#far cry el industrial's reign au
Far Cry El Industrial’s Reign AU Post #7
The Tumultites actually get along with Jerome and don’t mind him talking about his faith and God. This is very unlike how uncomfortable they are whenever Eden’s Gate preaches about Joseph, their faith, the Collapse and the Voice.
This is because the Tumultites don't consider Jerome and Eden's Gate' God to be the same God.
Jerome's God is forgiving, patient, benevolent and merciful. Which is unlike the God Father Adam Omar preached about. The God Adam Omar preached on and on about was a cruel, spiteful and willing to let them all suffer and burn in "the end" (which almost happened during the Tumultite massacre/genocide), and had been used as justification to put many, many of their people to death. Which is why the Tumultites are very much against Eden's Gate' God, or "the Voice".
Surface-level, the Project at Eden's Gate promotes community and purity of body and soul, but behind the scenes, their actions are off-putting to the Movement, considering the Peggies act aggressively and are likely to cause fights than the locals are. Even over something as little as a bad word or even a doubt or criticism about Joseph is more than enough to set them off. There was also the fact that beforehand, the Eden's Gate members weren't allowed to be angry, but the Seeds were (Isiah and Alexander managed to talk to Tracey about her time spent with the cult, and Gemini and Schrödinger witnessed it themselves during their espionages in Eden's Gate when the cult stopped gifting baskets of fruit one day and chose violence the next), which alarmed the likes of Silva who didn't expect the change (she thought they were harmless right until her people were getting threatened and bribery of money in exchange for their properties was attempted on them many times), causing her to make some counter-measurements just in case Eden's Gate decided to enact war. It brings reminders of Omar's Guard, which is not a comparison anyone wants to be compared to.
Jerome and his congregation (or what's left of it) however promote good faith in others, trust and respect. Even Silva attended his sermons, and while she doesn't believe that God truly exists (and will never truly form any kinship with the religion due to Omar's Guard' BS), she is respectful towards Jerome's faith in his God, and even comforted by the possibility that, if they were to exist, this God looks out for others and inspires a goodness, which is such a breath of fresh air for her, considering how Eden's Gate and Omar's Guard display their gods. Silva and Jerome may not be close and do have different believes, but there is a friendliness built on trust and respect there.
A lot of the Tumultites even attend Jerome's sermons, and if it's not because they believe in his god, it's definitely to show their interest and support in Jerome and his faith. (P.S There are some Tumultites who are just there to hear Jerome's voice lol).
Azriel doesn't attend any sermons and doesn't really interact with Jerome, nor does she really want to (she's not very popular amongst Fall's End, and by that I mean she's not really liked there).
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simplegenius042 · 1 year
Industrial!Silva and Azriel's relationship with Joseph Seed pre and post revelations
Pre-Revelation that Azriel is Joseph's daughter:
Silva and Joseph: Silva desires to cut off his resources and hopefully force him into a peace so they can end the conflict without much bloodshed. Has some respect for him as an authoritative figure like herself but not by much. From what she's seen so far, he's a better prophet than Adam Omar, so he has that going for him.
Azriel and Joseph: Azriel doesn't like Joseph much at first and doesn't really pay that much attention to what his whole schtick is. While she does kind of understand what it is like to move from one bad foster home to another, and how little she likes the present society, she thinks Joseph is kind of overreacting a bit.
Post-Revelation that Azriel is Joseph's daughter:
Silva and Joseph: Any first-impression small respect Silva had for Joseph had already been dwindling the more the Reaping kept on, but she remained on her path to at least hand him over to the authorities when everything was over. However, this all changed the moment Joseph told Silva the story of his wife's death and the sacrifice of his daughter (who she finally realises is Azriel due to the too similar backgrounds between Azriel and Baby Girl Seed; dead birth mother due to car crash, premature birth, father having been led in the room but had disappeared much to the confusion of the hospital staff, Azriel's unexplained night terrors of suffocation, and Azriel's own physical similarities with Joseph and his late wife). Now Silva wants to end Joseph before he can steal manipulate Azriel with the truth, which comes from a place of selfish desire (she raised Azriel since she was 9, for eleven years, and Joseph's biological connection threatens that relationship and bond) and genuine fear for Azriel's safety under Joseph (after all, he did listen to the Voice to sacrifice Azriel, who only survived by pure miraculous chance).
Azriel and Joseph: Azriel would be... in a state of conflict I suppose. She'd probably feel shocked, disgusted, lost and vindictive. The one person who had any relations to her, who was supposed to love her unconditionally, who was supposed to raise her like "the normal kids" (as Mr Rivers would say), the one adult who she was dependent on as a premature infant who also abandoned her (this is Azriel's go-to assumption as she doesn't know the whole truth of what really happened when she and Joseph were alone together in that room) was back in her life, and by pure chance no less. Also sharing overzealous and uncaring qualities with Omar's Guard who spread pain and misery while hiding behind the Freudian Excuse mantra of "God's Will". Probably also seeks him out for answers; like why did he abandon her? Why was she so unworthy of his love that he would leave Azriel to fend for herself? What was more important to raising her? What made her unlovable to him? (If you haven't guessed already, Azriel has deep-seated abandonment issues and resentment towards everything, especially to herself and her inability/failure to be "perfect" to everyone. Which is why she's so close to Industrial!Silva; Silva is patient, reassuring and constantly supportive of Azriel, while also giving Azriel her own independence and time to grow herself. To help, Azriel is a foil to John and a little bit of Faith as well, just as this Silva is a massive foil to Joseph and a little bit of Jacob, though Paul solely takes the title as Jacob's foil in FC:EIR).
Kind of short, I know. Might make separate posts in regard to Industrial!Silva and Azriel's relationship with the rest of the Seeds (can either be pre or post revelations too) if you guys want. I can also make an attempt at writing how the Seeds relationships with Industrial!Silva and Azriel is too, but I'm still not exactly confident in my ability of portraying them in a scenario as speculative as "Joseph's daughter lives and grows up being raised under a (crime lord) revolutionist from age 9 to 20, and eventually meets her bio father during the Reaping without even realising it". But if anyone wants to reblog/repost/tag me and send your own insight on how the Seeds would react to "secret revolutionist (with criminal connections in the Underworld) by pure chance has been raising Joseph's very much alive daughter for eleven years, who is now a destructive force of chaos" feel free to do so. I would love to hear you guys out. If you have questions, send them over to me and I'll happily answer.
