tamashas-blog · 6 years
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                       “          not your baby, not your equal                                           not the title y'all want me under                                 ALL HAIL KING KILLMONGER        “
WEY HEY YALL ! my name is kylie AGAIN & this my fuccin zaddy boo IREPANI more recently since the 19th century known as “ANTONIO ‘TONI’ REY” ! this man a wild ass vampire dats into orgies , hooman blood , n knowledge cus u know T_T i hope yall wanna plot with me tho i love this man it’s incredible . 
* OSCAR ISAAC  &  CISMALE  / /  here we’ve got IREPANI,  the  THREE-THOUSAND & ONE year old VAMPIRE -  luckily, HE actually looks about FOURTY TWO years old.  with a reputation for being  + INTELLIGENT,  + WISE,  - VIDICTIVE, and  -  CALCULATING, it’s surprising we haven’t heard more about them.  ANTONIO has been around faulk hollow for ONE HUNDRED & FIVE YEARS, but they ain’t leaving anytime soon. you hear KING’S DEAD by KENDRICK LAMAR? that means you’ll see ‘em soon.  
born name: irepani.
current name: antonio ‘toni’ rey.
date of birth: unknown ; three-thousand & one years old.
species: vampire.
place of birth: mesoamerica . ( modern day central america )
alignment: true neutral.
occupation: he wealty he aint got one :D
alright so unlike my other muses , IREPANI has a history that’s legit all over the place which is sort of why i decided not to do it via bullet points because there’s just so much information to relay & it’s kinda hard to do it with bullet points kinda . . . .YALL DON’T CARE . anyway —
so irepani was born to a native tribe in the mesoamerican area . by this time , the empires he was soon to have under his thumb were not a thing . the tribe was ran by his father who was known to everyone as PATER . his wife known as MATER to those in the tribe , died during the birth of irepani . the tribe maintained well manners with the others around & by the time irepani was six years old , he already had a wife lined up for him . 
irepani would not meet this young girl until they were both around their late teen years . he was less than impressed with what he spotted in front of him & even vocalized his distain for he was already in love with another member of the tribe he was apart of . this angered his potential bride unknown to him who was a witch , SANTANICO . 
years went by — irepani now into his late thirties . he had a child on the way by this time , a wife . a tribe underneath his thumb . this wife wasn’t the one that he was lined up with when he was a teenager , but a different one — the one he originally loved to begin with . santanico however had not moved on from such heartbreak , seeing the one who she was groomed to be with since birth be with another . 
santanico had been plotting her revenge for years & a few months before the birth of irepani’s son , she did her worse . arriving at the destination of irepani’s tribe , the woman stood above a high rock — staring down at the puny huts . irepani had run to a nearby tribe for a trade off before returning to absolute horror : his entire tribe was now in ruins . the burned bodies of his tribe members , his wife cradling her chard stomach . with his family dead , all fifty of them , he realized he wasn’t alone . when he spotted santanico staring down at the ruins with a sinister smile , she held out her hands completing her goal . he couldn’t kill himself , he could only mourn for all eternity as he was transformed into a vampire before his very eyes . 
horrified , the disgraced chief moved into the depths of the mountains where he had been for nearly a thousand years until the beginning of his new empire began . after gaining a following due to his tall stature , leadership attitude , & of course let’s not forget his terrifying ability , the man was crowned emperor irepani of the pani empire . ( this the aztecs or mayans , they like dat ) 
their kingdom had flourished over the decades , seeing their leader not aging made him a god amongst them . he fed from them — their women mainly . he was worshipped among his people yet feared as well . 
*skip skip skip im too lazy to talk about invasions n shit i’ll come back to it l8r ; also he kills santanico by ripping out her heart & watching her fuck ass shatter n he found a bit of peace yada yada boo boo* 
after the dismantling of his empire , the emperor sought out the creation of something that could keep him from being scalded underneath the daylight . after traveling all through south america , irepani found an aging witch to create him a daylight ring . that was nearly eight hundred years ago . 
after the exploration of the americas , the now three-thousand year old vampire has spent the majority of the 19th , 20th, and 21st century in north america — specifically faulk hollow . he feels a sense of community - something he hadn’t felt since all those centuries ago with his tribe members . 
all in all , these days irepani is just living each day carefully . he’s studious , examines everyone & everything around him & has for years . he doesn’t have a stick up his ass what so ever , he’s just highly observant .  he’s also someone who’s easy to talk to , will listen & if he isn’t , he’ll make it seem like he is . he’s a gentleman none of the less , but he love him some fuccin kinky ass poly ass orgy ass shit but like u kno he a gent in the streets , freak in da sheets T_____T anyway yall allowed to call him irepani or antonio rey he answers to both . ask him about his emperor days that last nearly a 1000 years cus he wildtttt :DDD 
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skinshifts-blog · 6 years
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*  DANAI GURIRA & CISFEMALE / /  here we’ve got SIAN WESTAN,  the FOUR-HUNDRED year old WEREWOLF -  luckily, SHE actually looks about FORTY years old.  with a reputation for being  + LOYAL,  + CONTAINED,  - SELFISH, and  -  CYNICAL, it’s surprising we haven’t heard more about them.  SIAN has been around faulk hollow for FOUR HUNDRED YEARS, but they ain’t leaving anytime soon. you hear JDNT by GLASS ANIMALS? that means you’ll see ‘em soon.  (  it’s julia again! /  18 /  mst /  she/her ) 
name. sian westan. alias. none. species. werewolf. leader of the westan pack. place of birth. faulk hollow.
