#far more embarrassing for the rando with late 20s marxist-leninist occultist in their bio who bothered to come all the way to my blog to
horreurscopes · 10 months
hey i love ur blog n im sorry that a fucking phone blog is being an ass. love seeing ur posts
hi! thank you, i'm alright! it got to me for a second because i too am autistic about phones and found phoneid very delightful, so it was shocking + hurtful to recieve because i am a person with feelings. but i was cheered up by my many beloved mutuals and friends reminding me they have my back when people are disproportionately disparaging and demeaning online. the live-in bestie kissed my head and made me laugh and we had phone time in bed together. it was extremely cozy :')
the important takeaway here is that it is indeed possible to be around 30 and older and like, be online and have interests. any kind of insult along the lines of "how are you [age] and still..." is just reinforcing the idea that life ends when your 20s end and will eventually bite anyone using it in the ass
the implication was that it is somehow immature of me to be interested in ~dark themes~ in storytelling and fiction and talking about them with fellow adults on the very much completely insignificant-in-the-grand-scheme-of-things blogging platform tumblr dot com. the reality is that building connections with your community in real life is gonna have a much more real impact in the world than years of wasted time harassing strangers online
i think it'd be much more embarrassing for me to still feel like i'm somehow a terrible person because i want the homestuck clonetwins to kiss. as you age it becomes clear that, sincerely, in the words of a long gone great blogger, not to be fake deep but none of this is real
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