#farlian's ask box
ralofofriverwoods · 10 months
draw ummmmmm. marcurio
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Marcurio skyrim
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ralofofriverwoods · 11 months
Ask game back at you!
10. if they wear jewelry, what kind? do they prefer
silver or gold? do they have a favorite gem?
11. what do they have in common with you? how
are they different? would you get along with
18. their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
19. are they quick to anger? what sets them off?
If they wear jewelry, what kind? Do they prefer silver or gold? Do they have a favorite gem?
Farlian wears a sneak ring and the galdur amulet, so she goes mostly for function over looks. Normally the ones she uses are pretty to begin with, so aesthetics tend to work in her favor, but that's just an unintended bonus. Her earrings also have some smaller enchantments like bug repellents and whatnot. Her fav jewelry metal is for sure gold, the more yellow the better! Her fav gem is garnet. It goes well with gold and ancient amulets :)
Virthik tries to avoid wearing jewelry when out exploring, but he has a few rings and bracelets just in case. He always wears a water breathing ring tho, he's got a big fear of the water. He likes iron and ebony the best because it doesn't reflect light much, but he exclusively uses silver for any earrings or rings he'll use for extended periods of time. He's allergic to some metals so he doesn't use jewelry he finds. He likes sapphires the best, but diamonds are what he uses for battle gear.
Zuft'zahr wears arguably the most amount of jewelry, between all the stuff he braids into his hair and just has like. Embedded in his clothes. He likes being pretty, what can I say? He prefers gold as well, but as long as it looks nice he'll wear it haha. His fav is ruby, but he uses amethyst as well.
What do they have in common with you? How are they different? Would you get along with them?
Farlian ough she's basically me but op. She's got almost all of my interests and dispositions on the various factions of Skyrim, shes got a sibling(a sister instead of a brother), she prefers being a jack of all trades(master of none), she's basically if I didnt have anxiety n stuff lol. Shes a lot less worried than me about stuff, and shes a lot less bothered by what other people do and think. I think we'd get along pretty well, for no discernable reason certainly
Virthik gets a lot of the sadge feelings so he's also pretty close to me haha. He's also got my hatred for super hot temps(mostly just Arkansas summer lol) and he likes climbing up trees :3. He's a guy so that's different than me certainly, but he's also a lot more brisk and blunt when he talks to people. It's kind of a side effect of being tired a lot but he also just does not have patience for most people lol. I think we'd get along in the way that two best friends can sit in a room and not talk to each other at all, and have that be bonding and hanging out time.
Zuft'zahr is more stoic like I apparently tend to be, and he's kind of a perfectionist. Hes also the one that got all of the focus traits(the other two are great at not focusing on anything for too long) and he's the most artistic of the bunch too. He's got a wizard tower that he puts all his art in over in dawnstar :). He's a little bit more politically inclined than me though, in the way that he actually vaguely keeps track of it instead of trying to avoid it like the plague. We'd get along pretty well I think, I'd love to exchange paintings with him.
Their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
Farlian doesn't care about the first two much, but killing she tries to avoid. At least when it's innocent people.
Virthik check check check and especially. Hes got no qualms with any of them as long as he's not killing friendly animals.
Zuft'zahr he prefers to not lie, but killing and stealing are most certainly on the table!! Mainly because he doesn't like people lying to him, so he doesn't lie to others if he can help it.
Are they quick to anger? What sets them off?
Farlian not necessarily? She mainly just tries to avoid people that piss her off, when she is angry she gets very petty though. The type of person that would weld all your silverware together(or steal all your important keys) if you pissed her off.
Virthik gets angered easier, and if it gets too bad he is out for blood. Has been known to seek an eye for an eye, and when it's not possible he normally rounds up on the revenge amount. He also tends to cry when it's more of a frustrating type of anger, but hes usually not around people when that happens
Zuft'zahr he does get angry rather easy but he's good at controlling it. He makes it simmer out faster and just tends to be more frustrated rather than blowing up completely.
They all get angry at a variety of things, so it's hard to pinpoint a direct one, but betrayal is one of the things that they all hate the most. Safe to say they all despise the fuck out of mercer frey, and would absolutely go to hell just to stab him one more time.
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ralofofriverwoods · 11 months
trick or treat!!!! 😃
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Treat! Take this pumpkin I drew today
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ralofofriverwoods · 10 months
bestie.. how did u find my fallout blog……
Ure chempack right?? You reblog things from me on that one sometimes :3
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ralofofriverwoods · 10 months
tell me ur 13th song :)
To the heights by the dirt poor robins!!
Apparently I was also in the top 1% of their listeners which I find near. They're v good
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ralofofriverwoods · 11 months
For the ask game: Pinewatch and Cistern
Pinewatch: If you could rewrite the backstory of any character, who would it be? What would it be?