self-made matriarch of the westan pack. born in faulk hollow, will probably die in faulk hollow. it’s her home, and she doesn’t intend on leaving it anytime soon. she’s often looked to for guidance and advice, although she’s fully aware that not everyone is going to be willing to listen to what she has to say -- sometimes a firmer hand is required. she also knows that sometimes she doesn’t have all the answers.
her life has, relatively speaking, been peaceful. there’s been a fair-share of troubles, but nothing she couldn’t handle with time. at around age three-hundred-and-fifty or so she traveled the world to see what was out there before her own mother passed. she met her wife this way -- a witch -- and it settled in her the acceptance that faulk hollow was where she needed to be.
she’s level-headed and as a result has incredible control over her temper and transformations. it’s not perfect, and there are times that she’d like to snap, but it doesn’t present an image she wants to display.
currently considering adopting children, although there is some insecurity in her about whether or not she’d be a good mother like her parents were to her.
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deathstrcnded-blog · 6 years
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*  JOSH HOLLOWAY  &  CIS MALE  / /  here we’ve got THEODORE “THEO” HANCOCK,  the  ONE HUNDRED NINETY SEVEN  year old VAMPIRE  -  luckily, HE  actually looks about FORTY FOUR years old.  with a reputation for being  + CHARISMATIC  + REVOLUTIONARY,  - POSSESSIVE, and  -  UNFORGIVING, it’s surprising we haven’t heard more about them.  THEO has been around faulk hollow for THREE WEEKS, but they ain’t leaving anytime soon. you hear BONES BAD BONES by ASBJORN? that means you’ll see ‘em soon. 
H O W D Y    Y ‘ A L L !
so theodore, or “theo” as he likes to go by, was born in 1821, and lived and prospered as a human largely in the American West. he left his family home in montana to go to california to ‘strike it rich’, but when the farm burned down, killing his mother and father, he returned empty-pocketed and empty-handed to collect his two younger siblings and move them from the shambles of their home. 
but as they travelled, with all of their possessions on the backs of their horses, they were attacked by vampires - who killed all but theo, who was found by a nearby ranch owner and given shelter until he himself turned. 
so his first immortal feeling was guilt at the loss of his siblings, because he couldn’t protect them. he didn’t like what he’d become, and he didn’t want to be a vampire, so he refused to feed - until one day, he snapped out of hunger and accidentally killed the rancher and his wife, thus sending him on a bit of a ‘FEEDING SPIRAL’ that he’ll never forget 
this corrupted him - when he was once morally upright, he began a quick descent into a moral downward spiral. he found he liked to feed, liked his abilities, liked that he could do whatever he wanted; he had, after all, made nothing of himself, but now he had unlimited time to roam the west and find fortune to bury the guilt that had settled like a hard rock in his stomach - and which would never leave him. 
and so he became the typical picture of the morally grey gunslinger, drifting from town to town, caring little for putting down any roots and amassing a trail of dazed and bitten humans, swindled gold, romanced women, and time to kill.
as the west expanded, he took a few jobs here and there, on the railroad, mining for gold, and even pouring drinks at saloons. it was only when his creator found him in Arizona that he relented that he must conform to some kind of duty - and this is what brought him to Savannah, Georgia, for his maker had unfinished business with a coven of witches there. surprisingly enough, he actually liked Georgia, and the south in general - but let it be known that he supported the North in the Civil War. This made him numerous enemies, but none that could kill him with bullets and muskets. 
he remained under his maker’s thumb through the war, and watched while he took a stake through the heart; theo cared little for the loss of she who created him, for he realized that she was the cruel sort that he’d started to become - and that she had created others, all who lived under her oppressive influence 
it should be noted that he could have saved her. he also could have hidden her from the hunters and witches who looked for her. but he did not. she was ruthless, cruel, manipulative - and he would not be.
as she died, he took her mantle, for he was the first she’d created, and therefore the oldest. ‘OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE’, he said, and so he took over his maker’s estate in Georgia with the rest of her creations, and their creations by proxy. 
he remained in the south for a great many years, acting as shepherd for outcasts of the supernatural in the southern united states; punish the guilty, and protect the innocent - he maintained a bastard image of western gunslinging and southern charm, and it was this that won him just as many friends as enemies. 
he has come HERE to follow his own progeny, to relocate after the witches who killed his maker decided that they were tired of he and his merry band of ragtag misfits and underdogs occupying Savannah. he’s only been here a short time so he’s still meeting people and learning the ropes - so please come mess with him. 
