#farming sims are basically time loop games already i just. lets bring it to the front and make it something to get past!!
comixandco · 5 months
not sure where i’m going with this but
a time loop farm sim where the same year repeats over and over
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sage-nebula · 3 years
Game Review — Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town
In the past, I was never really one for farming sims. In fact, I used to pass on every single Harvest Moon game because the idea of farming just didn’t seem fun to me. Then I heard you could have same-sex romance options in Stardew Valley, so I played that, fell in love, and thus got very excited for the newest Story of Seasons game, since I knew that Story of Seasons was Harvest Moon previously, and Harvest Moon inspired Stardew Valley.
And all I have to say is . . .
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Overall Score: 5.5/10
. . . oh boy.
Well, I actually have a lot more to say than just that, but that should give you a general idea of what the rest of this review is going to be like. I do want to say up front that I have played through the entire first in-game year to give the game a fair shake, so please trust me when I say I did my due diligence to give this game a real chance before I reviewed it. If you’re ready, jump under the cut (best read on my blog for formatting reasons) and let’s get into it. 
The Pros: 
The character customization, while not perfect, is definitely several leaps in the right direction. None of the clothing or hairstyle options are gender locked, which is amazing. There is a variety of skin tones to choose from. You pick your pronouns independently of everything else, voice included, so you can 100% have a trans character if you want to (or a nonbinary character if you don’t mind using gendered pronouns for your nonbinary character). I do wish the clothing selection was better (especially at the start, when you only have two outfits to choose from) and having different body types would be cool as well, but the fact that you have so much freedom with regards to gender presentation is a definite plus.
Likewise, being able to have same-sex relationships is a huge plus as well. Honestly, it was what convinced me to pick up the game; I might not have gotten it if it didn’t have that option in there, but that pushed me over the edge. I mean, the fact that it’s 2021 means this sort of thing should be expected, but with Japanese games on Nintendo systems it’s really not always guaranteed, so the fact that it was included still does deserve to get a mention as a plus.
It’s easy to raise affection with the villagers by just talking to them, which is an improvement over Stardew where you pretty much had to give gifts to raise affection (because I don’t think talking did it, or if it did, it was abysmally slow). I was able to unlock heart events pretty quickly just by running around the town and talking quickly with the villagers each day, which is particularly nice since the preferred gifts can be pretty expensive at first.
I enjoy that not all of the heart events necessarily involve the farmer, especially for characters that aren’t romanceable. It’s nice to see the villagers interacting with each other more, to see that they have lives and relationships outside of the farmer’s sphere of influence. It also gives you unique insight into the characters, because how they act around or with each other isn’t always how they interact around or with the farmer.
Being able to sow seeds in multiple patches of dirt at once is nice, especially since otherwise it takes much longer than it does in, say, Stardew. I mean, in Stardew you can hold the A button and sow everything at once, whereas in Olive Town you have to do it one press at a time. So to be able to do a multi-plant is very nice.
The pet and mount selection is pretty great, too. I love how many different types of breeds of dog there are, how many different cats and different types of horses, and of course the unique mounts like the unicorn or the wolf. 
The farm has a lot of space once you unlock the different areas, and is divided into neat sections to make organizing easier. 
Having not played a Story of Seasons game before this one, and knowing that Stardew Valley’s developer was inspired by Harvest Moon, I can’t say entirely which features were unique to Stardew and borrowed and which ones Stardew borrowed first. However, I have seen others claim that the tool bar at the bottom of the screen (which is nearly identical to the one in Stardew) was unique to Stardew, so I can say that this is one area in which they copped something from Stardew and did it well. The fact that you can put your tools into a separate tool bag to make some emergency room in your bag is nice too.
