#faulty writes: hanta sero: headcanons
faulty-writes · 2 years
Hello! If requests are still open, may I please request headcanons for Sero and Shoji with a very jealous, clingy, insecure fem s/o who's that way because her ex partner cheated on her ? Ignore Shoji if you don't write about him. Thank you 💗
[ I've never written Mezo Shoji actually, at least not from what I can recall. But anything is worth a try. ]
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The first time he used his quirk on you was when you interrupted a conversation he was having with Ashido. You hated seeing how she made your boyfriend smile and laugh and had to put an end to it. But grabbing Hanta's arm while hissing out multiple threats wasn't the best idea and resulted in him taping your mouth shut.
He let most incidents slide thinking that jealousy was normal in a relationship, but noticing how clingy and worried you'd become when he wasn't around or talking to others concerned him. After a little investigating, he found out about your past relationship and how poorly you were treated.
"I promise, we can kiss and cuddle all you want later but...principal Nezu is coming!" you knew there were certain rules regarding relationships and dating at Yuuei, but this never stopped you from trying to show how you felt during school hours. Hanta on the other hand didn't want to get in trouble.
When you weren't in school, you were always by Hanta's side and on the rare chance you weren't you were texting him constantly. Many of your classmates and friends had tried to distract you or outright told you that you shouldn't be so clingy. But, you brushed their words off. After all, what did they know?
From time to time, you'd let your paranoid thoughts get the best of you and would ask or rather accuse Hanta of cheating on you. He noticed this usually happened when he was too busy to spend time with you. "Why would I do that? What we have is pretty great, don't you think babe?" he'd always try to reassure you somehow, but it didn't always work.
After you had gotten into a fight with someone else who was spending more time than you would have liked with your boyfriend, Hanta revealed that he knew you were cheated on in the past. "I know it's going to take a while, but we can work on your insecurities together, and just know that as long as I'm a hero, I'll never give up on you or us," he promised.
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Mezo always put you first, especially when you began your relationship with him and he learned how poorly your ex had treated you. He thought it unforgivable for anyone to hurt or betray you, and silently promised he'd right the wrongs that had been done to you.
You knew that having a "hero" for a boyfriend would be difficult but you didn't realize how jealous you'd be when you witnessed him saving others and how they'd praise, touch, or flirt with him. But, you also didn't hesitate to walk over and bluntly state that Mezo was yours.
He noticed that at times, you'd go through extreme measures to be by his side. Like when you purposely applied at the same agency as him for your student internship. "You know, I'd be acting the same even if you weren't here," he told you. At the same time, he didn't mind the way you clung to him during patrols.
At times, you'd try to practice self-discipline. Instead of acting on your jealousy and insecurity, you'd hold it in. This usually resulted in you becoming a crying mess and Mezo having to comfort you. "Do you really think anyone else would want to date someone who scares children with his face?" you had to admit, it was nice knowing that you were the rare type that saw past his facial features.
On some days, you felt overly clingy and didn't want to separate yourself from Mezo. He would usually accommodate you by carrying you on his back with his tentacles surrounding you as a precaution. "Your weight feels nice on my back..." he'd comment, but he also found your overall presence to be comforting.
When your one-year anniversary came, Mezo decided to surprise you with a promise ring. "Just in case you need proof that I won't disrespect or cheat on you. That I wouldn't do anything to lose you," he said, slipping the piece of jewelry onto your finger with ease.
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faulty-writes · 1 year
Hello there I hope requests are still open. Could you do headcanons for Sero Hanta and Fumikage Tokoyami finding out their girlfriend slept around a lot with other boys from their class and/or other classes as well ? Absolutly no slut shaming just those two (separatly) discovering her history through their friends, maybe someone rubbing in their face the fact that they were ex-friends with benefits with her, please ? Sorry if this is a weird request askrkdkdi thank you !
[ Eh, I feel like this is probably more or less a normal aspect of certain relationships. Personally, I don't care who sleeps with who. But I'm happy you requested characters that don't normally get requested, I hope I did them justice! ]
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"Yeah, not to brag but Y/n and I are going pretty steady!" Hanta was always so happy to talk about you, even if others didn't want to hear it. Then again, why shouldn't he tell everyone that the coolest girl in class is his?
