"Sorry, I guess I should explain. I'm in a hurry and need someone who can repair this quickly and correctly, not some amateur who barely knows her way around a forge. So hurry up and get me someone who knows what they're doing."
「α」—Arielle didn't look all too happy with the other's words. It was one thing to need a rush repair, but it was another to insult the person who'd be doing the repairs. "At the moment, I'm the only one in this shop." She said with a sharp glare.
"So you can wait a few hours for my boss to get back, or you can let me do the repairs now. I've been trained how to use everything here so you're weapon should be fine."
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askweisswolf · 10 years
"I still find it odd that they killed her like that. Wasn't she somewhat in favor of faunus rights?"
"You're asking me that like I know how the leaders of White Fang think. Maybe they were hoping to send a message that being 'somewhat in favor' wasn't good enough."
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[broken meme] "Your sister was a nosy brat." Alex tossed a shard of red metal towards Yang.
Break my muse in 15 words or less.
Yang had seen Ruby take apart Crescent Rose enough times to recognize it even in pieces.
Her blood ran cold and she met a frustratingly smug gaze.
Alex was bitter and vengeful and Ruby - Ruby is dead.
"No," she clutched her head, dropped to the ground, grabbed for the metal shard and drew it to her chest as if protecting it, like it were a child. "She had nothing to do with this you can't just take her away from me!" and Yang realized she was screaming, was on fire, but there was no redness in her eyes.
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white-fang-adam · 10 years
Body meme
Hickeys: Have you ever fallen in love to fast and too hard?
Oh god yes.
0 notes
overdrivedroid · 10 years
"Hey. Hey, you! You're Penny, right?" Alex slipped up next to the copper-haired girl, the blue glow of the massive fish tank bathing them both in deep shadows. Not the best environment to try identifying a mark in, but Alex had never encountered anyone else who fit the description of 'ginger, oddball, teenage girl' quite as perfectly as the person next to her. "Your owner wants you back. Now."
Penny had a little pocket money on her when she slipped away for the evening, and it bought her one ticket to endless wonder. Or more accurately, a ticket to the aquarium.
She saw all manner of sea creatures, predators that were all grace and power down to schools of tiny fish that glittered and whorled in the water. The fish came in all kinds of shapes and sizes, and they often defied her predictions for their behavior, much to her delight. She didn’t think she would ever get bored. As of this moment she had wandered around watching for three hours and twenty three – twenty four - minutes.
Then a someone came to fetch her, what a terrible disappointment. She was hoping they would take longer to notice she was gone. Wide green eyes focused on the Faunus, and Penny bared row of unnervingly perfect white teeth as she turned to face Alex.
“Hello, I’m Penny!” Her tone wavered somewhere between an answer to Alex’s question and a greeting, without a shortage of exclamation points. “It’s won-der-ful to meet you!”
A sudden thought struck her and her expression fell, face creased with unconcealed concern. “You’re not the one they usually send. Is Mr. Raphael okay?”
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my-semblance-is-fire · 10 years
A mewl, quiet and soft, echoed into the darkened room. Alex trilled instantly in response, face twisting with worry as she watched the infant squirm in Yang's arms. "Are you sure she's okay?" She murmured, concerned eyes rising to meet the sleep-softened ones of her girlfriend. "I don't think she's--" Daisy squeaked again, her fussing stopping as she began to nurse in earnest. "--Oh," Alex trilled quietly again, one hand reaching outwards to play with a tiny foot. "..She's so little. Our child."
For how reluctant she was about Yang even giving birth to this baby at first, Alex had pulled through for her in the end. She'd been supportive, active and interested in what they would have to do, even if she still had to fight with her on some things.
Like baby proofing the apartment.
Still, despite how seemingly excited, or at least resigned, Alex was, this was the first time she'd ever said something like that before. 'Our. Our child.' she'd said, looking after the girl so intently. It nearly brought tears to Yang's eyes, were she not so exhausted right now.
Instead, she reached out to pat the hand that was stroking Daisy's foot, "Yes, she is." Whether she meant little or their's, she didn't specify. She really didn't need to.
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professor-goodwitch · 10 years
Do they follow me? Yes | No
Do I follow them? Yes | No | Now
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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askweisswolf · 10 years
"Do you think she would've been okay with this. Us, I mean."
