#fav baru gif
p-receh · 4 months
Hiiii im the anon that complained about gurlatan-as-bm3 a loooong time ago. Life happened and so i just returned to tumblr today.
Skip. Ehem.
Objectively, i agree with you. Gurlatan arc is the most intense arc of bbb so far and it follows traditional rhythm of a movie. It has new characters and a lot of old characters (maripos, hangkasa, roktaroka's grandpa whose name i forgot). The dark storyline. The BETRAYAL. The kokotaim's power upgrade. When someone said that maybe monsta decided to separate the arc as a whole movie because of the darker theme that wont fit with the rest of the season? yeah i agree.
And with bigger budgets ooooh it will be fireeee. Oh and here's hoping that the style will be in bm2's style.
But subjectively, looking back, each eps of sori is roughly 20 mins and from eps 3-6 follows 1 eps = 1 chapter. Windara arc comic is 5 chapter and will be 6 episodes, so it has space for a longer animation-only scenes like the amnesia scene in sori. SO THEY DECIDED TO GIVE US SUPRA BAAAACKK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA XDD And TTM is in 1st tier XD So this will be the first time an arc will have 1-3 tier plus fusion 😆😆
Okay okay im distracted. Back to my point. Gurlatan arc in comic covers 6 chapters, so roughly translated to 120 mins animation. BM2 is 119mins so it will be a tight screentime. I want more 🤣🤣
Do you know that some people call the movie 3 is a halilintar's movie?? THATS LIKE SAYING MOVIE 2 WAS SOLARS MOVIE 🤣🤣🤣🤣 (cahaya/solar's time is galaxy s1 because in the elementals' ost in monsta channel, cahaya's is the 1st and solar's the last. And solar's ost is basically dunia baru aka the opening song)
All of season 2 is an elaborate ori trio angst in my mind. (Im also the onesided-hangkasaxratna-anon).
By the way, i LOVE season 2's ost, especially the beliung, gurlatan, and rimba's ost. I really want to see how they will include them in the animation. Are they gonna be in the animation at all or are they exclusively for teaser and comics? Oh and are they gonna post all of the ost later when the season's done or is the 3 will be all we get *shrugs*
This is a long rant hope you dont mind 😂
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Yes I know about the Supra thing. I blame myself since I forgot to mute the following news regarding the upcoming release of Boboiboy Windara.
Which made me mad because I absolutely in frantic when Boboiboy account post this:
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And Supra is one of my personal fav fusion.
But then the second after that, my reaction was:
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"Why so random? Aren't we going to have a new fusion arc in the upcoming DWIFUSION? In what urgency Monsta decided to do a fusion for this arc?"
(cool title btw, much better than the previous one :33)
So it brings me a question back to topic I already done before:
1. Will there any new rewrites?
From what they reveal so far? Definitely.
2. Will they cut or make a new scene for TV ver?
I could guarantee it with how they did with Sori.
Maybe they wanted to do the same scenario where Boboiboy must need to use fusion technique to fight Ki'rana in Gur'latan arc before he learn to use his 3rd tier Elemental?
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... I guess?
I dunno, we'll see about that soon.
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lamyaasfaraini · 1 year
Bye-bye one of our fav series!
(Netflix's Sex Education)
Ini gif nya diambil dari ending season 3 soalnya relate ini ttg perpisahan hiks
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Berhasil menamatkan 8 eps sex edu s4 dalam 4 hari wkwk lama ya? Uyuhan atuh nonton diatas jam 10 malem kdg dalam keadaan ngantuk bgt kami tuh saking pgn nobarnya berdua. Padahal bodor bgt ttp weh ai udah cape mah ketiduran juga haha.
Jadi gmn last seasonnya satisfying? Imho sih engga yah, walapun aku tetep amaze sama karakter2 development nya, juara sih beberapa org better bgt. Ya emang kan dari season awal jg sex edu mah selalu nyeritain banyak cerita, karakternya banyaaaak kek Game of Thrones. Belom lg tiap season ada karakter tambahan, sampe s4 pun begitu. Nah yg sangat disayangkan emg kalo di akhir tuh kaya pgn lebih deep ngga sih sama karakter2 lama, tp habis wkt kudu nyeritain karakter2 baru beserta problemnya. Ngga fokus di tokoh utama yg harusnya bisa lebih di gali. Scene2 yg selalu aku tunggu2 otis x eric aja jadinya sedikit bgt hiks. Mereka malah asik sama problemnya masing2 dan "dunia" nya masing2. Kenapa diantara keduanya itu dalam problem masing2 ngga saling terlibat sih?