Hmmm this is a hard one! Usually I don't mess much with existing character backstories, but it would have been nice to be expanded upon would be Irileth+ balgruuf's, and how they became friends, as well as whatever the fuck ulfric was doing before he shouted the high king to bits. I have a feeling I wouldn't actually change much of those though
One that id actually change would be gelebor and his brother's story. It seems weird that his brother would become a vampire, assuming they never left the forgotten vale. The only thing that the entire region has to do with vampires is that auriel's bow is there, and that's practically an antithesis to a vampire's existence! And it also doesn't make sense that gelebor and his bro are the ONLY live snow elves left, and the rest became falmer.
So id change pretty much everything about the forgotten vale, inhabitant wise.
Firstly, id alter what areas have falmer. The caves and stuff could definitely still have em and be believable, since iirc they're connected to Skyrim(or at least close enough), but the open areas(like the place with the dragons) should still have 'uncorrupted' snow elves. Sure it may not be a metropolis, but it would be like a small town in Skyrim at least. Like rorikstead and karthwasten combined, perhaps.
Second, I'd have to connect how vampires happen. As we know there's really only one way in canon to get vampirism straight from the source, which is molag bal, but I think that's stupid and I don't like him so I added sanguine as another way. That being said I think it would actually come from some vampire travelers. Gelebor welcomes you to the forgotten vale pretty easily, even if you've collected daedric artifacts like pokemon cards, so it would be safe to assume they either don't check very far for daedric influence, or they kind of just don't give a shit. Either way, I think this is how vampirism was introduced.
Some adventurers made a journey to the forgotten vale, possibly hearing about some ancient treasure or boon from auriel, and met a knight paladin that welcomed them, and didn't notice a vampire in the group(or that they were all vampires, either works). From there everything was normal, but a vampire decided to have a snack one night, and accidentally(or on purpose) infected someone with vampirism.
This could lead to either a split between vampire Snow elves+non vamp snow elves, or a small circle that simply collect power under everyone's noses. This could go on for generations, until gelebor and his brother eventually became fully fledged knight paladins, at which point they would be split just like in the base game, but with more people backing them up on either side.
Of course you could then choose between these mini factions as the dragonborn, depending on what side of the quest you are playing. If playing on the vamp hunting side, you'd be able to turn a few vampires back, who would then become followers, and vice versa. If you wanted you could even have the brothers be convinced to join the other side with persuasion or intimidation, depending if you wanted to be more or less angsty. You'd need a high score in either to do that though, at least lvl 80 speech.
This would also fix the sad reality in the game, that the only snow elf that yet lives(and isn't falmer) was gelebor, who killed his own brother for somehow becoming a vampire. I think it would be much more narratively appealing to have both 'uncorrupted' snow elves and 'corrupted' falmer exist at the same time, in big enough numbers to each have their own societies. It would open up a good opportunity for the falmer+snow elves to make an allied debut back into the world at large in a future game as well!tes6
Cistern: Which Guild Hall is your favorite? Why?
Unmodded id have to say sky haven temple. It has very pretty architecture, and though I haven't seen it past where you're supposed to kill paarthurnax(because I'm not killing peepaw partysnax >:( ) it's still very pretty. This may change when I actually progress that story line, but ATM it's not half bad. The finished thieves guild and dark brotherhood aren't too shabby either, though the tortured people in the dark brotherhood take a solid 3 points away from the atmosphere.
Overall I like all of them so it's hard to pick favorites, but as I'm still not used to seeing sky haven much, they've deffo got my vote.
Modded would have to be the thieves guild with the opulent thieves guild mod. From just the screenshots alone that shit is killer in the best way. Much warmer and more welcoming(at least for a cistern)
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ralofofriverwoods · 11 months
mossy moss and sunny d :D
I have a feeling these are related... lol thank u!!
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ralofofriverwoods · 11 months
For the reblog of the shifty summary:
The one blog I follow that I have absolutely no idea about anything you post.
You and me both friend
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ralofofriverwoods · 11 months
Skyrim meets d20 meets 20000 cool ocs. That’s what i know you for at least
Sjhdjssb sounds about right haha
And thank you!! I'm glad u like my OCS :DDD
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ralofofriverwoods · 11 months
About Chalcedon cause they're so cool 🌌📎☄
Shdvdhhdhssh thank you!!
🌌 what was the inspiration behind them, and what was the first thing you decided about them?
Ok so I originally made chally bcos I just really wanted to have a silkwing oc. Then I realized he'd be a good foil for creosote, both because creosote is all warm colors(and also a pantala phyrriah hybrid), and because Creo eats magic and chally cherishes+uses it. Inspiration wise I think it was the new general silkwing design I made
The first think I decided was that their bluish scales were mirrorlike. Story wise, it was that they lived in caves on phyrriah
📎 a random fact.
He can breathe ice breath and spin silk! His silk is very cold and brittle, and melts very easily. This is partially why he stays in caves, because they're often nice and cold so he can build with silk. That's where he got his wings too
☄️ what do people assume about them, and are they right?
Many people assume he's a ghost, because when he's invisible he still leaves marks of his presence(including the silk, sometimes half melted+gooey), and when he is visible he's very skittish and shimmery
He isn't a ghost, but he certainly doesn't mind being called one. Whatever makes people leave him alone.
