, my appetite’s up and vanished.”
Nico: “Sorry. I really am the worst.”
Scarlet: “Oh, don’t worry about it, hun. I just thought about, a bird making this food. It’s a bit funny~”
Nico: “...”
“It smells… good.”
Scarlet: “...”
Scarlet: “...hmm, say, if you’re afraid of all that cold, do you think warm food in your stomach might help for a while?”
Nico: “…”
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Scarlet: “Hmhm. That’s what I like to hear.”
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fangan-milgram · 3 months
[ Timeline 3/28/2024 - Mitsuba Birthday Timeline 2024]
Julien: “Miss Hagihara- happy birthd-”
Julien: “...a-are you okay.”
Mitsuba: “Nuh-uh. I’m keepin’ watch… making sure that full-o’-himself blonde jerk doesn’t come around.”
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[ more under cut ]
Julien: “Huh. What. Did I do something. Did I? Oh, gosh, I’m super sorry-? If there’s any way I can impro-”
Mitsuba: “No, Jules, not you! I’m talkin’ about ISSEI! Yesterday was HIS birthday, and he got mad at me ‘cause mine was TODAY! I didn’t even say NUTTIN’ rude to him! Can you believe that?!”
Julien: “Eh…? That’s incredibly uncalled for. Shame on him…”
Julien: “...wait Issei’s birthday was yesterday.”
Mitsuba: “I-It’s alright- I ain’t gonna kick ya for bein’ nice, or… whatever.”
Mitsuba: “...ah, wait! Didja get me a gift, too?”
Julien: “Oh, I did! I did, that’s-... right- that’s why I came here. Sorry, my memory’s been-... y’know. It’s, uh…”
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Julien: “Oh, yes, a pen, I got you a pen. The ink is green. It’s really- it’s kind of unprofessional for me, so I thought… you could get use out of it.”
Mitsuba: “EEE? Are you kiddin’? This is great, Jules! Thanks a bunch! A new weapon… mwehehe…”
Mitsuba: “Hey, see ya around! I’m gonna go try this out!”
Julien: “Oh, o-of course! Take care, miss!”
Julien: “...”
Julien: “...I feel like there’s something else important happening in 3 days.”
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