farm-witches-fic-recs · 6 months
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Oh, spring (at least for our northern hemisphere friends). We've got flowers and storms and new beginnings. It's all kind of beautiful, isn't it? The coven loves this time of year and we hope that our farm witch community is enjoying each day as it comes, as well.
We'd also like to suggest that you check out some of these farm witch faves and leave the authors some love.
before sunrise (@paceyjay)
a kiss to build a dream on (@bibliosexual)
romantically in business (@sullymygoodname)
shot glass of tears (@blackandwhiteandrose)
this is not a drill (railmedaddy/@rmd-writes)
turn me around (and take me back to the start) (@dinnfameron)
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farm-witches-fic-recs · 7 months
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Salutations, farm witch friends!
The coven would like to wish you all a very happy first day of March. We hope this month is as gentle to you as one of our little lambs.
We're going to be making some changes here on the farm based on some things we've been noticing for a while. Don't worry, we're not going anywhere, we just want to try some new things to see what best serves our community.
For now, please check out some of our faves and leave the authors some love!
David Rose: Style Consultant (@smallumbrella369)
I'm ready to jump, even ready to fall (@lastchancecafe13)
Make it better (@agoodpersonrose)
parallax (@indestructibleheart, @stereopticons)
thank god, it's you (@missgeevious)
When you care enough to send the very best (yourbuttervoicedbeau/@kiwiana-writes)
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farm-witches-fic-recs · 5 months
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May Day! The witches hope that this month brings you sunny days and lots of little moments of happiness.
We'd also like to suggest that you check out a few of these coven recommended fics:
Don't whump with my heart ( @delilah-mcmuffin)
A hint of amnesia ( @missgeevious)
Lumiere (fairmanor)
(not quite) a random thought ( @schittyfic)
Runnin' blue ( @dinnfameron)
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farm-witches-fic-recs · 8 months
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The coven is pleased to report that everyone here on the farm survived all four thousand days of January. It wasn't just us that felt like it lasted forever, right?
We welcome you into February with another list of some of our fave fics and hope that you will enjoy them as well. Grab a tasty treat and settle in for a read, because you deserve to do something nice for yourself this weekend. And leave the creators some love because they deserve it, too!
The art of romance (proseapothecary) “This witch loves the very clean, straightforward writing, the immaculate vibe, and the dialogue is top notch.”
David & Patrick: Heartstopper (@swearphil) GIF SET “These familiar scenes feel so warm and special when crossed over with the Heartstopper title cards.”
Fine (@walnuts-and-berries) “David and Patrick lose the account with the Rosebud Group, and the resulting stress fractures their relationship. After a lot of angst and counseling, the boys finally find their way back to each other.”
Paternally (fairmanor) “We love the way David and Clint bond in this beautifully written fic.” Piledrive my heart (@lisamc-21) “You’ve got nervous David, vaguely Frat boy Pat, haunted house, need I say more?”
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farm-witches-fic-recs · 9 months
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New year, same witches! We're happy to have a whole calendar full of days ahead of us to keep loving this fandom and sharing and finding the works we all want to read.
The coven wishes blessings for our farm witch friends as we start the new year and will toss an extra batch of larch flower in the cauldron for everyone.
Check out our recs for this month and leave the creators some love!
The Best Man (barelypink) “This AU has David agreeing to be the best man at Rachel and Patrick's wedding, which is, obviously, a fantastic idea with no impending emotional damage at all.”
Dear Apartment Five: podvid (@amanita-fierce, @hullomoon, @januarium, @kiwiana-writes, Little_Black_Bow, @petrodobreva, @rhetoricalk, @schittposting, @sunlightsymphony) “The original fic is hilarious, but this podvid might be one of the funniest things in the fandom, in my opinion. The notes from Patrick’s neighbors about he and David's bedroom behavior are truly epic when delivered this way.”
Nothing safe is worth the drive (wardo_wedidit) “We love these five tender moments in cars we didn't see, and one we did.”
One Single Thread of Gold (@swiftlythebest) “Patrick has a baseball viewing party, and David has a lot of feelings. Both of these things are correct.”
Stay, Don't Leave (houdini74/@mostlyinthemorning) “David and Patrick meet in a bar and Patrick volunteers to be David's date to his mom's annual summer party. Fake dating a perfect stranger, what could go wrong?”
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farm-witches-fic-recs · 11 months
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Greetings from the farm, friends!
The coven is pleased to share a few of our personal faves with you this week in hopes that you will enjoy them as much as we do.
