#far more tolerable than most CCM
timbetold · 8 years
Track #10
Since the album “Friends and Foes” was released this past Christmas, I’ve been fielding a lot of private messages with questions regarding my sexual orientation due to a song called “Lay Your Burdens Down.”
The simple answer to those questions is: Yes, I am gay.
I know this may catch some of you off guard or confirm some long held suspicions - or maybe you simply don’t care. Either way, it is something I haven’t felt the need or desire to share publicly until now. This is perhaps the most terrifying thing I have ever done in my adult life and it came down to a decision between my career and my integrity. I realize by sharing this I may have just destroyed everything I have built this past decade. Seeing as today is my birthday, it’s fitting that this marks the end of a journey and the beginning of new one.
When we released our first album in 2007, we were immediately classified as a Contemporary Christian band because I happened to write songs about my faith. Even Wikipedia labeled us as such. While I never considered us as exclusively part of the CCM genre, I realized that we were now in a position to have a profound impact on peoples' faiths. For this reason, I kept my orientation to myself for the past 10 years of my music career. I did not want to be publicly identified by something that’s only a part of what makes me who I am.
The other reason I kept it to myself was for the sake of the other people playing in my band. Every member was aware of who I was and they were all supportive, even though most of them held traditional theological stances. Because of this, it felt unfair to subject them to the inevitable questions and scrutiny that would accompany a public declaration of my orientation. It wasn’t their battle to fight and I did not want to jeopardize their ability to make a living as musicians. That is why when Andrew planned to leave this past year, it felt like the right time to share it.
One of my early memories of Sunday school was a teacher telling my junior high class that homosexuals were possessed by the devil. That statement would shape the way I related to God for the next decade of my life. I wrote “Lay Your Burdens Down” during the pinnacle of that struggle when I was convinced that God hated gay people - even celibate ones or ones trying to “cure” themselves. I saw it as a horrible curse – a predetermined condemnation for those destined for God’s wrath. And there was plenty of rhetoric coming from certain parts of the church to bolster this idea. I felt incredibly alone even though I had come out to most of my close friends and family. At the time I could only write the first two verses and choruses and then I shelved the song for 2 years. I didn’t know how to end the song because I had no answer for the question I was asking: “Does God love me?”
It was the question I had been asking myself for most of my life. The one question I agonized over late at night when I prayed to what often seemed like a silent and absent God. And then one day the words came to me for the 3rd verse:
They say I’m ruined but I’m only human They say it could be Satan, but God, I’m your creation What is and isn’t sin, I’ll let it go and let you in All this time I was praying, all this time you were saying: “Come lay your burdens down on me.”
It hit me like a ton of bricks and I burst into tears as I sang it. The revelation fundamentally changed my perspective not only on homosexuality but on Christianity as a whole. I had spent the greater part of my life trying to appease the wrath of a God who wasn’t even angry at me.
I used to be the king of religious behavior modification. I thought if I was holy enough, pure enough, chaste enough, God would tolerate me in spite of my “struggle.” But my legalism quickly spread like a disease to others in my life. I would feel actual rage when I saw other Christians behaving in ways that I thought were not in step with holy standards. I was jealous of their freedom so I tried to oppress them with my own enslavement and self-loathing.
But over time I began to realize that the heart of Christianity was not primarily about behavioral change. It’s firstly about spiritual change. It is about making a broken soul whole again and restoring its connection with the divine. Something that religious law could never do. The power of the gospel isn’t about scaring people out of hell but healing and restoring people from within. The Christian’s piety is not a result of strict adherence to rules, but the inevitable fruit of a soul that knows it is loved and forgiven by God.
I don’t know all the answers and I am by no means the spokesperson for all gay Christians. I didn't come out to make a political statement or to criticize the church. I came out because I hear stories every month about people like me who want to die because they think God hates them. And when I think about how awful it felt as a 12 year old crying late at night while my family was asleep, I want to use whatever limited influence I have to give someone like me a little bit of hope. I am still learning in my own journey, and all I can be certain of is that God’s love must be foundational in that pursuit. If we withhold God’s love from those who we deem unworthy of it, then the gospel has no power and it is just impotent religiosity.
Whether homosexuality is sin or not is of little importance to me nowadays. It’s not that I don’t think it’s an important question, it’s just not the most important question. I have learned that it is often our obsession with sin avoidance that prevents us from ever really pursuing God himself. Still, some of you are probably curious where I have landed theologically on this issue.