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Far Cry El Industrial's Reign AU Post #6
There is a scene where Paul, Silva and Azriel (so the entire Yellowjack family barring Persephone) all have a moment where they work in sync together to storm the Veteran's Centre after Jacob makes (the mistake of broadcasting) a video of leaving Pratt to die in his armoury and take it over.
And then I realised that these three individuals are all revolutionaries of the same (adopted) family from different generations (Paul is the older generation, Silva is the current adult generation, while Azriel is the youngest generation).
And at this point, if you were a project member, and your superiors managed to piss off three revolutionaries of three separate generations from the same family, wouldn't you be wondering if maybe, just maybe, you've done something a little bit wrong?
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What would have likely happened if Zhan Tiri lived to the events of Far Cry El Industrial’s Reign
Warning: Roasts so savage and destructive they might been the Collapse instead.
Incorrect quotes originating from Ash in Pokémon because that’s how I imagine Zhan Tiri’s as.
Anyway here’s our favourite short 25-year-old AroAce demon-witch menace destroying everyone with her words down below:
Jess Black after a spider jumped at her: “Bugs are one of the three most disgusting things in the world!”
Zhan Tiri: “Aside from you, what are the other disgusting things?”
Just siblings currently lost in a forest:
Zhan Tiri: “I knew we shouldn’t have listened to you, now we’ll never get out of here.”
Silva, her older sister: “As if. Your sense of direction is so lost that you can’t even find yourself in a mirror.”
Zhan Tiri, without missing a beat: “You face cracks mirrors.”
Zhan Tiri to Nick Rye, after seeing Nick have three self-inflicted freak outs over Kim’s comfort, talk about a non-existent pill that turns unborn children into boys that Zip (of all people) told him about and admit he went to the radioactive mines to hopefully get superpowers: “Excuse me sir, but are you perhaps by any chance the odd ball in your family?”
Azriel, pointing at Joseph Seed: “That’s my father. :("
Zhan Tiri, gasping as she looks to Joseph: “So you are a no-good deadbeat father who left his infant daughter alone at a hospital and never came back? Who could have guessed.”
John Seed: “Holly and I are so good looking we’ll look great in whatever fashion we choose.”
Zhan Tiri: “I’m sure Holly would.”
Staci Pratt, talking about Jacob Seed: “I don’t like the way he treats us, but I like the way he looks.”
Zhan Tiri, side-eyeing her eldest brother, Adaro: “Yeah, not like some other men who treat you bad and look even worse.”
Adaro: >:(
Faith Seed: “The Bliss is my life.”
Zhan Tiri, a professional concocter of poisons, drugs and chemical warfare, looking at the disorganisation of the labs, the brain-dead angels, and the lack of immunity the cooks have to the addictive nature of their own product: “Get yourself a new life!”
Zhan Tiri, looking through binoculars at a Bliss flower patch after Silva claims to have seen Faith Seed there: “I don’t see any beautiful girl.”
Adelaide Drubman, trying to mellow out Tiri’s prissy nature: “Well just turn around sweetheart.”
Zhan Tiri: “Adelaide, please. I can only handle one of you hallucinating at a time.”
Mary May Fairgrave talking to Pastor Jerome: “I hope no one is starting to see me as heartless.”
Zhan Tiri, passing by: “You’re always heartless.”
The Seed Family, on the radio: “Hey! Stop ignoring us!”
Silva, having dinner with her youngest sister Zhan Tiri at Omar Residence: “Eden’s Gate’ war is without excitement, their kidnappings are so boring and their monologues are quite unoriginal.”
Zhan Tiri, sipping her tea, hums in agreement: “No wonder they’re gonna lose in three months.”
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simplegenius042 · 1 year
Azriel - Daughter of Joseph, Hija of Silva
Now early on in mid to late 2022, I had posted a little “what if” scenario. That being, “what if Rook was Joseph’s daughter (aka Baby Girl Seed)?” (or alternatively what if Baby Girl Seed lived and became a junior deputy)
And that title’s pretty self-explanatory, but it essentially came up with the scenario that Joseph didn’t kill his infant daughter (either he failed to do so or his stress and despair tricked him into thinking he did), which regardless of how that happened, would displease the Voice, but they’d somehow work with it.
Anyway, I started to wonder how I could work this in my own fanfiction, and change it up to fit my storytelling needs and have something different beyond “a deputy who is important to the Seeds in some way comes along to put a stop to their madness”, while also involving Silva.
And at this time I was struggling with how to properly convey one of my other storylines Far Cry El Industrial’s Reign, or what it had been originally called at the time “Far Cry The Powerbroker’s Reign”. Instead of being a 26-year-old junior deputy, Silva is a 37-year-old businesswoman who owns an industry in Hope County, while also being the leader of a group called the Tumultites (with some connections to the criminal underworld) who wanted to live free and in some state of peace from a government and system that failed and abandoned them. The struggle was mostly with how the conflict between Eden’s Gate and the Tumultites could be more deeply personal beyond different ideals, similar yet different traumas and whatnot.
So one thing led to another and I ultimately decided that Baby Girl Seed in this continuity would become this Silva’s adopted daughter, Azriel.
How exactly does this happen? Well, my dear reader, join me on a ride of a lifetime.
First, imagine with me. Just for the moment. Back to that hospital room, where Joseph was left alone with his perfect and alive infant daughter, stuffed with tubes, but breathing. We all know the story. Of how Joseph was in awe at how, despite a tragic event occurring, he could see his baby daughter alive, and yet left with him. A nobody. From nowhere. With nothing. And uncertain how to proceed in the unknown, unplanned future. Or, at least, he thought it was...
Joseph would hear a voice. The Voice. That dreadful voice belonging to a self-serving, malicious and overall cruel entity that could care less about the lives of so many poor souls in need, looking for another sheep to blindly follow its deceiving words, wanting to play with its chosen victim till they break in satiating its spiteful and malevolent hunger. But Joseph does not view it at this. He mistakes this fraud’s voice for the voice of God. And maybe it is, but who can be for sure. Regardless, the Voice has caught its trusting and unaware prey with its vicious hooks, giving Joseph a mockery of a play disguised as a benevolent mission meant to “save” people. Telling Joseph he could have everything he’s ever wanted (his family, a world without needless suffering, a peaceful garden) and more... for a price.