Take care, take time, and leave some love.
better not let him in (@dinnfameron) “Werewolf Patrick is stalking his unsuspecting prey. Or is he?”
follow your heartbeat to freedom (withkissesfour) “A beautiful look at Patrick's decision-making process over four pivotal moments.”
love you better (talkwordytome) “Sucker for hurt/comfort? Sign us up for this cute caretaking fic!”
SC Discord Profiles (@roseapothecary) *GIF SET* “These are so fun and so accurate. We want to join this server!” A taste of you (@lizzie-bennetdarcy) “David and Patrick meet at a cake pop cooking class. It's exactly as sweet as you hope it will be!”
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farm-witches-fic-recs · 10 months
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The coven is prepared to acknowledge it is the first Friday of a new month, but we refuse to believe that month is December.
However, we do want to wish our farm witch friends all of the blessings, best wishes, and warmest regards that come with the many celebrations during this time of year.
Be kind to yourself and others. Have a little treat and leave these creators some love, too.
Bean (@likerealpeopledo-on-ao3) “Such good feels. Stevie needs a kidney and Patrick is happy to help in this funny and heartfelt found family fic.“
Cards on the table (bigficenergy) “We love this  AU in which Patrick admits to David that he's developing feelings for the person he's going into business with.”
in finding myself, I found you (@flowertrigger) “This witch loves confident, flirty David in a delicious outfit and baby gay Patrick meeting at Pride.”
"Not Enough Trees" and Other Totally Real Excuses Not to Buy a House (ellie603) “A great AU with David searching for a Rose family vacation home and inventing increasingly ridiculous excuses about each of realtor!Patrick's suggestions so that they can keep spending time together. It's delightful.” you are my happy ending (@smblmn) **GIF SET** “We are in awe of this phenomenal giftset of David & Patrick's sweet kisses.”
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The coven cannot believe that it has somehow been two years! We thank you for every ask you’ve sent, every post you’ve reblogged, for the kudos and comments you leave for creators, and for allowing us to be part of this community.
Please enjoy these recs from the witches and click those hearts and kudos for the creators. 
We’ll be out celebrating until the cows come home. Or we fall off our brooms. Whichever comes first.
allegedly incorrect Schitt's creek (@roseapothecary​) **GIF SET**  “We love a "this could have happened" moment and this allegedly incorrect set had us cracking up. Really, though, couldn't it have gone this way?”
Better latte than never (doingthemost/@sarahlevys​) “Absolutely charming AU where Patrick finds himself "accidentally" working at a Starbucks with David.”
Open arms and wide awake (sweetsirius/@wordthieve​)  “It's just so soft! David is a professional cuddler (ew, but he hates that word) and Patrick is a client looking for a new start after upheaving his entire life. They both have a chance to find something special they didn't even know they were looking for.”
Return me to private hunger (MoreHuman)  “This beautifully written fic explores all the queer feelings as it answers the question "What if David were asexual?"”
A splash quite unnoticed ( @middyblue) “This stunning introspective Patrick fic was inspired by The Fall of Icarus, one of this witch's favorite stories from Greek mythology”.
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Splendid September Salutations to you our beloved farm witch friends!
The coven continues to be grateful for your presence in our community and we would like to thank you by sharing a few things that tickle our farm witch fancy.
Please enjoy these recommendations and be sure to leave the creators some love!
Confetti (@noahreids) **GIF SET** "Seeing this cutie pie on my dash only makes me more excited for the upcoming tour. And who doesn't love some confetti? Let's party!"
Cuddling Ficlets (sonlali/@landofsonlali) "Reading this lovely series of ficlets that all feature cuddling is like being wrapped up in a hug yourself. Beware, they're a bit like eating potato chips--you swear you'll only have one and then end up scarfing down the whole bag."
Free animal (frazzledsquids) "David comes back from a trip wearing a skirt. I think you can guess what happens next."
I'm gonna be with you right here 'til the very end (@weathereyehorizon) "As far as this witch is concerned, this sweet exchange between David & Patrick makes for the best texting fic ever."
Shine like silver (@stereopticons) "David was a bit of a child prodigy on the piano, but his talent came with a price. Buying Patrick a piano for an anniversary present changes everything. This fic is stunning in both its sadness and joy."
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We don’t know about you, friends, but the witches are feeling pretty warm during these summer days here on the farm. We’re looking forward to a cold glass of something tasty and doing some reading this weekend and we hope you can do the same. 
