#fe4 blogging
haosketchy · 25 days
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silvergarnet12 · 9 months
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Felt like the colours of the frosbite set would suit Seliph, so here we are.
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lumieron · 1 year
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these clothes make a set with eldigan's? that takes me right back to our academy days.
resplendent eldigurd icons, credit to use!
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ulircursed · 4 months
It would be foolish to assume that every blond person is related, but the blond man stalking around with a pigeon on his shoulder does remind her of someone in a way Miranda can't quite place.
He doesn't look a thing like Nanna or Diarmuid, so he's probably not a Nordion. A relative of Fergus, perhaps? No, the shade isn't quite right. It's entirely possible that he isn't related to anyone, of course, but she can't shake the feeling that she knows his features from somewhere. But where?
But who?
It is only after staring at him across the floor for quite a while that she comes to a haunting realization of who he reminds her of.
"You," Miranda says. "You wouldn't happen to be related to Patty, would you? She has been" —a pregnant pause to search for how to word it diplomatically— "very... friendly to me. She recently spent time with me on my birthday."
She unclasps her crystal pendant to hand it over.
"Here. As my thanks."
Andrei almost startles when the young woman mentions Patricia by name. It is more difficult to differentiate between different accents in the Fódlan tongue, but she does sound like she could be of Jugdral, as well.
(If she had been part of the Chalphy heir's army as his niece had, then it would be easier, for all three of them, if he does not make his identity fully clear.)
"I am charmed to meet a friend of hers," he says neutrally, "And I hope your birthday was most enjoyable in her company."
Taking the crystal from her hand with a nod, Andrei pauses slightly, before unpinning his own and offering it in return.
It is an exchange, after all, and besides...
Perhaps the fact that Patricia is surrounded by friends is something that he is grateful for, as well.
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[𝑨𝒏 𝑨𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄]
𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄: emerald forests, lofty winds, snowcapped peaks, mountain hikes, winter's kingdom, shamrock plains, teal waters, turquoise peaks, snowcapped forts, bitter ice, blizzards, periwinkle woods, snow-fluffed trees, wing-bound maidens, wintry skies, gusty gales, winged mounts, heaven's knights, tributaries, dark depths, stormy skies, icy winds, navy scarfs, flowing garb, Forseti's legacy, morning frost, crackling fire, charitable hearth
𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐃: melodious flute, humming voice, merriment, nimble fingers, whistling, callused fingertips, people's advocate, tavern joy, entertainment's thrill, whimsical, emerald tresses, musketeer's feathers, hidden identity, benevolent passion, sway and dance, forest tunes, chirping birds, howling winds, winds that whisper, passion's melodic tickle
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐓. 𝐎' 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐒: soaring winds, emerald gales, suave words, charming wit, swift, devastating, wistful charisma, speed insurmountable, the sway of battle, a war band's tune, whistling winds ere death, critical, one step forward, two steps back, dance with me!, entertainment on bloody plains, emerald tears, Forseti's rage!
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departedmars · 1 year
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sigurd WIP
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snowflop · 3 months
if we don't get a thracia remake in tomorrows direct i am going to explode into a million pieces.
edit: *explodes*
Decent direct but honestly I'm just disappointed they didn't announce the thing i wanted specifically. My fault for getting excited about something with no basis I guess... I just really wanted it to be real orz.
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unmeiokaemasu · 1 year
sigh I wanna start a new blazing blade run...I had one going but I love nothing more than starting new runs of fe games, and the further away I get from a particular run the more likely I am to scrap it...y’know I’ve never finished Sacred Stones? I think I had like two maps to go, and for some reason I lost interest for a year or so and when I came back I restarted instead. I kinda get it, for me the fun of the fe games is making all the decisions about how to level your units, how to build supports and how to clear maps without losing anyone, and the further along in the game it gets the less potential there is for those decisions. And yeah the allure of just finishing the damn thing is still there, but it’s less of a draw than the start of the game where anything is possible. And with Blazing Blade I haven’t played Hector’s mode yet, so I wanna give that a shot (I think I was still in Lyn’s section on my second playthrough). And I still say Blazing Blade is my favorite fe game ever even tho I’ve only ever beaten it once. A lot of it comes down to convenience, it’s much easier to boot up 3H on the switch than basically any other fe game.
of course what I should really do is make another stab at Chapter 3 of Genealogy. Psh, as if.