Then comes the price.
Now Joseph only believes what he’s about to do, is for the best interest for his little girl. Believing that it’s for the best that she goes up to the heavens, with his late wife, amongst the angels. For really, where would a pure and new soul go but back to the loving Lord? That is a lie the Voice encourages and feeds into as Joseph goes to complete his “test”... to ultimately decide to become the Father instead of a father. Only the Voice knows that there was no choice in the first place. It chose Joseph, in this moment, because it knew that his loss, his grief, and his faith to “God” would give it the advantage. The edge in pushing Joseph to make a decision that will haunt him, and yet believe be resolute in. Until the day he realises. And on that day, it will cherish every tear that comes forth from the man.
And Joseph would pinch close one of the tubes, the ones that let her breathe, and watch as his infant daughter kicks her legs, squirms, and then still. A flatline. Indicating her ascension. Sent to a higher plane of existence. A better place.
The Voice would be satisfied by this generous donation and will speak to Joseph as he leaves the hospital, to become an infliction of pain and misery upon the mortal Earth, its playground, under the careful disguise as its shepherd, an instrument it will fiddle with until Joseph knows the meaning of suffering.
And so Joseph leaves that hospital, and the body of his infant daughter behind for the doctors to deal with. His past and the future of what could have been, dead.
Now imagine the room, the infant, abandoned in a cold, sterile, hospital. Father long gone. On his mission.
Almost lifeless.
Do you hear the monitor? Do you see the flat line jump, then jump again, and once more, until it continuously goes at a steady pace.
Or perhaps the pinched tube fixing itself to the posture it once had been, opening to let the air pass.
Or do you see her leg kick. Once. Twice. Then a third time. Squirming. Then finally drawing breath, accepting the oxygen offered.
By sheer luck, through undoubtable chance, and unquestionable impossibility... She survived.
End imagination.
Doctors later find Baby Girl Seed without her father and can’t get a hold of him, and since she’s breathing and making a good recovery, they tend to her health until she is given to the foster care system (something Joseph would likely feel guilt about if he ever found out).
For six years, Baby Girl Seed is now called Aria, and her stay in the foster homes since infancy has its moments of ups and downs, and gave her attachment and anxiety issues, poor social skills, probably bottled up depression and anger, however she did pick up skills on tinkering, keen observation and inventing. She’s adopted by the Rivers family, but only Mrs Rivers is really excited about it.
Aria makes a close connection with Mrs Rivers, but its short-lived, as Mrs Rivers passes away, and is left in the care of the neglectful Mr Rivers, the oldest River brother's malicious teasing, as well as the youngest River brother's ghost-like presence. Aria’s time at an all-girls school is filled with mocking words in regard to her status as the adopted Rivers child, unable to properly build connections with other girls in a deeply personal and empathetic level, as well as the fact her hobbies to tinker and invent aren’t “girly” and therefore not interesting to any of the girls.
Three years later, in 2007, at age 9, Aria’s never felt so lonely.
Then 26-year-old Silva and her fellow Tumultites kidnap Mr Rivers (the previous captain of the Enforcers in Omar’s Guard) to get whereabouts of Father Adam Omar and what he’s been doing, planning on letting him go afterwards.
However, Oscar Lapis, the new current captain, intercepts the Tumultites at a factory along with his patrol of Enforcers.
The Rivers' brothers make the stupid decision to rescue their father during a shootout, while Aria tries to help by taking advantage of the factory’s main functions and using one of her inventions to blow up the pressure built.
She gets blown out the window but survives so she’s not complaining and is rather cheery that her invention worked.
How about everyone else?
Well, Mr Rivers is dead, Oscar retreated with the remaining enforcers who hadn’t been obliterated in the explosion, Silva and her fellow Tumultites survived and are recovering, and oldest brother gets mad at Aria and leaves her behind in the rain as he takes an unconscious youngest brother to a hospital.
Long-story-short, this leads to Silva finding Aria alone, and the girl jumps into the older woman’s arms despite the scarring surrounding Silva’s deformed illuminating silver left eye, contrasting her healthy normal grey right eye, making her look quite intimidating. So Silva pretty much adopts Aria on the spot because she knows what its like to be abandoned to fend for herself.
And so, Silva and the Tumultites take Aria back home... to the Underworld.
You see, this now goes into main story territory.
The next events to happen are in these stories (that are yet to come out I’m afraid).
First would be Of Mother And Daughters, which takes place in the eleven years 9-year-old Aria spends with Silva in the Underworld, fighting for control over the cesspool of a society to gain the power and resources necessary to build Tumult, a place where Silva’s people and the people of the Underworld can have stability again, away from the present society and Father Omar’s society as well. First arc Includes politics, murder, questionable morals, sabotage, mother-daughter bonding, Aria transitioning to her own identity as Azriel, and found family with tearjerkers and heart-warming moments mixed in between. As well as introductions to how characters met characters. There is a time skip at some point where Azriel is no longer 9 turning 10 years old and is 12 turning 13 in the second arc, where the Tumultites are gathering more people and transitioning a full presence over in Hope County. The third arc will have Azriel at age 15 (and over) as the Tumultites establish themselves in Hope County right until the arrest of Joseph happens, leading to the second story
Then comes the second story, that being the main story of Far Cry El Industrial’s Reign, which takes place during the events of Far Cry 5, except the Tumultites are major players as well, and trying to live honestly and build their dream city. Eden's Gate and Omar's Guard become a major problem to that goal though, especially with revelations between families.
The last story is the New Dawn post story, which as Persephone Omar act as Thomas Rush's Captain of Security. Tumult has been built and it thrives. At that point the story could either take a fluffy slice of life happy ending or a bittersweet goodbye for Azriel to move on to her own life, acknowledging her grief with help from what remains of her family.
Anyway, that's all folks.
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simplegenius042 · 1 year
Far Cry El Industrial's Reign AU Post #6
[NOTE: I wish I could have made a more refined version of this, but this is the best I'm gonna post]
You know, the relationship between the Seeds and the Tumultite Distraction Team (Silva (kind of?), Azriel, Alexander Khaos and Nadi Sinclair) is something that gets me chuckling.
Mostly because by how much an outside-context foe the Tumultite inner circle is to the Seeds. Like, really, who could have guessed that this reserved group of business owners who run a diner are kind of unhinged and scary tactical?