Check out some of the recs we want to share and leave the creators some love!
In morte veritas (@missgeevious) “An incredible spin on the movie “The Last Holiday”, this AU has the best of everything - all the Roses, drama, laughs, sexiness, and so many feels.”
A little tight (@lizzie-bennetdarcy) **ART** “We all share David's delight in Patrick's too tight denim.” 
Measure for measure (@schittyfic) “David and Patrick do some dick measuring, but make it incredibly soft and sweet.”
Rose from the ashes (@likerealpeopledo-on-ao3) “It's hilarious. It's genius. It's sweet and a little hurty. We love this stranded-on-a-desert island AU for David and Patrick.”
Until the sun comes down (bigficenergy/@fradulentzodiac​) “The AC in the cottage goes out during a heat wave. David's not dealing well, but Patrick and Stevie are in an inflatable pool, and he can only resist so long. Who can blame him?”
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Greetings, friends!
April showers not only brought May flowers on the farm, but also our allergies and a small incident with some broom restringing and a few cats that we’d rather not talk about. 
But! Now we are sharing a few of our faves in hopes that you will enjoy them as well as do some reading and scrolling this weekend. As always, be sure to leave the creators some love!
Dimples (@smallumbrella369​) “This fic is a short, sexy peek into David and Patrick’s night at Stevie’s. David discovers Patrick’s lower back dimples and thinks about being happy. Sweet and Spicy.” 
A moment to ourselves (@lizzie-bennetdarcy​) **ART**  “The love and joy in this perfect piece of fan art is so, so real.”
A test of time (houdini74/@mostlyinthemorning​) “This deep-cut has it all. Romance, time travel, intrigue, Alexis being a boss babe, Stevie trying to get idiots to communicate. We highly recommend you go on this adventure!”
Worlds apart (@blackandwhiteandrose​) “We see David going home to where Patrick grew up in lots of great fics, but what about Patrick getting to see where David was "raised"?  There's so many big, beautiful feelings in this thoughtful fic.”
Your secret’s safe with me (@stereopticons​)  “Stevie planning a surprise party for her girlfriend is wonderful on its own, but getting David involved just makes this  fun fic even sweeter and funnier.”
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And we’re back! Welcome to the new year, farm witch friends! We’re excited to bring you a few more of our farm witch faves on this First Friday of 2023.
We hope you’ll enjoy them and give the creators some love when you check them out.
David Rose! You bought the general store (@officer-vakarian) **GIF SET**  “How it all started vs. how we knew it would end.“
Disturbers of the Peace  (proseapothecary) “The banter is slicker than David's greaser hairstyle in this retro-themed high school AU.“
Don't build hope on something broken (@5ambreakdown) “A gorgeous Patrick introspection that will give you all the feels.“
It Couldn’t Please Me More (@neelyo67) “Ronnie needs to relax. Heather gets her out of her head.” 
Let the snow fall (@treepyful) “This fluffy, feel-good fic of David and Patrick trapped in their house in a snowstorm is the perfect fic to snuggle under a blanket with.”
Luster (@rosedavid) “David's got a broken chain and a crush on jeweler Patrick, who's just trying to figure himself out.”
Tell me something true (@vivianblakesunrisebay) “A sexy and soft fic that takes place following the events of The Premiere. Healthy communication + sexy times = jam!”
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Friday, Friday, Friday! We love the end of another good week here on the farm and we hope you have a fantastic weekend ahead of you as well.
We’d also like to suggest that you take some time out and do some reading with this month’s rec list. Please enjoy and be sure to leave the creators some love!
All the songs I sing are about you (@missgeevious​) “David is a former boy band star in desperate need of a comeback, and Patrick is a bartender with a gift for melody. They team up to write a song together in this delightful AU of Music & Lyrics.” 
Am I An Outside Cat? (I've Been to Coachella) (doingthemost/@sarahlevys​) “Whimsical and oh so soft: you’ll recognize these four cats instantly and won’t stop smiling!”
The barbecue (@ratchet​) “This gorgeous gif/art mashup makes us feel all those things we felt the first time we watched The BBQ.”
hope i'll see you down the line (@shimmies​)  **RPF** “A beautiful RPF that takes place in a universe where everyone is single, and Dan and Noah have some stuff to figure out. This one is sexy and soft, but also inspired by songs from Noah's album, so get ready to feel your feelings.”
friend & family discount (etben/@angryonabus​) “The sexiest fic about blending a family you'll ever read, love, and possibly cry over.”