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radicrow · 2 years
I can’t say how long I’ve followed you but I know I was there for the fe side blog and when shrimp first showed up
fe blog mention.... scary...... youve seen me at my darkest hour... i actually have a few general asks on there that ive been having collect dust and i feel really bad about it ty for reminding me i should answer that soon............... thats like a really long time though for sure because i made the fe blog in 2018. ik this because i made it right after my 18th bday so that i could post nsfw content............... then it ran for 2 years? maybe 2.5? before i burnt out hard
im so touched youre still following me though!! i feel like a lot has happened and changed when i first picked up that damned free trial
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yandere-daze · 9 months
I see your writing for fire emblem engage and I really love that game and I just finished it for maddening. I don’t know if this is a request or not but may I ask in the context of the base emblems, can you rank them based on how extreme they would be as a yandere like I think I would rate emblem Celica as 12th cause even if she turns yandere she still very passive and more so she’s just clingy but I would rate Byleth a 4th due to him being extremely manipulative and overprotective
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Hii, welcome to the blog! I´d say normally I would consider this a request but I´m kind of in the mood to write for fire emblem right now so I thought this would be a fun little thing to do ^^
Now I must confess that for most of the lords ( which the majority of emblems are) I have some difficulty with trying to think of them as a yandere or in a self-shipping context in general. Don´t really know why that is. I also haven´t played all of the games yet so I can´t say too much about some of them, I hope that´s okay!
Also because I have a real hard time ranking things in order, here are just some thoughts on most of the emblems as yanderes ☺️
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gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, worshipping, self-sacrifice, kidnapping, possessiveness
Characters: Marth, Celica, Sigurd, Leif, Roy, Lyn, Eirika and Ephraim, Ike, Micaiah, Lucina, Corrin, Byleth
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How are the 12 base emblems like as yanderes?
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Now I´ll have to be honest, I actually haven´t played any of Marth´s games yet so I´m not very familiar with his character. But as with most FE lords, he strikes me as a very kind and heroic character. In Engage he kind of takes the role of a supporter and protector of the Mc and we can see that in general, he is pretty gentle.
He probably wouldn´t be a very bad yandere to be stuck with, I can´t see him ever getting violent with his darling. He strikes me as a protective yandere (something that can be said for most of them) who will do whatever he can to keep you safe while trying to make your stay with him as comfortable as possible.
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I haven´t quite finished Echoes yet because I´m very bad at finishing games but I agree with your take that she also wouldn´t ever harm her darling. She´s a very devout follower of Mila and I think that same mentality could also apply to her darling. Slowly but surely, she starts seeing them as a divine being worth worshipping. She´s been completely alone for most of her life and after she had to leave Ram Village, she´s been craving more human connections. So when she finally met you, it was like Mila had sent down an angel for her. You were so kind to her, so trusting and good-natured, Celica was immediately fond of you.
She will do whatever she can to aid you in your daily life, she has to repay you for everything you gave her. She´s not very likely to attack other people, even as a yandere, because above else she wants peace. Nonetheless, if a monster or a criminal were to try and attack you, she would kill them no questions asked. No one is allowed to lay their hands on someone as divine as you, she won´t stand for it.
Due to a certain spoilery scene that happens in Echoes, I believe that Celica would also be willing to sacrifice herself for you. If there ever was a point where she would have to choose between your or her own life, she would choose yours without any regrets.
Your survival is of the utmost importance and if that means giving up her life in exchange for yours, then she is happy.
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I have only played the prologue and chapter 1 of FE4 and ragequit when Jamke was killing my units in the forest because I couldn´t get them out in time to recruit him. Oops.