At first the Seeds have to deal with Silva, the leader of the Tumultites (arguably, the most important and powerful member, like Joseph), strategically disrupting each regions' operations, with a "controlled chaos" if you will. Converting her to the cause would mean an assured victory against the Resistance after all (since the Tumultites would follow her to Hell and back). Besides, they've had their first meetings by this point (John's been personally tasked by Joseph to ensure she reaches Atonement, Jacob has just begun conditioning her, and Faith just got her to do the Leap). After their first kidnappings meetings with each other, the next time an attack occurs on their regions their automatic thought is "ah she's back for more".
But nope! It's not her at all. In fact, John, Jacob and Faith's regions are getting attacked by Nadi, Alexander and Azriel respectively and simultaneously, throwing the Seeds off with the level of destruction and skill these guys are capable of/have acquired.
And where's Silva at? Well, if Alexander, Azriel or Nadi are captured by the aforementioned Seed siblings, they'll answer along the lines of "she's at an important meeting with the Barons down in the Underworld, don't worry, she'll be back in a few days."
Now, if you think about it, Jacob would probably be the most miffed about it, as he just began conditioning Silva. Now he has to deal with an entirely different person. And unlike Silva, Alexander is almost impossible for Jacob and his Chosen to catch (perks of being a Ranger in the Whitetails and witnessing how the Chosen work). In fact, the only reason Jacob managed to even meet Alexander in the first place wasn't because he finally captured him, but only because Alexander got caught in his own trap that was meant for Jacob while practicing his monologue for the older Seed. Jacob having to deal with this grinning idiot who has the audacity to call him "Jake" and/or "Jakey", somehow breaking into the Veteran's Centre whenever he pleases, eating their rations, leaving notes to let Jacob and his Chosen know it is him eating the rations (I can imagine at one point one of the Chosen, John or even Pratt try leaving a note for Alexander to stop eating the rations, only to get a reply note the next day with that crudely drawn picture of the cartoon character Goofy saying "I'll f***ing do it again"), changing the sound of the Wolf Beacons into the playlist from Shrek (it's Alexander's favourite franchise), hiding so well that Eli "I've got eyes everywhere in the Whitetails" Palmer doesn't even know where the hell he is, leading Chosen onto wild goose chases and just overall testing Jacob's reserved calm and patience. All the while Alexander happily engages in conversation whenever Jacob makes the mistake to call Alexander on the radio. And Alexander is completely genuine, not even bothered by Jacob's curt attitude, just happy he gets to talk to someone from a more decent cult.
[Context: Alexander came from an isolated cult that were severely traumatised by some events during WW2 and enslaved themselves to a pill called "Joy", with the trauma passing down to the next few generations as it got taken advantaged of by Klaus Crawford into becoming a free testing ground for many pharmaceutical companies. Once Alexander left that cult (after being subjected to trauma and a new drug called "Glee" that never makes him stop smiling/looking happy because of the mass dopamine/serotonin production/overload), he was shortly found by Silva who happily gave him a place amongst the Tumultites. By comparison, Alexander believes Eden's Gate is far tamer than Wellington ever was (at the very least Eden's Gate doesn't kill their children or pregnant women)]
I'd guess John would be mildly pissed. Considering Joseph told him "ensure Silva atones, or the gates are shut to you", John would take it personally that Silva just up and left while leaving one of her lackeys to deal with him. So now he's got to focus on this new sinner causing him problems. However, how Nadi deals with his region isn't really... destructive. In fact, she's rather merciful to John and his region than Azriel and Silva had been. Instead of destroying the "YES" sign, she secretly painted on it, depicting some coral, incomplete jellyfish, and what is clearly underwater in the ocean. Then she starts filling the gaps between the words with blank canvases, until it's no longer a "YES" sign and is actually a painting of the ocean, jellyfish, coral and a whale's tail. And while breathtakingly beautiful to anyone else who sees it, it's doubtful that would be John's immediate reaction. Instead of destroying silos, Nadi and some other Tumultites decide to steal the fertiliser in the silos and transfer it to their own silo trucks, and any bliss canisters found are then driven out of the Valley and somehow disappear at the bridge to the Henbane, never actually confirmed to have entered that region (until Silva takes the Jessop Conservatory, which is a private affair that none of the Cougars nor Resistance know of, instead becoming a lab of sorts for Kamski Neon to do his experiments, especially with Bliss). When captured for Confession, Nadi doesn't tell John anything about her life nor her fears and secrets and sins and is rather unimpressed when he demands of it while pointing a sharp utensil at her, but vocally disapproves so casually whenever John tries to reach for one of the tools/knives/torture equipment in his tool kit and makes suggestions for which type is most effective or suitable for this type of torture and how to use those instruments in a way that doesn't kill the receiver but still leaves them uncomfortable and/or in enough pain to get the receiver to probably talk, both an indication to John that Nadi is intimately knowledgeable in the arts of torture, whether she's received it or inflicted it (likely both), and a subtle (heavily implied to be the case since Nadi has seen the dead bodies casted in funeral shrouds cast in the dark) nudge from Nadi in guiding John on how to shape out of his sloppy treatment of his confessors so he doesn't go too far and accidently kill them. Even if he does follow her advice, she still doesn't break a word but does encourage him to try this less risky (though still painful) technique on others to see how quickly they'll confess to him than before, while also giving him kudos for trying to use her own technique against her. Nadi mostly leaves John's ranch alone. Unless he's over there and its dinner time, then she sneaks in and strikes a sort of deal with him. On nights he's home, he allows her to join him for dinner without drugging, kidnapping or shooting her beforehand or afterwards and she'll let him ask his questions about her life, sins and secrets (with her being free to do the same, and their conversation must stay between them otherwise deal's off) until she's finished her plate, then questions are over, and John will have to wait another night till she freely confesses again. Whenever he calls her on the radio, she's as cheerful as she is in person, and still calm all the same, often engaging in some light-hearted banter with him. Always ending with a tender, "Talk to you later, John." Because she genuinely likes talking to him, and any threat he throws doesn't faze her, and never falls for his barbs that would cause her to stoop down to his level, while being patient when he wants to have a proper discussion without the unnecessary threats and wrath.
