#fanta like the drink AND phantom/fantasia
cocajimmycola · 1 year
idk if this counts as a request? but it's on your whitelist? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ anyways. could you do a few names related to brain ghost dirk? since bg isn't really cutting it for me as a name
- bg (not background)
Brain Ghost Dirk Names
Appy, Vis, Gei, Geist, Poltergeist, Fanta, Spectre, Sprite, Wraith, Fiend, Hallu, Cin, Deliri, Illu, Mirage, Dream, Fantasy, Fantaxe, Wisp, Daymare, Para, Figment, Fancy, Error, False, Shadow, Duppy, Haunt, Manni, Remnent, Trance, Reverie, Muse, Abstract, Dwam, Flash, Rico, Reco
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