"Hm?" he normally didn't listen to rumors and Mineta was girl-crazy enough to make anything up but there was something genuine about his words. "Ya gotta believe me, man! She's been around! Ask anyone!" he declared, but Hanta ultimately chose to ignore him.
"What's going on here?" he demanded, having spotted you with Eijirou who appeared to have you cornered against the wall. "Nothing," the redhead stated before walking away. "Let me know if you ever wanna take a spin on me again babe!" Hanta narrowed his eyes, now his suspicions were raised.
"Do I really have to spell it out for you man!?" Eijirou said crossing his arms. "Y/n and I go way back and frankly, we had a bit of a friends-with-benefits thing going on and it's fine if you don't believe me. Just go ask some of the General Studies students" he suggested, making Hanta frown.
"Yeah, I've heard she's slept around with some of the guys from Class B," Chikuchi replied bluntly, she didn't favor talking to any hero students from Class A. "Don't know what the thrill in that is," she said rolling her eyes and waving Hanta's concerns away.
"Oh, pity you're Y/n's latest boy toy. Well, at least their performance in bed was satisfactory," Neito declared before Hanta silenced him with his tape. "Shut up!" he snapped, knowing this situation had gone too far. Why did you sleep with so many people before you and he started dating? Well, there was only one way to find out.
"I fail to see how this is of any relevant importance. What one does before an established relationship is their private information, although it appears as if others have disregarded Y/n's wishes for it to remain private. However, as it stands, I believe Y/n is quite dedicated to you," Tenya explained, Hanta had sought him out to get advice. "Mm...I guess but I still have to talk to them about this," he concluded.
It was a hard conversation, but Hanta appreciated your honesty. "I mean I guess you're right..." having sex with someone you didn't love was pointless. What you and he had created meant much more than a good romp in the hay. "But I'm not going to tolerate people talking about you anymore! Next time, they'll get more than just my tape around their mouth!" he declared, pulling you close with a smile.
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Fumikage was seen as a calm and logical individual, but when his emotions were involved, he tended to act out of this perceived persona. This was especially true when it came to you, the one he adored and vowed to protect.
Fumikage was proud to say he was involved with one of the kindest females in Class A, who always tried her best to understand others. But he also knew that you tended to be a people pleaser and put others' wishes above your own, and this is the exact thing that led him to find out about your past endeavors.
At first, he thought nothing of it. What happened in your past was your business and yet he still felt the harsh sting of jealousy when Kaminari admitted a certain piece of information. "Yeah, Y/n and I had a few bedroom moments together but hey! If you're happy with her, that's all that counts right?"
He knew that believing something blindly was not wise, so he had made the choice to further investigate this matter. But when discussing the matter with Hitoshi Shinso, things got heated. "I would appreciate it if you stopped speaking about Y/n that way," he stated. "Yeah, what's your problem anyway!?" Dark Shadow demanded, continuing to press Hitoshi against the wall who merely smirked in response.
"Why can't those guys learn how to be quiet!?" Dark Shadow hissed, clearly upset when more and more rumors about your past started floating around. "To think Y/n has done such things with others I..." he grumbled, trying to keep a calm mind. Surely there had to be an explanation for your behavior.
"I...I do not know how I feel about this," he said, clearly frustrated as he stared at his phone contemplating if he should text you or not. He knew demanding an answer out of you wasn't right, and while he had no doubts that you were loyal to him and him alone. Knowing you were so intimately close to others in the past while he had yet gotten a taste of it was disheartening.
"Please explain, why is it that you so easily gave yourself to others but..." he glanced away, not wanting to cause a fight. He knew his words would hurt you despite that being the last thing he wished to do. It wasn't easy for you to admit that you were a people pleaser and up until you met Fumikage who put your needs first, you slept around because you thought that's what the boys wanted.
He knew that what you and he had was special and that he couldn't push certain relationship goals. But unlike those in your past, he held the rights to your heart, mind, and soul. The three things he vowed never to lose.
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