The Neutrals:
While there are a lot of villagers and they all have their own heart events and interactions, the day-to-day dialogue can get very repetitive. I can’t tell you the amount of times Laura has told me about losing track of time during Laura Things, or how many times Jack has told me about how his mom told him about planting different crops and he thinks that’s just too much work. The dialogue only really seems to change around festivals / after plot changes, and it can really make characters that might otherwise feel fleshed out feel more like . . . well, NPCs. Which they are, but you don’t really want them to feel like that in a sim game. So while the characters are (mostly) unique, sometimes they can feel a bit repetitive.
The plot is a bit weird. It’s not bad, per se, but it’s weird that the plot focuses on wanting to turn the local town into a tourist hotspot. I get that the idea is that they want to bring commerce into the town (I guess), but that everyone is on board with it and the fact that it’s essentially gentrification just feels a bit . . . weird, for a game that’s supposed to focus more on nature. The tasks associated with it also get very repetitive, and that’s not even talking about how you literally have to improve the roads and lamps twice to make a difference.
The holiday festivals are also pretty average. It’s either a cutscene, or a tiny minigame (or sometimes not even a minigame, but I’ll get to that). The minigames are charming, but they’re not something that I’d want to do the following year. You’ve done it once, you’ve done it a million times. It’s also strange that there’s not a festival to celebrate your farm at all, whereas at least in Stardew we had the Stardew Valley Fair and I hear that in past Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons games they had farm celebration festivals, too. It’s just a bit strange.
The music is hit or miss, and mostly miss if I’m being honest, but I’ll still put it here. The songs are too short; they loop far too fast, and often sound no better than you’d expect a game on the GBA to sound (especially that first cave theme, ugh). There are some nice melodies, but again, when I compare it to Stardew (which I know isn’t exactly fair, but also Stardew is made by a grand total of one person when this game had an entire team so I feel it’s at least a little fair), it’s a pretty big letdown in the music department.
The bachelorettes are not very unique. Like, they are different, you can tell them apart, but . . . the primary difference between Bridgette and Linh, for instance, is that Linh is Korean (and also looks like a child which I don’t like at all if we’re being honest) while Bridgette is white. Otherwise they’re both sweet and shy and have basically the same personality. Reina and Blaire are also pretty similar, in that they’re both outgoing party types. The main difference between them besides their hair color (brunette and blonde respectively) is the fact that one works at the museum while the other is a waitress. The only one who really stands out is Laura, and while Laura is great (and the one I chose to marry), it’s still disappointing when you see how varied the bachelors are. It feels like not a lot of effort was put into designing the bachelorettes, which is sad when you consider they’re kind of major characters since they’re part of the dating pool.
The Cons:
This game is AWFUL to play. How, you may ask? Well, let me count the ways:
To start with, the loading screens are atrocious. There are loading screens between everything that you do. You go to town? Loading screen. You leave town? Loading screen. Start your day? Loading screen. Go in and out of barns or coops? Loading screens. And they take ages, or at least in this day and age it feels like they take ages. Particularly when you go into town, immediately realize you forgot a resource you needed for an upgrade, and go back so you get back to back cutscenes, they’re fricking awful. I cannot believe that loading screens this annoying were necessary for this game. I refuse to accept that as truth. They absolutely could have cut out the time it takes to load had they spent more time on development instead of rushing this title out for the anniversary, and speaking of things they could have ironed out in development . . .
THE LAG. THE FREEZING. THE CRASHING. THE POP-IN DISTANCING. If I didn’t know that an entire development team worked on this game, I wouldn’t believe it. This game is, put simply, a mess. Even when my farm was brand new and had pretty much nothing on it, I was noticing framerate drops both in docked and handheld mode. I’m talking, I had maybe one coop and two planted areas for crops, and the framerate was noticeably dropping. And now that I do have more stuff on my farm? Not only is the lag atrocious, but the game can’t load everything on the screen at once and so things have to pop into view after a few seconds. You can see video footage of this here, which also features one of the delightful loading screens. And this doesn’t even get into how the game will randomly freeze, or how I’ve had it crash once already. And from what I hear, I’m not unique in this. The fact they had the nerve to release this game as finished when it performs like this just boggles the mind.