Kalo percintaan otis x maeve mah udah pesimis dari awal dan udah ketebak dari awal sih. Otis si ngeselin nan problematik ternyata msh bergelut dgn traumanya, sex disorder sama trauma liat mamanya depresi wkt ayahnya ningalin. Jadi bisa ketebak hubungan percintaannya ngga lancar. Hiks!
Yang paling menghangatkan keluarga Adam, haaaa terharu inimah! Bapaknya yg kaku dan otoriter terlalu dingin sama istri dan anak, malah adam ngerasa dirinya gapernah "cukup" di mata bapaknya, sampe trauma jg. Akhirnya berpisah, tp dgn berpisah bapaknya jadi merasa tertampar, ternyata perilaku dia selama ini malah kehilangan anak dan istri. Selama hidup sendiri bapaknya merubah dirinya, belajar menjadi lebih baik sampe ikut kelas daring. Luar biasa bapaknya adam! Salute! Endingnya mereka bersatu. Seneng bgt liatnyaaaaa :')
Scene ibunya maeve meninggal jg bikin aku menitikkan air mata sih (pastinya inimah). Walaupun ibunya sering merugikan hidup maeve tp dia sangat sayang ibunya. Edan ngga sih, speech maeve wkt prosesi pemakaman ibunya sedih bgt!
Cerita viv x jackson bagus jg, hubungan platonik yg gausah sampe jadi romance deh, udah gitu aja ya gais. Viv nya jg pny pacar wlpn si gapenting pacarnya posesif, jd kaya hemm mending gosah diceritain lah.
OMG, Aimee! Akhirnya sembuh dari trauma pelecehan seksualnya, dia ini nih salah 1 karakter yg makin kesini makin lovely. Dia mengatasinya dgn journaling. Sungguh struggle dia melewatinya huhu. Tp yg ngga nyangka knp jadi saling suka sama Issac hahaha.
Jean, mamanya otis ngalamin postpartum depression. Ini kerasa bgt sih kacaunya dan ngerasain apalagi tanpa suami! Dan akupun ngerasain bgt yg dialami Jean, rumah berantakan, otak ngga sinkron, banyak lupa, mikirin A-Z. Jean butuh bantuan tp dia denial.. Belom diapun kudu kerja, gakebayang sih jadi single mom di umur yg udah mateng bgt. Nah karakter baru yaitu Jo adiknya Jean dateng deh.. Penolong diatuh tp ttp ada aja problematika sibling nya.
ERIC MY MAN! yaampun sampe kutambahin ini di edit lg wkwk. Tetep karakternya ekspresif bgt yg bikin kita berdua ngakak. Dia nemuin geng baru yg sefrekuensi sama dia sesama "pelangi" gitulah yaa dan geng itu berpengaruh di kampus. Inipun yg bikin hubungan eric x otis agak renggang, eric ngerasa otis ngga paham ttg dirinya yg lain. Yg mengharukan sih, eric tumbuh di kelg kristen tulen, dia mau di baptis tp saat pembaptisan dia speak up ttg dirinya yg pendosa dan jadi kaum pelangi. Didepan jemaat, ya kaget dong yaa.. Tp disitu eric lega bgt skaligus sedih. Singkat cerita di ending, eric memutuskan untuk jadi pendeta.. Pasti ini udah melalui pemikiran yg panjang bgt ya huhu.
Banyak bgt belajar pendalaman karakter yg aku pribadi pelajari di series itu, lebih berempati sama semua problem masing2 karakter, mencoba diliat dr berbagai sisi. Memandang secara objektif. Suka aja gitu~ makanya judul boleh agak keliatan mesum yah tp series ini lebih dari sekedar itu! Malah kayanya sex scenenya bisa di singkirin sih. Terlalu luvvv sama karakter2nya haaaa. Sampe tiap problem dan karakter developmentnya kita berdua suka bahas, terutama akusih yg selalu tertarik atau ya aku si chatter, tukang komen dan wewet tiap liat ke amazing-an karakter2nya yg memang ada aja di kehidupan sehari2.. Kecuali masalah perperlangian yaa itu msh tabu bagiku, ngerasain kebingungannya sama gendernya tapi liatnya malah makin bingung. Spesifikasinya terlalu banyaaak..