Well from what I know with how his story with Deirdre develops, I believe that Sigurd would fall for you much in the same way: Hard and fast. And if nothing else, Sigurd is stubborn. Once he has his mind set on wanting to make you his, he won´t give up until he finally has you, no matter the consequences. I mean he was literally forbidden from getting with Deirdre and he still did it. He doesn´t care what anyone else says, he doesn´t care if you already have a lover. He knows that the moment you two shared together at your first meeting was magical for both of you. He knows the love between you two is true. And he´s willing to risk it all for you.
It´s a good thing if you actually do feel the same way about him and are single! Because even though he isn´t a bad person, he does conquer several territories in Fe4 without any specific orders to do so. He may not like doing it but if it means he can have you, he would be willing to kill any romantic rivals there might have been ( or any he might have imagined).
Once you´re actually with him, he naturally is very protective of you and doesn´t let too many other people get close to you.
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Now I have to admit, Leif is probably the character I know the least about here. As I said, I never played Fe4 to the point where you would get him and I haven´t played Thracia either. So most of this is just the vibes I get and a few lines from Heroes.
Now Leif has quite a tragic story and has been driven out of his kingdom when he was still young. Ever since then, he had made efforts to try and reclaim what had been taken from him. Because of that, he also strikes me as someone who would fight for his darling. He knows what it´s like to lose people that are important to you ( his parents) and now that he has clawed his way back from the brink, he doesn´t want the same to happen to you, the person he has decided he wants to spend his life with. He´s pretty desperate to protect you actually.
Still, he´s pretty young and so the love he feels for you very much still is a puppy-love kind of thing. He likes talking to you and finds it comforting to do so. He´s very nice to you and you aren´t really in any danger when being with him. I think being with him isn´t all too bad, he´s just a bit over-protective if anything.
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I´ll be honest, I know almost nothing about Roy so I´m sorry if this is short😭 Predictably, I haven´t played Binding Blade yet.
He´s also one of the younger emblems here and that shows itself in how hard he tries to impress you. He´s usually pretty dense when it comes to romance but he knows what he feels when he sees you. You make him happy. I feel like he could be a bit hot-headed because of his age but as far as I know, he´s actually one of the few lords that can potentially make peace with the final boss of the game so there definitely is quite a lot of kindness to him as well. He doesn´t really want to pick any fights with people he trusts, all he wants is to be with you and if you don´t resist then honestly, it´s all going to be okay.
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Finally, after quite some time, we get to some more games I´ve actually played! And here we go with Lyn! Fe7 was actually the first Fire Emblem I ever played and it really hooked me even back then <3
Now Lyn actually doesn´t strike me as the type of person who would really actively be looking for any sort of romance. She´s lived alone for most of her life and so she does crave some companionship, but romance is something she really doesn´t have any experience in.
When she meets you, she does feel a bit strange but doesn´t put a lot of thought into it. Quickly as you two spend more time together, she really begins to take a liking to you. It´s nice to not be alone and you´re good company. The more you stay together, the more she grows attached to you. If you can fight, she´ll want to fight along your side, if you can´t or are frail in some way, Lyn will prefer you to stand on the sidelines, where it´s safe. She doesn´t know what she would do if you were ever truly harmed. The attacker definitely wouldn´t be living for much longer, that much is sure.
So to sum it up, Lyn is very protective of you and only trusts a select few people with you, anyone else could be a potential danger and she doesn´t want to risk anything.
I think it would actually be kind of tough for darling to figure out that Lyn is obsessed with them. Lyn doesn´t strike me as very physically affectionate. Only if you watch very carefully can you see the way her eyes soften when she gazes at you or the way her hand around the handle of her sword tenses when a particular troublemaker starts hitting you up. She definitely won´t tolerate anyone trying to flirt with you. She´s known you for way longer than they possibly could have, who do they think they are?
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Eirika and Ephraim
I know it´s mainly Eirika and Ephraim is only really present in the special attack but I thought this was more interesting.
So having one person obsessed with you is bad enough but two of them? And they´re siblings too? Things are about to get quite a bit more complicated. The thing is, you´re not really sure if this is better or worse than only having one of them?
Of course, having two people focus all of their attention on you is very overwhelming. It stresses you out, the way they both fuss over you, the way they look at you.
