#fates wiki says asugi smells the best in the whole army tho and i do think that's funny
So, I think we know your feelings about the Awakening Trio, but what’re your thoughts on the reincarnation trio? (Asugi, Caeldori, and Rhajat)
Love ‘em? Hate ‘em? Love the concept, hate the execution? Hate the concept but enjoy the execution?
Fun fact, I tried making a roleswap AU once where Gaius, Cordelia, and Tharja were the ones who go to Fates while Laslow, Selena, and Odin are the reincarnations, but that idea fell apart quickly for a few reasons…
Oh, yeah, those guys! I think I'm mostly neutral? I don't really think about them that much, really. I really like the Awakening Trio because they're not just units who look like their Awakening counterparts; they're literally the same people, and their character growth carries over. The art shift can also be chalked up to time passing and them aging. I think that's really cool. But with the Reincarnation Trio, there's not any character development carrying over. It's just their faces and some general personality traits.
I thought Gaius and Cordelia were fun characters in Awakening, but I didn't feel like the fact they were Gaius and Cordelia were necessary to their characters in Fates the way it was integral to the Awakening Trio's interactions with others in Fates. Asugi not wanting to be a ninja and Caeldori working hard to take after Subaki's image of perfection are both neat traits, but I don't feel like them looking like Gaius and Cordelia added anything to that. There could have been original characters with those personality traits, and it would have been neat. (For Rhajat, her looking like Tharja is more tied into her character than Caeldori or Asugi's characters in that it's implied Rhajat is a reincarnation of Tharja or connected to Tharja more strongly in some way, but I'm not very interested in her obsession with Corrin/thinking they're soulmates, so that's not very appealing either. Hayato could have had a gloomy magic-user without her being Tharja 2.0 and more could have been done with that.)
tl;dr I'm neutral! I don't dislike them, but I do feel there was potential to have more original characters in their places rather than plopping in some popular characters from the last game and not changing much with them. I don't particularly think about them otherwise.
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