Faith, though? God bless her soul, because she'll need it. She's not dealing with an uncatchable chatterbox troll. Nor is she dealing with a reasonably mellow cheerful artist with a sniper rifle and a scary amount of knowledge on torture. No, Faith has to deal with Azriel. The daughter of the woman that Faith would rather be dealing with, since the worst Faith got from Silva was a suspicious glance/glare, and sarcasm, but often times the woman at least gave Faith the time of day. But Azriel really puts Faith's maternal role to the test. Azriel is the unruly chaotic demon-child to Faith's disciplinary, stern yet playful adult. Azriel is exactly like a game of Russian Roulette; you never know where the bullet is, and whether or not it's real or just a blank. Or in this case, Faith doesn't know what mood to expect from Azriel, whether her emotions are genuine or not, and the mood swings between "thinking Faith is the most badass woman ever (on par with her Mamá, Silva) and someone she kind of respects" to "a decent if annoying religious bother figure that she mostly ignores" and to most commonly "the worst person she's ever met in the county". To summarise: Azriel is kind of like Faith in a way; Faith is either a sweet, free-spirited loving figure who wants the best for you or she's a vindicative and terrifying goddess of spite with powers that will give those most tethered to reality a literal mind-screw, while Azriel can either be a cheeky, playfully rebellious teenager or the literal foulmouthed goddess of chaos incarnate. Difference is that Faith is keeping by Eden's Gate rules and her violence is a) carefully constructed in an orderly fashion, and b) benefits only the Project, while Azriel's is painfully (for the Peggies and Resistance) keeping by her own questionable morals, values and beliefs that directly tie to a romanticised and simplified version of the Tumultite ideals, and her violence is a) unpredictable and frequent, and b) does not benefit her enemies (Peggies) nor allies (Resistance) in the slightest, with Silva and the Tumultites generally being spared from harm (while gaining little benefit from it depending on what Azriel's task was in the first place). Azriel's focus on the present also hinders any effort Faith can try to attempt at converting Azriel with, since Azriel's so focused on the now that she honestly could not care less worrying about the future, and therefore, the Collapse as well. And the level of chaos and destruction she causes is also the bare minimum of what she is actually capable of doing. And if this small level of destructive power is as detrimental to the Resistance as it is to Eden's Gate, then it's really best not to think about if Azriel was given free reign to do as she pleases (and the only authority Azriel respects is Silva, Grandpa Paul and Gavin Turquoise, two currently aren't in the county and the other is in the county but is only focused on being lookout for any Adam's Guard activity). Another fun comparison between the two is that Faith and Azriel are both embodiments of certain concepts (faith and chaos/tumult in this case), loved by majority of Eden's Gate and the Tumultites respectively, adored by their groups leaders (Joseph and Silva) and are hated and feared by everyone outside of their respective communities (Faith by the Resistance, Azriel also by the Resistance and majority of the Peggies, as well as Omar's Guard. Strangely the Tumultites don't feel any contempt towards Faith, and by their standards, her methods and achievements are impressive to them, with Silva often lamenting that she would have made a great Chem Baroness in the Underworld if things were different).
Plot relevant: Faith notices that Azriel's eyes are a familiar blue and that her voice has a mix of two accents; mostly Spanish (like her Mamá's) but with a subtle and familiar southern drawl. Not to mention, Azriel's gazes are as intense as Joseph's is.
Things get worse when the trio decide to switch regions regularly, with the siblings having to deal with what the other complained about.
(Nadi deals Jacob with more caution than she does with John, since John strangely enough (as she's freely admitted to him) feels far safer than Jacob and opts to take a far more militaristic approach with the eldest Seed, while with Faith, Nadi loses a bit of grip on reality often but bounces back rather quickly. Honestly tries to build a kind of 'gossip girl' dynamic with Faith. Alexander is still a chatterbox of useless information to John (Khaos tells John all about the Shrek franchise and how much John needs to just chill out, while at the same time eating the Baptist's snacks at Seed Ranch that Alexander snuck in because lets be honest, that place has the worst security) and Faith (Khaos talks to Faith about medicine and pharmaceutical properties... and Shrek), but he doesn't find them as endearing as Jacob is to him. John despises Azriel, who is a brat to him, and an absolute nightmare whose actions encourage John's worst impulses. Jacob on the other hand is increasingly weary around her, especially when, later on, she storms into the Veteran's Centre herself, leaving one-third of it on fire, numerous bodies left behind, just to only get Silva out, completely forgetting about Pratt).
And then when Silva makes a return, there's a collective sigh of relief from both the Resistance and Eden's Gate, and if captured, Silva would ask if they enjoyed the company of her companions.
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Far Cry El Industrial's Reign AU Poll Post #1
Joseph Seed is the cult leader of the Project at Eden's Gate and the Prophet of the Voice (supposedly God) prophesising the apocalypse known as the Collapse, that he is preparing, along with his siblings and followers, to await for seven years in three bunkers (John's Bunker in Holland Valley, Jacob's Armoury in the Whitetail Mountains, and Faith's Gate in the Henbane River) to pass over before exiting the bunkers to build a new Garden, regressing back to a form of spiritual purity with no technology. To get these resources and land, Eden's Gate proclaims war against the locals of Hope County after a failed arrest on Joseph occurs and begins the Reaping, where mass kidnappings, murder, stealing and brainwashing occur. Joseph believes this to be necessary as the Collapse draws nearer.
Azriel is the 20-year-old adopted daughter of Silva (the 37-year-old leader of the Nation of Tumult Movement, the antithesis to Eden's Gate), and she is causing a lot of damage to Eden's Gate (mostly in the Henbane) and has a knack for both constructive and explosive inventions and is actually Joseph's biological thought to be dead infant daughter that he believed he had sacrificed (pinched her breathing tubes shut at the hospital) to prove his faith to the Voice.
The Voice schemes to have Azriel dead. Wants the sacrifice it was promised. Absolutely hates her and Silva because it can't control or tempt them.
Note: To explain the 9th option, Silva is a demiromantic lesbian.
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Far Cry El Industrial’s Reign AU Post #5
I can confirm, some of the Tumultites (including Silva and Azriel) were at the Rye’s barbecue where the infamous watery macaroni and cheese the Seeds’ brought was.
Silva, Nadi and Alexander (with Azriel probably tinkering in Carmina’s garage) however we’re too busy getting to know the likes of the Rye’s, Fairgrave’s, Jerome and other residents to notice or even meet the Seeds in person, but Isiah and Gemini did meet them and witnessed the existence of the watery macaroni and cheese.