The truth is, I really don’t know. And I hope there is room in the dialogue for that uncertainty. As far as my own personal life is concerned, I have been single and will continue to be single for the forseeable future. Not because I am convinced of homosexuality’s sinfulness but because I am at peace with my solitude. I’m not looking for a relationship because I no longer buy into the cultural narrative that you have to be married and have kids to fulfill your life’s calling... or to be happy. That may be an unsatisfactory answer for those of you who like definitive lines, but it is my honest answer. If you are convinced that homosexuality is indeed a sin and think that my stance is too soft, then by all means you are entitled to believe that. But whatever your beliefs may be, not a single one of us has the power to exile someone from the fold of God. And if there is wrongdoing to be reckoned with, I have faith that God is good enough and merciful enough to deal with our mistakes. All any of us can do is live the best lives we can with the information we have at hand.
I have never seen the world more divided than it has been in the past few years. We have stopped listening to one another and we relentlessly declare rhetorical and literal wars on those we disagree with. There was a time in my childhood when my best friend told me he would kill a homosexual if he ever met one. Today, he is the first one to stand in harm’s way to defend me and people like me. That didn’t happen from arguing with him or hurling insults at him. It happened because one summer after college I told him my story. I showed him the humanity behind the homosexuality. I told him about the loneliness, the constant feeling of condemnation no matter how hard I tried to be good. I told him how one night I sat on a bed with a knife in my hand contemplating ending my life because I thought God had forgotten me. My story materialized something that he had always seen as an unrelatable enigma. It didn’t change his mind. It changed his heart.
For those of you out there who feel like there are parts of you that are too terrible or shameful for God, those of you who have cried yourself to sleep wishing you had been born a different person, I have been in those same dark places and I will shine a light for you as you find your way. Unload that heavy weight you’ve been carrying. It doesn’t matter if you are gay, straight or somewhere inbetween; your story and journey matter regardless of how different or abnormal it appears. Anyone who tells you God hates you has never really known him.
The devil’s greatest deception is convincing us that only another person can determine when we are worthy of love. But no mortal man or institution is the gatekeeper to the heart of God. All that he asks of us is this: “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Love one another and be free,
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Genetic Variability and Genetic Advance of the Parameters of Water Exchange in Peanut Varieties (Arachis hypogaea L.) from the Bulgarian Selection- Juniper publisher JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL Of JOJ Horticulture & Arboriculture (JOJHA) Author: Stanislav Stamatov
Water exchange indices and leaf morphometry accounted in the process of a fructifying of 6 Bulgarian peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) variety created for a period of 31 years have been reported. The study was done to establish the genetic variability and genetic advancement of these indicators related to tolerance of varieties to water deficit. Moderate and strong genetic advancement has been reported with fresh mass (FW), dry mass (DW), water content (WC), transpiration, and water content to leaf area ratio (WC / LA). These indicators allow for genetic improvement. In all others, there is a need to enhance the variability by hybridization or mutation. In the study process it was found that environmental conditions played a major role in the manifestation of the estimate signs.
Keywords: Peanuts; Water exchange; Genetic variability; Genetic Advance; Selection
Abbreviations: Peanuts; Water exchange; Genetic variability; Genetic Advance; Selection Abbreviations: FW: Fresh Weight; DW: Dry Weight; WC: Water Content; RWC: Relative Water Content; CCL: Chlorophyll Content; LL: Leaf Length; LW: Leaf Width; LA: Leaf Area; SLA Specific Leaf Area; CTD: Surface Temperature Depression; σ2e: Environmental Variance; σ2p: Phenotypic Variance; σ2g: Genotypic Variance; Mse: Mean Square Error; Mst: Mean Square Treatment; PVC: Phenotypic Coefficient Of Variation; GVC: Genotypic Coefficient Of Variation; GA: Genetic Advance; GAM(%): Genetic Advance As Percentage Of Mean; x: Grand Mean Of A Character
Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) are grown predominantly in semi-dry regions of the tropics, where rainfall is volatile and insufficient and causing unpredictable stress [1]. In such areas, the amount of precipitation is often unpredictable, making planning for production difficult. Even peanuts grown with irrigation may experience water shortages due to limited irrigation options or water quantities that are insufficient for optimal plant growth. Despite the adaptation to the environment, peanut production is endangered when plants are subject to uneven watering during the flowering and pouring of the kernel. In drought-tolerant plants, this effect is reduced by physiological and biochemical changes to avoid dehydration. These include the expansion of the root system, the reduction of the potentiality of leaf water ductility, the closure of the mouth and osmotic regulation [2-5].
