danchxku · 6 years
continued w/ @kxburagi
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[ text ] :
You’re my most favorite person too ! ! ! 。;+*(★`∪´☆)*+;。
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Despite the fact that he should’ve expected such a response from the tangerine haired boy, it still didn’t (and never ever) failed to give him the reddest face of them all.
It wasn’t making it any better that he was practically sitting together with the rest of the Souhoku team -- after practice -- so all of them could see his face, and none of them knew why (or they had their own suspicions, which he really did not want to know at the end of the day). 
Typing back as quickly as he could, though knowing that Issa’s obnoxious ring tone would make it obvious that the two boys were texting back and forth to one another -- only raising more suspicion.
To: Issu ♡
Subject: --- >> We should stop texting, I can feel their stares. >> I think Imaizumi-kun knows it already. >> And Aoyagi-kun keeps staring at you and your phone... >> SHIELD THE SCREEN PROPERLY!!!!!
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danchxku · 9 years
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[text] You’re my favorite person in the world
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