whorbidmore Β· 1 month
OMGGG IM SO SORRY (first anon here) I LITERALLLYYY saved ur post last month n was like "im gonna send u another anon :)" (i forgorted)
ANYWAYS HI HOW R U idk what to say my brain is dead rn i am literally just thinking about leon instead of sleeping πŸ˜”
- gonna tag myself for the future with πŸ•
AAAA omg hiiii :3!!!
i am actually so fucking late to this and literally every single ask that's been sent cus i have been going through it the last couple months (not in relation to mental health but like def not helping yk?)
but actually ive been sitting on this ask since you sent it fully giggling and kicking my feet cus hehe :3 i got asks :3 and yes ofc you will gladly dub you as my puppy anon <3 πŸ•
and actually that kinda got me thinking just now how leon is ABSOLUTELY the lover that always has you on their mind. he's going to get himself food at the grocery store? he has to fight himself not to get something he thinks you'd like.
he always loses, but could you blame him! how could he refuse himself from the highest praise of "omg you remembered?!! i love these!!"
sometimes he sneaks on his phone whenever there's a spare moment just to reread text convos. never ask him if he does that, he will lie and say he doesn't, even though he is a terrible liar. does he fully understand the memes you send him? not in the slightest! but the fact you showed him something that put a smile on your adorable little face makes him feel proud. like, you trust him enough to share what made you laugh with him? with the hopes of making him laugh?
deadass would be smiling at his phone, then someone will come up behind him like "aw, your partner text you?" only to see something like
Tumblr media
with leon just sitting there like :) i don't get it either :)
the more memes you send him, the more he wants to be with you. you send him one meme? he thinks about coming home early and just hugging you until you both fall asleep together. you send him memes back and forth between his dry ass old man responses of "πŸ‘" "πŸ˜‚" "haha" (cus bffr he would), and he's only thinking in censor bars. all pixelation and beeps. goes through all the stages of grief as he realizes he still wants to fuck you after all this.
then he sends you a corny ass dad joke and you go through the exact same thing.
idk what this is but i desire this man carnally and tbf i am on my knees for him like πŸ• whenever. wherever.
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fangphobia Β· 6 months
Hi, since you're a Wesker-Fan I wanted to ask if you think that Wesker is actually attracted to Rebecca or if the easter egg from RE2 has (hopefully) no actual meaning in this regard?
I think it's pretty obvious that the Rebecca easter egg purely exists to troll players and has no connection to lore whatsoever. In RE2 (1998), if you've played RE1 prior, it would make sense that the player would want to search Weskers desk for any extra info regarding the first game. Being given a photo of Rebecca instead after searching it like 50 times is just a troll move by Capcom. It's only featured in RE2R as a call back to the meme for OG players. Nothing more.
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whorbidmore Β· 3 months
i saw ur poll and i just wanna say
ftm? ftm reader? i see ftm reader? i see rare ftm reader content?? hello !? hi?? write everything ever literally please? /nf
i have literally all leon x ftm reader fics faved somewhere like i can count how many ppl write them on 1 hand i need this please :3 i need more transmasc reader content to feast and devour upon
omg first ask!!! hi anon!! yes i will be writing almost exclusively for ftm and trans masc readers cus i too have pretty much exhausted tumblrs supply of smutty/fluffy leon x reader fics
this was genuinely so encouraging to read as well!!! tysm and i hope i do us all justice in the future πŸ˜­πŸ’–
(ngl i had to google what /nf meant like a complete boomer, but now that i know what it means i will now be confessing my love to you <3 /p)
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whorbidmore Β· 3 months
Hello, I'm Fang and welcome to my poor excuse of a fanfic centered blog! The aim of this is to let myself be as self indulgent in my writing as I possibly can be. Working to rebuild my love of writing, assurance in my identity and overcoming the apprehension that comes with being openly sexual.
I've only ever done one of these things once, and I've completely forgotten what's actually necessary to start it off. So, guess who's making it up as they go along!
I will write ↓
reader insert fiction specifically for trans masculine people, smut, one shots, drabbles & the occasional piece of fluff
I won't write ↓
angst, hurt/no comfort, dark fiction, non-con/rape, or write specifically from the perspective of cisgender heterosexual people β€” as I am neither cisgender nor heterosexual, β€” and will generally refrain from writing in an amab perspective, nor accept requests.
Generally speaking, I am a writer for myself and for people like me; queer, afab, trans masculine folks.
My account is exclusively 18+, and primarily for trans masculine individuals. Minors, TERF's and ageless blogs will be blocked on sight.
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fangphobia Β· 4 months
I just wanted to tell you that you art with Wesker and Chris kissing in the car has been my fav art ever of them for a long time. You are a fantastic artist. Have a Nice day.
Thank you πŸ’–
I actually drew that while having a big cry :)
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