Suamiku @sagarmatha13 ngga terima udah tamat, dia mastiin lg ada tulisan "final season sex education" di netflixnya wkwk. Blio blg harusnya ada 1 season lg buat nyeritain si Cavendish nya, college nya itu. Karena transisi dari Moordale ke Cavendish kaya kagok bgt. Tapi kalo makin kacauain alur ceritanya mending dahlah stop disitu aja.. Walaupun ngga puas tp ya karena udah terlalu sayang sama karakter2nya jadi yasudahlah..
Once again, bye bye Sex Education.. Otis, Eric, Maeve, Ruby, Aimee, Adam and the gank. Thank you for entertaining us for the past 3 years!
(karena baru ngikutin series ini dari thn 2020 akhir)
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sheillanadyahidayat · 3 years
Maafkan aku yg lebay ini, tapi baru kali ini like di komen sama seleb fav yg padahal ga pernah nonton drakornya sama sekali cuma liat spoiler dan just iseng komen tapi di like doi. Byeee mau dia cuma gabut ngelike gada kerjaan but it’s okay aku jadi in love sama doi. Wuhuuuu💕
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Exactly a year ago and probably until now, I never thought that I would see you the way I see you today. We surely didn’t experience “love at the first sight”, we barely speak, hangouts together, except when you greet me at the Church on Sunday, except when you ask me to come to youth fellowship, except when you try to approach me to be more involved in the youth activities. Yes, until now sometimes I regret that I blow all those chances to get to know you back then.
It was on the beginning of 2018 when I decided to come to youth fellowship more often. It was not because of you of course but I guess it was the moment when our story begins. Last night you asked me what have been changed in this past year, here is my answer in a long-complicated-kind of romantic way (well if it’s not, at least I tried ok?) 🙂
On March 2018 (approximately, based on Instagram) this youth fellowship had an outbound event. We were in the same group, what a coincidence right? But I see you as Wilem the Ketua PKMB and an older guy who lead this group. I reminisce that moment and realized how we were so close yet so far. (yea u kno why.)
Later on, you asked me to join as pengurus in this certain organization, popularly known as PKMB (so I won’t mention youth fellowship again) and I was like “Wow this is so exciting!” (re: No. I just want to impress you) so I replied you accordingly by saying yes. Did you doubt me at that moment? Maybe. Because as I remembered, it didn’t take hours to reply you like I always did. Anyway thank you for trusting me, because due to our lack of convo, it was the right decision to not to trust me on such a big responsibility because you know me like zero, but I guess my CV was credible enough for you.
At that moment, our convo and our meetings are increased as we should prepare for fellowship event every week and others PKMB activity. One of our convo probably was like:
“De dea. Minggu ini jadi pj bisa nda?” or “De dea. Minggu ini jadi pj gantiin Angel bisa nda?”
10 hours later, after 9 hours saw that chat from the pop-up notification.
“Sorry baru bales Mas. Aku bisa.”
Dea loves being on time (and Wilem too) but instead at the meeting for arrange schedule and PIC for PKMB, I admit that I avoided for being on time because I was too shy and too awkward to have a convo with only Wilem 😊 [DEA’S TOP SECRET] I didn’t know why I acted that way when it comes to seeing you. I always got insecure every time you questioned me because Wilem always has questions about anything, every time, everywhere.
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After that, nothing is special. We followed the routine as pengurus, when without you knowing, I secretly observe, notice and pay attention to you. I came up with this conclusion that you are a truly nice and caring person who took care everything and anybody, from that moment I started to take more responsibility to lighten up your burden to run PKMB. I became a “Yes-girl” ((noun) a girl who says yes when someone ask her for a help).
On September PKMB had this fellowship trip event. Prior to that event we should prepare a place. First we went to Emalta, at that time again I was too shy and too awkward to let you pick me up. Hehe. Hehe. So I took Pandu with me. [ANOTHER DEA’S TOP SECRET] I think you realized that I probably have been repeating this “too shy and too awkward to let you pick me up” thing for many times.
“Padahal rumah mu kan juga di Jalan Kaliurang De.” Just. Don’t. Ask.
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SO. Fellowship trip event.
“Wilem sama Dea aja. Kan pas tuh bonceng-boncengan.”