Our day books, our night thoughts (another_Hero)  “This one is a fave. It’s so soft and funny and perfectly in character. David learns to bake!!”
Vanquished (@codswalloping​) “A perfect hurt/comfort with bonus Ronnie content. Sure it's set at Christmas, but did we mention the fluffy goodness and the Shakespeare?”
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Spooky Season is upon us, farm witch friends! The coven plans to celebrate this entire month with more festivity and peanut butter treats than you can shake a broom at.
In the meantime, we implore you to check out some of our autumnally-flavored favorite fics. Get yourself a treat and enjoy! Be sure to leave the authors some love!
🧹 🧹 🧹. 🧹 🧹 🧹 🧹 🧹
Halloween Whiskey ( @missgeevious) "A whiskey night but make it Halloween-themed? Sign me up. Twice. it's even been as a first meeting place for David and Patrick, both in costume and out."
Tricks and Treats in Schitt's Creek (various) "This is a fun collection of 10 sweet, silly, and spicy Halloween-ish fics set in our very favorite place."
This is for keeps (@blackandwhiteandrose) **RPF** "I love this two-fic RPF series that features Noah as a vampire. It's clever and a little frisky, and explains the shows neck kisses in the very best way. Noah is entirely too believable as a vampire."
"Twitches" & Chill (@dinnfameron) "David Rose + kids on Halloween is a gift to us all, but add in some Alexis and Patrick bonding time complete with face masks and really we couldn't ask for more."
Witches Brewer (@vivianblakesunrisebay) "If you love the Brewers (of course you do) then you'll love this stunningly-crafted Brewer backstory wherein Marcy is a witch."
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Greetings and blessings to you, farm witch friends, on this first Friday of March! The coven continues to consider ourselves so very lucky to be part of this fandom and get to serve our followers in the name of fanfic (and Dan Levy).
We hope you enjoy this month's recs with a tasty treat in your favorite cozy reading spot. Or with your morning coffee on the train. Or on your phone in a waiting room. All reading locations are valid and we support you.
Beautiful people everywhere (morehuman) “David and Clint have a marginally awkward bonding moment over something that catches both of their attentions.”
Book launch (@roseapothecary) *GIF SET* “Oh, how we miss him. This gifset makes us feel all kinds of nostalgic and has us wishing for more (any!) kind of new Schitt's Creek content.”
Dancing beneath your skin (houdini/@mostlyinthemorning) “Two words: Sex tattoos.” 
From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Bathilda E. Schitt (sonlali/ @landofsonlali) “Love any headcanon that connects David and Alexis' unconventional childhood to "The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E Frankweiler! "The author does a beautiful job of portraying both worlds and cleverly ties it to present day.”
Ranked, filed (steviesflannel) “Stevie/David sexytimes, tickling, and getting to know each other. All very nice things we should have more of.” 
You keep using that word (@dinnfameron) “This fic will having you cry-laughing from beginning to end with David's misunderstanding of Patrick's hobby.”
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It's the first Friday of February, farm witch friends! The coven is as confused as everyone else about how this is possible, but we're all really excited we made it through January. We're pretty sure the only way to celebrate is by grabbing a snack and settling in to read some of these recs from around the farm.
The witches hope you enjoy these offerings and implore you to be sure to leave the creators some love! - - - - - - - - - -
15-3919 (foxtails/@ratchet) "Who knew paint samples could be sexy? Apparently foxtails did. This is a gorgeous look at David through the eyes of his adoring husband as they put their own stamp on their new cottage."
Breakaway (@blackandwhiteandrose) "Hockey!Patrick! This unique twist on the Sports AU finds our favourite couple already married, and navigating their lives post NHL career. It's smart, funny, and sexy and I challenge you to only read it once!"
Capitalist raccoons (oh_la_fraise/@oh-la-fraise-blog​) "David playing Animal Crossing. It's as cute as you think it will be."
I didn't know what life was, but now I understand (@rhetoricalk) **FANVID** "Watch this vid about the Rose family's most important relationships set to James Morrison's "Precious Love." Try not to cry. Cry a lot."
A little more warmth (@rosedavid) "You'll love this 5 + 2 exploration of people wearing David's clothes and David wearing Patrick's."
Never again (houdini74/@mostlyinthemorning) "Wedding planning is stressful, but it's Patrick who's feeling the worst of it."
You spoke to me so sweetly (hungryhungryhippo/@hippolotamus) "Alexis has a health scare, and Twyla (her wife!) is right there by her side for support and some sexy softness."
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