aquariumghostsong · 5 months
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In honor of day 2 I quickly whipped this up for @favorvn [raaa v fun and good Yandere meal]. I hope more people check it out and see as it grows~~
Z is big silly and Eiryn is common foil who puts up with none of it [lies they put up with some of it but only for Z]
Bonus is a shipping meme:
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[Favor shipping meme can be found here]
[songs on playlist can be found here]
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favorvn · 2 years
So as I narrow down which OC I wanna pair Z with, I’m leaning toward my more stoic characters. If only because his ability to sense emotions/moods from one of the previous asks seems very fun to work with. That said (since I want to write fanfics) I was hoping you could elaborate on scenarios?
In the case of a very stoic character (due to issues) how would Z react if:
1) They just came off rather exhausted all the time when it came to expressing things.
2) He found out the reason MC is stoic is due to essentially being conditioned not to express themselves (being too excited or anything was met with being reprimanded)?
3) He randomly out of the blue sensed MCs mood spike (which was very rare) and they were very angry even if their facial expressions/words/actions said otherwise. (Aka holding it in)
First of all if you write a fanfic I would be honored to be able to read it if you so feel like sharing it 🥰~
But to answer your questions in an unnecessarily long ramble....
1. Despite Z most likely causing this MC (I will refer to them as Y/N) a bit of emotional exhaustion because of his teasing and intensity of personality, in a situation like this Z would first do his best to understand Y/N's emotional tells as well as he can.
He would most likely become an emotional interpreter of sorts. Z would express the emotion that Y/N has trouble expressing themselves. In cases where people get pushy with Y/N (taking Y/N's difficulty expressing as permission to force their will), Z would not take too kindly to that and scare them off. On some level, Z would feel like an emotional body guard constantly trying to make sure Y/N's feelings aren't steam rolled by others, so Y/N won't have to feel exhausted constantly. He would do his best to understand Y/N so that their expression isn't nessecary.
2. Z would definitely want to kill the humans that made Y/N suffer in a way that caused life-long trauma. Would he go through with it? That would depend on a number of factors. Factors such as... If Y/N would be able to look the other way, if killing these people would rob Y/N of being able to truly heal, If Y/N would ever even find out.
Aside from that, Z would want Y/N to feel comfortable around him, safe enough for Y/N to express themselves however they wanted to. Z is a demon who is a creature of impulse, passion, spite, and greed, so he would want Y/N to be able to achieve whatever goals they have, or just live in a way that makes Y/N happy. He would never try to get Y/N to 'improve themselves' or challenge their comfort zone under the guise of personal development. Z is just happy to be with Y/N.
3. It's kind of what I mentioned before. If Y/N is not able to express anger or protest, Z will do it for them. He will do it either to vent his own anger of someone else making Y/N angry or in order to sort out the situation that is making them angry. If Y/N was feeling sad but not comfortable expressing it, Z would silently comfort them or try to make it better without overwhelming them. Z understands humans are fragile, so although he is a destructive force and may make mistakes, he does his best to treat his human with care. Z would also feel happy to be the one that knows his human the best and can best fit their needs.
(Ps. Sorry for any typos or rambling on this. It's late, and I'm tired but can't sleep. So I'm writing this instead.
I should probably wait and proof read it tomorrow before posting....but fuck it lol 😵‍💫)
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favorvn · 2 years
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Favor OC template is here😈💕 Tag me if you make a Favor OC, I'd love to see!
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