I’ll definitely do some good good character development stuff soon, but for now he’s a wild card who hates injustice and represses all his feelings and just likes to have FUN Y’ALL so come plot!!
ALSO HI, I’M MEGAN! i’m 22 from the est time zone, and i’m really bad at talking about myself. i unironically love the real housewives, drink too much wine, and my soulmate is my cat. ur all already amazing and i’m a healthy mix of shook and intimidated ajdshfjhsdgfks
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clvwed · 6 years
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  / /  here we’ve got JACKSON BLOOM,  the  NINETY year old WEREWOLF  -  luckily, HE  actually looks about THIRTY THREE years old.  with a reputation for being  + HUMOROUS,  + REALISTIC,  -RECKLESS, and  -  BELLIGERENT, it’s surprising we haven’t heard more about them.  JACKSON has been around faulk hollow for NINETY YEARS , but they ain’t leaving anytime soon. you hear HOT BLOOD by KALEO? that means you’ll see ‘em soon.  (  penned by  alyssa /  20  /  pst  /  she/her  )  
tw: alcoholism 
Honestly, Jackson is probably the local drug dealer. 
Born and raised in Faulk Hollow, Jackson won’t live anywhere else. He’s seen the world, but he’s happiest here, for whatever reason.
Kind of the runt of the family/pack, he’s always been the black sheep. But still very much has a pack mentality. Very loyal to those who he cares about. Will pretty much accept any wolf, because he has division kind of mindset towards the supernatural world. Us vs Them, kind of thing.
He was the second son born into his mother. Before he was born, his mother was married to another man, where she had his first son, William. 
 Her husband died a couple years before Jackson was born. After he died, his mother would often be involved in prostitution to make ends meet. Jackson was a product of her side business. He was never aware of who his true father was. (This is how he got the werewolf gene.) 
Jackson grew up as an overly angry boy. He was dismissed by his older brother (who’s attention he desperately fought over).
 William would always get teased about his mother and his bastard brother,  and he blamed Jackson for it.
Then the wolf stuff started happening. No one in his family was a werewolf, Jackson, luckily, lived in the supernatural capital of America, and was immediately taken in under the wing of the local pack.
Jackson found a family in his pack, and found a type of bond that he had never felt in anyone else, not even his own family.
Jackson joining the pack really took a toll on his relationship with brother. They were never close, but now they virtually had no relationship at all. But there was always tension, and resentment on both ends. 
One night (as adults), after years of not speaking, William and Jackson get together for some drinks, and try to mend to strained relationship. But that was a no go, things got heated and the alcohol really got to Jackson. One thing led to another, and Jackson ended up getting into a physical fight with his brother, and ended up beating him to death.
This is something that Jackson has never spoken about, and he tries to forget it happened.
Now, he’s just your local dirtbag
I would love some tight and close pack friends for him! Any connections are welcomed! Feel free to like this and I’ll message you!
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tamashas-blog · 6 years
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                      “      what ever you ask for                                                   THAT’S WHAT I’LL BE      “
WEY HEY YALL ! my name is kylie FUCKING AGAIN & this my other fuccin zaddy boo DONOVAN HALE ! okay i love playing dad-types because deep down im a middle aged man full of awful jokes like my boi here T_T legit just wants to protecc all the lil pups roamin around these parts . he old was the president of the us from like 1919 to 1928 c: — a fuckin MANZ
*  JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN  &  CISMALE  / /  here we’ve got DONOVAN HALE,  the  TWO HUNDRED & FORTY-EIGHT year old WEREWOLF -  luckily, HE actually looks about FIFTY-THREE years old.  with a reputation for being  + PROTECTIVE,  + CALM,  - COLD, and  -  CONDESCENDING, it’s surprising we haven’t heard more about them.  DON has been around faulk hollow for FIFTY-SIX YEARS, but they ain’t leaving anytime soon. you hear FATHER FIGURE by GEORGE MICHAEL? that means you’ll see ‘em soon.  (  penned by kylie /  20  /  pst  /  she&her  )  
born name: donovan hale
current name: donovan , donnie , donnie boi , dad T_T
date of birth: 1769 , april 8th
species: werewolf.
place of birth: virginia — original colony 
alignment: true neutral.
occupation: retired , former president of the united states 
+ okay so , donovan was born on april 8th , 1769 — about six  years before the revolutionary war began which his father would soon be apart of . his parents were of werewolf blood — their entire pack coming to the colonies to begin their lineage on new soil . his father was unlike any other man during the time . like george washington , he was tall a staggering six foot five , beefy , hairy — everything a werewolf was characteristically . his mother also had a shape different for the time . they weren’t feared , but they were called upon in time of dire stress due to their intimidating presence .
+ by the time donovan was seven in 1776 , his father began fighting along side the newly formed americans for their fight to independence . they were shaken by his status . in freezing temperatures he would strip to nothing but his pants , strength beyond belief — they were beginning to think he was a god . don thought he was to . 