I finally let you drove me to the beach. Thank you. Thank you for making those 4 hours round trip became not-so-awkward and for listening to my story. I admit that I’ve been prepared being asked for many questions by you hahahaha. That was the first time I sat on the backseat of the motorbike that you drive and no of course I didn’t hug you from behind. I held on the backseat of the motorbike, which if I do that now you’ll be pissed 🙂
“Kayak sama tukang ojek aja”.
But in fact you are my mas ojek, right? Because you drive me crazy everyday 😊😊😊
Thank God I didn’t fell down because “De kita agak ngebut gakpapa ya.” You were such a gentleman for ask those permission!
That was such a new experience for me, because I’ve been too independent back then, that I won’t let anyone (preferably boys) to drive me wkwkwk. It was fun though, riding a motorbike with you, talking about my wishes and future. Now I realize it soothed my thoughts and brain and burden as a final year student struggling on finishing my thesis. You reminded me to be relax for once.
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“Kayaknya bisa diprospek nih”, was it something in your mind when you decided to make your move towards me? Because if I’m not mistaken, everything was started at that time after the beach.
My thesis defense, you were there, with your fav tee and those scary beard.
“Temen kamu tuh kayak Alex Abad De”
We took a picture, the first picture ever taken together!
After my thesis defense, texting had become our routine, every day, that one day I felt weird when you didn’t text me. Maybe that was the time when I feel that I need you more than just before.
“Eh De. Clean or with beard?”
What should I answer mas? WKWKWK I was too polite to say I don’t quite like your beard that way, but in other thought, I remembered I used to go crazy with boys with beard (re: fan girl-ing). You should google Paul DiGiovanni, Martin Johnson, Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat. (waktu dan tempat dipersilakan).
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“With beard is okay, asalkan rapi”.
I honestly don’t know what were you headed to that time, but all I know was you are such a nice person and I could be wrong if I have this certain feeling towards you. But at the same time I enjoyed every moment with you. I think you have broken my wall.
It was dawn, 4 a.m maybe when you suddenly asked me to video-call me.
Deg-degan tau gak sih. Telponan nggak pernah, eh ini video call!!!!!!
“De, mau nggak lebih dari temen?” (Wilem gengsi mode)
“Wait. What? so this is real?” that was me inside my head, but what you saw was Dea kaget dan melotot. I felt relieved “Okay Dea, it is safe for you now. But don’t be easy.”
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Hahahaha okay so later on, for about 2 or 3 weeks we let everybody wonder what was going on between us, until it become so awkward.
“Jadi aku kalo ditanya harus jawab apa?”
Long story short, at the midnight of 10 November 2019
“Jadi sekarang pacaran nih”
“Iya dong.”
Something moved me to have a commitment with you.
The beginning of our relationship was hard. You didn’t have my mom’s blessing, we were about to face long distance relationship, I was shadowed by my past then it threatens you, I was having a transition where I become “tidak terlalu ekspresif dalam pacaran”, you were so so SO gengsian, and all those tiny, small, big, huge, giant rocks on our relationship, but look? We survived a goddamn year 🤗💖
You are exactly the person I need after suffered for couples of breakup, you are the best, the most mature, the gentlest, the most kind hearted one (cry).
I was SO HAPPY when you moved to Jakarta. I never know how my life in Jabodetabek without you. I will still alive, ok? Hahah but with you, it is much better because I am complete.
We are the better person now, and will be even better person for each other every day. Such a simple sentence but it is enough to express how grateful I am and describe what’s been change in this past year.
