#fashion choice does not equal gender fuckers!
gods i will never forgive whoever/whatever (likely capitalism. fuckers.) for changing the gothic subcultures outfit and styles; like. I know I've ranted about this to people many times but it is just?? Gothic fashion is a part of the subculture, and it used to be that it wasn't separated by gender to this fucking degree, I swear to gods i remember how clothes was sold even just 16-17 years ago, how there was bigger similarities to the styles and whatnot, how a lot of masc goths wore ''women's'' clothing because of the specific styles they were going for, because a lot of goths were just GNC in terms of their styles. And now I just. I see so much separation. On gothic websites (Such as Disturbia, Killstar, Beserk, just to name a few) there's a huge focus on women's fashion. I'm not saying only women can wear the clothes, that's my point, it used to be just. Clothes. And now it's made for fem people, it's made for people who have tits and wanna flaunt or need em to wear certain styles (again, this does not equal woman) and there's so much cool stuff! Special fabrics, effects, sleeves and design choices. But that's kept to ''womens'' clothes; the men's clothing section is usually either victorian goth styled button ups or some mesh/blank tees. Sometimes a sweater or hooded cardigan.
And I feel like I never see anyone talk about the sudden focus on the gender separation?? Like for example I swear I remember when Disturbia was newer and they had an ''All clothes'' and a somewhat equal focus on ''male'' and ''womens'' clothes but last time i looked at the website it was completely different with maybe 3 options of male clothing options that I had to go dig for.
IDK. I'm just a salty goth who wants less gender separation and more focus on making clothes everyone can wear.
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