+ after the war was over , life resumed . his family along with their pack would migrate up north to new york . by his teens , he attended king’s college with alexander hamilton’s son ( ain’t that wildt ? ) during his time at king’s college , he would often walk in the city late at night by this time , he hadn’t triggered his werewolf gene . he tried to stay calm in fits of rages ,  were walking through the streets . he was surrounded by a group of men — ready to cause trouble . let’s just say there was an altercation , they got hurt . . . real bad . the men . . . were nearly unrecognizable . he was triggered during the altercation — those men dead by his own hand 
+ years would go by , having fought beside his father in plenty of wars — the war of 1812 would be one of them . after the war , his father would enlist that their pack move further west to california . donovan would stay behind — having bigger plans in store for himself . to his father’s dismay , he yet agreed , allowing his son to stay east . 
+ during his years on the east , he would enter the political circuit . he had met a human woman once again . she was everything he wanted in a woman : kind , gentle — supportive . she would fall pregnant twice , but would die soon after the birth of their second child . a girl the first , a boy the second . he would raise the children on his own by this time no longer living in new york , but in washington , dc to begin his political career officially — a promise he made to his wife before she passed away . 
+ during the early 1900s , he would be the vice president of theodore roosevelt for the next eight years after the assassination of william mckinley . by the 1916 , he had began his campaign for the presidency & in 1919 , he won by a whopping landslide . he was similar to teddy roosevelt , loved by most , hated by some . 
+ *skip skip almost got asassinated like four times cus he wouldnt die cus they aint realize he’s a fuckin wolf blah blah skip skip great depression ish skip skip world war i & ii , skip skip*
+  after his presidency , the man went into recluse . to many they thought he passed away , but to those who really knew , he began his pack . made up of his children , their children , the ones he would adopt allowing them to take his name . he was dad bruh T_T 
+ they moved to faulk hollow in 1961 — now having been there for almost 60 years . it was the perfect place to retire at & it’s kinda cute cus they learn about him in school n they have question marks next to his year of death cus . . . they ded ass don’t know uwu 
WANTED CONNECTION: everything specially his kiddos bruh 
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skinshifts-blog · 6 years
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*  IDRIS ELBA  &  CISMALE  / /  here we’ve got ABRAM REED,  the FORTY-FIVE year old HUNTER. with a reputation for being  + DECISIVE,  + QUICK-WITTED,  - COLD, and  - AUTHORITARIAN,  it’s surprising we haven’t heard more about them. ABRAM has been around faulk hollow for FOUR MONTHS,  but they ain’t leaving anytime soon. you hear AIN’T NO GRAVE by JOHNNY CASH? that means you’ll see ‘em soon.  (  hi its julia again /  18  /  mst  /  she/her  )
name. abram reed. alias. reed, abram. species. human. works as a hunter, primarily of werewolves and vampires, but he’s got no qualms about others that cause trouble. dob. september 5th, 1973. place of birth. hackney, london, UK. tropes. badass baritone, brutal honesty, from nobody to nightmare, functional addict, i work alone, made of iron.
abram comes from a long line of hunters ---- his father, his father’s father, and his father before him have all written their names in the books regaling hunter history and their achievements. he’s the eldest of five siblings, three of which are dead due to their hazardous occupation.
he was drawn in to faulk hollow seemingly by instinct, with no real rhyme or reason. it feels a bit like he’s trapped there, unsure of what to do, what he needs to do in order to leave. he was pulled to the area chasing down a werewolf contract (WC maybe??) who he’s been hunting for years, but they’ve disappeared out of thin air and it really bothers him.
he’s missing his left leg from the thigh up and has to use and maintain an advanced prosthetic made specifically for him. lost it during a fight with a powerful witch in west germany -- she’s dead and buried, and he barely made it out of the fight himself.
he’s a good man, a kind man, with good intentions, but more often than not those intentions can be carried out poorly. he doesn’t hunt every supernatural being, nor does he carry any particular vendetta ---- he simply wants to go after the ones who are dangerous, a creed held close to his chest by his forefathers and now him.
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mcnstres · 6 years
( casually slides onto the dash ) HEY THERE! i’m s, and yes, it does indeed stand for shithead, and i live in pst. i turned twenty just four days ago so that means three hundred and sixty-one more days until i can legally drink in the united states. cue the confetti poppers. but anyways, i’m v v excited to be here and can’t wait to plot with you all! that being said, hmu if uh, you know, you wanna like, plot or sumthin sumthin. my IMs are open but if that’s not really your style, i also have a discord that i’d happily give out if you ask. but yeah, below the read more is all that jazz, yadda yadda, ye. 
