#fatws conjecture
siancore · 4 years
Have you seen the latest tfatws "leak"? Bucky discovers he has a granddaughter named Rikki played by Erin Kellyman who Sam fights in the trailer. I doubt it's true, just more rumors but what do you think it?
Hey. I didn’t see any of this latest FATWS stuff. This is interesting. Rikki AKA Rebecca Barnes exists in comic canon as an alternate reality granddaughter of alternate reality Bucky.
I’m rusty, and it’s confusing, so please bear with me, but she appeared before Brubaker’s rebirth of Bucky as Winter Soldier (Marvel tried a few ways of bringing Bucky back to life and this was kind of one of them - long story, I’ll make another post) but then later as Bucky’s multiverse alternate reality granddaughter.
She actually fought 616 Flag-Smasher, so it’s interesting she may be Flag-Smasher in FATWS (or at least part of the Flash Smasher group).
You may have read convos where people referred to a ‘female Bucky’ - that’s the character they’re taking about - Rikki Barnes. She has also been called ‘female Nomad’, though she only went by the alias Bucky, and was actually Nomad as a hero in her own right for a time. If you’re interested in 616 comic stuff, check out Heroes Reborn.
Rikki Barnes is a hero in Earth-616. Her power is being able to reincarnate into any universe. If she is who she is in FATWS, that is, alternate reality Bucky’s granddaughter, this opens the multiverse up further.
If she is Bucky’s actual granddaughter, then it makes their stories a whole lot sadder because it means Bucky has a family he doesn’t know about.
Her appearance in Earth-199999 is probably due to, and this is my interpretation as a comic book connoisseur, weird shit. Weird inter-dimensional shit that they won’t explain very well lol Rikki was tied to Reed Richards, so the implications of her in Earth-199999 (MCU) is, again, very interesting for me.
It’s huge and I don’t know how they’re going to work it in. But Feige or someone said this show was focusing on heroes who wouldn’t normally get a lot of attention plot-wise from the films etc. Including Rikki actually opens Bucky’s story up in a surprising way. I did not see that coming lol
Also, I didn’t realise Erin Kellyman was Flag-Smasher in the trailer (there’s a lot going on i.e. Sam Wilson), but given that there was more focus on Flag- Smasher than there was on Sharon Carter, her role is probably going to be significant.
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I’m actually excited to see what they do with the character and how this arc might play out. I have to reprocess my original conjecture for the show, now. This is fun. Thanks, Anon.
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siancore · 4 years
Do you think tfatws would have Sam and Bucky fight? Or want to fight each other?
Hey, Anon. Honestly? I don’t know. It doesn’t make sense for them to be fighting one another, but then again the MCU doesn’t always make sense. 
Personally, I don’t see how having them fight one another would fit into the narrative unless Bucky was the WS. I think we’ve moved past that for them. There’s no need for the two of them to be throwing hands. And I don’t think there’ll be time for that, either, considering it looks like we’ll be getting:
1. Backstory for Sam
2. To meet Sam’s family
3. To see Sam struggling with the legacy of the shield
4. New threats
5. Sam learning the true history of the Super Soldier Program and Isaiah Bradley
6. Old threats
7. New allies
8. Them kicking ass
9. Sam and Bucky bonding with one another
10. Some type of rebuilding of society or something like that
There’s a lot to be covered in the series, so I don’t think there’s time for them to be kicking each other’s asses. 
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siancore · 4 years
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Sam taking Bucky’s ass to Red Lobster
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