Eirika is definitely the gentler one of the two, speaking to you very softly and taking great care of you. She makes sure you aren´t lacking anything (except your freedom). She also isn´t very fond of conflict and would prefer to avoid it altogether.
Ephraim is the brash and more hot-headed of the two, always picking fights with people he deems a threat ("He doesn´t pick fights he can´t win" or whatever) and generally being bolder with his affections. He doesn´t hesitate to throw his arm over your shoulder to show off to others that you´re his while Eirika prefers to simply hold your hand in her own.
Them being siblings also causes conflict from time to time. After all, what kind of siblings never have any petty squabbles? Suddenly one of them believes that the other has been getting a bit more attention from you than them and the arguing begins. Wild accusations from Ephraim that Eirika is coddling you too much while Eirika complains about the brutish ways in which Ephraim disposes of rivals. It can get annoying really fast but it´s also something that you could potentially try to use to your advantage.
Playing clear favorites with them might make them argue with each other, potentially giving you an opening to try to make your escape while they´re distracted. Do be very careful with this though because once they realize that you´re gone, they´ll quickly get over whatever argument they were having and work together to find you again. Siblings tend to have petty fights with each other but they will have each other´s backs when it comes to the important things. They *will* find you again, who knows what dangers you might be getting yourself into?
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Similarly to Lyn, I can´t really see Ike as someone who is very interested in romance. In Radiant Dawn, he only has two paired endings, which isn´t a whole lot honestly ( and they´re kind of vague on how romantic they actually end up being). So maybe he would be more of a platonic sort of yandere? He cares a great deal about his friends and his family of the Greil Mercenaries and he tries his utmost to protect them. It would be much the same for his darling.
Ike wouldn´t be very physically or vocally loving in the traditional sense, he strikes me as someone who would struggle a fair deal with expressing his feelings, especially if we´re talking POR Ike where he is still fairly young. In the end, his confession would be pretty blunt, a simple "I like you." or "You´re important to me." maybe but nothing flowery or dramatic, that just isn´t the kind of person he is.
That being said, Ike cares a great deal about your well-being, even if he isn´t all that great at putting it into words. So to show you that, he does the one thing he does best: Protecting you. Ike is a very strong and capable fighter and so he will be quick to dispose of anyone that tries harming you. I don´t see him as someone that would try to isolate his darling however, especially not the Greil Mercenaries. These people are his family, he trusts them dearly and he would want you to grow connections with them and enjoy being around them. It would shatter his heart if you didn´t like being around them.
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Micaiah I see as another worshipper type of yandere. She´s had a rough life so far, only having very few people around her that she could call friends in the Dawn Brigade while fighting for the liberation of Daein. It´s a lonely life, even with Yune whispering into her ear that one day, she will meet the partner of her dreams, the one to make her happy.
And then, on a day like any other, she finds you. It´s a very unremarkable meeting, one you wouldn´t have thought much of afterwards, but to her, it was like all the stars aligned, as if all of her life and past suffering suddenly had a purpose. She was completely starstruck, a loud pounding in her chest when she laid her gaze on you. At that very moment, Micaiah knew that you were the one Yune had been telling her about all along. And so, she vows to let you know just how much you mean to her.
As a yandere, Micaiah is very caring and thinks of you as a higher being, someone who has more worth than any other mortal walking this earth. You are special to her and so she will be damned if anything were to happen to you. She refuses to allow it. If you were ever in any mortal danger, Micaiah wouldn´t hesitate to use Sacrifice on you to transfer over her own life energy to you.
But while she is very nice and caring with you, Micaiah can be quite a bit more snarky and ruthless than you might have initially thought. She doesn´t shy away from making negative or rude comments to people she thinks you spend too much time around. (Remember that scene where she snarkily calls Ike "the father of Sothe´s children" because Sothe talked about him so much? Yeah.) She´s also willing to do bad things if she feels like she has to. If it´s for you, then no crime is bad enough for her not to consider it. She doesn´t like hurting people but she will if her hand is forced.