rape tw, abortion tw, death tw
*  ADRIA ARJONA  &  CISFEMALE  / /  here we’ve got BELLE MÁRQUEZ-ROSALES,  the  THIRTY-EIGHT  year old VAMPIRE  -  luckily, SHE  actually looks about TWENTY-FIVE years old.  with a reputation for being  BENIGN,  AUDACIOUS,  CREDULOUS, and  SELF-DEPRECIATIVE, it’s surprising we haven’t heard more about them.  BELLE has been around faulk hollow for 2 WEEKS, but they ain’t leaving anytime soon. you hear CONFIDENTLY LOST by SABRINA CLAUDIO? that means you’ll see ‘em soon.
she was born and raised in grand haven, michigan. her mom had her at 16 and idk where her dad went but uh, he wasn’t in the picture. her aunt was 27 when her mom had her, and she’d already been told she couldn’t have kids, so when belle was born it was kind of a blessing in disguise for her. the mom didn’t really want anything to do with the kid, she was a teenager at the time and was too wacked out over the fact that the baby-daddy vanished. so yeah, her aunt and uncle were basically her parents
never had a good relationship with her mom. also has a lot of half-siblings due to the fact that her mom just wouldn’t stop having kids lol
belle’s always been kind of, idk, perfect?? she was a good baby, quiet, barely ever cried, always sleeping; she was a good kid, remembered her abc’s and times tables in the first few weeks she learned them, never talked back to her tia; she was an exceptionally good teenager, didn’t drink or smoke like the other kids, kept straight a’s, did hella volunteer work, etc. you get the whole gist. she was just... good. she did everything she could to NOT become her mother, and so she worked hard and kept out of trouble
but then when she was 16, belle was raped. it happened after her sophomore homecoming football game; her friend wanted to go to a party to celebrate and belle didn’t want her to go alone so basically she only went to keep an eye on her. long story short, belle found herself locked in a room with a drunk guy and that’s when he took advantage of her. she ended up pregnant afterwards and got an abortion. at first, she was going to keep it because she was raised by a very religious family, that’s partially the reason why she has so many damn half-siblings, but her aunt supported her decision to get the abortion
despite what’d happened to her, belle continued to try and see the best out of her life. she used it as her motivation to get stronger, to get out of grand haven and make a better life for herself. she graduated high school as valedictorian and then ended up going to the university of michigan
she entered college as a human biology major. she wanted to get her phd in gynaecology and eventually join the msf, aka, doctors without borders
life seemed to be going well for her. she fell in love, got into med school, and she just felt like everything was on track
but you know, something bad always has to happen when she thinks everything’s good and dun dun dun she gets turned into a vampire!! she, tommy(da bf at the time), and his sister were ambushed by vampires. while tommy survived, she and his sister were turned. they decided to stay away from him and let him believe they were dead because one, belle couldn’t control her bloodlust for shit and she didn’t want to end up killing him or sumthin, and two, she was ashamed of what she was. she thought he’d see her as a monster. to this day, belle still hasn’t really come to terms with the fact that she’s a vampire
belle and tommy’s sister have basically been moving from town to town, living in a place until blah blah something goes wrong and they have to move again. the last time they had to move from somewhere was because belle almost killed someone, yay. they’ve been in faulk hollow for about 2 weeks now and she isn’t really aware that there are other things besides vampires out there??? like “ghosts??? ghosts aren’t real”
no daylight ring so ya girl stuck in da dark. BUT if there were some kind of witchy woo out there that’d make one for her... that’d like.. be a nice thing to plot out *eye emoji*
totes drinks blood bags. she a bambi lover and drinking from humans is a huge no-no for her because uh surprise she still has problems with her bloodlust
*  THEO JAMES  &  CISMALE  / /  here we’ve got ANDREI OVCHUKHOV,  the  SEVEN HUNDRED AND THREE  year old VAMPIRE  -  luckily, HE  actually looks about THIRTY-SIX years old.  with a reputation for being  ENDEARING,  VIGOROUS,  IMPETUOUS, and INTEMPERATE, it’s surprising we haven’t heard more about them.  ANDREI has been around faulk hollow for FIFTY-FOUR YEARS, but they ain’t leaving anytime soon. you hear GLORY & GORE by LORDE? that means you’ll see ‘em soon.