Despite the fact that the Switch has two control sticks, this game plays only with one. This means that you can’t, you know, aim your tools with anything but the main control stick. And when you’re both controlling your character and aiming with the same control stick, the latter gets pretty hard. This leads to me missing things with my axe or hammer even when they’re right in front of me, as well as taking a lot of damage from the cave enemies simply because I couldn’t get in the sweet spot to both hit them with the hammer and also not get hit myself, particularly before they escape. It adds a lot of unnecessary frustration because the controls are so flawed and imprecise.
Similarly, there is a sweet spot when it comes to harvesting or picking up items off the ground, and it’s impossible to determine what that sweet spot is because you don’t get a little aiming box for that. So you can be right on top of an item and unable to pick it up because you’re not in that sweet spot. 
Apart from the framerate drops, there is input lag as well. This is most noticeable when swinging axes or hammers, or trying to pet cows and other animals after milking them. And yes, I know it’s the game and not my Switch, because it’s not consistent (and also doesn’t happen with other games). Again, this is something polish and more time in the oven probably could have handled, but now it’s too late and just makes the game frustrating to play.
Technical, mechanical gameplay issues aside, though, there are still a ton of other issues. For instance: makers. Again, I can’t say if previous Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons games had these, or if they were invented by Stardew and copped by this dev team, but what I can say is that while makers also exist in Stardew, they are handled way better there than the absolute nightmare they are here. Again, to count the ways:
In Stardew, the makers can sit flush against each other and buildings, as well as flush against paths, making everything nice and not taking up too much space. Here, not only are the makers gigantic, but they can’t be flush with anything. They can’t sit up against each other, against buildings, or against paths. This means that not only do they look ugly, but they also take up a tremendous amount of space that therefore can’t go toward anything else.
In Stardew there are a handful of makers that do things. You’ve got furnaces for making bars, mayonnaise makers, cheese makers, fabric spinners, etc. There’s a variety, but it’s not so much that your farm becomes nothing but makers. By contrast, Olive Town is drowning in makers. You have all the above, but also more that contribute to those because . . . okay, let’s take the fabric spinners for example. In Stardew, you can put any type of wool onto the fabric spinning wheel, which will make one kind of fabric. In Olive Town, you first have to have a thread maker to make thread out of grass, AS WELL AS a yarn maker to make yarn out of wool. THEN you have to have a thread fabric maker to make fabric out of thread (and the thread differs depending on the grass used, which means you can make many different types of fabrics, but only one at a time), AS WELL AS a yarn fabric maker to make fabric out of yarn. So whereas in Stardew you have one maker if you need cloth, in Olive Town you need at bare minimum two, at max four, and that’s not even getting into how slow the process will be if you only have one of each kind. Because each maker only makes one of an item, and then you usually need multiples of that one item to make the next item in the series. So for instance, your thread maker makes one spool of thread, but it takes THREE spools to make one piece of fabric. Then you might need TEN pieces of fabric for a recipe. And the makers all take literal in-game hours to make. When you consider that the costs for some things are very high (the house upgrade I’m on right now requires 80 ingots and 120 pieces of lumber), you pretty much have to have at least four of each type of maker to get things done at any kind of reasonable pace, hence the factory hell my farm is currently in as seen in the above linked video. It’s a fucking nightmare.  And yes, maybe it’s more realistic that you can’t go immediately from wool to fabric, but this is a farming sim where you interact with spirits, ride unicorns, and befriend wolves. This is not a game where you need to push realism.
