#father frape
sweetestofchaos · 1 year
Blackthorn Ch 7 Teaser | M.YG
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Pairing: Dragon Prince!Yoongi x Impundulu Princess!Keena Genre: Fluff AU: Soulmate, Strangers to Lovers, Fantasy, Arranged Marriage WC: 552 Warnings: None  Rating: PG-16 Summary: It's time for the Princess to say her farewells.
a/n: Please keep in mind that this teaser isn’t betaed and will most likely be touched up once the finale edit is ready. Excuse any mistakes for now. Moodboard made by @egocypher.
Series Masterlist
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Hoseok cleared his throat from behind the two young royals and the Prince turned his attention to the men and women who were bowing before him. Princess Keena crossed her arms over her chest and as she started to bow, from the corner of her eyes she noticed Prince Yoongi had followed her movement. Together with their arms crossed over their chest, the Prince and Princess bowed to those lower in rank. Prince Yoongi waited for the Princess to rise before he followed her movements once again and stood tall by her side.
Princess Keena felt her eyes burn as she watched her envoy shift row by row into their bird forms. Those who were not of the Escistan army started to climb into sixteen men litters carried on the backs of giant flying turtles. Aga left his post and the Princess watched as he cupped Izaso’s face between his large hands. Tears were spilling down Izaso's face as they said their goodbyes. Aga kissed her tears away but it was no use as more and more kept falling.
The sky started to twist from blue and yellow to many shades of grey as the Princess tried not to cry. They were really leaving and she would have only Aga by her side. The Princess flinched when fingers brushed against her own and she bit the inside of her cheek when Prince Yoongi grabbed her fingers with his own. 
They stood by each other, side by side, holding hands as they gave each other silent support. The sky slowly melted into a dull blue with faded white clouds as Prince Yoongi squeezed Princess Keean’s hand every once in a while. Aga stepped away from Izaso and she shifted in an openbill stork. Princess Keena held her head a little higher and as silver bled into the brown, she started to chirp loudly. Aga’s pale yellow eyes burned bright as he answered the Princess’ call and those in her envoy joined in. The air was filled with a heavy promise of hope as the bird song subsided and they took off into the air.
Aga shielded his eyes as he watched them depart into the sunny sky. He brought his hands down to his mouth and shouted loudly, “Zèklè a pral frape!”
“Princess…” Prince Yoongi ran his thumb over the rings on Princess’ Keena’s fingers and smiled faintly knowing that she continued to wear his gifts. He turned to face her and licked his lips; the Princess’ eyes were slowly shifting back to their warm brown. “Would you like to see one of my favorite places in the palace?”
Princess Keena nodded her head and Prince Yoongi noticed his parents as they watched him from over the Princess’ shoulder. Emperor Chungho waved his hand for the Prince and Prince Yoongi sighed. He started to remove his hand from the Princess and his father shook his head which made the Prince eyebrows pinch together. Princess Keena giggled and poked at his protruding bottom lip without a second through. Prince Yoongi turned his attention back on the Princess and narrowed his eyes.
The smile on the Princess’ face was worth it and Prince Yoongi shook his head. He hadn’t even realized that he had started to pout. “We are being summoned by the Emperor.”
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
6 - 3 - 30 with sanji pls.......
Wife voice: Write me more Saaaaaanjiiii
Random number generator: I gotchu Sanji x Reader AU: Modern, coffee shop AU SFW Word count: 934
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The café you worked at seemed busier then normal for a weekday, rushing here and there, calling out drinks, making frapes and spending hours being deafened by the whirring of drinks mixing behind you. The monotony of one after another of customers in a constant flow, you didn’t even get thirty seconds between interactions to catch a breath.
“Break time” Your supervisor informed you and you tried your best not to let your relief wash over you so visibly, but you didn’t waste time in pulling your apron off and setting down the broom handle “Oh, just take out the trash on your way?” the man added and you grimaced, hiding it behind your polite I’m at work smile.
Lugging the large plastic bag behind you managed to open the back door enough to squeeze you and the trash out. You groaned and shut the heavy door behind you, frowning at the weight of the overstuffed trash bag as you tried to get momentum to swing it into the large dumpster that lined the ally wall.
"Need any help with that?" You spun around at the unfamiliar voice.
A tall blond man with bangs over half his face leaned on the wall, taking out a pack of smokes from his fancy black dress pants. You blinked a few times and noticed a name badge on his pink shirt Sanji. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it, taking a drag “Don’t worry I’m not some creeper who hangs out in the ally, I work next door” You felt better once this Sanji explained himself.
“Oh, the new restaurant? It always smells so good there” You couldn’t help but sigh, all your lunch breaks consisted of frowning at your packed lunch and wishing it were something they cooked, the smells always invading your nose and making you hungry.
“Help yeah?” You nodded and moved from the trash, he picked it up effortlessly and heaved it into the dumpster, cig perched in his mouth as he did so. Sanji looked so streamline that you hadn’t expected that sort of strength.
“Thank you so much, my back was already killing, come by later for a coffee and I’ll make it a large for free” You offered the man who shook his head “I try not to have too many vices” Sanji chuckled letting out a cloud of smoke, tapping the ash onto the ground below. “Smoking and coffee is pretty common” You mused as you sat on the stack of crates, happy to get off your feet.
Sanji grinned at you stubbing the end out, flicking it into the dumpster “Who said smoking was my only vice?” You couldn’t help laughing at the grin on the blondes face at his cheeky comment.
After that day you bumped into him more on your lunch breaks, soon you’d both arranged your lunch times to coincide with one another. Sanji stole two slightly broken chairs from his workplace for you both to sit on. You sat down and looked around for him, he was late, you couldn’t help feeling disappointed, your forty minutes with the cook had become the highlight of your day.
“Sorry I’m late but I bring gifts” Sanji had kicked open the door, despite hearing one of the older chefs tell him off for it. In his hand were two plates of noodles and your mouth fell open, the smell so enticing. “I thought I’d make us lunch today” He handed you a plate, pulling out a fork from the pocket of his shirt which you took with a thanks.
“Did you?”
“Yeah, there was some stuff that went out tonight and I asked the shitty geezer if I could make something with it for lunch” He sat across from you, tucking into his own plate, watching you for your reaction “And he said yes I presume?”
“Nah but I’m sure he’ll dock me for it, it’s fine.”
You laughed and rolled your eyes, Sanji worked for his father so you guessed he wouldn’t get in that much trouble for it. “So I see a lot of your other staff come in to grab coffee.. It’s pretty great seeing huge burly men come in and ask for chai latte’s and pink strawberry frapes, when are you going to come get something?” You started to eat your noodles and made a sound “Oh wow this is the best food I have tasted in literally years Sanji, Oh God” You couldn’t wait to put another fork load into your mouth.
“I’m glad you like it, I just wanted to bring you some real food” He always teased you about your overly cute but barely filling lunches. You rolled your eyes at him, picking eating over responding to him. “And I might be tempted to grab something one day.”
You sighed looking at the cup in your hand, the day dragging on, the order written on the cup, you winced, strong black coffee, who the heck would order something so boring? You turned the cup to judge the person Sanji. Your head shot up and looked around, your eyes met with the tall blond.
“I thought you didn’t want another vice?” You teased him, setting the cup under the machine, letting it churn and do its work. “I had a think about it” He started, leaning on the counter while you worked on his drink. “I think I have time for two more vices.”
“Two?” He nodded his head and as you handed him his drink, he passed you a slip of paper with his number on “O-oh”
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