Due to the fact that the peanuts in Bulgaria are grown under irrigation conditions, Bulgarian varieties have not been evaluated so far as regards the water exchange indicators and the morphometric parameters associated with them. The nature, impact and genetic advancement of these indicators responsible for the reaction of individual varieties to water stress have not been established.
The nature and magnitude of genetic variability are essential to any breeding program. The conclusions, depending on the nature and magnitude of genetic variability, are of vital importance for the planning of an effective program for the potential event of the sign in the new genotypes. Establishing adequate variants due to the phenotype, genotype, and environment allows for targeted selection and hybridization capabilities. Genetic advance explains the degree of progress in the indicator achieved in a given variety by a certain selection pressure. The high value of genetic advancement offers the most appropriate requirement choice. It also shows the presence of genes interacting in the expression of the indicator, suggesting a reliable improvement of the cultures by selecting such signs. Estimates of genetic advancement are more reliable and meaningful than individual parameter readings [6]. According to [7], the higher phenotypic variance (PCV %) versus the genotype variant (GCV%) indicates that significant impacts on the expression of the indicator have the growing conditions and the environment.
The purpose of the study is to establish whether there are the significant genetic advancement and the nature of water change indicators in Bulgarian peanut varieties created for a 40 year period.
    Material and Methods
Place of the experiment
The experiment was conducted in the town of Sadovo, Bulgaria. The area of Sadovo is characterized by a transitional continental climate with its frequent and prolonged droughts. The average peanut vegetation period temperature for a 120- year period is 3165.2 °C, with a maximum of 23.7 °C average daily temperatures are in August. The amount of rainfall in the region is a variable character and is equal to 247.3l/m2 for the period. Typical are the drought in the months July-August during the active vegetation of the crops.
Plant Material
The experience was conducted with 6 varieties of Valencia peanuts from the Bulgarian selection, created for a period of 31 years. Sadovo 2609 is the oldest Bulgarian variety created in 1977. Kalina was created in 1987, Orphey and Kremena created in 2005, and Tcvetelina created in 2008.
Plot experiment
Plants of all varieties were planted in two rows of 2 m in length. The row spacing is 70cm and the plant spacing in the row 6cm. In this way 66 plants were harvested from each variety. Plants were regularly irrigated during the June-August active growing season.
Data collection
The data were collected from randomized plants in 2016 and 2017 in a fructifying phase. Reported are indices relation water exchange and morphological indicators:
i. Fresh (FW, g), dry (DW, g) weight and leaf water content (WC, g). Determination of fresh weights, dry weights and relative water content of the plants was performed using an analytical balance. Biomass (dry weight) was determined by drying the samples at 104 °C for 4 hours or by reaching constant weight in three consecutive measurements Beadle. Relative water content (RWC, %) and water quantity to a unit of dry matter synthesized ratio (g) rate of transpiration (mg/cm2/min).
ii. Relative water content (RWC, %) and water quantity to a unit of dry matter synthesized ratio (g). The relative water content (RWC, %) is determined as a percentage by the following formula: OEC, % = (CMM - CM) / (TM - CM) x 100 Turner.
iii. Rate of transpiration (mg/cm2/min). Calculation of the transpiration intensity in mg water/cm2 leaf area/min.
iv. Determination of the chlorophyll content in the CCI index. Determination of chlorophyll content. Relative to total chlorophyll content, reported as CCI (Chlorophyll content index) using the CCM 200+ apparatus, reads the total chlorophyll.
v. Leaf length (L, cm), sheet width (W, cm) and leaf area (LA, cm2). The leaf area LA (cm2) is calculated by the formula: S = L x H x 0.60, where: L-leaf length, H-maximum leaf width,0.60.isa specific peanut leaf factor
vi. Specific leaf area (SLA, cm2/g) and water quantity to unit leaf area ratio (gH20/cm2). The specific leaf area SLA (cm2/g-1) is defined as the leaf area of a leaf biomass unit: SLA = LA/DW where: LA is the leaf area; DM is the biomass of the leaves.
vii. Observation of surface temperature depression of CTD (°C) Indicator reading of Depression index of the leaf (Canopy temperature depression-CTD) with an infrared thermometer.