Also, can we talk about her having a goddess on her side? Yeah, you´re going to have a very difficult time trying to get away from her anytime soon.
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Lucina is someone that I think actually has great potential to be a yandere. She comes from a ruined future, a world where all her loved ones and friends died and the entire world is doomed. Now she has travelled back in time to change fate and make things right.
A particularly tragic possibility would be to have her witness the death of her darling in her future. It was an event that deeply scarred her forever and one that she is now desperate to avoid. She can´t allow you to die again, she can´t let it happen a second time. She wouldn´t be able to go on if she ever had to experience that amount of grief again.
So when Lucina finally makes it back in time, her top priority is finding you again. To do that, she has to go back in time quite a bit. Maybe she makes it back to a time where you two aren´t dating yet, or maybe even back to when you hadn´t even met each other yet. You´re so overwhelmed and honestly confused when you´re just going along with your day when suddenly, a young woman rushes towards you and engulfes you in a crushing hug as she cries into your shirt about how much she has missed you.
It´s quite terrifying honestly and you don´t know how to react other than trying to rip yourself out of her grip, which only makes her cling onto you even harder. Her explaining to you that she´s from the future where the entire world has ended and you, her lover, had tragically died and that she now traveled back in time to make things right, doesn´t really put your mind at ease either. I mean, who would honestly believe that?
But no matter what you say, Lucina is determined to not repeat past mistakes. She had been too careless, letting you roam around freely without her at your side, it´s what led to you dying! She won´t let it happen again!
Lucina will try and be sweet to you, knowing how hard this must be for you to believe, but she won´t give you a choice in this. She´s going to stay with you and keep you safe no matter what. She´ll follow you wherever you go with her blade at the ready, prepared to strike at anyone who tries to take you away from her again.
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Corrin has lived a very sheltered life for the most part, never really leaving the Nohrian castle. Because of this, they had many opportunities to picture what life outside the castle could possibly look like. What else was out there? What adventures or new experiences could wait for them there? Yes, they were always loved by their Nohrian siblings but they couldn´t help but yearn all the same.
Maybe being read some romance books in their childhood led to Corrin developing a fantasy of one day meeting their ideal partner, the one that would shake up their entire world, the one they would spend the rest of their life with. They had dreamed about it a lot in the comforts of their own room, delving into daydreams about what meeting you for the first time might be like.
And then they leave the castle for the first time and they meet you. And just like they had always imagined, Corrin feels themselves immediately lovestruck when you send a smile their way. This was it. This is the person they´re meant to be with, they just know it!
They´ll immediately be very friendly and way too trusting of someone who is basically a complete stranger. But they just can´t help it, their sheltered life hasn´t really helped them in growing a healthy sense of suspicion. No, instead the thought of you possibly doing something shady is completely off their mind.
Ever since that first meeting, Corrin would want to see you again every day. It´s the first real human interaction they had with anyone outside of the Nohrian royal family and the servants in the castle and they´re hooked on you. Listening to you talk about your mundane life is so exciting to them, both because they love listening to you speak and because it is genuinely interesting to them to know what a normal person´s life might look like.
And soon enough, they just won´t leave you alone. They´re sweet and their curiosity is kind of charming, but they are so very annoyingly clingy. They will pout and beg you to stay around for just a bit longer when you tell them that you have to leave. After some time they start inviting you over to the castle and you can´t really refuse to go when a royal carriage is standing before your home one day.
And then suddenly, one day you just aren´t allowed to leave anymore.
" The servants have set up your own personal room for you. I made sure that everything was just to your liking! Now we can spend even more time together, isn´t that simply wonderful", Corrin will simply tell you one day and then it is a done deal. Whatever your life was before, you will have to abandon it to fulfill Corrin´s dream of a happy married life alongside the person they adore the most.
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Honestly, I´ve kind of strayed completely away from trying to rank them as yanderes ( sorry about that) but I agree that kind of everything about Byleht makes them a scary yandere.
First of all, they´re a trained and experienced mercenary, they have all the fighting prowess they might need to keep their darling in check or make sure that nothing happens to them.