he was born into a family of farmers in early 14th century russia. he was the eldest out of six children and his parents were simple, kind people. they struggled to make a living out of their harsh environment but always remained optimistic
things only got harder after his father died of disease. he had to take on the role of the “man” in the house and continued to farm, which mind you, was not at all what he wanted to do. he wanted something more out of life, to be something more. he had such ambition but was tied down to a lesser living by his obligation to family
1351, the black death came to russia. the weakest and less fortunate were contaminated first, so it came to no surprise when one by one, his siblings began dying of the plague. first it was his youngest sister, then it was his brother, and so on. the last person to die was his mother. he’d been by their sides the whole time, not caring if he too would get infected, and took care of them all until their last breath
one night, when andrei was sitting alone in the empty little house, a stranger came knocking at his door. it was storming heavily that night and the woman was looking for shelter. he warned her that the plague still lingered in his home, but oddly enough, she didn’t care. he let her stay and during the short time she was there, andrei basically told her his whole life story. she was an unfamiliar face and he was in dire need of letting out all his pain, so who better to tell than a person he probably wouldn’t ever see again? the next morning, she turned him without permission and without hesitation
at first, andrei had doubts about his vampirism. he didn’t like the idea about having to feed off of humans, but after awhile, all those doubts and sense of moral faded away. he realized that being a vampire was what he’d wanted all along - the abilities, the immortality, all of it. he could get anything he wanted and soon that power started to get to his head. that, and the bad influence his maker was on him. they spent his first century as a vampire together, sometimes as lovers, sometimes not, but in either aspect, she always had some kind of hold over him. she introduced him to the wealthier side of life, to over-indulgence, luxury, all that sha-bang. she created the person he is today. but after awhile, things began to get strained between them and their companionship ended rather abruptly(probs pretty violently too ngl) and to this day, andrei still holds hella negative feelings towards the other
after three centuries of taking lover after lover, partying like the world was gonna end, surrounding himself with luxury and wealth, basically living as the dionysus incarnate, he met yelena vladimirovna. he found her absolutely breathtaking and it found it extremely hard to stay away, even after news of her betrothal got around. the night of her wedding, he seduced her with promises of immortality and ever since then, they’ve been together. that’s his boo yo.
they partied hella and lived an extravagant life for the longest, so when they decided to settle down in faulk hollow, it was a huge change for him. he didn’t really like the boring and subtle lifestyle, but let’s be real, he’d probs do anything for yelena so he dealt with it. but fifty-four years later and he’s starting to get real anxious, he might even start killing people randomly because he’s bored and needs something to do lmao
got a daylight ring wayyy back when. also probs gave one to yelena as some kind of “engagement” ring
can be seen strolling around town in gucci and versace because he’s #extra
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blkcrft · 6 years
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* DAN STEVENS & MALE / / here we’ve got GREYSON GRAHAM, the THIRTY - FOUR year old WITCH - luckily, HE actually looks about THIRTY - FOUR years old. with a reputation for being + WITTY, + IMAGINATIVE, - MELODRAMATIC, and - DISORGANIZED, it’s surprising we haven’t heard more about them. GRAHAM has been around faulk hollow for FIVE YEARS, but they ain’t leaving anytime soon. you hear SELF CONTROL ( COVER ) by WELTEND? that means you’ll see ‘em soon. ( penned by chester / 22 / mt / he - him )
*stats page here !
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apophani · 6 years
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*  here we’ve got LUNA POLVERARI,  the  THIRTY-FOUR  year old WEREWOLF  -  luckily, SHE  actually looks about THIRTY-FOUR years old.  with a reputation for being  + THOROUGH,  + SKILLFUL,  - SELFISH, and  -  ESCAPIST, it’s surprising we haven’t heard more about them.  LUNA has been around faulk hollow for HER ENTIRE LIFE, but they ain’t leaving anytime soon. you hear BLUE AIN’T YOUR COLOR by KEITH URBAN? that means you’ll see ‘em soon.  (  penned by sloan /  18  /  -3gmt  /  she/her  )
here i am again coming from jace makana known vampire, with a very different babe but still the smoking hot aspect we should honestly never let die to the serious tailor face that’ll make you want to know everything she’s thinking also a werewolf Yay
*   the polverari pack has its main branch in the city of mexico, they hold numerous families under the name, now scattered over the world. luna’s mother arrived in faulk hollow pregnant with luna’s older sister (*winks at no one in particular*). they are all highly religions;
*   she’s a bespoke tailor, creating and altering garments in her deceased mother’s shop ( named Ocelot ). she’s the one people with wealth go to in other to make a suit measured perfectly. luna and her mom were notably famous for designing tuxedos for celebrities, having kept the small entrance of the place veneer looking and secretive enough that only those who look find it.
*   there’s nothing generic about her or her life, despite the fact that she spends a long time working on her designs, luna constantly travels to one place and another to care for her client’s needs or attend conferences and often has self-deprecating thoughts which are mostly what keep her from claiming her powers. something her mother died trying to make her do.
*   her overall personality is that she is careful and organized, it shows in her workplace and at home in a house as tidy as the ones always seen in showcases where both are methodical and fanciful, especially regarding the interior design.
*   shape-shifting and hunting are all too messy for her and she is very upset to do so whenever it is needed.
*   luna tends to be alluring to many, from the way she dresses to her bright eyes. she’s got the looks of a model and has taken some promotional photos to pay the rent and her travels when she was in her 20s.
 let THEM PLOTS COMEEEEE. pleas e i beg.