They told Gavin about it the next day and the Turquoise lawyer added that incident as another reason why he thought Eden’s Gate and the Seed Family sucked. (Schrödinger was exasperated by their parent’s antics, which had become a daily trend).
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simplegenius042 · 1 year
Far Cry El Industrial's Reign AU Post #4
John and Gavin would absolutely get in a fist fight in a Wendy's parking lot.
Nadi would be rooting for her future husband (John) while Azriel would be rooting for her future father-in-law (Gavin).
Who would win? Hard to say. Both have some combat experience due to their relations with their loved ones (Jacob likely taught John basic self-defence and offense, and Gavin has simple training, especially street-wise or playing dirty). Both aren't exactly fighters, they both like to break people by talking (they're both lawyers). And both strongly dislike each other that much that both are determined enough to win.
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Far Cry El Industrial's Reign WIP Post #2
Enjoy another snippet of another WIP fic on Far Cry El Industrial's Reign storyline, off the main road.
Chapter 1 of To Become Whole, from Industrial!Silva's perspective as she observes a briefing between the Tumultites and the Sheriff's Department.
This fic will mostly focus on Azriel's POV next chapter and so on, but will diverge into other's viewpoints as they watch this typical Yellowjack drama unfold...
“We’ve seen their transports from all around the regions,” Pratt points out, “The number of arrests we’ve conducted has increased since the Peggies arrived. Isn’t that enough to constitute just how dangerous they are?”
“Listen,” Burke breathes, reeling in his irritation, “It isn’t that simple. With how much of a mess this country is, the higher ups aren’t just going to focus all their attention on one measly group of people causing a bit of trouble while several other disasters wreck the United States.”
“It’s that bad, huh?” the Sheriff questions, with only the Marshal nodding in confirmation, “Well colour us shit out of luck.”
“Not entirely,” Silva speaks up, Gavin and Azriel sitting by her, “Marshal, if your superiors were shown definitive proof that Eden’s Gate is as much or as worse of a problem as all the other issues happening in this country, then could they lend a helping hand?”
“…Hypothetically, that could very likely work,” the Marshal affirms, “Speaking of which, you still need to convince me that this isn’t just some regular church that just happens to have a congregation with past criminal records.”
Gavin sighs, “If that blog and their tapes weren’t enough to convince you, then we’re gonna need to do something a little riskier, I imagine.”
Whitehorse, for his credit, is the one who voices out his idea to get the Marshal onboard, that allows a chance for Joseph to pay for his suspected crimes and Silva to get the land to build her Tumult.
“I guess the only way to gather evidence is from the inside,” the Sheriff says, “We might need to turn this into an undercover operation.”
It was a pretty logical solution. Risky, but logical.
Silva does have the courage to ask though, “Will this effect our deal in any way?”
“No, with your cooperation and support, Ms Yellowjack, you will get your Tumult by the end of this mess,” Whitehorse replies.
Silva hums in satisfied acknowledgement, leaning back in her chair, observing the following exchange and plans.
Again, it wasn’t a bad idea. And with the promise of Tumult secured, it wasn’t something she was going to be against.
One problem though. They couldn’t agree on who could go.
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Far Cry El Industrial's Reign WIP Post #1
A/n Hey guys! Here's a snippet of one of my fanfics yet to be published. It is non-canon to the main storyline, however it is also gives an insight to the inner-workings of the characters and stories, and may include what I do want to include and things that I may and will leave out.
Either way, enjoy this WIP snippet of Industrial!Silva and Faith Seed in Chapter 1 of A Moment Of Weakness below...
Reading from the toxin levels of the lower depths of the Underworld to the sieges on rival gangs that refused to unite, a knock at her office door was the least Silva was expecting, especially since she was sure she had the diner all to herself for the time being.
The Resistance had required enough numbers to perform a siege on the Veteran’s Centre, and Azriel’s presence was already overwhelming enough for them to warrant excluding Silva from it.
She hadn’t minded of course. But what she did mind was someone interrupting her from important business.
“Come in,” Silva responded, expecting one of the Resistance fighters, or at the very least one of her own coming back to report on the Veteran Centre’s status. Azriel does tend to go overboard if no one was keeping her grounded.
Taking one last glance at the document before putting it back in the drawer under her desk, she glanced up to see who had entered her office.
Only to see an unexpected yet familiar face.
Blinking, then blinking again, her functional grey eye gawked at the decidedly not-apparition of the very woman she had been pondering about not just moments before.
“…Faith,” Silva tested, “This sure is… an unexpected surprise.”
Faith Seed. In the flesh. Smiling even as she stood dripping wet in her saturated white dress, barefoot in her office. Silva noticed a pair of sandals in the younger woman’s hand, mud clumped on the soles.
“A welcoming one I would hope,” Faith said, shiver barely noticeable.
Humming, Silva replied, “I would describe it as pleasant.”
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WIP News
Might start posting snippets of around seven sentences of Work-In-Progress stories soon, both canonical to the main storylines or just non-canon(ish) one-off stories that I've been practicing my writing skill with.
Enjoy your day.
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Industrial!Silva and Joseph Seed - Both Foils and Antithesis of each other
Far Cry El Industrial’s Reign focuses on these two characters (aside from Azriel and many others), especially since both are technically the main anti-villain protagonists. Not to mention, this focus on Joseph and Silva is also due to their connection to Azriel, Silva’s adopted hija, but Joseph’s biological daughter. So of course, it only felt natural that (at least this version of) Silva and Joseph would have similarities and contrasts in both personality/character, ideologies, relationships, goals, etc. So why don’t we just cut to the chase:
Comparing Silva and Joseph
Both are charismatic leaders of extreme groups looking to create a community perfect for them (the Nation of Tumult Movement and the Project at Eden’s Gate respectively), who connect with their followers on an almost emotional and personal level, with followers who earnestly believe in them with little doubt, often invoking violence they believe is necessary for their causes.
Both are technically an elder, younger and the middle sibling in the Yellowjack and Seed families (Silva is older than Elsa, Tiri and Fýredel, but younger than Gaius, Nashira and Adaro, with Joseph being John and Faith’s older brother and Jacob’s younger brother), which include an older sibling who is cold, often distant but loyal (Nashira and Adaro for Silva, Jacob for Joseph), a younger sibling/s who admire and look up to them (Elsa, Tiri and Fýredel for Silva, John and Faith for Joseph), and both have an adopted family member/s (the entire Yellowjack family and Azriel sans her half-sister Elsa for Silva, Faith(s) for Joseph). PLUS both have an abusive father (Adam Omar for Silva and Old Man Seed as well as unnamed foster fathers for Joseph).