Then, they have their affiliation with the church and a certain position of power. Whether you are a student or not, Byleth is still a respected figure in the monastery and has all the benefits that might bring. She has connections to the Knights of Seiros and even with Lady Rhea herself. If you ever were to run away ( or rather, if you were to be stolen away by bandits, is what they would tell everyone afterwards), several knights or even their students would be sent out to look for you. And do you really think you could get away with so many people looking for you? You´ll be back right by their side within 3 days.
Then there´s also the whole... a goddess is in their head talking to them and them having the ability to turn back time thing. Yeah, you´re very much screwed here. How are you supposed to fight back against someone who can simply turn back time? With this ability, they have so many chances to choose the right words when talking to you or to get rid of someone in secret, without you ever knowing these rewinds even happened. In-game we might have a limited amount of uses but I don´t think it´s ever been confirmed that this is actually something that Byleth needs to adhere to in the story.
And then last but not least, there´s the fact that Byleth is just impossible to read. They don´t show any emotions in their facial expressions and their voice is mostly monotone. You would not be able to tell just how obsessed they are with you from interacting with them. You think you´re just having a friendly tea party with them and suddenly you find yourself drugged and locked up in their room.
And even when they finally have you, they´re just kind of creepy with them staring at you for long amounts of time while not saying anything. They´re not very affectionate either.
But what help could you possibly count on now when everyone at the monastery loves the professor?
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Unfriendly reminder that Julius from FE4 is a minor throughout all of gen 2 and therefore takes that thirst over him are against the blog rules.
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lordleonster · 1 year
pinned post for Quan!!
Nice to meet you, greet you, or see you again! I’m Annie! -> Quan is going to be written right after his death in FE4, so he has yet to process his culpability for the events of FE4/FE5. -> Character opinions =/= mun opinions (haha :skull_emoji:) -> His blog is unfortunately on Beta Posts, so you may have to trim with Xkit Rewritten! -> My posts may or may not flux in quality and length due to my busy schedule, but hey, I’m getting old 🙏 -> Have fun!
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bomb0some0dodongos · 21 days
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When I took my main blog's new cover photo, I also snapped this one for fun!
Translated vs in progress vs untranslated FE novels, as of 2024!
Translated pile:
FE2 Gaiden - Book 1
FE4 Genealogy of the Holy War - Suzuki novelization
FE4 - original short stories
FE5 Thracia 776 - Umemura novelization
FE7 The Blazing Blade
FE8 The Sacred Stones
In progress:
FE2 Gaiden - Book 2
FE6 The Binding Blade
FE1 Shadow Dragon - Yamaguchi novelization
FE1 Shadow Dragon - Shinosaki novelization
FE1 Shadow Dragon - game book (choose-your-own-adventure)
FE3 Mystery of the Emblem - Shinosaki novelization
FE3 Mystery of the Emblem - Takayashiki novelization
FE3 Mystery of the Emblem - game book (choose-your-own-adventure)
FE4 Genealogy of the Holy War - Takeda novelization
FE4 Genealogy of the Holy War - game book (choose-your-own-adventure)
FE5 Thracia 776 - Shinosaki novelization
Tearring Saga
Berwick Saga
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theofficersacademy · 9 months
hi it's Ricky, could I possibly reserve Arvis from FE4?
Arvis has been reserved!
You have one week (1/12) to submit your blog and application to the Masterlist. Thank you for your reserve!
- Mod N
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chamomileteatime · 1 month
Hello Everyone!
I'm Finn, the owner of this blog. This is where I post stuff related to the projects I am currently working on. This includes character art for Luminary's Call, and updates on the fanfics I am writing.
If I have anything important to share, such as links to specific fics, I'll be adding the links here:
I'll Tend to the Flames - FE4 Time Travel AU, in which Leif accidentally gets sent back in time to Generation 1.
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silent-partner-412 · 1 year
My blog has attracted a lot of FE4 and FE5 fans presumably cuz I played both games recently (and I post about them a decent amount) and I’m glad y’all are here cuz y’all are so chill and the Jugdral games slap.
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