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guttremble-blog · 6 years
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*  here we’ve got JACE MAKANA,  the A HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIVE year old VAMPIRE / ARCHAEOLOGY PROFESSOR  -  luckily, SHE  actually looks about THIRTY-EIGHT years old.  with a reputation for being  MORALISTIC,  PRAISING,  BATTLE-SCARRED, and  RECALCITRANT, it’s surprising we haven’t heard more about them.  JACE has been around faulk hollow for ONE MONTH, but they ain’t leaving anytime soon. you hear RAINDROPS KEEP FALLING ON MY HEAD by BJ THOMAS? that means you’ll see ‘em soon. hello peeps, tis i sloan, i’m from brazil and constantly finding things to watch and waste time. i present you my dearest child who currently trying to gain some of the humanity she lost a while ago (fave trope, dont fight me on this), welcome to her char blurb
one. loved being human despite her poverty and having to steal (preferably artifacts). eventually grew into her stealth skills and opened an artifacts shop (of stolen things ofc).
two. jace stole from a lot of people and would only be aware of supernatural creatures when began expanding as well as taking extra requests for extra hard objects to get. she was turned by luka from whom she stole the belongings of his dead wife.
three. she had been married for two years to adelaide when she got bit, their relationship had been struggling for a while and on same night she cheated on her wife.
four. travelling here and there, jace's ultimate goal was to get rid of moods she didn't have when a mere human such as her anger. to control herself that was. and it took a long time and a lot of good guidance to do so. this also means that now she's managing herself perfectly but if she ever needs to fight she will most certainly be at an disadvantage. i would really like to see her being targeted by a hunter or anyone who can't stand vampires and having to find someone to train her.
five. mentors are very much welcomed, take her under ur bat wings!!!!
check this out for more info !!!
darlings feel free to contact me for plots for i love them all and if you want quicker responses ask for my discord i’ll gladly share it, love u <3
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tamashas-blog · 6 years
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ignore this — just making seperate posts for my babies T___T (  i mean if u  havent read it then fuccin read it nah mean )
*  MEGAN FOX  &  CISFEMALE / /  here we’ve got EVE ROSARIO,  the THIRTY-ONE year old IS UNEMPLOYED. with a reputation for being  + LOYAL,  + CANDID,  - STUBBORN, and  - HOT-HEADED,  it’s surprising we haven’t heard more about them. EVE has been around faulk hollow for TWENTY-SIX YEARS,  but they ain’t leaving anytime soon. you  hear JOLENE by DOLLY PARTON? that means you’ll see ‘em soon.  (  penned by kylie /  20  /  pst  /  she&her )
born name: evelyn rosario.
current name: eve or evie rosario.
occupation: currently unemployed.
children: christian monroe ( aged 16 )
date of birth: june 1st, 1987. ( 31 years old )
species: human.
place of birth: topeka, kansas.
alignment: true neutral.
specialty: blueberry bacon pancakes uwu
+ evelyn rosario was born to katie & steve monroe in topeka , kansas on june 1st , 1987 . their first daughter & only human child . both of her parents were werewolves — both of her twin brothers are also werewolves . the gene however , did not get passed down to the other .
+ after the death of grandfather , eve & her family moved to faulk hollow - the original birthplace of her father & mother . while in faulk , the girl was what you would call . . . . fast . being a human surrounded by wolves was enough to get ones adrenaline pumping . but for eve . . .this was maximized . “ the you jump , i’ll do it too even tho i’ll probs die “ type .
+ when she was fourteen , eve became sexually active with a boy who was about sixteen at the time . you know what they say kids : wrap it before you tap it . this boy was also her brother’s best friend - another fellow wolf . . . yall see the pattern ?
+ during the summer , evelyn found out she was already three months into her pregnancy . much to her parents dismay . but she refused to put the child up for adoption & her parents realized that perhaps this could be another wolf added into their bloodline .
+ at the age of fifteen , eve finally gave birth to her first & only child , a son named christian monroe . chris was born with the lycan gene , having began to show signs as early as seven years old although he wouldn’t trigger it completely until his uncles forced him to about a couple years ago when he was fourteen .
+ now thirty-one , the single mother has been living in her parents house with her son ever since then . getting a job ? what’s the point when every job in town is a joke anyway ? all in all , eve is a headstrong woman . ambitious , clear — assertive , candid yet alluring & charismatic . her son takes after her in terms of attitude & she couldn’t be anymore proud of him .
wanted connections: anything & everything uwu
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skinshifts-blog · 6 years
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hello hello! i’m julia, and i’m a big hot mess 24 / 7. let’s kick things off!