Some also think he's an Animus, which he likes rumors of a lot less. Mainly because people start coming to him to get something enchanted, and they can be a little mean about it. This is also not true
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ralofofriverwoods · 1 year
1 3 and 5 for the skyrim oc questions for farlian!!
1. Which areas do they find most beautiful and most dangerous?
Farlian honestly finds all of Skyrim to be gorgeous, but her favorite area would have to be falkreath+the greybeard's mountain. Huge trees and huge mountains make for a very pretty view, and lots of places to illegal stuff away from the eyes of the law. Mainly werewolf stuff
The most dangerous for her specifically would be winterhold+dawnstar. Not because of ice wraiths or trolls or anything though, it's purely because of the sheer amount of cliffs in the region. One moment you're walking across a nice flat tundra, the next you're 50 meters closer to ocean level with two broken legs. It's also very hard for her to navigate, since maps are flat and all. They don't tell you the important stuff like altitude
2. What are their religious affiliations and how does their worship(or lack thereof) affect their daily life?
Farlian on the whole is one of the more non religious types. She'll ask for blessings and do things for the gods if they ask, but other than that she does her own thing. She's more likely to listen to aedra like mara, zenithar, julianos, Talos, etc. She also doesn't mind a few of the daedra(meridia and azura). The only aedra she truly dislikes is stendaar, but thats a given when you are a werewolf.
3. Would they be able to live off the land if they were lost in Skyrim? How skilled are they at foraging and hunting?
Depends on where she gets lost! Anywhere in southern Skyrim would certainly be easier of course, she's willing to eat most anything from bear meat to a frostbite spider if she really needs to. If she were in northern Skyrim it would be a little harder, but as long as she can find the ocean or a decent sized pond she'd be good in terms of sustenance.
Her foraging could be a little better, as she's not super good at identifying edible plants outside of alchemical ingredients, but she knows a lot of the more common plants that are edible, like snowberries and whatnot. Hunting on the other hand is much easier. Between her stellar hearing and having detect life in her main spell arsenal, she can hunt down just about anything.
She's very bad at making fires without magic, and can only kind of build a tent, so she would have to find a crypt or something if she wanted to stay warm for long, but those aren't too hard to find all things considered. You can practically smell em from a mile away
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Thank you for sending in this ask :DD t'was very fun to answer!
My askbox is always open🌟
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Questions are from this post
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ralofofriverwoods · 1 year
friend if you're doing art requests then you KNOW i gotta request my girl ayda
Yesyesyes! Ayda is the best
And here she is! Drowning hell for crossing her paramour. Definitely one of my fav battle moments for her<3
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Also very much so regretting not drawing her sooner, the hair alone is amazingly fun to do
Here’s another one without the background as well
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ralofofriverwoods · 9 months
I saw your post about request and a bitch is rewatching The Seven I’d love one of my girls Zelda is my fave but but any of them would be sick. (Also a thing I do with art block is make a bunch of different sized circles on a page and see what I can make with those if that makes sense)
Zelda!! The satyr ever, and also the most normal girl<3
I’ll be honest I’ve never drawn her before but omg. She is so fun to draw. New comfort character acquired. She is so SOFT
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I don’t think I mentioned having art block but that is a very good idea, I’ll keep it in mind!! Usually I just kinda. Binge markiplier+spotify lol
Currently I just feel slightly bad bc of some things happening irl, so not really art block more anxiety. But tbh I bet that would kill anxiety too. Ty for the request!!
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ralofofriverwoods · 9 months
I saw you drew a quagmutt from starbound, and i wondered if you could draw a poptop as well cause they're also adorable! also your art is really good i was happy to see it cross my dash
Poptop tjme! My fav creature in starbound ever :3
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I think the eyes are supposed to be on the bottom part but like. It’s still cute
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ralofofriverwoods · 9 months
Noticed you were looking for drawing prompts to test a new pen (congrats on that BTW!). How about a Starbound Quagmut to get you started?
Quagmutt! I thought they’d be harder to draw tbh. May have to go and kidnap adopt one from the nearest swamp!
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And thank you very much!! Very happy with it. And it’ll basically last forever bc I got at least 30 refills!
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ralofofriverwoods · 6 months
I saw you wanted Skyrim screenshots to draw! My character is a Breton named Gaelora Douar and she’s a master thief with a heart of gold. Thing is, I have two screenshots that are super cool:
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Gaelora grew up in a cult dedicated to Hermeaus Mora. In fact, her “glass” eye is really just a result of a ritual for the daedric prince. After leaving the cult, she wanted nothing to do with Hermeaus Mora, but had to face him again in Solstheim. So, this screenshot is kind of like her confronting her past and trying not to be tempted by Hermeaus Mora’s dark gifts.
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And this one is after slaying an elder dragon with her best friend Inigo! She became a nightingale, and the look of nightingale armor with the dragon aspect shout is so badass I had to capture it. Also Inigo is wearing chitin armor from Solstheim it’s just hard to see.
Oo interesting!
I like that first one… mora is a slippery guy!
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