The mining is also just . . . not fun. At all. Not only do you have the “it’s really hard to aim properly, especially when you’re trying not to take damage” issue mentioned above, but there’s also the fact that there’s just no variation. In the first mine there are no enemies at all, you’re just breaking rocks. The second mine introduces enemies, but only one type of enemy (basically little moles that you have to whack with the hammer). The third mine has the same enemies, but they’re stronger and appear in multiples. And that’s it. Unlike in Stardew, where there were tons of different monsters that did different things that made the mines exciting, here it’s pretty boring because the enemies are easy to avoid (and it’s best to avoid them because of how much of a pain in the ass to hit them without taking damage from running into them is) and the levels all pretty much look the same. Whereas I loved dungeon crawling in Stardew, here it’s something I purely do to get ore to make ingots in the stupid fucking makers because there’s literally no entertainment value to it otherwise, especially since the music is subpar at best.
Related to the mining, when you defeat enemies or drain lakes you can find bags of items that need to be identified at the museum. You can only have Reina identify these bags one at a time. So it’s a bunch of spamming the A button and hearing her go “oh!” over and over and over again because they, for some reason, couldn’t implement identifying items more than one at a time. And the best part? Identifying items comes with a LOADING SCREEN between you selecting the item to be identified and Reina identifying the item! How fun!!
You can really tell that they cut corners in this game, content-wise. For instance, the first festival in spring is an egg hunt. You would think that it would be a minigame where you look for eggs (again, like Stardew). You would think that, but you would be wrong. Instead, you get to watch an extended cutscene of your character finding eggs. That’s it. That’s the “egg hunt.” I skipped the mushroom hunt in fall because I assumed it would be the same, but apparently that one actually was a minigame, so joke’s on me, I guess. But either way, the fact that the egg hunt wasn’t an egg hunt at all speaks to cut corners and rushed dev time, just like the myriad of other problems that plague this game. It’s pretty bad when you can’t even include an egg hunting minigame for whatever reason (or at leas come up with unique events for spring and fall).
There is a ton of furniture with which to decorate your house, which is great! Or it would be, if you were actually given freedom to decorate, but you’re not. You can buy whatever furniture you want, but there are very specific places where you’re allowed to place it, and nowhere else. For instance, furniture and rugs can only go in the little space in front of your counter in your house in the first two house upgrades (Log Cabin and Small House). This space is very small. Despite there being a GIANT ASS FLOOR with which to cover a rug, I wasn’t able to use it until I got the third house upgrade. You have a huge empty table that you’re not allowed to put anything on. You can’t move any of the furniture around, nor can you rotate furniture that you buy when you place it. You also can’t place furniture on rugs either. Seeing so much furniture in the game is pretty exciting until you realize that you can do basically fuck all with it. Apparently they didn’t have enough time to implement real decoration into the game either. (Then again, imagine the lag in your house if they did.) As a final complaint, you can buy picture frames that claim to let you place framed memories in your house. You have a camera as an in-game tool, so you’d think that you could place pictures of your pets or your love interest in your house. You would think that, but you would be wrong. There’s no way to change the pictures in the picture frames, or at least none that I’ve been able to find just yet.
Just like Stardew, when you first arrive at the farm in Olive Town you find that it has been completely overrun with nature, and you have to spend time clearing away the debris so that you have a place to build your farm. Unlike in Stardew, the debris comes back at a ridiculously fast rate. Several in-game hours, if not more, of each day are spent cleaning up puddles (even if it didn’t rain), breaking rocks, clearing weeds, and chopping trees. Your farm can easily become overrun with nature again in just a few days’ time, meaning that a lot of your time that you would spend doing things like scavenging the mines or talking with villagers is instead spent doing basic, boring chores around the farm so that you still have livable land. And while farming sims like this one are games that are basically built around doing chores at least in part, the extent of the damage in this one (given that it happens all day every day, instead of just at the start of each season like in Stardew) really kills any fun or enjoyment you’d otherwise have as a player.
Farm upgrades come as entirely separate buildings, rather than expanding on the current building you have. So while in Stardew you could turn your existing Barns into Big Barns (and then Deluxe Barns), in Olive Town you have to buy an entirely separate building, and then painstakingly move all your animals to the new building one by one. Similarly, you can buy a silage to upgrade from your silo, but you’ll still have the silo on the farm. It doesn’t upgrade your existing development at all, despite being an upgraded form of that existing development.