*  CHRIS EVANS  & CISMALE / /  here we’ve got MORRISON BARLOW,  the THREE HUNDRED AND TWO year old VAMPIRE -  luckily, HE actually looks about THIRTY SIX years old.  with a reputation for being + ALTRUISTIC, + LOYAL,  - STUBBORN, and - SHORT-TEMPERED, it’s surprising we haven’t heard more about them.  MORRISON has been around faulk hollow for THIRTY - THREE YEARS, but they ain’t leaving anytime soon. you hear TROUBLEMAKER by GRIZFOLK? that means you’ll see ‘em soon.  ( penned by julia / 18 / mst / she/her )
this is all a wip right now because it’s 8:05AM and i haven’t really gotten my shit together yet, but here’s the basics:
name. john morrison. alias. morrison barlow. species. vampire. dob. may 23rd, 1715. place of birth. a small town in what is now southern carolina. it’s lost to history. tropes. deadpan snarker, determinator, jerk with a heart of gold, reformed + rejected, what the hell, hero? build. beef. there’s a reason i chose chris evans. call me vain.
took on the name morrison barlow shortly after leaving his home in carolina - his reasons for leaving are his own, and not publicly shared.
turned and then taught by an englishman vampire in ‘51, and stuck by him for longer than he’s willing to admit to. the colonies won, the british left, and with them went morrison’s sire. he found himself stranded without much preparation for it, and the impact of the abandonment definitely had some formation in who he is today. sure, he’ll stick to whoever he thinks deserves it like a fly to honey, but with that comes a fierce short temper from fear of being left again.
took up residency in new orleans up until roughly 1985 before moving northwards. he knows he’s supposed to move frequently, but new orleans made him feel at home; he didn’t see much of a reason to go when no one was hunting him.
kinda touch and go? he’s picky and moody on the best of days (or should i say nights? ha ha, please laugh at my bad jokes) and enjoys his privacy when he can get it. he’ll do his absolute best to avoid going out in the day, even when it’s the dead of winter. it’s not his bag and it makes him feel uncomfortable, like he’s under a public spotlight ---- even if he knows it isn’t true.
has yet to turn anyone, but he can’t say that he’s never felt the need to. that desire for companionship and pure bloodlust most sires and dams have talked about over the years is still very much there. he’s just got a better handle on it than he did in his younger days.
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mcnstres · 6 years
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*  THEO JAMES  &  CISMALE  / /  here we’ve got ANDREI OVCHUKHOV,  the  SEVEN HUNDRED AND THREE  year old VAMPIRE  -  luckily, HE  actually looks about THIRTY-SIX years old.  with a reputation for being  ENDEARING,  VIGOROUS,  IMPETUOUS, and INTEMPERATE, it’s surprising we haven’t heard more about them.  ANDREI has been around faulk hollow for FIFTY-FOUR YEARS, but they ain’t leaving anytime soon. you hear GLORY & GORE by LORDE? that means you’ll see ‘em soon.
he was born into a family of farmers in early 14th century russia. he was the eldest out of six children and his parents were simple, kind people. they struggled to make a living out of their harsh environment but always remained optimistic
things only got harder after his father died of disease. he had to take on the role of the “man” in the house and continued to farm, which mind you, was not at all what he wanted to do. he wanted something more out of life, to be something more. he had such ambition but was tied down to a lesser living by his obligation to family
1351, the black death came to russia. the weakest and less fortunate were contaminated first, so it came to no surprise when one by one, his siblings began dying of the plague. first it was his youngest sister, then it was his brother, and so on. the last person to die was his mother. he’d been by their sides the whole time, not caring if he too would get infected, and took care of them all until their last breath
one night, when andrei was sitting alone in the empty little house, a stranger came knocking at his door. it was storming heavily that night and the woman was looking for shelter. he warned her that the plague still lingered in his home, but oddly enough, she didn’t care. he let her stay and during the short time she was there, andrei basically told her his whole life story. she was an unfamiliar face and he was in dire need of letting out all his pain, so who better to tell than a person he probably wouldn’t ever see again? the next morning, she turned him without permission and without hesitation
at first, andrei had doubts about his vampirism. he didn’t like the idea about having to feed off of humans, but after awhile, all those doubts and sense of moral faded away. he realized that being a vampire was what he’d wanted all along - the abilities, the immortality, all of it. he could get anything he wanted and soon that power started to get to his head. that, and the bad influence his maker was on him. they spent his first century as a vampire together, sometimes as lovers, sometimes not, but in either aspect, she always had some kind of hold over him. she introduced him to the wealthier side of life, to over-indulgence, luxury, all that sha-bang. she created the person he is today. but after awhile, things began to get strained between them and their companionship ended rather abruptly(probs pretty violently too ngl) and to this day, andrei still holds hella negative feelings towards the other
after three centuries of taking lover after lover, partying like the world was gonna end, surrounding himself with luxury and wealth, basically living as the dionysus incarnate, he met yelena vladimirovna. he found her absolutely breathtaking and it found it extremely hard to stay away, even after news of her betrothal got around. the night of her wedding, he seduced her with promises of immortality and ever since then, they’ve been together. that’s his boo yo.
they partied hella and lived an extravagant life for the longest, so when they decided to settle down in faulk hollow, it was a huge change for him. he didn’t really like the boring and subtle lifestyle, but let’s be real, he’d probs do anything for yelena so he dealt with it. but fifty-four years later and he’s starting to get real anxious, he might even start killing people randomly because he’s bored and needs something to do lmao
got a daylight ring wayyy back when. also probs gave one to yelena as some kind of “engagement” ring
can be seen strolling around town in gucci and versace because he’s #extra
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