I love you, mas. You already knew it. Happy anniversary, hope this enough to appreciate yesterday’s effort. You are the best boyfriend ever 😭💖
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memoriezofme · 8 years
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04/01/2017 Kepada Sayangggku yg ku cintai sangt2! Assalamu 'Alaikum Sayanggg! Hehehe it's been such a long while since I posted something/long post for You. Sooooooo~ Here I go~ Bismillah 😊 Selamattt Tahun Baru kepadaaa You Sayangggku yg ke 2017🌟🌟 A whole year had past dgn sekelip mata, tetapi in that one blink, so many memorable things happened. Beautiful things yg Allah telah beri kepada hidup I, lessons for me, for me to always reflect upon and to not do it ever again. Syukur Alhamdulillah that I met youu back then in 2015! Falling in loveee with youuu, since that masjectic day on 051115, welcoming 2016 with you, lovinggg endlesslyyyy anddd Alhamdulillah welcomingg 2017 tgt with Youu! Hehhe although not out tgt on that night cus of our Work, but nonetheless, I know inside of me, that we are together, connected by Our hearts, welcoming 2017 tgt! Sayangg, Thank you for the beautiful card you made for me! I Love It so so muchhh ❤ (comparing to minee, haisss, mine is soooo kecik 😅😂😟) Alwaysss my fav handmade cardssss! Thank you for always being patience with me...I know I am irritating, annoying, pekak, stubborn at times, so many bad things tapi Sayangg tetap Lovee me endlessly day in day out and I amat bersyukur sngt2 To have such a Lovingg Other Half ❤ Sayang, from the bottom my heart, I'm really really bahagia dgn you. And I hope Sayangg pun will cont to Love me as time past. In me, my heart, my thoughts, I really just need You. At moments, to see you at your hse when you tgh cuci pinggan or us eating tgt or as simple as just us duduk and berbual, to know I'll always have you, that is more than enough. I just need you, your Love which is a gift from Allah. And I'm lucky to be the one receiving it from You. And in me saying that, I wanna apolagise deeply(will be like kneeling down if I say this to you and holding your hands tightly) for all my mistakes towards you. The things I've done that hurt you. I minta maaf sngt2 from You dan dari Allah. Im sorry.....that I was stupid, just plain bad person...mianhae....so so sorry Sayang 😭😭 (Wiping tears....) Tapi, Alhamdulillah, Thankful that we, tgt, pull though all those tough times and love each other much much stronger. To still be beside You. Thank You Sayang, for your continuous Love always. Your continous care & concern for me. 2017 will be a whole new chapter for us. And I'm looking forward what is being plan by Allah SWT for Us. Let's always doa utk kehidupan kiter berdua, not forgetting our lovely families 😊 Sayangg!! I'm super duper on cloud nine when I'm with You! Thank you for literally everything. Siti Mariam Bte Ibrahim, The woman,no no no, My Woman! My Sayang! My Love! My Sweetie! My Darling! My segala-galanya!❤❤❤❤ Only you, loving you, To Infinity & Beyond! ❤ I L.O.V.E Y.O.U ❤ #HnM #HnM2017
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lamyaasfaraini · 11 months
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Terkaget kemarin pagi liat berita di twitter dan lsg trentop. Iya Matthew Perry meninggal dunia. Mr. Chandler Bing my fav character! Sempet gapercaya kukira itu hoax, tapi beritanya makin ramai dan akun2 berita official centang biru dan bahkan dari akun Friends nya di medsos pun udah ngasih announcement itu. Ya Allah knp yah sedih, lagi sedih dan kacau liat berita tentang palestina yg perdetiknya selalu berita buruk eeh ditambah berita ttg chandler. Berasa kehilangan teman gituloh padahal blio ngga kenal aku (ya mana mungkin).
Matty meninggal di umur 54 thn dan blio member termuda dan meninggal duluan drpd geng Friends lainnya. Meninggalnya tenggelam saat lg berendam di Jacuzzi, kronologinya belom tau jg, aku terlalu berduka utk nyari tau hiks. Sepanjang hari timeline dan feeds ig ku isinya potongan2 scene chandler yg bikin ngakak itu! Skrg liatnya ttp lucu tp berbalut kesedihan krn orgnya udah ngga ada. Kaya gif yg aku pasang diatas ini, yaampun sedih bener sampe menitikkan air mata. Chandler dan joey berpelukan haru haaaaaaaaa :(((
Aku tau series Friends wkt SD, tp gaboleh nonton krn tayangnya malem dan utk dewasa (begog bgt jg pgn nonton), ngga pgn sih cuma skedar tau krn belom tertarik sama series dewasa. Udah kuliah ngga jg pun nyari dan donlot dari jalur harom malah suka sitkom yg lg hype saat itu How I Met Your Mother. Sukaaak inipunnn. Thn 2014 pernah tuh bentar blg Net tv nayangin Friends tp ngga lama, ada 10 season, 1 seasonnya bisa sampe belasan/puluhan ep tp 1 ep nya cuma 20 menit jd gaboringgg. Dahlah pasrah aja, msh belom nyari jalur harom jg. Thn 2015 berlangganan tv kabel, naaaaah baru ngikutin Friends bgt, tayangnya setelah series Big Bang Theory, baru Friends.. Wlpn diulang2 tetep suka dan lucu haaaa knp sihhh lucu bgt. Sampe pacarku @sagarmatha13 tau ritual nonton Friendsku. Disaat blio suka bgt Game of Thrones saat itu lg ngejer marathon bgt hahaha.
