#fashion doll clothing
smallerplaces · 1 year
Dollar Store Fashion Parade
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Some of my girls are glamming, including finds for hard-to-fit Petite Barbie.
The dress with the fancy sleeves is from Dollar Tree, and I promise I could not sew those sleeves for $1.25 in effort. The other outfits are from a Toymazing fashion pack from Family Dollar, which I bought because it featured flat shoes. Welp, the sandals barely fit Skipper, so what I've achieved is shoes for my three Stacie dolls. That also needed doing, so win-win.
However the huge win was that the clothing in the pack is generally cut short and narrow, so Petite Barbie scored a flattering jumpsuit.
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My hope was that some of the items would also look good on Skipper, who's been stuck wearing camo pants and a crop top. Everything is a little loose on her, as if she's been thrifting and picking clothing that's fine in length but a little too old for her. The flowered dress is the least "off." At least her sandals, from the same Toymazing pack, fit.
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One item in the Toymazing pack looked loose, so I tried it on Alexis, as the jeans and hiking boots Mom had her in are way too warm for summer. It fits!
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Meanwhile, the real jewel is this dress that is much more detailed than the usual Dollar Tree dress. We went to the Dollar Tree in rural Willits, California, and I'm not sure if they had more stock because there aren't a lot of places to shop in Willits or if they had old stock because life moves slower up there. Either way, those sleeves on Sophie are epic.
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