"I think she would be more than happy with this, with us. I don't doubt that."
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faunashunter replied to your post:faunashunter replied to your post: “/fuCK it is...
(( *bully bully bully bully* do your fckn hw ))
/i can do it tomorrow too go away
0 notes
white-fang-adam · 10 years
Body Meme
Arms: How do you feel about children, do you want some of your own (or more if you already have some)?
I absolutely want kids, I can't imagine a future without kids.
0 notes
defender-of-trees · 10 years
Hiatus #2
I will once again be away from tumblr this weekend. Apologies in advance for lateness
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my-semblance-is-fire · 10 years
Hard Temptations closed RP with faunashunter
Yang fidgeted on the couch. It was hard not to, really, with Alex sitting so close to her, curled up against her side and engulfed in one of her large wings. Normally, she wouldn't have too much of a problem with this arrangement, other than the normal hormonal response to being so close to her sexy older girlfriend and not being able to touch her like she wanted.
Today was a little more difficult to ignore.
Alex hand one hand resting absently on Yang's thigh as they watched the movie. It was a completely innocent gesture, the lion probably didn't even know she was doing it. Yang did, however, and so did her new appendage. As casually as possible, the dragon pulled a small throw pillow into her lap to hopefully cover the forming tent there.
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bellxna-archive-blog · 10 years
Blake balled her left hand into a fist, her knuckles growing even paler than they already were as the blood drained from her face.  Of course, she'd thought of the people who were adversely affected by her actions.  "I did not destroy that train!  If you want the person responsible, find Ada..." she couldn't bring herself to sell out her mentor, her former lover.  "Alright, it was me...but....I thought that train was completely automated."  Blake wasn't getting out of this without bloodshed anyway, so she saw no point in defending herself further.  
00:00:00 [Closed RP with Faunashunter]
  "Tsk, such a shame I have to add lying to your list of crimes." Honestly, Alex did believe this girl when she said she had never killed. But she also didn’t care. If anything, her apparent innocence only made this hunt sweeter. 
"You may have never killed anyone directly, but I’m sure there have been deaths caused by your actions." Slowly the lion slunk closer to Blake, eyes laughing and body tense in case the brunette should attack. If she could just keep this up, keep the cat distracted and flustered for a few more minutes, it would be one of the easiest kills Alex had ever completed. "I wonder exactly how many have died. Five? Ten? More? Train explosions are rather larger, after all." 
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gambols-realist · 10 years
Alex froze, hand immediately flying to her belt and fingers brushing against the weapon there. Curse it all, another foot and she would have had the easiest kill of her career. 
Then again, maybe she was grateful that Blake woke up. It meant that she would get to torture her a bit before she finally killed her. 
"I was taking a stroll and happened upon you. Being the good samaritan that I am, I just had to come over and make sure you were alright.” Smiling, the hunter laughed a bit at her own joke. Their surroundings weren’t ideal, but it was still plenty empty enough for what she had in mind. 
Blood and violence. 
Blake had kept a low, almost feral stance facing the hunter. She managed to avoid the hunter for so long, trying to keep to her morals and hope that the hunter would just leave her be, only to screw up by being caught taking a nap outdoors.
She knew better than to believe the words that the hunter was spewing and the laugh proved it. Blake knew why she was here, and seeing there were no students around, she was on her own trying to fend Alex off. 
She instinctively reached for Gambol Shroud behind her back and suddenly realized she was grabbing at air. She cursed her stupidity of not taking her weapon with her. She'd gotten too comfortable with the idea that the hunter was gone and had left her weapon in her locker. 
She grit her teeth, scanning over her opponent and eyeing the weapons her fingers brushed up against. Her throat felt tight and she could almost feel the metal tearing at her skin. She was going to get hurt, that much was given. Short swords against no weapon at all? There was no way she was getting out unscathed. She just hoped she could get out with her life. 
"What are you waiting for, then? Come check." Blake spat. Playing defense was her only chance, maybe getting a hold of one of the short swords. It would be awkward, but she could manage.
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askweisswolf · 10 years
"You two have been spending a lot of time together."
"Ruby is my partner and my team leader. I kind of have to spend a lot of time with her."
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faunashunter replied to your post: “/fuCK it is hot as hell up in this study lounge ”:
(( do your studying, nerd))
/stop bullying me imma call the cops
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