Joseph and Silva both have physical (and mental) scars.
Both have had rough childhoods and abusive parent/s, and even tougher adulthood, which may include the loss of the love of their lives and were left as single parents to a child.
Interestingly enough, Silva and Joseph are parents to the same child, with Joseph being the biological father of Azriel, while Silva is her adoptive madre.
Personality-wise, both are calm and collected, can almost be described as emotionless sometimes, and often never losing their grasp on their emotions unless circumstances become too pressuring, and they have no choice but to let out a raw emotional reaction.
They both recognise the world is suffering to some extent and are to some extent preparing for the repercussions of society’s failure by building a community that will allow their people to thrive and live to their fullest.
Silva and Joseph have a person who physically embodies the spirit of certain concepts/beliefs (Faith as “faith” for Joseph and Azriel as the youthful spirit of Tumult/Jannah).
Both are capable of forming alliances with other parties if they believe it to be necessary.
Both love and care for their family members and subordinates deeply and are often guilty of letting them have free reign but will step in if they believe that member has gone too far in an action.
Both picked Hope County for the very reason that it looked to be the perfect space to set their community up in.
Both have rules and lines they never dare cross and expect everyone else in their group to do the same.
Silva and Joseph also have a distaste with how the current society does things and treats its people.
Both worship an almost godly figure who fill them with hope and purpose again after experiencing one of the worst moments in their lives (Jannah for Silva, the Voice for Joseph).
However, the contrasts are what set up the antithesis that is Silva and Joseph.
Yes, they are both charismatic leaders, as stated above, however, Joseph focuses on the general suffering and wrongdoing done against people in a religious context, while Silva personally connects via varying experiences of personal betrayal, oppression, injustice and low points of despair and feeling powerless to stop/do anything.
Joseph seeks a life of peaceful happiness without suffering for himself and his followers, while Silva seeks independence for the people of the Underworld to validate and empower them in ways society failed or refused to do.
Joseph and Eden’s Gate commit violence when he feels it is necessary to, while Silva and the Tumultites commit violence when the situation absolutely calls for it and there is no other choice, especially if she is unable to convince the other party for a truce/to surrender or influence them in some way.
Not to mention their ideologies contrast each other greatly; Joseph believes by forsaking sin (which may or may not include suppressing it as well) and returning to a level of spiritual “purity” once again, they can have a rather peaceful and fulfilled life, while Silva has this belief that taking/gaining and having any type of power is a way of gaining respect amongst the masses and a form of security for herself (the latter is an association formed when she was First Lieutenant Inventoress during her adolescence in a time where Enforcers and Father Omar were actively hammering their abuse on the revolting rebels of the Mines), with “sin” (aka primal forms of humanity) and the chaos that comes with it being something to admire and not be ashamed of (she and many of the Mines occupants had to do a lot of violent actions that made them feel alive during their war with the more detestable and hypocritical Overcity and their Enforcers, and then there’s Silva's ideology of tapping into those extremely violent/monstrous urges that she formed when she almost drowned by Father Omar’s hands), as that is what makes people like her powerful and respected (she’s not ashamed of her identity as an Underworlder/Tumultite, she embraces it, despite having originally being born in the Overcity, and having biological connections to Father Omar), and by embracing this primal/monstrous aspect of herself, she can not only feel alive, but also validated and more appreciative of her life in a way, especially after all she had to do/went through to achieve her goals of Tumult.
Joseph’s scars are self-inflicted and only on his body but never his face, while Silva’s scars had only been inflicted on her by others, which is mostly covered by her clothing, as it makes up most of her body. Not only her body, but her face as well, most evident is the deformity of her left eye, which consists of a black sclera and an illuminated silver iris, the surrounding area of her left eye has scarring that came from the toxins mixing with the polluted filth that had been dumped in the river.
Silva has only ever had one person to physically represent the spiritual embodiment of Tumult/Jannah (just as she physically represents the ideological embodiment of Tumult/Jannah), that being her adopted hija, Azriel. Meanwhile, Rachel is the latest and the longest lasting “Faith” that Joseph had converted (replacing Selena and Lana, who were either killed by an early, less “pure” version of Bliss or by Joseph and Eden’s Gate, or even both, but this is still ambiguous).
Joseph believes wholeheartedly that the Voice is God and the Collapse is coming, while Silva knows Jannah was a human (not a goddess) but worships her nonetheless for that very reason (God's depiction as a "perfect" entity that can do no fault, and who's word is absolute law, which reminds Silva of Adam's hypocritical view of himself.. However, Jannah was a human woman that had existed on Earth. She went through similar troubles that Silva did, and had made mistakes when she was alive, but owned up to them, not to mention her heroism inspired and saved many Tumultites in her time and the present time. While Jannah was imperfect, Silva saw those imperfections as relatable, and could make a meaningful connection with a woman long dead, unlike the Voice/God).
In a certain (and I mean no disrespect when I say this) point of view, Joseph can be seen as the "perfect" man, while Silva can be seen as the "imperfect" woman (given her mannerisms and intersex status, which she's long accepted isn't a bad part of her identity unlike what Adam tried to make her feel, which is true, it isn't).
Silva is loyal to her family and people, while Joseph has canonically proven to only be loyal to his faith and the Voice, despite how much he loves his family, if the Voice said to kill them, there is the likely possibility he would go through with it as he did with Baby Girl Seed (or Azriel in this context) as it is "God's Will".
Silva doesn't get disappointed; she gets angry or frustrated. While Joseph never gets angry, just disappointed. In other words; Silva's anger is a way to express her feelings (whether it be in a curt but calm tone or loud yelling) and denies letting the injustice that may have occurred slip by, while Joseph's disappointment is a form of acceptance.
Note: More so a connection with John rather than Joseph, but like how John believes everyone is born sinful, Silva believes everyone’s primal sin/inner monster inherits a certain nobleness, and only becomes un-noble when people cross the moral horizon.