Ya, karakter fav aku nih chandler bgt. Saat pacaran sama monica aja aku happy. Mondler my faaavvv. Romance chandler x joey ngga kalah serunya, krn sebelumnya mreka roomate kaaan. Nah pas berlangganan Netflix ada tuh series Friends, senangnya hatikuuu, suka ku rewatch kalo lg sedih, butuh hiburan, stress. Sampe konversasinya aja dikit2 hafal wkwk. Nah 2 thn kmrn gt mreka reunian dong, ditayangin sama HBO. Gasabar bgt bgt. Pas hari itu tiba, mreka ngumpul lg udah pada tua, kerutan wajah bnyk, ubanan ih sedih bgt. Trus selama nostalgia itu mengharukan bgt akupun ikut nangis, belom lg mreka ttp bisa ngelucu laah. Dahlah emg Friends tuh my all time fav series besttt of the besssttt unbeatable bgt.
Jadi pengen rewatch lg, tapi pasti skrg nontonnya sambil sedih deh. Chandler udah ngga ada :( padahal biasanya nontoninnya cari hiburan biar ngga sedih..
Terimakasih Matty utk talenta yg luar biasa yg kamu punya bisa membuat org terhibur, tertawa, melupakan masalah sejenak dgn jokes2nya. Rest in love Matty, chandler bing! Gone too soon..
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lamyaasfaraini · 1 year
From Blink 182 to AVA to Muse
(musical Paralyse: mode on)
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"eh lupa aja aku mau dengerin blink 182 yg baru" play youtube dulu pgn liat vclipnya, kemudian nostalgia~ mengomentari vclipnya yg berisi potongan2 vclipnya blink 182 dari jaman baheula. Memang lagunya bikin mengharu biru~
"ah play di spotify aja lebih bagus audionya" oke baik pak..
"coba dengerin single yg baru 1 lg itu mah agak ngebeat, ngga cocok di aku udah ngga kaumuran musik2 keras haha" kataku.. Lalu di play sm blio.. Iyak bener gandeng.
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"ih udah lama ngga denger AVA (Angels N Airwaves)" kata blio. Play lah si AVA itu. "the adventure", "do it for me now", lanjut ke album ke 2 "everything's magic" lalu "call to arms".. Ah lupa play fav aku di album ke 2 "breathe". Selama playing ya kami nyanyi2 tifis2 seapalnya lirik.. Meni inget jaman abg ihh tak ada beban~
"kamu tau lagu ini gt? (call to arms), itu lagu AVA fav aku!"
"yehhh sembarangan.. Ya tau lah!" lalu aku balikin "nih tau lagu AVA yg ini ngga? (hallucinations) ini dr album ke 3"
"udah ngga ngikutin album ke 3 hehehe" begitu jawabnya. Eey
Laluuu mapay ke the ataris, A7x (haha duh euy ieu si gotik), Muse.. Kemudian blio play "uprising" Muse.. Kami masih berkaroke kecil padahal dah ngga tahan ya teriak2 di tempat karoke. Kapan dong ah~
"lohhh kamu tau lagu uprising gitu?" blio keheranan.
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"HEY!! ih kamu drtd meremehkan musikalitasku (naon eta?).. Tau dong itu bukannya single pembuka dr album itu? Siapa yg gatau anak SD ge tau lah euyy" kzl gaksie.. Blio cuma cengengesan. Kemudian blio play "madness".
"nah kalo madness beneran tak tau lahhh hemmm". Aku mengaku. Yaiya masa semua lagu tau, yakali...
Si iseng komen waeee, ko kamu masih nanya aku tau lagu ini itu sih? Bukannya ada yg komenin aku katanya si selera musiknya paling asik~ eeeeaaaa..
Memang suka seru kalo udah dengerin lagu2 nostalgia jaman kita kecil, abg sampe early 20an mana kita pasutri seumuran seangkatan selera musiknya mirip2. Beneran gatau waktu tau2 sampe tengah malem aja. Liat2 netflix belom ada yg seru kami nunggu Lupin!
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