I could go on, but you get the idea. Pioneers of Olive Town has some good ideas, but ultimately the terrible gameplay and lackluster execution of those ideas leaves so, so much to be desired. I will say that a patch was released recently which improved the loading screens a little, and for that I added the .5 to the score. (I took notes on things I liked / disliked / was neutral on as I played, so that I wouldn’t forget anything.) But a slight improvement to the loading screens doesn’t do much to help it when the lag is still terrible, the game still has freezes, and overall the gameplay itself just isn’t very fun. I probably will keep playing it for a bit longer to get to the marriage scenes at least, since I’ve almost maxed out Laura’s hearts. But honestly, there are so many better life sim games out there (the oft-mentioned in this review Stardew Valley being one of them) that if someone asked me if I recommended this game to them, I would have to say no. 
Let’s hope the dev team does better with the next game. Maybe not feeling the pressure of it being the series’ anniversary will take some pressure off of them while they make it.
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robsonnwty900-blog · 5 years
What else you know about Farm Expert 2017
As a youngster, did anyone actually dream of increasing up to become a farmer, wasting your date charging near the support garden on your toy tractor with attempting to catch sheep in a regional field to bring home with you? No, right us? So never mind, even though this was there the childhood ambition, Farm Expert 2017 gives you the possibility to have then control your very own farm! The action is nicely varied, with you having to fully prepare fields before plants can be expanded, to making sure you sell livestock before they move very ancient with go down, that competition will certainly boost the organisational skills.
Farm Expert 2017's been buried, cultivated and gathered by Silden and sold on the local produce industry by PlayWay S.A.,FE17 certainly experience a little preliminary appeal for those who have a good simulation game. The game boasts some rather beneficial impression as far as the weather is concerned, a ready soundtrack each time you hop into the tractor and ample to do and keep people tiling away for hours on end.
However, all these pieces are allowed behind beside approximately unfortunate and persistent bugs, together with some very horrendous running and physics for the vehicles. And though it is very varied, it suffers from the lack of depth which could give a little underwhelmed. There is also a multiplayer look to the game, though causing it to actually work becomes far more akin to dark secret than computer games.
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With no story to talk about let's walk well down to the nitty-gritty of what we can do in the game. Since there is quite a bit. Now otherwise I right start, I do first want to come orderly then participation that became my own primary ever really farming sim game (unless I can count Stardew Valley?) so I just want to step forward also shout sorry for any really noob-like comments. Start about…
Setting up is beautiful easy, with fill in you're met with a menu asking to build a profile which is a question of forming a call also becoming by here. FE17 enjoys a number of modes you can choose from including Free Journey and Multiplayer (I'll talk more about the multiplayer in the time). For me, but, the first go-to room stayed the Tutorial. There's a bit of a language barrier with about incorrect cause and grammar, but when you walk beyond that that all relatively easy. This did, but, carry me on five minutes to figure out just how to help undo as I stupidly believed it was a basic WASD setup rather than having to press Z first in order to change government. Yet considering these hiccups, I did get myself enjoying the game. There's something strangely satisfying about having to go through the motions of reversing up to a piece of equipment, problem it in place, folding this away and then merrily tootling coupled to help the ground used for a living work.
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Once I had grasped the basics of truly shifting and farming, I jumped organized in work my own fully-fledged farm. You get several options to take from, basically ranging from Easy to Hard. Naturally, as a complete amateur, I vote for the Calm solution. Thanks to the choice I started out with a sizable figure of notes and a good healthy total of systems already in my possession, so I could push right on with believe the head field, gathering a few plants and dealing with work. I found myself rather having my time as a character, finally doing our aim of need a tractor.