[Might update this more later but here’s what I have so far]
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Nadi Sinclair (from Far Cry El Industrial's Reign AU)
Nadi Sinclair is amongst the few people within Silva's inner Tumultite circle. She's a military strategist and acts as the Tumultites tactical interrogator. She's got a cheerful spirit and is high on life... despite what she went through in Afghanistan. She really needs to find better taste in dates but she doesn't care. French with Iranian heritage. Fantastic sharpshooter as well.
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / street trash / slave / unsure
✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying
✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children (it’s complicated) / has no children / wants children
◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling is deceased
◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / raised by a single parent
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
♦ dis-organized / organized / in between
♦ close minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ leader / follower / in between
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦ traditional / modern / in between
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured / uncultured  / in between / unknown
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith : monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✮ Belief in an Afterlife : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✯ Belief in Reincarnation : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃ Belief in Aliens : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧ Religious : orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
❀ Philosophical : yes / no / sometimes
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / complicated, very very complicated
❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all / depends
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all / depends
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic/Music Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
(I believe I know what the last one means)
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Far Cry El Industrial's Reign Post #3
The Yellowjacks and Tumultites are pretty much the inverse to the Seeds and Eden's Gate.
Joseph and his brothers are biological, while Faith is the adopted one. Their followers act as Joseph's spiritual children, but are more often than not seen as guards, soldiers, or labour workers by the rest of the siblings, even with Joseph he didn't bat an eye when those followers gave the name of the vehicle "chopper" a whole new and grimmer meaning. The Seeds obviously care about their followers (to an extent), but they're not fussed about continually sending them out to die in Far Cry 5 to capture Rook, when, like Jacob and Faith have clearly demonstrated, they themselves are skilled and capable enough of capturing/luring Rook without much effort. While this method does keep Joseph and his family (mostly) out of danger in order to strategize and lead their followers from afar, Joseph and his siblings are also sending their underequipped and unskilled believers (especially the regular Peggies, the Chosen and Angels get a minor pass for being only mildly able to handle themselves and stand their ground) against not only the Resistance but also the likes of the Nation of Tumult Movement. Who have an alliance with each other.
Meanwhile Paul adopted Silva, Nashira, Adaro, Fýredel, Gaius and Tiri, who all aren't biologically related, with only Elsa being Silva's half-sister and Persephone being Silva's only biological daughter (until Mercy comes along later, becoming Persephone's half-sister) and Azriel being Silva's only adopted daughter and Persephone's (as well as Mercy's) adopted sister. Not to mention, Paul and Kamski have a strong brother-in-arms connection, just like Silva and Ezekiel do, with Ezekiel becoming Kamski's and Irene's unofficial son/brother. Special mention goes to the fact Gemini Teal is Obadiah Teal's nibling, his sister's mite, which technically makes Paul also their uncle, due to his relationship with Obadiah. Schrödinger is Gavin Turquoise's adopted mite. Gemini Teal and Isiah Popov are the bestest of friends, with Nadi Sinclair and Alexander Khaos being a part of Silva's close-knit social circle, with the Tumultite Idealist often referring to the former two as her hermana and hermano respectively. Silva, much like Joseph, cares deeply about her people, however, she's not one to put them in immediate danger, so the most dangerous and risky tasks go to herself and to those she knows are skilled enough and capable enough to handle it, as she views her fellow Tumultites as the future. While this means less death on the Tumultite side, there's also the fact Silva and her closest friends/family are risking their own lives, which would bring down morale on the rest of the Tumultites if they lost them (though if Silva or any of the others lost their lives to the cult, that would grant the rest of the Tumultites permission to stop holding back and bring in all fighters, and even risk a war with the Underworld itself, as Silva hasn't made her people dependent on her to bring about Tumult, which may not be the case for Joseph, his family and Eden's Gate. In other words, killing Silva wouldn't stop the Tumultites as she has given them enough independence and power for themselves to continue the plans for Tumult that she herself shared with them without her, while killing Joseph would likely cause one final retaliation but would inevitably stop Eden's Gate, even Joseph's siblings, in their progress since Joseph was the only one who knew what could and would happen after the Collapse and in New Eden, which is one of the downsides to being a prophet... no one knows God's plan but you. Causing the Flock to be dependent entirely on Joseph's visions. With Joseph lost, they likely wouldn't know what to do with themselves).
The only bridge that connects both groups with each other is Azriel (Joseph's biological daughter and Silva's adopted hija), Holly Pepper (a former Eden's Gate cultist now newly recruited Tumultite convert), Mercy (Silva and Faith's daughter) and both groups mutual (for Eden's Gate, newly acquired) hatred and disgust towards the Enforcement Guards of Adam (aka Father Omar and his Enforcers).
So yeah.
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Far Cry El Industrial's Reign Post #2
In Far Cry 5 and Far Cry El Industrial's Reign too, majority of the Hope County resident Resistance and Tumultites have qualms against Eden's Gate for a lot of justified reasons.
Gavin Turquoise on the other hand is the only one amongst the Tumultites who just dislikes Eden's Gate in general with no particular reason. It was like instant dislike as soon as he saw that cross. Triggering some kind of hate instinct deeply embedded him from who knows when.
Pretty much he just woke up one day and happened to see some Eden's Gate fellas walking by and just went, "Yep... those are my enemies now. I'm their enemy too. We're enemies. Nothing can stop it, nothing can change it, it's sealed now. They're gonna make my life miserable, so I'm gonna make their life miserable too."
And this was before he knew they were a cult or doing shady and suspicious shit, but that just allowed him to bully a lot of them (and John) in court where he absolutely did send some of these "Peggies" behind bars.
He definitely gained a reputation amongst the Project, as a Tumultite lawyer who is definitely out for their (figurative) blood, and outright hated by majority of the members, and frustrating to John when all he could do was manage to lessen some sentences or some occasions get them out of trouble with just a smack on the wrist.
And they can't make Gavin just disappear because he's the Tumultites only known and most popular lawyer, so his disappearance will not only have the Sheriff's Department and residents of Hope County on their ass, but also the Tumultites too, who at this point had been amicable and affable to any encounters with Eden's Gate members, not really wanting to cause any confrontations despite their opposing ideals.
The fact that Gavin's ties to the Tumultite actually have no influence on his irrational dislike towards Eden's Gate. The other Tumultites are just trying to live honestly without causing much trouble with Silva often having to remind Gavin to just, "Chill and lay off of Eden's Gate for once in a while."
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