Statistical methods
The analysis of the variance was carried out using the statistical program SPSS 19.0. Evaluation of variation components, phenotypic and genotypic variance were evaluated according to the method proposed by [8] as follows:
1. Environmental variance (σ2 e) = Mse
2. Phenotypic variance (σ2p ) = (σ2g + σ = e )
3. Genotypic variance
Mse-mean square error, Mst-mean square treatment and r-replications
4. Phenotypic coefficient of variation and genotypic coefficient of variation
Phenotypic coefficient of variation
Genotypic coefficient of variation  
σ2p -phenotypic variance, σ2g -genotypic variance, x grand mean of a character
5. By [9], genetic advance (GA) and genetic advance as a percentage of a mean (GAM) were determined.
GA: Expected genetic advance
K: Standardized selection differential at 5% selection intensity (K =2.063)
σ2 p : Phenotypic variance
σ g : Genotypic variance
GAM: Genetic advance as percentage of mean
GA: Expected genetic advance
X: Grand mean of a character
Table 1 shows the results of the measurements of the water exchange indicators and the morphological features associated with them. The data shows that the oldest Bulgarian variety Sadovo 2609 transpire the largest water and at the same time it accumulates the least fresh and dry mass. The most effective transpiration have the newer varieties Kremena and Tsvetelina. These varieties transpirate the least amount of water but accumulate the largest amount of fresh and dry mass.
The largest leaves and leafarea, respectively, are characteristic of the older Kalina variety, but the variety has the lowest value of relative water content and water quantity per unit area ratio. Similar low water content rate shows the oldest variety Sadovo 2609. The newer varieties, Kremena, Orpheus and Tcvetelina are characterized by a higher degree of water content compared to the accumulated biomass.
The highest values of CTD were recorded for the oldest varieties Sadovo 2609 and Kalina, respectively-2.23 °C and -2.73 °C , but the available water is used inefficiently and mainly for cooling.
The newer Kremena and Orphey varieties are distinguished with the highest relative chlorophyll content, which exceeds the reported result for Sadovo 2609 and Kalina up to 30.0%.
The estimates of phenotypic (σ2p ), genotypic (σ2g ) and ecological (j2e ) variations, phenotypic (PCV) and genotypic (GCV) coefficients of variation, genetic advance and percentage of genetic progression versus mean are given in Table 2. The data in the table shows that there is no genotypic variation in water content per leaf area unit (gH20/cm2). This suggests that genes expressing the sign are homozygous as a result of the action of inbreeding. For all tested parameters, the phenotypic variance coefficient (PCV) is higher than the genotype (GCV). This fact suggests the great importance of environmental conditions on the water exchange index and leaf size of peanuts.
According to [10], PCV and GCV values of greater than 20% are considered high, whereas values of less than 10% are considered low and values between 10 and 20% are mean. Based on this argument, fresh and dry leaf mass, water content, transpiration, and water-to-leaf area ratio are account for high genotypic variation coefficients (GCV) and phenotypic variation coefficients (PCV). This indicates that the selection can be effective on the basis of these signs and their phenotypic manifestation would be a good indicator of genetic potential. The low values of PCV and GCV in the other indicators show the necessity to create variability by hybridization or mutation followed by selection [11].
9] Classify the values of the genetic advance as a percentage of the mean (GAM) in the following way; values of 0-10% are low, 10-20% are moderate and over 20% are high. High GAM values were recorded for the dry mass, water content, permeation, and leaf water ratio. A moderately high GAM value is observed at the fresh mass. This fact, apart from genetic progress, also points to the possibility of genetic improvement of these indicators in future work to improve breeding.
1. The present study identifies the presence of adequate genetic variability among 6 Bulgarian peanuts varieties (Arachis hypogaea L.) of the Valencia type.
2. The information gathered from this study can be used for a future program for the selection of peanuts resistant to water stress.
3. The oldest Bulgarian variety, Sadovo 2609, has been found to use inefficient water resources in the soil.
4. It has been found that genes expressing the ratio of water to leaf area units (gH2O/cm2) are homozygous as a result of the action of inbreeding.
5. The role of environmental conditions has been established for the parameters of water exchange, chlorophyll content and leaf size in peanuts.
6. The low PCV and GCV values for most indicators show that variability is required in them.
7. The high and moderate GAM values reported in fresh and dry mass, water content, transpiration, and water-to-leaf area ratio suggest potential for genetic improvement
8. It is recommended that future studies on water change indicators in peanuts use molecular methods to further confirm the results of this study.
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