But, I gradually started to see several factors. For beginners, the selling of the systems is simply not up to scratch, especially for the way that you'd think would be easy except for many ungodly reason cause the cars to bump along constantly. The game also makes seem to element in the combined power of incidents you hitch upon the tractor, allowing you to accelerate in much the same time as you normally would. After a while, I learned that the physics in the activity might cause some rather horrendous cock-ups.
And later on, I and found out that the land actually held absolutely no influence on the quickness regarding your own vehicle, allowing you to charge full speed up high hill then carry on your own mini-adventure…
So sure, the real physics with the entertainment put something to get desired. But the true gameplay is pretty varied. So if you don't want to really need around standing and collect crops all the time, then no worries! You can go into animal husbandry having a little different options that animals to hold and making sure to keep them fed as well as pushing them for meat otherwise they fail of ancient time. Before you can grow orchards to make your delicious fruit, having to fertilize and understand the make yourself, and even have to lug the envelope to the truck! But maybe you do just want to staff with mild old-fashioned crop farming, in which case you have to choose your plants depending on the season, carefully cultivate fields properly and then make sure not to stretch them over or else they'll be ruined!
There's also vehicle maintenance and concern to take into thought, so you have to cram up your tractor with gas to maintain it moving, make sure this wonderful and fresh (as obviously, this is valuable for tractors?) as well as repair or better that now and again to make life easier.
Pretty varied, absolutely? Right. Unfortunately, this kind does not change to detail or order. So sure, you can raise the plants, care for dog with produce fruit orchards. But there's no selection in rate in the shops, so there's no need to research for improved purchase or market cost what every shop will give the same results. This lack of economy frankly lets down the whole process. The dog do need food, but not any run before time outside their pens. You don't even have to supply them yourself because everything you buy gets automatically transferred to the pencils then the animals somehow get approach for the food themselves. And with orchards, after growing and fertilizing them there's nothing else you really need to do until they're prepared to be accepted. That lack of depth turns the game into other of your calendar watching experience.
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You can hire a workforce to help you out, watching them start their do is vaguely interesting at first, but soon loses its novelty. Other NPCs in the game don't offer any relationship with Real Farm basically, doing to now hear and give the world a air of go. Without success, I must tell.
There is too supposed to be a multiplayer part on the sport, but lord only gets how we may really join people. I've trawled many forums with others say related issues with no resolution forthcoming. Multiplayer becomes amazing that was added last minute, so perhaps it will be improved in the future?
The first thing I'd influence is that the game does not really have the most amazing video, with some of the textures looking very complicated and a good few popping issues going on. But I'd ponder the vehicles looked very good generally, and the weather effects were fairly well done. There's something oddly fascinating about watching puddles form with a subject while that raining.
It also take many terra-forming effects as well, so when you're preparing your take some of the machines you use actually found trenches and other changes in the soil, that changes the way the vehicle can make over them, which is very awesome. Then starting what I understand by making a bit of look at, something which makes take place in Farming Simulator games or new competitors. Character standards are pretty ordinary and forgettable, but besides the pointless NPCs, there's not really enough characters about to take much notice.
I personally acquire the soundtrack really enjoyable. There was something mildly entertaining about the music opening up when you hopped in your tractor. The fact that the strait of your engine changes depending on whether your secret or outside the vehicle was fairly nice too. But, once you perceived the looping positive impact, it leaves as a bit annoying. Also, when you got out of the tractor your personality would for some reason believe they were flying and meet the right sound. As well as that a number of the cars which gave absolutely no doors still played the door shut sound each time you got off. A problem for me, but still a problem.
Due to the lack of exposure to previous farming sim games, I found myself enjoying Farm Expert 2017 at first, but when I had partaken in all the changed tasks I found myself getting bored pretty at once. And eventually a number of the error could confirm to be quite frustrating. If that match lived a bit more polished and included some detail added to it, then I would undoubtedly charge that higher. The multiplayer certainly feels tacked with and the main experience just becomes a bit of a drag eventually.
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